The Common Thread is that if had Investigated DJT, or Musk, you will get fired.... Simplistic DJT, and Autistic Musk, are both Motivated by Greed, and Vengeance...
If any human is truly evil - its is Musk. He is a Neuralinked cyborg with several syndromes - including the psychotic childhood in a police state of apartheid who has a high IQ only because he is a freak of nature or an alien. Make this man leave planet earth in his rocket man or send him to the molten core in his boring machine
The victor writes the history books and Victor NeuroDivergent wrote the IQ Test. Victor is not familiar with anything other than White Culture - and he also has a weird facial tic
We know that there are many types of intelligence.
Test scores reflect the background environment of a person being tested and whether it coincides with that of the writers of the questions.
A person scoring highly on one type of intelligence test might not be familiar at all with terms and questions on another test. The fact does not diminish the value of high scores in any area. The point is to give credit to highly intelligent individuals who excel in other areas. Neither is a person limited to only one type of intelligence. Long ago, and sadly, I think, it seemed that not everyone recognized the gifts of intelligence in various areas. We are fortunate that there are more types of intelligence.
Like today - as in what are we waiting for? A sunny day in the Rain of BS and overt thievery and absolute buggery or some sort of shift in their collection consciousness of a greater america than ever that includes all of North America, parts of Ukraine, Israel and all of Palestine plus the right to finally build Trump Towers Moscow Mule
Was this contract put out where other companies could compete?
Also, is this normal? Does the government usually buy this much armored vehicles? What will they use them for? Are they planning on using them on citizens?
Remember the armored Tesla that they displayed and were showing off the shatter-proof window? They threw something at the window and it shattered. You would think that Elon would have tested it before making this presentation. He musk (must) be a genius.
Mr. genius names his kid "X" and steals the name "Tesla". He can't even come up with a name on his own.
I saw it on tv last night. I think it references the trucks. Maybe he's unable to load them off onto anyone else.... and maybe the 19-20ish year old digital insurgents rooting around in (and changing?) all our personal data feel the need to be "protected" (or look cool).
If you really want to know - then ask that rhetorical question to Musk and Trump and the specialized steel maker that folded that metal. They can tell you precisely why 3 Muskateers have a desire for a few hundred million bucks and a bunch of Tesla branded thick plated proto tank trucks
I saw one of those vehicles in public once, not knowing what it was. I wondered why anybody would want one.
From its appearance, it seems that the sloping front and back might help reduce wind resistance of its weight in either direction, forward or back. I have not yet read to see what metals are involved, but it reminds me of the recently announced controls T. is wanting to put on some metals. Maybe that is a baby step to control of more elements.
The cyber truck is made of stainless steel, extremely heavy. Stupid clown car vehicle. It weighs about 6,700 pounds, more than twice as heavy as my Prius. Overpriced piece of crap.
I read that the cyber truck sales are way way down from the initial hype. But it appears that Tesla stock is tanking for other reasons as well. The timing drops as Musk takes on the presidency! Also, BYD now is flooding the market with cars at 1/3 the price. Apparently, Musk's great wealth is in Tesla Shares mostly. So if Tesla continues to tank, Musk's inflated wealth will tank as well. Recall that stock price is determined by what people think, and all around the world Musk's status is sinking.
It seems to be a really stupid design. I have been somewhat involved with house construction. Nearly every worker wants a pickup truck. We see vans of various sizes. Those basic shapes make sense.
Knowing the Musk ripped off the engineers who started the company that became Tesla, I suspect that the first sedan was heavily influenced by the engineers. .... Then the design of subsequent vehicles didn't change in shape, just is dimensions. So, I suspect the Musk made the Cyber Truck shape.
Trucks need to carry stuff. You don't carry stuff on a sloped deck! That is just stupid. Vans carry stuff with a roof overhead. The useable space in a Van is cut in half with a sloped roof overhead. Again, the Cyber truck is plain Stupid.
I used to think that air drag was a major factor is the power required to move a vehicle. But the issues are speed and weight.
As weight increases, rolling resistance increases. Try pushing your car, and you can see that it is considerable, and influenced by the flex of the tires. The rolling resistance is constant regardless of speed. There are some drags that are proportional to speed. I think wind resistance at very low speeds, drag is proportional. Wind resistance depends on shape, and velocity squared when turbulent. So wind drag is important at high speeds.
I drive a Kia Niro SUV shape, My son drives a Tesla. They both get the same MPGE. So wind drag is usually not a big factor. Weight and tire pressure are more important.
Private Marketplace is getting distorted by AI and X - telling me what I think I want simply because I had that Idea and they caught it in their NeuralNet
Musk went after USAID because they were having him investigated. During a hearing at the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Accountability in September, USAID Inspector General Paul K. Martin told Congress that the agency was examining its relationship with Starlink, one of Musk's most prominent tech ventures.
In 2022, USAID and Starlink collaborated to provide 5,000 Starlink terminals to Ukraine, to give the country fighting Russian invasion access to Musk's advanced internet system, operated through SpaceX, as reported by The Lever.
"In addition to another ongoing audit on direct budget support, we are examining USAID's Energy Security Project, USAID's oversight of Starlink Satellite Terminals provided to the Ukrainian government, and USAID's efforts to protect against sexual exploitation and abuse in Ukraine," Martin told Congress.
Repubs have ALWAYS driven up the deficit with gifts to the rich, and then Dems have no choice but to drive it up further, trying to undo the damage done to the poor by the GOP gifts to the rich.
Admittedly, this is to a far more extreme degree, but really just more of the same "hate/victimize the poor" politics.
Ralph Nader is popping out of the Equator and driving a pinto into the 3 Muskateers to destroy this nonsense. Nobody needs a cyber truck with a blind spot so big. This is a precursor and way for 'them' or Him to know who is the most brain washed
One of the contractors I use put up money to get a Cyber truck. But that was before they actual gave it a price. He cancelled on price. But, I'm sure that he will look back on his initial infatuation with the ugly beast with regret.
It's also a manifestation of severe mental illness. Both musk and trump display textbook characteristics of malignant narcissism (they behave on the outside as if they are the centre of the universe while inside they are deeply, deeply insecure). If you start looking at all of the people surrounding this musk/trump administration, they too exhibit many of the same self fixated, aggrandizement traits. Sadly, what they all seem to have in common - "cruelty". These are sick people making "sick" decisions.
My son & I were picking up trash on the Rillito trail as we walked to Arroyo Henge, a sun circle caliberated to alignment with Equinoxes & Solstices. Once at the henge enjoying ourselves, a magat enters the circle & gets on his knees, outstretches his arms & begins a bowing ritual of cultist worship to the felon, & appealing for protections & praises to the felon. We left with great unsettling. I suppose I should return to massively sage out the desecration performed at my henge. As always, a Democrat having to clean up after the messes of repugs.
And perhaps the worst? It seems obvious that this person was playing to an audience of one, and this is meant to get them to the "First Second Buddy" level of sycophancy.
The druids built StoneHenge only to have the British turn it into a tourist trap. Past Knowledge is stored in the great library of Alexander - who was a King and Pharoah and may have actually believed in the power of the Human Mind to Grow - but then the Romans destroyed that and Solomons Temple and other temples that we have yet to re discover - and converted the words of Jesus into some new form of control with layers of beuracracy called priests, nuns and alter boys
No doubt that both of these men are fully demented - by their genes, their past, their failure to lead a life of meaningful introspection or personal growth - they simply want things that come from the pit of unresolved past traumas. All of this drama is from Trauma and now they are inflicting their diseases on us and blaming Fauci for trying to protect us
The mental illness is a personality disorder called sociopathy. Textbook cases. Especially Trump and Musk. Now another crack-pot, RFK Jr. is coming on board. They confirmed "Russia's Girl" yesterday. Boy, America is really on its way to something. It will make Dr. Oz look like a real scholar.
Republicans are using Trump, Musk, RFK jr as tools to wreak the federal government. Trump and his associates are using Republicans as tools to gain control of the country's wealth. It is the new Confederacy.
Evil does not actually exist - these are flawed human beings - being horible to the planet, their constituents - and even themselves. These are lost brats and bullies grown into powerful people seeking more power using age old methods
This is the closest proximity to what the new Muskateers are - several Sadists Liars with the audicity to think of words like False News and Witch Hunt when in reality they are the it that they describe and create enough FUD for Elmer Fudd. Fear, Uncertainty and Dread are not good for a free economy
Oh, yes, evil does actually exist, and Trump Musk personify it. They are not simply flawed human beings, worthy of our empathy. They are worthy of nothing but our solid and unyielding contempt.
I am filled with contempt for both of these flawed human or whatever we try to call them. They do personify something but I cannot call it true evil because I do not think such a thing exists. No Dog is Evil when they bite - particularly a domesticated breed that is left out on a chain in the rain and deprived of love. That is a sad animal. That animal is a victim of some sort of dude or family that has developed a code of cruelty but the dog is not Evil. The kid whose dad puts his foot on the sad dog and is hit by his dad and uncle is not evil when he gets a dog 15 years later and beats it in to submission - or his wife or kids. Even the King of Pop was not Evil in his Neverland years when you consider his Dad
Weird post. Why bring dogs into it? Of course dogs aren't evil. No matter what they do, they're innocent creatures.
Humans, on the other hand, are capable of getting past their traumas. I was abused as a child, and chose NOT to repeat the patterns of my family. In the cases of drumpf and muck, they quite deliberately choose to inflict pain, as often as possible. THAT is evil. It's also sociopathic.
I know Love; therefore I recognize hate. I know Goodness; therefore I acknowledge the other side of the coin exists. I forgive the dog as that is the creature's place within Biological classification, & as a human, I make the distinction. felon & muskito are unfortunately humans, so no forgiveness as afforded to the dog. I also believe they were Born with such evils, behavioral modifications only contributed into allowing it to emerge.
While it is important for us to understand and to know the correct descriptive behavioral terms, and while we still interpret the ill-intended behaviors, the facts remain that we must find ways to protect people and our country in many ways. How can we do that beyond the suits and wise legal actions which have been, are, and will be taking place? How can anyone reach the minds of people with such mental conditions in order to help our country or to help people in any situation? It seems that most of us are not qualified to help a person or animal with the afflictions, despite any efforts. We need everyone to be safe.
I find it difficult to hate Trump, any more than I would hate a lion for killing a gazelle. He's hardly even human enough to place in the same category with the rest of us.
Foofaraw & Chiquita, my mom use to tell me I should never hate because hate is evil. I understand the message she was trying to convey; however, in the orange man and musk-rat case, I will say that I strongly detest, despise, abhor and abominate those two demons!
"Lord forgive them for they know not what they do" should be replaced by "Evil is as evil does". It's past time for all of them to receive consequences. They lie and rationalize what they do. They know fully well that what they are doing is wrong. Divine justice would be if they get a taste of their own "medicine".
There were two words we were not allowed to use when I was small. One of them was "hate".
Your mother was wise, as was mine, but "the times they are a changin'!"
Yes, I can feel immeasurable disgust with no problem.
But I do think Trump is an INCREDIBLE president! (The actual definition of "in-credible" IS NOT being "wonderful", as Trump obviously thinks it is, but rather, "not credible/believable", the way the dictionary makes clear.
Yes, Trump is "incredible", as in "not believable".
Peggy, our mothers both taught us not to hate. Like you, I find it challenging when there are such behaviors coming from a person.
Long ago, many decades ago, while in a small group discussion and far away from anyone who would harm another person, I decided that it was not the person we would hate, but that we strongly disapproved of what the person did. Now I sometimes wonder, especially when horrible and cruel behaviors happen in rapid succession, or happened at all, It can become very difficult to separate a person from his behaviors.
Whatever the reason for the behaviors, our country and much of the world are being affected by them. When people outnumber the ones causing harm, it still seems that something could be done to help the good people and to save our country.
It's also intimidation, the kind mobsters use; and for the love of God, why aren't Americans in HUGE numbers standing up to this and saying NO!! There are protests, yes, but so far they pale in comparison to the protests in Germany (GERMANY, for crying out loud!) protesting the right-wing neo-Nazi type of movements. They pale in comparison to the protests in Hong Kong when the Chinese government's power was used to smash dissent - and those protesters' lives and freedom were in danger!
Elisse Slotkin's speech before the vote on Tulsi Gabbard's confirmation was excellent and came from Slotkin's background in the CIA and other security positions as well as time in war in Iraq and Afghanistan. A serious speech from a legitimate background in Intelligence - and Gabbard was confirmed anyway. What are the MAGATs afraid of? Or maybe the question should be: why aren't they afraid of what they are doing??!
Somebody needs to be telling the MAGATs in power the real-life stories of Americans who gave their LIVES and LIMBS, who acted IN SPITE OF fear, terror, facing death, danger, who were afraid - but they did not hand over the country to thieves, criminals, fascists!! Somebody needs to be calling them out by name and calling out their cowardice and treason!
Thump has invited Putin to the U.S., people. What in the world is happening, and why?!
Trump owes Putin his presidency - had Putin not meddled in 2016, Trump would be back on reality TV peddling burgers or steaks or some other worthless nonsense (..... oh, wait, he's still doing that, isn't he?)
So Trump has to invite the Dictator and will fawn over him like the star-struck imbecile that he is - not even realizing that the old KGB agent has been manipulating him for years now. Poor Donnie, he's too ignorant or too arrogant to admit he got played --- or maybe the reality is that Trump is fine with selling out his own country and his soul for the illusion of grandeur.
Back in the first T administration he refused to allow translators to listen to his conversations with Putin, and I always thought he should have been called out then.Neither of them holds themselves responsible to any other human.
The first invitees to the Oval office were Russians, and he did not allow notes to be taken or anyone else in there to hear or record what was being said. It was obvious that he was, and is a Russian plant.
DOZENS of people and evil demons own it's obese "soul." (I think Satan will give Pootin a chance to whip it's pet . . . before being once again plunged into the lake of fire.)
My only solace is that both Putin and the Orange Turd are both old, decrepit men and will (hopefully soon) die and hopefully the people will then be able to takeback their rights. .
Annie, thank you for your protests and for bringing awareness to Ms. Slotkin's display of courage. Prof Reich has shown again his firm grasp of the dire situation we face as a nation and has confirmed the courage of those who have confronted this tyranny. All public servants must follow these fine examples and reject the lawless decrees of this rogue regime at every turn. April 19th will be the 250th anniversary of the "shot heard 'round the world" and our voices as citizens need to roar on that day. Surrender is not an option.
I would feel so much more confident and complimentary of Slotkin and so many other Democrats if they would vote against every single one of thump's nominees, but instead they are voting for far too many, including some of the WORST ones. Why are they doing that?? I do worry that Elisse Slotkin thinks of herself as an "up and comer" in politics and may be showing ambition rather than principle, since principle would have her NOT voting for so many of thump's nominees! Slotkin said very definitely that she would be voting against Gabbard, but Gabbard is only one of the vile mob now installed to work against us and she did vote FOR others. For all of our elected Democratic officials, that needs to stop! NO cooperation, none. If you cooperate you are complicit.
THE PINO ( president in name only) still wants a hotel in Moscow. He'll likely get one. In the meantime putin's little girlfriend tg will have a special suite near her boss in the krimeland. And if the Ukrainians give up their fight for independence from russian tyranny, which they will not do, there will something garish built in Kyiv.
I, too, think (and fervently hope) that the Ukrainians will not subjugate themselves -- they know what it's like to live under Russian tyranny. Putin even had the gall to steal their children - why make a deal with the Devil?
Annie Cross, thank you for expressing these thoughts. Yes, wondering how anyone in Congress could go along with his behaviors and unqualified, and even harmful appointments has been the repeated question. Your asking why they would go along with them speaks volumes! They must be in on something and apparently are choosing to sacrifice their oaths and promises to us, who are “We the People”, by their condoning of his cruel, illegal, unethical, and pure mean behaviors. All trust is lost in those followers. With the loss of that trust is the possible loss of our country. We need total recognition and understanding by the able citizens, and we need strength in finding ways to save our country.
The slime in Dump's cabinet is unbelievable! Kennedy getting confirmed today makes him another lockstepper! My Dad was in Norway when the Nazi's marched into Oslo in 1940. 5 years of hell ensued. All freedoms were restricted. My Dad was only 20 years old at the time. He was part of the Norwegian military. Dumper is a 5 time draft dodger and cowardly piece of s**t! Wake up folks! Complain about Dump meeting with Putin in the White House and trying to steal land from Ukraine in exchange for an unjust peace. Bust the balls of the cowardly Republican Speaker and most of the Republican Congress Reps. Threaten to fire them if they don't get off of their a**es and get to work! Now!🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
What's happening is that the corruption that has always been in American politics has finally metastasised into something malignant enough to get your attention. Trump is the reaper of what has always been a fertile crop.
Nigel B: Although you would not know this, MY attention has been "gotten" for a very long time. I've seen the patterns, the plots and the playbooks unfolding for many years from what they used to call themselves, "Republicans." They have, as is said, played the long game. Mitch McConnell was a lead architect of the judicial take-over, appointment by appointment, year by year. State houses in so many states, media and propaganda and division over so many years, and they are finally "winning" and they are thrilled to think that their boots are on the necks of "liberals" of "lefties" and all the other silly names they use. But it is when Democrats showed their own version of crass opportunism and exploitation of position that a certain level of cynicism and skepticism set in. I was an "early adopter" of disgust at Bill and Hillary Clinton's co-opting of Republican practices that yielded big bucks in the "dialing for dollars" from Big Corporations game. Bill co-opted New Gingrich's craven ideas, only slightly modified, and the Democratic Party became the DNC and the Clinton cult and money-money-money became the motivator, not policies and progress. Jimmy Carter was a pretty terrific Democrat and the last real Democratic President and he was virtually reviled by the DNC types, including the Clintons. If the Democratic Party had known what it stood for, defined clearly and reflective of popular ideas (like single payer, universal health care coverage that was highly favored until the Clintons successfully squashed it in deference to Big Insurance) and COMMUNICATED articulately and effectively, I am convinced we would not be in the abomination we are in now. Instead the "triangulation," the "move to the center....move MORE to the like the Republicans but with fake "compassion" that "feels your pain" or goes on endlessly about the "empty chair at the table...." and all the rest of the "empathy show" - if the DNC had not chosen our candidates FOR us instead of WITH us - and so on and so on and so on..... we might be in a state of sociopolitical nirvana. Instead, we are, as they say, effed. And while WE are effed, I do note that the Bushes (war crimes!), the Obamas (hard not to love them, but still...) and the Bidens (not sorry he's out of the picture) and the Clintons ('nuff said) - mostly silent while the country is headed very fast towards the end of the amazing and beautiful experiment. THEY are all very, very wealthy now and doing what exactly with their wealth....?? Meanwhile, folks on Social Security, Medicare (almost totally privatized.... are ya happy, Democrats?), Medicaid and all the other programs and agencies of all kinds are tense at best, terrified at worst, as we all wait and watch for the next thrust of the axe. (Hegseth should be avoided in that "game" - he was on TV axe-throwing and almost taking out some band member. Leave the axe throwing to muskie and thump; they are out for blood.)
You have their responses pegged, foofaraw. When they tout those thoughts, they know they have every right, but if anyone responds politely with a calmly stated fact or a question, watch out!
Yes, Melissa, but since Trump pretty much GUTTED The White House of its historical artifacts after his first "firing" (and no doubt he feels that is an appropriate price for the "disloyalty" of the majority of Americans), I suspect even Putin has less interest.
Also in the context of forcing leverage on China, which will eventually turn out to be what it actually is...
China as a backup, in case Putin wants more than Trump has to offer. (People at each other's throats is Trump's entire part and parcel, after all. Why should it be different for nations, especially with Trump being better friends with America's mortal enemies than our friends?)
By adding the word "Autistic" to Musk's name demeans people with autism, since the impression is that it is a negative and unacceptable characteristic. I agree with your statement, but you lost the point with that one word.
Yes, it's important to understand autism (and those expressing autism, such as myself), but NOT to have it treated as if one of the CAUSES of Musk's derangement.
Most autistic people do NOT want to "destroy the world". In fact, I only know of one such autistic person.
There are wonderful people who are on the spectrum of autism, caring people, wise, accomplished, and dedicated people, people of many talents, yet as individuals neurology can vary.
To imply, think or wonder if a person is on the spectrum is not something to suggest regarding negative behaviors. If anyone thought so, it would be wise to rethink the comment and to understand that a professional diagnosis is the determining factor. Even when a professional diagnosis is made, as I understand it, it is not a negative Indication or label. I, an untrained person, believe such a diagnosis merely explains the way some of the thinking takes place.
With no disrespect to anyone, I do want to take the opportunity to suggest removing that one word in the description I read, and I hope that these few nonprofessional words will help toward understanding. I have a high degree of respect and appreciation for the people who do know and who do fit degrees of the diagnosis. Again, the word autism is not one we lay people can diagnose; neither should we apply it loosely to anyone or consider it uncomplimentary. Knowing that might be helpful.
their minds are stunted and deformed, like the more primitive part of their brain, reptilian perhaps, is the dominate part, or maybe they have undiagnosed/diagnosed brain damage that causes them to act out. The result is a deformed mind in an adult body. What’s wrong with those “men” is not autism. It’s sick for musk to use that as some kind of excuse for his hideous behavior.
Melissa, the way I understand it, sociopaths, psychopaths, some autistics do not have the emotional mental capacity to feel empathy, compassion or love. They feel hate, rage and want to inflict pain. A lot of these people in this administration fit one or more of those categories.
TREASON, TREACHERY, next comes KILLING, when they think they have a chance! This group should have been boycotting, protesting over a year ago. Did not voting work out GREAT for you'all???
Please don’t refer to Musk as autistic. As the grandmother of an autistic grandson, I can assure you that Musk cannot blame his actions on any neuro diversity. He is just malicious and self serving. He is also a racist and misogynist. Musk and Trump share many traits including extreme narcissism and greed. Autistic people do not share these traits.
Bravo, Janice, for explaining more concisely to the point, than I did. You are so right, and everybody needs to understand that concept. I think understanding is the key, and that people who understands do not miss label and to miss use the term. The fact that it was misused gives us an opportunity to help spread understanding.
The descriptors the person needed in defining the person causing havoc, are faults of character and faults of values. I hope that the various people who kindly contributed thoughts on the topic, have helped in gaining that important understanding.
Greed is one thing. Thirsting for absolute power is another and it’s what defines Trump, Musk, and all the Brown Shirt wannabes who support them. To the barricades!
Please do not use his autism as a casue of Muck' vile behavior. People with autism have enough stigma to overcome. And it can have consequences about how they feel about themselves when a perpetrator is labeled for his autism, consequences with serious consequences.
Muck and Trump's lack of empathy seem to be human characteristic now. Some scientist have shown that the centers of the brain that fire when empathy is triggered are not active on video meetings but are firing constantly when meetings are face to face. Use of IT and games, meeting through videos may explain why we did not see people out on the streets when immigrants were being handcuffed and put on defense aircraft back to whatever they fled. Or when concentration camps were opened in Guantanamo.
I wish people would stop referring to Musk as autistic. Autistic people are not malicious, narcissistic, racist, misogynistic, arrogant, selfish, greedy. Musk is all of the above and more.
Autistic people can be as subject to those behaviors and attitudes you list as can non-autistic people. There is no hard and fast one-persona for any category of human behavior or disordered personality/ability. There are savants in all kinds of singular categories - music, math, memory, etc. and there are autistic people who are not savants, not kind, not sweet personalities at all. Generalizations do not serve understanding well at all.
Musk is an odd duck and does not generally arouse affection in others, from what I've read about him. He does seem to collect the attention and affection of women, but then so does Rupert Murdoch and donald thump and there are men and women for whom money-money-money will enable them to "love" anything. There is a name for that.
We can diagnose and discuss diagnoses out the wazoo, but there is wide range of demonstrated/observed behaviors that often get diagnosed within the autism "spectrum." Asperger's syndrome is often popularly generalized as someone rather socially odd but otherwise brilliant, so to speak, and, again, big generalization.
I think the bottom line is that empathy for anyone with any kind of disorder is one thing; wanting someone with a disorder that might manifest in very disturbing ways is quite another. musky is one set of problematic behaviors; thump is another. Of the two, thump seems far more dangerous, menacing, soul-less, amoral.
The common thread of the DOJ will be irrelevant if it is run by a hardened trump loyalist. They will flip the tables on the blood letting at the Temple because they dont want any money to go to poor people or POC or Special Education or anything like that
I agree with you and you should know that the vast majority of Autistics don’t stand with Musk. The Autism Self-Advocacy Network is actively fighting against Trump policies. Musk is only referred to as “autistic” (little “a” since he’s clearly not a member of the community and culture) when he is being a horrifying example of a human. Call out his ACTIONS not his condition - using autism as a scapegoat only increases the ableism and real threats to autistic lives.
Hello Sarah... I was only repeating only his own Declarations... Asperger's, Autism, etc... Regardless, Elon seems to have a very Simplistic, Robotic understanding of the Consequences of his Actions...
And motivated by avoiding accountability. Musk is trying to shut down agencies that are investigating his misconduct. Just think trump has expunged the record of the Jan 6 insurrection and pardoned all the perpetrators. And this guy is the president of the world's greatest nation. That fact alone suggests that "There is something rotten in Denmark."
Muskrat and the billionaires who bought the election are conducting a social experiment. They are toying with lives here in the US and around the world. People have and will die because USAID was stopped from delivering food and medications to people who no other source to turn to for these necessities.
We are the richest country the world has ever known. We have the money and resources to both take care of our own people and those in need around the world. We have worked with other countries to provide this aide.
The hubris and greed of muskrat, orange blight, the oligarchs and techbros is like nothing we've ever experienced before. If they could take all the oxygen for themselves, the would.
Hey now, let’s not insult all neurodivergent people by using labels like “Autistic Musk”! It is not his autism that causes him to do evil things, it is because he is an oligarchist with a sense of entitlement and a quest for even more money and power. There are a plethora of people in the autistic community who do not condone his behaviors due to our strong sense of justice. And we are just as angry at Trump and Musk as the rest of you!
Thank the people for doing what is right and just. They show courage and we should all send them a message that we appreciate their duty to uphold the Constitution from Tyranny of Trump carried out by Musk.
@Achieving, Thank you for writing. I simply would add that these profiles in courage demonstrate as increasingly more of us engage in the increasingly widespread resistance and opposition, we increase our odds of clawing back power and repairing some amount of the damage.
What we are witnessing now and will be seeing more of in the future is the rise of these many individuals ensconced in morality and courage as exemplified by these “Profiles in Courage” highlighted in RR’s essay.
I recommend the book, Blessed Unrest, as it "details the remarkable range, diversity and public involvement in organizations dedicated to environmental and animal issues around the world. Mr Hawken argues persuasively that something like one person in five globally are working for peace, climate, habitat, ecology, creature protection, justice, income equality, education, women’s issues, voting rights and so on." If you read it you will be glad you did.
Great list! They are prophets of our time. We must heed their call. But where is Obama, Harris, Bush, Clinton??? Are they scared? Are they like Garland standing on punctilio?
People are acting and resisting. Maybe not to your satisfaction, but I have never seen witnessed so much genuine engagement. And also persistence, even though those individuals could walk away from what they continue.
You sir are part of the problem by pointing at good people and putting them down. What are you doing? If making 20M calls and marching are pointless - what do you suggest? Any suggesting that involves violence or gumming up the works so nothing works will make us all losers. We need engagement - not what you are claiming to be doing.
TROLL ALERT! “Cody Lawrence” is attempting to hijack this discussion into use of “force” to overpower another. As you scroll down you will see that this troll is attempting to get us off topic and focus on responding to the troll’s name calling and obscenity. Click on the three dots to the right of the name and report its trolling. DO NOT ENGAGE!
Thank you. Marc. I did not know the term trolling, and I truly appreciate that you said who, and that you explained how it was being done! It is important to understand, and it is equally important to know what to do in the situation.
If I have ever responded to the troller, I am sorry; I am also unaware of it. Thank you so much for the warning, and especially thank you too to Mark and decide what to do about it.
Thank you for this report. Those of us outside government never hear these stories of public servants who take their responsibilities to the people so seriously and in these cases, courageously. They are the "good guys". And they provide is with all the contrast we need with the "bad guys", the miserable self-serving sons of bitches who have usurped our government to plunder our country and sell it out.
Thank you for remaining steadfast in your patriotic duties. Countries are made great by the intelligent service of people like you and your colleagues. A country becomes great over decades and centuries yet it is fragile when overrun in just a few weeks by a band of monstrous marauders. Stay strong!
If this current administration is so lawless and taking so many unconstitutional measures then there has to be someone / something to counteract.
Which would be a strong way for everyone who wishes for a free society governed by the rule of law to stand united and fight for human rights?
Maybe starting to organize as grass roots movement under just one umbrella 🌂 strengthening the response and forcefully counteract the thieves, con artists and petty men who like to play "daddy" with soft targets and children.
Of course the movement will get attacked and labeled as illegal but holding onto the Truth and Respect towards one another I think it will be the winning ticket for this fight.
Never waiver from the Truth and stay strong in your unity.
Organize and build libraries or special protected places where documents and history books are going to be held in safety to be used as proof when the time comes.
Whenever some guy decide to simply change records , if let with no checks and balances sets out a dangerous precedent for a dictatorship.
Just my humble opinion.
The World is watching and waiting to join in that fight (and I am not referring to an armed fight).
100% agree, Roxana! I have said repeatedly that we need all of these groups and organizations that are fighting so hard to come together under one purpose - take our country back and build it back better and stronger than it ever was. An economic democracy with extremely strong guardrails in place that will never allow this horror to happen again!
Trump and Musk, have bullied their way into a gigantic hornets nest because they are stupid enough to believe that hornets will always remain docile and can be easily conquered. It’s long past time when we need to get together and sting the hell out of them.
Ilene, I am currently working hard to get the word out about William L. Miller's detailed plan to end all of this. I have contacted groups and organizations letting them know about it. If we can amplify this across the nation, we could very well end it sooner rather than later or not at all.
Thank you, Roxana. Unity and circumstances you mentioned are valuable. I hope so for me that we need back up places for documents, not just one. I have so many great concerns, And your plan is a fine one toward one helping with one of them.
I am also concerned about the bravery, as I admire the wonderful people honored today as heroes by Robert Reich. Do you wonder how that is going to be for ordinary citizens? There is much concern. Just his boobies, trying to save people against each other, They also try to separate them, to cut off their lines of communication and support. I am wondering what ways we might have in place to protect us all and to help us each be strong and united.
The GOP in Congress fail to fully grasp that if the 2025/musktrump/oligarchy prevails , there will be no recognizable government, only a puppet Congress (their jobs redundant), no choice, no freedom, no respite from a population suffering illness and starvation, no help for anyone except those at the very top. That is the reality the GOP is willing to usher in to keep their jobs?!! These folks are truly, truly ethically compromised, not to mention, immensely 'stupid'.
I'm wondering just what it will take for the population of Planet Earth to realize that these politicians and billionaires are willing to DESTROY EARTH for nothing more than a few decades of personal power and luxury.
And I'm starting to wonder if Musk LITERALLY WANTS TO DESTROY EARTH in order to FORCE travel to Mars. (Which it won't.)
Eventually, even the MOST "UNDER-EDUCATED" will surely begin to see themselves as victims. (Like residents of Alabama who just received a $100 ADJUSTMENT to their power bill...because of Trump:
"But hundreds of Alabama residents are receiving a $100 surcharge on their energy bills as a direct result of Trump's actions in the White House. About 250 customers of Huntsville Utilities, the public utility company in Huntsville, Alabama, received a letter informing them that their account "has been debited $100." The surcharge occurred because one of Trump's executive orders froze a grant that assists low-income residents with their energy bills.
In an email, Mike Presley of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs confirmed that the letter from Huntsville Utilities was genuine and the $100 increase was the direct result of Trump's executive order."
Hmm, can't say I haven't thought the same thing (musk wanting to annihilate everything). It's all negative attention, like the obnoxious/petulant child who just upended his mother's china cabinet because he can get away with it. Sadly has enablers with their own 'sick' agendas. How far will the insanity go?
PS. Did you see that kid of musk's, that he wears like a neck piece, shhh-ing trump in that very weird presser - imagine, Trump being instructed to be silent from a 4 year old. So revealing about the musk/trump dynamic. Trump has lost his voice, his power, his agency. Musk have some pretty bad shite/payoff/blackmail happening for trump to be humiliated so blatantly and publicly - and take it without saying a word. Think about it...trump was silenced. Trump is NOT in control.
I've been reading about the Oval Office meeting, but I can't force myself to watch it all.
Technically, that CHILD can buy and sell Trump 100 times over by now, and Trump KNOWS IT. While Trump was a millionaire by the time he was 8 yo, I suspect the Musk kid was a MULTI-BILLIONAIRE in half that time.
DOGE is the true Dept of Gaslighting Everyone - including themselves if they actually belive this shite. If your mission is arson to the Federal Gov to move the Actual Gov to Maralogo and sell its image on DOGE the website by X
I was refering to the contents, layout and graphics, 13 years old boy might be too generous. It might have been put togethrt by musks 4 year old “ very smart” son, with the help of some bougers
I noticed that Trump backed down about tariffs when the stock market dipped. I read several substack newsletters where people are wondering what we can do to stop the Trump/Musk wrecking ball. I googled whether general strikes affect the stock market and found an article, but of course, it's not available to me unless I pay for it. It is available at university libraries that I don't have access to. The abstract includes, "Taken together, these results imply that general strikes have serious ramifications for stock market investors."
The article is "The Influence of General Strikes against Government on Stock Market Behavior," Wisniewski et al., Scottish Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 67 Issue 1, pp. 72-99, 2020.
I am sick about the tons of food spoiling in warehouses and on docks while children are starving. Seeing Musk gloating with his healthy child on his shoulders in the Oval Office portrays him as both the richest and most evil man in the world.
Bravery can take many forms - it does not require 50 years as a high ranking civil servant like Robert to influence the course of this History in motion. Reading the referenced article from a Scottish Journal on Political Economy and simoulteously considering that the British Government invented the Potato Famine are ways to divine what is actually happening, The number of zeroes on Musk's net worth is meaningless if he has all the money converted to crypto. Capitalism is the best system that humans have yet invented for working together because money is the measure we use for success, food, shelter, and how we regard ouselves and judge others. The key to effective Government that is truly interested in the welfare of its Nation is to manage the checks and balances - which generally boils down to tamping down Greed. Greedy Capitalist should be an Oxy Moron like Military Intelligence, but sadly it is not because we lack Leaders in DC. When Trump says drain the swamp, he really just means get rid of DC and the Federal Government and move the capital a 4th time. NYC, Philly, DC - then Mar a Lagos. After 40 years of talk to abandon pennies because they cost 4c to make and nobody wants them in their pocket for the past 100 years - Trump got rid of the Penny and the Nickel in Executive Orders. Trump does not care about the History of our great but flawed Nation - he does not care about Lincoln or Jefferson or Money or America. He does not care about anything besides some self inflated notion of himself as the injured child who got laughed at by Hilary and tossed out of polite society in Manhattan.
Robert Reich, Heather Cox Richardson, Joyce Vance and a few others are doing an enormous service by keeping us informed and inspired. It is very easy to be discouraged and depressed but it is not useful.
Representative Jamie Raskin, who has also demonstrated great courage and wisdom, recently said that a mass protest in Washington would be futile, because Trump would mobilize MAGA and use the ensuing chaos to declare Martial Law.
There are several important arguments to dispute this. The first is to stand in support of our civil servants, who are, more than the imposing buildings, the infrastructure of the US Government. The second is to show the world that while the current administration may be mired in corruption, AMERICANS DEFEND DEMOCRACY! The third is that history has shown that when the tanks face the people, it is the soldiers who are powerless. They are after all of the people.
We must be United. We must be peaceful. We must love our neighbors, though they erred by voting for Donald Trump. Project 2025 is a playbook. We must find ours.
Evil scions. The silver spoons dangling from the corner of their mouths like drool, dreaming of apartheid rule over the USA.
The power of organizing people in nonviolent means of civil disobedience is a right indeed. People should unite in numbers to build solidarity and trust in humanity.
The attention seeking bullies and haters will always try to make the world all about them. They use lies and misinformation to create disinformation that perpetuates. They create the fear of the unknown and have solutions to problems that don’t exist.
They surround themselves with sociopaths who believe they are special enough to be in the presence of a great dictator. Their only system of justice is loyalty and the vanity of a mirror to make sure they aren’t getting stabbed in the back.
When we connect with people and tell our stories, they are not much different than anyone else, and we create space for a greater movement to happen.
Knowledge is the diversity and equity that Trump and his racists fear. The ability of people to identify and articulate their unjust laws to rejoice in revelation and pride in demonstrating the very essence of freedom.
Peaceful protest to demonstrate what is a true expression of our Constitutional rights to the great people of this nation, including the people who need to be reminded whose country this is.
Trump has tough us an important lesson: politics is theater (Loni Riefenstahl proved it). Thus, when we do organize protests we better consult with theater professional on how to have the greatest effect, No kidding.
Musk is America's Caligula. I do not believe in reincarnation, but Nero and Caligula seem to be back. American karma? Maybe we should consult our new intelligence chief, Tulsi Gabbard, a Hindu.
If you live in the metro area you may be forced to live outside your comfort zone sooner than later. Wake up and smell the doge💩 either that or plan to move somewhere safe. Where ever that might be, please let the rest of us know.
When I was an intern at the Washington Post, my friend Kirsten Downey covered the Department of Labor, and she took me along for an interview in your office. A genuine highlight of my life.
If we are in a tsunami of darkness - we will have a longer dark age than the middle ages if we do not shine enough light RIGHT NOW. Shine on or look way - that is the only dielectic that any individual has - if they do not actually agree with all of this change sweeping America under the rug. Courage is not about figuring out what happened when the darkness recedes.
Churchill’s quote comes to mind: “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” Keep whatever light you have shining. We need each other. And the future we want cannot arrive or be created without us doing our part.
Musky Trump and his minions are about the stankiest gum every stuck in the sole of America. This disgusting glob is staining the path - creating a stretch of American History that will be an obscenity when studied in futured schools. The Future is murky and can never be fully seen until we have a rear view mirror and that is for future generations. Of course we will have schools in the Future - even if Trump elminates the Dept of Education under the World Wrestling Federation and moves Title 1 and Special Education to the Defense Department. We are alive now - and this gob needs to get out of our shoes to save our souls and the soul of America. Our ancestors are watching and so are our great grandchildren
The ship of state is sinking and the orange menace and Muskrat have stolen the lifeboats. We may all end up swimming. Thankfully they blew a hole in the hull close to shore, so if we resist powerfully now we may still have a chance.
Everyone who refuses to comply is doing something. I read your link. You are not saying anything either. By implication you appear to say that a violent or disruptive response is the only type that will work. I sincerely hope you are wrong. Personally, I refuse to entertain violence as an option. Resistance can take many forms, but it works best if we do it together. We are humans, and it always takes time to form the coalitions necessary to overcome evil with good, but that is what we must do, overcome evil with good. I am quite willing to listen to any suggestion you make to this end.
I think what Cody is saying is, "I can get LOTS of these people to waste their valuable time reading my "wisdom", and then waste more of their time making responses."
Thanks for running Cody's misplaced angst to ground. This desire to burn down America in response to what Trump has done as a way to save us is fatally flawed. Hate has never conquered Hate - it only destroys the Future for a lot of generations to come. We good people who regard ourselves as such and do not need any external affirmations must find the ways that we can Resist this coup in our own small way that works.
Professor Reich: AGREED! government employees are really inspiring -- and true patriots -- for their determination to protect the country, its citizens and the data they are responsible for.
For God's sake. Stop with the criticism and post about the creative and courageous acts you undertake. Be an inspiration instead of a whiner. You are impressing no one.
Speaking of "persisted" (and the PERSISTENT Ms. Warren!):
Do people realize WHY the CFPB was shut down?
It's because it would interfere with MUSK'S intentions to CHEAT HIS CUSTOMERS in the payment program he has partnered with VISA to start:
"The 'More Sinister' Reason Behind Musk's Attack on Consumer Agency
Recent days have seen a full-frontal assault on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Trump's favorite billionaire has much to gain personally if the agency no longer has the ability to operate effectively on behalf of the American people."
I hope Visa regrets their decision. Are there that many lowlife magats out there that this might appeal to, enough to 'lose' other VISA cardholders with a conscience? Boycotts can be effective. Passive resistance can work.
Chiquita is a beautiful shelter dog, and even your hate won't change that.
And I named her in HONOR of the countless Mexican laborers working in local agriculture, construction and hospitality. (I obtained her around the 2016 election, and every time I call her, I'm also celebrating justice and equality.) You know, the hard working people, struggling to feed their families just like ALL of us. But THEY actually help keep produce prices low, and I doubt the same is true of you, Cody.
The same people who contribute TENS of BILLIONS of dollars to social safety nets EVERY year, with no hopes of ever collecting a cent, and actually LOWER the crime rate overall with their substantially lower crime rate than the rate for American citizens.
Add to the list AltNPS, who have kept their members and the public informed about communications sent to federal workers. Our National Parks employees represent what is best about America, and work to preserve and protect our crown jewels. They deserve our praise and support for standing atrong.
Hmm I'm a retired member of a public sector union and in the past couple weeks i've been bombarded with anti union mail. Some really deceptive some aggressive. I guess they're trying to counter in the influx. They can stuff their anti union mail. 😡
Thank you, Robert, for showing what actual patriotism looks like, when integrity stands strong in the face of #TrumpTyranny.
Trying to shut the door on voices like these is how Trump and Musk are #SquanderingAmericasGreatness as collateral damage to all of their graft.
The Common Thread is that if had Investigated DJT, or Musk, you will get fired.... Simplistic DJT, and Autistic Musk, are both Motivated by Greed, and Vengeance...
I agree, it's called evil actually.
Tune In To The State Dept's Purchase Of Amoured CyberTrucks For $400 Million... And Musk Shutdown USAID For Corruption... Elon Musk Is Indeed EVIL...
If any human is truly evil - its is Musk. He is a Neuralinked cyborg with several syndromes - including the psychotic childhood in a police state of apartheid who has a high IQ only because he is a freak of nature or an alien. Make this man leave planet earth in his rocket man or send him to the molten core in his boring machine
IQ test scores are simply reflections of intellectual obsessions and limitations of the men and women who designed them. Dunning Kruger for Geeks.
The victor writes the history books and Victor NeuroDivergent wrote the IQ Test. Victor is not familiar with anything other than White Culture - and he also has a weird facial tic
We know that there are many types of intelligence.
Test scores reflect the background environment of a person being tested and whether it coincides with that of the writers of the questions.
A person scoring highly on one type of intelligence test might not be familiar at all with terms and questions on another test. The fact does not diminish the value of high scores in any area. The point is to give credit to highly intelligent individuals who excel in other areas. Neither is a person limited to only one type of intelligence. Long ago, and sadly, I think, it seemed that not everyone recognized the gifts of intelligence in various areas. We are fortunate that there are more types of intelligence.
Like today, maybe, before it’s too late?
Like today - as in what are we waiting for? A sunny day in the Rain of BS and overt thievery and absolute buggery or some sort of shift in their collection consciousness of a greater america than ever that includes all of North America, parts of Ukraine, Israel and all of Palestine plus the right to finally build Trump Towers Moscow Mule
That’s a lot of doge shit
stinks like a nasty pile of shit from poorly digested dog food and Micky Ds
I'm trying to get "Icky and the STOOGES" to gather some traction.
But a bit dated, and more than a bit convoluted.
Was this contract put out where other companies could compete?
Also, is this normal? Does the government usually buy this much armored vehicles? What will they use them for? Are they planning on using them on citizens?
Remember the armored Tesla that they displayed and were showing off the shatter-proof window? They threw something at the window and it shattered. You would think that Elon would have tested it before making this presentation. He musk (must) be a genius.
Mr. genius names his kid "X" and steals the name "Tesla". He can't even come up with a name on his own.
I saw it on tv last night. I think it references the trucks. Maybe he's unable to load them off onto anyone else.... and maybe the 19-20ish year old digital insurgents rooting around in (and changing?) all our personal data feel the need to be "protected" (or look cool).
My thought exactly, Midwest, but I did not want to express it.
Unfortunately, it's long been my belief that they are absolutely comfortable 'using them against us just as they would those in any other country.'
If you really want to know - then ask that rhetorical question to Musk and Trump and the specialized steel maker that folded that metal. They can tell you precisely why 3 Muskateers have a desire for a few hundred million bucks and a bunch of Tesla branded thick plated proto tank trucks
My thoughts exactly.
Gee, I wonder why I haven't heard this on main street media?
That is because this Revolutionary Coup will not be Televisionized
Come on, Elon has to move that junk some way or another.
Why dont he mve that junk in his pants into some other hole.
I saw one of those vehicles in public once, not knowing what it was. I wondered why anybody would want one.
From its appearance, it seems that the sloping front and back might help reduce wind resistance of its weight in either direction, forward or back. I have not yet read to see what metals are involved, but it reminds me of the recently announced controls T. is wanting to put on some metals. Maybe that is a baby step to control of more elements.
The cyber truck is made of stainless steel, extremely heavy. Stupid clown car vehicle. It weighs about 6,700 pounds, more than twice as heavy as my Prius. Overpriced piece of crap.
I read that the cyber truck sales are way way down from the initial hype. But it appears that Tesla stock is tanking for other reasons as well. The timing drops as Musk takes on the presidency! Also, BYD now is flooding the market with cars at 1/3 the price. Apparently, Musk's great wealth is in Tesla Shares mostly. So if Tesla continues to tank, Musk's inflated wealth will tank as well. Recall that stock price is determined by what people think, and all around the world Musk's status is sinking.
It seems to be a really stupid design. I have been somewhat involved with house construction. Nearly every worker wants a pickup truck. We see vans of various sizes. Those basic shapes make sense.
Knowing the Musk ripped off the engineers who started the company that became Tesla, I suspect that the first sedan was heavily influenced by the engineers. .... Then the design of subsequent vehicles didn't change in shape, just is dimensions. So, I suspect the Musk made the Cyber Truck shape.
Trucks need to carry stuff. You don't carry stuff on a sloped deck! That is just stupid. Vans carry stuff with a roof overhead. The useable space in a Van is cut in half with a sloped roof overhead. Again, the Cyber truck is plain Stupid.
I used to think that air drag was a major factor is the power required to move a vehicle. But the issues are speed and weight.
As weight increases, rolling resistance increases. Try pushing your car, and you can see that it is considerable, and influenced by the flex of the tires. The rolling resistance is constant regardless of speed. There are some drags that are proportional to speed. I think wind resistance at very low speeds, drag is proportional. Wind resistance depends on shape, and velocity squared when turbulent. So wind drag is important at high speeds.
I drive a Kia Niro SUV shape, My son drives a Tesla. They both get the same MPGE. So wind drag is usually not a big factor. Weight and tire pressure are more important.
That stink tank is not a viable vehicle because it has a blink spot bigger than an inflated head
Musk is having Trump appointees buy these ugly trucks since they have been a huge failure in the private marketplace.
I hope they must use their own money to buy the junk.
Private Marketplace is getting distorted by AI and X - telling me what I think I want simply because I had that Idea and they caught it in their NeuralNet
Musk went after USAID because they were having him investigated. During a hearing at the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Accountability in September, USAID Inspector General Paul K. Martin told Congress that the agency was examining its relationship with Starlink, one of Musk's most prominent tech ventures.
In 2022, USAID and Starlink collaborated to provide 5,000 Starlink terminals to Ukraine, to give the country fighting Russian invasion access to Musk's advanced internet system, operated through SpaceX, as reported by The Lever.
"In addition to another ongoing audit on direct budget support, we are examining USAID's Energy Security Project, USAID's oversight of Starlink Satellite Terminals provided to the Ukrainian government, and USAID's efforts to protect against sexual exploitation and abuse in Ukraine," Martin told Congress.
This is why Musk says out loud that he Musk Must or "They" will take America from Ukraine
I suppose people are aware that the "fatality rating" (human death toll) for this POS truck is about SEVENTEEN TIMES that of the Ford Pinto?
"Report: Elon’s Cybertrucks Are Deadlier Than Infamous Ford Pintos
It’s just the latest reason to be skeptical of the car’s safety record."
It is a Overpriced, Ugly, Deadly, Incel-Mobile...
In other words...
Wow . . . just Wow, is all I can say. It is Musk and Trump who are spending all the money, not anyone else!
Repubs have ALWAYS driven up the deficit with gifts to the rich, and then Dems have no choice but to drive it up further, trying to undo the damage done to the poor by the GOP gifts to the rich.
Admittedly, this is to a far more extreme degree, but really just more of the same "hate/victimize the poor" politics.
Ralph Nader is popping out of the Equator and driving a pinto into the 3 Muskateers to destroy this nonsense. Nobody needs a cyber truck with a blind spot so big. This is a precursor and way for 'them' or Him to know who is the most brain washed
One of the contractors I use put up money to get a Cyber truck. But that was before they actual gave it a price. He cancelled on price. But, I'm sure that he will look back on his initial infatuation with the ugly beast with regret.
It's also a manifestation of severe mental illness. Both musk and trump display textbook characteristics of malignant narcissism (they behave on the outside as if they are the centre of the universe while inside they are deeply, deeply insecure). If you start looking at all of the people surrounding this musk/trump administration, they too exhibit many of the same self fixated, aggrandizement traits. Sadly, what they all seem to have in common - "cruelty". These are sick people making "sick" decisions.
The scary part?
75,000,000 Americans see Trump as something so much like them that they see their very survival is dependant on HIS survival.
How can ANYONE look at The Killer Wail...and see themselves?!?!
My son & I were picking up trash on the Rillito trail as we walked to Arroyo Henge, a sun circle caliberated to alignment with Equinoxes & Solstices. Once at the henge enjoying ourselves, a magat enters the circle & gets on his knees, outstretches his arms & begins a bowing ritual of cultist worship to the felon, & appealing for protections & praises to the felon. We left with great unsettling. I suppose I should return to massively sage out the desecration performed at my henge. As always, a Democrat having to clean up after the messes of repugs.
That must have been painful for everyone.
And perhaps the worst? It seems obvious that this person was playing to an audience of one, and this is meant to get them to the "First Second Buddy" level of sycophancy.
And it just may succeed...
I share your outrage, Leslie. I also find it disappointing and unsettling that a pagan would support the orange blob.
It would indeed have to be a massive amount of sage to cleanse the space.
Lesley Lillywhite, It would take an awful lot of sage to remove the stink of Trump and any other MAGA maggot!
The druids built StoneHenge only to have the British turn it into a tourist trap. Past Knowledge is stored in the great library of Alexander - who was a King and Pharoah and may have actually believed in the power of the Human Mind to Grow - but then the Romans destroyed that and Solomons Temple and other temples that we have yet to re discover - and converted the words of Jesus into some new form of control with layers of beuracracy called priests, nuns and alter boys
Those who watch only Fox news and other MAGA media have been duped.
Yes, skillfully duped by fraudsters who intend to plunder them (and us).
In my very limited experience, 3 out of 3 Magas only watched Fox.
Those who only watch tv for new are fully duped. Read a book about history or talk to someone on the street
White tribalists need a white chief, the greater the better. This is the law of the jungle, and it is not compatible with the US Constitution.
I've been in this fight since the south was still LEGALLY RACIST (i.e. - segregated.)
But thanks for the thought behind this important and timely newsflash.
Too much is almost always better than the opposite, at least as far as honest info.
The greatest White Chef is not even good at cooking
What they see is someone they believe is STRONG and who will SAY IT LIKE IT IS, to whomever, whenever..... something they wish they could do.
I think it's safe to say that we ALL want that.
But most of us don't want it badly enough to DESTROY THE PLANET to achieve it..
That is true - even if they have zero clue what it is or what he say. What he say? Who Be Boo
Assuming that the elections wasn't stolen.
You mean, stollen(sic)?
I'm starting to think that some of these morons will end up with "The Election was stollen!" FACE TATTOOS!
ANYTHING to be "beloved of Trump", regardless of that thing once known as "a fact".
No doubt that both of these men are fully demented - by their genes, their past, their failure to lead a life of meaningful introspection or personal growth - they simply want things that come from the pit of unresolved past traumas. All of this drama is from Trauma and now they are inflicting their diseases on us and blaming Fauci for trying to protect us
True - you can't spell TRUMP without TRaUMa.
Both men suffer from autocratic emotionless fathers.
Trauma - Trump is P. P for Piece of U or Me
The mental illness is a personality disorder called sociopathy. Textbook cases. Especially Trump and Musk. Now another crack-pot, RFK Jr. is coming on board. They confirmed "Russia's Girl" yesterday. Boy, America is really on its way to something. It will make Dr. Oz look like a real scholar.
Republicans are using Trump, Musk, RFK jr as tools to wreak the federal government. Trump and his associates are using Republicans as tools to gain control of the country's wealth. It is the new Confederacy.
Sounds precisely correct! The "faith" people.
It is the KKK - Krack it Kill it and Klaim it as Amerika in the name of Nelson Mandelabra
OZ is a scholar of how the Yellow Bricks are the Gold they stole
They got no empathy, no kindness, no compassion and no human traits whatsoever. Cyborgs and nasty no good ones at that.
The AI and Automation have already met their Singularity in Big Data Boy with a Neurolink and several worms he got from RFKs son
Evil does not actually exist - these are flawed human beings - being horible to the planet, their constituents - and even themselves. These are lost brats and bullies grown into powerful people seeking more power using age old methods
OK, don't call it evil. I will call it evil or sociopathy or psychopathy or amorality or sadism or craven criminality. It is ALL of that.
Sadism is right on target: The deriving of pleasure from cruelty.
This is the closest proximity to what the new Muskateers are - several Sadists Liars with the audicity to think of words like False News and Witch Hunt when in reality they are the it that they describe and create enough FUD for Elmer Fudd. Fear, Uncertainty and Dread are not good for a free economy
Oh, yes, evil does actually exist, and Trump Musk personify it. They are not simply flawed human beings, worthy of our empathy. They are worthy of nothing but our solid and unyielding contempt.
I am filled with contempt for both of these flawed human or whatever we try to call them. They do personify something but I cannot call it true evil because I do not think such a thing exists. No Dog is Evil when they bite - particularly a domesticated breed that is left out on a chain in the rain and deprived of love. That is a sad animal. That animal is a victim of some sort of dude or family that has developed a code of cruelty but the dog is not Evil. The kid whose dad puts his foot on the sad dog and is hit by his dad and uncle is not evil when he gets a dog 15 years later and beats it in to submission - or his wife or kids. Even the King of Pop was not Evil in his Neverland years when you consider his Dad
Weird post. Why bring dogs into it? Of course dogs aren't evil. No matter what they do, they're innocent creatures.
Humans, on the other hand, are capable of getting past their traumas. I was abused as a child, and chose NOT to repeat the patterns of my family. In the cases of drumpf and muck, they quite deliberately choose to inflict pain, as often as possible. THAT is evil. It's also sociopathic.
I know Love; therefore I recognize hate. I know Goodness; therefore I acknowledge the other side of the coin exists. I forgive the dog as that is the creature's place within Biological classification, & as a human, I make the distinction. felon & muskito are unfortunately humans, so no forgiveness as afforded to the dog. I also believe they were Born with such evils, behavioral modifications only contributed into allowing it to emerge.
While it is important for us to understand and to know the correct descriptive behavioral terms, and while we still interpret the ill-intended behaviors, the facts remain that we must find ways to protect people and our country in many ways. How can we do that beyond the suits and wise legal actions which have been, are, and will be taking place? How can anyone reach the minds of people with such mental conditions in order to help our country or to help people in any situation? It seems that most of us are not qualified to help a person or animal with the afflictions, despite any efforts. We need everyone to be safe.
In a sense, I agree.
I find it difficult to hate Trump, any more than I would hate a lion for killing a gazelle. He's hardly even human enough to place in the same category with the rest of us.
But it's becoming a bit easier over time...
Foofaraw & Chiquita, my mom use to tell me I should never hate because hate is evil. I understand the message she was trying to convey; however, in the orange man and musk-rat case, I will say that I strongly detest, despise, abhor and abominate those two demons!
"Lord forgive them for they know not what they do" should be replaced by "Evil is as evil does". It's past time for all of them to receive consequences. They lie and rationalize what they do. They know fully well that what they are doing is wrong. Divine justice would be if they get a taste of their own "medicine".
Understood, Peggy.
There were two words we were not allowed to use when I was small. One of them was "hate".
Your mother was wise, as was mine, but "the times they are a changin'!"
Yes, I can feel immeasurable disgust with no problem.
But I do think Trump is an INCREDIBLE president! (The actual definition of "in-credible" IS NOT being "wonderful", as Trump obviously thinks it is, but rather, "not credible/believable", the way the dictionary makes clear.
Yes, Trump is "incredible", as in "not believable".
Peggy, our mothers both taught us not to hate. Like you, I find it challenging when there are such behaviors coming from a person.
Long ago, many decades ago, while in a small group discussion and far away from anyone who would harm another person, I decided that it was not the person we would hate, but that we strongly disapproved of what the person did. Now I sometimes wonder, especially when horrible and cruel behaviors happen in rapid succession, or happened at all, It can become very difficult to separate a person from his behaviors.
Whatever the reason for the behaviors, our country and much of the world are being affected by them. When people outnumber the ones causing harm, it still seems that something could be done to help the good people and to save our country.
The lion operates on instinct and physical survival mechanisms. It bears the gazelle no grudge.
The orange blob and muck make choices, and the cruelty is quite deliberate, because they get off on it. Big difference.
Thank you so much. You are a hero as well by continuing to inform us and speaking with honest courage. PS in San Diego
It's also intimidation, the kind mobsters use; and for the love of God, why aren't Americans in HUGE numbers standing up to this and saying NO!! There are protests, yes, but so far they pale in comparison to the protests in Germany (GERMANY, for crying out loud!) protesting the right-wing neo-Nazi type of movements. They pale in comparison to the protests in Hong Kong when the Chinese government's power was used to smash dissent - and those protesters' lives and freedom were in danger!
Elisse Slotkin's speech before the vote on Tulsi Gabbard's confirmation was excellent and came from Slotkin's background in the CIA and other security positions as well as time in war in Iraq and Afghanistan. A serious speech from a legitimate background in Intelligence - and Gabbard was confirmed anyway. What are the MAGATs afraid of? Or maybe the question should be: why aren't they afraid of what they are doing??!
Somebody needs to be telling the MAGATs in power the real-life stories of Americans who gave their LIVES and LIMBS, who acted IN SPITE OF fear, terror, facing death, danger, who were afraid - but they did not hand over the country to thieves, criminals, fascists!! Somebody needs to be calling them out by name and calling out their cowardice and treason!
Thump has invited Putin to the U.S., people. What in the world is happening, and why?!
Trump owes Putin his presidency - had Putin not meddled in 2016, Trump would be back on reality TV peddling burgers or steaks or some other worthless nonsense (..... oh, wait, he's still doing that, isn't he?)
So Trump has to invite the Dictator and will fawn over him like the star-struck imbecile that he is - not even realizing that the old KGB agent has been manipulating him for years now. Poor Donnie, he's too ignorant or too arrogant to admit he got played --- or maybe the reality is that Trump is fine with selling out his own country and his soul for the illusion of grandeur.
Back in the first T administration he refused to allow translators to listen to his conversations with Putin, and I always thought he should have been called out then.Neither of them holds themselves responsible to any other human.
The first invitees to the Oval office were Russians, and he did not allow notes to be taken or anyone else in there to hear or record what was being said. It was obvious that he was, and is a Russian plant.
DOZENS of people and evil demons own it's obese "soul." (I think Satan will give Pootin a chance to whip it's pet . . . before being once again plunged into the lake of fire.)
My only solace is that both Putin and the Orange Turd are both old, decrepit men and will (hopefully soon) die and hopefully the people will then be able to takeback their rights. .
Annie, thank you for your protests and for bringing awareness to Ms. Slotkin's display of courage. Prof Reich has shown again his firm grasp of the dire situation we face as a nation and has confirmed the courage of those who have confronted this tyranny. All public servants must follow these fine examples and reject the lawless decrees of this rogue regime at every turn. April 19th will be the 250th anniversary of the "shot heard 'round the world" and our voices as citizens need to roar on that day. Surrender is not an option.
I would feel so much more confident and complimentary of Slotkin and so many other Democrats if they would vote against every single one of thump's nominees, but instead they are voting for far too many, including some of the WORST ones. Why are they doing that?? I do worry that Elisse Slotkin thinks of herself as an "up and comer" in politics and may be showing ambition rather than principle, since principle would have her NOT voting for so many of thump's nominees! Slotkin said very definitely that she would be voting against Gabbard, but Gabbard is only one of the vile mob now installed to work against us and she did vote FOR others. For all of our elected Democratic officials, that needs to stop! NO cooperation, none. If you cooperate you are complicit.
More information on April 19 protests please.
Professor Reich wrote a column on the subject a couple or so days ago. Maybe you can look in his recent columns for that information.
Trump says honesty and integrity is for losers. One can see his preferences in the ones he picked to lead agencies.
THE PINO ( president in name only) still wants a hotel in Moscow. He'll likely get one. In the meantime putin's little girlfriend tg will have a special suite near her boss in the krimeland. And if the Ukrainians give up their fight for independence from russian tyranny, which they will not do, there will something garish built in Kyiv.
I, too, think (and fervently hope) that the Ukrainians will not subjugate themselves -- they know what it's like to live under Russian tyranny. Putin even had the gall to steal their children - why make a deal with the Devil?
Trump obviously intends to rape Ukraine and despoil it. Peace comes at a price.
Love the new acronym-PINO!
What that orange idiot is doing breaks my heart.
Why? White supremacy and xenophobia.
The MAGATs in power don't give a rat's ass about real heroes, Annie. That's the point.
Annie Cross, thank you for expressing these thoughts. Yes, wondering how anyone in Congress could go along with his behaviors and unqualified, and even harmful appointments has been the repeated question. Your asking why they would go along with them speaks volumes! They must be in on something and apparently are choosing to sacrifice their oaths and promises to us, who are “We the People”, by their condoning of his cruel, illegal, unethical, and pure mean behaviors. All trust is lost in those followers. With the loss of that trust is the possible loss of our country. We need total recognition and understanding by the able citizens, and we need strength in finding ways to save our country.
The slime in Dump's cabinet is unbelievable! Kennedy getting confirmed today makes him another lockstepper! My Dad was in Norway when the Nazi's marched into Oslo in 1940. 5 years of hell ensued. All freedoms were restricted. My Dad was only 20 years old at the time. He was part of the Norwegian military. Dumper is a 5 time draft dodger and cowardly piece of s**t! Wake up folks! Complain about Dump meeting with Putin in the White House and trying to steal land from Ukraine in exchange for an unjust peace. Bust the balls of the cowardly Republican Speaker and most of the Republican Congress Reps. Threaten to fire them if they don't get off of their a**es and get to work! Now!🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
What's happening is that the corruption that has always been in American politics has finally metastasised into something malignant enough to get your attention. Trump is the reaper of what has always been a fertile crop.
Nigel B: Although you would not know this, MY attention has been "gotten" for a very long time. I've seen the patterns, the plots and the playbooks unfolding for many years from what they used to call themselves, "Republicans." They have, as is said, played the long game. Mitch McConnell was a lead architect of the judicial take-over, appointment by appointment, year by year. State houses in so many states, media and propaganda and division over so many years, and they are finally "winning" and they are thrilled to think that their boots are on the necks of "liberals" of "lefties" and all the other silly names they use. But it is when Democrats showed their own version of crass opportunism and exploitation of position that a certain level of cynicism and skepticism set in. I was an "early adopter" of disgust at Bill and Hillary Clinton's co-opting of Republican practices that yielded big bucks in the "dialing for dollars" from Big Corporations game. Bill co-opted New Gingrich's craven ideas, only slightly modified, and the Democratic Party became the DNC and the Clinton cult and money-money-money became the motivator, not policies and progress. Jimmy Carter was a pretty terrific Democrat and the last real Democratic President and he was virtually reviled by the DNC types, including the Clintons. If the Democratic Party had known what it stood for, defined clearly and reflective of popular ideas (like single payer, universal health care coverage that was highly favored until the Clintons successfully squashed it in deference to Big Insurance) and COMMUNICATED articulately and effectively, I am convinced we would not be in the abomination we are in now. Instead the "triangulation," the "move to the center....move MORE to the like the Republicans but with fake "compassion" that "feels your pain" or goes on endlessly about the "empty chair at the table...." and all the rest of the "empathy show" - if the DNC had not chosen our candidates FOR us instead of WITH us - and so on and so on and so on..... we might be in a state of sociopolitical nirvana. Instead, we are, as they say, effed. And while WE are effed, I do note that the Bushes (war crimes!), the Obamas (hard not to love them, but still...) and the Bidens (not sorry he's out of the picture) and the Clintons ('nuff said) - mostly silent while the country is headed very fast towards the end of the amazing and beautiful experiment. THEY are all very, very wealthy now and doing what exactly with their wealth....?? Meanwhile, folks on Social Security, Medicare (almost totally privatized.... are ya happy, Democrats?), Medicaid and all the other programs and agencies of all kinds are tense at best, terrified at worst, as we all wait and watch for the next thrust of the axe. (Hegseth should be avoided in that "game" - he was on TV axe-throwing and almost taking out some band member. Leave the axe throwing to muskie and thump; they are out for blood.)
Part of the problem is the size of our country. The size of European countries are easier to protest and connect to.
Our country is too big!
Every day I keep repeating “does not compute” over and over and over
With 76% of Americans NOT having voted the rapist Traitor, I'm VERY surprised . . . but it won't be long now!
Carnage? Trump seems to see it everywhere.
Problem is that in this country everyone saw what is carnage: inflation goes up, price of eggs soaring sky high, Ukraine for sale, trade war coming.
That people believed in the twisted reality of Trump is unbelievable. In a democracy countervailing power should take over, but when....?
No, most of what he "saw" isn't even an issue this far after the campaign.
Fentanyl? Rarely mentioned.
High prices? "I don't care."
Ukraine? "I love Putin!"
Gaza? "We're gonna be SO RICH!"
Tariffs? America's poor will be paying a 100% POVERTY TAX!
As far as America's "fears"?
It's all about protecting racist white boys over DEI now, and almost none of his other urgent "concerns" still even exist.
Wait'l he tanks the Stock market!
I suspect that's part of the deal.
With "appropriate parties" prepared to dodge the hit, and the rest of us losing our 401Ks and investments.
Is Social Security an investment? I know our home is.
Excellent point!
Thank you, Peggy.
And you're no slouch yourself!!!
Why thank you, foofaraw & Chiquita!
You have their responses pegged, foofaraw. When they tout those thoughts, they know they have every right, but if anyone responds politely with a calmly stated fact or a question, watch out!
Those ppl are like frump, muskrat & just along for the ride vance.
If I remember correctly, during the campaign we heard lies about "fentanyl crossing the Mexican border in huge amounts" about 1,000 time a day.
I guess it must be fixed, since we hear NOTHING now, and Trump is PAST BLINKING where Mexican/Canadian TAXES ON THE POOR/tariffs are concerned.
Now we have to worry about dumpster inviting his old boyfriend pootie to spend the night in the Lincoln bedroom
Yes, Melissa, but since Trump pretty much GUTTED The White House of its historical artifacts after his first "firing" (and no doubt he feels that is an appropriate price for the "disloyalty" of the majority of Americans), I suspect even Putin has less interest.
All the good stuff is already STOLLEN(sic).
Your probably right, stolen, smeared with catsup or smashed.
I hate to think what might have happened if some of the art was of CATS!
"Gotta grab 'em!"
I think Putin will want "Biltmore - The Largest Residence Built in America".
It is REALLY nice...
It would not surprise me to learn that tRUMP was profiting from Fentanlyl trafficking.
At least indirectly, there's no question.
Also in the context of forcing leverage on China, which will eventually turn out to be what it actually is...
China as a backup, in case Putin wants more than Trump has to offer. (People at each other's throats is Trump's entire part and parcel, after all. Why should it be different for nations, especially with Trump being better friends with America's mortal enemies than our friends?)
Twisted for sure.
By adding the word "Autistic" to Musk's name demeans people with autism, since the impression is that it is a negative and unacceptable characteristic. I agree with your statement, but you lost the point with that one word.
Thank you, Nancy!!!
Yes, it's important to understand autism (and those expressing autism, such as myself), but NOT to have it treated as if one of the CAUSES of Musk's derangement.
Most autistic people do NOT want to "destroy the world". In fact, I only know of one such autistic person.
There are wonderful people who are on the spectrum of autism, caring people, wise, accomplished, and dedicated people, people of many talents, yet as individuals neurology can vary.
To imply, think or wonder if a person is on the spectrum is not something to suggest regarding negative behaviors. If anyone thought so, it would be wise to rethink the comment and to understand that a professional diagnosis is the determining factor. Even when a professional diagnosis is made, as I understand it, it is not a negative Indication or label. I, an untrained person, believe such a diagnosis merely explains the way some of the thinking takes place.
With no disrespect to anyone, I do want to take the opportunity to suggest removing that one word in the description I read, and I hope that these few nonprofessional words will help toward understanding. I have a high degree of respect and appreciation for the people who do know and who do fit degrees of the diagnosis. Again, the word autism is not one we lay people can diagnose; neither should we apply it loosely to anyone or consider it uncomplimentary. Knowing that might be helpful.
Little toddler boys wanting all the toys and pitching fits when they don't get their way!
their minds are stunted and deformed, like the more primitive part of their brain, reptilian perhaps, is the dominate part, or maybe they have undiagnosed/diagnosed brain damage that causes them to act out. The result is a deformed mind in an adult body. What’s wrong with those “men” is not autism. It’s sick for musk to use that as some kind of excuse for his hideous behavior.
Melissa, the way I understand it, sociopaths, psychopaths, some autistics do not have the emotional mental capacity to feel empathy, compassion or love. They feel hate, rage and want to inflict pain. A lot of these people in this administration fit one or more of those categories.
So true.
TREASON, TREACHERY, next comes KILLING, when they think they have a chance! This group should have been boycotting, protesting over a year ago. Did not voting work out GREAT for you'all???
Please don’t refer to Musk as autistic. As the grandmother of an autistic grandson, I can assure you that Musk cannot blame his actions on any neuro diversity. He is just malicious and self serving. He is also a racist and misogynist. Musk and Trump share many traits including extreme narcissism and greed. Autistic people do not share these traits.
Bravo, Janice, for explaining more concisely to the point, than I did. You are so right, and everybody needs to understand that concept. I think understanding is the key, and that people who understands do not miss label and to miss use the term. The fact that it was misused gives us an opportunity to help spread understanding.
The descriptors the person needed in defining the person causing havoc, are faults of character and faults of values. I hope that the various people who kindly contributed thoughts on the topic, have helped in gaining that important understanding.
Greed is one thing. Thirsting for absolute power is another and it’s what defines Trump, Musk, and all the Brown Shirt wannabes who support them. To the barricades!
Please do not use his autism as a casue of Muck' vile behavior. People with autism have enough stigma to overcome. And it can have consequences about how they feel about themselves when a perpetrator is labeled for his autism, consequences with serious consequences.
Muck and Trump's lack of empathy seem to be human characteristic now. Some scientist have shown that the centers of the brain that fire when empathy is triggered are not active on video meetings but are firing constantly when meetings are face to face. Use of IT and games, meeting through videos may explain why we did not see people out on the streets when immigrants were being handcuffed and put on defense aircraft back to whatever they fled. Or when concentration camps were opened in Guantanamo.
Thanks for your consideration.
Good point!
I wish people would stop referring to Musk as autistic. Autistic people are not malicious, narcissistic, racist, misogynistic, arrogant, selfish, greedy. Musk is all of the above and more.
Autistic people can be as subject to those behaviors and attitudes you list as can non-autistic people. There is no hard and fast one-persona for any category of human behavior or disordered personality/ability. There are savants in all kinds of singular categories - music, math, memory, etc. and there are autistic people who are not savants, not kind, not sweet personalities at all. Generalizations do not serve understanding well at all.
Musk is an odd duck and does not generally arouse affection in others, from what I've read about him. He does seem to collect the attention and affection of women, but then so does Rupert Murdoch and donald thump and there are men and women for whom money-money-money will enable them to "love" anything. There is a name for that.
We can diagnose and discuss diagnoses out the wazoo, but there is wide range of demonstrated/observed behaviors that often get diagnosed within the autism "spectrum." Asperger's syndrome is often popularly generalized as someone rather socially odd but otherwise brilliant, so to speak, and, again, big generalization.
I think the bottom line is that empathy for anyone with any kind of disorder is one thing; wanting someone with a disorder that might manifest in very disturbing ways is quite another. musky is one set of problematic behaviors; thump is another. Of the two, thump seems far more dangerous, menacing, soul-less, amoral.
Perhaps obsessive, compulsive.
The common thread of the DOJ will be irrelevant if it is run by a hardened trump loyalist. They will flip the tables on the blood letting at the Temple because they dont want any money to go to poor people or POC or Special Education or anything like that
Indeed. Mike Johnson, Like JD Vance, is a Christian In Name Only--they are CINOs.
I agree with you and you should know that the vast majority of Autistics don’t stand with Musk. The Autism Self-Advocacy Network is actively fighting against Trump policies. Musk is only referred to as “autistic” (little “a” since he’s clearly not a member of the community and culture) when he is being a horrifying example of a human. Call out his ACTIONS not his condition - using autism as a scapegoat only increases the ableism and real threats to autistic lives.
Hello Sarah... I was only repeating only his own Declarations... Asperger's, Autism, etc... Regardless, Elon seems to have a very Simplistic, Robotic understanding of the Consequences of his Actions...
And motivated by avoiding accountability. Musk is trying to shut down agencies that are investigating his misconduct. Just think trump has expunged the record of the Jan 6 insurrection and pardoned all the perpetrators. And this guy is the president of the world's greatest nation. That fact alone suggests that "There is something rotten in Denmark."
Muskrat and the billionaires who bought the election are conducting a social experiment. They are toying with lives here in the US and around the world. People have and will die because USAID was stopped from delivering food and medications to people who no other source to turn to for these necessities.
We are the richest country the world has ever known. We have the money and resources to both take care of our own people and those in need around the world. We have worked with other countries to provide this aide.
The hubris and greed of muskrat, orange blight, the oligarchs and techbros is like nothing we've ever experienced before. If they could take all the oxygen for themselves, the would.
Hey now, let’s not insult all neurodivergent people by using labels like “Autistic Musk”! It is not his autism that causes him to do evil things, it is because he is an oligarchist with a sense of entitlement and a quest for even more money and power. There are a plethora of people in the autistic community who do not condone his behaviors due to our strong sense of justice. And we are just as angry at Trump and Musk as the rest of you!
Thank the people for doing what is right and just. They show courage and we should all send them a message that we appreciate their duty to uphold the Constitution from Tyranny of Trump carried out by Musk.
Trumpet 🎺 may win but a strong resistance is being made who took an oath to protect and defend our country from foe foreign and Domestic.
Congress has a Task of standing up to Trumpet 🎺 and the Wanker Mike Johnson one big bill to spend us into a devaluation of our currency…
Well said!
Bravo, Leonardo! Thank you!
@Achieving, Thank you for writing. I simply would add that these profiles in courage demonstrate as increasingly more of us engage in the increasingly widespread resistance and opposition, we increase our odds of clawing back power and repairing some amount of the damage.
Yes, great rivers begin as small rivulets.
What we are witnessing now and will be seeing more of in the future is the rise of these many individuals ensconced in morality and courage as exemplified by these “Profiles in Courage” highlighted in RR’s essay.
I recommend the book, Blessed Unrest, as it "details the remarkable range, diversity and public involvement in organizations dedicated to environmental and animal issues around the world. Mr Hawken argues persuasively that something like one person in five globally are working for peace, climate, habitat, ecology, creature protection, justice, income equality, education, women’s issues, voting rights and so on." If you read it you will be glad you did.
Thank you for the reference, Marc.
Thank you, Marc Nevas.
Marc, thanks for the book recommdation!
Many join the federal government for patriotic reasons. These people who just want to do their jobs deserve our thanks and support.
Well said, Achieving Honorable Democracy!
Trumpet 🎺 may win but a strong resistance is being made who took an oath to protect and defend our country from foe foreign and Domestic.
Congress has a Task of standing up to Trumpet 🎺 and the Wanker Mike Johnson one big bill to spend us into a devaluation of our currency…
Mike Johnson Is a Wanker ; ( I know because I went to school with god and that what he Told Me!!!)
No mention of the cowardly media or the courageous media.
Great list! They are prophets of our time. We must heed their call. But where is Obama, Harris, Bush, Clinton??? Are they scared? Are they like Garland standing on punctilio?
I think their strategy may be to give him enough rope and he’ll hang himself.
A great line: #SquanderingAmericasGreatness!!!!!!!!
Bunkerboy and President elon: "i'M fIrInG u!!!" Every American: "No thanks! I'm BUSY."
People are acting and resisting. Maybe not to your satisfaction, but I have never seen witnessed so much genuine engagement. And also persistence, even though those individuals could walk away from what they continue.
You sir are part of the problem by pointing at good people and putting them down. What are you doing? If making 20M calls and marching are pointless - what do you suggest? Any suggesting that involves violence or gumming up the works so nothing works will make us all losers. We need engagement - not what you are claiming to be doing.
Your first sentence is possibly the truest thing I've read yet today!
Cody belongs here, as does anyone and everyone with something honest to say.
But ignorance and cruelty belong elsewhere.
Reported for calling someone asking a sincere and fair question "an asshole".
That's what THEY do. Not what WE do.
Thank you.
Never trust or listen to anyone who begins a statement or observation with 'you are an asshole' unless you are playing charades
who is an asshole? What is an Ass Hole? Look in your round mirror through your Anus and tell me what you see Cody? It is you
TROLL ALERT! “Cody Lawrence” is attempting to hijack this discussion into use of “force” to overpower another. As you scroll down you will see that this troll is attempting to get us off topic and focus on responding to the troll’s name calling and obscenity. Click on the three dots to the right of the name and report its trolling. DO NOT ENGAGE!
Thank you. Marc. I did not know the term trolling, and I truly appreciate that you said who, and that you explained how it was being done! It is important to understand, and it is equally important to know what to do in the situation.
Thank you, Marc
Yes, halfway actions should be the LAST thing we're engaging in from this point. Your post is sure to be more effective than all mine combined.
(Halfway actions are kinda why we're here in the first pace.)
If I have ever responded to the troller, I am sorry; I am also unaware of it. Thank you so much for the warning, and especially thank you too to Mark and decide what to do about it.
Thank you for this report. Those of us outside government never hear these stories of public servants who take their responsibilities to the people so seriously and in these cases, courageously. They are the "good guys". And they provide is with all the contrast we need with the "bad guys", the miserable self-serving sons of bitches who have usurped our government to plunder our country and sell it out.
Meaning most Republican representatives across both houses.
Public servants will save our democracy from fascism. My colleagues and I have been gathering evidence of the muskrat and his minions’ crimes. We are all FBI agents now:
Thank you for remaining steadfast in your patriotic duties. Countries are made great by the intelligent service of people like you and your colleagues. A country becomes great over decades and centuries yet it is fragile when overrun in just a few weeks by a band of monstrous marauders. Stay strong!
Good call on those trying to overtake the democracy
How Sad! Each and Every one of these people you have mentioned have more courage than the entire GOP!
If this current administration is so lawless and taking so many unconstitutional measures then there has to be someone / something to counteract.
Which would be a strong way for everyone who wishes for a free society governed by the rule of law to stand united and fight for human rights?
Maybe starting to organize as grass roots movement under just one umbrella 🌂 strengthening the response and forcefully counteract the thieves, con artists and petty men who like to play "daddy" with soft targets and children.
Of course the movement will get attacked and labeled as illegal but holding onto the Truth and Respect towards one another I think it will be the winning ticket for this fight.
Never waiver from the Truth and stay strong in your unity.
Organize and build libraries or special protected places where documents and history books are going to be held in safety to be used as proof when the time comes.
Whenever some guy decide to simply change records , if let with no checks and balances sets out a dangerous precedent for a dictatorship.
Just my humble opinion.
The World is watching and waiting to join in that fight (and I am not referring to an armed fight).
100% agree, Roxana! I have said repeatedly that we need all of these groups and organizations that are fighting so hard to come together under one purpose - take our country back and build it back better and stronger than it ever was. An economic democracy with extremely strong guardrails in place that will never allow this horror to happen again!
Trump and Musk, have bullied their way into a gigantic hornets nest because they are stupid enough to believe that hornets will always remain docile and can be easily conquered. It’s long past time when we need to get together and sting the hell out of them.
Ilene, I am currently working hard to get the word out about William L. Miller's detailed plan to end all of this. I have contacted groups and organizations letting them know about it. If we can amplify this across the nation, we could very well end it sooner rather than later or not at all.
Thank you, Roxana. Unity and circumstances you mentioned are valuable. I hope so for me that we need back up places for documents, not just one. I have so many great concerns, And your plan is a fine one toward one helping with one of them.
I am also concerned about the bravery, as I admire the wonderful people honored today as heroes by Robert Reich. Do you wonder how that is going to be for ordinary citizens? There is much concern. Just his boobies, trying to save people against each other, They also try to separate them, to cut off their lines of communication and support. I am wondering what ways we might have in place to protect us all and to help us each be strong and united.
Roxana, thank you so much! B. is wonderful on that site, and I just subscribed. He is exactly what we need to hear.
The entire GOP is one rotting bad apple that is spoiling the Nation. Get out of the the way if you cannot stand up to this coup
And that apple is huge and loaded with worms!
at least one worm is inside RFK's son's brain
The GOP in Congress fail to fully grasp that if the 2025/musktrump/oligarchy prevails , there will be no recognizable government, only a puppet Congress (their jobs redundant), no choice, no freedom, no respite from a population suffering illness and starvation, no help for anyone except those at the very top. That is the reality the GOP is willing to usher in to keep their jobs?!! These folks are truly, truly ethically compromised, not to mention, immensely 'stupid'.
I'm wondering just what it will take for the population of Planet Earth to realize that these politicians and billionaires are willing to DESTROY EARTH for nothing more than a few decades of personal power and luxury.
And I'm starting to wonder if Musk LITERALLY WANTS TO DESTROY EARTH in order to FORCE travel to Mars. (Which it won't.)
Eventually, even the MOST "UNDER-EDUCATED" will surely begin to see themselves as victims. (Like residents of Alabama who just received a $100 ADJUSTMENT to their power bill...because of Trump:
"But hundreds of Alabama residents are receiving a $100 surcharge on their energy bills as a direct result of Trump's actions in the White House. About 250 customers of Huntsville Utilities, the public utility company in Huntsville, Alabama, received a letter informing them that their account "has been debited $100." The surcharge occurred because one of Trump's executive orders froze a grant that assists low-income residents with their energy bills.
In an email, Mike Presley of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs confirmed that the letter from Huntsville Utilities was genuine and the $100 increase was the direct result of Trump's executive order."
Hmm, can't say I haven't thought the same thing (musk wanting to annihilate everything). It's all negative attention, like the obnoxious/petulant child who just upended his mother's china cabinet because he can get away with it. Sadly has enablers with their own 'sick' agendas. How far will the insanity go?
PS. Did you see that kid of musk's, that he wears like a neck piece, shhh-ing trump in that very weird presser - imagine, Trump being instructed to be silent from a 4 year old. So revealing about the musk/trump dynamic. Trump has lost his voice, his power, his agency. Musk have some pretty bad shite/payoff/blackmail happening for trump to be humiliated so blatantly and publicly - and take it without saying a word. Think about it...trump was silenced. Trump is NOT in control.
I've been reading about the Oval Office meeting, but I can't force myself to watch it all.
Technically, that CHILD can buy and sell Trump 100 times over by now, and Trump KNOWS IT. While Trump was a millionaire by the time he was 8 yo, I suspect the Musk kid was a MULTI-BILLIONAIRE in half that time.
And he's white, and male.
I saw bits of that filming on the phone but do not have television and missed much apparently. I did not know that the child silenced Trump.
And THIS is the sum total Of Musk's "courage".
A WASTE website...with nothing in it:
"Waste.Gov is Literal Garbage "
A DOGE-backed site purporting to track government waste displays an empty template advertising a fake architecture firm.
I read on someone's post or somewhere they called the DOGE the Department of Gaslighting Everyone! I found that to be quite fitting!
Or Damn Ol Greedy Elon
Good one!
I think that uncovers the truth, Peggy! Department Of Gaslighting Everyone. Says it all!
DOGE is the true Dept of Gaslighting Everyone - including themselves if they actually belive this shite. If your mission is arson to the Federal Gov to move the Actual Gov to Maralogo and sell its image on DOGE the website by X
I tend to think of them as "Icky and the STOOGES", but I suspect it's a reference too dated (and a bit too convoluted) to catch on.
I like it!
Thank you, Peggy!
That kind thought will help me get through today.
(Mom came home from the hospital yesterday, but it's still such a challenge to face alone. Thank you for your thoughtful assistance!)
I hope your mom continues healing, Foofaraw & Chiquita! It isn't easy on you so please look after yourself as well. You will be in my thoughts.
Oj my god! The musk doge website looks like it was made by a 13 year old boy!
He is 13 - and he has acne and he believes that he must save the pus because it is aryan dna
"Cancel the PIZZA order for now."
It's a new world...
I heard on NPR years ago of an experiment performed in the poorest part of Mumbai.
They took a computer, enclosed except for a mouse, set it up and walked away to observe.
Children, who had almost certainly never even SEEN a PC before were operating it properly and comfortably within minutes.
Collective cosmic consciousness? Or just a new "kind" of brain? Not sure it even matters now.
I was refering to the contents, layout and graphics, 13 years old boy might be too generous. It might have been put togethrt by musks 4 year old “ very smart” son, with the help of some bougers
Yes, of course. I'm sorry. Of course, you are undeniably right.
I wonder how many of these "kids" will end up in prison for the crime of being the "insulation" between Musk and the law.
I'd guess all of them...
Thank you. You are also brave.
I noticed that Trump backed down about tariffs when the stock market dipped. I read several substack newsletters where people are wondering what we can do to stop the Trump/Musk wrecking ball. I googled whether general strikes affect the stock market and found an article, but of course, it's not available to me unless I pay for it. It is available at university libraries that I don't have access to. The abstract includes, "Taken together, these results imply that general strikes have serious ramifications for stock market investors."
The article is "The Influence of General Strikes against Government on Stock Market Behavior," Wisniewski et al., Scottish Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 67 Issue 1, pp. 72-99, 2020.
I am sick about the tons of food spoiling in warehouses and on docks while children are starving. Seeing Musk gloating with his healthy child on his shoulders in the Oval Office portrays him as both the richest and most evil man in the world.
Bravery can take many forms - it does not require 50 years as a high ranking civil servant like Robert to influence the course of this History in motion. Reading the referenced article from a Scottish Journal on Political Economy and simoulteously considering that the British Government invented the Potato Famine are ways to divine what is actually happening, The number of zeroes on Musk's net worth is meaningless if he has all the money converted to crypto. Capitalism is the best system that humans have yet invented for working together because money is the measure we use for success, food, shelter, and how we regard ouselves and judge others. The key to effective Government that is truly interested in the welfare of its Nation is to manage the checks and balances - which generally boils down to tamping down Greed. Greedy Capitalist should be an Oxy Moron like Military Intelligence, but sadly it is not because we lack Leaders in DC. When Trump says drain the swamp, he really just means get rid of DC and the Federal Government and move the capital a 4th time. NYC, Philly, DC - then Mar a Lagos. After 40 years of talk to abandon pennies because they cost 4c to make and nobody wants them in their pocket for the past 100 years - Trump got rid of the Penny and the Nickel in Executive Orders. Trump does not care about the History of our great but flawed Nation - he does not care about Lincoln or Jefferson or Money or America. He does not care about anything besides some self inflated notion of himself as the injured child who got laughed at by Hilary and tossed out of polite society in Manhattan.
Robert Reich, Heather Cox Richardson, Joyce Vance and a few others are doing an enormous service by keeping us informed and inspired. It is very easy to be discouraged and depressed but it is not useful.
Representative Jamie Raskin, who has also demonstrated great courage and wisdom, recently said that a mass protest in Washington would be futile, because Trump would mobilize MAGA and use the ensuing chaos to declare Martial Law.
There are several important arguments to dispute this. The first is to stand in support of our civil servants, who are, more than the imposing buildings, the infrastructure of the US Government. The second is to show the world that while the current administration may be mired in corruption, AMERICANS DEFEND DEMOCRACY! The third is that history has shown that when the tanks face the people, it is the soldiers who are powerless. They are after all of the people.
We must be United. We must be peaceful. We must love our neighbors, though they erred by voting for Donald Trump. Project 2025 is a playbook. We must find ours.
United we stand, divided we fall. Abraham Lincoln
Hear, hear
Evil scions. The silver spoons dangling from the corner of their mouths like drool, dreaming of apartheid rule over the USA.
The power of organizing people in nonviolent means of civil disobedience is a right indeed. People should unite in numbers to build solidarity and trust in humanity.
The attention seeking bullies and haters will always try to make the world all about them. They use lies and misinformation to create disinformation that perpetuates. They create the fear of the unknown and have solutions to problems that don’t exist.
They surround themselves with sociopaths who believe they are special enough to be in the presence of a great dictator. Their only system of justice is loyalty and the vanity of a mirror to make sure they aren’t getting stabbed in the back.
When we connect with people and tell our stories, they are not much different than anyone else, and we create space for a greater movement to happen.
Knowledge is the diversity and equity that Trump and his racists fear. The ability of people to identify and articulate their unjust laws to rejoice in revelation and pride in demonstrating the very essence of freedom.
Peaceful protest to demonstrate what is a true expression of our Constitutional rights to the great people of this nation, including the people who need to be reminded whose country this is.
Trump has tough us an important lesson: politics is theater (Loni Riefenstahl proved it). Thus, when we do organize protests we better consult with theater professional on how to have the greatest effect, No kidding.
Musk is America's Caligula. I do not believe in reincarnation, but Nero and Caligula seem to be back. American karma? Maybe we should consult our new intelligence chief, Tulsi Gabbard, a Hindu.
Gloria you said this so well
Reading this makes me want to be a better person, get out of my comfort zone more often. Thank you professor!
If you live in the metro area you may be forced to live outside your comfort zone sooner than later. Wake up and smell the doge💩 either that or plan to move somewhere safe. Where ever that might be, please let the rest of us know.
Exactly how I felt, Mike!
When I was an intern at the Washington Post, my friend Kirsten Downey covered the Department of Labor, and she took me along for an interview in your office. A genuine highlight of my life.
A tsunami of darkness is sweeping over our country. Like in nature, before we can access the damage, the waters must first recede.
If we are in a tsunami of darkness - we will have a longer dark age than the middle ages if we do not shine enough light RIGHT NOW. Shine on or look way - that is the only dielectic that any individual has - if they do not actually agree with all of this change sweeping America under the rug. Courage is not about figuring out what happened when the darkness recedes.
Churchill’s quote comes to mind: “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” Keep whatever light you have shining. We need each other. And the future we want cannot arrive or be created without us doing our part.
Richard--It was a simple metaphor designed to make you think, and that it did.
Yes, and man made tsunami is a sham. It can be stopped.
I don't think do\\\\\\\\\; swim and defend yourself....
Tom--Nothing to defend, I did nothing wrong, I'm a Democrat and I didn't vote for the moron in the White House.
First we need to not drown or get crushed .
Courage under darkness burning from the depths of evil.
It’s going to take a lot of courage from a lot of people.
You just can’t give up on the Constitution because a piece of crap gets stuck under the shoe of Uncle Sam and stinks up the place.
We the people are still here. You know the Republic.
Musky Trump and his minions are about the stankiest gum every stuck in the sole of America. This disgusting glob is staining the path - creating a stretch of American History that will be an obscenity when studied in futured schools. The Future is murky and can never be fully seen until we have a rear view mirror and that is for future generations. Of course we will have schools in the Future - even if Trump elminates the Dept of Education under the World Wrestling Federation and moves Title 1 and Special Education to the Defense Department. We are alive now - and this gob needs to get out of our shoes to save our souls and the soul of America. Our ancestors are watching and so are our great grandchildren
The ship of state is sinking and the orange menace and Muskrat have stolen the lifeboats. We may all end up swimming. Thankfully they blew a hole in the hull close to shore, so if we resist powerfully now we may still have a chance.
Everyone who refuses to comply is doing something. I read your link. You are not saying anything either. By implication you appear to say that a violent or disruptive response is the only type that will work. I sincerely hope you are wrong. Personally, I refuse to entertain violence as an option. Resistance can take many forms, but it works best if we do it together. We are humans, and it always takes time to form the coalitions necessary to overcome evil with good, but that is what we must do, overcome evil with good. I am quite willing to listen to any suggestion you make to this end.
I think what Cody is saying is, "I can get LOTS of these people to waste their valuable time reading my "wisdom", and then waste more of their time making responses."
Even me...
Thanks for running Cody's misplaced angst to ground. This desire to burn down America in response to what Trump has done as a way to save us is fatally flawed. Hate has never conquered Hate - it only destroys the Future for a lot of generations to come. We good people who regard ourselves as such and do not need any external affirmations must find the ways that we can Resist this coup in our own small way that works.
Professor Reich: AGREED! government employees are really inspiring -- and true patriots -- for their determination to protect the country, its citizens and the data they are responsible for.
For God's sake. Stop with the criticism and post about the creative and courageous acts you undertake. Be an inspiration instead of a whiner. You are impressing no one.
The only people in this discussion who DESERVE to be fired are Muskrat and the felon guy.
No not fired - imprisoned and/or deported to Guantanamo
Sounds good to me!
You are a God-send to me these days. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Let's add the military families in Germany who protested Hegseth yesterday. Someone in military attire was taking pics of them, but they persisted.
Speaking of "persisted" (and the PERSISTENT Ms. Warren!):
Do people realize WHY the CFPB was shut down?
It's because it would interfere with MUSK'S intentions to CHEAT HIS CUSTOMERS in the payment program he has partnered with VISA to start:
"The 'More Sinister' Reason Behind Musk's Attack on Consumer Agency
Recent days have seen a full-frontal assault on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Trump's favorite billionaire has much to gain personally if the agency no longer has the ability to operate effectively on behalf of the American people."
I hope Visa regrets their decision. Are there that many lowlife magats out there that this might appeal to, enough to 'lose' other VISA cardholders with a conscience? Boycotts can be effective. Passive resistance can work.
As long as Musk is blocking the CFPB from operating, credit card companies will give Musk ANYTHING he wants...
I'm dreaming, but I'm also adding VISA to my boycott list.
Absolutely! These brave family members are heroes as well.
Progressives have courage, democratic centrists are bystanders, and trump-publicans are evil.
You realize you WROTE that right?
You didn't ACTION it?
Chiquita is a beautiful shelter dog, and even your hate won't change that.
And I named her in HONOR of the countless Mexican laborers working in local agriculture, construction and hospitality. (I obtained her around the 2016 election, and every time I call her, I'm also celebrating justice and equality.) You know, the hard working people, struggling to feed their families just like ALL of us. But THEY actually help keep produce prices low, and I doubt the same is true of you, Cody.
The same people who contribute TENS of BILLIONS of dollars to social safety nets EVERY year, with no hopes of ever collecting a cent, and actually LOWER the crime rate overall with their substantially lower crime rate than the rate for American citizens.
Thank you for recognizing these true patriots and sharing their brave responses to tyranny with us. I join you in saluting them!
Add to the list AltNPS, who have kept their members and the public informed about communications sent to federal workers. Our National Parks employees represent what is best about America, and work to preserve and protect our crown jewels. They deserve our praise and support for standing atrong.
Hmm I'm a retired member of a public sector union and in the past couple weeks i've been bombarded with anti union mail. Some really deceptive some aggressive. I guess they're trying to counter in the influx. They can stuff their anti union mail. 😡
Would a move to impeach Foolius Caesar have a SNOWBALL'S CHANCE with the GOP becoming s entrenched ?
God knows what will happen to an infrastructure that's almost a century old in some places under this TRAVESTY of an administration.