Pay the damn bills. 14th Amendment, Sec. 4. And challenge Johnson‘s qualification to be in the House. Sec. 3.

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Dick Cheney and Barr were big proponents of UET when W Bush was president. However, it’s a theory and hasn’t been tested by the Supreme Court. And most eminent and renowned constitutional professors believe it will fail, because the constitution allows for presidents to be prosecuted for crimes, since a president can be impeached and removed from office. UET thinks differently: it’s not a crime if the president does it.

Secondly, if it works, that would be worse for democracy, because the next time a Republican takes office, he/she will end democracy as we know it and turn this nation into a kleptocratic kakistocracy. If these republicans wing-nuts are consistent at one thing, it’s revenge (see Biden impeachment).

We’d playing right into republican hands.

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The Republicans have (in a way) implemented this. The votes of the majority, the desires of the majority are fully ignored. If only the Dems would play the same game. But the risks would be off the charts for a Democrat, but not for a Republican. They already go beyond this by pushing for full authoritarian control based on a Cult favorite book, the bible.

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Not even a non fiction book, a book of made up magic.

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You know, I’ve been thinking about the Bible. It was written by a bunch of random men who had no authority whatsoever, so why does anyone accept it? What’s to stop you or me adding a new book to it anyway? Because that’s how it was assembled, so why stop?

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It’s absolutely ludicrous that anyone is hanging on words from the Bible or any other ancient holy book. It seems to me that it’s no different than reading Brene Brown books and deciding these are words to live by, then forcing others to also live by those words (which would be a lot more sensible than the Bible today) WTAF have we been doing for centuries allowing the sun to rise and set around all this religious dogma?

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Privileging religion with tax exemptions and acting as if religious leaders are authorities on everything needs to end. It’s clearly become a danger to society and has zero relevance in our world. There are many idiotic hypocritical things said by god & jesus and then there are words of wisdom. The religious texts were written by a group of uneducated men within the mind-frame of their pre-science era. Time to confront and remove this danger from the public square altogether.

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You mentioned the sun now there’s something I could worship. I can see the sun.

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I'm so sorry to hear this. You are missing out on so much! Try reading the Bible. Read Isaiah. And read Exodus. And read some commentary about those books. If you are open to the Holy Spirit, he will guide you. But you have to choose. No one can be forced into heaven. No one. Neither me nor you.

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Would you be interested in some oceanfront property in Arizona?

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Well, at the very least, it would provide some explanation of what drives the right wing. To me: it appears a wish to ride on god's shoulder and claim omniscience.

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And let's not forget-MAGA Mike is a firm believer in the bible-as long as it backs up his belief that Republicans should be able to step on everyone's rights as long as THEY have the power to do so (In his opinion, no one who doesn't believe as he does should have ANY power.)

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Perfect assessment,also what about separation of Church and state.

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You should hear’ Lauren booby Boebert , take on that one.

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Almost none of whom have ever read the Book from cover to cover.

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The unitary executive theory only applies when a Republican is president (according to its proponents). A Democratic president must be kept on a tight leash by judges and state attorneys general.

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Rhetorically? Actually Biden toyed with invoking “the validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned” last May.

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I was being a bit sarcastic. Those who promote the unitary executive theory when a Republican is president have invented the "major questions doctrine," that a president cannot do anything that was not specifically, in precise wording, authorized by Congress, for when a Democrat is president.

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I don’t know about you but I find the word “asshole” trembling on my lips/finger tips when replying to the latest flight of fantasy/fiction offered by Republicans in defense of something that really ... “They Just Want to Do" and so they are frantically thumbing through the Bible & grasping at straws hoping that one will be sufficiently “sturdyr” that they could build a case around it. If they were only just a little more creative in their actual approach to governing we could probably run this country out of our current fiscal challenges and into a state in which there was enough money to go around?

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I love these debates/discussions that hinge on esoteric laws & arguments that been excavated from under countless paragraphs of words & more word .... and are dredged up to support what Republicans just “Want to Do.”

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Love your sarcasm, Carolyn. 😀😀 (Seriously. I’m not being sarcastic.)

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What happens when you get outsmarted politically. The republicans are better at politics . See operation red map

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The right wing media and Republicans would go nuts! But what would the rest of the American people do? Would they support "Dark Biden" or reject his "grab of Presidential power'? How would this affect the 2024 election? This could backfire on the Democrats.

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Just a threat.

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Threats are dangerous.

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Yeah, and it isn’t in his nature anyway.

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How does this solve the budget issue? UET only covers control over the executive, not over legislating bills.

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Donald Hodgins

Writes Donald’s Substack

1 hr ago


edited 1 hr ago

The new speaker of the House reminds me of an underdeveloped conjoined twin of Donald Trump that until recently has lived in relative obscurity. Mr. Johnson's emergence from puberty was a surprise to everyone in the House especially to those who had no idea who the man actually was. He talks like Trump, he tries to think like Trump, and given a little time and some hair dye he might even begin to resemble the guy. If an analysis of his being was conducted the findings would revile Mr. Johnson was composed of the same elements found in Trump's shadow, all that's missing is the string that Trump pulls in the back of his neck. If you think there was trouble in the House with McCarthy, we haven't seen anything yet. Look at it this way, at least he is old enough to have learned how to tie his own shoes. Great choice guys, as he matures maybe he will learn the ropes and never forget to thank Mr. Trump for the leg up. Be careful, Stormy got the same consideration and its been raining in her life ever since.

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Great comments…. Love the political stand up but sad to think something could be so pathetic and yet so funny at the same time. Thanks for the laugh.

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Hydramom--a woman with many arms. Thanks for the thought. I try to make someone smile everyday. This might be a good one, I might make 2 smile.

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I think he's more of a teratoma: an undeveloped "twin" that's a clump of bone, hair and teeth lodged in an inappropriate place in the body.

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Geojock61--And at times can share a psychic connection with the hidden twin.

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Good image for this Halloween season.

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Paula--A real clincher on his resume.

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Dark Brandon as dictator can also suspend Congress. Republicans have been threatening it snice Reagan. At one point Trump tried to invoke it. It's their wet dream.

Trump and his allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to the White House in 2025, reshaping the structure of the executive branch to concentrate far greater authority directly in his hands. The “broader goal is to alter the balance of power by absolute authority over every part of the federal government that now operates, by either law or tradition, with any measure of independence from political interference by the White House.” NYT.

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Daniel, I know Republicans think they want a dictatorship. They think they want Baby Donnie to run it, but he can't even run himself. Listening to Trump, it is clear he has no clue what is going on beyond that he hates everyone who is not 100% loyal to himself (I guess Johnson passed that test along with Gates), and who can be used by him, which is why he is so distressed over the legal folks who are standing against him. He has been rather unhinged for years, including while in office, yet his fans love him to the core and will stand by him even when he is totally nonfunctioning due to what appears to be dementia setting in. The fan base has decided they care nothing for what he says only what they think he will do for them. They cannot see that he cares nothing for their problems, their needs, their struggles. He wants only their loyalty, just as a lord of the manor would. As long as they vote for him and his drones, they will be left alone to suffer and blame those who are not the actual cause of their troubles. Keeping those fans thus occupied, Trump and his puppeteers can do enormous damage to our democracy and those fans will love him to their graves from the impacts of global warming, which for their darling, does not exist. It won't mean anything to him until Mar a Lago is swamped and by then he won't even remember he had such a place. We the People need to look at the guys who are pulling Trump's strings and investigate the crimes they have committed and how much of what Trump has done was orchestrated by them. I am thinking of Bannon but there are others. The Fox gang also needs to be checked out for their deliberate distortions of the news and encouragement of insurrection. We are in trouble, but can't leave the field to the Trumpers and Trumpettes!.

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I agree, Ruth. Corporate America and the Supreme Court are now our most serious problems.

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You are on the right track, Ruth! Until we are able to stop the constant lying by FOX's talking heads, we will continue to lose more and more voters to the stupid side -- voting against democracy and their own interests. Silencing the deliberate lies -- for profit -- perpetrated by FOX needs to be at the top of the list for Constitutional lawyers; how do we do it legally?

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I would say that others are planning dark things for the country if tRump wins. He is not smart enough. Others can plan strategies that look vengeful and punitive to him, and he'll go for it. He picked SC justices from the Federalist Society list. The radical far right is just as venal as tRump.

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ONLY the American people can solve this problem. I don't know what it will take to get our people to recognize where we are and what the consequences will be if we don't wake up and return to the roots of decency and the American dream. After millions were slaughtered in WWII, the thinkers did a Post Mortem and lamented that ...if only the people had done something about Hitler BEFORE his train got rolling down hill ...if only. As a lifelong journalist, the fool on the hill, I am appalled at the TOTAL lack of interest among those who have the education to know better and do NOTHING. The rest of our population sits totally unaware on the railroad tracks. Even in retirement, I continue to write to a small group of aware friends, including several journalists and people who read, both liberal and conservative. Maybe the answers can be found in just common sense. IDK. The next election will be the watershed. If the people don't wake up ...it will be "Hail Atlantis."

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Jay: I recommend Rachel Maddow's new book "Prequel". It's about the rise of Nazism and Fascism in this country prior to both World Wars. There was a very strong push for fascism in the U.S. with help from Hitler's spies and even some of our own Congressmen in the 30's and right up until December 1941 when we were attacked at Pearl Harbor.

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I am pretty sure McConnell played a large role in the selection of those judges that tRump "picked".

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I have to wonder how he thinks he’s going to exert control over the government when he can’t even control himself.

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I understand the theory, Dick Cheney and Barr were big proponents of UET when W Bush was president.

That said, it’s a theory and hasn’t been tested by the Supreme Court, and most eminent and renowned constitutional professors believe it will fail, because the constitution allows for presidents to be prosecuted for crimes, since a president can be impeached and removed from office. UET says differently: it’s not a crime if the president does it.

Secondly, if it works, that would be worse for democracy, because the next time a Republican takes office he/she will end democracy as we know it and turn this nation into a kleptocratic kakistocracy. If these republicans wing-nuts are consistent at one thing, it’s revenge (see Biden impeachment)....:)

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Of course. Just a friggin' threat. Same way they threaten us.

I spent more than 30 years listening to "intelligent" people, some law school professors, who have been saying that we were in some emergency or other at places like ABA Ad Law, ACUS and that THEIR president needed to act.

Lincoln did it for a short period. Suspended habeus corpus. Jailed the governor of Maryland. But it was a civil war.

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That's a terrifying suggestion if applied to Trump or any other MAGA executive. And if it is successfully applied to Biden, it can be successfully applied to any MAGA executive.

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Daniel Solomon : Brilliant! Dark Biden and the UET.

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Also Article 6, Section 1. This is one area in which the Constitution is redundant. America will pay its debts. Period.

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Fay, yes, paying our debts is in the Constitution, and in my opinion, (worthless as that opinion is), keeping the government open to support our people is paying our debts. Claiming it isn't and that if Democrats don't vote to do harm to the American people, is a kind of treason Republicans like to play with to scare the less-informed among us. OK, it scares me too because those less-informed vote a lot and for the creeps who want to ignore our debts to the American people, at least those who are not white, rich, straight, and male. It makes my head hurt just thinking about Republican insanity and lack of care for their fellow Americans, or anyone else.

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True Ruth and in both Article 6 and Amendment 14 it is specifically mentioned that all pensions and 'bounties' are included. I may be wrong here, because we did not have Civil Service at the time, but I think it would include salaries

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Fay, and in addition, paying our debts would include all the services we provide to the American people because they are owed the people as having been passed by Congress. Democrats and any decent Republicans who are ashamed of having voted for a racist, misogynistic, homo/transphobic, xenophobic bible-thumping jerk should vote to continue last year's budget plus the promised aid for Ukraine and some help for Israel and a lot of help for Palestine because their clean-up and recovery due to what Israel has done will be greater. Add a 2% increase in amounts except for salaries, then move on. Congress wouldn't have to deal with the budget again until next summer and that will take us into the election season (OK, election season is now never-ending), when Democrats will be able to show the people and make it current that it is Republicans who are doing the damage to our democracy, not Democrats. Republicans just plain lie and break their oaths incessantly and people need to see that.

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And threaten to invoke the unitary executive theory.

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Give 'em a taste of their own experience at being threatened with oppression.

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Not sure what you mean by this comment Daniel, Do you think invoking the Constitution would lead to invoking that unitary executive theory?

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Hell no. The concept is aberrant. As a matter of fact, Roberts worked on it when he was in the Reagan White House. Republicans threatened to use it several times.

But it is a valid "bargaining chip."

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Thank you, Daniel, I didn't think you'd favor the unitary executive concept, which I know is part of the project 2025. I fully expect Johnson will try to throw that in as he has thrown in defunding the IRS. The man is a nightmare.

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Agree, pay the bills. MAGA Speaker Johnson (and Gaetz) wanted a return to "regular order" so they could vote on 12 separate appropriation bills instead of the Continuing Resolution "CR" that has become the norm. But now Johnson has proven himself a hypocrite by conditioning aid to Israel on defunding the IRS. Aside from the myopic move to defund a revenue source, my concern is that if Congress allows this once, then MAGA will continue to rule transaction by transaction. If Congress approves prayer in schools, could it get aid for Ukraine? If it approves more tax cuts for the rich could it get free school lunches? Can we save social security by outlawing same sex marriage? OK, I used extreme examples, but defunding the IRS is a policy position, not a budget offset. MAGA will not rule by democratic principles and will likely continue to commoditize (extort?) national priorities to implement its theocratic agenda. There is no winning that game; Congress should not set a precedent. Agree with Mr. Wilder above that we pay the bills in accordance with the Constitution, challenge Johnson for thwarting the Constitution, and vote Democratic majorities into House and Senate post haste. What a mess.

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A piece I just came across that led me to reply "Other:"



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DZK, I just took the 5 minutes to watch “Scooby-Doo and You. I loved it!

I recommend anyone who has a few minutes to enjoy this video.

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To put his conclusion up for those who don't watch the video, it is up to us. All of us. In the current instance it means the people on this blog. But also everybody that the people here can reach out to. Nice video.

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Just us. 🤔

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This ⬆️

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Bruce, I looked at your substack and I agree with you on the need for a new Constitution.


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Sounds like you’re tired of all this rhetoric also. Common sense Isn’t effective with the ignorant American republicans. You have to entertain them like little kids. Don’t expect them to read anything that’s too much work ,Joe beer gut wants entertainment.

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Thank U. I shall go read those sections.

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Imagine actually following the Constitution. What a novel idea (she said dripping with sarcasm).

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Take Johnson’s perceived strength and turn it against him. He claims to be a “family values“ man, but everything he does proves that he doesn’t value families - unless they have eight-figure bank accounts.

Everything that the MAGAlomaniacs in Congress fight for cuts into the economic solvency of 99% of American families.

And wouldn’t a #ConsistentChristian care for the welfare of a baby after it can actually cry? Shouldn’t pro-life include advocating for six weeks of paid maternity leave? The truth is, Johnson and other Republicans can’t because that would upset their corporate and billionaire donors.

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Todd, as far as I can tell, right now, Republicans have little idea what they actually believe beyond standing for rich, straight, white, pseudo-Christian, male supremacy. They call their positions exactly opposite of what they are "Freedom Caucus" is for anything but freedom or rather, freedom only for themselves. Pro-life means only pro fetus or in actuality, forced birth so a whole lot more women and children will be forced into poverty (that doesn't sound much like pro-life to me). Parents' rights is really only hateful, destructive parents have rights to do as much damage to public schools as they can. There is no room for parents who want a free, fair, high-quality public education for all children. Freedom of Speech for Republicans means, MY freedom to say whatever I want no matter whether it is true or who it hurts and no one should be able to stop me. No one else is allowed that privilege because Republicans don't want to be hurt the same way they hurt others. You get the idea. They are like toddlers who want only what they want and will tantrum if they don't get it. In their case, tantrums include shutting down the government, ruining Social Security and Medicare, giving tax cuts to those who need to be paying more taxes, getting more and more weapons into desperate communities or in the hands of people with mental instability, and ending programs that support those babies they want women to be forced to give birth to. It's disgusting, but if these things are pointed out to Republicans, they act like they are being maligned. Maybe we should keep pushing, and a lot harder. A little malignment sent in the direction of Republicans who are bent on destruction could be a good thing.

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Another hashtag that I use is #ProSTRIFE because everything they legislate, every hateful division that they orchestrate, is crafted to make our lives harder in the hope that we’ll just give up.

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Todd, the trick is that We the People can't let Republicans in power succeed. Their ideas are just not worth our surrender, so let's not!

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I think we should call the republican party what it is. A bunch of fascists who are hell bent on putting Furher Trump into office so his little brown shirt MAGAs can go forth and destroy what's left of our nation's constitution.

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Todd Telford: "perceived strength ' of Johnson's smell. He may look and act suave, but he really stinks!

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Laurie, my dad would say, "rotten to the core and you can smell it from here."

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Great points 😃

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He says just open the Bible and that’s his guide. What a joke! He is the opposite of the teachings of Christ in every way! We need to make sure we vote for Democrats and get rid of these hypocrites once and for all. Take back the House, keep the Senate and vote for Biden. Don’t allow these puppets to do everything Trump tells them from his cell.

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Betty, I have noticed that none of the interviewers of Johnson have asked any specifics about his Bible fetish. He, like all who claim the Bible is the ultimate truth pick from it just what supports, or they believe supports their personal biases. Johnson is what people used to call "fake Christians." Christians know the Bible thumpers and "LOVERS" are rarely people whose Bible love meant loving their neighbor as themselves and who would do unto others what they would have done to themselves, two of the basics of Christianity. I have seen absolutely no love whatsoever in Johnson's positions on anything. His obsession makes me think he is scared of his own sexuality and if he goes after LGBTQ persons he may not have to look closely at it. The fact that his wife is totally on board with whatever Johnson is on board with may be the reason he has become so toxic. Then, every single Republican in the House voted for that sexually messed-up jerk as Speaker! Go Gates! You did it, you proved you are a Trump-et in good standing. You got a jerk even more sexually problematic than you to become Speaker when it was clear no one with any sense would vote for you. Amazing!

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Yes, men who are so homophobic are usually gay and can’t reckon with it. He also likes his wife submissive. Very controlling since he’s made it more difficult for her to divorce him. Scary creature! 👻

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Betty, Johnson strikes me as the kind of guy who would have enslaved people, spoken quietly to guests, all civilized like, then beat the people he considered his property because they weren't working fast enough at jobs he himself couldn't have begun to do. What a creep Johnson is, and what is even worse, every single Republican member of our House of Representatives voted for him to be Speaker. That means they are also equally depraved or that Trump and Kump are threatening or blackmailing them all, something that should be illegal. We need some investigation as to what is really going on.

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Yes, what about the distribution of “loaves and fishes”? Feed my sheep ?

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Carol, can you imagine Johnson being anywhere near sheep or the people the sheep were a metaphor for? He'd rather eat the loaves than share them or think about where they come from.

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Yes, and I remind my brother who’s fallen down the black hole of “Christo-Fascism,” my sense of “Him” - the great voice who my brother claims to follow, as he always capitalizes “Him” when he’s referring to Christ,” is not the Jesus in Scripture. When the Jesus in the Passion story enters the capital in Jerusalem he rides a donkey, the lowest of beasts, and keeps quiet, says not a word, while his followers along his path wave palm leaves, rather than brandish medieval-style weapons, zip ties and erect a gallows with bloodlust on their breath. “The thief comes only to kill and destroy, I came that you may have life and have it more abundantly.” Translations vary but only slightly. John 10:10 offers the actual, yet countervailing view of the MAGA perversion of Christian savior. There is more to say on the equitable distribution of the world’s abundance, care of widows and orphans, and paying taxes for the superb Roman roads and rest stops on the way, which he made good use of during his ministry. “Render to Caesar” was never meant to withhold a tax. And there is the rich evidence on the practice of abortion by Jewish, Greek and Roman women, about which Jesus said nothing. These so-called Christian Nationalists have stretched the term “life” all over the place, like an elastic band, to create their own dark theology. Need I say more. Mike Johnson is the ultimate weasel, a sickening sycophant of the powerful. Right out of Shakespeare.

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I'd like to see someone like Thom Hartmann (who is ordained) debate the leaders of major denominations that need an epiphany. They need that old time social gospel.

The south needs the second coming of Jimmy Carter.

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My husband, Princeton Seminary, ‘73,’74, is well schooled on the Social Gospel. As a Renaissance art historian in my first life, we had merging libraries. The tax cuts for the wealthy and multinational corporations, in my view, operate much like the oppressive Townsend Acts of the 1760s,’70s. But somehow the deluded MAGA mobs have got both revolutionary history and the Gospels turned upside down to suit their rage (manufactured by Trump, Hawley, Cruz, Jordan and Johnson, the weasel) against democracy instead of fighting to keep it.

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OMG Carol! That was so well said. I am sorry your brother is so lost that he is clinging onto something as evil as the Christo-fascism that has become so popular among right-wing folks all over Europe and America. They care nothing about where the ideas come from and what it means related to being a Christian, but they can use the unthinking as a wall to protect them from truth, awareness, kindness, caring, and well, love. Jesus would not have been popular among today's right-wing white evangelicals. After all he was Jewish, not white, and cared about people, even women, more than money. Terrible for them!

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Betty Moyers-you are spot on! Our solution remains to vote them out, as we re-elect Joe Biden. Of course the gerrymandering of Congressional districts looms large. However, the whole group of Rs who won in high Biden districts, especially in NY, have to go. #PurpleToBlue!

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We all just have to show up! Vote! And get everyone you know to vote!!!

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Johnson operates using the GOP’s #SwissCheeseChristianity with gaping holes where are The Golden Rule and “Judge not, lest ye be judged” should be.

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Upside down Bible and 2 Corinthians. 😂😂😂

Still cracks me up! They don’t know the meaning of Christian.

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Every Democratic Congress person should take out their own Bibles and quote the words of Jesus:

Matthew 25:34-36

[34] Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. [35] For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you [w]gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, [36] I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’

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A super big joke was when the mass shooting in Maine happened,he mentioned it wasn't 'guns' but the human heart that caused all this.problem w/ his theory is that savages that do mass shootings don't have a heart and have ice water in their veins.Also LGBTQ folks don't marry their pets,this dude needs a course in reality,maybe we could get him deprogrammed!

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Can we just move them all to Russia??? 😂 Nuts!

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As Heather Cox Richardson says, the Bible is not the Constitution. He wants to use the Bible over the Constitution. We are truly on a knife's edge.

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Or just get rid of religion all together. Meditation offers better therapythan religion without the fear tactics and rules yet it’s not taught to our children and or even US society as a whole.

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The strategy of Mike Johnson, or rather his puppeteer Donald Trump, could not come at a worse time for the United States and the Ukraine. The cut of of funds for the IRS is abominable, but not fatal. It brings the U.S. back to before the Treasury received the additional funding. But the message that the U.S. will no longer support the Ukraine freedom fighters is a fatal mistake to any possibility of holding Soviet Union aggression at bay. Just to bring this to the floor of the House is a great victory for Putin and his designs on Ukraine and beyond. We can be assured that any gains made by Putin in Ukraine will be followed by a scorched earth policy in regards to human life and liberty and it will set him on a course to begin a war with NATO aligned countries with the possibility that U.S participation will be kneecapped by Trumps willing executioners.

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It will take more than “hoping” the Democrats will unite to fight this. Putin’s literal “army” of trolls are already active in inflating discord anywhere they can find an in. Already several times this forum has been probed by troll attempts and with us they have been thwarted. But in other on-line forums it is likely that the attempt to sow division rather than unity will increase much to the delight of Trump and his willing functionary legislators.

Trump virtually worships authoritarians and their tactics. He is already stating that if and when he becomes president, he will institute a ban on Muslims entering the United States just when this ethnic and religious group will need our support the most. Yesterday Homeland security has stated there is an alarming rise in antisemitism and Islamophobia in this country.

We as a people now must call out divisiveness as one of our number one enemies and oppose it whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head. Once again, we must become the activists and leaders to fight for a peaceful, compassionate and united world. We cannot just “hope” our elected politicians will do it for us. We must create a tsunami of popular support for righteous action in our country and in the world. Waiting and hoping for a “Blue Wave” a year from now is not enough. Now is the time for us to create a true “Citizens United for Peace and Harmony” and for that to occur all of us will have to rise up one more time as we did in the 60’s and 70’s for the sake of our children, grandchildren and for all the children of the planet. The possibility of a larger conflict looms large. We cannot allow despair or sense of impotence to be our individual enemies within.

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Yes. I agree. This is a time we need to all become localised activists in whatever manner we can. Every man, woman and child. Time to engage with and to strengthen your own unique neighbourhood community grids to holdfast against this unfolding well planned attempt to destroy the US Enlightenment Experiment: Tolerance of Complexity and Difference through mutual respect and support through Rule of Law, by wilfully politically ignorant and obscenely greedy Christo Fascists.

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Good Grief! Are you serious? "Christo Fascists" is an oxymoron. If one is a true Christian, one cannot be a fascist.

All please what qualifies a person as Christo Fascist?

The Scooby Doo video was right on. As a Christian I see the need to counter the examples of Christo Fascist and ensure the difference to a True Christian is well understood. Too many times we are accused falsely of hypocrisy.

But as a Christian I will fight against ungodly practices, for example: Abortion without time limits and criteria, restriction of birth control (it should be free, Pence surreptitiously prevented some birth controls availability). There are so many areas that the Republican part coincided with my views. But the threat of Trumpism forces me to move over to the democrats. Also, my education received from Professor Reich on his lectures, Wealth and Poverty at UCB had a major influence on my thinking. There were some areas I would have appreciated some dialogue or opportunity to challenge some of his views.

So, tell me folks, what is the first step, as an individual, to fight for a healthier government and America? Be a voice in the Democratic Party?

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Marc, you are right about getting people to unite for peace. I know a lot of young people are ready. It will need a spark to get things going. The challenge, there are many young people who have already been brainwashed by the Trump crowd with Russia's assistance to spend their time whining that there is no free speech on campuses and that antisemitism and Islamophobia are worthy issues to push. We need to find ways to give them a real cause that helps rather than harms, that will actually make a positive difference they can be proud of when the world is moved back from the brink of global warming destruction.

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Ruth, I completely agree with you 100%

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Here’s a phrase you can use: “Voting for Trump is about as smart as learning the unicycle at 80.”

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I just watched a short piece on what's going on in Georgia. And read an article on Kosovo/Serbia. You are right, lessening our support of Ukraine will feed right into Russia's hands and all the small countries surrounding it are in jeopardy.

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Marc, abandoning an ally should be seen as close to treason, but Republicans just don't care as long as their buddy Putey is given whatever he wants. Republican ignorance of foreign affairs is astounding when one considers how many Republicans are in office around the country. They have encouraged people to believe we can hang out in this world alone, isolated. They are so ignorant of history they don't remember that it never works. And with global warming, it has even less chance of working now. It is sad to me that so many supposedly educated people are bamboozled by such ignorance and lack of caring for others.

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Marc Nevas ; If we are at war, Biden would have War Powers and there would be no election would there? I would hate to see that happen, because it is so dangerous and there could be the END. What could the Senate do?. if anything to "stop Mike Johnson"?, I wonder.

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To avoid a situation that allows for us to be forced to go to war, possibly we may have to follow the example of the Israeli citizens who took to the streets in massive numbers to oppose the attempts of Netanyahu and his henchmen to disempower the Israeli Supreme court. The Women’s Movement has already proven that mass protest is still alive and well in this country. I will show up and bring 10 friends with me to force the House to act on behalf of those they are supposed to represent and not the billionaires who support Trump and his minions.

Although the Israeli citizens are temporarily forced to unify to combat an existential threat, Netanyahu’s future as a leader is already in question. We are not just fighting against Trump and the MAGA Republicans, we now must fight FOR Democracy and that includes a House of Representatives that represents the citizens of the United States and not the billionaires of the United States.

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Marc Nevas : why not have the Senate do a filibuster or two? Call out the lies on TV: yesterday, On Jen Psaki, there was the "both sides ism' argument that "Americans may be 'upset' to see a former President in jail!. I would have a party! Then again I heard similar words on Deadline Whitehouse: shows on MSNBC. Joy Reid had an excellent show, featuring Jeremy Raskin and Professor Lawrence Tribe. They Nailed it about the disqualification clause even showing some of the action in the Colorado courtroom! It was truly GREAT!

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Yes the people should be out on the streets but I doubt there would be a big enough turnout.

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The organizers of “The Women’s March” expected 200,000 to show up in Washington but it is estimated that over 500,00 actually showed up. According to the Washington Post more than 4 million took part in sister marches across the United States plus 300,000 world wide. Possibly what was lacking was a plan of how to best utilize all of that people power in future actions. However, how can you plan when an event planned for 200,000 turns into close to 5 million people worldwide! It was the largest demonstration in the history of the U.S. Personally I believe we need no less than a new constitution that works for the people and not the billionaires.

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Marc, the problem with developing a new Constitution, I suspect unless there are a lot of hate clauses in it, and a restriction of the rights of those who are not white, straight, pseudo-christian males, not enough states will approve it. The Confederacy is still in full whiney white man mode, wanting to deny rights to everyone who is not them and they don't even seem to like themselves much. Just as after the Civil War, when the government did little to nothing to stop Confederate bad behavior against the citizens of their states, our Supreme and other courts allowed clearly illegal anti-abortion laws to take effect in the Confederacy before they broke precedent and overturned Roe v. Wade. The SC has permitted blatant anti-voting laws to take effect even though our Constitution, the one that was already ratified, says is illegal since every citizen age 18 and older, with no limits in age, has the right to vote. The SC is also OK with gerrymandering (cheating voters) if it is political rather than racist. What! So cheating is OK to deny people's rights! We have freedom of speech, but it appears only white Republicans can spew their hatred and can even commit insurrection, pass laws to ban books they haven't even read, invade classrooms to dictate what can be taught over the objections of the teachers who are actually qualified to teach what is inclusive and fair to all. Free expression is OK when it is whiny white people complaining they want to be able to say whatever they want no matter who it hurts while they outlaw something as harmless and potentially helpful as drag shows, a tradition that is as old as clothing. A state legislature can try to kick out properly elected members because the Speaker doesn't like Black people and loves guns. What kind of Constitution would we get, something clearly not as good as what we already have. We could try to amend our current Constitution with some carefully written rights-protecting amendments to see where we are, but can you or anyone else see the Confederacy and the confederate wannabees like Idaho, Wyoming, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio etc. voting for them, even ones that would help protect their own people from voter suppression, rich corporations preying on their people, and people's right to their own bodily autonomy? We need 38 states and something like 20 are not in favor of what America stands for. OK, the population in the supporting states is greater than the confederacy, but that is irrelevant when it comes to ratification. Ugh!

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Ruth, I hear you completely. However, first we need to write what we would consider to be an ideal constitution and then we strategize as to how it gets implemented. What we see happening in government at this moment is not what we will see months from now. The situation will likely become more dire. Those of progressive minds and much wisdom need to be working together to write an ideal Constitution with all the provisions we would like to see included. Then, we have a working paper to work from.

It is exactly the opposite of what project 2025 has done with their 900 page document. They have laid out their blueprint for an ironclad autocracy that gives billionaires free reign. We need a document that gives the citizens of the United States, their dues rights .

Of course, there will be roadblocks to making any significant changes, But we should not allow fear of future roadblocks to prevent us from being optimists and Futurists in regards to a better future.

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Who wants to be assaulted? There are too many guns and tRump zombies. Have a General strike! That would hurt the greedheads more!

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Laurie, maybe the mass strike could last 2 or 3 days. It could require the Republicans who don't participate to cover for their colleagues and they can see how hard it is when working conditions are less than ideal again as they were during COVID which so many Republicans still think was a hoax or joke or something. If every Democrat and Independent just didn't go to work for a couple of days (unless of course their job was so critical lives depended on it), it could get people to notice just how valuable the workers are to those rich guys who think they deserve the excessive millions they get every year, hundreds of times what their average worker gets. Then, in rallies, we would need to honor those who couldn't make it to the protests because they are caring for those in desperate need. It would make clear those who just won't take the risk to stand with workers and the rights of all Americans. It would also let folks know who are the ones sick of Republican minority dictatorship intentions and who would be allies in the struggle. Let's face it, white males are a minority and white Republican males are an even smaller minority. Even if the Trumpettes are added to the mix as the inferiors they are considered by the males who rule the party no matter who they put in charge, it is still a minority. In America minorities must have rights, but the majority should have a stronger say, something the founders were not very good at securing for us. They did their best in 4 months or so in Philadelphia in 1787, but with only rich white men involved, how could it be anything but seriously flawed? The good thing is that it was flexible enough to accommodate some really important changes, amendments, Republicans are working hard to cancel, and the people who will be most impacted by those cancellations still vote for those Republican would-be dictators. Amazing! Now we need someone to get the strike organized!

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Right on, sister!

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Looks to me you are going to avoid a Civil War Laurie.

General strike is a good idea but then people are on the street again?

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I tend to agree. Most Americans are not political activists like most on this forum and have other concerns.

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Throw the bums out if they did not honor their oaths of office!

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Biden can threaten to invoke the unitary executive theory.

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What is that ? What would it mean?

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Laurie, I don't think war would stop an election. It never has and we have certainly been in a lot of wars in our near 250 year history. What I don't understand is, if Russian trolls can get into the minds of vulnerable people, how is it decent people can't find ways to get to those people and maybe, if necessary give them some different people, the real folks they should distrust, the Republicans who have lied to them over and over that they were going to help ease their suffering while instead, they have padded the pockets of their very rich friends who have raised prices on the products they need to make their small wage increases go away. We need to find ways to ask why they like being lied to all the time by those Republicans who claim to be so Christian. I thought one of the 10 Commandments they love so much says they shouldn't lie and another they shouldn't steal which are both being done to those people? It might not change any votes, but it might catch those who pride themselves on not being lied to or ripped off. It would be worth a try. Then present candidates from the community who have proven they actually care for the people no matter what political party letter they have behind their name (in this case it would be a D or possibly an I). If Russia, a foreign dictatorship and Trump a fool living with dementia can go after voters successfully, why can't We the People do it better?

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The Ukrains will not win this war. There is too many problems in Nelensky's Govt.

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Jenny, I did some quick research and could not find what are the problems in Navalny’s government of Ukraine. In the last election, he won 73% of the vote and his party won an outright majority in the Supreme Council. Are there some current issues that would indicate significant problems in Navalny’s government you are aware of?

Ukraine may not be able to regain much lost land, but I suspect that the citizens would fight to the death given how terribly harsh Russia has been to the citizens of the areas they have previously occupied. Russia has been a ruthless occupying force.

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I read this today in The French Press.

Too many different factions in the Govt. Looks like it's going to blow up unless Navalny can hold it together. Zelensky very unpopular.

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Jenny, say what! What is the slant in that French article? Could it be a Putin aficionado? Did they name names or just put out some innuendos? In any conflict, there are always folks who will work to undermine one side or the other and do it in a foreign press outlet. Is this one of those events?

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Hi Ruth.

I don't believe much any more from mainstream Press so I can't tell you.

Interestingly I read an opinion 'somewhere' the other day that The Guardian was going right wing.

I was on the Guardian yesterday and it appears that someone used some of the writers words. Made a poll and voila.

The Guardian explained that they often allow other Press to use SOME parts of their editorials.

I did 'smell a rat' immediately I read the first story and having been a Guardian reader for years was bemused.

I was happy when this was uncovered. Apparently The Guardian had 1000's of letters.

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There must be more we can do to stop this morally bankrupt incursion into American politics. Democratic lawmakers must stand firmly together against this radicalization of our Democracy. Surely there is more lawmakers can do to stop this minority from wielding this much power! Dems must unite and must be lead by courageous members of the Democratic caucus. We gotta get tough folks!

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Suggest that Chuck Schumer do what Harry Reid did with crazy House Republican bills when they arrived in the Democratic controlled Senate. File them in the "circular file" and refuse to take them up!

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I'm not so sure Johnson is Trump's pawn. He seems more in bed with the Heritage Foundation. He is actually more dangerous than trump, because he doesn't carry the baggage trump has and he is marginally more intelligent. At the same time he has already shown he wants to destroy the 247 year old democratic Representative Republic we have enjoyed. What they want (Project 2025) is to return us to 16th or 17th Europe where a small group of exceedingly wealthy aristocrats ruled with iron fists a compliant, unimaginably poor, peasantry who did all the work so the aristocrats could retain their lavish lifestyle in luxurious peace.

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Fay, who or what pulls the strings of Trump, Johnson and the rest of the MAGA? $$$. These ego maniacs who bask in the illusion of control are in fact only pawns for some who are bigger.

Sociopaths like Trump are fly-by-nights who will relatively soon be in the ground, themselves. No doubt, that’s the only reason he is being tolerated by those with the real power, now. And we as a people are charitably viewed only as a necessary evil that needs to be squashed and controlled.

It looks to me that we the people are being herded into a corpocracy-like system where we in the vast majority all answer to those who hold the ultimate purse strings of our jobs and any social benefits that are deemed minimally necessary to both placate and quiet any unrest or any drop in production of war toys. And, of course, any decrease in the people’s tax burden which is the only tax source that corporate world is interested in.

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We are in agreement, G.P. My question is how do we get those cultists who will follow any "savior" who offers them paradise, with no work, just strings attached, to understand reality. A good life requires commitment and work.

Yes, we do need to go back to the situation when everyone could have a fair piece of the pie; but now it's more complicated. Now we, of the liberal/progressive persuasion want to include all Homo sapiens, regardless of skin color, continent of origin.

I'm willing to admit to my own degree of bigotry, I have far more respect for higher intelligence, put to good use, making planet Earth better for all, than I do for artistic, athletic, ability, or just beauty. I am also extremely prejudiced against greed.

I will be 91 in four months and not of much use anymore, have difficulty walking and very limited income so I can't do a hell of a lot but think. But I do believe that the members of Substack and people like us will persevere and defeat the current oligarchy. An awful lot of the oligarchs are in my age group. When they die their fortunes will go to their next of kin. These children and grandchildren have not all been taught to think and plan, a lot of them like the Hilton's and Kardashian's are numbskull partyers who will be easier to defeat. Then the world could get back to reality and take care of all, spreading the leadership to persons of high intelligence. Biden's living son will not follow in his father's footsteps, but maybe among his daughters and grandchildren there could be some.

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Yes-Johnson is scarier than Trump like you said he seems to have no baggage - but we need to look closer at what he is

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Perhaps not the baggage of tfg but a boatload of skeletons in his closet....and dem bones be a rattlin' now.

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And meanwhile, MJ is basking in his light and comfort of his government paycheck and benefits.

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There is no good answer here. My take is that the Democrats have to find 5 Republicans of good conscience who don't like what Mike Johnson is doing and team with them to vote for reasonable policies. If the Republicans don't split and vote away from Johnson's present rhetorical stance then nothing will happen in government until the next election. There is a sliver of hope that might come with elections next week, including Virginia. If the Republicans lose badly a few might realize the futility of following Johnson down the political drain and join the Democrats to pass what we who read Robert Reich would consider moderate proposals. This is but a sliver because I see the Republicans marching a collective path to self-immolation, taking the country with them.

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Give 'em enough rope to hang themselves huh? What harm would they do in the meantime? They need to be expelled as disqualified sycophants, if they voted against Biden's certification.

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And threaten to invoke the unitary executive theory.

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If Biden goes down that path, won't Trump or Trump's clone be justified in doing the same?

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THREATEN. My Last name is Solomon. Threaten to cut the kid in half.

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Got it.

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In a sense, Trump did it already when he declared a temporary State of Emergency to fund the border wall and even though a majority of Congress voted to oppose it, which by law should have nullified it, he went ahead anyway. The Unitary Executive Theory or Declaring a State of Emergency are both an Authoritarian's dream. Personally I do not think it would be wise for Biden to emulate that behavior.

Indira Gandhi declared a State of Emergency in India (The world’s largest Democracy) from 1975 to 1977 with disastrous results. Many abuses went on during that time.

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I agree.

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* Implement an in-depth educational program for the whole nation - Facebook Ads, television ads, text messages and email sent to every Republican that earns less than $500K per year explaining how the Republican agenda will hurt them. Make this factual and verifiable, not just bs. This should include data and charts showing how defunding the IRS means less revenue for the government to spend on programs that help the people - and the overall economy. We have to make them understand the danger.

* Encourage every voter to write their representatives and senators and explain that we won't vote for them in the next election if they continue to pass laws that enrich the super wealthy at the expense of the common person.

* Explain how making the rich pay their fair share of the taxes helps everybody.

* Invoke the 14th Amendment everywhere possible.

* Overturn the 2010 Citizens United ruling that gives corporations the same rights as individuals to contribute as much as they want to political campaigns.

* Implement some kind of campaign reform that prohibits campaign contributions from non-individuals and limits all campaign contributions to some modest amount that the average person could afford. Giving rich people and corporations the ability to outspend us is putting all the power in the hands of the rich - they use their wealth to buy the politicians who will do their bidding.

* Make sure that as many democrats as possible vote - get buses to take them to polls, explain why their vote counts.

* I don't understand the Unitary Executive Theory that Daniel Solomon repeatedly advocates, but if it's possible, use it to stop the criminals from running the country.

* Make it illegal to lie to the public. Sure, free speech means we can express our opinions - but it shouldn't mean that we can anonymously spread lies throughout the world. When people express their opinion publicly they should have to state that it is their opinion and not fact.

* Require that every forum that allows public commentary (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) make their users prove that they are who they say they are and verify their addresses before letting them post.

* Make companies that talk about politics distinguish between news and speculation or opinion. If it's labeled as news then it has to be actual fact.

* Pass a law spelling out qualifications to run for office - minimum education and experience that elected officials need - just like corporations do when they are searching for employees. If we can't pass a law requiring sensible criteria, at least make our own list of job specifications and send it to the voters and tell them why these are necessary and which candidates do not meet the criteria we set.

* Bombard Christians with literature that explains the many ways in which the extreme right agenda is contrary to the teaching of Jesus Christ. Also explain how the well-known biblical statement "The love of money is the root of all evil" applies in a world where every governmental decision is based on how to make the decision-maker richer.

* Stop bombarding democrats with solicitations for contributions. I get on average 300 requests PER DAY asking for money to support some organization and I have no way to know which ones might actually do what they claim to be collecting the money for. Set up some system that democrats can use to verify the authenticity of any group and to find out what those groups do with the money. You might get more contributions if we knew which organizations we could trust.

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I advocate THREATS!!!!!!

Marketing. Target the market. For many MAGATS Trump cost them money.

How many of Robert's readers are accountants? Lots of examples!

E.G. Truck drivers. I used to "among others" hear Surface Assistance Act whistleblowers. Trucker safety. Can document that Republicans are opposed.

Some truckers also lost big because of the Trump tax "cuts," on average $600 per year.

About 3.5 million drivers nationwide, making it the most common job in 29 states. All but three are Trump states. Eliminated a key exemption for dining and living expenses while on the road.

Also many truckers have "repetitive traumas" that could entitle them to benefits. Here's a typical fact pattern. Truckers have one of the most grueling and dangerous jobs across all industries—from days or weeks away from home, long driving hours, and intense physical and mental demands. So it’s not surprising that trucking injuries make up a huge percentage of workers’ compensation claims nationwide.

Occupational accidents involving truckers take various forms, causing an array of injuries that can negatively affect an injured truck driver’s life. The following are the most common South Florida trucker injuries drivers should be aware of:

Injuries from Falls

Aside from driving, you may have to climb onto elevated areas on the truck, use stairs and ladders, or deliver packages to upper floors in construction sites, warehouses, and buildings. You could slip and fall on stairs, ladders, unsecured openings, and even when entering and exiting your truck. Possible injuries can include broken bones, sprains, head trauma, and brain injuries, among others.

Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSIs)

Also known as repetitive trauma or strain injuries, these result from the repeated positioning or motions that you perform while working. These can also include overuse syndromes, repetitive motion disorders, and cumulative trauma disorders. RSIs typically affect soft tissues, including nerves, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Common RSIs that truckers can develop include:


Carpal tunnel syndrome

Trigger finger


Tennis elbow or epicondylitis

Ganglion cysts


You might feel pain, tingling, numbness, weakness, and other sensations where you have a repetitive stress injury. Driving can lead to such injuries depending on how many hours you drive, how much rest you get, how you drive, and your posture while driving.

Struck Against or By Objects Injuries

Truck drivers know that opening cargo containers, lifting hitched trailers, and attaching trailers come with moving components or objects, such as winch bars, lift gates, pallet jacks, cartons, or boxes. Many drivers can get hurt while doing these tasks when they get struck against or by these things or loose cargo.

Musculoskeletal Injuries

Musculoskeletal injuries to the back, neck, and limbs can result from unloading and loading containers, cartons, boxes, bins, or tanks from trucks. They can also result from using loaders and dollies and while working on tires. In general, these are caused by overexertion, such as lifting heavy objects, but can also develop due to less strenuous movements, like climbing in and out of the truck.

In addition, musculoskeletal injuries are common among truckers because of the truck cab’s design, which can significantly impact your posture. Because the truck is your workspace, how you sit while driving for hours on end, how the mirrors are positioned, and how your body is positioned relative to the transmission, steering wheel, and other controls can have an impact on your musculoskeletal system.

Injuries from Truck Crashes

Truck crashes are among the most common causes of injuries for truckers. While truck crashes can be devastating when smaller vehicles are involved, truckers also get injured and killed in such accidents. In 2021 alone, 1008 truck occupants died in truck collisions, and many more were seriously injured. Injuries that truckers can suffer in collisions include fractured or crushed bones, traumatic brain injuries, facial and head injuries, severe lacerations and bruising, whiplash, internal organ damage, spinal cord injuries, burns, etc.

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You make some good points. Sounds like It would be helpful for the dems to fight for some laws to help truckers - they are vital to our economy!

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Thank goodness we have a Democratic led Senate. As much as I detest Mike Johnson and his warped ideologies (a theocracy is ultimately what he’s after), I believe that he now becomes the true face of the GOP since he was UNANIMOUSLY voted in by the republicans in the house. Therefore, his batshit-crazy ideas, when and hopefully widely publicized to the public-at-large, will expose just how ludicrous it is to allow the GOP govern. He might very well represent the final blow to the GOP. I hope and pray, (although I’m agnostic) that he’ll go down like a lead balloon (or, shall we say, like a Led Zeppelin.)

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Is there no separation of church and state in the US?

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Not if Mike Johnson gets his way!

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But is it a Law?

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Biden has already submitted, with bi-partisan leaders involved his budget requests. Let Mr Johnson continue to build his own hanging gallow(s) let's hope others right beside him.

The newest voters in 2024 will speak loud and clear

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The MAGAs are ALL disqualified! They should be out of office and off the ballots!

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And threaten to invoke the unitary executive theory.

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But MAGAs and conservatives voted for them. I do not think any of them have done an "about face." So, if you vote them out you are anti-democracy.

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You are right. And this is really horrible.

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It’s confounding. Every Congress Member should have a proportional cut in their budget, and their own personal salaries and benefits.

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Dock their pay if they have not done something useful for the common good lately.

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Who has authority to do that? Sounds good, though.

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Writes Imagining A Wiser Way Forward

Oct 30

With the demand that IRS funding be cut to finance aid to Israel, the government of the United States is officially being held hostage by the MAGA GOP. I’m old enough to remember that we have a principle in America… that We Do Not Negotiate With Terrorists.

I hope President Biden makes this clear in his response to this demand … with Leader Schumer saying the same. And I hope ABC, CBS, NBC News et al accurately report this fact! The GOP must be made to pay a price for becoming a domestic terrorist organization!

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Make no mistake - the GOP will fight to reduce funding for the IRS in order to make it possible for GOP rich supporters to get by with cheating on their taxes. If the IRS had enough staff to find all the biggest cheaters it would more than cover the cost of the additional workers. It would provide enough additional money to properly fund social security. GOP doesn't care about the plight of the people in Gaza. They are holding the US hostage to enhance their own wealth.

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Being Trumpets 🎺 choice of a disgrace president that wants to destroy the country of America is a sad commentary on our political class .

Mike Johnson clearly a dangerous politician someone that wants to introduce a religious litmus for Congressional candidates

This is the kind idiotic political stunt that will destroy the country and throw the USA into the backwaters of history.

This is a coup for Vladimir Putin, the new Hitler of Central Europe.

How Low can we go ???


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Are we to let America move into obscurity due to a handful of dastardly Dan cartoon characters, at what point are these bad players simply removed from office for putting US in peril. The oath of office taken “I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;” well, it does seem the most imminent danger is holding office in our House.

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Needs to be asked, on the record, whether or not Biden was legitimately elected.

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That's already been done. Various courts throughout the nation deemed the 2020 vote to be valid and there were multiple recounts. There's nothing more to do to prove Biden won the election.

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Good idea - let’s call him out publicly - as I recall at the press conference to announce his victory as speaker a bunch of clowns had to gather round him to protect him from answering

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According to The Lever, a news website, defunding the IRS would actually help Hamas. The IRS has a program, started under the Trump administration, to eliminate terrorist financing. Sen Ron Wyden is quoted as saying,

“Hamas depends on sham charities and other illicit finance schemes to fund its operations, but this proposal would cut resources to IRS criminal investigators who are actively helping American allies stop terrorist financing and sanctions evaders.”

The IRS website describes its program to go after illicit charities and cryptocurrency schemes that funnel money to terrorist organizations, including Hamas: https://www.irs.gov/compliance/criminal-investigation/irs-criminal-investigation-trains-representatives-from-6-gulf-countries-on-how-to-combat-terrorism-financing

So, the Republican House bill would effectively give to both Israel and Hamas. Republicans should consider our country's well-being, rather than accommodate the selfish whining of their billionaire bankrollers, who only want to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. Democrats need to make sure this destructive legislation never sees the light of day.

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It seems that right wing fanatics all over the world love to justify the most morally bereft behavior based on documents written down centuries after the events occurred, that had been passed on orally, and were translated at least once. (As a former proofreader, I can attest to the fact that anything ever being accurately recorded twice in a row is a miracle in itself! 😊) The good old days of the past when (of course) their own particular race/religion/nation reigned supreme have somehow morphed into the creation of “divine prophecy” that justifies the most horrific of human behavior.

Can we please step back and look at the most simple and practical philosophy of treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves? We need to stop selling our souls to extremist cults of all kinds that happily harness our own dark sides to serve their despotic leaders’ insatiable drive for power.

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