I go back many, many moons when Polio was around. No one questioned getting a polio, measles, mumps or chicken pox vaccine. The large-scale use of the polio vaccine began in February 1954, when it was administered to American schoolchildren. What happened to America the past 67 years? Just curious to know others thoughts.
I go back many, many moons when Polio was around. No one questioned getting a polio, measles, mumps or chicken pox vaccine. The large-scale use of the polio vaccine began in February 1954, when it was administered to American schoolchildren. What happened to America the past 67 years? Just curious to know others thoughts.
I remember the "sugar cube". My parents took me and my brothers to get the polio vaccine as soon as it was available. Anyone who questioned getting vaccinated against polio was a "kook". People believed in the competency of government and public health officials and trusted their judgement. The government was considered to be on the side of the people. Today, government is considered by many to be corrupt, incompetent, and on the side of special interests. The trust is gone!
I guess we haven't been exposed to enough swamps so we'd recognize one when we see it. I do think that Ross Perot would have cleaned out the barn though. ;-)
My parents enrolled me in the Polio vaccine trials at my school in San Lorenzo, California, and I had a sequence of 4 shots of the Salk Vaccine that turned out to be the placebo and I had to get another 4 of the real thing a year later. Now the new one is taken orally. Vaccines = a better chance of a long and healthy life. I guess Republicans are not good at math. I wonder how many will still be alive by the 2022 midterms. Maybe the Democrats will have a chance of a greater majority in congress in 2023.
Well the behavior of congress over the years has shown it to be corrupt and on the side of special interests, all paid for by lots and lots of money....
I go back many, many moons when Polio was around. No one questioned getting a polio, measles, mumps or chicken pox vaccine. The large-scale use of the polio vaccine began in February 1954, when it was administered to American schoolchildren. What happened to America the past 67 years? Just curious to know others thoughts.
I remember the "sugar cube". My parents took me and my brothers to get the polio vaccine as soon as it was available. Anyone who questioned getting vaccinated against polio was a "kook". People believed in the competency of government and public health officials and trusted their judgement. The government was considered to be on the side of the people. Today, government is considered by many to be corrupt, incompetent, and on the side of special interests. The trust is gone!
Well...the previous guy's government _was_ corrupt and incompetent. The sad irony of truth being suspect when lies become the norm.
Also ironic -- some people that believe that government is corrupt and incompetent are strong supporters of Trump!
What's up with that!
They voted for Trump in 2016 because he was going to "drain the swamp". They have not yet figured it out.
I guess we haven't been exposed to enough swamps so we'd recognize one when we see it. I do think that Ross Perot would have cleaned out the barn though. ;-)
Drain the swamp? T***p created a new variant of that ideology...he is the swamp master with open pockets
My parents enrolled me in the Polio vaccine trials at my school in San Lorenzo, California, and I had a sequence of 4 shots of the Salk Vaccine that turned out to be the placebo and I had to get another 4 of the real thing a year later. Now the new one is taken orally. Vaccines = a better chance of a long and healthy life. I guess Republicans are not good at math. I wonder how many will still be alive by the 2022 midterms. Maybe the Democrats will have a chance of a greater majority in congress in 2023.
Tim. You hit the nail on the head!
Well the behavior of congress over the years has shown it to be corrupt and on the side of special interests, all paid for by lots and lots of money....
I too got a sugar cube and was happy to do so...after seeing those kids in the soup cans (iron lungs)