It would be a shorter list to state his successes…if there were any.

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"Successes" meaning "have not failed - YET".

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Trump had to keep trying because he didn't sell addictive pills like Purdue Pharma, or oil like Dick Cheney. Purdue's Valium was the most prescribed med for 13 years (69-82): "Our pills aren't addictive" resulted in the opioid crises (a million US dead and counting)

If we'd stuck with the science as FDR's FREEDOM FROM FEAR and Ms.FDR's:"Do one thing every day that scares you"... we'd have the balls to sue quacks(Fox, etc) OUT OF EXISTENCE! :-)

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...and we wouldn't have been brainwashed by this corporate brainwashing either:


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Or Tobacco and nicotine products..

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Trumpet 🎺 is good at only one thing::

Trumpeting his failures as Success.

If Trump was president of this country from his birth up until now we would be speaking another language and be in worst shape then the economy of Cuba…

He would be married to a model 40 yrs younger than himself and sprouting nonsense about how good it was under his kingship…

The American dollar would be use as wallpaper.

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Again: As Professor Reich said, his one of TWO achomplishments in his 78+ years wallowing around Earth was conning the stupid and the gullible! His other?

DESTROYING HIS OWN PARTY!!! Sure, Regean, our FIRST dementia-ravaged president set the stage, but Bunkerboy built a DEATHCULT.

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Successfully incited a violent mob to attack Congress & "hang Mike Pence"; hellooooo?

= D

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We must keep this in the forefront ALL OF THE TIME!! Sadly too many people have such short term memory problems and I'm not talking about the people who are medically diagnosed with short term memory problems. I'm talking about all of us who watched our country 's Capitol building being attacked and innocent people being killed and injured. What happened to this headline?

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Speak for yourself, Denise! I just called the "Justice" dept. two nights ago, reminding them! Seems like everyone is content to just discuss Trump endlessly on this substack platform, but how many have taken any DIRECT ACTION? Gotta pick up the pen, the phone, tap into your computer, etc. and . . . DO SOMETHING!!

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How about a woman in her 70"s with compression fractures in her spine? knocking on doors and volunteering to count votes- nowadays which could be perilous ?

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Hey Denise, kudos to you. There are always folks who want to whine that others are not doing enough even when they don't know what those othehrs are doing. It is unkind, but a good tactic for those who want to divide people and keep friction happening.

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Denise, there are a lot of folks who do not want us to remember January 6th or want to pretend it was just tourists visiting our lovely Capitol; it wasn't, but memories can be manipulated by con artists like Trump, the Steves, and the rest of Trump's handlers. We need to encourage people to remember. Maybe Harris needs some ads with video of the events of that day with a voice reminding people that Trump orchestrated this event and has been lying about it ever since.

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Good morning I totally agree with you 💯. Is there a way to get these messages to the Harris campaign. We Only have a couple of weeks before the election. NOW is the time to get this message out there in the forefront again and supposedly they have a bunch of money to make these commercials. I'm already texted (emailing) their campaign people but I don't know who even reads them or would carry them to Kamala 's ears. Anyone else have a suggestion to help??

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Denise, I am like you in that I want to get messages to the people about whom this set of threads are strung. IF we don't stand up to Trump and Kump, we will lose our nation because there will be no checks and balances on any of the Republican insanity.

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I don't count that only because, as with 130,000% of things he tried, it FAILED.

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Yes Christine, like he has a (concept of a) "health plan" in the works, like he said in the debate.

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Unfortunately, Christine, he's been successful at conning large numbers of useful idiots into thinking he's successful. 🙂

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I refused his offer of a bank meeting on Trump Tower Chicago in 2005. I told my Senior Lender that there was no reason, as the project would a) be funded by Deutche Bank ✔️ and b) he would default ✔️.

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And I bet he has not paid a single venue where he holds his rallies. I read that Ohio? Is waiting on 3 payments from 3 rallies dating back to 2020....

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He MUST NOT BE Allowed IN New York City!

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Actually not anywhere in the United States of America!!

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They deserve to be screwed they sent him Vance!

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Thanks for making this abundantly clear. This whole thing is so dangerous, and yet so sad at the same time. He’s really a lost soul that has no business being our president.

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Jack, imo a lost soul is someone who would like to be found. Trump is very pleased with himself just the way he is.

And you're 1000% correct that he has no business being our president.

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He has no business out in public.

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A true grifter and now more recent business are saying he stiffed them. Trump University must have a bunch of grifter graduates

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Please introduce me to even 1 graduate. One will do.

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Made me laugh! I do believe many people are falling for it, and my anxiety level is elevated. Vote early folks!

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sadly,many people fall for his con

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Millions of people he scammed.

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no kidding!

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Don't forget Truth Social - if it isn't too early to be burying that turkey...

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Not to mention that he built his casinos by contracting with local family businesses and then stiffing them. In the mid-to-late ‘90s, I often spoke to business and civic groups in south Jersey. At almost every meeting I heard stories and met small businessmen who’d had not been paid, only to be delayed in court, sometimes to the point of bankruptcy by Trump. I did not and never would vote for Trump. To my mind, he is a thief.

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I will bet trump personally made out well in all of those failed ventures. So many of his ilk will buy or start-up a business with loans from investors or banks, and then suck all of the equity out of the business driving it into bankruptcy, leaving the investors, banks, contractors, suppliers and employees holding his debt.

And speaking of money, in my humble opinion, the 2010 Citizens United v. FEC decision needs to be reversed. The money going into elections has gotten way out of control at all levels. The uber wealthy making donations of millions of dollars to buy elections is ridiculous. With the recent climate events leaving many with nothing amplifies the problem. The money spent on elections could be put to much better use helping people in their time of dire need.

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Re Citizens United -- " ... the 2010 Citizens United v. FEC decision needs to be reversed... The money spent on elections could be put to much better use helping people in their time of dire need." Well said, Bob W.

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This is great information to have at our fingertips as we canvass voters. THANK YOU!

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Exactly. A list of his promises made and the results of those promises would help too. Oh.... what about Trump University ?

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He conned millions into thinking he did a competent job as president. Unfortunately, too many people are amenable to being conned.

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Robert: considering his underlying (and overriding)psychopathy (severe narcissistic personality) And sociopathy , Trump is, and has been an utter failure as a human being, and a extraordinary blight on humanity and the world ! Lord help us if he is re-elected!

Ed Cherlin

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It seems Elon Musk is too only more educated.

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Failure should be on his CHINA HAT

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It is somehow encouraging to see that he is getting into the crypto business. Anything that helps kill that environmental disaster is to be welcomed, and I can't think of a better way than having thar Arschloch involved.

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Thank you for putting this sad list together for us, Robert. I’ll be sure to share it with anyone who thinks he would be good for the economy!

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Does Deutsche Bank even still deal with him!

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Apparently not: The person who did all the sweetheart deals left or was let go.

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No. There is a really good book that came out in Feb. of 2020: "Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction," by David Enrich. I read it, and eventually there was just one woman left among bank officials who would still deal with him, until she wasn't allowed to anymore. Division after division of the bank would loan him money for his projects, he would stiff them and move on to the next one, until they THEY ALL finally wised up to him.

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Perfect course material for Business majors; Trump 101: How to Fail in Business. The ultimate Snake Oil Salesman...

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Beth, your suggestion could backfire by helping ambitious would-be grifters become even better grifters, faster. Kinda like teaching a course in safe-cracking to prison inmates.

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