Dr. Reich, I think there is a psychological connection between the belief that Trump's reelection was "stolen" and the refusal to get vaccinated. One is the trigger for the other. Please read my comment above and let me know what you think.
I remember when Covid first hit and people were reluctant to mask up, some organizers put posters up all around the Capital area with a picture of Ruth Bader Ginsberg wearing a mask and the words: Do It For RBG! Who do the antivaxers love enough to motivate them to protect? DJT? Q-Anon? "Do It For Q!"
Yet they'll be among the first to wave flags and claim to be patriots. I wonder what they think they're doing for their country - per Mr Kennedy's stirring patriotic challenge.
They THINK they're trying to RESTORE the country to its "Rightful Leader"(dictator), whose reelection was STOLEN from him by various demonic, supernatural, foreign and domestic "dark forces", who (when they are not busy conspiring against True Patriots) kidnap babies and small children to make pornography and/or cannibalize. They THINK they must resist tooth and nail absolutely everything the Biden administration attempts to accomplish, no matter HOW MUCH IT BENEFITS THEM, because it is ALL "Fruit of the Poison Tree".
I remember a quite senior woman neighbor who thought it very funny when she heard me discuss a person's consciousness, that I admired him because he was conscious. It blew her mind, the concept. I explained it to her as being hip and aware. She had a good laugh about it when she thought about it. awake.
“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”
(John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961)
Observing pandemic safety protocols is >not< about protecting me from you. It's about protecting us all from >each other.<
Thanks for reminding us of JFK's words, DZK, which seem so relevant today at the same time they seem sadly antiquated.
Dr. Reich, I think there is a psychological connection between the belief that Trump's reelection was "stolen" and the refusal to get vaccinated. One is the trigger for the other. Please read my comment above and let me know what you think.
I remember when Covid first hit and people were reluctant to mask up, some organizers put posters up all around the Capital area with a picture of Ruth Bader Ginsberg wearing a mask and the words: Do It For RBG! Who do the antivaxers love enough to motivate them to protect? DJT? Q-Anon? "Do It For Q!"
Yet they'll be among the first to wave flags and claim to be patriots. I wonder what they think they're doing for their country - per Mr Kennedy's stirring patriotic challenge.
They THINK they're trying to RESTORE the country to its "Rightful Leader"(dictator), whose reelection was STOLEN from him by various demonic, supernatural, foreign and domestic "dark forces", who (when they are not busy conspiring against True Patriots) kidnap babies and small children to make pornography and/or cannibalize. They THINK they must resist tooth and nail absolutely everything the Biden administration attempts to accomplish, no matter HOW MUCH IT BENEFITS THEM, because it is ALL "Fruit of the Poison Tree".
And they talk about 'sheep' and 'snowflakes'.?
And "woke!" Don't forget "woke!"
In the old days we talked about being conscious.
And here I always though we used to talk about gettin' high! LOL! ];-)>
I remember a quite senior woman neighbor who thought it very funny when she heard me discuss a person's consciousness, that I admired him because he was conscious. It blew her mind, the concept. I explained it to her as being hip and aware. She had a good laugh about it when she thought about it. awake.
Y'mean they can't distinguish between what it is to do >for< and >to< the country?
What on earth?
That is me laughing at their deliberate stupidity.