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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

It is irresponsible in an internet age to ignore that unlimited and massively disseminated free speech can kill. When it does, the speakers and the disseminators should share the docket.

When your massively amplified ‘free speech’ removes my life, or liberty, you need to be found liable and you need to pay the consequences.

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I couldn’t even finish reading the rants. Ugh. Vote Biden.

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All of what he has said should be taken seriously. IMO he needs to be put in prison in solitary confinement with NO access to any media device. In other words, he will be locked away from everyone and no one will have access to him. He is a very dangerous criminal having shown his intent.

This is not rocket science. It simply requires someone with the will to do this.

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Ridicule him. Headlines should say that Trump is out of control. Attack his sanity.

When he threatens someone with violence, arrest him.

Otherwise, those defamed have civil remedies.

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Actually, my thought is a combination of Biden and others refutation and Other. Other being a calm, clear and continual refutation of Orange Jesus and what the actual impacts of his words means--aka Liz Cheney. She was a powerful voice in the Maddie and Wallace interviews. Keep it up!!!!!

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professor reich: i voted "other" in your poll because i think the american public must launch an all-out war of words on trump by doing everything listed in your poll EXCEPT "nothing". in his quest for power and revenge, this demented lunatic is determined to destroy all that we hold dear and will stop at literally "nothing" to make it happen. this means that we must push back -- HARDER.

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His comments, like his actions leading up to and on 6 January, make it quite clear that allowing him to run violates the 14th Amendment. If he can't run, few people will listen to him; if they do, and he tries to instigate another coup attempt, he should be imprisoned with no access to the press.

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After reading Trump’s rants I have to ask: Does anyone of sound mind actually believe any of the things he says? In any other environment rants like his would indicate he has lost his mind… seriously in need of psychiatric care.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

In our system, our votes should be our most powerful weapon. Beyond that, we need ALL decent public figures with a megaphone calling him out using facts, humor (ridicule) or whatever influential talents they have.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

I think it is our job, each of us in whatever ways we are able, to calmly speak the truth and to model civil discourse. Letters to the editor and guest columns are important venues. Speaking up at meetings of whatever kind and disagreeing, civilly, with those who encourage rage are things each of us ought to do.

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Wow! In reading again Trump's quotes, it is clear he is not playing with a full deck and that a bunch of others are feeding him a ton of BS and he has swallowed it whole and spews it out just as they wish, in his loud-mouthed whiny style that so many Americans have come to love. He claims Biden and everyone else are the ones who are undermining our democracy while he and his crew are actually trying to do that and more. Trump is the one running a crime family, but claims Biden is. And, of course, there is no evidence for or truth in anything Trump says. Trump uses "Communism, Socialism, Fascism," and a few other political titles as though they are interchangeable, demonstrating that he has no clue what he is talking about. He thinks or his handlers think that if he throws those words out loud and often enough they will simply be synonymous with his idea of "evil" since he is pretty sure his supporters have no clue which of those forms of government is which. He buries fascism between Communism and Socialism so people won't remember that he, himself is a fascist and would-be dictator. The Steves and the others are very good at reading the discontented, resentful, angry, hateful Trump supporters and know just what to put into their minds that will tie them to their Baby Donnie or perhaps, Messiah Donnie for life. They whine about crime yet support a criminal for the highest office in this nation. They whine that they have been forgotten and are not being heard, yet they are not heard or even thought of by Trump beyond his need for their vote. He thinks they are useless but for their votes and are a burden on the nation but he claims to just love them. He lies incessantly, so how is it they believe him about his love for them? That is remarkable. Our Baby Donnie will continue to lie, mislead, promote cheating and fraud if it helps to get him elected, but Fox and their ilk have trained the viewers well and they hear nothing but Trump's tone of voice, knowing it is directing hate in some form toward a group they are expected to hate. They oblige. They claim to hate the government as their Donnie does while they have to collect government support since their employers don't pay a living wage. They blame the Democrats for "forgetting" them and some Democrats have fallen into the trap of thinking it is somehow our fault, but it is not. Those Trumpers and Trumpettes put into office at all levels people who also care nothing for them and go for money over concern for the people. Should Trump be shut up? That is not possible unless he is confined to Mar a Lago without his phone and thumbs. He must be heavily fined, though if he continues to threaten court officials, potential jurors, and anyone else involved with the upcoming trials. The legitimate media must step up and start speaking of the consequences for all of us if Trump is elected president. So far, their responses are weak and minimal and Fox usually gets the last word, claiming everyone is trying to hurt Trump. Trump is losing it, but with the huge amount of money behind him, he could win again, and his handlers will rule and do as much damage as they can while they rake in the bucks. And, We the People will pay.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

Thank you for the catalogue of all the horrible statements that come out of Trump's mouth. If anyone has doubts about his intentions to destroy American democracy, they should be required to read this list. I've come across many of these statements over the past six months or so, but it's truly eye opening and frightening when they are all seen together.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

Just do whatever you can to help the Dems win in the next election.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

Organise and defeat him in the election.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Just because it has not been done before is not a reason to not put tfg in jail! Time to set a new precedent for a former president!

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