Trump serves the WEALTHY and NOT the American people. Pound that message all across America!!!!!!!!!

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Exactly this. Government workers will undermine Trump to protect our sacred democracy. The people will resist fascism! https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/the-resistance-is-strong-and-deep

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Well no. Actually he is taking away all the protections that civil servants have. These people will swiftly be replaced by loyalists. A la Project 2025.

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Those loyalist will be know nothing do nothing nitwits,with no clue how to do the jobs the actual professionals who had years of training and experience did.What will happen is stuff won't work anymore,and after being yelled at by average citizens because suddenly nothing is being done,they will quickly quit and before long,the hapless dimwits who thought this crap up on a whim will be begging for the professional bureaucrats to return and bail them out.

Hide and watch.😉

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that's the plan...only Trump will make all decisions. Legislative branch is a joke and now useless. Unsupreme court a joke. NO MORE CHECKS AND BALANCES.

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The mechanisms at play include:

Repetition: Lies and misinformation are repeated endlessly until they become indistinguishable from truth in the minds of the audience. The more often a claim is repeated, the more familiar and credible it seems, even when it is demonstrably false. This psychological phenomenon is known as the "illusory truth effect."

Confirmation Bias: Individuals are naturally inclined to seek out information that supports their existing beliefs while rejecting evidence that contradicts them. Propaganda outlets like Fox News and social media algorithms exploit this tendency by creating echo chambers where alternative perspectives are not only absent but actively demonized.

Group Identity: Trumpism has become a tribal identity for many, offering a sense of belonging and purpose. Even when the ideology’s flaws are exposed, adherents cling to the group because of the emotional bonds and shared identity it provides. This is similar to what occurs in cults, where followers remain loyal even after the leader’s lies are revealed.

Cognitive Dissonance: When people are confronted with evidence that contradicts their deeply held beliefs, the psychological discomfort can be so intense that they reject the truth rather than re-evaluate their stance. Instead of abandoning Trump, his supporters often double down, rationalizing his actions or blaming external forces like the "deep state" or "fake news."

The Danger of Reinforcement

This feedback loop—repetition, bias, identity, and dissonance—creates a self-sustaining system. Each lie, each piece of propaganda, reinforces the mental barriers that prevent change. This is why efforts to "debunk" Trump’s lies often fail; the very act of presenting contradictory information triggers defensiveness rather than reflection.

Breaking the Cycle

The only way to disrupt this cycle is to dismantle the sources of propaganda and misinformation. This includes addressing the role of media outlets like Fox News, social media platforms that prioritize engagement over truth, and political figures who exploit these dynamics for personal gain. The legal and regulatory tools to combat disinformation—such as stricter enforcement of broadcast standards and oversight of online platforms—have existed for decades but have not been adequately used.

History provides a stark warning. Cult-like movements do not fade easily, even after their leaders are removed. The Unification Church, led by Sun Myung Moon, and the Branch Davidians under David Koresh are examples of how cults persist due to the emotional and psychological bonds they create. Similarly, Trumpism will not disappear simply because Trump is no longer in power. The infrastructure of misinformation and the psychological conditioning of his followers must be addressed.

A Path Forward

This is not just a political battle; it is a psychological and societal one. To safeguard democracy, we must:

Hold Trump and his enablers accountable: Legal and ethical accountability sends a clear message that undermining democratic norms will not be tolerated.

Regulate media and social platforms: Propaganda thrives in the absence of accountability. Strengthening regulations to prevent the spread of misinformation is critical.

Invest in public education: Teaching media literacy and critical thinking skills can help inoculate future generations against propaganda.

Support independent journalism: A robust, fact-based media landscape is essential for countering disinformation.

Foster community and inclusivity: Offering people a sense of belonging outside of divisive movements can weaken the emotional pull of tribalism.


Dr. Reich’s optimistic view that this crisis can resolve itself underestimates the psychological forces at work. Without decisive action to address the sources of misinformation and propaganda, the cycle will continue to reinforce itself. This is not merely a political struggle; it is a fight for the very soul of democracy. We must act now to dismantle the infrastructure of lies and protect the moral and civic values that sustain a free society.

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A perfect description of Huxley’s 1984.

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YES! What we ALL are facing is Psychological Warfare for the CONTROL of our minds! And right now the far right is winning that war! Too many people are being too easily swayed (on purpose and deliberately) and told to believe something that is not true (Deny Reality), but the manipulations are so good and so often and so much that they do not even realize it is happening to them. Big tobacco (but learned from others) began part of this and many of the others are following the same playbook. And the cultural wars are really a distraction to the real efforts, by the billionaires and their control of media and social media, to strip everyone in America of their money. One way to fight back to to educate yourself on what you and we are up against. A couple of resources of many: "On Disinformation: How to Fight for Truth and Protect Democracy" by Lee Mcintyre, "Dismantling Democracy: the forty-year attack on government and the long game for the common good" by Donald Cohen, "At a Loss for Words: Conversation in an Age of Rage" by Carol Off, "Psychological Roots of the Climate Crisis: Neoliberal Exceptionalism and the Culture of Uncare" by Sally Weintrobe.

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Jan 24Edited
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Wishful thinking.

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Ah found the Trumpanzee...

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Trimpanzee, Trampanzee, Trickpanzee, Trollpanzee, Trashpanzee,

He's just as happy as a turd in a "punch bowl!"

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It will just ingrained in them that government does nothing.

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Just be sure to leave the porch light on so Trump’s gestapo thugs can see where to ring the doorbell at 2 am in the morning.

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Sad but true.

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Jan 21Edited
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Go eff yourself . . . SICK OF SEEING THIS!!!

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reported leads to an ad which comes up as bad link.

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It's over .it's over. it's over


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The federal work force will slow walk Trump’s agenda.

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The mechanisms at play include:

Repetition: Lies and misinformation are repeated endlessly until they become indistinguishable from truth in the minds of the audience. The more often a claim is repeated, the more familiar and credible it seems, even when it is demonstrably false. This psychological phenomenon is known as the "illusory truth effect."

Confirmation Bias: Individuals are naturally inclined to seek out information that supports their existing beliefs while rejecting evidence that contradicts them. Propaganda outlets like Fox News and social media algorithms exploit this tendency by creating echo chambers where alternative perspectives are not only absent but actively demonized.

Group Identity: Trumpism has become a tribal identity for many, offering a sense of belonging and purpose. Even when the ideology’s flaws are exposed, adherents cling to the group because of the emotional bonds and shared identity it provides. This is similar to what occurs in cults, where followers remain loyal even after the leader’s lies are revealed.

Cognitive Dissonance: When people are confronted with evidence that contradicts their deeply held beliefs, the psychological discomfort can be so intense that they reject the truth rather than re-evaluate their stance. Instead of abandoning Trump, his supporters often double down, rationalizing his actions or blaming external forces like the "deep state" or "fake news."

The Danger of Reinforcement

This feedback loop—repetition, bias, identity, and dissonance—creates a self-sustaining system. Each lie, each piece of propaganda, reinforces the mental barriers that prevent change. This is why efforts to "debunk" Trump’s lies often fail; the very act of presenting contradictory information triggers defensiveness rather than reflection.

Breaking the Cycle

The only way to disrupt this cycle is to dismantle the sources of propaganda and misinformation. This includes addressing the role of media outlets like Fox News, social media platforms that prioritize engagement over truth, and political figures who exploit these dynamics for personal gain. The legal and regulatory tools to combat disinformation—such as stricter enforcement of broadcast standards and oversight of online platforms—have existed for decades but have not been adequately used.

History provides a stark warning. Cult-like movements do not fade easily, even after their leaders are removed. The Unification Church, led by Sun Myung Moon, and the Branch Davidians under David Koresh are examples of how cults persist due to the emotional and psychological bonds they create. Similarly, Trumpism will not disappear simply because Trump is no longer in power. The infrastructure of misinformation and the psychological conditioning of his followers must be addressed.

A Path Forward

This is not just a political battle; it is a psychological and societal one. To safeguard democracy, we must:

Hold Trump and his enablers accountable: Legal and ethical accountability sends a clear message that undermining democratic norms will not be tolerated.

Regulate media and social platforms: Propaganda thrives in the absence of accountability. Strengthening regulations to prevent the spread of misinformation is critical.

Invest in public education: Teaching media literacy and critical thinking skills can help inoculate future generations against propaganda.

Support independent journalism: A robust, fact-based media landscape is essential for countering disinformation.

Foster community and inclusivity: Offering people a sense of belonging outside of divisive movements can weaken the emotional pull of tribalism.


Dr. Reich’s optimistic view that this crisis can resolve itself underestimates the psychological forces at work. Without decisive action to address the sources of misinformation and propaganda, the cycle will continue to reinforce itself. This is not merely a political struggle; it is a fight for the very soul of democracy. We must act now to dismantle the infrastructure of lies and protect the moral and civic values that sustain a free society.

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The mechanisms at play include:

Repetition: Lies and misinformation are repeated endlessly until they become indistinguishable from truth in the minds of the audience. The more often a claim is repeated, the more familiar and credible it seems, even when it is demonstrably false. This psychological phenomenon is known as the "illusory truth effect."

Confirmation Bias: Individuals are naturally inclined to seek out information that supports their existing beliefs while rejecting evidence that contradicts them. Propaganda outlets like Fox News and social media algorithms exploit this tendency by creating echo chambers where alternative perspectives are not only absent but actively demonized.

Group Identity: Trumpism has become a tribal identity for many, offering a sense of belonging and purpose. Even when the ideology’s flaws are exposed, adherents cling to the group because of the emotional bonds and shared identity it provides. This is similar to what occurs in cults, where followers remain loyal even after the leader’s lies are revealed.

Cognitive Dissonance: When people are confronted with evidence that contradicts their deeply held beliefs, the psychological discomfort can be so intense that they reject the truth rather than re-evaluate their stance. Instead of abandoning Trump, his supporters often double down, rationalizing his actions or blaming external forces like the "deep state" or "fake news."

The Danger of Reinforcement

This feedback loop—repetition, bias, identity, and dissonance—creates a self-sustaining system. Each lie, each piece of propaganda, reinforces the mental barriers that prevent change. This is why efforts to "debunk" Trump’s lies often fail; the very act of presenting contradictory information triggers defensiveness rather than reflection.

Breaking the Cycle

The only way to disrupt this cycle is to dismantle the sources of propaganda and misinformation. This includes addressing the role of media outlets like Fox News, social media platforms that prioritize engagement over truth, and political figures who exploit these dynamics for personal gain. The legal and regulatory tools to combat disinformation—such as stricter enforcement of broadcast standards and oversight of online platforms—have existed for decades but have not been adequately used.

History provides a stark warning. Cult-like movements do not fade easily, even after their leaders are removed. The Unification Church, led by Sun Myung Moon, and the Branch Davidians under David Koresh are examples of how cults persist due to the emotional and psychological bonds they create. Similarly, Trumpism will not disappear simply because Trump is no longer in power. The infrastructure of misinformation and the psychological conditioning of his followers must be addressed.

A Path Forward

This is not just a political battle; it is a psychological and societal one. To safeguard democracy, we must:

Hold Trump and his enablers accountable: Legal and ethical accountability sends a clear message that undermining democratic norms will not be tolerated.

Regulate media and social platforms: Propaganda thrives in the absence of accountability. Strengthening regulations to prevent the spread of misinformation is critical.

Invest in public education: Teaching media literacy and critical thinking skills can help inoculate future generations against propaganda.

Support independent journalism: A robust, fact-based media landscape is essential for countering disinformation.

Foster community and inclusivity: Offering people a sense of belonging outside of divisive movements can weaken the emotional pull of tribalism.


Dr. Reich’s optimistic view that this crisis can resolve itself underestimates the psychological forces at work. Without decisive action to address the sources of misinformation and propaganda, the cycle will continue to reinforce itself. This is not merely a political struggle; it is a fight for the very soul of democracy. We must act now to dismantle the infrastructure of lies and protect the moral and civic values that sustain a free society.

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Right that why George Soros got a medal from Biden

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If you are worrying about George Soros you really have problems.

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Actually I think it'll be the state government workers, along with the strong and brave federal woks, who will be the cause of the fall of king trumpy. Simply put, the man can't dance!

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I'd prefer you be right!

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Lets hope hate does him and his in!!!! Why did his wife wear the hat. To keep him away. Let's all wear hats.

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The mechanisms at play include:

Repetition: Lies and misinformation are repeated endlessly until they become indistinguishable from truth in the minds of the audience. The more often a claim is repeated, the more familiar and credible it seems, even when it is demonstrably false. This psychological phenomenon is known as the "illusory truth effect."

Confirmation Bias: Individuals are naturally inclined to seek out information that supports their existing beliefs while rejecting evidence that contradicts them. Propaganda outlets like Fox News and social media algorithms exploit this tendency by creating echo chambers where alternative perspectives are not only absent but actively demonized.

Group Identity: Trumpism has become a tribal identity for many, offering a sense of belonging and purpose. Even when the ideology’s flaws are exposed, adherents cling to the group because of the emotional bonds and shared identity it provides. This is similar to what occurs in cults, where followers remain loyal even after the leader’s lies are revealed.

Cognitive Dissonance: When people are confronted with evidence that contradicts their deeply held beliefs, the psychological discomfort can be so intense that they reject the truth rather than re-evaluate their stance. Instead of abandoning Trump, his supporters often double down, rationalizing his actions or blaming external forces like the "deep state" or "fake news."

The Danger of Reinforcement

This feedback loop—repetition, bias, identity, and dissonance—creates a self-sustaining system. Each lie, each piece of propaganda, reinforces the mental barriers that prevent change. This is why efforts to "debunk" Trump’s lies often fail; the very act of presenting contradictory information triggers defensiveness rather than reflection.

Breaking the Cycle

The only way to disrupt this cycle is to dismantle the sources of propaganda and misinformation. This includes addressing the role of media outlets like Fox News, social media platforms that prioritize engagement over truth, and political figures who exploit these dynamics for personal gain. The legal and regulatory tools to combat disinformation—such as stricter enforcement of broadcast standards and oversight of online platforms—have existed for decades but have not been adequately used.

History provides a stark warning. Cult-like movements do not fade easily, even after their leaders are removed. The Unification Church, led by Sun Myung Moon, and the Branch Davidians under David Koresh are examples of how cults persist due to the emotional and psychological bonds they create. Similarly, Trumpism will not disappear simply because Trump is no longer in power. The infrastructure of misinformation and the psychological conditioning of his followers must be addressed.

A Path Forward

This is not just a political battle; it is a psychological and societal one. To safeguard democracy, we must:

Hold Trump and his enablers accountable: Legal and ethical accountability sends a clear message that undermining democratic norms will not be tolerated.

Regulate media and social platforms: Propaganda thrives in the absence of accountability. Strengthening regulations to prevent the spread of misinformation is critical.

Invest in public education: Teaching media literacy and critical thinking skills can help inoculate future generations against propaganda.

Support independent journalism: A robust, fact-based media landscape is essential for countering disinformation.

Foster community and inclusivity: Offering people a sense of belonging outside of divisive movements can weaken the emotional pull of tribalism.


Dr. Reich’s optimistic view that this crisis can resolve itself underestimates the psychological forces at work. Without decisive action to address the sources of misinformation and propaganda, the cycle will continue to reinforce itself. This is not merely a political struggle; it is a fight for the very soul of democracy. We must act now to dismantle the infrastructure of lies and protect the moral and civic values that sustain a free society.

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It will have to be the Blue states.

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The situation we are confronting today is profoundly different from the challenges of the Gilded Age and the Tammany Hall era, despite superficial similarities. Dr. Reich’s comparison, though well-intentioned, is highly misguided and fails to address the psychological depth of the current crisis. While past challenges revolved around systemic corruption and economic disparity, today’s problem is rooted in mass psychological manipulation on an unprecedented scale.

During the Gilded Age, figures like Theodore Roosevelt worked to counter corruption, and books like The Jungle by Upton Sinclair exposed societal ills, leading to reform. But now, we are facing a far more insidious issue: the deliberate brainwashing of millions. Modern propaganda techniques have weaponized repetition, emotional manipulation, and misinformation to lock individuals into a psychological loop of loyalty and cognitive dissonance.

The key difference here is the sheer scale and depth of this manipulation. We’re no longer dealing with isolated corruption or localized political machines. Instead, we’re facing a movement of nearly 100 million people who have been effectively brainwashed through advanced psychological tactics. Unlike the corruption Roosevelt fought, which could be tackled through policy changes and investigative journalism, the current crisis is deeply rooted in the psychology of the human mind.

Psychologists and psychiatrists I’ve consulted—and my own studies of psychology—make it clear that this type of brainwashing, once entrenched, becomes self-reinforcing. The mechanisms of repetition, confirmation bias, and group identity create an environment where people are almost incapable of changing their beliefs without extreme external intervention. This is what sets today’s crisis apart and makes it so dangerous.

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Thank you. This is very informative. I could guess that they are manipulated but this is real.

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I hope so.

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Laura, what are you doing on this substack chat? Co tune- in Fox News you fascist nutter.

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Why are u jumping on Laura?? She agreed with Sheehy's comment..."Actually I think it'll be the state government workers, along with the strong and brave federal woks, who will be the cause of the fall of king trumpy. Simply put, the man can't dance!"

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WHAT? I believe you misread message.

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You've apparently entered where you are not welcome. Take it somewhere else.

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Me too!💩 I ave been a State worker for over 20 years @#$% him

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which ones?????????????????

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Some of the wealthy. Wealth is no protection against Trump, who demands unquestionable loyalty. Trump is playing with fire, a fire that will extend well beyond California.

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trump serves the WEALTHY who voted for him and threatens the rest.

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Important point, Rolyac.

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Until they have the temerity to challenge him in any way. The thin-skinned express will then attempt to make short work of them.

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Until he doesn't. People like him eventually dismiss everyone who has licked their boots.

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The mechanisms at play include:

Repetition: Lies and misinformation are repeated endlessly until they become indistinguishable from truth in the minds of the audience. The more often a claim is repeated, the more familiar and credible it seems, even when it is demonstrably false. This psychological phenomenon is known as the "illusory truth effect."

Confirmation Bias: Individuals are naturally inclined to seek out information that supports their existing beliefs while rejecting evidence that contradicts them. Propaganda outlets like Fox News and social media algorithms exploit this tendency by creating echo chambers where alternative perspectives are not only absent but actively demonized.

Group Identity: Trumpism has become a tribal identity for many, offering a sense of belonging and purpose. Even when the ideology’s flaws are exposed, adherents cling to the group because of the emotional bonds and shared identity it provides. This is similar to what occurs in cults, where followers remain loyal even after the leader’s lies are revealed.

Cognitive Dissonance: When people are confronted with evidence that contradicts their deeply held beliefs, the psychological discomfort can be so intense that they reject the truth rather than re-evaluate their stance. Instead of abandoning Trump, his supporters often double down, rationalizing his actions or blaming external forces like the "deep state" or "fake news."

The Danger of Reinforcement

This feedback loop—repetition, bias, identity, and dissonance—creates a self-sustaining system. Each lie, each piece of propaganda, reinforces the mental barriers that prevent change. This is why efforts to "debunk" Trump’s lies often fail; the very act of presenting contradictory information triggers defensiveness rather than reflection.

Breaking the Cycle

The only way to disrupt this cycle is to dismantle the sources of propaganda and misinformation. This includes addressing the role of media outlets like Fox News, social media platforms that prioritize engagement over truth, and political figures who exploit these dynamics for personal gain. The legal and regulatory tools to combat disinformation—such as stricter enforcement of broadcast standards and oversight of online platforms—have existed for decades but have not been adequately used.

History provides a stark warning. Cult-like movements do not fade easily, even after their leaders are removed. The Unification Church, led by Sun Myung Moon, and the Branch Davidians under David Koresh are examples of how cults persist due to the emotional and psychological bonds they create. Similarly, Trumpism will not disappear simply because Trump is no longer in power. The infrastructure of misinformation and the psychological conditioning of his followers must be addressed.

A Path Forward

This is not just a political battle; it is a psychological and societal one. To safeguard democracy, we must:

Hold Trump and his enablers accountable: Legal and ethical accountability sends a clear message that undermining democratic norms will not be tolerated.

Regulate media and social platforms: Propaganda thrives in the absence of accountability. Strengthening regulations to prevent the spread of misinformation is critical.

Invest in public education: Teaching media literacy and critical thinking skills can help inoculate future generations against propaganda.

Support independent journalism: A robust, fact-based media landscape is essential for countering disinformation.

Foster community and inclusivity: Offering people a sense of belonging outside of divisive movements can weaken the emotional pull of tribalism.


Dr. Reich’s optimistic view that this crisis can resolve itself underestimates the psychological forces at work. Without decisive action to address the sources of misinformation and propaganda, the cycle will continue to reinforce itself. This is not merely a political struggle; it is a fight for the very soul of democracy. We must act now to dismantle the infrastructure of lies and protect the moral and civic values that sustain a free society.

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How does Trump threaten those who aren't wealthy?

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Oh, he could take away Medicaid, cut Social Security and Medicare, cut military pensions, cut SNAP, gut the IRS so the wealthy continue to cheat, cancel climate action and prop up the oil companies so gas prices soar, etc. He has no concept of what it's like to live as a poor person, as he's never been without money a single day in his life. Of course, that argument doesn't stand up since he'd have to give a shit about somebody else other than himself to understand how badly he's going to hurt those who aren't wealthy. But you asked. :D Hang in, stay engaged, and fight where you can, and fight smart!

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Well said!!!

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Murray, and today there is proof of that. How many poor people were right with Toddler-Trump at the inauguration? None? And he claims to be for working people? Interesting!

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The "nobodies" were in an overflow arena a mile from the ceremonial.

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Laurie, yes, the "rif-raf" must be kept away from the "real" guys, the ones with the money Toddler-Trump is regularly tapping into. It really is disgusting that so many people in this nation chose to be fooled by Toddler-Trump or let their racism and/or misogyny guide their pen to mark the ballot. Our Toddler president is simply scum and that is an insult to scum, a 78-year-old toddler; that's really disgusting!

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And they, the people who elected him were just fine with it.

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Don't forget the fact that there is evidence of hacking of the tabulating machines. The huge turnout was reversed somehow. What should have been a win for Kamala Harris, was a suspicious slim "win" for tRUMP.

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I am usually not a conspiracy type of person nor do I anticipate these things which makes me a terrible politician but I keep thinking something was off kilter with the election. The democrats are too obsessed with the transfer of power. I still remember the comment that Trump made a day or two before the election. Can't remember the exact words or he he mentioned but it made my hair stand up because he said something like we have a surprise for you.

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Gloriann O'Brien , I felt the same when I heard that. Creeped out., for sure. I think he likes to scare people. Power tripping freak.

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At least for now.

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🤬 idiots!🤬

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Trump and P.T. Barnum have a lot in common, except that Barnum’s customers knew they were getting fleeced and still payed the price of admission. MAGAs on the other hand are clueless.

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I suggest we all study up on the dynamics of cults and those susceptible to cultism. These deplorable people are not clueless. They are not stupid, but they are virtually disconnected from reality because they are blinded by their own prejudices and self-serving interests.

I spent more than half of my adult life around the people supporting Trump so I have no trouble understanding his attraction and their obsession with him. While I could right a book on this, all you need to understand is that these types of people have been part of society for generations going back to pre-Civil War days. These people have never accepted or supported the US government. These are the very essence of "enemies of the state." For decades, they have sent to Congress, and on occasion have had presidents that support their world view. We naively have thought they are one of us who have conflicting views of America. Wrong!!

in this regard the Republican Party has for nearly 40 years exemplified the beliefs of people who believe in white supremacy! Make no mistake, Evangelicalism is the religious version of white supremacy. These people are neither Christian or Godly. They are religious charlatans and no doubt are bound for Hell.

BTW, Trump, Musk and Theil are simply ultra-rich white supremacists. White supremacists attract other white supremacists to join their cause. These people are true psychopaths who have an incurable narcistic personality disorder. Their money insulates them from reality and gives them the power and influence they crave.

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Listen to some of the stories told by former MAGA believers. They admit they were in a cult and describe all the characteristics of a cult. Of course we have known that for a long time, but hearing it from the horses' mouths is enlightening.

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Why bother they had their chance!

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Even if it not true?

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You are certainly entitled to your own opinion. But, if you believe that be prepared to kiss your money goodbye to Trump and the Oligarch's. Which they will be doing soon, just wait.... Why do you think the billionaires are lining up to support Trump? The Koch network already has ads out telling everyone how great the Trump Tax Cuts will be for everyone. They will NOT. They will ONLY make the wealthiest even wealthier and the wealth gap even worse than it is now. Currently a small group of billionaires own more wealth than the bottom half of America. This is a new Gilded Age. "The Oligarch’s Mission: Plunder our tax dollars by privatizing our government and selling-off agencies and public assets to the highest bidder, gutting regulations for corporations and rolling back protections for working people; and slashing taxes for the rich by cutting public programs." And I would direct you to the Patriotic Millionaires website to see all this in action (www.partrioticmillionaires.org)

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The reverse Robin Hood effect. What I don't want to hear, "well, we can work with these people." All I want to hear is a plan of resistance. The new Kakistocracy reigns.

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Please read, and share widely, two recent resistance op-eds: "It's Time for Democrats to Go Low" (Peter Rothpletz in The Guardian) and "Shove the Presidency Down Trump's Throat" (Jason Linkins in The New Republic). Then, pls call as many Dem reps and sens as you can -- not just your own -- and urge them to read these op-eds and to ***follow the sage advice therein.***

Dems need to make GOPs own every harmful policy they propose / implement. Dems need to stop rescuing the GOP and instead let the US see the GOP as it is. Only *then* do we-the-rational-people stand a chance of making the US a democracy that functions reasonably well.

Pls ask everyone you know to read those pieces (no paywall) and to call Dem pols. Thanks.

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Amen. Long past time for Dems to realize that they need to get Newt Gingrich-style street-fight nasty, go full black flag in the political arena, repeatedly expose the Rs for the cruel, racist, beholden whores that they are, and leave them hanging out to dry. Yes, the orange criminal has completely debased public life and trashed the concepts of decency, integrity, and honesty as core values. This ain't our grandfathers' world any more. Deal with it. Adapt very quickly or die.

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💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 stop being polite!

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Bernie already doing it! Check out his proposal on the H1B visas. https://www.sanders.senate.gov/press-releases/news-we-need-major-reforms-in-the-h-1b-program/

These ideas need to be the norm not an exception.

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thank you, Munchygut (what a name!) for these links.

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Back in the day when my boys were little, we were members of the Pawnee tribe in the Indian Guides. This was a program run by the YMCA and was meant to get dads and their kids together with others for the sole purpose of having fun (the name was recently changed to Y Adventure Guides, for political correctness). Munchygut was a log with a face carved into it by a creative dad. Legend had it that whichever tribe found Munchygut in their campsite on the last morning of a campout would have bad luck until they were rid of it at the next one. It was quite a sight watching 5, 6, and 7 year olds trying to sneak it into other tribes camps. The name Munchygut invokes lots of great memories of time spent with my boys and the fun they had. BTW, some of the dads I met in this program are now long time friends. Some of them are on my senior golf team at and the name of the team? The Pawnee.

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Sounds like a great time was had by boys and Dad!

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It was. My kids would opt for the Indian Guides over the Cub Scouts because it was more fun. The dads liked it because we could drink beer out of solo cups.

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Thanks for the links. I'll email my officials. No compromise with Nazis.

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Thank you. It is certainly worth the read.

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I may be overly optimistic, but I think he's going to overreach himself, and he will step in it fairly quickly. With Musk giving the goddam Nazi salute today, we can stop any pretense of trying to work with these monsters. People are, unfortunately, going to lose their lives in these roundups, but I expect that may shock some of the f*ing 90 million who stayed home to rethink that. Sometimes people really do need to be hit in the face with reality. Some will go back to sleep but some will finally recognize that they need to fight.

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Totally agree, they screw things up and dems bale them out every time.

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The rich think they are intelligent because they are rich. These narcisissitic billiomaires day after day through their self serving nonesense show the complete opposite.

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With respect, many of them *are* very intelligent. But that doesn't make them good leaders within their industry (some are lousy leaders, but their cos. succeed bc they hire people who lead well). More important, their intelligence isn't automatically accompanied by emotional maturity, psychological health, compassion, or insightfulness -- all of which are necessary if one is going to lead a business effectively, or govern.

The bigger problem is their stubborn belief that being good at one thing means they're equally good at everything else; their stubborn belief that they're the only ones who are fit to govern; and their refusal to accept that governing requires a lot of specialist knowledge + experience -- just as being able to fix a car or give a good manicure or remove a brain tumor requires a lot of specialist knowledge + training + experience.

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No matter the level of intelligence but lack of empathy, compassion, ethics and morality make the oligarchs absolutely dangerous to the rest of America not in their “class.”

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All of the malignant narcissists I have met were smart by general definition. None were able to self assess to correct their toxic behaviour. That is what I consider stupid about them. People who put themselves first always being placed in leadership positions only help themselves and definitely not society.

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There are plenty of people who are very intelligent in the general population, and not generally famous because they are not wealthy and not in occupations that are rewarded with wealth. The most intelligent people know that they do not know everything there is to know.

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The flaws lie within their characters. Greed is one of their common traits. This character flaw is in full display. Just like the wealthy flaunting their wealth during the 20s and the Gilded Age. The depression was the great equalizer. Remember the Harvard grads standing in food lines realizing that the Eugenics philosophy was all wrong? Maybe some of these "fooled" individuals will come to some realizations?

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they maybe intelligent-but neither infallible nor wise-lots of smart people are fools

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Philip, allow me to coin this thing a kafkatocracy, after the surrealist author, since this cycle of travesties is bizarrely grotesque to the extremes of the imagination, and only extreme ill can result from this atrocity unless people with courage block it at every turn. As with every autocracy, the wrath of the oppressor is levied upon his enemies by obliterating the rule of law. This fiend Patel is set to destroy the concept of justice and with it, those who would preserve it. This entourage of cabinet appointees and assorted toadies have been chosen explicitly to serve the usurper's illicit intent. That much of the public still haven't grasped that their livelihoods are in grave danger is past gut wrenching. An informed

narrative upon the history of mob activity involving our would-be ruler was turned out before the 2020 election: https://gregolear.substack.com/p/tinker-tailor-mobster-trump?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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You do know that the new name for Greenland is ORANGELAND?

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Same here. NO surrender!

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Kakistocracy. Thanks for the new word!

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PRESIDENT VANCE I am POSITIVE we Americans can work with when "Uncle Badtouch" passes next month or so.

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Oof! That made the RAPIST sound as harmless then as he is now! My bad: Trump is a CIVILY LIABLE RAPIST.

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You wish!

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70% of AMERICANS, including MOST of Bunkerboy's drones, are wishing for that godsend. YOU seem to be one of said drones, so I will let you know that I will lend you a hand when we are in a breadline together . . . but NOT before laughing my ass off at your stupity for voting for a rapist convicted felon with DOZENS of bankrupted businesses under his SUBSTANTIAL girth!

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The kakistocracy ended at noon today. I have second hand embarrassment for you, Reigh and others who continue to defend the Biden admin. With his broad, sweeping preemptive pardons, Joe Biden effectively ended the democrat party today. Yet, your TDS rages. Truly pathetic.

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SO, how will you characterize Trump’s pardons of the Jan 6 convicts?

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Trump Derangement Syndrome is suffered by those who support Trump even after they have witnessed his hypocrisy. Manufacturing his merchandise in China, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, India and other countries. How does that make America great? And you don’t even care.

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What is truly pathetic among some many things is Trump's threat to Panama's sovereignty. American ships are treated equally to everyone's else's in the world by Panama. But Trump's garbage declaration that the USA is being treated unfairly is just an excuse for more colonialism. Because he says something does not make it true. And usually it means the opposite. And now lies are truth?

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Trump has property in Panama and doesn't want to be bothered paying taxes there either. that's where his 'dispute' with them stems from.

He's just trying to intimidate them to change his property taxes:


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Bunkerboy's Kakistocracy started TODAY. President Biden, inarguably THE most achomplished president in modern history at least, had an administration packed with OTHER achomplished ADULTS. [sic]

Bunkerboy? Children LOSERS with severe learning disabilities and ZERO successes in their lives!

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So the purely political pardons of the Felon for his buddies has finished the Republican Party, then right? according to your logic...?

A difference between these pardons is that Trump pardoned the likes of General Flynn[ who confessed!] and so many others who didn't deserve pardons, while Biden, after being told again and again that Trump was bent on REVENGE was smart enough to recognize that this was one truth that he could count on: That Trump would attack these folks without any other reason than revenge.

The pardons that Biden signed will unify the nation because they tend to stop the inane turmoil, meanness and divisiveness that Trump intends.

Between you and me, I wish that he had also pardoned those on January 6th who were repentant, did not engage in violence and agreed they had been mislead.

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Hating Trump does mean you like Biden

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Let’s tie him up in the courts for the next four years.. if he lives that long

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"Executive time" 12 hours a day . . . court cases in New York, Floriduh AND Georgia for the next 12 hours while we AMERICANS (DEMOCRATS) be the adults and keep the lights on. Like usual!

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Do not forget he needs time for golf, so muskrat can run the show.

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Today is a dark day but I felt a rush of joy when I saw that Democracy Now is reporting that President Biden, at the last moment, commuted the sentence of Leonard Peltier to home confinement. He is eighty years old and in poor health so I think staying home is almost as good as a full pardon.

This is something I can sincerely thank President Biden for.

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I too was made very happy by this news, and I and others have emailed the White House several times asking him to do so. I wish only it had been done years ago.

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Exactly, why wait to the last minute when the man has had several serious ailments the last few years, why couldn't Biden have done it a few years ago.

Also I was very disappointed in CLinton and Obama for not doing so.

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My God, about fucking time.

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I also am so happy about that. Finally!

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Once again, unadulterated garbage. Truly pathetic.

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How do you describe 1500 insurrectionists with a lot caught on tape beating cops?

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First: No one should raise his hand to a cop...ever.

Second: I don't view the people who participated in January 6th as insurrectionists. It was more a temper tantrum that got out of control. True, there were some bad actors there who deserved to be punished for breaking the law, but insurrectionists, no.

I didn't approve of, and still don't approve of what happened. Trump lost the election. That's it. His ego was just too great to accept that he lost.

The socialist garbage Mr. Reich continually spews is boring beyond belief. Corporations are evil. The rich are evil. We should redistribute wealth to the downtrodden workers. It didn't work for Lenin and his pals, and it doesn't work now.

Third: It's America and you have a right to express your opinion. So does Mr. Reich. I respect that, but respectfully disagree.

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Ruling from bigotry and hate of the average American with reverence to the ultra rich is the mantra for this administration. The new administration is now the enemy within. 😣☠️

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This is a nightmare in the making. All hell is going to break loose. America is going to be in a turmoil.

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Turmoil is the point.

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Elliot - America has been in turmoil for the past eight years because he just won’t go away.

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Going to be?

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Biden's pardons were in essence a "prophylactic" dose of protection needed to ward off any future contagions form Trump.

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These pardons were sort of like pardoning Nixon only thing they are innocent.

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Donald, stop dreaming!

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I think the “interesting” comment was his attempt at thoughtfulness— imagine that— a rich person without a home— a homeless rich person — how ironic—he might have said. More like how Moronic!

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and these are people who have more than one home.

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He was wondering if he had a shack to sell?

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Morris - Well, now that musk is moving into the White House with the felon the room he was renting at the golf course is available again. ;)

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That sounds like a logical interpretation. I was mystified. Thanks. I shan’t spend any more time thinking about one word.

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Brace for impact!

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Trumpet 🎺 is a walking talking demonstration of his hm popped Management. The Orange Manchild will self-destruct given his lack of Knowledge and his Lack Of Self Control.

The question is how much damage to The USA before he disappears like writing in the Sand of Time…

Rich People Don’t Go To Jail .

Rich People Don’t Go To jail..

Rich People Don’t Go To Jail…

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According to the SCOTUS the orange one cannot be guilty of anything he does in the act of doing his job.

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Arthur - He would have to stop playing golf in order to even do his damn job and I don’t see that happening any time soon.

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I have concerns about the people he left off his list. They might as well sell their homes and leave the country. When Trump names them why isn’t it taken seriously? Biden did his whole family?

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I don't think even Trump's SCOTUS would agree that Trump can pardon people for future crimes. But then again, who knows, we are in the upside down.

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the Roberts court created this Frankenstein.

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I like Frakenstein better. Even the Frakenstein monster had a glimmer of human feeling when he played the game of tossing flowers into the lake with the little girl. Yes, he does then throw her into the lake, but this we must blame on lack of socialization. The monster had very little chance to make it in his society. On the other hand, the TRUE MONSTER we have among us has had every advantage to be socialized in his society. But, he is a SOCIOPATH.

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Justice Roberts himself is the creation of the Federalist Society.

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Robert's first job was in the Reagan justice dept. trying to find ways to destroy the civil rights laws passed in the 1960's. He hasn't changed and now he as five more just like him on the SC.

Only two things in our favor. First, the SC usually takes only about 1% of of the cases brought to Fed Court each year. Second, let's hope that there are enough, loyal to the Constitution, DEM and GOP judges left on the lower courts to gum up his agenda. Cheers..., GH

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Sure he can. Biden did it. Gerald Ford did it. I bet almost every president for the last 100 years did it.

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No, none of those people issued pardons (or even tried to do so) that would apply to crimes that had not yet been committed at the time of the pardon.

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No one has committed a crime until the are convicted of one. It's a silly little aspect of the Constitution known as "innocent until proven guilty." Biden just spent yesterday and this morning pardoning just those kinds of people.

An example: Liz Cheney was not pardoned for committing a crime.

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That isn't what preemptive means.

You commit a crime when you perform an illegal action.

You are convicted of a crime if you are subsequently charged, prosecuted, and found guilty by a judge or jury. (That's where "innocent until proven guilty" comes in).

You can be pardoned before or after being investigated/charged/convicted. If no investigation has been started, that is a "preemptive" pardon, which is what Biden issued for Liz Cheney and others.

But you can't be pardoned for a crime that you haven't yet committed (i.e., for future actions). So if, say, Liz Cheney were to commit a federal crime *today*, Biden's pardon wouldn't cover that crime.

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BTW nobody actually believes that Liz Cheney committed any crimes - but they do believe that Trump and his cronies would gleefully and corruptly charge her with invented crimes, that a sufficiently brainwashed jury of MAGAites might convict her, and that Trump's corrupt judges might uphold that verdict.

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Seems like they already said he could last time.

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“ Which got me wondering whether a president can issue a preemptory pardon for himself, and whether Trump — who apparently is issuing past-pardons to many of the people who were convicted of participating in the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol — will preemptorily pardon himself for everything he did in connection with seeking to overturn the 2020 election. (Otherwise, he’d still be criminally liable when he left office.) Hell, he might preemptorily pardon himself for everything he might do in the future.”

It’s enough to make your head spin.

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So Cash Pathetic lists everything republicans do and say the Dems are doing it instead. Nothing new here, folks. At least we know everything he and his repug buddies are/have been doing. When a republican says the Dems are doing something, what they're really doing is confessing to their own sins.

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Every accusation is a confession.

Thanks to those from whom I first hear this.

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paulahik - I wrote something very similar to this before I saw any of the comments. Glad to know that I am not alone in thinking this way.

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Once again I do not live in the America he describes. His speech does tell us where he is going and not where I want to go. I also am not by any stretch of the imagination an oligarchy member so I guess I will be supporting them.

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