I started the alarm about Project 2025 back in March. I'm sooooo very glad that finally more people will be hearing about it and hopefully will investigate it fully and share with as many folks as possible. Learn the TRUTH!!!!!!

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

A priceless diversion. A post from a lady on Nextdoor worth attention:

My last covid vaccination went a little sideways.

So, on the way home I notice that I have severely blurred vision. So I ring up the vaccination center and report the side-effects.

The vaccination center asks me to come back IMMEDIATELY..

They wanted me to return the other patient’s glasses that I picked up by mistake, and retrieve my own.

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DZK, funny, thanks for sharing. It reminds me of a former colleague of mine who used to say that we see with our brains, not our eyes (he was blind). Fox News is worse than wearing the wrong glasses.

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Faux News has no brains with which to see.

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People scoffed at trump for his stupidity during his administration. And I kept thinking, well, what is he signing in those large stacks of folders? It was one deregulation after another. The policies were written for him by the people who would be most affected financially. Trump was not only stupid, he was lazy. He didn't have to do any presidenting. He didn't need smarts.

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Just a vessel for the unscrupulous to pour their self-serving policies.

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He is just incredibly shrewd , greedy, selfish and shallow.

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I'm not so sure he is that shrewd. Just stupid enough for the uneducated to admire but the greed, selfishness and shallowness is obvious. I would add UNEDUCATED IDIOT to the list. He has faked his way through life swinging on the coattails of his father's money and using the money he has to blind those who have wealth and those who admire wealth to become his allies and admirers. Whatever he may be called, I think UNSCRUPULOUS covers it all!

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Trump knows nothing about how to be president. He wants to be like Putin, Kim Un Jung, and any other dictator who has their people bowing to them like he is their king! He has NO business trying to run America. I hope the American people realize that and do NOT vote for him. He is only 3 years younger than Biden but apparently, he doesn't see that fact either! He dozed through most of his last trial and that was in front of the cameras!

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Unfortunately, it seems that those who have known what you state to be true since Day 1 have never supported him. And those who support him have never recognized what you state and never will.

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Not really Jan, that’s why he continually bitched about the sketch artists!

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deletedJul 7
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He claimed he would be working and not playing golf. Then he found he could just sign anything they put in front of him and not read his daily security briefings and he could play golf nearly every day of his term.

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I also read that he didn't read or participate in the daily security briefings. He didn't have to bother with those. Perhaps that is why he took the confidential files home with him. Too busy golfing during his presidency to be bothered with being president! I laugh when he brags about winning all the tournaments. The ones held at HIS golf courses at OUR expense. Do you think anyone else could win them?

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

So are you saying that corporations should continue to write legislation even though they are not elected officials? How do you suppose they get those officials to do their bidding like Trump did? Money maybe? Tell ALEC and anyone else in the game of writing legislation that they can't fool everyone all of the time. Except MAGA.

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Falsehoods a'plenty. Taking instruction from your dear leader who "be best" at bombastic braggadacio built on bilge and the "b.s." he is so vulgarly fond of referencing?

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deletedJul 7
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He is only running for office again in order to pardon himself and dump any open cases against him. Of course, if at the same time he can grift more money for himself in the process, while pretending he's a "strong man" just like his authoritarian heroes, all the better. Period.

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RemovedJul 7
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I learned through cataract surgery that we do "see "with our brains. Your confusion is due to a lack of a clear description of what "seeing" actual means. Here is my take on it:

1) your eyes send signals into the brain.

2) A part of your brain takes those signals from both eyes together, and creates a single "picture", that goes to your "consciousness center".

3) Your "consciousness center uses that picture to adjust your focus, and eye directions according to the location it needs to get the information it can.

4) Another part of your brain takes information from your consciousness center, and sends it into memory.

My Cataract Surgery gave me fixed lenses in the eye that only see clearly over a narrow distance. My left eye is in best focus at about 15". My right eye is in best focus at about 12'. But the brain converts those two images into a better picture than either alone. This is something I can test by covering one or the other eye at non-ideal distances, and comparing to what I see with both eyes. It is always better with both eyes.

Interesting, one of the optricians suggested I evaluate the quality of the work by using both eyes. But, your brain obscures what each eye is doing when both eyes are used. It is more sensible to evaluate each eye by itself. You brain will adjust from there over time.

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My sister had a neurological disorder that slowly turned off the functions of most of her nervous system. As she aged, her eyes still gathered light, but her brain could make no sense of it — she could not distinguish figure from ground, could not interpret shapes. Same with sound; she heard it, but could not process the various elements of it and make sense of it. It all happens in the brain. Eyes, ears, tongue, touch, smell — they collect information, stimuli — and the brain organizes and makes sense of it.

Or, it doesn’t.

Getting into the subject at hand — DJT’s brain fits everything he perceives into his PRE-conceived matrix of “What’s in it for ME?” The value and rightness of everything in the universe goes through this filter of his, and if he does not “perceive” intrinsic value to himself, he will use and abuse anything and anyone to attract more sycophants, and see absolutely nothing wrong with it

We saw and understood what he did to tiny migrant children and their families to please the immigrant haters in his base … Some of those families are still suffering the loss of their very children … But they were foils to Donnie, just as are children in Ukraine being used as foils for Donnie’s buddy Vlad, who is kidnapping Ukrainian children and bringing them back to Russia …

If these despots have no use for a thing or a person, woe betide that thing or person — they will use and abuse it without a second thought. Their brains do not perceive the harm at all. They don’t lose a night’s sleep.

That is the man the Right wants to put back into our White House.


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And this despot wants to make those PEOPLE into animals or the dregs of all things inhumane or anything he can define as part of a group of "untouchables".

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with “animals.” In fact, Trump is the only politician in the US whom I’ve heard use them in a pejorative manner. (Truth is, there are days I’d prefer the company of my cats over the company of any humans.) I think Trump wants to turn folks into monsters — just like himself. He is one scary dude! Heartless, thin-skinned, narcissistic, and stupid are the ingredients for disaster. We found that out during his first (and hopefully only) term in office.

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He does… cannot like, but do agree

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As an optometrist, I heard many good stories. When I told one patient her problem was due to dry eyes, she told me she used up all her tears on her first husband!

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If there was ONE SINGLE account of ANYONE being injured by the Covid-19 vaccine, the alt right's atonal shrieking might have found more purchase in me.

That said, all three vaccines gave me flu-like symptoms for a few days/weeks. (I have a severely compromised immune system through as a result of a TBI in my early 20s and a thorecotomy in my later 20s.)

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Those “flu symptoms” are your immune system working. Lymphokines do many things, some of which make us feel a little off but they all have roles.

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I had a sore spot on my arm for the rest of the day with my initial dose and all of my subsequent boosters.

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Watch out when returning from your next dental check-up and you find your teeth hurt.

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There are good hygienists and bad. We had one that we called "Sarge" because she was extremely rough when cleaning our teeth. We have had a great one for a few years now. Thorough and good. No teeth hurting when we are done!

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LOL! Now that should go viral!!!

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This absolutely is the FUNNIEST story related to Covid vaccinations that I have yet to hear! Kudos for sharing it! Made my day!

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At first I thought it was the imbedded chip. Thanks for sharing .

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Jul 6Liked by Robert Reich

Yes! Project 2025 should be BREAKING NEWS everywhere!! Forget about Biden's age and lousy "performance" in the debate. Let'd pay attention to Project 2025 - and the dire circumstances that it will produce - Trump is merely the mouthpiece (crazy and angry as he is) of the creators of the document, and Kevin Roberts of the HF.

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And everyone needs to know about the tight connection with Victor Orbán's dictatorship in Hungary and the Heritage Foundation. (See link below.*)

Project 2025 is a real, dangerous, and frightening attempt to Orbánize the United States with Orbán's rise to power blueprint.

DJT would *love* to be another Victor Orbán:

Take over the courts, rewrite the constitution, take over the press, control the military, establish one party rule (VO calls it “a centralized political forcefield”), and install a dictator for life.

With the SCOTUS ruling this week, Project 2025, and Trump’s Agenda 47 the stampede to right wing fascism is officially underway.

* PLEASE read Heather Cox Richardson's substack post of July 4th find out much more about this:


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Yes, good recommendation. Heather Cox Richardson’s substack post is a must read.

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Back Joe up.

Don't count him out!

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I read Heather Cox Richardson's posts every day. As long as trump is NOT elected, the SC ruling won't have much effect on anything. Trump is the first "president" to ask for total immunity! What do you think he plans on doing that will require immunity?

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45 loves his dictator friends. He will do away with 248 years of Democracy. Retribution for all those who do not agree with him. He says I want my people to respond and salute like Putin’s and Kim Jong-Un. He uses hate and fear to control conquer and divide. Trump must be defeated. The Democratic Party must unite and stop doing the media blitz for the Republicans. Vote Biden

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I am willing to bet that Trump is only tangentially familiar with Project 2025. He’s not the strategize type. It’s way too much brain work. He will just be the conduit to make this happen. After all, he didn’t do any of his own Supreme Court judge homework. That was all other “ think tank” groups.

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I am curious if he can even read

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Only playboys and Enquirer.

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I think he only looks at pictures and makes others do the work for him!

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he is absolutely the "clown" his handlers would have us focus on, "don't pay attention to the man behind the curtain".....

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And the man "behind the curtain" is not a wizard! He is just an evil mind with his own agenda!

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Look at his Schedule F ,drawn up in early 2019, signed ,sealed delivered in place on Oct 21 19. He was in ...so deep...and was his overall plan for the insurrection , implementing military lockdown on Jan 20, 2020 . He and the repubs were ready ...don't be fooled ...he was in on it all . If course it wasn't his brains that did it ..but because of his ego and greed ,the Heritage Society and Federalist Society are the backers and somehow Putins fingerprints were and are the final takers in all of this . tRump was and is a puppet because he's so stupid but don't let your guard down ,this is /was/ and will be a implementation once a Republican can get back in the WH....it's bigger and worse than we can imagine...and a. Reason to vote Blue at all costs for society to have democracy

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I am well aware of Schedule F. It’s an attempt to abuse federal workers and install, individuals aligned with the wishes of the Federalist Society and the Heritage Foundation. Trump would then control their actions, should they deviate from his wishes.

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All the more reason to NOT vote for trump!

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Esp Federalist Society

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All they’ve got is projection and lies. All they do is cry about Biden’s cognitive fitness. Lordy Lordy Lordy. Remember labeled as a confederacy of dunces, overestimated….

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Biden has been doing just fine so far. Trump's rants at his rallies make Biden look totally coherent! People tend to forget that Biden overcame a stutter issue and sometimes has to pause to prevent the stutter. What is trump's excuse?

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Exactly. This is what I’ve been saying all along. He’s just the clown they get to do all their dirty work. As long as he can take the credit and let all his brainwashed minions fawn over him; he doesn’t care what happens. He only cares about himself and the attention he gets from the bleach blonde amoeba 🦠

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He is a willing puppet of te Uber rich the gun lobby, big oil and the pharmaceutical companies 🙄 😑.

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RemovedJul 7
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Well, there is some of that here too. But I’d ask the question. Just how closely are you paying attention to what’s being said in this forum? That’s because, when people are talking about project 2025 or the alike with “Schedule F”, they are stating that there are others who are doing this planning, not Trump. He’s just their willing surrogate. As it concerns Trump’s denial of knowing anything about Project 2025, I’d ask you to read his post about it. Out of one side of his mouth comes, I’d don’t know anything about it. And the very next words, and I’ll paraphrase. talk about how he doesn’t agree with much of it and think it’s horrible. So which is it? Either you don’t have a clue or you obviously know something about it and just flat out contradicted your initial statement? The very reason he never testified in any of his trials. He can’t keep his story line straight. When you invent new lies to cover up the old lie, after awhile one loses track. That’s why I ask, are you really paying attention? Finally, as to his smarts. Yes, he’s cunning and learned well how to manipulate people and institutions, but he’s well short of the genius he makes himself out to be. All one has to do is conduct an adequate internet search to uncover the fact that, no he was not at the top of his class at Penn, he was an also ran. Oh, wait, didn’t Mexico pay for the wall too? The list is endless, should one care to know.

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I totally agree with you! I want to see Project 2025 get the publicity it deserves! It will wake people up to the real danger of trump as "president"!

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Back Joe up.

Don't count him out!

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Back Joe up.

Don't count him out!

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Exactly thank you

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Laine, I just sent some good information ton 2025 to Dem leaders in swing states. I would like to hear from you or anyone on this thread about ideas as to other strategic people, organizations to send to? How to send to MSM organizations???

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I’ve got a better idea. Propose and pass one possible quality policy creating a semblance of good government. Those types don’t lose elections. Especially when the opposition is an ongoing criminal enterprise….

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Tell everyone you know about Project 2025, Brenda. All citizens of our country need to understand exactly what will happen if that is enacted! Vote Blue!!

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Also educate them on how the Supreme Court's decision in the Trump immunity case is the equivalent of the 1933 Germany Enabling Act that let the Nazis take power! The threat of violence is almost a copy of Hitler's threats of violence.

If they do not know what the Enabling Act was, send them here https://www.annefrank.org/en/timeline/48/the-enabling-act-even-more-power-for-hitler/

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Article 3 of the Constitution specifically states that the president is subject to the law of the land, and it makes no distinction between official and unofficial acts.

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Remember Trump's call to terminate the constitution? That's where they are headed.

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Dr Doug : they have already started: disqualification clause. Anyone?Our courts and Congress are full of traitors. Also a convicted disabled criminal is on the ballot, who is also a big liar.

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Dr. Doug Gilbert, I think Project 2025 is the new Constitution.

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No, it is not. It is a plan, and it is not in play yet and it won't be unless trump is elected.

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So they think.

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But they are not there yet. Which means that the "supreme" courts

decision is unconstitutional. Again, where are the legal scholars???

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Who rules the SC? We can't do anything about the lifelong appointments by people who do not understand or intend to uphold our constitution.

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Not if we don't elect trump!

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If that is true, and I'm assuming it is, when are the legal scholars going to challenge the "supreme" court???

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Victor....Yes, it looks like the "supreme" court decision is unconstitutional!!! Need some good constitutional lawyers, Obama where are you, to publicly denounce this ruling...

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But the SC is changing our constitution. You know, the one they "swore" to uphold?

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Spot on, Doug. The Supreme Court decisions granting presidential immunity, rolling back the Chevron rule and overturning Roe, to name a few, are actually implementing Project 2025 by creating an all powerful president, destroying the administrative state and forcing upon Americans a Christian-based state.

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That is so scary to think that our America is going down like this. I just hope American voters are paying attention and will vote blue to stop this mess!

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It is up to us to support organizations that help voters, registered and unregistered, understand what is happening. I suggest subscribing to Robert Hubbel's Substack page at https://roberthubbell.substack.com/ where he analyzes the news and provides resources so we may do our part to educate and register voters.

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Christian Nationalism is something everyone needs to understand. It is extremely dangerous to democracy. They believe they are chosen by God to rule over the government. They don't believe in democracy, the Constitution, Freedom of Religion or Separation of Church and State. Their belief that they are chosen gives them the right to do whatever they want. They are very authoritarian and prone to violence. They also believe that Trump is the chosen King.

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NO, sorry, not yet. This is what the November election is about.

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Back Joe up.

Don't count him out!

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Too bad all citizens didn’t understand what would happen if you fall for the illusion of choice presented to us in 1980

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What do you mean by that???

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Reagan’s false promises?

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No. The political parties becoming partners in a global crime syndicate. Obviously we all know they are controlled and the platforms written by the donor class. Well the same donor class owns both parties. Here’s the breaking news kids Ralph Nader was right!

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Back Joe up.

Don't count him out!

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deletedJul 7
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Back Joe up.

Don't count him out!

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Any Democratic candidate is a better alternative than Trump. But this issue will not go away. I am worried that it will end with Trump in the WH. The second problem is, remove lost the narrative, when they and the press should be REMINDING the voters why they didn’t vote for Trump back in 2020 and how it’s gotten worse since. Do you see such effort by the party? I sure don’t.

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We have to get beyond the false dilemma of a binary choice. The country will fracture with Trump 2.0 and the Project 2025 know that and fear a loss of the wealthy states.

They will be left with a few former slave states absent the federal subsidies. That means those wishing to preserve democracy need to think beyond an outdated government model from the 18th Century.

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Isn't this what democrats should be focused on and not one debate?

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No. That’s too logical for Democratic leadership. They literally are in La-La land mentally. Kind of like Joe. They couldn’t focus if their life’s depended on it. They have not had kick butt attitude since LBJ. Hand wringing is what they do best. And it will all lead to defeat in November. One can only hope that we can control either the house or senate, preferably both to push back. This is where we should be focusing our attention now. At least stalemate is better than living in the 4th Reich. And maybe have a chance to stop more SC additions by Republicans.

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Blame the media, who do endless stories about the Democrats that are exaggerations and mostly untrue. Millions of women support Biden / Harris.

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I hope everyone, who still believes in the America we have had, will vote for Biden and democrats across the board.

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Forget the party; I agree they are out to lunch. Focus on educating everyone about Project 2025. There could be someone from each state on this thread. If each of these people ask their party leadership or specific elected leaders who have a brain to lead an educational effort on this.

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I have to wonder if there is any leadership in the Democratic Party.

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I wonder also. It sure isn't Jaime Harrison.

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Back Joe up.

Don't count him out!

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Democrats! Stop hand wringing and GET MOVING

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It appears that the Supreme Court may be part and parcel of the game. See Marc Elias' piece at https://www.democracydocket.com/opinion/how-the-supreme-court-bolstered-project-2025/

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You don't need special glasses to see that SCOTUS has betrayed the Constitution.

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But who is going to call them on it? I don't have a law degree. Obama certainly could.

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Of course they are.

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❤️Brenda ❤️:"At 72 years old I'm tried of the 'same old - same old' in politics. I'm looking for positive actions ..."

Turn Fear into Love using 5 Oscars:


Fear of Captain became love of Captain


overcome fear of heights and love climbing high above!

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Learn the truth by reading the actual document, which Robert mysteriously did not link to:


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Or read the summary on Wikipedia; they did a pretty good job of pulling out highlights.

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Did YOU read it? If not, how would you know whether or not wikipedia "did a pretty good job of pulling out highlights"?

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Way a head of you

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RemovedJul 6
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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

It would be easier to ask what's good about it. The answer is "Nothing", unless you're for completely dismantling almost 390 years of democracy as we know it, and replacing it with an authoritarian dictatorship.

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I read enough of it to know what The Heritage Foundation's fundamental agenda is, so, I don't need a lecture about "making informed comments" about anything. I do my research, and this is just for starters.

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟓?

Critics of Project 2025 have characterized it as an authoritarian, Christian nationalist plan to transform the United States into an autocracy. Many legal experts have asserted it would undermine the rule of law, the separation of powers, the separation of church and state, and civil liberties.

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There is an organization called Faithful America that is composed of Christians who are opposed to Christian Nationalism and want to keep the separation of church and state. I am thankful that such an organization exists and I am supporting their efforts to educate the public about the dangers inherent in the 2025 Project. Check them out at info@faithfulamerica.org or call 1-669-444-9171.

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Aria, I belong to Faithful America and you are right. They work very hard at getting information out about Christian Nationalism, Project 2025 and any other dangerous acts the right says and does. They are an excellent organization and for those of us that believe in God, the common good and love of our fellow man, they are a rock that I can hold on to in these horrible times.

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Yes, they are excellent.

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Check out au.org (Americans United for the Separation of Church & State), a more all-encompassing group representing religious/non-religious people.

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Christian Nationalism is religion without Christian values. This is why they pay lip service to the Ten Commandments and omit the Beatitudes.

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Well most of which the left is doing now!!

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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟓?

Critics of Project 2025 have characterized it as an authoritarian, Christian nationalist plan to transform the United States into an autocracy. Many legal experts have asserted it would undermine the rule of law, the separation of powers, the separation of church and state, and civil liberties.

And now, on top of that, we've got the SCOTUS giving Trump complete immunity (assuming he's re-elected) from his "official" duties as president. If you don't think that's a BIG problem for our democracy, read what Justice Sonia Sotomayor said in her dissent:

𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭.

“Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may someday face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority’s message today.

Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.

Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."

The justice did not end the dissent with the traditional “respectful” language.

“𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐲, 𝐈 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭,” Sotomayor wrote.

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Paul, I have read it and you are wrong. It will dismantle Democracy in our country. Everything it calls for is in direct conflict with our Constitution and the freedom and values we hold dear. Obviously, you are either a troll or a bot so I won't waste anymore time with you.

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Major funding of the Heritage Foundation is by the Koch Foundation!


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Major funding also by Leonard Leo.

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Peggy, please see my post about the organization called Faithful America. They are actively fighting against the the threat that Project 2025 presents. Check them out at info@faithfulsmerica.org or call them at 1-669-444-9171.

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Faithful America is excellent.

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This on the title page (Mandate for Leadership) of Project 2025:

"Our goal is to assemble an army of aligned, vetted, trained, and prepared conservatives to go to work on Day One to deconstruct the Administrative State."

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And, if THAT doesn't raise the little hairs on the back of anyone's neck...check their pulse.

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Administrative State: EPA, Department of Education, CDC, Medicare, SSA, Department of the Interior, FEMA. The DOJ would be solely accountable to the president, who, in turn, would be immune from prosecution.

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Please see my posts about Faithful America that is fighting against what Proposal 2025 is trying to do.

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Laine Gifford, and the vetting questions are: Are you a sociopath? Or a psychopath? Great, you meet our qualifucations.

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M Tree, who are you talking to and about???

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Laine from the first sentence on the title page to the last sentence at the end, the whole thing causes my head to hurt, raises my blood pressure and makes me that much more determined to fight this every way I possibly can!! It is so important to ensure ALL Americans are aware of Project 2025. It's like that old commercial - you tell your friends, they tell their friends and so on and so on!

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Peggy, this is the challenge. I have put together an pretty good informational summary and sent to Dem leaders in 7 swing states.

Think need to reach young people. Do you know how to get on TIcTok?

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I'm reading it and I decided to print all 900+ pages out so I can make notes in the margins. The accurate thing would be to say ALMOST nothing. But it's so alarmist and exaggerated that whatever okay stuff is in it is eclipsed by the goof ball stuff by a country mile.

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Just dismantling what Washington, Madison, Jefferson, Adams, and many others fought for.

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I think Marx would be appalled by parts of Project 2025. He favored a socialist society, not an authoritarian dictatorship.

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Our Karl Marx is a bot.

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HI Charles, I respectfully disagree. Marx was an economist who attempted to constrain the excesses of unrestrained capitalism. His remedy was for the State to own the means of production. His economic proposal is communism, not socialism. To accomplish this, individuals must transfer their property to the government. This change requires a totalitarian government.

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Who, besides you, mentioned Karl Marx?

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"Karl MAx" is the handle used by someone who just commented on this blog.

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"that's Marx" - for some reason my typing is off-kilter today.

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WTF kind of question is that? I don’t even know where to start but the loss of civil rights including LGBTQ and women’s rights is on top as well as concentration camps for immigrants and loss of birth rights. But there’s so much more. Yes, I read it. It’s f*cking terrifying.

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Jul 6Liked by Robert Reich

Meanwhile, the Democrats are eating their own, as they always do, except this time it allows a bunch of sociopaths to take over. These people have no morals, no integrity and no shame. By the time the undereducated figure out what they have allowed to happen, it will be too late. Instead of holding meetings on whether President Biden is fit for office, the Democrats should be utilizing their energy to point out Trump's lunacy and the plans that are coming for us if we don't stop these madmen from taking over. As an avid watcher of The Handmaid's Tale I would wonder at how such a group could take over. Now I get it.

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Agreed wholeheartedly -- and Biden should NOT step down. He is fully capable and in full composure to handle his presidency now and in the future. Get off his back, mainstream media and some of these idiots in the Democratic Party -- Excuse my French, Mainstream media, but shut the F up.

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He had a STUTTER AS A CHILD, as I did, and he has NEVER been a good debator! WHO CARES?!? NO ONE has done anything even close to what he has!

Most importantly: he trounced Bunkerboy once, he will AGAIN.

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I like the name bunkerboy . But ( BABY HUEY ) Waaa , is better I think !!!🤥🤥🤥

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Yes, he has never been a good debater. He wasn't in 2020. It really doesn't matter.

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RemovedJul 7
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well, it should be more about good character which for too many people not only isn't important but, isn't even a factor in the equation & in reality is everything

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Not according to his current medical report. Look it up on the White House website.

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Please provide your medical CV so that readers will give weight to your diagnosis of dementia. Oh, and, BTW...as a diagnostician you are obligated by law to adhere to HIPAA lest you suffer severe penalties such as hefty fines, loss of license to practice, and up to 5 years in prison. HIPAA protects patient privacy and forbids sharing of same with the general public. Unfortunately, you're sharing of your diagnosis of Biden is a gross violation of HIPAA.

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I think you need clear vision on this. Unlike Trump, Biden has the right character, but unfortunately, the public doesn’t seem to think that’s important anymore.

Joe is at the point where this mental acuity issue comes and goes. As we’ve seen, it can come at the wrong time. And what if he’s in that state when a real emergency happens and a quick decision is necessary? Eventually, this will degrade further to the point where he will be totally incapacitated mentally. We have no idea when that will happen. While that risk is not as bad as Trump, it’s still a risk that has a high probability of occurring. Scientists and engineers do risk assessments, we contemplate not only the probability of that risk occurring, but plan for risk mitigation. That type of thinking unfortunately is not prevalent in the world of politics. Because mitigation is what democrats need to do and soon. The question is, what kind of poor decision will the party make? To this observer, it’s what they do best.

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See above but I'll reiterate, John Taylor: I am a medical professional with over 30 years of experience. I've worked with the elderly and cared for them. I also cared for years with my father with MCI. Biden's mental capacities are fine -- he was exhausted and ill the night of the debate, and has been quite clear and logical since. He is not by any means "in rapid decline" or having "dementia." I agree below with the question: please post your medical degree and credentials, along with Stephanopolous and the rest of the panties-in-a-wad mainstream media, to add legitimacy to your diagnosis of Biden.

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Thank you Doctor 😊

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Point taken. But you have to remember that the overwhelming majority of the voting public are not doctors like yourself. They can only judge by what they saw. And that reinforced the narrative that republicans had already put forward. As I said in an earlier post, this is all about perception. I’ll add, that as a research scientist in the biomedical engineering field, my primary responsibility is to observe. What I saw, was a pattern similar to what occurred with my mother-in-law before she went full dementia.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Like JBP above, I work every day with the elderly, and my clients all have at least one of the many forms of dementia, so I am very, very familiar with the signs and symptoms. I saw none in Biden during the debate. What I did see was a mirror image of myself when I take 'cold medicine' as Biden had done. I turn into a zombie, can't think clearly, can't focus, blank out and just stare at nothing, mumble and don't make much sense. Doesn't matter if I take OTC cold meds or script cold meds. I know how they make me feel and appear to others thus I only take them when I'm desperate for relief and don't have obligations to fulfill. Were I to try to debate I would probably be removed from the podium and spend the rest of my life attempting to convince the audience I was not drunk or addled. I can only assume the Biden camp isn't explaining more that Biden was ill with a cold and had taken cold meds out of concern that the MAGA loonies would turn that information into a world-wide conspiracy and have Biden on his death bed. Look up side effects of decongestants, cough suppressants, antihistamines, etc. There are reasons many of them carry 'do not drive or operate machinery' warnings. Perhaps the manufacturers will now add 'do not debate' warnings as well. If you can find it, take a look at Biden's speech during a campaign rally the day after the debate. Cold meds had worn off...difference is night and day. Scrappy Joe from Scranton was back.

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But what JBP can’t contend with is the “perception” that Biden is failing. Right or wrong, it’s out there and his performance just reinforced the narrative that republicans have put forward. Democrats have lost the narrative and they can’t seem to be able to remind voters just why they voted against Trump in 2020, nor hit hard at all his lies and corruption. As I’ve said consistently throughout my posts, this is a target rich environment, how hard is it to rebut republican bullshit? One only has to ask simple questions that at least may start the general public to begin to think more deeply and ask questions of themselves. But alas, I am not holding my breath.

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Joe isn't what you have suggested here,but only a subjective fear based opinion.

And, he is not the Sole ruler, like Trump supporters, and he himself believes he was in 2016, and will again become, but even more so as the installed King of America if by some disastrous unholy machination,we end up with a compromised election and he takes the "throne".

My gut told me and still does,that that Travesty they referred to as a debate was complete sabatoge to try to undermine his intellectual and cognitive acuity. Many of his loyal supporters intuited and shared their comparative observations on Twitter within minutes of viewing the obvious imbalance of sound quality and lighting between Joe and the showcasing they provided for the man who spewed 602 uninterrupted lies with zero fact checking or even muting over statements claiming 9 month abortions. Absolutely obscene actions by CNN in collusion with God knows who to betray the office of the presidency and our sitting president on National tv.

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Karen, Your sounding awful conspiratorial here. Debates are not interviews. As such, the format does not really lend itself to continuous challenging of lies. Trump knows this and uses it to his advantage. My whole problem with this is, when these moderators did sort of hit back, they didn’t have a quick comeback needed with facts that made Trump look like a liar. That’s why modern debates are meaningless. Both candidates have their talking points, but few can retort well. But you’re still missing the entire point here. Perception is everything. The voters, most of which don’t do deep dives into the candidates, can only use their eyes and ears to judge. Lastly, most mainstream media are not the attack type like one might see on Fox. Their are too professional. There in lies the rub.

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Further, no one is acknowledging that Biden's team appears not to have prepared him for Gish Gallop. In hindsight, this failure of his team or Biden because they did prepare him, was revealing.

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John, mainstream media, for the public good, needs to drop the media personalities shtick and get back to the basics of journalism. A competent journalist, unlike Tapper and Bash during the debate, would have 'attacked' the lies, politely, firmly, and professionally. It's what good journalists do; it's how they're trained, and it's their duty to inform the public of facts on any given subject, so your statement, "Their are too professional (assuming you mean They) is incorrect. A professional journalist would most certainly attack the lies, and that journalist, being all too familiar with Trump's lifetime-long inability to tell the truth about anything, would have been prepared with facts to repudiate his lies. Tapper and Bash were far from professional during the debate.

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I seriously, don't think it's about what Trump knows because at this point his lying is as natural to him as breathing, I think he's chosen intentionally to nurture & encourage all the negative traits he has & displays proudly because he doesn't want anything to get in the way of his focus on self & if it doesn't gain him more attention or put another dollar in his pocket, he's not the least bit interested the man fancies himself a king but, is without the lineage to support it

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he is the type of man & leader who would listen to his advisors, is what would happen & I don't know how old you are but, there was no such panic & carrying on when Ronald Reagan wasn't rowing with both oars fully in the water so, & I say this with confidence, get over it, all will be well but, if Trump takes the reigns again, not so much for any of us & it will also then be too late for even his rabid followers to regret their misplaced allegiance thinking as they are now that they won't be touched by anything bad for their loyalty

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I am 74. So I’ve seen a lot. Remember Reagan was shielded too, and back in those days, the press was not nearly as invasive as they seem to be today. As such, questions of this sort were taboo back then. You have to remember that it’s all now a matter of perception in the mind of voters regarding Biden. What’s baffling to me, being and old fart, is why so few people don’t care about a candidate’s ethics and character anymore. But what seems to matter is this issue, which will not fade. The big question is, what will the party do. I’ll give you an example about aging. As a biomedical research scientist over 35 years, my job was extremely invigorating but highly stressful. That’s because the things I invented were going into others bodies to sustain their lives. They can’t fail! At about my mid 60’s it became apparent to me that I could no longer contribute at the pace expected of me. Your ability to handle multiple projects fades. I recognized that and decided to retire two years later. And while that job was stressful, it’s not nearly that of a presidential schedule. And I was only 67 at the time. And now at 74, I am still with it mentally and physically. Ask yourself, why can’t Joe see this in himself? It’s denial. Which, if you have to make a life or death decision quickly and are not quite there mentally, what bad things could happen?

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Fortunately, if anything were to happen, President Biden has a very competent, experienced administration to back him up.

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deletedJul 7
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Dr. Cannard is a neurologist who treats neurological disorders, particularly neurological disorders that affect movement. He did a fellowship in movement disorders at Emory. On his LinkedIn page he self-describes as "Movement Disorders specialist at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center". FYI, movement disorders covers a wide variety of conditions not just Parkinson's. For facts' sake let's stick with Parkinson's. So generally one of the first symptoms is a slight hand tremor followed by overall stiffness, sometimes a stumbling gate, fixed facial expression, depression, and sometimes in the later stages occurring a year or more after onset of the disease Parkinson's dementia. It's quite unlikely Biden's support for Israel has anything whatsoever to do with any movement disorder. It appears staff at the New York Post first broke this story after reviewing White House visitor logs. The Post did NOT report that Dr. Cannard examined Biden, only that Dr. Cannard met with Biden's general practitioner as well as his cardiologist, the meeting taking place in the White House. It was the now infamous and demoted Dr. Ronny Jackson who stated Dr. Cannard was in the White House to examine Biden for Parkinson's. Jackson ignored the fact Biden was tested for Parkinson's during his annual physical February 2024 and the results were negative per his GP. Jackson has never examined nor treated Biden BTW. It's also quite unlikely Biden's support for Israel has anything whatsoever to do with his health. Note I wrote "Israel" not Netanyahu as Biden has had some serious conversations with Netanyaju over his desire to wipe Palestine off the face of the earth. As for "future decisions by Biden," presidents very rarely, if ever make decisions alone. They are surrounded by knowledgeable, experienced people, aka staff, who assist in decision making. The presidency is not a one-man operation.

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The mental disability Biden demonstrated on the debate stage is likely to be a lot worse over the next several years. He should decline to run for another term.

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Please post your medical degrees and credentials in order to add legitimacy to your diagnosis of Biden as well as stills/videos of your meetings with President Biden during which you made that diagnosis. With so many lies, conspiracy theories, and armchair experts blathering BS, one should always include details on one's path to Expert Level. BTW...mental health diagnostician that you are, you seem to have forgotten your responsibility as dictated per the HIPAA laws. In revealing your diagnosis of Biden, you've broken federal law and will probably lose your license to practice, incur a big fine, and maybe spend a little time in prison.

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One does not need a medical degree to link a respected article to a substantial candidate issue. Doctors are not Gods, though in the US, one would not know this. The US has become an uneducated lot.

The Groupthink on this substack means that anyone with other legitimate facts are attacked. Very Trumpty like.

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ha ha, good one, there

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TOO LATE. He is YOUR candidate for 2024, so suck it up or move to another countryty. [sic]

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You are extremely rude and should not be a commentator here. You might be a maga or a bot.

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Wow Daniel. Your method for dialogue is not productive.

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I'm no expert but, I'd be willing to bet some of these comments are from the very young who simply are unaware of what aging might bring them & are speaking out of the lack of life experience well, if they live long enough they will assuredly find out how exactly vulnerable they are

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Hi Veronica. You have lost your bet on all 4.

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such a classic americano attitude......

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Whose attitude, mine or Daniel's? And how is it classic or American? And why say "americano"?

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Twas Daniel that said suck it up or leave......so that was to him. outside of america and having quite a story there, I have observed a lot of classic american attitudes.....and if you don't like it go somewhere else.........is one of them. Not a lot of reflective thinking about what might be true across a whole lot of american attitides and actions on the world. kinda like the world series...but the world is only america. As to Americano........fun with words, you will work it out, it's not the coffee. Claro???

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I am a medical professional with over 30 years of experience. I've worked with the elderly and cared for them. I also cared for years with my father with MCI. Biden's mental capacities are fine -- he was exhausted and ill the night of the debate, and has been quite clear and logical since. He is not by any means "in rapid decline" or having "dementia." I agree below with the question: please post your medical degree and credentials, along with Stephanopolous and the rest of the panties-in-a-wad mainstream media, to add legitimacy to your diagnosis of Biden.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

Biden does not have dementia. He appears to have age related cognitive slowing. Dr.JBP, we cannot diagnose Mr. Biden by watching him on TV. My professional and family experience is similar to yours, but this doesn't matter. Democrats have better candidates to defeat Trump.

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I just listened to Laurence O’Donnel as Robert Reich recommended and found his analysis to be excellent and right on. Please see it (at the end of R.R. s comment) if you’re one of the Democrats who has favored Biden stepping aside.

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Wow, thank you! I just listened to Laurence O'Donnel's commentary on the debate and found it so refreshing and spot on. So do we all need to send that link to these yo-yo's pushing Biden to step down? I've never seen such nauseating crap in my 50 years of adulthood as what I'm seeing now from mainstream media and some panties-in-a-wad Democrats (elected or not).

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Yeah I’m a Democrat who has won a progressive candidates nominated. Most of our constituents don’t understand that the best candidate is also the most delectable candidate we have the opportunity for a reprieve. We should seize it. #ElizabethWarrenKatiePorter2024 #BrokeredConvention

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I'm in for Biden!💙💙💙💙💙

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deletedJul 6
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You obviously didn’t watch his SOTU address. He was flawless! Would you rather have a “leader” who complains about everyone who hurt his feelings (yet told the truth about him), who lies incessantly, who sides with Putin over our own clandestine services, who doesn’t know our own history, who can’t say “anonymous” or “origins,” who makes fun of people, or a true leader who has had decades of experience in government, can manage to get bipartisan support, is the best diplomat we’ve had in ages, blesses our troops every time he speaks, has managed to clean-up all of cry-baby’s cluster-f*cks, and, yes, occasionally stutters? Give me the latter guy.

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My mother and I both had stutters. Some people tend to underestimate cognitive abilities based only on a speech impediment. Has anyone read The King's Speech?

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what's sad is you describing holding people accountable as eating your own, that is what has paved the way for the republican party's behavior 0 accountability for anyone with an R next to their name s it is today, greed, lack of accountability & apathy are our most dangerous enemies & like it or not, character is not only important, it's everything , without it we'll always be scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to leadership

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Nothing the Democrats do will matter until Biden steps down and the focus of most voters and most of the media is no longer on his frailty and his terrible performances in public recently.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7

We can thank the media for the focus on Biden's age, over and over again. It's as if they want Trump to win since the news will be more interesting than reporting on good things.

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Yes, the Democrats are like the orchestra playing on the deck of the Titanic, focusing on who is playing flat.

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Thank you for the very apt comparison of Democrats calling for Biden to step aside to the orchestra playing on the deck of the Titanic and focusing on who is playing flat!

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That is exactly why Margaret Atwood said she wrote A Handmaid’s Tale, because people always say it can’t happen here. You are right, this is how it does happen here. Let’s hope we can stop it.

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Meredith, that is exactly the point. We cannot know what is really going on with President Biden; we will not be able to decide who will be the Den candidate... we are wasting time and energy here., as the party and some delegates will decide. What we can do, is start fighting for victory over trump by educating as many people as possible about Project 2025. From these commentaries, looks like everyone who knows about it is fighting mad and will vote Democrat.

I have put together some summary information, which is all that most people will read. (No, I am not going to spend time reading 900 pages... I have read about it and pulled from Wikipedia, which is a credible information source.). I would be interested in knowing if others would like to join me in this effort. Per a recent poll, only 1 in 4 Americans have even heard of the Plan.

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well, that is not the standard we should aim for, is it, no matter what republicans choose to do we're supposed to be better or, what's the point in choosing us if the bar is to drop that low & rest there in perpetuity for either side, it isn't supposed to be a race to the bottom, the only people we can truly control is ourselves & knowing that I've done my best which is to do the right thing, I sleep well at night & can look at my reflection in the mirror without flinching, what others choose to do is completely on them & the rest of us are guiltless & btw, I read the Handmaid's Tale back when I was still in high school long before it was made into a series & I guess you haven't noticed, probably because it doesn't affect you but, the reproductive part of the story has come true for the millions of women still of childbearing age in this country, in the dead of night & behind closed doors our full bodily autonomy was stricken from us without trial or case by case hearing of competency & busted down to 2nd class citizenship & with no such onus of responsibility placed on the male participant since contrary to popular belief as it seems we do not go into bedrooms & split like amoeba to reproduce

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Pretty much what I’ve been saying in my posts for the last three months.

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Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you for post.

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You've got it, Janice!

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RemovedJul 6
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I believe it is 8pm that Biden mentioned to have events end since he isn’t getting enough sleep and his doctor suggested it. Of course he is “on call” 24 hours a day.

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Jul 6Liked by Robert Reich

This is the information that needs to be out and loud dissected and discussed. We need to abolish this project, defeat Trump at the ballot box. Thank you Secretary Reich.

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RemovedJul 6
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Taking over any government is treason. And a crime against USA.

Every club, foundation needs accountability.

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Kevin Roberts. The Heritage Foundation, Steve Miller, Steven Bannon. To name a few behind this manifesto.

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Don't forget Hillsdale College whose prez is on the board of the Heritage Foundation. That would be the same Hillsdale College that developed a 'conservative, Constitutional originality, 'Christian' K-12 private school education curriculum and peddled same to multiple state boards of education, several of whom passed laws with the assistance of the Heritage Foundation making it legal to use taxpayer money for vouchers covering tuition to those brainwashing private schools. This educational plan is one of the goals listed in Trump's Project 2025...dismantle public education and replace it with private mind-control schools so graduates all think alike and there is never any debate or dissent. I believe Pol Pot, Hitler, and Mao used quite similar educational systems.

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Thank you for this. My reddest of red states has been colluding with Hillsdale for years, hell-bent on passing out vouchers even to the very rich who already send their kids to private schools and DON'T NEED THE MONEY! "Governor" Lee is the biggest sell-out PIG to every derelict plot the Tennessee legislature can contrive, to gerrymandering, to redistricting, to bringing multiple gun manufacturers to Nashville ("job creation"!) to NO RESTRICTIONS ON GUNS . . . You name it. There isn't ANY life-destroying plot that Lee doesn't support!

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Thank you for sharing this important information.

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Removed (Banned)Jul 7
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You are a sick, disgusting Maggot with the lousiest taste of all! Stephen Miller is a Nazi, even though his own family escaped from Nazi Germany! Did you know that, TROLL Bjarnason? He looks like an effing SNAKE in his perpetual dress of brown suits! Ghastly! And Bannon . . . Bannon is so hideous, he is one of the ugliest, scariest-looking, HANGERS-ON of the post--Trump "admin" that ever was. Hopefully he'll get some smarts and a few wake-up calls while serving his time! (I seriously doubt it, though!)

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Project 2025 is little more than an experiment in social depravity. Trump wants to begin the 4th Reich and he wants to start it right here in our country, with the assistance of the people who are dumb enough to vote for the fool.


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RemovedJul 6
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He; the convicted criminal, civily liable rapist and LEAST accomplished president in history; is a LIFE-LONG LOSER who has failed at literally everything he has ever done. The SECOND you mention how he slurred twenty times in a twenty minute speech, OFF TO THE GULAG FOR YOU!

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Paul--I've read the gruesome details and considering its endorsed and contrived by Trump, I'll pass. Daddy didn't raise no fool.

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Uh oh, looks like there are two versions of Project 2025...one evil but true, the other a bastardized copy for the purpose of fooling the public into thinking Project 2025 is a good thing. Unfortunately, Paul Bjarnason, you are reciting the bastardized version.

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Well, I guess that's why my sister laughed about it when I mentioned how scary it is.

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This has been under our noses for months in a website that wants people to apply for jobs…Dear God why are we letting this get out of hand? Would be interesting if Biden claimed

Immunity and had many, many people arrested for attempting to overthrowing of the government.

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Yes! Biden has that power now, thanks to the recent SCOTUS decision.

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I believe Biden has too much integrity to do this, although I would secretly love it. That would be using these SCOTUS "dictator" powers which none of us want any other president to do.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

JBP - where is the integrity in allowing our democracy to be abolished? Integrity is doing the right, moral thing. Moral and legal are not always the same. Moral trumps (pun intended) legal. Read my comment above for the full explication. Biden has a constitutional duty to protect our constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. If he doesn't the loss of our democracy will be his legacy.

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The far right, including those 6 anticonstitutional justices, are counting on Biden not seeing what you see, & not acting with his newfound powers to save the country. I don't see anyone among the Democratic corporatist establishment doing it with the possible exception of 1 person among the names most widely mentioned as a replacement for Biden. That is Newsom, whom I'm not so fond of for a few other reasons, but he doesn't seem easily intimidated or to back down from a fight. Another Democrat who I think would implement measures to save the country by cracking down on those who would destroy it is Jamie Raskin, 1 of my personal favorites. Also Ro Khanna & Jasmine Crockett. Maybe also Wyden, Schiff or AOC, possibly Warren, Merkley or Whitehouse. Lieu? Swalwell? Not familiar enough with most of the Democratic governors, but possibly Whitmer, Pritzker or Beshear. Maybe Harris would, as she has been known to be tough in the past.

Just thinking of possibilities... If we're considering someone to replace Biden as the nominee, we should be thinking of people who are up to the task, by clearly explaining the ramifications of Project 2025 & the recent Supreme Court decisions, talking about the challenges ahead & showing they can meet them. I think all of the people I mentioned above could beat Trump, some in a landslide, although I have some reservations about Harris & some of the governors [I assume if Beshear can win in Kentucky (twice already), he can easily win the whole country].

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Like, like, like, like, like!!! Jaime, you have nailed it! This is the best analysis yet of the situation at hand.

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Oh thanks, Klare! I was afraid I was rambling on.

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Not at all, not at all. Also, Andy Beshear would be one of my first choices.

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That is my hope: President Biden loses, he says, "HELL NO, JACK!" and sticks around long enough to pass legislation arresting EVERY Insurrectionist. Then he declares a new election and retires on top after he gives up the kingly powers the supreme court gifted HIM.

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Oh my god.

I thought we were fighting for a democracy? The rule of law?

Every single person who has done what you two suggest has ended up a dictator, no matter how progressive he or she started out.

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Oh, that is a wonderful idea!

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If Biden did that I'd just have to emigrate. I don't want to choose between one king and another in November.

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Mary Blaine Campbell - where will you go when drumpf is returned by the oligarchs to the white house? what Biden must do is unprecedented, but it is actually legal as of last weeks decision by the corrupt supremes.

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I think it would be a wonderful last act he could do, if he's bowing out. Expulsion & perhaps prosecution of the 6 anticonstitutional justices & scores of seditious members of Congress is actually required according to the Constitution, so he would only be enforcing the Constitution while following what those 6 fascist justices decided. Imprison Trump, Flynn, etc. as well. Then declare these decisions on presidential immunity, taking authority away from federal agencies, repealing Roe v. Wade, Citizens United, etc. null & void. Oh, & he could go ahead & nominate, no install, 6 new Supreme Court justices. Anything else he can do to make this a true democracy going forward. Then he'll have truly gained Roosevelt level status, & what a legacy to leave!

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RemovedJul 6
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Uh oh, again...Two versions of the SCOTUS decision on presidential immunity, and Paul Bjarnason is reciting the bastardized version rather than the actual decision just like he does with Project 2025.

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Too late for that! King Joseph R. Biden I was ALREADY coronated by those far too stupid to realize what they did.

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If only he would use those newfound powers for the good of the country & democracy!

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The supreme court wanted to ensure Bunkerboy was a king and could do whatever he wanted, so they jumped the gun and crowned PRESIDENT BIDEN with those powers! Now, President Biden can NEVER be charged with crimes he commits, meaning he is now a king.

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That doesn't mean he's now king, though if he's willing to lose the election he could try it out and commit some pretty big crimes, that's true! Declaring yourself a king isn't a crime though. People in hospitals for the insane do it regularly.

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A benevolent King might be okay.

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They have existed in the past. Not too long ago a president of Singapore with dictatorial powers did quite a lot of good for the country, although he could be rather harsh on criminals.

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No he did not do a lot of good for his country. Unless you don’t give two hoots in hell about civil rights or human rights. What is it that you don’t like about Trump and/or Project 2025, that you’re as enthusiastic now about abrogating our rights and laws as he is? Do you think that will have no consequences? How is this suggestion different from Trump’s claim that he’ll be dictator for a day? I usually like the things you say, but I feel like a madness is coming over us. Trump is a vulgar idiot, a pawn in the hands of a bunch of fascists who want to do just the kinds of things this thread seems to be promoting. He is NOT the problem. Fascism is the problem.

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RemovedJul 6
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Imprisonment as a national security risk. He remains in prison until the end of all his trials, at least.

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That would be a good beginning.

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I recommend the same battery of tests - mental and physical - for Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump -

same location, day and time - adjacent rooms - Walter Reed Medical Center.

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That's a fine idea except for one thing: Trump's enablers will either rig the results of those tests, pay off the test agents or simply lie about them.

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RemovedJul 6
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Well, as the meme so aptly says, "Both are old! One is evil." The choice, for me, is clear.

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So . . . you are PRO-FACISM? And remember: Bunkerboy shlursh hish worsdsh and can no longer finish thoughts. Just like his criminal daddy, he has ALZHEIMERS.

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That debate was pure torture for Biden; Trump knew it and being the lying psychopath that he is, knew exactly which buttons to press to cause Biden more stress and pain. You can trust your eyes and ears all you want; maybe it's time to start trusting what's in between them, namely your brain or whatever is left of it.

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And how do you feel about Trump? You're just another one of those people who don't give them equal time. That was very one-sided conversation. If you're so alert about other people's cognitive abilities then you'd know that old age and colds don't work the way they did a week ago. You must have thought he was on drugs and since Trump brought up drug testing I'm guessing he probably was. Either that or Biden did it on purpose. That's how Trump confesses, by bringing up a subject that has nothing to do with the subject at hand.. He was fine almost immediately after the debate and you're just going to throw your arms up and say oh well he's useless now? He's been fine ever since

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Looks can and will be deceiving!… I see you only got two likes…

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So does that mean you're going to vote for Trump?

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RemovedJul 8
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Right……from a man who can’t pronounce “Anonymous” or “Origins,” and says “Furniture” instead of “Future.” He thinks airports were around during the Revolutionary War. He thought Frederick Douglass was still alive. He thinks soldiers and sailors are losers and suckers. He pretends that the Bible is his favorite book but he can’t recall a single line of it? Ha! Says it’s too personal a question. Ha! (He could’ve just answered The Beatitudes, IF he really knew it! That’s an easy answer! He also held up a Bible upside down. What a great photo-op. Said Barron was Melania’s son. Called third-world countries “sh*tholes.” Dislikes animals, especially dogs. Says apologies are a sign of weakness because Roy Cohn told him so. Eww. I can go on and on. You’re sure stuck on him, aren’t you? He’s thicker than tar, dude.

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End no fault divorce

Complete ban on abortions without exceptions

Ban contraceptives

Additional tax breaks for corporations and the 1% Higher taxes for the working class

Elimination of unions and worker protections

Raise the retirement age

Cut Social Security

Cut Medicare

End the Affordable Care Act

Raise prescription drug prices

Eliminate the Department of Education

Use public, taxpayer money for private religious schools Teach Christian religious beleifs in public schools End free and discounted school lunch programs End civil rights & DEl protections in government

Ban African American and gender studies in all levels of education

Ban books and curriculum about slavery

Ending climate protections

Increase Arctic drilling

Deregulate big business and the oil industry Promote and expedite capital punishment

End marriage equality

Condemn single mothers while promoting only "traditional families"

Defund the FBI and Homeland Security

Use the military to break up domestic protests

Mass deportation of immigrants and incarceration in "camps"

End birth right citizenship

Ban Muslims from entering the country

Eliminates federal agencies like the FDA, EPA, NOAA and more Continue to pack the Supreme Court, and lower courts with right-wing judges

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I haven't read all of Project - I'm working on it - but so far you've nailed it. They would HAVE TO HAVE a dictatorship for all this to fly though. Can you imagine people putting up with most of that stuff? This needs to be widespread publicized so there's no chance that we will have to deal with any of it.

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Renee, While I agree on widespread publicizing, first, I would suggest the listing of provisions be wrapped around a framework that presents the project’s core principals and narrative to make its agenda more relatable and accessible. Our group currently is at work creating such a document along with a companion piece, for purposes of contrast, highlighting the Biden administration’s achievements and his platform moving forward.

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Can't wait to see it

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When do you think your document will be ready? This is really great that you're doing this! I am still wading through the 2025 manifesto and trying to understand it.

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Renee, I should note, aside from an introduction, we’re merely using a listing of provisions comparable to the ones Scott provided and grouping them according to the 4 principles, with explanations of each, that form the core of Project 2025’s agenda.

Frankly, our audience is not folks on this site, who, like you, are wading through the full text. Our target audience is the public-at-large, who know little to nothing about the blueprint for a Trump Presidency.

As for timing, while completing our work probably is the most important thing we can do right now, like everybody, we’re all involved in work that continually pulls us in all directions. That said, the plan is to start circulating the work product within a week to elicit responses. From there, we’ll need to consider how to circulate more broadly.

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This is fantastic! I SO applaud your efforts! I know you will not exaggerate or overstate. This has to be right and correct because these writers, by and large, are not right and correct. As you have likely seen - and I have seen as well - there are things in there that would be palatable to sensible people. They're just lost in the muck.

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Renee, I appreciate you writing. Frankly, knowing these 900 pages needed to be vastly unpacked and streamlined, once lists comparable to the one Scott posted started circulating, we knew we had the raw data around which to build a relatable and accessible narrative.

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Look forward to seeing what you produce. Moreso, tosee your circulation plan. I put together a decent summary and have sent to Dem leaders in swing states.

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Scott, I wish you had prefaced your post with an explanation that you would summarize key points of the Heritage Foundation's "Project 2025: Mandate for Leadership"

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Thank you, Scott! I hope you don't mind but I copied this. It covers Project 2025 really well!

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Sounds like the plan.

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Scott Grout, so cruelty, violence and neglect; cruelty, violence and neglect; cruelty, violence and neglect 24/7. Thanks for the impact of the list.

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Definitely a war on WOKE. I wonder how controlling so many people's lives would make theirs any better. There's definitely a lot of mental illness in that plan. Do you think chimpanzees are more intelligent than humans - I know they are 97% the same as us genetically. We have a lot of the same behaviors.

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I compare it to Ted Kacyznski's manifesto. Brilliantly written but unbalanced.

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A very dangerous criminal.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 7

If you go to the Heritage Foundation website, they have a 2018 article under Heritage Impact that's titled "Trump Administration Embraces Heritage Foundation Policy Recommendations." It touts his former administration "embraced nearly two-thirds of the policy recommendations" from The Heritage Foundation’s “Mandate for Leadership.”

But, yet, he knows nothing about the Project 2025 policy recommendations? Like hell he doesn't.

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In his defense, when he said that, his Alzheimers likely prevented him from remembering that.

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RemovedJul 6
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The Imperial President Trump will say "rules, shmools, I'll do whatever I want, & nobody can stop me because I have presidential immunity!"

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Gosh darn it, Paul! Bless your heart, obviously. the bastardized version of Project 2025 to which you subscribe doesn't include bios on the creators of same. Take a look at the creators of the real Project 2025. You'll find a thousand-gallon tank of Trump political appointees, Trump White House staff, and Trump special advisors on that creator list.

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I agree! The sooner we get the word out about Project 2025, the better. Perhaps Joe Biden and Donald Trump both should take cognitive ability tests to assess their suitability for office, but as far as Biden dropping out of the race right now, that's not the answer. Look at what has been accomplished during his time in office. The Democratic party needs to emphasize these achievements, not boot him out for his lackluster performance in the first debate. He may be a few years older than his opponent, but I suspect that he is in much better physical shape. (Perhaps we should fact-check that?) More importantly, though, the Dems need to publicize the goals of Project 2025, and the media pundits need to get that information out to the voting public ASAP.

The responsibility inherent in the role of President of the United States takes a toll on anyone who holds that office, but to be up against an indecisive Democratic Congress, a blatantly partisan SCOTUS, and media pundits who focus on Biden's shortcomings while brushing aside Trump's outlandish behavior and dangerous rhetoric are conditions that would undermine ANY individual's confidence. I respect Biden for his decency; his character is above reproach. I don't agree with his position on Netanyahu's genocidal war on the Palestinians, but I'm not sure Trump would have handled the situation any differently, considering his affection for authoritarian rulers.

If Biden were to drop out of the race now, his move would split the Democratic Party vote among a plethora of newcomers to the field; that would play into the hands of the far-Right Republicans. Steve Bannon and his ilk would appreciate the "divide and conquer" approach. Research the objectives of Project 2025. This is NOT what most citizens want for our country. The Pubs have united behind Trump, a convicted felon; let the Democrats present a united front in their support of a decent man, who, while imperfect, is a person of character.

Linda Brown

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Linda Brown - first he jails without habeas corpus ALL insurrectionists, then he resigns. this immediately gives us an accomplished, articulate, prosecutor-in-chief as incumbent running for re-election. this is not hard. yes it is bizarre to contemplate, but so is the orange stain regaining office. EVERYWHERE these fascists shout from the rooftops what their aims are. In plain sight they break the laws with seeming immunity (even without the supreme court).

The dems have to stop wringing their hands and playing by norms that existed in nixon's time. that time is gone, and the oligarchs have been laying the groundwork to gut our democracy since FDR. I really hope I don't have to say "I told you so" in November. But right now with the attitudes that I see posted in this and other substacks, that somehow reason and voting will win the day is just plain flying in the face of reason. The oligarchic juggernaut has been openly recruiting "poll watchers", election denying poll workers and volunteers, laws that allow unchecked "challenges" of voter status (see state of Georgia). Biden is not even on Ohio's ballot! Get real dems, or get relegated to the dustbin of history.

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I am convinced it is us who must fight the fight and defeat that apathy, educate the voters on what their future will be under a dictatorship, convince them that dictators eat their own, and get them to the polls in November. Should be the job of the Democratic Party, but it seems paralyzed and lost in Lala Land.

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Becky, I agree. The Dem Party has not sent out one word about "the Plan". Maybe they want to Save it for an October surprise? Good grief, we need this information to reach 100 million voters

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EXACTLY my thought, Mr. Cesmat! As Monarch For Life, President Biden can jail the Insurrectionists, jail profiteers, fix everything, THEN retire!

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Patti, on Steve Beschloss' substack posted this:


Just sent this to the White House….Mr. President - I like you but let's face it - that debate was sadly a bomb. BUT...I am behind you 100%! YOU are my guy. I have a great idea that your high paid idea guys (that includes women) should think about. You have money. Buy media spots and have your Cabinet heads spotlight his/her counterpart of Project 2025 and what will happen to the American people if Trump is elected. You NEED to remind the American people that you are NOT a solo act. You are surrounded by talented, informed, well educated and dedicated to democratic principals people. By educating fellow Americans not only about your staff but about the truly terrifying Project 2025, it is win win for everyone. Help us help everyone by informing everyone of what WILL happen. Just look at the Supreme Court and what has happened there with a 4 year term and McConnell's corruptions. Think about it Mr. President. I hope you get this.

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Apparently, his supporters don't care that he's going to murder millions of people, either indirectly or directly. They don't even see that his policies will also destroy THEM. "I didn't know the leopards would eat my face" etc .Madness. I'm too old to emigrate so I have to ride it out and hope to survive. Not sure I will.

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I am like you, Karla. I am too old and I weep for my kids and grandkids.

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But apparently not enough to care that as things stand now the US is headed off a fiscal cliff, and the younger generations are getting completely screwed over.

Something like Project 2025 is a necessary course correction.

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If you want the Gilded Age to return, yes. I agree we are headed to an unsustainable fiscal cliff, but all Project 2025 will do is further reduce the influence of commoners and elevate the rich and powerful, even beyond what we have today. Look in the mirror. How much debt do you have? Are you too part of the problem? Consumer debt is just as bad as the deficit. And a lot of it is self inflicted. My wife and I choose to live with in our means and have little or no debt. We passed that practice onto our children. None of which have debt beyond housing or car payments. So I’d ask you, what’s the solution? Everybody’s taxes need to go up and some federal cuts are needed. But what do you cut? And who makes those decisions? All I hear is republicans taking about waste. But they never can seem to define it much less articulate exactly where it is with data to back it up. Remember, someone’s waste is another’s god send.

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> but all Project 2025 will do is further reduce the influence of commoners and elevate the rich and powerful

Where by "commoners" you mean technocratic managers. Yes, I understand that's a common confusion for someone in your line of work.

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RemovedJul 6
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And WHO screwed up three seriousness of Covid?

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Paul Bjarnason's idol, the Orange Antichrist

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Robert Reich, for exposing Trump, his lies, and especially project 2025 and the dark forces behind it. I know you are working tirelessly to get the word out and all of us so appreciate what you are doing! Are you also posting all of this information on social media? What can we do as citizens to help you? Please let us know! And thank you again, keep up the fantastic work!

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I received a summary of Trump's Project 2025 that was attributed to you, Robert Reich. It is damning, at best. It would be even more effective if a parallel, contrasting document could be prepared showing what Joe Biden has done (and will continue to do) for our nation if he is reelected. The chasm could not be deeper & wider between the destructive deeds & plans of tRump and Biden’s constructive accomplishments and plans!

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I think the original Build Back Better Bill, the New Green Deal & Elizabeth Warren's many well thought out plans would be great sources to show the nation Democratic plans for the country if they have the numbers & wherewithal to implement them.

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Is there a sharable synopsis of Project 2025 suitable for ads.

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It's 970 dense long, so the short answer is no. You could do what I did and read the 35-p. Table of Contents. But the devil--and I do mean Satan--is in the details: if you want to make a terrifying ad I'd flip through and find a few. The thing itself: https://www.project2025.org/

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Good point! Great way to make the objectives public and get the info "out there."

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Thanks for this. But beware: it underplays the horrors of P 2025 in its own introduction: "If these plans are enacted, which Project 2025’s authors claim can happen without congressional approval, 4.3 million people could lose overtime protections, 40 million people could have their food assistance reduced, 220,000 American jobs could be lost, and much, much, more. The stakes are higher than ever for democracy and for people." Those are bad things for sure, but they pale beside some of what you'll see when you flip through....

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I personally would pick out the scariest things and focus on them. Which is what you seem to be advocating.

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That would be a great project for Robert Reich readers to come up with, maybe a dozen or so each of the worst things in it & submit it for Robert to go over & later present what he thinks are the scariest & most important ones. Maybe he could even have it as a contest like the Sunday cartoon caption contests. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Project 2025 is the theme for tomorrow's caption contest.

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Paula, thanks very much for posting the link to Project 2025.

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Here's a start: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025

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Thank you for this link!

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RemovedJul 6
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Wiki is politically neutral, which looks leftist to right-wingers.

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Look on Twitter- several good ones.

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Kay K-0. the bullet points from this summary are suitable for ads.

Advocacy Approach to Educate Key Populations

About Project 2025

I. Advocacy is needed immediately! There are only 4 months until the election.

The current Democratic campaign mantra is “we need to protect our democracy”. This only begins to explain the threat, and it does not appear to be working.

A poll from the last week in June showed that people in 5 swing states think that Trump is the candidate who can save democracy.

Meanwhile, polls show that only 1 in 4 people in the US have heard about the Republican Plan for 2025, a clear and detailed roadmap for dismantling the checks and balances of the Constitution and replacing experts in government with sycophants. The checks and balances of three separate branches of government, Legislative, Judiciary and Administrative, have kept us safe from dictatorship for over two centuries.

The Supreme Court recently ruled that a President has immunity from prosecution for actions conducted in carrying out his duties as President. As such duties have not been defined, this gives the president absolute power.

Reminding people about Trump’s past actions against democracy is important. Informing people about the plans for his second administration is CRITICAL! To paraphrase a Founder of the Constitution, an informed electorate is the best defense against tyranny.

II. The threat is outlined in the Heritage Foundation Presidential Transition Plan for 2025, also known Project 2025. So what is the Plan? Who designed it? What will it do?

The goal of Project 2025 is to eliminate, cut back or change the Administrative Branch functions, e.g. to eliminate the EPA, FDA, Department of Education as well as other departments which maintain safety, health, and education., The remaining administrative functions will be directly under the control of the president whose main qualification for working for him is unquestioned loyalty.

Considering the recent rulings of the Supreme Court, we can see that the Judiciary is already doing Trump’s bidding by pardoning him from accountability, impeding Federal agencies from enforcing laws and protections, and overturning human rights, which have been in place for decades.

Who designed Project 2025? The Heritage Foundation, which has identified goals for past conservative administrations, leads this project which is funded by Leonard Leo and is supported by over 100 right wing organizations. Trump loyalists such as Mark Meadows (former chief of staff) and Stephen Miller (migrant child separation policy) have been heavily involved in developing the plan. The Hungarian dictator, Victor Orban, has been a consultant to the plan and recently met with Trump at Mar-a Lago.

III. What are key actions planned for Project 2025?

On Day One of a new republican presidency (January 21, 2025), the President will invoke the Insurrection Act, which empowers the military to put down protests and jail people who resist. This would be used to inhibit speech and could threaten habeas corpus. Military interaction with civilian population has been prohibited for centuries. (unlikely stopped by this conservative “supreme court”).

From Wikipedia, some major issues addressed by the Plan

a. Basic Freedoms: Deployment of the military for domestic law enforcement under the Insurrection Act would be an "immediate priority" upon a second Trump inauguration in 2025. Also, the DOJ would be directed to pursue those Trump considers disloyal or political adversaries. Some 13 million undocumented immigrants would be rounded up, put in detention camps and deported.

b. Environment: Gut the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and abolish the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Repeal the inflation Reduction Act (a landmark law that offers US$370 billion for clean technology), close the Loan Programs Office at the U.S. Department of Energy, eliminate climate change from the U.S. National Security Council agenda, and encourage allied nations to use fossil fuels. It supports Arctic drilling, declaring that the federal government has an "obligation to develop vast oil and gas and coal resources".[17] It would reverse a 2009 finding from the EPA that carbon dioxide emission are harmful to human health, preventing the federal government from regulating greenhouse gas emissions.

c. Abortion: Reposition department policies "by explicitly rejecting the notion that abortion is health care and by restoring its mission statement under the [Trump HHS] Strategic Plan and elsewhere to include furthering the health and well-being of all Americans 'from conception to natural death'."[38][39][40] It would work on executive orders and regulations" to roll back Biden administration abortion policies and "institutionalize the post-Dobbs environment."[41].

The plan holds that the Food and Drug Administration is "ethically and legally obliged to revisit and withdraw its initial approval" of the abortion pills mifepristone and misoprostol.[27] It recommends that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "update its public messaging about the unsurpassed effectiveness of modern fertility awareness-based methods" of contraception.[27.] Every state would report exactly how many abortions take place within its borders, at what gestational age of the child, for what reason, the mother's state of residence, and by what method."[ Enforce the Comstock Law.

d. LGBTQ: The plan proposes the government should recognize marriage as only for heterosexual men and women, rescind anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ individuals, and eliminate diversity, equity and inclusion provisions from federal legislation.[64]

e. The plan maintains that “Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance,... has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.”

f. The Economy: “Extremist” conservative economist Stephen Moore, primary Plan author, has dedicated his career to slashing social security benefits and taxes for billionaires. He is chair of the “Committee to Unleash Prosperity” (CUP). His major goal is to privatize Social Security.

Some useful bullet points in regard to the Plan (from Wikipedia)

• Invoke the Insurrection Act on January 21 to put down protests

• Gut Civil Service; replace with trump loyalists currently being recruited and trained by right wing organizations

• Round up, imprison, deport 13 million undocumented immigrants.

• Deploy the National Guard to American cities without requests from cities or states.

• Staff administration with acolytes who pass loyalty tests to president.

• Direct DOJ to pursue those trump considers disloyal or political adversaries.

• Eliminate EPA, NOAA, and all programs aimed at developing clean energy and protecting environment, support Arctic drilling.

• Replace policy supporting abortion as health care, institutionalize a post-Dobbs environment. Enforce Comstock Law, retract FAA approval of mifepristone and misoprostol. States will report details on abortions including mothers residence.

• Government will recognize only heterosexual men and women, rescind anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ individuals, eliminate diversity, equity and inclusion protections from federal legislation.

• Pornography manifested as propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children will have no First Amendment protection; will be criminalized. Purveyors are child predators. Pornography will be criminalized. Educators, librarians who purvey it will be registered as sex offenders.

• Privatization of Social Security will be pursued by primary “Plan” author, Stephen Moore.

• President may withhold funds appropriated by Congress and use for his purposes.

• The president may fire a U.S. Attorney who doesn’t carry out presidents order to prosecute someone, breaking with a tradition of independent law enforcement that dates from America’s founding.

• President will pardon all trump supporters accused of attacking the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021

• Close the White House pandemic preparedness office

• Gut NATO, stop sending aid to Ukraine, may not come to aid of ally under attack from Russia or China.

IV. What can we do?

Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation just said: "we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."

We must do what we can to help people understand what is at stake in this election, and that to prevent this from becoming reality, they must vote for Biden. With only 1 in 4 Americans aware of this plan, there is an opportunity and obligation to inform the electorate. As there are only 4 months left to do so, we must use all forms of media to educate everyone.

Per discussions on X, people who have recently learned about this dystopian plan are furious and vow to vote for Biden no matter what.

To paraphrase the author of the Declaration of Independence, the best defense against those who seek to tear down our rule of law and replace it with fascist tyranny is an informed and activated populace.

(from Gail Breakey, Honolulu)

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Kay: “The People’s Guide to Project 2025 - Democracy Forward” is great—the “Snapshot” is a hair-raising summary of some of the plans.


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Scott Grout posted a great summary list in this discussion…sometime after 3:00 today

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Kay, Scott Grout posted points from Project 2025 on this feed. They would be great for an ad.

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Curious, how do you search?

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Mary, you have to scroll through the comments until you find Scott Grout's post. It is bulleted and presents the key points of Project 2025.

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Thanks Peggy. I wish there was an easier way on substack, given all the hidden threads you have to stop to open. But I guess we have harder tasks than this before us now!

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Scott Grout's post is currently right above Scott Cromwell's post, which is right above one of Scott Ingram's posts, in case that helps.

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DJT is Pathologically Obsessive about 'Winning'... The only way DJT can 'Win' is to Lie, and Cheat... He Cheats in Business, Marriage, and Golf... He 'Works' the Refs as part as his cheating... Corrupting SCOTUS is an example of this... Through his failed Businesses, and Term in the Presidency, he demonstrated ineptitude, and fraud... PLAN 2025 will dismantle the USG, and create havoc within this Country... Tucker Carlson once said that DJT is a Master Destroyer... DJT corrupts, and destroys everything he touches... PLAN 2025 will enable his destruction of this Country by reversing all the gains of the 20th, and 21st Centuries...

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