It would be sad that one Kennedy uplifted his nation while another Kennedy helped tear it down.

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I wonder how much of his checkered life can be explained by the fact that his father, who he adored, was murdered when he was 14 years old.

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A sad truth. But no excuse for his deplorable actions. And his extended family knows it. Good on them to try and balance the scales.

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K Jr. knows perfectly well what he is doing: he is helping Trump.

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His campaign chairperson said as much.

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I think that was the NY state chairperson, not the national.

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Thanks for correcting.

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nice compassionate thought..however he is very dangerous..

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RFKj has stated how devastated he was over his father's death. He fell into drug addiction, but was able to kick the habit and went on to be an environmental hero protecting you from giant corporations (Monsanto, etc.) and even our own government from wrong-doing. Check out his story. You will find it quite fascinating how he has become so successful after such a dramatic event at age 14.

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It is evident that Kennedy Jr was never vaccinated against narcissism.

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Until he stopped living in reality. He's a dangerous man advocating non-vaccinations.

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I just wrote a comment about how his history as an environmental leader is being mentioned a lot on social media. I wonder if he is losing his mind, or his sense of right and wrong.

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Like all the heirs of the rich and famous, he has nothing to market and to gather fame and attention. He like all other legacy heirs is irrelevant. No skills or talent to market, but he thirsts for fame and relevancy and controversy even if it means bringing down the country, is the only tool he has. If his name was not Robert F Kennedy Jr, you would never have heard about him..

You haven't seen the last of the names Bush and Clinton either, unless Trump does win the election.

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Except the Bush and Clinton daughters are doing quite well on helping others through charity and other venues. Their names will always be out there, but not in politics.

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Bush daughters maybe, but we will see, the family knows that there has been an over exposure of the Bush family, and if Trump wins, that's it folks, America will go like Russia and Hungary.

As regards the Clintons, they have one child Chelsea here is her bio https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chelsea_Clinton

She is only 34 years old and is busy building up her resume.. With a name like Clinton or Bush, you don't waste your time running for state, local office or for the House or Representatives, the eye is on the prize, Senator or President.

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After learning about Grandfather Prescott's part in the attempted coup on FDR, I've been thinking of them as the "Bush Dynasty." And there are the cousins to keep an eye on, like John Ellis, who called the 2000 race for Fox "News," called it for his cousin W of course, after a phone call chat W and "Jebbie."

What a stinking mess that election was. Had their scent on it for sure.

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Haven’t heard much from Chelsea lately.

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You will, unless this becomes a hereditary Trump regime like North Korea. Chelsea is biding her time, accruing experience and credentials for when she breaks out upon the scene.

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Yeh, like she blabs to the press or has published a memoir.

Sources? An always b.s. response to something that strikes home and one doesn't particularly like.

Sources: I didn;'t state a fact, just an observation and opinion based on the Clinton family business - politics.

No sources needed. tis obvious, The only child of political royalty, studying at Stanford what other career choice is there for a legacy brat.? Time will tell, if the Oval office doesn't become an Offal office with a Trump family in charge like Korea, when I am dead and buried, she will be in her 40's and come out a roaring as a politico.

And while at it, stuff it.

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I'm sure it didn't help, but he chose the path he's on.

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Skating along on good looks, elite family connections with a famous family name and reputation, plus a verbal ability much greater than most people's-- is Mr. Kennedy just addicted to a prohibitively (for most) expensive lifestyle?

How R.F.K. Jr. Has Turned His Public Crusades Into a Private Windfall


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Thank you for the reference.

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He’s so nuts

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The Ydennek . . .embraced by the dimmest and the worst .. . .

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Thank you, Robert! I was on a zoom organizing call yesterday about the "Summer of Heat" and noted Kennedy's dangerous ploy and campaign funded by right wing billionaires.

BTW, NPR's Fresh Air program did a great piece yesterday touching on a few subjects you discuss, including monopolies, consolidation, and a living wage. "Fast Food Nation author Eric Schlosser says mergers and acquisitions have created food oligopolies that are inefficient, barely regulated and sometimes dangerous. His new documentary is Food, Inc. 2." I highly recommend this story for content and health.


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Danny - ha! no wonder that npr person criticized npr for being progressively biased. they were telling the truth, and helping people to stay informed. can't have that in a fascist state.

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Bingo! I don't think they are progressive enough I have been calling them "Nice polite republicans" for some time now.

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He used to be an admired environmentalist. How far he has fallen over the past couple of decades.

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This was an excellent video warning of the dangers of RFK Jr. - I will share it.

With that said…

There are trolls mucking up this forum who ought to be banned, kinda the way this video was removed from Tik Tok.

My advice to your devoted friends here is simply not to engage with them. Period.

Stay healthy and safe.

Anne πŸŒ»πŸ’™πŸ™

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I block them. 🚫

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How to do that? I know, it’s probably easy, like click the person’s name and then go to the 3 dots. But Substack is a strange thing to navigate. Thanks in advance!

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Thank you! Lean into the groups where independents congregate online and in-person to spread the word about the things we care about. I have been getting banned on social media and I do not use curse words there or anything that should be censored. Be β€˜Out of the Box’ thinkers and communicate/spread the word in creative ways. Meetup - book groups, and at Church. Mine is Unitarian and VERY Liberal. Be Creative, do Awesome stuff.

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@ SumPissdChck WA. I am off Facebook, etc because they ask for my SSN, which is a crime, and a copy of my driver's license or passport. No way! Same with X.

Maybe it's because I repeated the mantras "Trump hates dogs" and "Trump stole from kids with cancer" a couple of hours every day.

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Like your style - I go on truth social daily and ask Trump β€œ where’s your wife? Why do you hate dogs? Drives him crazy

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Good on you, they troll us and its a two way street.

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RemovedApr 19
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Sorry no- but Trump really does hate dogs - he doesn’t like children too much either - he was for abortion in the early 2000, but needed religious groups funding so of course changed his mind.

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Of course he was, he told Howard Stern he told Marla to abort Tiffany.

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You’re a crack up - Ever seen Trump with any dog ? His wife had a dog, no pics with any dog - it’s not for appearances - he hates them.

As for children, any man that is out having sex with a porn star while his wife is home with an infant is a complete sleazebag - no exceptions.

I would never have an abortion, nor would Biden’s family - but there are women in need of help that are so desperate and have nowhere to turn - my grandmother died giving herself a back alley abortion bc she was married to a drunk and had 3 kids during the depression. This should never happen. You can take your holier than God attitude and stick it where the sun don’t shine. Unless you’ve been in a bad situation, you wouldn’t know shit.

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President Biden is NOT a baby killer. You TUMP loving assholes are so delusional and stupid and need serious evaluation by a mental health professional. Donald TUMP is the worst human on earth. Donald TUMP doesn't know what honesty is, stupid ass.

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Only the traitorous trump-fluffing ones.

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The president's German Sheppard dogs need to eat you for lunch to shut your ass up.

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I am having problems posting on substacks. I have to leave the site and prove who I am when I try to comment from my laptop. It really slows me down and changes what I want to say.

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Yes I get that sometimes. Weird.

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Thanks Daniel for having the patience, but that is the ear markings of a troll. Who would you work for? Biden and Americans? We can't have that now! I don't repeat myself on other sites, yes I get censored for telling the truth. I get censored the most when I mention a dictator can take their guns or employ undocumented immigrants over maga voters. I also mentioned a dictator can take the minimum wage away, they're social security away, let them starve to death or die of a toothache or feed them poison foods. I get banned constantly so I have to try to get very innovative and spell the words differently. Yet I noticed other posters who are lying and they do resemble foreign trolls and they do not get censored?

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The reason is probably to authenticate you it's not based on your mantras.

I'm still on facebook. Not on twitter or tiktok which I regard both as horrible. Pick your poison, or pick none. I am all for the government regulating social media, smartly of course! Or, maybe we could have a capitalism that's not gone wild. That would be nice.

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Many of my "friends" have the same problem I have. They don't need my SSN, which is a crime. My Driver's license.

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"Chuck" from Vladivostok!

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Yes, he laid it on way too thick!

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the trolls are out today

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Apr 19Β·edited Apr 19

Chuck Campbell ; "For whom the bell trolls!" You have been at this for a long time! I am reporting you for posting hate speech and ageism. Also you advocate for a criminal who should not even be on the ballot, and those who want to tear up the Constitution, because they can't get their "win" if it is followed.

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Anyone using Jesus as their profile pic is a little bit unhinged- speaking out on political issues was never in Jesus words.

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DJT is the one that is going to lose badly, dumbass idiot.

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No way Biden is the poster child of business as usual. Pay attention.

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Chucksky is paying attention.

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GFY Chuck from Vladivostok. You hurl an unsubstantiated charge, and demand that it be refuted. How about this, when was the last time you fellated Putin.? Rodent feces has more standing than you.

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SumPissedChck ; I am an Independent and support President Joe Biden.

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Most families have at least one member within its midst who most would like to hide! These individuals may not be in the direct family unit but if you look hard, they will pop up in the extended family. RFK Jr. is the lame horse the Kennedy family would love to put out to pasture. A troubled youth coupled with a 14-year drug addiction has left RFK Jr. out of touch with reality and his family can contest to that fact. The man may share in a treasured family name, but he has no connect to its heritage, let alone it's principals. In closing what business does Trump have with RFK Jr.?

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Donald, β€œwhat business does Trump have with RFK Jr.?” Just that he could pull votes from Biden and help him win.

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Harry--I've heard talk of an agreement between the two, one which would only benefit Trump in the upcoming election. What purpose would be served by having RFK Jr. run for President? He can't win, that's a given, so who is left that would gain from his presence in the race. I wonder what Trump Promised him.

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It doesn't matter if he has business with Trump. RFK jr is a spoiled legacy brat looking for attention and relevancy, he has nothing to offer the market, no skills, no talent just a name he is trading on. And could care less what he does to the country, he is seeking his own fame, relevancy and place in history.

Cornell West and all third party candidates are in the same boat, they know that they will pull votes from Biden, they don't care, because they seek fame and glory, relevancy and they will sink the boat if they don't achieve their goal.

Idiots like West foolishly believe that this government and society will survive Trump and that there actions will teach the Democrats a lesson, and the Democrats will bend to their will as a result.

Mainly it is all about ego, relevancy and history. They need to be the center of attention, to be talked about, to feel important.

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Timothy Mellon et al.

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He's friends with Steve Bannon who told him to run "as a chaos candidate."

"Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon had been encouraging Kennedy to run for months, believing he could be both a useful chaos agent in the 2024 race and a big name who could help stoke anti-vaccine sentiment around the country, sources familiar with the matter told CBS News' Robert Costa."


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Steve Bannon and RFK Jr. are two peas from opposite ends of the previable pod. Bannon is a dishonest Trumper who reminds me of a WWII personality found behind enemy lines. Does the name Goting ring a bell. Hitler employed a personal acquittance to run his Air force. Trump told Bannon to cheat as many people as humanly possible, by selling them Border-Bricks with their names on them, for a ridiculous amount of cash, and then never follow through and just steal their hard-earned money. Remember, these were Trump supporters who Bannon was cheating. Big Steve can't remember the last time he had been sober, that's why when asked anything the man reaches for a 5th and mumbles something about "on the grounds it may tend to incriminate this overly obese body." As for the qualifications presented by RFK Jr. there aren't any. A 14-year drug addiction robbed RFK Jr. of any chance of appearing normal. Both men are little more than human rejects picked by Trump to do his bidding. How well they fit into a mad man's vision of another man's failed attempt at world domination.

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There's nothing "out of the box" about voting for Joe Biden.

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Go away. Don’t you have a rapist somewhere to support?

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Trolls to the left and right of us. How many are Putin bots?

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Daniel Solomon ; All of them!

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The purpose is, Daniel, to divert, disrupt and destroy. The tactic is to change the subject, by making themselves the subject.

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I think the "establishment" needs to do some clean up on this SS. I trust their judgement. On a climate page on facebook (GWFOTD) there are monitors to throw out the climate deniers.

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Joe Biden is a war criminal. President Trump is just the man to take him into custody. the only remaining question is where to try him. Here or at the Hague

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Oh please, Biden probably is a war criminal, but Trump is a complete scoundrel. Between the two of them, pick your poison.

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Nina ; I think tRUMP and his friends would love to label President Biden a war criminal. There is no equivalency between tRUMP and Biden at all.

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Nina is a nice Russian name.

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Laurie: There's no question that Biden is complicit in genocide. I see no reason to deny this is so, just because "Trump and his friends would love to label Biden a war criminal." I see no reason to give Biden a free pass on his dangerous foreign policy just because his political opponent is Trump.

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i’m banned? we’re on social media. are you daft?

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Pay attention to the continuity of the thread, Todd. My comment about being banned on social media wasn't meant for you.

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Yes, front and center, Biden's legacy of complicit genocide in Gaza. Read Kristof today in the NYT-4-19-2024

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I read Kristof's which makes many excellent points about Biden's complicity with Israel's genocidal war on Gaza. and how it has damaged US interests. I don't anticipate a positive outcome here. Israel is dead set on building a Greater Israel with as few Palestinians as possible, and chances are Biden will do nothing to stop Israel. Furthermore, Israel is seriously in the process of annexing the West Bank. In fact, here in Brooklyn, an Israeli real estate company called a meeting at a local synagogue to auction off homes in the West Bank to a Jewish American clientele. These auctions are in violation of international and US law.

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And Jared Kushner has his own condo and resort construction plans for the GAZA coast.

He has no shame along with all the other Zionist developers.

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There you have it, that is what the trolls are all about. Putin bots.

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Thank you for your reply. Now I know why you've been banned on social media.

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No need to block me, as I wasn't even aware of your existence.

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Which Troll farm do you operate out of Nina?

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Mitch rather see Roger stone and Steve Bannon attacked rightly for their role in Nixon and trumpet 🎺 rise to power on their web of lies and conspiracy theorists.

Bannon and Stone are the PROXIMATE CAUSE of the RFk phenomenon .

How about a deep look into their Motivations ???

Roger Stone has been evil a long time …

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Omg - Bannon probably hunts and eats domestic dogs for breakfast

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Paul truth is truth. "Good truth" is the propaganda you like.

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Mr. Kennedy-- or "Bob" as some call him-- will not win even one state. But he can take away votes in a narrow margin, throwing a win to Mr. Trump.

Get the message across: Republicans will impose fascist government in which the president can, at will, impose martial law, arrest political enemies, etc.


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maybe you should change your name

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I would never vote for Trump (or any other major Republican), and have been completely disgusted with Biden w/regards to Palestine, but as soon as a person tries to bring up RFK Jr. as an alternative, they have lost all credibility.

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RFK junior crossed the loonie line into fairyland quite some time ago. An alternative quack is not what the country needs.

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Aren’t you late for your KKK meeting?

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Still singing the same ole song , huh Paul.

Hey folks, Paul has read a book and knows THE TRUTH. All one has to do is read THE BOOK and one is converted. So sayeth the Muslims, so sayeth the Evangelicals, so sayeth the NAZI, so sayeth the Commie.

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Don't be too hard on Paul. He knows that K Jr is a fraud.He is not a true believer. What's wrong with selling a book?

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Trump troll. Block him.

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Block him how?

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Apr 19Β·edited Apr 19

No. And it won't.

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Apr 19Β·edited Apr 19

It would never occur to you that together, we dinosaurs know far, far more about everything in life than you credit us with, because we've all lived through it and we've all witnessed the development of this bullshit firsthand would it, you ignorant enabler? Bernie β€½ He would spit in your face. Since I'm a "Bernie Boy," I will:


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Apr 19Β·edited Apr 19

Those other clowns aren't the criminal defendant serving your boss currently being tried for fraud.


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Chuck, what if Kamala Harris became the Democratic nominee?

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Ah there it is, the threat, Join me or I will kill you. Much appreciated Chuck. Exactly the same threat issued by Das Sturmabeitlung in the 1930's.

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Chucksky: Biden=Putin.

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You have nothing to say Pieter or whatever your real name is. You have outed yourself as a Russian troll. Go ahead and waste your time bloviating.

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By the way Dufus, your lord and savior is on the way out, the base, save of course you and your ilk, are onto the loser.

The aid to Ukraine bill just passed the house 316 to 91, so Putin bend over suckah.

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Your attempt to intimidate falls on deaf ears. Trump has red and red leaning states locked down. Thanks to ignore, racist, religious, deplorables who vote against their own self interest, because the only thing that matters in their world is owning the libs,dominating women, banning them queers, and those people of color whom they hardly ever see on the streets.

The election starts off with 235 electoral votes in red and red leaning states, and nothing can be done to wean the idiots away from Trump and the Republican party, sheep.

Trump is their shepherd indeed and the job of a shepherd is to tend the flock till it is time for the fleecing and slaughter, and if there is one thing Trump is good at and that is fleecing the flock. Morons, impoverish themselves for their lord and savior, if not in politics then in church, well usually both,.

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This guy is really dangerous. Just like Trump. He will never win withdrawal, and he will never win. He can be a spoiler just like Raphael Nader in 2000. We all must spread the word and VOTE!!!

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Anyone with a little bit of common sense would question voting for a candidate whose own family endorses someone else!! Bobby Kennedy would be so disappointed in his son right now. Bobby would have been the first in line for vaccines. He would have worked tirelessly to stop the spread of COVID. He would NEVER accept conspiracy theories!! RFK Jr. just doesn't have what his father had and trying to bank off his father's name is just disgraceful as his family's rejection shows.

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The Kennedys are loaded with money, power, and prestige to protect. Does your entire family agree with you!? This would be highly unusual. I am sick of Reich, and all of you pretending you have any idea , in this context, in this time, what JFK or RFK would have thought! Your arrogance is astonishing! You may want a Biden vote, as too little too late is better than nothing, but stop imaging you know what RFK Jrs ancestors would think. You loose your credibility.

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Neither JFK or RFK would endorse what RFK Jr is peddling- you don’t know your history at all. Your statement contradicts itself .

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Do you speak through the airwaves with ancestors?? Woo HOO!!

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These are different times. RFK Jr knows the facts. I saw a comment on one of Rick's posts that challenge Robert wright to debate RFK and let the democracy play out. That is a brilliant comment by that person. Quite frankly it's time for liberals to wake up to the reality of the world as they are asleep in a bubble. I was a lifelong liberal until just recently and I can never look back unless they change back. We all know the Democratic party is not the party of the people anymore.

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RFK Knows very little about anything except may being an environmental Lawyer.

I think it’s one of the most crazy things of modern life where reading a story about Vaccines or watching FOX TV gives you the ability to decide complex physiological topics and then become a advocate to stop the vaccines because it’s a plot to steal our women or a pizza store in Washington DC is a headquarters for Pedophiles .

The Magic Beans Network…

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RFK did a LOT more than just read a few little articles and bits. He knows what scientists worldwide who don't follow the money know. He would not make uneducated statements.

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I don’t believe RFK knows more than the CDC - there’s nothing to substantiate that

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Yes, I would Paul. I will not vote for someone who is against vaccines and believes in conspiracy theories. I will continue to say those things. RFK Jr.'s book is rife with disinformation concerning Anthony Fauci. It is also full of conspiracy theories. I trust and believe in science. Dr. Fauci directed the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease for many years. He has the background and credentials and knows about what he is speaking. RFK Jr. is NOT a doctor and his book is nothing but his opinion. He would not be a good leader for our country.

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Exactly Peggy- these Russian Trolls are so obvious - they are unable to do thorough research and post pure CRAP - typical Russians -

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Thanks, Susan! Usually I ignore them, but sometimes I feel I need to respond so they understand exactly where I stand. I simply wouldn't vote for RFK Jr. for any political office. We need to vote out these crazy conspiracists and elect representatives that are there to serve their constituents and work for the common good.

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Paul is a salesman. Don't buy the book if you don't want.

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Do you know that there are people trying to charge Anthony fauci and others in high court. Having a hard time getting started because of the corruption of the world people. The whole world knows the corruption of Anthony fauci and his clan. Scientists all over the world including this country have been doing research on the whole covid fiasco and they're doing their homework. I'm sorry that you're so sleepy but it's time to see the world as the world sees it not as you little Democrats in a bubble see it.

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Only a moron with a lack of critical thinking skills, will read a book and become a devotee.

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Not if the book sells well.

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Evidently the book is chock full of "good truths."

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Thank you, I will share the video far and wide!

It is disgusting to see RFK Jr. smear what the name Kennedy means to America, to Americans.

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Very scary to see the comments for your video. Seems like a lot of people are being fooled by RFK, Jr and his nonsense.

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Either you get Old, Or You Die…

Being Old is Better than Becoming Dead…

You can Fool some of the people, some of the time.

You cannot Fool All of The People All Of The Time …

Biden Will Win But Keeping Politicking up until the Voting is over. Assume loss and keep Fighting Until the Fight is Done…

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yeah, hence the threat of jr.

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I think Bibi is going to take a lot more votes away from Biden than Kennedy ever could. My own opinion is that partnering with Bibi in the Gaza ongoing massacre has made Biden a hollow shell, and makes the US look like a rich powerful uncle to its favorite nephew, Israel.

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so perfectly nailed!

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I am an 80 yr old Australian citizen residing in Australia. I follow US politics with interest because Australian politics is heavily influenced by the US. What continues to amaze me is the notion that with a population of 300 million citizens in US are Biden and Trump the best you have to offer as presidential candidates? Trump's personal life experiences alone should render him unsuitable for election and Biden (sadly) is obviously suffering cognitive decline (it will sadly happen to me also!). Of the three prominent candidates RFK jr is the only one who can hold a rational and objective conversation without prompting, invective or rhetoric. He is widely experienced in life and is dedicated to realistic causes that matter not only to US citizens but to the World. His views on US foreign policy (he is non-confrontational and seeks detente), the military-industrial complex ( Eisenhower warned us about abuse of power), the pharmaceutical - scientific cabal (imposing irrational edicts and corrupt practices) and the need to conserve the environment (whilst it is still live-able) are vitally important concepts that neither Biden or Trump are either willing or able to debate with RFK jr. I fear for the outcome of the forthcoming US elections because we in Australia be effected one way or another - and we don't get a say in the vote!!

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Yes it is kind of funny, who we elect to public office . We need a reformed constitution and mandatory voting but we don’t so we have the constitution that 250 + years old. No way to keep the nutters out…

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That is a real piece of convoluted logic.

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Bravo to you for producing this video! As a Canadian watching the decline of America because of Trump, I’m praying your efforts have an impact and Biden succeeds. As you say, democracy is at stake. Keep spreading the word. Debra

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Sorry.... Trump is but one of many indicators of America's decline. The root cause of it lies in our myths and culture, which is what allowed Trump to become president. Even if Biden is re-elected, count on that decline to continue.

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Apr 19Β·edited Apr 19

There's truth in that. The Horatio Alger bullshit legend is a favorite. (ol' Tovarich MAGgot likes to paint himself that way!) "Make your living doing what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life" is another. Who the bloody'ell >ever< gets to make a living doing what they love in life β€½ Anyone who can say they have is either >completely< out of touch with the vast majority of the population, or are bullshitting either you, themselves, or both, with a programmed response. Yet, I've seen "I love this job" croaked out through tears! Among my favorites is "y'got'ta start at the bottom." Yeah. Start at the bottom, know your place. and >stay< there! Those are but a few selected examples.

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Thomas, I wish you would enlighten us about our defective myths and culture. Be constructive in your criticisms.

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I’m sorry I just don’t see any sane Democrat or independent voting for RFK

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His father would be ashamed.

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His Father was a politician and politicians are never ashamed; being ashamed is for plebs, plebeians are not ashamed of anything…

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Obviously, you know little about his father and even less about the meaning of "plebians."

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Got me !

: darn english teachers,

SB not plebeian but SB patrician ???

Can’t spell dyslexic but your correct wrong term. But at this hour I m happy if I can get out of bed…

Thank You


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The difference between the right word and almost the right word is similar to the a difference between lightning and lightning bugs- Mark twain ???

Sloppy but it’s 4:41 am sleeping πŸ’€ πŸ’€πŸ’€

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Biden is a senile stooge. And he's not in charge. Blinken et al are careening this country towards incitement of global war. Trump is a product of the media. Really a coup sponsored by it. That these two horrors are being trust down our throats is a clear indication of the corruption of our governance.

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another troll

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Correct. Gerson is a troll

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so everyone who disagrees with you is a troll. Sick.

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People or (bots) undermining our government and country without facts and reference are TROLLS

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RemovedApr 19
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So you are not a troll, You are a Jehovah Witness on a mission to convert.

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Yes, Shirley Smith Kirsten ; I'm against lies and false equivalencies. Go troll somewhere else!

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I find your comment to be, rude, intolerant and narrow-minded, breaching acceptable guidelines of exchange.

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That's a comment based on your perception of what are lies and false equivalencies. I suggest you widen your horizons and do some comprehensive readings from diverse sources not those influenced by special interests.

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And you are a perfect example of Dunning Kruger effect.

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That's where you are wrong, LVD. Laurie is well-versed in the political arena. She does her research and speaks the truth. That is more than I can say for some on this feed!

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Peggy, the name calling, shaming, small minded replies are exactly Trumpty's' types style. No different. Biden is unfortunately the 'rational ' voting response in a rotten , incrementalism, Citizens United , bought and paid for 2 party system of deep corruption, corporate capture that is deteriorating not only our country but our planet. Will Biden truly continue his, new in his career ,efforts to call on his 'inner FDR' or will he fall back to his corporate Delaware, lifelong, non ERA passing, Wall Street funded responses in a second term?!

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This is the MAGA propaganda from before the State of the Union. It hasn't worked so they're moving on to other lies. If you're going to troll for Trump, at least try to keep up. πŸš«πŸ™„

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Apr 21Β·edited Apr 21

Comment was NOT for Laurie. It was for the Gerson troll

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My sincere apologies, LVD. The trolls are out in force today and their comments were annoying me. I just reacted. I will try to follow the lines from now on. Once again, I am sorry.

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Thanks Vladi - we’ll file this in the round file

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Professor Reich: there's some issues with RFK Jr's speech. is this fixable?

that said ... i'm absolutely gobsmacked to be reminded once again that almost half of all amerikkkans are proving how deplorable they are by planning to vote for trump. it's the stuff of nightmares. i still cannot believe they think they will somehow magically be able to avoid the wrath of trump and his minions that will be set loose upon them if he gets back into the white house, that they believe that a trump presidency spells anything but worldwide nuclear war. but maybe this is their plan afterall? maybe they want to destroy the planet in fulfilment of a myth alluded to in revelations?

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Apr 19Β·edited Apr 19

GrrlScientist ; I don't trust any poll that suggests that "almost half" of voters will vote for tRump. That's like saying that "almost half of voters are cool with the reversal of Roe". I just keep remembering that in the last 7 elections ; the Presidential , the mid terms and the special elections in various states : Blue votes won.

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thank you, laurie, for reminding me that most american voters are not vapid lunatics. i like most people (i imagine), need to be reminded of this from time to time.

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Apr 19Β·edited Apr 19

GrrlScientist ; I need to remind myself from time to time, of what facts I know to be true. The media, even the "good" media can be overwhelmingly misinforming, we must be vigilant, and pay attention! Their lies and insinuations are truly insidious. They work for the billionaires who own them ; at least most media. The truth is better than nuggets of gold, if it can be found. That's why I'm here, at Robert Reich's Substack!

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indeed, Laurie. but even good journalists can be misleading because of the demand they "balance" their stories with opposing views -- it's rather like creationists versus evolutionary biologists (a battle i was part of a few years back) or flat earthers versus ... round earthers? but the ridiculousness doesn't end there, as we all know and live with daily. a better goal than journalistic "balance" -- which is just not possible in a world gone mad and irrational -- is journalistic "objectivity" ... a battle which is being played out at this moment at NPR, to be specific.

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I avoid NPR Like the plague, because they have been 'defanged' for a long time, thanks to the 'support' they get from corporate and private "interests". And "friends" who have their own agendas, instead of the Common Good foremost. In mind.

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i am a subscriber. have been for years. well, i specifically subscribe to WNYC, which is a flawed but still worthy news provider, IMO.

where do you get your news? print? radio? TV? i mostly get mine via print -- New Republic, Jacobin, Mother Jones and ByLine Times (which I've $upported ever since their inception), to name just a few -- but listening to WNYC/NPR is great for when my hands and eyes are busy but my brain is not, particularly when cleaning parrot cages and cooking.

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Laurie - These days I truly miss the journalist who made it his mission to fact check trump almost daily. While it has never been perfect at least back then the news organizations seemed to have a spine when it came to reporting the truth.

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Anon ; The news hires "journalists" who tell stories that keep the owners of news media empires and their friends, wealthy. They want to misinform and distract US from the truth. Culture wars, lies and distractions keep US from seeing clearly and not asking questions. Like 'how do we rid ourselves a corrupt 'Supreme Court'? A Congress full of election deniers and coup supporters? A Crooked Jerome Powell who wants to screw US with more interest rate hikes? A Federalist Society that stacks our courts with Constitution busting religious edicts? People like Leonard Leo who solicit billions in contributions to the Federalist Society, and other groups like the "heritage foundation"? As a Nation of immigrants, Native Americans and descendants of slaves ; Whose "heritage' are we keeping or preserving? If the Constitution is an important part of this heritage, they are treating it shabbily indeed!

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Laurie - Agee - what is currently happening is appalling.

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Laurie, you have golden eyes, so says Chucksky.

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Trump is a Putin enabler; he tore the Iran nuclear treaty, and he surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban. Only a person devoid of morality can support Donald Trump, and Kennedy Jr. knows that he is doing precisely that.

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Trump the peacemaker: Give Putin what he demands, crush Ukraine and Iran, finish off the Palestinians.

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Better red than dead huh, you freaking coward. Paul

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