Oct 19, 2021Liked by Robert Reich

The wealthy haven't had it this good since the "Gilded Age" in the late 19th century. Today bought politicians with bulging pockets are fighting right along side of the rich to make certain it remains this way. They've been raking it in for decades while the rest of us are dishing it out. This article is so true, we must change this.

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What continues to amaze me are how creeps like Gingrich et al are able to spew their nonsense with a straight face, and how so many Americans can still be manipulated by simply shouting the word "socialism!"

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Oct 19, 2021Liked by Robert Reich

Thank you Robert Reich. Love reading you each morning.

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You see. Bernie Sanders was right all along and he tried to tell as many of us as he could: The top less-than-1% of the people in the US were gaining the most from taxes and paying the least. The system was (and still is) rigged in their favor, they use tax rate cuts and loopholes that just don't exist for you and me. Take an example closer to home: In 2016 and 2017, Donald Trump paid a grand total of $750 per year in taxes on an income of $$$$$$$ (I don't know for sure!). I made $29,000 in 2016 and $21,000 in 2017, two of the last years I worked. On that income, I paid $3500 in 2016 and $2700 in 2017. The only reasons I have been able to survive the pandemic (financially speaking are: a small retirement account of $9500 from 15 years of work at Macy*s; SSA of $1083 a month; Section 8 housing; and, no car. I have paid taxes on the retirement account and I continue to pay taxes on my SSA income. Most of my resources are due to programs that critics would label socialism (the SSA--known as social security--and the Section 8 housing. The wealthier members of society call this an indication of advancing socialism; they never get that, without such benefits from government programs, people like me would most probably not have survived and--truth be told--we are the luckier ones. We are warned away from people like Sanders and the ugly label of socialism (made only ugly by those at the other end of the spectrum drawing from the public till) tossed at us...were it not for FDR my parents would not have made it and I would not make it without FDR and the programs he started. He wanted to help people--as did his activist wife Eleanor--and he did. I am not sure Donald Trump is aware that other people actually exist at all or for any purpose but to serve and adore him. He is a disgrace to our country and the citizens he chooses to dismiss and deny.

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Thanks for so eloquently expressing in detail and with all the evidence anyone could possibly need the concept that I first heard from Gore Vidal ( not sure if it was from his play THE BEST MAN or possibly on a TV interview): "In America we have socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor." As you point out so clearly things have only gotten worse.

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Oct 19, 2021Liked by Robert Reich

Well put Robert. Terrifying "development" you have over there in USA.

/Anders in Sweden

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Fortunately, all of this information helps us refute the endless misrepresentation of what will help the American people and why we have earned it. Free programs indeed. And you didn’t even have to foray into the military industrial complex.

Your example of tax cuts for the rich by borrowing from our grandchildren is spot on.

Republicans are good at making words like liberal: “…denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights”… sound like poison pills. They do this to the words, democratic socialism. (Bernie’s words..😊).

Great article.

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Why doesn't the average rural voter understand this and vote these hatemongering, fearmongering crooks out of office? Or in Newts case, severely limit his media exposure? We can't "silence" anyone, of course. But can we somehow educate ourselves past fearmongering? Can we educate ourselves into healthy democracy that uses our resourses and revenues for our longevity and the benefit of all?

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Maybe Democrats should start talking relentlessly about Republican Party socialism for the lazy rich moochers. If each party is accusing the other of socialism, then it would be a wash in elections, it seems to me.

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Oh dear! When I was in the US prior to the POTUS election, the occasional question on the tv would pop up - something like: would you prefer socialism or capitalism (hope I got that right!)

Then all was revealed - the steady drip against socialism with fatuous references to Russia, Cuba, North Korea…blah blah. How easily led…

The UK is a monarchy, capitalist AND a welfare state, with a fair few socialist policies, particularly on workers rights.

Who on earth in an industrialised nation like the USA wouldn’t want fairness and equality for all, whilst preserving the notion of capitalism?

The UK is not perfect, by any means, but by golly, when I go to the doctor I don’t have to take my credit card!

Lance Clarke

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Thank you. We all know the saying, "those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it". If "we the people" fail to stand up and defend our Democracy (now), against the rich and powerful "American Royalty Class", we will loose our democracy, rights, freedoms & we'll end up literally back in the "Second Middle Ages", with Royalty in their castles, knights guarding the walls and surfs (we the people), providing them with everything they desire. This is not the future I want my grandchildren to suffer through.

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I wish that Democrats would get this kind if messaging,and it’s facts, out to the general public. How to organize the wealthy among us to takes out billboards and ads on all media to counter all the messaging of the Republicans? We need our own version of the Koch brothers, but without the sleaziness.

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This is what we're up against, Robert. One of the writers, appears to be a 'member' of the tried and failed thinking (trickle down) that's been sinking us for year. - https://www.wsj.com/articles/build-back-better-tax-increases-subsidies-household-income-11634592447

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You have nailed it again, just as You did in your new book "Rigged", which is a must-read for all Americans. Power and Privilege and Wealth all go together!!

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Robert, you’ve got your shit together. Will Americans ever wake up and realize what the super rich are doing to this country? By the way, I love reading your stuff. Jack

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Newt Gingrich is a Long time Reactionary; NOT a conservative!

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