Yes, Trump is entirely to blame for whatever anti-abortion laws red states will enact and pass. He can't wriggle his way out of this one! And, here's hoping that the Dems make hash of Trump for his Supreme Court appointments who made these laws possible.
You find one in your area, pay a fee and get dressed in some PPE/eye guards so you don’t get debris in your eyes. Then you get a choice of sledgehammer, baseball bat, or golf club to smash plates, desks, whatever you want, they have small, medium, and large objects (that aren’t able to be put to use on their own) of choice. You can pick out what you want to smash/destroy. I have heard it is very cathartic and you feel better after getting your aggression out. You can smash framed photos of people or a person you are really angry at.
I’ll be getting the premium package, I just need to figure out a way to see if the owners are MAGA before I pay them my money. If I get extra lucky, they don’t like DT either and have piñatas that look like 45!
Barbara, the truth is that Trump can't change. He is at the point in his dementia where he can't think things through sufficiently to change anything and when he tries to, he gets confused. I still wonder if he is wearing an earpiece where his handlers can feed him with what he is supposed to say. I wish someone in the know would confess.
Bayjh, Trump only wants to take responsibility for things the few people he listens to like. He is as proud as a person in the throes of dementia can be about his work to undermine our democracy and his handlers are even more proud. They don't like this one much, though, because it does not seem to be playing well with the folks out here in the real world. Clearly the Arizona Supreme Court is trying to curry favor with someone in the Trump court. I'm guessing it's one of the Steves or a big donor, all white men, of course. They are sure they can sell the anti-abortion BS to their cult members. I am sure they will come up with a bunch of new lies the cult is just dying to snatch up.
Too true. The White Nationalists, the faux Christian Evangelicals, the women haters and those who don’t want to do their own thinking are all in the thrall of the Sprayed-Orange Menace.
Have you graduated from an accredited law school? The idea that a power has to literally be spelled out in the Constitution is a bit archaic and I've never yet run into an attorney who would argue that this must be so. Maybe you're my first?
Leonor, yes it is Trump's fault, but it is also the state legislatures that have been regularly restricting women's rights over the years with little pushback. Yes, we need Congress to act, but can you see Johnson helping anyone, particularly women? He will never permit such a bill to come to the floor and Democrats just can't seem to get enough members to make a stand or a resolution for it. In the meantime, how many women will die or be near death due to white male fear and insecurity? Trump and his friends think women will go back to the Medieval times "conservative/Republican men seem to want to revisit, but most women won't! However, those men and their women will work hard to make a hell here and work hard to shove as many women into it as possible. Outrageous!
…..”due to white male fear and insecurity? “. You said a mouthful in 7 words. How they can drag any women into this thinking is beyond me. Thanks Ruth.
There's only one problem with this Arizona Supreme Court decision. It's a ruse, a lie, a bunch of fruitcakes swimming in strawberry jam.
Would it not be unusual for a country, or part of a country, moving over to a completely different country, to carry its own laws to the new country? Wouldn't it be totally insane for a new country to imbotr another country, or part of a country, to join the United States of America and being told "hey it's okay you keep your laws just as they were before you joined us. Would that not be totally unusual?
So what I am saying here is what hell Arizona, so-called, Supreme Court. What is wrong with your thinking here. Now I'm not an attorney. And it's okay if I'm wrong. But I don't think I'm wrong because what they just did from the standpoint of a sovereign country - or the laws of the sovereign country just make absolutely no sense.
No one, not doctor, not citizen, not anyone should follow that decision of the Arizona inferior Court. You can't drag the laws of another country from another time into America you fools!
On the other hand, by going to the extreme the SC has put it all on the table. Yes or No. Probably couldn't have set this up better. I'm betting Arizona voters will overwhelmingly vote to usher in the new Constitutional Amendments. Everywhere else these questions have been put on the ballot they've passed. If this were a national referendum, it would be the end of it.
Trump said he'd appoint only pro-lifers to the Sup Ct. In the Senate hearings all of them equivocated on abortion. See my first sentence. How gullible are we?
Perhaps the Arizona legislature should mandate vasectomies for all men who run for office. That would certainly give women a better chance at reproductive rights.
Jan, maybe that would mean we can elect more women to office. Yes, there are some really appalling women in Congress and state legislatures, but maybe they wouldn't run if they didn't have white men they had to impress or pretend to compete with.
Danial, maybe the law should say that all convicted rapists and incesters will be castrated. At least their lives wouldn't be at risk if the surgery were done right.
Jan, if we had a vasectomy for every woman deprived of her rights, the birth rate would fall severely. Maybe that would make Republicans lighten up on their attitudes toward immigrants!
George, I have said since the overturning of Roe V Wade and the abortion bans that followed, if men are so intent on controlling a woman's body, then my suggestion is that when a man has been convicted of rape, the consequence is to have that man neutered. Also, if a husband has abused and raped his wife - consequence? Neuter. What is good for the gander is also good for the goose!!!
HW, and it's all about controlling women so scared, insecure men will be able to go back to being in charge of everything, women in particular. What those scared men don't know is that women are not going back. I just hope women and our allies step up before we have to fight the imposition of the "Handmaid's Tale" scenario.
GenZ refuses to focus on any issue but Gaza, working class minority voters have drifted to the GOP, Democratic turnout has fallen off a cliff, legacy media is blatantly normalizing the GOP, and there's still widespread denial (and lack of imagination) as to the extent of the dystopian peril we face.
HW, that is my worry too and I don't know how to get Dems to wake up and see what is going on and how Republicans have been chipping away at our democracy for more than 50 years, from the time Richard Nixon sabotaged the Vietnam Peace Talks so he would get elected. They have a whole lot of help too, including Democrats who don't act or sit back and don't vote as the people in New York did in 2022. That was a disgrace, but what one can expect from a party that wants its candidates to be "practically perfect in every way," and won't accept anyone they see as less. What is being done to Biden now is appalling, but I guess Dems want to do like the Republicans and have 4 years to whine and complain if Trump, a man with dementia is elected in November. I honestly don't get it!
Paul, if you have not noticed, then you have not been with someone who is experiencing dementia; I have. Trump's handlers do a pretty good job of keeping Trump somewhat on task, but he has a lot of loud insulting activity in his past to draw on and handlers who feed him whatever they want him to say or elaborate on, the little he can do that. He will keep fooling people for a while longer, but it won't be long until they won't be able to hide it anymore.
The cruelty, misogyny and shamelessness of the republican party is on par with its cult leader, Trump.
Despite their empty, meaningless rhetoric of "pro-life", republicans are anything but truly caring for life as their actions have repeatedly demonstrated.
Let's hope women remember their callousness and cruelty in November, and send them packing.
Oh we fucking will. They are saying women aren’t people, just incubators that cook and clean. I’m not putting up with their prehistoric misogynistic bullshit and none of the other women I know/associate with are either.
Pardon my profanity but I am vibrating with rage.I have been since Roe V Wade was overturned and it’s exhausting.
I’m with you DeeDee….a young man who works in a deli here in NYC said OUT LOUD TO ME I can’t wait it will be so great when T is president again. I whipped around so fast and lashed at him I’m surprised he didn’t have bloody marks across his body just from my visceral reaction. Why do these people think they’re right? I told him in no uncertain terms that I disagreed vehemently with him and I would no longer be frequenting their business as long as this outrage is occurring. WHO CARES WHAT HE THINKS?? I came in for a snack not a political diatribe from a bloody moron. OMG I’m so livid.
Russell, yes, the lie that abortion was used as casual birth control went around my college campuses and in other gatherings, but was never true. That claim was nearly always made by people who had never had an abortion or been in a crisis where an abortion was necessary. It is that kind of lie that keeps some women and a lot of men working so hard to stop not only abortion but all control women have over our bodies. We simply can't let that continue!
You might want to pay attention to the xy lines on the graph and their meaning. Aside from about 6 states because they did not meet reporting requirements, 626,000 abortions in 44 states in one year, not most of the population of Washington DC!! Who can take you seriously?
Most women do Not use abortion for birth control if they have :
1. Control of their body (not raped)
2. Have access to birth control
3. Understand how babies are made and how to control for std & pregnancy
4 sadly, not all women have access to these things.
Paul, I don't know what the author of that "article" was quoting from, but there is no way that many abortions were performed in DC or in any other city. And, no, abortion is not a preferred method of birth control. First of all it is expensive, and it is painful with cramps which you men have no clue about. Maybe checking in with Planned Parenthood or another reputable source might get you the accurate count, although who cares why you need the number. Anyone who thinks things through would know that number quote is not even humanly possible.
Bayjh, I am OK with being Pro-choice, but I am definitely pro-abortion. I am pro-abortion as I am pro-science, pro-medical care, pro-choice. Sometimes, alas, an abortion is not a choice one would make , but must, particularly if the fetus is unviable or one's health or life path is at risk. Until recently, people, even women rarely said the word abortion. That was too bad because it was made to seem it was something shameful, dirty. It isn't! It is something we can now do safely to improve the lives of child-bearing aged people.
Oddly, it's not just Trumpers who seem to have it in for women; they're just the most overt, vocal and crazy.
To wit:
In the vast majority of States, Republics and Commonwealths which make up these Benighted States, a rapist may sue their victim for visitation rights to their offspring; however, in none of them may a woman sue the rapist for child support.
Women are being victimized over and over by our our supposed justice system. And now children are too. I am so disgusted. And horrified. Thank you for sending the article. I wonder if anything has changed in Florida since it was written in 22.
Outrageous, insane that a rapist can legally sue his rape victim for visitation rights to see the child. Can she sue the rapist for the ongoing cost of PTSD treatments after each visit? If the child if a female, Does the child get police protection, from the rapist father, for each visit, to protect her from potential rape? As the mother is Very Likely in Danger of risk of rape, at each exchange of visitation exchange, does the rapist pay for the mother’s PTSD Therapy, sessions, needed each time?
What Archaic Travesty of Justice allowed, total lack of Consequences for Rights, when the sexes are reversed?
The travesty that is a system which was created by folks who were without clue in a number of key areas, and which more often than not evolves or improves only at gunpoint.
These Benighted States espouse high ideals, but generally fail to meet them.
Russell, there is nothing pro-life about anything the Republicans do. I prefer to call it "forced birth." They care nothing for the woman, the birthed child, the family of the fetus. The anti-abortion BS is a ploy to gain power while they have nothing positive to offer anyone. How they have been able to bamboozle so many people into thinking Trump is either god or god's messenger is beyond comprehension, but those fools are supporting an inhumane ignoramus with dementia and are unable or unwilling to even notice. Trump's handlers are delighted with the compliance of the cult members and use them outrageously, with their consent.
That's the point I have always found so utterly incomprehensible. It seems that these lunatics only care about embryos. They don't seem to care care about the fetus once it is further on in gestation, they don't care about babies being born with horrible abnormalities whose whole life (what there is of it) will be of pain and suffering and they absolutely don't care that the mothers of those children may suffer significant harm or die giving birth to them. They don't care that children are being born to families who do not have the resources to care for them. They don't care about trying to provide the parents of those children with enough money (or time) to care for them properly and they don't care about giving the children a decent education. As long as you are a tiny little embryo that may well be aborted by natural means, it seems that you are about the most important thing in 'existence' in some states. So it's totally clear that none of this is about being 'pro-life' - it is absolutely and completely about having power to control women's lives and to put women back in the 18th century while rich white men enjoy the 21st.
Like most others on this forum I am boiling with rage - and I'm not American. But you are exporting 'your' horrible attitudes to the UK and our fairly reasonable abortion rights are being attacked by nut job extremists with tons of money coming over from the US and I worry about the amount of power that they have - especiallly when we have idiots in our parliament who are prepared to listen to them (although with any luck those that do will all be voted out of Parliament later this year!)
Oh yes you are right. If they were really pro-life, there would be programs to address children who go hungry every day in this country. And child care. And Pre-K programs etc. The people voting R are usually the many, many citizens who would thrive with Democratic programs set up to run responsibly by the government. Citizens which are respected and well taken care of by government by social safety nets make much better citizens and members of society. I don’t know why they can’t see this and vote against their own self-interests. Idiots.
That's been obvious for a long time! They endow the unborn with rights that are snatched away at the moment of birth — the right to live with dignity, be treated as a valued being, the right not to be murdered as an innocent child by a school shooter… As soon as you're born, you lose those rights. And if you happen to be born female, all the worse for you!
It's time to start challenging some of the worst of these laws as 'cruel and unusual punishment'. Forcing a woman to raise a child who was created by rape or incest, jaailing or taking away a doctor's license because of a vaguely written law, preventing life saving intervention when the mother's life is at risk. Etc.
Not quite, David. No one is forcing a woman to raise a child. The woman can give the baby up for adoption. What she’s being forced to do is be a human incubator, carry the child in her womb for 9 months, & go through childbirth regardless of what SHE wants.
Yes. Remember the woman in Tennessee who was denied an abortion even though her fetus did not have a skull? It had a weak heartbeat so that was enough to tell her she had to give birth to a baby that was not going to survive. She had to fly out of state.
But around the time Kate Cox’s exception was stuck down by Greg Abbot, I read a story of another woman in Texas who wasn’t able to fly out of state. Her doctor explained to a bunch of shitty politicians that forcing her to give birth not only was a grave risk to the mother’s life, it would leave her infertile. Texas said no, and not only did her baby die, she ended up in an ICU for weeks and was left infertile for life. But tell us again how precious a life is… 😡
Lorna, I am up for that because it seems if Mifepristone is outlawed despite all evidence that it is safe and effective, Viagra should be brought before the SC to have it made illegal too. If they don't, the world will see what we already know; it is not about the truth it is about power and the conservatives want it over women in particular, but everyone in general.
I think someone should try. What's going to democratic caucus together for the purpose of banning Viagra and the best basis that man using Viagra read more women.
Overturning Roe which is directly related to Trump picking Federal Society judges that were committed to be anti abortion rights judges. Hopefully this will doom Trump and a lot of Republicans in this November election to be defeated.
These judges were not only anti-abortion judges to begin with but they lied to the senate about what they would do when they became members of the Supreme Court. They are lying scumbag Catholics run by the Catholic Bishops of America and other pedophiles. Oh wait tRump is not Catholic he's just a lying scumbag.
The good news is that women and men have gathered over 500,000 signatures to put abortion rights on the November ballot. Arizona should be long to the Democrats and Joe Biden now.
Well that's only Arizona the United States inferior Catholic Court wants to go back to 1600 according to just less Alito. He believes the ideas and ideals of an English witch hunter are what we need to listen to.
Wow. Back to the middle ages. Most women are going vote against anyone who supports this law. They need to get something on the ballot to stop this egregious law. Mr. Reich, I don't know how you find the time to keep us informed, but thank you.
You and every OB/GYN because they will be fined as well as given between 2-5 yrs in prison. The doctors will end up relocating to states where they can practice medicine w/o being incarcerated.
Don’t just point at trumpet 🎺 master of Shin Splints Liar and Coward. It’s the Entire Republican Party Establishment the people that brought us January 6 attempt to overthrow our government !!!
Don’t pick the tree 🌴 and Ignore The Forest !!! Clear cut the MAGA Republicans out of Government Completely…
Dump trumpet 🎺 And Clear Cut The MAGA REPUBLICAN PARTY.
Does anyone notice the insanity of having every state have a different rule? We can’t all pack up and move to a state that we like better. Nor should we have to.
Really? If the rump wins the 2024 election and Canada approved me to become a member of their country but very happily move out of the shithole ( Trump quote ) country that tRump is creating.
Agree! - and my 83 year old father, when asked outside of the election’s polling place what was the main issue driving his vote, he said “women’s right to abortion/healthcare” (I was so proud when he told me that!)
Yes, Trump is entirely to blame for whatever anti-abortion laws red states will enact and pass. He can't wriggle his way out of this one! And, here's hoping that the Dems make hash of Trump for his Supreme Court appointments who made these laws possible.
But he will never, ever take responsibility for anything.
Narcissists never do. Especially malignant ones like him. I am now going to look for rage rooms in my area because I AM ANGRY.
What's the rage room? I would like to find one in my area as well. I'm sure many people would please do tell.
I use to use the walk-in refrigerator at work but any sound proof room will do.
You find one in your area, pay a fee and get dressed in some PPE/eye guards so you don’t get debris in your eyes. Then you get a choice of sledgehammer, baseball bat, or golf club to smash plates, desks, whatever you want, they have small, medium, and large objects (that aren’t able to be put to use on their own) of choice. You can pick out what you want to smash/destroy. I have heard it is very cathartic and you feel better after getting your aggression out. You can smash framed photos of people or a person you are really angry at.
I’ll be getting the premium package, I just need to figure out a way to see if the owners are MAGA before I pay them my money. If I get extra lucky, they don’t like DT either and have piñatas that look like 45!
Hahahahahaha!! DeeDee, can you imagine the line of people waiting to get into a rage room full of trump pinatas? Hilarious!!
Especially considering I live in Seattle! They could hold a charity auctionL
Google them. I found one in Northern VA. The time sent in the room is 15 min max. That’s all it takes! :)
Bayjh: It's true: he will never change so why are we spending time and energy repeating what we know: he will never change.
Millions of unregistered women nationally trend heavily Democratic. Register Democrats -- save Democracy.
Barbara, the truth is that Trump can't change. He is at the point in his dementia where he can't think things through sufficiently to change anything and when he tries to, he gets confused. I still wonder if he is wearing an earpiece where his handlers can feed him with what he is supposed to say. I wish someone in the know would confess.
He’s not anything approaching normal. He does make the case for abortion as a choice, however.
Trump himself is a failed abortion.
I wish he had never been born.
Are you working on a time machine in your spare bedroom? If so, hurry up!
I know we are down to the wire! I will do my level best.
Men should also wear the T to support their wives and daughters.
Yes we are, this law was on the books before Arizona became a state much to a lot of folks surprise.
Bayjh, Trump only wants to take responsibility for things the few people he listens to like. He is as proud as a person in the throes of dementia can be about his work to undermine our democracy and his handlers are even more proud. They don't like this one much, though, because it does not seem to be playing well with the folks out here in the real world. Clearly the Arizona Supreme Court is trying to curry favor with someone in the Trump court. I'm guessing it's one of the Steves or a big donor, all white men, of course. They are sure they can sell the anti-abortion BS to their cult members. I am sure they will come up with a bunch of new lies the cult is just dying to snatch up.
Too true. The White Nationalists, the faux Christian Evangelicals, the women haters and those who don’t want to do their own thinking are all in the thrall of the Sprayed-Orange Menace.
Like Justice Alito Trump shifted responsibility to the states. Trump is finished. Will Kennedy jr come to his rescue?
Robert the Junior, the heroin drug trash ? He has been troubled since childhood, with no thanks to the Angry Ethel.
A little compassion would go a long way. The Kennedy family has suffered unbearable losses.
They’ve also caused some unbearable losses, that is, Ethel and Bobby’s kids. Out of control, especially the boys.
You mean the Ydennek . . .idol of the dimmest and worst? . .who must've been dropped on his at birth?
He might still get elected.
You are so correct. Remember the shock of the 2016 election results. It could happen again. God forbid (please)!
I do still have PTSD from that night. Elections scare me now.
But we need to get people to VOTE BLUE!
Please, please, please…
Only in a looking glass world...
Have you graduated from an accredited law school? The idea that a power has to literally be spelled out in the Constitution is a bit archaic and I've never yet run into an attorney who would argue that this must be so. Maybe you're my first?
Why we have to slam him in the election, hard
Yes! If people are paying any attention to what is at stake, maybe we can hang onto this Republic a little bit longer.
Leonor, yes it is Trump's fault, but it is also the state legislatures that have been regularly restricting women's rights over the years with little pushback. Yes, we need Congress to act, but can you see Johnson helping anyone, particularly women? He will never permit such a bill to come to the floor and Democrats just can't seem to get enough members to make a stand or a resolution for it. In the meantime, how many women will die or be near death due to white male fear and insecurity? Trump and his friends think women will go back to the Medieval times "conservative/Republican men seem to want to revisit, but most women won't! However, those men and their women will work hard to make a hell here and work hard to shove as many women into it as possible. Outrageous!
…..”due to white male fear and insecurity? “. You said a mouthful in 7 words. How they can drag any women into this thinking is beyond me. Thanks Ruth.
Yes... most unfortunately.
There's only one problem with this Arizona Supreme Court decision. It's a ruse, a lie, a bunch of fruitcakes swimming in strawberry jam.
Would it not be unusual for a country, or part of a country, moving over to a completely different country, to carry its own laws to the new country? Wouldn't it be totally insane for a new country to imbotr another country, or part of a country, to join the United States of America and being told "hey it's okay you keep your laws just as they were before you joined us. Would that not be totally unusual?
So what I am saying here is what hell Arizona, so-called, Supreme Court. What is wrong with your thinking here. Now I'm not an attorney. And it's okay if I'm wrong. But I don't think I'm wrong because what they just did from the standpoint of a sovereign country - or the laws of the sovereign country just make absolutely no sense.
No one, not doctor, not citizen, not anyone should follow that decision of the Arizona inferior Court. You can't drag the laws of another country from another time into America you fools!
On the other hand, by going to the extreme the SC has put it all on the table. Yes or No. Probably couldn't have set this up better. I'm betting Arizona voters will overwhelmingly vote to usher in the new Constitutional Amendments. Everywhere else these questions have been put on the ballot they've passed. If this were a national referendum, it would be the end of it.
Trump said he'd appoint only pro-lifers to the Sup Ct. In the Senate hearings all of them equivocated on abortion. See my first sentence. How gullible are we?
There’s no reason to be rude or insulting about it, though. Politeness costs nothing. All the other comments have managed it.
Perhaps the Arizona legislature should mandate vasectomies for all men who run for office. That would certainly give women a better chance at reproductive rights.
I fully support this measure! I would add an addendum to bar RAPISTS from holding public office as well.
That would pretty well clear out Congress.
Jan, maybe that would mean we can elect more women to office. Yes, there are some really appalling women in Congress and state legislatures, but maybe they wouldn't run if they didn't have white men they had to impress or pretend to compete with.
Are you referring to Virginia Foxx?
And DJT!
Danial, maybe the law should say that all convicted rapists and incesters will be castrated. At least their lives wouldn't be at risk if the surgery were done right.
I’ve said for a long time that for every woman who has her right to choose stripped away a man should be “chosen” to have a vasectomy
Jan, if we had a vasectomy for every woman deprived of her rights, the birth rate would fall severely. Maybe that would make Republicans lighten up on their attitudes toward immigrants!
Thanks for the laugh!! It certainly would have some effect LOL
Yes, in theory. But it wouldn’t be long before these crotchless wonders would turn around and blame their infertility on women, spelled ‘wimmen’.
Ilene, but those guys wouldn't b able to produce any more copies of themselves, and that would be a blessing in many cases.
And rape rampant.:(
George, I have said since the overturning of Roe V Wade and the abortion bans that followed, if men are so intent on controlling a woman's body, then my suggestion is that when a man has been convicted of rape, the consequence is to have that man neutered. Also, if a husband has abused and raped his wife - consequence? Neuter. What is good for the gander is also good for the goose!!!
It's an all-out war against women.
Abortion, IVF, surrogacy, birth control, maternal leave, child tax credits.
It's all on the line in November. I hope this country wakes up.
I will change Bunkerboy's quote for you here: "Any woman that votes for trump is a 'Fucking Moron' that hates women."
Like the Fight or Lose It! . .InCels . . ..
HW, and it's all about controlling women so scared, insecure men will be able to go back to being in charge of everything, women in particular. What those scared men don't know is that women are not going back. I just hope women and our allies step up before we have to fight the imposition of the "Handmaid's Tale" scenario.
That's my worry.
GenZ refuses to focus on any issue but Gaza, working class minority voters have drifted to the GOP, Democratic turnout has fallen off a cliff, legacy media is blatantly normalizing the GOP, and there's still widespread denial (and lack of imagination) as to the extent of the dystopian peril we face.
HW, that is my worry too and I don't know how to get Dems to wake up and see what is going on and how Republicans have been chipping away at our democracy for more than 50 years, from the time Richard Nixon sabotaged the Vietnam Peace Talks so he would get elected. They have a whole lot of help too, including Democrats who don't act or sit back and don't vote as the people in New York did in 2022. That was a disgrace, but what one can expect from a party that wants its candidates to be "practically perfect in every way," and won't accept anyone they see as less. What is being done to Biden now is appalling, but I guess Dems want to do like the Republicans and have 4 years to whine and complain if Trump, a man with dementia is elected in November. I honestly don't get it!
Paul, if you have not noticed, then you have not been with someone who is experiencing dementia; I have. Trump's handlers do a pretty good job of keeping Trump somewhat on task, but he has a lot of loud insulting activity in his past to draw on and handlers who feed him whatever they want him to say or elaborate on, the little he can do that. He will keep fooling people for a while longer, but it won't be long until they won't be able to hide it anymore.
Right on.
Thus, all of this has less to do with all of the above you mention, and more to do with controlling women.
Oh, I agree!
The cruelty, misogyny and shamelessness of the republican party is on par with its cult leader, Trump.
Despite their empty, meaningless rhetoric of "pro-life", republicans are anything but truly caring for life as their actions have repeatedly demonstrated.
Let's hope women remember their callousness and cruelty in November, and send them packing.
Oh we fucking will. They are saying women aren’t people, just incubators that cook and clean. I’m not putting up with their prehistoric misogynistic bullshit and none of the other women I know/associate with are either.
Pardon my profanity but I am vibrating with rage.I have been since Roe V Wade was overturned and it’s exhausting.
No need to apologize, DeeDee.
Many of us are feeling your anger. Thanks.
I’m with you DeeDee….a young man who works in a deli here in NYC said OUT LOUD TO ME I can’t wait it will be so great when T is president again. I whipped around so fast and lashed at him I’m surprised he didn’t have bloody marks across his body just from my visceral reaction. Why do these people think they’re right? I told him in no uncertain terms that I disagreed vehemently with him and I would no longer be frequenting their business as long as this outrage is occurring. WHO CARES WHAT HE THINKS?? I came in for a snack not a political diatribe from a bloody moron. OMG I’m so livid.
Good for you, the twit deserved it. And let's hope he's crushingly disappointed in November.
Good for you! Sounds like most of us are done with this shit. Together we will rise. ❤️
If women aren't even smart enough to protect their own backs I think men should just go ahead and become gay. I mean otherwise what's the point?
Women aren’t smart enough to what, now?
Um, Trump is not responsible. He's irresponsible, which is worse.
Why do we say "pro-life," anyway? That's THEIR terminology, and it's a lie.
They're pro-BIRTH; by their lights, once a kid is born it can go summarily to Hell.
Jus' sayin'.
I’m not pro-abortion either, but I am pro-CHOICE. The decision should always be with the woman as advised by her medical practitioner.
I hear you, but contrary to popular belief pretty much noone uses abortion as casual birth control.
Russell, yes, the lie that abortion was used as casual birth control went around my college campuses and in other gatherings, but was never true. That claim was nearly always made by people who had never had an abortion or been in a crisis where an abortion was necessary. It is that kind of lie that keeps some women and a lot of men working so hard to stop not only abortion but all control women have over our bodies. We simply can't let that continue!
You might want to pay attention to the xy lines on the graph and their meaning. Aside from about 6 states because they did not meet reporting requirements, 626,000 abortions in 44 states in one year, not most of the population of Washington DC!! Who can take you seriously?
Most women do Not use abortion for birth control if they have :
1. Control of their body (not raped)
2. Have access to birth control
3. Understand how babies are made and how to control for std & pregnancy
4 sadly, not all women have access to these things.
Paul, I don't know what the author of that "article" was quoting from, but there is no way that many abortions were performed in DC or in any other city. And, no, abortion is not a preferred method of birth control. First of all it is expensive, and it is painful with cramps which you men have no clue about. Maybe checking in with Planned Parenthood or another reputable source might get you the accurate count, although who cares why you need the number. Anyone who thinks things through would know that number quote is not even humanly possible.
Yeah, no; lotta folks coming from Virginia, methinks.
Agree, but even if they did, are these the women you want to force to be moms against their will?
Bayjh, I am OK with being Pro-choice, but I am definitely pro-abortion. I am pro-abortion as I am pro-science, pro-medical care, pro-choice. Sometimes, alas, an abortion is not a choice one would make , but must, particularly if the fetus is unviable or one's health or life path is at risk. Until recently, people, even women rarely said the word abortion. That was too bad because it was made to seem it was something shameful, dirty. It isn't! It is something we can now do safely to improve the lives of child-bearing aged people.
We’re of like mind on this subject.
That is why Trumplicans are on the books voting AGAINST MOTHER'S rights 130,000% of the time. (Yes, their evil goes beyond just "100%.")
Oddly, it's not just Trumpers who seem to have it in for women; they're just the most overt, vocal and crazy.
To wit:
In the vast majority of States, Republics and Commonwealths which make up these Benighted States, a rapist may sue their victim for visitation rights to their offspring; however, in none of them may a woman sue the rapist for child support.
Some flaws go right down to bedrock.
Can you tell me what states actually have this one on the books? That is absolutely horrid.
Sorry, not exactly what you asked for, but it is an interesting article.
Women are being victimized over and over by our our supposed justice system. And now children are too. I am so disgusted. And horrified. Thank you for sending the article. I wonder if anything has changed in Florida since it was written in 22.
Outrageous, insane that a rapist can legally sue his rape victim for visitation rights to see the child. Can she sue the rapist for the ongoing cost of PTSD treatments after each visit? If the child if a female, Does the child get police protection, from the rapist father, for each visit, to protect her from potential rape? As the mother is Very Likely in Danger of risk of rape, at each exchange of visitation exchange, does the rapist pay for the mother’s PTSD Therapy, sessions, needed each time?
What Archaic Travesty of Justice allowed, total lack of Consequences for Rights, when the sexes are reversed?
The travesty that is a system which was created by folks who were without clue in a number of key areas, and which more often than not evolves or improves only at gunpoint.
These Benighted States espouse high ideals, but generally fail to meet them.
Wow! Justice says it should be the other way around.
Absolutely correct.
Yes, Russell! The opposite of pro-choice is anti-choice, not pro-life.
Take the narrative away from them.
I agree
Russell, there is nothing pro-life about anything the Republicans do. I prefer to call it "forced birth." They care nothing for the woman, the birthed child, the family of the fetus. The anti-abortion BS is a ploy to gain power while they have nothing positive to offer anyone. How they have been able to bamboozle so many people into thinking Trump is either god or god's messenger is beyond comprehension, but those fools are supporting an inhumane ignoramus with dementia and are unable or unwilling to even notice. Trump's handlers are delighted with the compliance of the cult members and use them outrageously, with their consent.
That's the point I have always found so utterly incomprehensible. It seems that these lunatics only care about embryos. They don't seem to care care about the fetus once it is further on in gestation, they don't care about babies being born with horrible abnormalities whose whole life (what there is of it) will be of pain and suffering and they absolutely don't care that the mothers of those children may suffer significant harm or die giving birth to them. They don't care that children are being born to families who do not have the resources to care for them. They don't care about trying to provide the parents of those children with enough money (or time) to care for them properly and they don't care about giving the children a decent education. As long as you are a tiny little embryo that may well be aborted by natural means, it seems that you are about the most important thing in 'existence' in some states. So it's totally clear that none of this is about being 'pro-life' - it is absolutely and completely about having power to control women's lives and to put women back in the 18th century while rich white men enjoy the 21st.
Like most others on this forum I am boiling with rage - and I'm not American. But you are exporting 'your' horrible attitudes to the UK and our fairly reasonable abortion rights are being attacked by nut job extremists with tons of money coming over from the US and I worry about the amount of power that they have - especiallly when we have idiots in our parliament who are prepared to listen to them (although with any luck those that do will all be voted out of Parliament later this year!)
Actually no they're not Pro birth they are Pro Forcef birth?
Oh yes you are right. If they were really pro-life, there would be programs to address children who go hungry every day in this country. And child care. And Pre-K programs etc. The people voting R are usually the many, many citizens who would thrive with Democratic programs set up to run responsibly by the government. Citizens which are respected and well taken care of by government by social safety nets make much better citizens and members of society. I don’t know why they can’t see this and vote against their own self-interests. Idiots.
That's been obvious for a long time! They endow the unborn with rights that are snatched away at the moment of birth — the right to live with dignity, be treated as a valued being, the right not to be murdered as an innocent child by a school shooter… As soon as you're born, you lose those rights. And if you happen to be born female, all the worse for you!
"And if you happen to be born female, all the worse for you!"
It's time to start challenging some of the worst of these laws as 'cruel and unusual punishment'. Forcing a woman to raise a child who was created by rape or incest, jaailing or taking away a doctor's license because of a vaguely written law, preventing life saving intervention when the mother's life is at risk. Etc.
Not quite, David. No one is forcing a woman to raise a child. The woman can give the baby up for adoption. What she’s being forced to do is be a human incubator, carry the child in her womb for 9 months, & go through childbirth regardless of what SHE wants.
Her human rights are being denied.
And her health & potentially her life are being subordinated to carrying the fetus to term whether viable or not.
Yes. Remember the woman in Tennessee who was denied an abortion even though her fetus did not have a skull? It had a weak heartbeat so that was enough to tell her she had to give birth to a baby that was not going to survive. She had to fly out of state.
But around the time Kate Cox’s exception was stuck down by Greg Abbot, I read a story of another woman in Texas who wasn’t able to fly out of state. Her doctor explained to a bunch of shitty politicians that forcing her to give birth not only was a grave risk to the mother’s life, it would leave her infertile. Texas said no, and not only did her baby die, she ended up in an ICU for weeks and was left infertile for life. But tell us again how precious a life is… 😡
Yeah, Jamie, those “details” too, and emotional & psychological health.
Erections have consequences.
Just not for the men
I wonder if the Republican men would get up in arms if we tried to ban Viagra
Lorna, I am up for that because it seems if Mifepristone is outlawed despite all evidence that it is safe and effective, Viagra should be brought before the SC to have it made illegal too. If they don't, the world will see what we already know; it is not about the truth it is about power and the conservatives want it over women in particular, but everyone in general.
I think someone should try. What's going to democratic caucus together for the purpose of banning Viagra and the best basis that man using Viagra read more women.
Just shoot me. I hate these men who won’t even take care of a child not there’s.
We’ll keep you, shoot those jagoffs
To the AZ Supreme Court, a man’s responsibility ends once he puts his underwear back on.
More like once he pulls out.
So many won't take care of a child that is theirs.
Overturning Roe which is directly related to Trump picking Federal Society judges that were committed to be anti abortion rights judges. Hopefully this will doom Trump and a lot of Republicans in this November election to be defeated.
That’s the attitude I’m trying to take. This will blow up in their smug fascist faces in November.
These judges were not only anti-abortion judges to begin with but they lied to the senate about what they would do when they became members of the Supreme Court. They are lying scumbag Catholics run by the Catholic Bishops of America and other pedophiles. Oh wait tRump is not Catholic he's just a lying scumbag.
The good news is that women and men have gathered over 500,000 signatures to put abortion rights on the November ballot. Arizona should be long to the Democrats and Joe Biden now.
And now we know how far back in time they want to send women. 1864 at a minimum.
Jan, right, back to whenever women and girls were essentially chattel, without rights, and considered inferior to men and boys.
And it was okay to burn us at the stake if some guy we wouldn’t sleep with, or just didn’t like women, called us a witch.
I suspect many of them would love to bring back witch trials and burning as well.
And we thought we were safely over it long ago. What's happening now was practically inconceivable 10 years ago.
I’m sure they’d encourage the use of chastity belts as well.
Well that's only Arizona the United States inferior Catholic Court wants to go back to 1600 according to just less Alito. He believes the ideas and ideals of an English witch hunter are what we need to listen to.
Wow. Back to the middle ages. Most women are going vote against anyone who supports this law. They need to get something on the ballot to stop this egregious law. Mr. Reich, I don't know how you find the time to keep us informed, but thank you.
Sadly, many women have been brainwashed since childhood, and they will work hard to get Trump reelected.
Nope....There are far more of "us" than there are of those longing to go back to the 1800s.... Ain't gonna happen!
I'm sure some do.
If I lived in AZ, I would move because who wants to live under laws so hurtful to women that were enacted in the 1800s….before AZ was even a State!!
You and every OB/GYN because they will be fined as well as given between 2-5 yrs in prison. The doctors will end up relocating to states where they can practice medicine w/o being incarcerated.
It’s not Just Trumpet 🎺
Don’t just point at trumpet 🎺 master of Shin Splints Liar and Coward. It’s the Entire Republican Party Establishment the people that brought us January 6 attempt to overthrow our government !!!
Don’t pick the tree 🌴 and Ignore The Forest !!! Clear cut the MAGA Republicans out of Government Completely…
Dump trumpet 🎺 And Clear Cut The MAGA REPUBLICAN PARTY.
That's what you and Liz Cheney want.
Although, I don't agree with one issue she stands for, I trust her "normalcy" with those who haven't sold their souls to the devil.
I am not stupid.
Nothing personal intended:
The original meme is ;
IT’S The Economy !!! STUPID !!!
From the Clinton war room wall poster as I understand it placed there by the Campaign Manager.
The “Raging Cajun”
Does anyone notice the insanity of having every state have a different rule? We can’t all pack up and move to a state that we like better. Nor should we have to.
Really? If the rump wins the 2024 election and Canada approved me to become a member of their country but very happily move out of the shithole ( Trump quote ) country that tRump is creating.
It's not just the women who need to stand up for their reproductive rights. We need men to speak up, too. Big and loud.
Agree! - and my 83 year old father, when asked outside of the election’s polling place what was the main issue driving his vote, he said “women’s right to abortion/healthcare” (I was so proud when he told me that!)
One pissed-off man, right here.