
As Barbara Jo Krieger suggests, resuscitating the late great Paul Wellstone’s campaign slogan “we all do better when we all do better” is a good place to start. Democrats have to remind people that the Democratic Party is the party of the common good.

I think it also important for Democrats to stress that they’re the party of democracy, as opposed to the GOP, which has become more and more authoritarianism. The parallels between Trump and Putin mustn’t be overdone, but there **are** parallels, and Democrats should show them.

Finally, some of you may remember Al Gore’s 2000 campaign when he said “we represent the people; the other side represents the powerful.” Every time he said it, his approvals soared. Why did Gore stop using the phrase? I happen to know (because I spoke with several of his political advisers at the time): Several big Democratic corporate funders and wealthy donors objected. To me, that proved why the slogan was so important.

By the way, In my book the only Democratic political adviser/operative who knows what he’s talking about is Stanley Greenberg. Take a look at Greenberg's latest piece for the American Prospect, here: https://prospect.org/politics/democrats-speak-to-working-class-discontent/

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The best message on messaging yet:

"Democrats offer white papers and they talk in paragraphs. Republicans offer fearful stories and talk in bumper stickers."

By George, I believe Dr Reich has it completely surrounded!

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Professor, Sometime back, one of your subscribers had solicited ideas about messaging. At the time, I had suggested resuscitating the late Senator Paul Wellstone’s campaign slogan “We all do better when we all do better.” In my mind, this statement encapsulates much of Biden’s State of the Union address, after which his approvals rose 8 points.

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Dems need to talk in bumper stickers using 4th grade words. Repeat, repeat….Trump campaigns to the lowest common denominator. Do that. Make it simple. “Take back freedom! Freedom to vote! Freedom to choose! Freedom to schools! Etc. Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness— free.

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The notion that Americans should get a fair chance to succeed has been obscured by narrow identity sectoral interests so why not focus on systematic abuses by the rich and offer a new deal that addresses tax loopholes and bolsters housing and education ,a new deal for a new age?

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It seems that Democrats need a Zelenskyy more than a Biden or even a Kennedy, major diff being Zelenskyy can reach today's social media audience.

So can Trump. Both use their professional stage/TV/social media experience, which is what people today are conditioned to respond to. But what's the obvious difference there? Trump depends on negative motivation and dividing tactics -- fear, lies, slander, threats, stupidity, corruption, greed, ego, "them vs us," etc. -- while Zelenskyy uses positives -- higher causes, intelligence, working together, democracy, humility, charity, kindness, honesty, etc. Those ethics differences also have, in a sense, come to characterize our two political parties, but obviously, the Democrats aren't effectively using those differences, as if the party collectively contains a bunch of pocket-protector nerds and toe-in-sand apologists lacking PR, acting, and social media experience and talent -- which is ironic when Hollywood is so "blue."

Let the pencil pushers and white-paper writers toil behind the scenes. If the people drawing today's crowds are celebrities, like Trump and Zelensky, maybe the Democrats need a principled, positive, charismatic, professional entertainer, but much more Zelenskyy than Trump -- and a PR firm, and as pointed out, hats and bumper stickers. And when publishers are abridging classics, apparently Democrats need a 2-second slogan more than a two-hour message.

I, personally, think it's a sad comment on voters that they're having a tough time valuing democracy over fascism just because democracy lacks social media and entertainment skills, but then I grew up in earlier times. It is what it apparently is. Dems need to "use it or lose it," to release their death grip on ye olde tyme strategies. Simple fix: Get a charismatic, ethical actor to front the operation, with a PR firm to find the slogan and put it on a bright blue hat!

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Democrats; the makers not the takers!

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Democrats, not the party of Putin!

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For forty years and more now the Democratic Party has run scared. Reagan succeeded in painting democrats as the party of big government and big taxes, and the Dems have quivered in fear and pleaded, “oh no, we’re the party of just slightly larger government and slightly larger taxes than the other guys, we’re really for the people, please believe us.” It hasn’t worked for forty years and it’s not working now. The Dems message should be Bernie’s message. No matter what else the corporate Dems might say about the progressive message, even they have to admit it has been consistently and effectively pro worker and inclusive. Biden should start by using the bully pulpit every day to call for a windfall profits tax on the greed of big oil and its investors.

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I like Archangel's "new deal for a new day." Unfortunately, Biden is not the orator Roosevelt was. And, I wonder how many millenials care about or understand what Roosevelt accomplished in pulling our country out of its depths of despair. Dems need to SHOW, not talk, about the 'have and have nots' in this country. Watching a war unfold daily before our eyes with not only Zelenskyy but THE PEOPLE AND THEIR STORIES have impacted the world. Let the people here speak for Biden and the Dems' policies. It's called smart marketing from the heart, not just the head. And, we all must work to get out the vote.: VoteFwd.org.

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Democrats; we don't think bombing civilians is 'Genius'

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Mar 16, 2022·edited Mar 16, 2022

Hats or health care?

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Republican Lies cost American Lives

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We Democrats need a hat. The Republicans have MAGA. What do we have? We need a slogan that will fit on a hat. Simple. Easy. Works for progressives, liberals and moderates. Suggestions, please?

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I think they should just go with the straight honesty route. Stick with simple messages and slogans that really speak to how their supporters feel. Something like... "Dems 2022: Yes, We Can! But, We Won't!" Either that or, "Democrats: Hey, At Least We Don't Cage Children!"

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In my opinion, the American people are tired of words, the same rhetoric they’ve heard over and over again. The country has become disillusioned, cynical and apathetic at this point. I fear that anything the democratic party and candidates say will fall on deaf ears.

My suggestion is really simple. Tell a story, create a visual that addresses each issue. Film a single mother and family struggling to pay bills on minimum wage. Follow it up with the democrat’s bill created to help them. End each video with congressional republicans voting against it. Do this on every single piece of legislation including Build Back Better, voting rights, women’s rights, etc. Always end each one with republicans voting no.

We live in a visual society, the one man who knows it better than most is Ukraine’s President Zelensky. During his address to Congress today he aired a heart wrenching video of the people of Ukraine, showing his beautiful cities and the carnage from Putin’s attacks. He knows that this video will get the attention of the people and we need to take a lesson from him

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