The Republican party brain is functioning just fine. I'd even argue they are playing a sophisticated game of 4-D chess. I mean the best way to pivot a democracy into a authoritarian state ruled by Christian fundamentalists is to bamboozle half its citizens into supporting their very own oppression.
The Republican party brain is functioning just fine. I'd even argue they are playing a sophisticated game of 4-D chess. I mean the best way to pivot a democracy into a authoritarian state ruled by Christian fundamentalists is to bamboozle half its citizens into supporting their very own oppression.
This is straight from the religious fundamentalism playbook-- convincing your subjects to cheer on the banning (formerly burning) of books that are based in facts, science or simply opposing viewpoints. Vertical Morality programming (you are good, only God is above you, and those who do not serve him are beneath you, unless you can save them by teaching them this motto).
And of course, believing that the above can't be true since their elected officials encourage them to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights to protect themselves from tyranny-- as if they would stand a chance against a militarized govt-- when in fact it simply provides easy justification for law enforcement to neutralize armed "threats" first, ask questions later.
Republican party leaders know exactly what they are doing. They've created the illusion of freedom in the very people whom they control. This is the sophisticated way to maintain the Status Quo.
Sadly, it's a paradoxical closed loop for the citizens who support their agenda, and they cannot be reasoned with. When a person has been brainwashed successfully, you cannot convince them that they've been brainwashed successfully.
I'm thinkin' blackmailed - kompromat. Whether CIA or KGB makes little difference for our purposes here, 'cause it's just as likely to be ol' Tweety's own little side hustle, for sale to the highest bidder. Consider this: ol' Tweety is/has been the impresario of hotels, gambling casinos, golf courses, and beauty pageants - all of which are traditional mafia hustles that were >always< in the pockets of such agencies. Indeed, state secrets notwithstanding, I'd be interested in finding ol' Tweety's stash of kompromat. I'm >convinced< such a stash exists because - based on the principle of Occam's Razor - it's the simplest explanation for why all his Republican toadies kowtow in the direction of Mar a Lago.
Ol' Tweety >definitely< had access to those who patronized his hustles, and he >clearly< knows the nature of sensitive - translate marketable - information - along with a remarkable, >international< "Rolodex!"
The kompromat Trump is using to keep Republicans in line is probably partly what Putin has gleaned from their intelligence & partly what Trump has gotten from secret government documents (much of which he has naturally passed onto Putin in exchange for the kompromat Putin has given him).
Oh, I have no doubt he's "been in bed" with all of 'em! But I doubt he >serves< any of 'em. There's only one person on this old planet he serves. Everything else is a utilitarian transaction.
If he is the object of kompromat himself, then Trump will serve the one who holds that kompromat over him, which is why Trump keeps all communication between him & Putin secret, & why he does pretty much whatever Putin wants him to.
Agree with all of the above, but at what cost? They are marshaling in mandates that violate many rights given to US citizens, mainly free speech, the right to have peaceful assembly, and freedom of religion. The right is shoving their, THEIR, beliefs down our throats. The republican party is a shitshow, with all of their posturing while sexually assaulting women and deny the right to form our own thoughts by reading. It is reminiscent of the Nazi party of 1933, and we are heading into very dangerous territory, if not already there. Voting doesn't work with the current electoral college, with weight given to areas that believe this garbage that are sparsely populated. The proliferation of guns in this country is out of control, with those sparsely populated areas believing that guns are the answer. No one is coming for their weapons, but the scare tactics employed by the republican party fuel dissent, dangerous dissent, as evidenced by January 6th. They don't practice what they preach in any fashion. Don't like the results of an election? Overthrow the government. Don't like someone's religion? Shoot up a synagogue. Don't like someone's race? Murder people in a house of worship who welcomed you in to participate, REGARDLESS OF YOUR RACE. We look like fools to the rest of the world. New Zealand had a mass shooting, and enacted stricter gun laws in a week. A WEEK. This country is out of control, and I prefer to read the news instead of watching it due to shooting after shooting after shooting. They may be sticking to a script, but at the cost of peaceful person's lives.
But, sadly, we have to worry about said "militarized government" now being fully on the side of the fascists and NAZI despots. :(
Ever notice just how many of the current and former military service peeps in this land are blatantly, and obstinately far rightwing extremist in their 'worldviews'??
It is so sickening and terrifying for them to ignore their oath to THE CONSTITUTION, and NOT to a 4th REICH dictator, that it goes well beyond just Goebbels Nooz (Faux) being played incessantly in every military outpost/base/PX/etc. in this land.
I was mainly speaking about the 'rank and file' of our military.
Hopefully, General Mark Milley totally and fully regrets walking alongside the SCUMp SHITler to that church in D.C., after the putrid orange fuehrer ordered him to clear the streets to do so. ;)
digital_everest, let's not forget the narcissistic psychopaths who don't like anything more than being in the spotlight, no matter how or why. Remember Rodger Stone? He's their poster child.
The Republican party brain is functioning just fine. I'd even argue they are playing a sophisticated game of 4-D chess. I mean the best way to pivot a democracy into a authoritarian state ruled by Christian fundamentalists is to bamboozle half its citizens into supporting their very own oppression.
This is straight from the religious fundamentalism playbook-- convincing your subjects to cheer on the banning (formerly burning) of books that are based in facts, science or simply opposing viewpoints. Vertical Morality programming (you are good, only God is above you, and those who do not serve him are beneath you, unless you can save them by teaching them this motto).
And of course, believing that the above can't be true since their elected officials encourage them to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights to protect themselves from tyranny-- as if they would stand a chance against a militarized govt-- when in fact it simply provides easy justification for law enforcement to neutralize armed "threats" first, ask questions later.
Republican party leaders know exactly what they are doing. They've created the illusion of freedom in the very people whom they control. This is the sophisticated way to maintain the Status Quo.
Sadly, it's a paradoxical closed loop for the citizens who support their agenda, and they cannot be reasoned with. When a person has been brainwashed successfully, you cannot convince them that they've been brainwashed successfully.
If the Freedom Caucus members aren't Russian agents, they're assets or willing idiots.
I'm thinkin' blackmailed - kompromat. Whether CIA or KGB makes little difference for our purposes here, 'cause it's just as likely to be ol' Tweety's own little side hustle, for sale to the highest bidder. Consider this: ol' Tweety is/has been the impresario of hotels, gambling casinos, golf courses, and beauty pageants - all of which are traditional mafia hustles that were >always< in the pockets of such agencies. Indeed, state secrets notwithstanding, I'd be interested in finding ol' Tweety's stash of kompromat. I'm >convinced< such a stash exists because - based on the principle of Occam's Razor - it's the simplest explanation for why all his Republican toadies kowtow in the direction of Mar a Lago.
Ol' Tweety >definitely< had access to those who patronized his hustles, and he >clearly< knows the nature of sensitive - translate marketable - information - along with a remarkable, >international< "Rolodex!"
The kompromat Trump is using to keep Republicans in line is probably partly what Putin has gleaned from their intelligence & partly what Trump has gotten from secret government documents (much of which he has naturally passed onto Putin in exchange for the kompromat Putin has given him).
Oh, I have no doubt he's "been in bed" with all of 'em! But I doubt he >serves< any of 'em. There's only one person on this old planet he serves. Everything else is a utilitarian transaction.
If he is the object of kompromat himself, then Trump will serve the one who holds that kompromat over him, which is why Trump keeps all communication between him & Putin secret, & why he does pretty much whatever Putin wants him to.
Just as the old Confederates were hopeful British allies!
It seems to be a mixture.
Agree with all of the above, but at what cost? They are marshaling in mandates that violate many rights given to US citizens, mainly free speech, the right to have peaceful assembly, and freedom of religion. The right is shoving their, THEIR, beliefs down our throats. The republican party is a shitshow, with all of their posturing while sexually assaulting women and deny the right to form our own thoughts by reading. It is reminiscent of the Nazi party of 1933, and we are heading into very dangerous territory, if not already there. Voting doesn't work with the current electoral college, with weight given to areas that believe this garbage that are sparsely populated. The proliferation of guns in this country is out of control, with those sparsely populated areas believing that guns are the answer. No one is coming for their weapons, but the scare tactics employed by the republican party fuel dissent, dangerous dissent, as evidenced by January 6th. They don't practice what they preach in any fashion. Don't like the results of an election? Overthrow the government. Don't like someone's religion? Shoot up a synagogue. Don't like someone's race? Murder people in a house of worship who welcomed you in to participate, REGARDLESS OF YOUR RACE. We look like fools to the rest of the world. New Zealand had a mass shooting, and enacted stricter gun laws in a week. A WEEK. This country is out of control, and I prefer to read the news instead of watching it due to shooting after shooting after shooting. They may be sticking to a script, but at the cost of peaceful person's lives.
Thank you
digital_everest. You picked the 3 perfect words to describe the GUP... Illusion of freedom
But, sadly, we have to worry about said "militarized government" now being fully on the side of the fascists and NAZI despots. :(
Ever notice just how many of the current and former military service peeps in this land are blatantly, and obstinately far rightwing extremist in their 'worldviews'??
It is so sickening and terrifying for them to ignore their oath to THE CONSTITUTION, and NOT to a 4th REICH dictator, that it goes well beyond just Goebbels Nooz (Faux) being played incessantly in every military outpost/base/PX/etc. in this land.
Michael Flynn is the exception, not the rule. Most of the generals who had to work with DJT despised him.
I was mainly speaking about the 'rank and file' of our military.
Hopefully, General Mark Milley totally and fully regrets walking alongside the SCUMp SHITler to that church in D.C., after the putrid orange fuehrer ordered him to clear the streets to do so. ;)
digital_everest, let's not forget the narcissistic psychopaths who don't like anything more than being in the spotlight, no matter how or why. Remember Rodger Stone? He's their poster child.
...or Steve 'Fritz Kuhn' Bannon! ;)
Inciteful. Well done!
I hope you meant insightful, lol. 'Inciteful' would mean they are inciting something (as did tfg on J6)
My bad, but I like the double entendre! I'll just blame it on the damn spell-checker and let it stand! LOL!