Policies? How do you expect an answer when he has none. The trumpster ran for the presidency because he visioned himself as the sole dictator with adoring fans at his feet - policy never entered his mind.
Policies? How do you expect an answer when he has none. The trumpster ran for the presidency because he visioned himself as the sole dictator with adoring fans at his feet - policy never entered his mind.
I think he has a policy Fay. And that would be to make large financial contributions to politicians who are likely to support his goal of continuing to enrich himself by sucking money out of the body politic.
Policies? How do you expect an answer when he has none. The trumpster ran for the presidency because he visioned himself as the sole dictator with adoring fans at his feet - policy never entered his mind.
I think he has a policy Fay. And that would be to make large financial contributions to politicians who are likely to support his goal of continuing to enrich himself by sucking money out of the body politic.
I was referring to the trumpster not Griffin, but I like you comment re Griffin too.