Espionage Act

- [x] The Espionage Act says the following: ANYONE who “willfully retains…any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, or note relating to the national defense, or information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation…

- [x] (and fails to deliver it on demand to the officer or employee of the United States entitled to receive it” can be punished by as many as ten years in prison.)

Yo, Maga Republicans, how can you read this and still defend this treasonous traitor?


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My family and I watched a documentary tonight on DVD made by documentarian Anthony Baxter. It is called "You've Been Trumped." Baxter has made several other documentaries that I have not yet seen.

"You've Been Trumped" is not exactly breaking news if you're aware of his behavior in Scotland over the golf course he was installing there in the mid-2000s, but it is supremely newsworthy. I highly recommend that everyone view it because it shows in high relief how deeply cruel, amoral, sociopathic and vicious he is. It is eye-opening even if you think you've heard it all. Viewing the documentary also brought back to memory the case of Vera Cocking and Trump:


I think that terms like "evil" and "monster" while perhaps overused or misused, truly do apply to him. Even his hulking form in his large black coat blowing behind him in the Scottish wind as he makes his oafish way into camera angles (and asks for a mirror to check his hair or as he "comes on" to a young woman in the group, on camera, standing next to Don Jr. while making inappropriate remarks to the young woman), he looks like the very presence of the wind blowing in an evil presence, like "something wicked this way comes...."

And he did, and he is, still.

"You've Been Trumped" - highly recommend it!

What is also shocking about the documentary is learning how horrifically complicit the Scottish government was and how the public police became Trump's private thug-army.

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Trump wants his own special brand of tyranny, using the GOP’s infrastructure of #RepubloFascism meshed with racism along with his flare for denial.

He wants to be #DonaldDuce, but judging by his lack of covering his tracks and delusional, sense of superiority, the jig will soon be up. And that hashtag needs only gain an n to be accurate.

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“Trump has already indicated he’ll replace much of the executive branch with loyalists.”

No he hasn’t.

He’s stated it flat out. There’s no need to give him cover by suggesting he’s only hinted at it.

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It’s easy to make parallels between Putin and Trump, but Trump could never have gotten this far without the Republican Party (bought and paid for by big money companies and individuals) as well as the Fox Lie network and Russian social media influencers. If Trump dropped dead tomorrow Republicans would be using the same tactics with a different candidate. It’s been going on since Nixon.

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If anybody thinks that tRump is going away or has modified his stripes or his cult is backing away, this might give you pause, link to follow below. He is a very dangerous presence, a traitor, a criminal and yet he is out and about fomenting chaos and spreading lies with impunity. What the H is wrong with our "justice" system?!


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One can imagine it’s like a Frederick Forsyth novel. Reasonable minds would likely agree that the actions of the 45th and the meddling by Prigozhin’s so-called research results only helped elect him. Prigozhin is a piece of work; everyone should hope he sees the other side of life as soon as mother natural and external forces can arrange both. One sincerely hopes the SoB is not in Belarus for the run-up to 2024 at his old job title and that it’s not all interconnected to the larger picture of the current government of the Federation. If there was one thing left on our collective American horizon left that the vast majority would agree with, we don’t need any help from any external anything regarding the 2024 elections overall and that mercenaries are human scum and should not exist.

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Trump appointed numerous loyalists into key positions of his administration in the last couple of months after losing the election for the purpose of being able to enact an autogolpe to remain in power.

I've heard that DeSantis has formed what many have termed a "private army" that answers to only him. I'm sure he'd do the same in Washington if he became President.

So yes, if either of them got into power, they'd try to turn the administration into a bunch of loyalists apart from the normal authorities, which they'd use to break constitutional law, oppress the public & institutions, & grab absolute power if possible.

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Putin vs. Prigozhin. Trump vs. DeSantis. Marjorie vs. Lauren.

Not every bitch slap has global implications. But when the bitches are on the side of authoritarianism vs. the flourishing of human life, I’m going to order a cocktail from a ringside seat and enjoy every minute of it … H/T Bill S.

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I was left wondering if the whole thing was a Putin requested stress test of the upper echelon of the military - exposing those that would turn against Putin and join Prigozhin's (faux) mutiny. Is that thought any crazier than the past couple of days?

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Prigoshins move to rebel and then rebellion cancelled seemed like he used a troop movement to make believe he was rebelling to draw out any military sympathizers. Those who lead the efforts to rebel will be quietly assasinated and Prigoshin goes on his merry way while his men go back to the front. He trolled the world. Prigoshin cutting a side deal with the leader of Belarus? Only if Putin approved. Putin just put nukes in Belarus. Lakashenko isnt going to poop without the go ahead from Putin. The first rule about Narcissistic families is when nothing is going on false drama must be created to distract from the real issues.

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It’s all in the title: “Putin, Trump, and the Privatization of Tyranny”. OMG. Big money 💰 💰💰 rules the world in the absence of people with any moral compass. We are all toast. They will emulate each other. The billionaires will rule the world. 🥲

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George Patton was right. The greatest generation could have solved the entire Russia problem(including the Cold War and Vietnam) in 1945. Could have, should have, did not.

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This was the logical insight into the events of the last 72 hours that I have been looking for. Something was fishy about this whole internecine drama, and you put your finger right on it. Putin wrote the whole screenplay. His problem now is that everyone sees he needed this theater because he’s not as much in control as he would like the world to believe.

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If Trump is elected in 2024 we deserve what we get. Shame on us. But the main-stream media will be responsible by continuing to treat Trump and the entire Republican Party as legitimate. Shame on them.

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What. A. Mess.

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