Elon Musk represents exactly what went off the rails with American Democracy subverted by unregulated Capitalism.

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With the Republican/MAGA trifecta, the MAGA President and his cabinet of crazies and the MAGA Extreme Supreme Court we have to be willing to explore better alternatives for governance. If the economy is truly at the root cause of the rise of the MAGA movement, then we have to address creating a better economic system. Wishing and hoping that the Democratic Party and its fundraising machine will come around, will not do it.

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This economy is the best it has been in many years, and is only looked at by the MAGA movement who spread these lies to the American people who aren't that fortunate and blame the economy or POTUS for their own shortcomings and ignorance for not knowing or researching the FACTS.

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Count on it! Two or three months, maybe six months, after Trump takes office he will note the success of the economy and take credit for it. It's the same "game plan" he used after Obama handed him a successful and growing economy. And many fools will fall for the lie.

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I know Charles, that literally sucks and he’ll get away with it because ½ the nation is completely ignorant and has no idea what Biden has done for our country!

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Yes Pamela. Which is why I think any project receiving money from Biden’s infrastructure project should have been required to put up a sign that says “Thanks Joe” so people know where the money came from.

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Did you ever hear of right-wing media ecosystem brainwashing?

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With the emphasis on “fools”:

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The economy is the best for the rich not the middle class. The homeless are everywhere! It is a sad situation for many.

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Yes, too much money going to the military-industrial complex, just as some of us said way back when.

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Way too much!

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RW media has sold and is selling BS to satisfy the fearful and those who are filled with hate to almost half 49+% of the electorate who bought their BS lock, stock, and barrel. I hope all those who voted for this impending disaster will be happy with what they wrought.

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Civics lesson: POTUS does not have control of the economy

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The stock market is not the best barometer for how this economy is working for working people! A large majority don’t even OWN STOCKS! Yes MAGA voters are clueless about the truth but there has been a HUGE SUSTAINED RIGHT WING LYING CAMPAIGN THAT HASNT MISSED A BEAT. HADNT SLOWED ONE BIT!

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To solve our current economic and political problems we must think outside the box of hoping that the Democratic Party machinery will somehow miraculously change. The Neo-Liberalism it has embraced is not doing us any favors. Personally I am doing a deep dive into study of “Economic Democracy” and I like what I am learning about it.https://crisistransition.substack.com/p/the-rights-of-economic-democracy

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💓Reich💓:"...Musk turned it into a cesspool of disinformation and conspiracy theories and manipulated its algorithm to give himself 205 million followers, to whom he is now distributing treacherous lies." ...treacherous and TRAITOROUS!😱

💓Reich💓:"Musk’s targets should sue him for defamation."

Click the💓below to join our Focus Group on How to DeProgram American's fear of democracy (fear of filing suits to get injunctions to stop corruption)

UC Berkeley Professor:


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Unbelievabley, Musk wasn't even born in the U.S. and acts like he's President. What the hell. Remember the stunt they tried to pull on Obama?! This guy, like Trump, is very mentally disturbed and sick. It's the mentally insane in control.

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DJT & Elon probably both get along because both are Mentally Ill... Both are Emotionally Handicapped Bullies... Elon Musk is becoming one of DJT's Handlers... Curious as to how Musk gets along with Putin...

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Both are the malignant narcissists as previously described. I need only one word to guess their malignancy: Psychopaths. Ruthless, lacking empathy, no conscience, mean, take pleasure in the pain of others, takes no responsibilty for the harm they cause others.

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Putin is as mentally ill as they are. "Birds of a Feather" saying applies here!

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Musk appears to get along fabulously with Putin, contacting him frequently, although I think Putin has some hold (=kompromat) over him, just like he does over Trump, Gabbard, Flynn, Rand Paul, Ron Johnson...

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In other words: the inmates are now in charge of the asylum.

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The patients are running the nuthouse!

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That's true: He was born in South Africa, just like Peter Thiel, by the way, and they both have weird sex lives that devalue women.

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That's right!

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I've heard that Musk wants to buy MSNBC, he has the money, and apparently is going to buy USA Inc, one media corporation at a time.

He is going to get richer and more powerful in office, Trump subsidizing is insane ideas via government contracts

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cnn wrote a castigating story of President Biden's pardon for Hunter, as tho it was "backtracking" a promise to the American people, followed by sane-washing to rumpus' egregious remarks. I immediately wrote them at their 5things@cnn.com & chewed them a new one, anyone who agrees can let them know their bashing of President Biden is unfounded etc.

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William, I fear you are right, now, how do we stop this insanity? How do we get the American people to see what is being done to us? Then, there's the question, do the American people care? If they were worried only about the price of eggs in this election (not true), then why would they have put a rich a-hole in office again, the guy who made COVID and the national economy worse here than anywhere else in the world? It is not clear what people here want, at least the Trumpers and Trumpettes as well as the Dems and others who just couldn't care enough to get off their buts to go vote. Musk read the American people very well and has used that knowledge to do serious damage to our nation, even if most people don't see it yet. How do we put molasses in the gears of his efforts? We had better figure that out quickly.

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Here is an article recommended by “Stop the Presses” Mark Jacobs. The author lists a lot of media that has stood up to the authoritarians.


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And we will never know what the true "news" is any longer. How scary to live in these times. This regime just might implode on itself!

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The man who bought & stole the presidency for Trump, & the co-presidency for himself.

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Not sure "We The People" have the time to do a deep dive...we do need to think outside the box and utilize the same tactics that the perpetrators use...leverage them through the threat or realization of a national strike before they can get trained up enough to take over the administrative and sub administrative national manufacturing and operational side of government and the country.

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They have no understanding of the work that the actual people are doing in our government. A strike would certainly wake them up, but who knows how far they will go to punish those that go against them?

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Its not about doing any work for the benefit of the country. It’s all about getting rid of competent govt workers and getting to the real goal: exploiting transactions for profits of those connected to power structures. In a word cronyism.

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Strikers must at least test the bullies!

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They would all just be fired along with a good dose of police violence....remember the air traffic controllers and Regan

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I feel awful for the federal workforce right now. what fear, distrust, uncertainty they must be experiencing, right before christmas. too bad biden won't use the power the supreme court gave him to put the whole coup d'etat organization in jail, no habeas corpus.

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they don't want to know-they already know 'the truth' and by and large won't 'wake up'

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You are correct they will go to whatever lengths necessary. Although they would have a hard time if we are talking 10 to 15 million or possibly more...but it would take a hell of a lot of organizing...and I fear they might not be able to outlast the millions on the other side unless there was strong government backing from a Harris led government (Biden has proven himself to be not up to the task)... if all the presidents men can hold onto their posts now and act before January. Harris would need to pull out the 25th amendment. and go to town against all the criminals.

But I doubt anyone in the Biden administration has the guts to do what they need to do... unfortunately. There's a reason why we are where we are today. This is who... some of them are.

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Henry - Biden doesn't yet have the will and/or the courage to do what is necessary to put an end to this coup. The corrupt 6 on the supreme court have given him carte blanche to do what is necesssary within the scope of his duties without fear of criminal repercussions. Biden took an oath to preserve and protect the constitution and our democracy. Therefore, he needs to send in the US Marshalls and any trustworthy law enforcement to arrest and imprison at any supermax facility, with no legal recourse (they did it all in the open for all to see) all the coup d'etat planners, enablers, and participants. This would include those members of congress who aided and abetted, the corrupt 6 on the supreme court, the oligarchs who are financing this fascist takeover (including rigging the election infrastructure "so we don't have to vote anymore"). The list is long, but doable in a long night of rounding up. If Biden does not do this, we are sunk for generations. The oligarchs have won if Biden doesn't stop it. Biden has a moral, legal, ethical obligation to stop this. I urge all of you to phone, write, email the white house.

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If we have time to post here, we can do some digging. The problem I have is not knowing how to do it. If we all took a small chunk, we could cover a lot of ground. Homework for democracy? I’m afraid a lot of public info will disappear once trump gets into office. It happened to a lot of government websites too the last time he was in office.

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Henry, I believe Trump and Kump along with Musky want to get jobs outsourced to other countries while having free access to our markets, after all, those companies have headquarters here, right? I have seen it with HP and numerous other corporations whose service desk is nearly entirely in India and a few other countries. They are training almost no people here to do the work that used to be fully American. They sell their products here as though they are actually American when they no longer are. That is something Musk and his crew are delighted with because they think those corporations including his will not have to be marred by the tariffs. It's just another scam and American workers will lose as they have been losing for decades since the Nixon-Ford era. We know it's happening, why are We the People doing nothing to stop it or even to get the word out as to what is going on?

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Musk: a man who has encouraged Twitter to become a cesspit of misinformation, lies and conspiracy theories.

It’s funny that Musk bought X because of a “liberal plot” to censor social media. But that “conspiracy”was "hate crime laws apply online" so now he uses the platform to push a biased political message, even interfering in foreign elections.

Stop calling Elon a billionare and richest man, instead call him what he is world’s greediest man.

Proud to be a liberal woman, more than ever!

Proud to wear this totally unhinged radical liberal t-shirt in front of Republicans 👇


We're going to fight against and resist Trump every way we can!

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Elon also appears to be going against those that are working against climate change. Quite the opposite of all his green energy businesses. So far, all women. Perhaps they are trying to regulate his businesses. It seems the man has no ideology except to make money, attract attention and cause chaos. No wonder he like trump.

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It really looks like he was just pretending to care about climate change to get money from the government, tax credits and subsidies for his evs; he is acting like public enemy number 1

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Both LOSERS! I don't care how much money he has.

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Just ordered mine,

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Love the shirt too.

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That's good news. Yours is the path to more election loss.

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See above

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democracy requires REJECTION DESENSITIZATION and NO American knows the word?

EVANGELIZE means "Get the word out" and causes ABUNDANT REJECTION DESENSITIZATION, thus Evangelicals became the BEST ASSERTERS?

First Do No Harm

Stop the Lying

"Don't Sweat It" is a lie: Exercise and Exposure are mandatory and both cause sweat😁😁😁

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Change one letter:


Trump becomes Crump

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Great comments here, Marc. Thx.

Imo hoping the Dem Party will change isn't even thinking in a box imo -- it's thinking with your head buried in the sand. I wonder how long ostriches can breathe that way...

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Marc, this is where we begin to message about Economic Democracy. Ronald Logan did a great piece on Economic Democracy and I really connected with it. It is a better alternative to what we have right now. Actually, anything will be better than what we have right now.

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"Anything will be better than what we have right now" is what fascists want you to believe. This line of thinking leads you to surrender by default.

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Except, according to latest polls, some of those republicans who said they were worse off under Biden, now say they are better off economically, just because trump won.

The economy will always be the major factor in deciding elections, as citizens seem to care about little else, but, feelings about the economy are not always rooted in reality.

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Is it the economy or the price of eggs or gas. We need to stop this distortion on the economy and start calling it what it is, corporate greed of which the Repubs since Regan have caused with deregulation on big business, growth of monopolies and citizens United which called corporations people. Until such time as people realize it is not the government setting the price of eggs, but corporations. Oh yes and let us not forget that there are really only 2-3 players on the grocery market world.

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Nothing for maggots is rooted in reality

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Depends on their wealth before. Biden’s economy did quite well; actually very well, and anyone with investments likely made money. Whatever these GOP’ers are referencing, they better be able to play not only with the big boys, but more importantly the morbidly obese ones, like Elon. Elon BTW, is the calf monopolizing the federal teat, not the lowly office workers, or people collecting social security and surviving on Medicare. Will he keep it all for himself, which is the question, or possibly do some actual good for the citizens of much lesser means in this country, which are basically everyone, as his billions grow into trillions on the back of federal low interest loans and grants.

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Billionaires will not exact meaningful economic change for those they ride upon. It is not possible. If the Democratic leadership is beholden to those billionaires we will only continue to see small farts of change that was the Biden presidency. Did Biden accompish a lot! Hell yes! Did it grow the bottom 60% wealth? No. During Bidens 4 years there was only 0.17% of total wealth growth for the bottom 50%. There were a LOT of people who lost and continue to lose wealth while the rich continue to gain it at an pace that oustrips the bottom 60% gains. I've heard a lot of hoping the Democratic party would see reason and change. I like what this channel professes. I dont confuse what Robert Reich talks about with what the Democratic party wants not anymore.

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Billionaires are not a monolithic entity. This is why Biden was able to enact some good legislation.

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I do agree with that. Billionaires put soo much money into this past election not because they thought they would win. But because they were so afraid of losing.

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Disturbing trends started in the seventies and got much worse under Reagan but the Democratic Party was satisfied because those in power had what they needed and they didn't care enough about the have nots or the country at large. Its a disgrace that the richest country in the world and the greatest experiment ever for a democracy has allowed Trump in office twice and now this Muskrat who grew up under apartheid and probably still wishes it existed.

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Speaking to a Republican vet on a full boat disability pension at the ripe age of 35. His sentiments were the same as the Democratic party. As long as he had his he was happy everyboby else had to "earn it". This type of selfish thinking leads to isolationism of the individual and the destruction of the same absolutely necessary benefits programs we have in this country. The rich dont understand that supporting the group over the self in turn protects them. For all their money and power they will always be a bigger bully that they cant be protected against. Unless of course we had laws that protected everyone and not just the few most powerful.

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Bill, It is not solely that Democratic leadership is beholden to billionaires, to allow for the lower 60% to have largely stagnant wealth for over 30 years. For seven presidential terms or more the working class has been under the thumbs of their oligarch masters, and a solution is not forthcoming.

The federal minimum wage has been locked in 7.25/hr. since 2009, and sure won't increase with schmucks' DOGE in charge. Biden's economic team has had little leverage to get major corps. to increase worker pay, and the majors are structured to serve the bottom line not the labor force. To Biden's credit, he has supported vocally the UAW in their strike at a major automaker. He has supported a living wage for workers at facilities with investments from his Infrastructure Project. In contrast, Trump at a competing campaign stop at an auto workers' strike in 2023, had this to lie about to the workers: "You can support American labor, or you can support the environmental fanatics.

I don't think you can support both. It's either one or the other". Drumpf's anti-science stance is chronicled in the Feb. 2024 issue of Scientific American magazine. If humans take it all drumpf's way, many fewer of them may be alive in 2500 than there are today. Schmucks is the same damn way.

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I understand and applaud all that Biden did and as far as the American people were concerned it was not enough. At best the rate of increase of to the top 0.1% was slowed and the 50-90% increased dramatically. Yet the bottom 60% nada. I hear the excuses and they are just that excuses. The moral of the story was that the current administration was not up to the task. Could it have been worse? Sure! Is it worse now? Yes. No championsip is won with a single race, and getting second place all the time CAN win you the championship as long as your opponent isnt always the one ahead of you.

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I don't think the economy is the main issue. The facts clearly show that Biden did a great job with the economy. The problem is that the MAGA don't think much. Covid messed up the economy, and it went bad under Trump. Biden fixed it.

I think the real issue is the very large base of evangelical christians, a very large portion of whom recognize the non christian character of Trump, but on the single issue of abortion, and the unprovable idea of a spiritual connection from conception, vote for Trump anyway. And then there is the so called prophesy that a fake Christ will come, followed by Christ himself coming that perhaps also gives them an excuse for letting such a flawed character have the presidency. Without that block of followers, Trump would win nothing.

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There is a way, but it demands infiltration and a bit of nerve: we know that the Trump White House is a nest of vipers. Encourage *that* CHAOS.

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Are you insinuating something on the order of 'When in the Course of human Events ..'?

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What will?

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And Musk also is working diligently on fulfilling the secret mantra of the GOP in any way he can, which is:

“Move all the money to us!“

11-figure federal contracts are the big chunks extracted from the budget for the benefit of billionaires, but #RepubloFascism will suck away our solvency in ways we don’t yet know and probably won’t find out about.

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And leave many poor and uneducated, brainwashed people in their wake.

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They won't notice because most of their time is spent watching sports, reality TV shows, betting with on-line gambling and Tic-Tok nonsense. We probably couldn't pay them any amount to watch a one hour per month TV show on how the economy really works and how to best care for their personal finance.


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And, apparently, he's an illegal immigrant. (Not to mention he's a South African who seems to still believe in Apartheid.) His new "agency" SHOULD be titled "Dodge" - as he's going to dodge all the lawsuits he SHOULD be facing from our government. Easy to see why he's Trump's "first buddy."

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Simple and true response.

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Yes, and a voting populace made up of poorly educated and informed, right wing citizens who have bought in to a massive propaganda arm led by Faux News and their star "reporters."

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Musk's defamation might be a gift to Vindman and to the rest of us.

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Vindman is a brave man.

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Yes, when given a lemon make lemonade.

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Think about the worldwide depression of the 1930s

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See the Tesla stock sharp rise this year, despite shockingly bad Cybertruck reliability, and I wonder at the complete lack of Congressional Investigations.

How much do politicians have in Tesla stock?

A family IMMOLATED, incinerated, cremated alive in fact, after a Tesla crash in Toronto in October.

Other horrific incidents here in USA.

One man Incinerated for simply driving into ditch in his Cybertruck.

Do they just look to the NHTSA to regulate and NTSB to investigate?

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Professor Reich: "First Lady" musk is nothing more than a grade-school brat, bullying those he fears most, especially women. i hope these federal employees file massive lawsuits against musk.

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Lawsuits against the richest man in the world? Like T, he will use all the legal loopholes to drag it out and bleed the plaintiffs dry with delays and more intimidation, etc. The DOJ should have been on him long ago for his election interference and so much more. The legal definition of domestic terrorism needs revision!

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who will outlast who in a lawsuit? Not the average guy or gal, those with deep pockets that can afford to pay a lawyer team for years to no end. I've seen this before, in the federal contracting world. It's just how it works. Morally wrong, but that's our world

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Sad. And the jails are full of poor people who can’t afford an experienced attorney, and often for a minor crime. Two-tiered justice indeed!

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We’ve been watching Trump do exactly that since the 70s. NJ and NY kept taking his bribes and never held him accountable … so here we are

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There is a very loooong list of EM’s law/regulations busting.

The longer he gets away with these lies the more power he will amass to gather more potential income that would come out of the mouths of those that struggle the most in our society of 345.5 million people.

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He has lost millions in lawsuits, here and in Europe. I agree that he committed election crimes. Pa may/may not follow through.

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Musk should have been deported years ago!

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Why isn’t our illustrious attorney general doing ANYTHING to stop these criminal, hostile, life threatening acts by the so called buddy???

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I have feared Musk’s power to disinform and misinform via Twitter. Now as trump’s sidekick without security clearance but with satellites in the skies and conversations with putin … with minutes left in the Biden administration, can’t something be done to reign in a potential reign of terror?

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Unfortunately, Nancy, the “something” that should have been done went by the wayside when half the US population voted the unhinged convicted rapist and felon back on the throne. They will be blaming the previous administration all the way to their own moral and financial bankruptcies. Unfortunately the rest of the western world can do nothing but watch helplessly. If there is anything that can be done, I pray it’s done quickly.

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Are you sure he doesn’t have a clearance? Since he works on government contracts, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has one.

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Elon Musk is powerless and disposable. He was late in joining Trump's campaign, and he is now trying to make up for it by liking the floor Trump walks on.

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Something will be done; the sooner the better.

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He can't.

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The Dems had 4 yrs to get rid of Trump but they didn’t. Only time will get rid of him now. At 82 yrs old in 4 yrs, he’ll probably be hidden away somewhere with total dementia while the GOP fight each other for power.

Unless the Dems man up, I think we’re pretty much on our own which doesn’t mean we should stop holding the GOP accountable . But I say we focus on pressuring the Democrats rather than fighting the Republicans. That’s what the Dems are there for. It’s time we hold them accountable for the mess we’re in.

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He’s a parody of himself. Americans crave these creeps, disguised as men working to save us, just in it to get richer and notoriety for their heinous acts. Abominable, creepy “man”.

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Great. It’s never too late or too early to mobilize common decency and informed citizens!

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This presuposes that people want to be informed. It's called willful ignorance

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Been thinking that this entire grifting fascist MAGA crew are all cases of people that never developed in any moral or spiritual sense! Got NO empathy no human decency! Shells of real people! Hope the electorate gets hip in the ensuing years! Cases of arrested human development

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GrrlScientist, I hope they do, too! If they hit them in their pocketbooks, that will really sting! After all, they cherish money above everything else right along with power!

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I pray a Hacker will find a way to empty their accounts and share the wealth with the worlds poor and working class. Hackers out there, be a Robin Hood!

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May Hackers take courage and act. Amen to this prayer.

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Asvang, that would be absolutely delightful! C'mon Robin Hood hackers! Make the world a better place by using your skills to share the wealth with people who actually need and deserve it!

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What a nice thought. Make them sit in the stands after they loose their money, then, after meeting certain “fair play” criteria, let them go on the practice team, then the AA then AAA then the big leagues.

Let’s see how well they do!

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Since he seems convinced that words like Environment, Equity, Diersity mean Wokeness an, Waste, will he also cancel all the rebates on EVs? Reading Walter Isaacson's surprisingly sympathetic biography of Musk. Brilliant, driven and characterologically deformed.

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Elon Musk is many things but brilliant isn’t one of them. I also read parts of his so-called biography. The book should never have been written by Isaacson who had very little interest or curiosity in Musk’s obviously damaged psyche and the demons that drive him. Only by knowing that would Dems be able to limit his destructiveness although I have a feeling Musk relationship with Trump will eventually self-implode. That, however, won’t stop the damage he’s already done & plans on doing.

Unfortunately for our democracy, the Dems aren’t very effective at stopping people like Musk. Instead of scaling him back from government subsidies & keeping an eye on him, they gave him free rein & empowered a Frankenstein of sorts. Granted, from my understanding he wasn’t always this bad but the signs were already there in the way he abused his employees — mostly by sexually harassing women & demeaning minorities.

Both Dems & R’s ignored all of the warning signs & helped one man accumulate massive amounts of wealth & power. Both which he’s now using to help autocrats take over our government.

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Law suits are worthless, SCOTUS has been bought and we can't rely on the existing judicial system to prosecute national traitors if they have funding. Idiots like Bank Man Fried yes. Actual well funded high profile "mob like"... criminals no.

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But when trump has lined the courts with his loyalists, how will a lawsuit even move forward?

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Sue for threatening their lives and causing them to move? Suing the richest man for a ton of $s!!! I'll bet there are a lot of lawyers drooling over the prospect of suing Musk.

Once again, Fiddle on the Roof "When you’re rich, they think you really know.”

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Ideas for ACTION now?

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I thought that Trump was bad enough, but at least he's been elected. Musk is evil and nobody voted for him to have anything to do with government. If he applied for a job in the Federal workforce, he probably wouldn't even get an interview. Come on, America! You must find a way to stop Musk treating the USA like his plaything.

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By the use of the word "plaything"...you literally don't know how correct you are.

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Obviously Musk doesn’t heed the warnings of “Never Bite The Hand That Feeds You”! Musk has become one of the richest men in the world with the help of subsidies from the American government.

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Now he wants to be co-owner of that government.

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Forbes reported that Musk recently set up a corporation in Texas called "United States of America, Inc." Also a second one, "Group America, LLC." https://www.forbesmiddleeast.com/billionaires/world-billionaires/elon-musk-created-a-mysterious-corporation-called-united-states-of-america-inc

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I had posted about reading about that a couple weeks ago.then there was nothing in the news about it. It would not surprise me if it is real. Crazier and crazier.

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Musk has made himself rich feeding at our government’s trough. He has spent his career taking advantage of government contracts, tax cuts, tax exemptions, tax subsidies, etc., things to which only the wealthy have access.

Louisiana has now enacted a flat 3% income tax and enacted a state sales tax which disproportionately impacts middle and lower income households. This was done to improve the business climate in our state. However, nothing has been done to address child poverty or our poor educational outcomes which still rank in the bottom tier of the nation. Louisiana wants to encourage more people like Musk to do business in our state which is exactly what we don’t need.

The U.S. needs to denaturalize Musk and his ilk and deport them rather than hardworking immigrants, regardless of their status, who actually contribute something to our nation and economy. IMO they don’t leach off of others, nor do they bully people. They come here for opportunity and to build a decent life. Musk comes to be mean and nasty. His departure would make America great again.

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He has wormed his way in and manipulated the world to suit himself. He’s like a James Bond villain but there’s no James Bond.

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Tracy--Would a Bondi do?

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VERY unlikely.

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He is just like a Bond villain. I hope that he gets the same treatment.

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Yep, Musk is right out of "From Russia With Love." And, pan to another film, Trump imagines himself as Goldfinger. Steven Cheung is the perfect Odd Job. All out of the Mad Men era.

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He might get sucked out of the window of his private jet. but any way goes suits me.

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He would love the title and the cachet of being compared to James Bond. The joker is more like it. Plankton of Sponge bob squarepants infamy, is even better.

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“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Always had been true and is self-evident especially now! To think that an anti-defamation lawsuit can be won against the richest man in the world who also owns our supreme court, is thinking based on the American justice system as it used to be. Those days are long gone now!

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Seems like bullying works in all stages of life, and not just high school! This is a guy who was bullied in his own times in school. People never learn

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We need to accept the fact that we need to fight fire with fire...not a wet noodle.

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I’m game 💙

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For all we know Elon was the bully. All we have is Elon & his dad’s side of the story. Something doesn’t add up. If Errol was such an abusive parent to him why did Elon choose to live with him over living with his mother & his siblings? From what I understand, May Musk was extremely poor at the time because Errol had cut her off & wanted her to suffer. He thought she would come back begging or something.

Did Elon go back to daddy because he was the one with the money? Was he that fixated on money at a young age? Curious minds want to know. I suppose Isaacson forgot to ask or he just took Elon’s word for it.

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Do as the Georgia election workers did to Guiliani when he libeled them. Sue him--and collect. The only thing he understands is money. Talk to him in the language he understands. I am still waiting for the UK government to sue him for causing anti-immigrant riots. His tweet was factually incorrect and caused major damage in the UK.

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America's mayor lost his shirt because of his big mouth, why is Musk immune?

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He is immune because we allow him to be...we are the engine that pulls his train...we just haven't figured that out yet apparently.

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Henery--We aren't allowing Elon to do anything. His money is opening the doors that are closed to everyone else.

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The judiciary, immigration, IRS, X users, everyone who can should be doing anything they can to make Musk’s life a literally nightmare of lawsuits, red tape and annoying complications and not let up. Maybe he will then choose to move somewhere that is it easier for him. Doggedly drive him out.

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Because he is actual and actionable, and instantaneous real threat to the survival of lives, businesses, and countries. His decisions, control and are responsible for who lives and dies.

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Henery--Are you referring to Mr. Musk or Trump.

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I'm just wondering how this kind of criminal behavior is allowed? Are we so enamored with free speech in this country that we do not see what is going on here? If you or I engaged in this tirade against civil servants like Musk is doing, we would be in jail by now. What is going on with law enforcement? They must be either MAGAts or are themselves in fear from retribution. This country is going down....down....down.

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Exactly!! While Biden has presidential immunity he needs to do something to get rid of Musk’s take over of the presidency. Trump is the puppet.

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They would need to file a civil suit.

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The courts are not only slow, but they are corrupted.

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That's the problem. These sound more like threats. Arrest Musk, throw him in jail, and let him go thru the legal battle of sorting it all out. How else are we going to stop this aberrant behavior? After all, he is the one who started it all. I used to be real liberal insofar as defendant rights were concerned. But after seeing how Trump uses the "justice" system to obstruct justice, I have changed. None of us common folk would ever get away with what Trump and Musk perpetrate--and the judges protect them (Democrat and Republican).

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To be honest, I am not shocked or appalled by the muskrat's behavior. He is a narcissistic bully and like the orange smear has never had to face accountability for his horribly ridiculous actions. Yes, it may seem to be working, but I do not have any doubt that there will be some one who will stand up to these bullies and put them in their place. Eventually, a bully always will get what is coming to him simply because he will choose the wrong person to bully. I may be an old woman but I will still stand up to a bully now more so than ever because I don't have a thing to lose. Unfortunately many that the muskrat chooses to pick on have too much to lose. They are young, just starting out with their lives. They have homes and families and they worry about their safety as well. America is going to hell in a hand basket and so far, we haven't found that some one who will be willing to bring the muskrat and the orange smear down. Once they are placed in jail where they belong, it will be surprising how fast his so-called followers will quietly draw back into the shadows where they belong.

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I think there are a few empty cells at GITMO. GH

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They should be filled with this bunch! Lock it and then throw away the key!

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Unacceptable Capitalism has a face.

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He plans to create new problems by claiming he has the solution.

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old tried and true tactic.

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This makes me so angry. No one is doing a damn thing about this. Why won’t the current DOJ do its damn job? Dude is threatening federal workers and getting away with it. It’s cyber bullying at best. Musk’s actions COULD be legally challenged for defamation, harassment, or causing emotional distress, especially if they lead to threats against individuals. Victims COULD sue for damages, and regulators COULD look into whether his behavior violates laws protecting public employees. His government contracts COULD also be audited for misuse of federal funds. Congress COULD step in with oversight or new laws to stop people like Musk from using platforms like X to intimidate public servants and avoid accountability.

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If only the DOJ and the courts were functioning.

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Laurie ,

Garland will take up the issue of cyber bullying

federal employees in about 6 or 7 years .

Oh wait- he’s got about 6 weeks . Never mind

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Yes, as Roseanne Roseannadanna would say : it's so funny I forgot to laugh ; Because it is so damn scary it's sickening..

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Wasn't Melania's pet project last time to stop cyber bullying? How ironic..

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He’s a dispassionate immoral hypocrite. Insane lust of power. And a racist. Think of all the good that he could do with what he owns yet he cares not for humanity other than to provides services, yes that are needed, but mostly from government contracts. And a bully. Power so corrupts, in his case, his mind.

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Musk cares the most about Space X and going to Mars--a tragic waste of time and resources in my opinion--and starlink which may serve some good purpose but also seems to have favored Putin if you remember when Musk stopped Ukraine from using it but then it turned out that Russia used. I feel the harm Musk is doing far outweighs any services he may provide.

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