Mr Reich,

You gave a great, hopeful, realistic speech at our son's 2009 graduation from UC Berkeley. We both will never forget it, nor will our son. It is truly sad that the liberal and thoughtful principles have not diffused to more parts of the US these days.

We both appreciate you.

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Message to graduates. Fix the broken economic and 'democratic' system. Get rid of Citizens United and destroy the corporatist Democrat & Republican parties..

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That "Democrat" gives you away, Tovarich.

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So..... nothing substantive to say, so you go to the LAME Russian bot syndrome. Fucking laughable...

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I had watched that video before and was in awe of it's lack of useful or actionable information - but equally in awe of how in awe the audience WAS at such an information deficient presentation could be.


Back in the day I painted FAR more meaningful paintings.

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... and now?

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Well I did ten years at Cambridge at Ph.D. level, pioneered some absolutely ground breaking inventions and massively useful techniques and technologies AND NOW I am the personal Valet to a literal horse(s) and literally shovel horse-shit from one place to another most of the active part of the day in the Newer MExico.


Come to think of it "Bob" moves horseshit from one place to another except my horseshit is real horseshit but "Bob's" horseshit it literal Bull-shit. And " Bob " didn't invent anything NEW and useful and NON-OBVIOUS !


I am broke and people paid "Bob" a shit-ton of $ for useless bullshit.


I guess that makes me a DUMMY and "BOB" the f*cking genius.



"Virtue" what a 35 year dumpster fire.



Kids - 'puters way worse than hooker - loose women and drug - and any an all combinations there of.


Remember kiddos never separate the knowing WHY from the knowing HOW from that actual ability to DOOOOOO.


^^^ Never send your ability to DO over a different horizon.


Absolutely fatal mistake.



.Respect and enjoy the peace ~ what's left of it.

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I'm just saying - if you're a technological and artistic pioneer - remember the golden rule - no matter how many " hand jobs" (figurative) you give your investors and close business partners and right hand men and women - ultimately you will NEVER be able to compete with literal drugs and hookers...


Suddenly the 'Next" and greatest and most enduring thing - regardless of ROI - even of the order of hundreds of millions of dollars and to "Penetrate" new markets of the order of billions of dollars - your investors and VULTURE investors posing as 'Angel Investors" - will always be short circuited and circumvented by LITTERAL HOOKERS and DRUGS !


Never forget this lesson.

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Again, brilliance in service to love, wisdom and a will for the future. Art that speaks ( humour as high spiritual insight), self knowledge as the central principle and purpose of a human life. You were born to give this to the students and I am grateful you are doing what you were born to do. And you do love them. And you are loved. Thank you.

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I wish I had had a teacher like you when I was in college. That was a very special experience for me and, I’m sure, many of your students. A terrific way to explain and to think about the future as we leave school to create the lives we hope to have. To be able to overcome the obstacles in our paths and to be ever present in our own lives. You are an inspiration to me and many others. Thank you for who you are and what you share

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When you meet a man who has a calling, watch and listen. Professor Reich is one of the Teachers. We are very lucky.

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In life, don't trust anything you can't verify for yourself, and if Money is involved, trust no one.

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W. Shakespeare tells us: "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."

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palmisanocj--Bob's law--Do whatever you wish as long as the action doesn't harm anyone in anyway.

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"Donald Hodgins " Wites in response to pmcj - "Bob's law--Do whatever you wish as long as the action doesn't harm anyone in anyway. "

^^^ Well "Bob" fucked that one up in the most spectacular way - but he's not alone. Hippocratic oath not withstanding.


Pro-tip - don't EVER separate the "Knowing why" from the "Knowing how" and the actual ability "To Do"...


Clinton Administration's and other MASSIVE blunder.


Being the Master of 'Symbolic knowledge " and symbolic capabilities at a distance of 7000 miles is one THE most flawed premises we are still PAYING for in blood 35 years later and will continue to do so.


A flawed and innumerate premise from someone that claims to be an 'Economist".


Next time you tune into Insta etc. consider who actually built your i-phone.


Can't blame shift a massively flawed premise onto CEO, CEO , CEO CEO , CEOS , CEOS...


And NEVER teach anything about small business.


These "Bob" types have no answer for going in the direction of a mung-bean economy and how one would purchase $10M of modern production equipment run greenly on US soil - (i.e. not exporting OUR pollution abroad more cheaply ) - When

one has ZERO capital / collateral - in a Ray Dalio Future where no-one OWNS anything.


BANKS don't give money to people without collateral.


I hate to say it but BOB is one of the biggest idiots I have ever witnessed and yet does NOT revise or confess to his gigantic error and flawed premises.


If your foundational theories / "Bedrock" for everything is utterly flawed - then how does everything 'Stand" - the answer is - it doesn't.


Absolutely horrendous legacy - covered up by outmoded and somewhat disingenuous ideologies.


Scrape clean and start again !

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I haven't watched the video.You post would be roughly correct.

If I build a shopping centre,the land is donated to me for free. I never have to spend any money.

I appoint a contractor to build the shopping centre.He loves me,I am rich.Please don't pay me for any of this work,it is a great honour to do this work .Could I pay you for this honour..I have an army of 4,000 people to build this wonderful shopping centre.They are all deeply in your debt.For the two years it will take to build this shopping centre they have decided that every one of them will donate $1,000 per week to you .The CV they have will be excellent,I worked on that building.

The apprentices that will be trained during construction are embarrassed,sadly they can only pay you $100 per week for the honour of building this thing.To make it up to you however that will be $100 per week every week for the rest of your life..We hope you will accept their offer as humble as it is..

Caterpillar,metal merchants,copper suppliers etc have decided to give you $100 billion for the honour of being involved in this work.They hope you will accept this offer.

Things go well,built on time,a magnificent building.More offers are made.Mcdonalds will pay 5 times the rent they would pay anywhere else to be in this shopping centre.Other companies/ shopkeepers have an auction.Who will start the bidding at 5,000 times the going rate.

Things are going well,the rent from the shopping centre that has 200 large and small shops in it is $1 trillion per week..

You are not happy with that and decide to sell the shopping centre for $600 million ( the going rate),and move on to the next fortune.There is an agreement in place that anytime at all you can go in to any shop there,pick as much of anything you want and it will be free for you. You are rich because you never have to spend any money,everybody just wants to give you as much as they can,as often as they can.

Self delusion/ deception is very powerful Most people will believe that is reality.Who could even imagine that reality would be the exact opposite of what they want to see

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Took me a while...

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Forgot the obvious bit.The agreement with the IRS.These trillions of $$ that you have been paid for building this building,you don't need to pay any tax on it.All those people that donated the money to you have decided they will pay any tax due,it will be an absolute pleasure and an honour to pay it.Some of them have decided to double the tax they will pay for you

Ain't life grand.

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IMSR (If Memory Serves Me Right.../ RSM - I) - now that I come to think about it...


Prince Charles - I mean KING Charles the whatevers ...


DOES actually operate such a scam.


Additional perk if one is also simultaneously the head of the CofE - Church of "England".


As my one time Irish American father in-law used to say...


"The cherrgch of iNNNglnd wazzz fffounded on the BOLLOCKS of Henerrrrriii the Eighfttt !!! ".


.He was not 1/2 wrong.


One of the greatest open face sandwich of a scam that there's even been - Charles got plenty of experience with the whole Dutchy or Cornwall nonsense.


Those crafty royals... and a sausage fingered KING.

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As I consider my choices and future life now at age 62, the excellent questions you asked of the graduates are helping me to think and gain clarity on what is important and meaningful to the decisions I need to make. Thank you for your wisdom, Robert Reich.

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This video made me wish I was a student again and in your class. I was fortunate to have had some teachers like you in graduate school. They made up for all the bad teachers in parochial school, those who almost tried to turn off my brain. Thanks for this!

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Transformative! How fortunate your students were to have you as a professor. You are one amazing man. I am in the stage of the last painting. And they are great paintings that show life's journey. This video gave me the opportunity to look back and witness my own experiences and changes. I'll pass it on. Thanks.

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This was very cool! I've been reading/watching your (political) posts for years but this is the first time I've seen your sense of humor. Thank you for today's chuckles.

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Thanks! I needed that. It’s been 47 years since I graduated from college and my outlook has become a bit tarnished. Doesn’t hurt to polish up that attitude every once in a while.

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I would have loved to take a class with you.

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Thank you for sharing this. What lucky students, to have had you as their teacher in such a morally and emotionally challenging subject as wealth inequality.

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I would have very much appreciated this message so thought provoking when I was 17 & on my way to University! Now I am your contemporary and seeking solace recognizing mistakes made along the way. I needed to slow down, think, and immerse myself in pleasure as well as work. How does that song go, “Regrets, I’ve had a few…..” . Noted late my problem with ADHD but was fortunate in working for a mentor who encouraged me, recognized my worth and gave me a long leash on which to function in my best way. And so I did for many years; miss that Professor (Medicine)

every day.

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I appreciate this talk very much as it is not only for graduates, but for others of my pals who are working hard to get ahead - it is a very positive message.

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I love your teaching and am so glad that you are sharing yourself through your teaching still today and every day. We are blessed with the gift of your experience, thinking, clarity, and wisdom. Thank you. I’m definitely sharing.

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