
Here’s my two cents: I very much like what Ed Shook and Ed Wren propose, but with a slightly different approach. I think Biden should center his State of the Union on the fundamental choice between democracy and authoritarianism. He should connect (1) the importance of voting rights, with (2) the dangers posed by Trump and his follower’s ongoing assault on democracy, and (3) the danger of widening inequality to democracy because big money inevitably affects politics (which is why the rich must pay their fair share, why monopolies pose dangers not just for consumers but for democracy, and why measures such as the refundable Child Tax Credit are so urgently needed), (4) America’s role in the world providing leadership on today’s challenges of authoritarianism (as exemplified by Putin), and (5) the power of American democracy to overcome other global challenges such as pandemics and climate change.

In these ways, Biden’s speech should be a modern version of FDR’s State of the Union address in 1941 – FDR’s “Four Freedoms” speech, in which Roosevelt proposed that people “everywhere in the world” should enjoy the freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. FDR delivered that speech before Pearl Harbor, when the nation was deeply divided about going to war. The parallels today are the global threats of authoritarianism as well as pandemics and climate change. FDR noted that freedom and democracy are inextricably connected, and that the benefits of democracy include economic opportunity, employment, social security, and adequate health care. Biden should reiterate these benefits, and explain what he has done and will do to advance them in the richest nation in the history of the world.

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022

We need to understand why and how a democracy works. Biden has to wake us up. Plain and simple it’s freedom. We need to protect freedom at all costs. The insurrection was a trial balloon and republicans have evolved into fascism and are our biggest threat to our democracy and freedom. If your unhappy with some elements of our society then get involved. Get your hands dirty. Don’t give your freedom to a dictatorship. Plain stupid. John Kennedy said it best “ Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country “ We’ve had it easy until now. We could see our enemies but now the enemy is within. Let’s save our democracy. Uniformed soldiers can’t help us with this one. Truth,Justice and the American way. Let us unite and that is our most effective weapon.

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He should challenge every American with the question: "Are you committed to finding solutions or are you simply bitching about the problems?" That pretty much describes Democratic efforts these days versus Republican complaints and obstructionism!

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022

Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post wrote an Opinion piece yesterday (2/22/22 @ 7:45am EST) which includes all of the topics President Biden might want to touch upon. It is entitled: “Five things Biden should do at his State of the Union address” I think Ms. Rubin is brilliant and hope he does just this. Here’s a link:


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These are my quickly jotted down thoughts....If only he could educate the American people like you do. So many of us are lacking in a fundamental education about how our government works....so much so that disenfranchisement spills out the seams into politics because no one really understands what it takes to get what they need or want. For that matter, it really isn't a very good system. Our system of communicating is rather primitive...having to protest. Why not send emails and do surveys, let people communicate that way first and have someone make sure they are being read and sorted and gone through. Answer questions on TV...etc. Also, if the real problems in the homeland aren't handled ...like Fox News and other fake news outlets, not sure what impact his State of the Union will have. Having said that, I hope he tells the truth about everything and backs whatever he talks about up with his sources for the facts, and shines light on his vision for America so that it spills over into all our homes and gives us hope.

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The question I so wanted to chime in on it finally pushed me over the edge to paid subscriber...

In 2016 I was blown away by the number of otherwise liberal people who supported Trump because he "tells it like it is." I've spent the last 5 years trying to figure out why anyone with good intentions and a lick of sense would follow him, the republican (now arguably Confederate) party, and particularly Fox "News" (except in court, where they claim to be entertainment.) And the answer I've come to, is they lead. They treat their followers like ignorant sheep, but they lead. on the left, we have discussions. And I love that, most of the people here love that, but most people are busy enough that they don't have the time or energy to develop a deep understanding of every issue the nation faces. That's what they elect leaders to do. And on one side you have a party that bluntly claims to represent them and does anything but; while on the other you have a party that tries very hard to support everybody but isn't very good at saying so and better at attacking itself than the opposition.

Biden has arguably had the best first year since FDR, and yet has approval ratings more in line with his predecessor- the WORST. PRESIDENT. EVER. He has nothing to lose. I want to see him go full on Jed Bartlet- this is more important than re-election. Among the points I'd love to see made, but by no means an exhaustive one:

- you want free market capitalism? we can give you free market capitalism, no more subsidies, no more copyright or patent laws... Oh that sounds bad to you? okay, then let's have the government worry about taking care of the people- and corporations prove the power of capitalism by finding ways to make money even when the rules aren't stacked in their favor

-let's throw out the stats on percentage of federal revenue collected from red states and percentage of federal spending on red states

-let's go through BBB point by point with the specifics of how it would help states whose Senators are not supporting it

-take on Fox 'news' and Tucker in particular. Definition of fake news is lack of internal consistency, campaigning with candidates, and arguing in court that no reasonable person would take you seriously

I could keep going, but I think the point is clear and I need to get ready for work. When he's done, no spin- just a carefully prepared data and video dump to support his points. If asked questions, the pat response should become: "I think their record speaks for itself," followed by a pivot to something that matters.

Will it work, who knows? But do we have anything to lose by trying at this point?

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With my narrow minded thinking, I would suggest that he stay with the positives and refrain from bashing the Republicans or tRump. We have a lot to rally on just making America a better place for the lower class and hard working people in our great country. No use of wasting valuable time on the losers . Gear your speech to the future and not the past. The world is anxious to hear us get back to leadership again, I hope this will be Biden’s goal

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My thanks to Anne, who provided columnist Jennifer Rubin’s excellent recommended topics. My one suggestion is that the President structure his address as a narrative. He ought to be telling the story of the past year as opposed to enumerating abstract legislation and non relatable numbers and data.

To illustrate, were Biden to mention the two billion dollar investment in semi-conductor manufacturing in Ohio, aside from noting an expected felt impact on the supply chain in light of no longer depending on South Korea and Taiwan for this part, Biden’s focus should be on how people in that plant talk about what this investment has meant to them and to their families. My point is that despite the promised transformative economic agenda (BBB) the Administration so far has failed to deliver, this Administration does have an impressive record of accomplishments. I merely advise its achievements be rendered rather than listed.

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Biden needs to point out that inflation is as much caused by speculation and greed of private enterprises as government policies. (I live in Australia and it’s here too, but nobody blames Biden!) He needs to factually describe improvements in the economy since Trump. He also needs to point out all Trump’s ceding to Putin which is unAmerican. He must make his actions in the pandemic appear as well organised and strong for his country. Most of all he needs to point out to the whole country that the Big Lie is just that, and it is the greatest threat to our democracy and our future freedom.

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I’ve been thinking a lot about this, even considered sending Biden a letter, knowing the chances of its being read by him are minimal. I’m a 75-year-old lifelong Democrat. Though I am more progressive in my thinking than Biden, I fully support all that he has done to promote and protect diversity, more than any previous president. I’m sure he will highlight these accomplishments in his address tonight, as well as the excellent bills Congress has managed to pass and the ones that need yet to be passed that are essential to our winning the mid-terms.

Where I and many other Dems differ with him has to do with his trust in corporate America, which includes agribusiness and our medical and pharmaceutical approaches to healthcare. I fear he is losing considerable Democratic support regarding his disregard for avenues of prevention and healing that are not strictly the business/medical model. For instance, I believe he could gain back support if he could actually say in his address that COVID has been a huge challenge to the medical community, that we are still learning things about it, that we have had to change priorities and decisions based on new studies, and, most importantly, that he welcomes all facts that are emerging about COVID including the use of many low-cost, generic drugs with a proven safety record for preventing and treating COVID, as well as a specifically designed for COVID vitamin protocol. I don’t expect him to admit wrong-doing by only listening to the FDA, NIH, and CDC on this (who all have a vested interest in the profitability of their recommendations), but he could give us some hope that he is open to alternative methods that, in fact, have definitely worked, based on multiple studies. And big Pharma and corporate hospitals are making it impossible for doctors to even prescribe what they have found in their extensive experience to be effective.

Many Dems believe in organic farming, eating well, and taking natural supplements to stay healthy. But it is concerning to many of us that corporate America has way too much control over what we can and cannot do, as well as not protecting us from toxic chemicals. (Just as an example, I have had devastating reactions to antibiotics, so I have used Colloidal Silver for 20+ years to take care of sinus infections. When I went to buy another bottle at Whole Foods, I was told that it was taken off the shelves because people are buying it to stop COVID! Same thing is happening with other alternative meds that work for other things, and now they are hard to find because they are seen as a threat to COVID profits.)

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I'd like to see the substance of Roosevelt along with JFK.

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Here’s my two cents: Biden should center his State of the Union on the fundamental choice between democracy and authoritarianism. He should connect (1) the importance of voting rights, with (2) the dangers posed by Trump and his follower’s ongoing assault on democracy, and (3) the danger of widening inequality to democracy because big money inevitably affects politics (which is why the rich must pay their fair share, why monopolies pose dangers not just for consumers but for democracy, and why measures such as the refundable Child Tax Credit are so urgently needed), (4) America’s role in the world providing leadership on today’s challenges of authoritarianism (as exemplified by Putin), and (5) the power of American democracy to overcome other global challenges such as pandemics and climate change.

In these ways, Biden’s speech should be a modern version of FDR’s State of the Union address in 1941 – FDR’s “Four Freedoms” speech, in which Roosevelt proposed that people “everywhere in the world” should enjoy the freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. FDR delivered that speech before Pearl Harbor, when the nation was deeply divided about going to war. The parallels today are the global threats of authoritarianism as well as pandemics and climate change. FDR noted that freedom and democracy are inextricably connected, and that the benefits of democracy include economic opportunity, employment, social security, and adequate health care. Biden should reiterate these benefits, and explain what he has done and will do to advance them in the richest nation in the history of the world.

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022

Speak loud and firmly.

Affirm “The Commons” we share as Americans.

Empathize with the 900,000+ people and their families we have lost to a “Heath Crisis” and how that has affected us as a Nation.

Feel free to stutter. We are human.

Bread & butter issues.

Health care issues.

Student issues.

Speak of the Insurrection.

Challenge people to “step up and participate in Democracy.”

Remind people to register to vote and be aware of changes in voter laws.

Be positive.

Acknowledge problems and provide solutions.

Look forward not backward.

Thank your wife for being the ground upon which you stand.

Thank Americans for putting their trust in you.

Thank Spirit for the grace that we as Americans share.

Affirm “The Commons.”

Smile and uplift and be firm.

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Having survived 5 years in FL of mind blowing exposure to Trump supporters of every stripe, I think I can offer timely advise to Biden: up the tempo, be positive, use short, memorable phases and labels for your most successful programs. Don't just say the economy is improving - spice it up, relate it to "what's in this for me" mentality of the average voter. Say yes to more success in controlling inflation (big issue with seniors and young, working adults, provide concrete examples of new job growth, restored image of America abroad, and celebrate social programs that are changing lives for the middle class as well as our most vulnerable citizens. People are selfish, how does lovng your fellow man make the world a better place (to quote the song) but insure stronger economic growth, quality, availability vital services in education, medical care, and improved infrastructure. Most importantly, speak louder (your enemies see a soft, calm voice as evidence of frailty) emphasize the real danger of more poverty and military engagements which only threaten world peace and endanger lives abroad. Be who you are, claim it, let it shine = peace keeper, builder of new opportunities for all Americans, the man who is expanding our economy in all sectors, fixing our long neglected infrastructure, insuring medical care and a good education for all.

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Biden should accentuate the positive; 6.6 million new jobs, what the infrastructure plan did ( and what would have happened if that was not done). He should stay away from BBB. The fact that justice is working on the Jan 6th 2021 sedition and related things, and emphasize that he does not want to go to war with Russia over Ukraine. If it's possible to talk about new plans to boost electric cars, (with the jobs to make them) and increased solar and wind electricity generating capability to offset higher prices of fossil fuels, that would be smart.

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Feb 23, 2022·edited Feb 23, 2022

1) Congratulate the American People on coming together behind….list here all the things where the polls show we actually like his policies and choices (I am appalled that so many of us say we like these but then say we don’t like HIM), and

2) point out how much better off the American People are today than a year ago because of those policies.

3) Contrast with only 10% of Russian people being behind Putin’s move on a country that is trying to govern itself in a democratic manner, and that they will suffer economically if we have to increase sanctions. Emphasize US alliances strong around the world once again, that we are not a laughingstock any more.

4) Then list some really good things we can do going forward because of a united American People and a united NATO(etc): Finish pushing Covid into a corner, combat climate change, get the corporations under control and thus inflation, one or two more items. 5) Then close with praise for times we have acted together with common purpose and do well, with *vision* for future.

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