Twitter, Tic Tok, Facebook - all of it should be left in the dust. These destructive social media platforms do much more harm than good. There are much better ways to fill the hours of our lives with good music, films & books, activities such as dance, sports and walks in the park or productive hobbies and outings. I know people like myself who live a rich life without staring at a device all day long checking to see how many strangers “like” my posts or videos. Wake Up, America!


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Mainstream media should stop reporting the drivel oozing from the three year old emotions of musk and trump. They NEED attention, and have been throwing the same uncontrolled temper tantrums since they were three years old. My 3 year olds had consequences for temper tantrums (not spanking or beating) Apparently neither musk nor trump parents believed in controlling 3 year olds and those men never advanced beyond that age. Why do you think the Brits made those baby donnie balloons?

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We need the kind of laws that Germany has. To whit:

Laws against the incitement of hatred against any national, religious, or racial group, or any group defined by its ethnic origin.

Laws against assaulting the human dignity, by maliciously maligning any of the above groups or segments of the population. (Includes LGBT etc.)

Punishment is incarceration for three months to five years.

They also have a law against Holocaust denial.

The above is a VERY ROUGH paraphrasing of what I have read.

At this time, and after what our our democracy has suffered, I don't think our founders would object too strenuously.

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I agree that what Adams and Musk have said are clearly racist, but one of the most frustrating things about all of the coverage Musk and his ilk get for things like this is that they likely don't believe any of it. Billionaires, GOP members, and all who support them simply spew out whatever will earn them more or keep them in power. Government is bad, except when it's not. The media is terrible, except when it serves them. Schools are bad, except when they're jamming free market fantasies down everyone's throat. Their words are obviously still harmful and must be addressed, but the fact that they may not really believe any of this makes it even worse. It's just another example of how these villains will hurt others, poison society and burn the world if it will push their stock up.

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Simple solution: Get off twitter. I left the day Musk walked in carrying his sink. I will never buy a Tesla, and I make every effort to avoid products advertised on Fox. https://dropfox.com/advertisers/

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Musk is the poster child for being driven mad by power. He’s going to be spending the rest of his days trying to cover his ass for the things he says. He doesn’t understand the world that the rest of us live in. We understand him all too well.

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Simple: get off the platform.

I never got on.

Another poster child for FCC regulation of social media.

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Wasn’t Musk born and raised in South Africa during the apartheid era in that country?

Enough said!

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I picked everyone should leave Twitter because all we can do to protest the rising fascism, Nazism, and racism is to vote AND boycott those who support anti-democracy movements. I don't go to Chick-Fil-A or Hobby Lobby etc because of what those corporations believe in. I know democratic-minded people who have been with Twitter for years are reluctant to leave. They want to stay and fight. But perhaps it's better to try and hit Twitter in the pocketbook if tweeters and advertisers left.

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Just thinking here about the parallels between Twitter and Tesla—the guardrails have come off. Congress has the power to erect some, but I'm not sure they will, and the Supremes have a bias against restriction, if, of course, they like you.

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Repeal Section 230 and let the platforms be sued as if they were newspapers or media outlets publishing the same garbage. Enabling racist hate speach on his platform is the same as speaking it. All of that for the tired old goal of keeping everyone at each others throats while the rich keep robbing 99% of the income. Elon's superbowl meeting with Rupert Murdoch indicates that he is educating himself as to what he needs to do to keep purpetuating his vile garbage on the sly. Just like fox let Syndney powel and Jiuliani run rampant so will Elon let the Neo nazis and the white supremest speak the lies for him.

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I'm on twitter. For myself I simply blocked Musk's account. I get no tweets from Musk. If everyone would do that, simply block him, he could rave in a cyberspace vaccuum. Years ago I blocked Trump's twitter account, and I managed (after some difficulty) to block what Trump has on face-book. So unless other people I follow or have friended sent those along I never see them. I ask close friends repeatedly never to reprint Trump's picture. Whenever I see it from wherever I immediately block that tweet. I'd do that here if Trump's picture were to show up. When I (as I sometimes do) circulate Heather Cox Richardson's newsletter and she has an image of him attached then I click a cross on it and put a picture of a rabbit up instead.

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Where is Musk from? South Africa. What is South Africa known for? Apartheid. Why is anyone surprised that a rich, spoon fed, moral reprobate would also be a racist?

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With Elon Musk running twitter no doubt - twitter will become a totally corrupted posting - I hope everyone leaves it and leaves Musk with a failed enterprise - If I were a investor in Tesla - I would pull out of that too.

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In The Borowitz Report tradition: "Musk hired Dilbert to engineer a "force Abuser multiplier".

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I saw the handwriting on the wall many years ago with Facebook and got off and cancelled and have never regretted it. For all the possible good it can do connecting people, it does more as a time waster. And I don't know about you, but I have so many fun, productive, interesting things to do with my time and don't invite negativity into my life. There is enough of that already out there working its way in and 'it' does not need any more help. I choose otherwise.

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