It’s absolutely insane. The patients are running the asylum. This is going to be beyond horrible; cataclysmically awful.

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The worst part is it may take years to bring back what it is we are losing: our system of governance as a democracy. Massive resistance will be required once those who voted for Trump realize they've been totally duped; plus, their lives will be worse under his Adminstration not better. It's a true tragedy. To me the downfall began and was made possible when the SCOTUS decided on Citizens United, in 2010, albeit a certain element has been working on getting their revenge since FDR's New Deal that they hated.

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We have put forth massive resistance during the past decade. Different playbooks entirely. One operates, for the most part, on good faith. The other playbook is complete thuggery.

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Nov 14Edited
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SPAM! Do NOT click on this link!

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I've been talking about Citizens United since SCOTUS pontificated. If I had a nickel for every blank look I got.......

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Make it a dime, Sandra (inflation).

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what makes you think they will realize they have been duped? If things get worse they will be told it's because of liberals, or Jews, or immigrants, or whoever.

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They will know when their salaries don't improve, gas prices soar, and their access to healthcare is shattered: just for starters. They will see the truth that the felon liar blaming others wasn't true. Count on it. People eventually know when they're had.

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I just don't know that there's any evidence for your outlook. Remember Jonestown. "Drinking the Koolaid" is no joke.

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Partly a result of lack of education or low IQ.

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Some will relate Trump's actions to bad consequences of course. I'm just not as sure as you are that things will be "self-correcting" and normalcy restored. The problem is that there is no unmediated given reality. People understand things and respond based on their interpretation, or FOX news interpretation as the case may be, of what is happening.

This is why we here should understand that our fellow Americans who voted for crooked Donald ,even though their vote is a betrayal of what our country stands for. have been propagandized and they can't "think straight" -Anthony Flew. I suppose it's hopeless to ask for pity on those who will cause much damage.

The Contrarian 2021 Max Chafkin on Peter Thiel

Art and Illusion Gombrich

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No blame: we must mount loyal opposition!

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What makes you think that we all have not been duped? I read that a few million mostly democratic voters have been removed from registered voters, in swing states, won by about hundred thousand votes. How is that checked?

We have this secret ballot provision, where the voters id is not on the ballot. So when 'they' do a recount, how can they tell a real ballot from a fake one?

Our two senators per state rule, and delegates decide the presentident, we know that the rules are already set by a minority. Why would anyone think that the minority favors the common man, rather than the elite? We have already seen the Supreme Court make laws in favor of the wealthy and dark money. Why would anyone trust that we have fair elections? From the very beginning or our nation, it was the rich men that rulled. What makes anyone think that things are fair now? If that is not enough, how can anyone in their right mind think that a clown like Trump with his bizzare campaign won against Kamala with her appeal to common sense? Sometimes I think he is there just to make the sheep realize that they have been duped all along. Doesn't the majority op people realize that money buys advertisments, and politicians, and votes?

Hell no, we have been living in an Oligarchy all these years. If we really want a democracy, the rules of elections must be changed. No more winner takes all. No more dark money. Severe penalties for corruption. We need a system that favors the middle ground, not the extremes. And, we need an education system that does a better job of informing how government is necessary to prevent abuse from below or above, and that we the people must do what is required to form that just government.

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I don't think most Americans care if we have a form of "democracy" that you or any one else envisions. They just want a society that treats them with dignity and what they feel is a fair shot at the American dream. That is it.

Dems have been judged by a the majority of voters to not be treating them wiht dignity and certainly not offering the any more shot at the American dream that what Trump is offering.

Fair elections? Do voters really care?

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I tend to agree with your opinion. But that is the problem. A lack of concern or care. A lack of thinking. A lack of involvement. And while the left studies, works, and makes a good life for themselfves, the dummies are left behind, neglected, without respect, and expect the con man will fix it for them.

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I think there are just as many members of Blue Maga as their are of Red Maga...

Any non Trump supporting voter who was stunned Trump won so handily or who thought Trump was being controlled by Putin because of Russia Gate, which Mueller proved false, or that had no problem with Biden quashing the Dem primaries is as misinformed as Red Maga. I call those people Blue Maga..

So I choose not to call GOP voters dummies. My side has just as many. But i prefer to call them ordinary Americans... The "essential workers" the people we send to fight our wars, the victims of Neo Liberal Economic policy...

Dummies? I wouldn't call them that.

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Or all of the above, Steve.

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did I mention trans?

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Steve. No, you left them out. Couldn't they be some of "whoever?"

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How have Trump voters been “duped”?

Any specifics, or do you just like making a fool of yourself?

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Guy Valmont, you took that line out of The Planet of the Apes.

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If I did, score!!!

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your "score" is Zero, like the rest of the MAGA's.....

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Guy, can you explain how deporting non-citizens or giving Elon Muck a tax break will lower the price of eggs?

One way they've been duped is if they believe he gives a rat's butt about what happens to them. He threw out Obama's pandemic playbook, and 1M people died. Studies show the number could have been cut by as much as 40% if he'd responded faster.

When the chips were down, all he cared about was how things LOOKED (was the stock market down, how would the truth affect his campaign). If there's another pandemic or a higher death rate from a covid variant, he won't care.

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The maga have been dupped by their belief that Trump and his oligarchs will do anything beneficial for them. They get words of 'respect' from their cult leader, but when it comes to action, they get harmed instead.

I suppose it might just be human nature: Having failed to be serious in school, and being raised in the boonies, they find that they have few opportunities to have a good life, and seek someone to blame. It must be those coastal elites.

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Trump is giving MAGA a sense of dignity and understanding that Kamala and the Dems have not given them for some time. Instead of mocking them or cancelling what they say, Trump validates their feelings and views in his rhetoric and physically goes among them, whether it is one of his rally's in nowhere fly over cities in nowhere fly over states or in NYC at a UFC match... He is among them...

The Dems.. not so much. In fact they are more likely to be calling these people "deplorables" or "racists" while shilling for money at a white wine and cheese tasting event in the Hamptons.

You asked "how have Trump voters been duped". That is easy.

Because they they think that Trump will make their lives one iota better economically than the Democrats. That wont happen under Trump... Infact MAGA's economic lives will get worse under Trump than Kamala. Min wage wont go up, their unions will get weaker, Rich Corporations will have more power to reduce wages and form stronger monopolies etc.. Everything he did the first time around.

That said, i get why they voted for him and not her. I do..

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And of course if — IF — the fever were to start breaking, that’s when you’d really start seeing the authoritarian stuff. But more likely he’ll lie and blame an outgroup and MAGA will happily train its poison on them

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of course that is what will happen

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Came here to say this. Nothing seems to penetrate the ether. The pump was primed more than two decades ago with Rush Limbaugh, the Tea Party, Freedom Caucus and now full-on MAGA delusion. I don’t know what it will take to get through Cult47.

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Joan, I don't think Trumpers and Trumpettes will realize they have been duped. Their system of lies and more lies will let them blame Biden-Harris for something, well, whatever they think they are missing. After all, doesn't Trump have their best interests at heart. He said he did. He told them he loved them, then immediately told them he didn't care about them, just wanted their votes. They think he was kidding about the last part; he wasn't.

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It was the abrogation of the 1964 Voting Rights act. That unshackled the South

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An excellent point! Why? Because it has very recently been proven that four years is not nearly long enough to undo the damage done by the four previous years of catastrophe caused by a bad president. Harris/Walz lost in 2024, not because they didn’t try to fix the damage caused by the first four years of DJT. But instead because they didn’t fix things fast enough.

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I completely agree with you Joan. We must continue to RESIST, and not STOP. What you said though is so very true!!!!

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Joan, if pump prices go down, they may never realize it.

The "element" that hated the New Deal is dead. This is a new element; imo it's worse because its adherents have no honor or ethics (and I suspect many don't like democracy because it lets all those people who are "different" have the same say they do).

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America is NOT a Democracy. The word "democracy" is not mentioned ONE SINGLE TIME in our constitution, you know, that thing our Framers wrote then they set up founded and set up our glorious country. You clearly never took a U.S. Civics, Government or Constitution course in Middle School, High school or anywhere else and Liberal Marxists like you really reveal how utterly dumb, indoctrinated and brainwashed you all are.

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PW, the US is a republic, a "representative democracy," where all eligible voters choose the representatives. Universal suffrage brings us closer to "real" democracy.

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Whoever you are, you are delusional.

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Read it in the fundie baby voice and it's just so stupid it's funny. No really, try it. Best laugh I've had in a while.

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Time to find somewhere else to live!

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Sure, it's going to be very painful and difficult and frustrating and rip at our ability to hope and continue. But continue to stay and fight we must.

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Nope. Let the trump voters learn the hard way that they are, indeed, the idiots we told them they were. Let them stay and try to clean up the mess THEY helped to make. Eff 'em.

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I am a tolerant and forgiving person. If the Evil Moron stood up in front of the people, acknowledged his misdeeds, apologized for misleading the public and offered to obey the rule of law and face the consequences from all those he has wronged, I could even forgive him. But I will NEVER forgive those people who ignored all the facts about his monstrosity, his mendacity, his cruelty, his vindictiveness, his duplicity, his lying, his self-serving, his thievery, and his insane drive for power and revenge; and entrusted him with the welfare of this country.

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In mitigation, most of them didn't know all of that. Denial and delusion is a tougher issue, but not, in my humble opinion, outside of forgivable human frailty. The hardest thing is, many will go all the way defensively after scapegoats.

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The worst moral cowards whenever they are called out on their denial or delusion about another’s brutalities always double down on victim blaming. It is how we can see who’s who.

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Pity and empathy is preferred to anger because it leads to deeper understanding. Or I have it ass backwards. U implies P and E.

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I feel exactly the same! But I can forgive Biden and the fools who voted for him and Kamala. Sure…They’re dumb, ignorant and self-destructive…But they’re still people…Aren’t they?

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Are you having fun yet, trolling the Bulwark?

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I feel the same way. So far, I’m still having difficulty even meeting the eyes of the average person in the community. And I live in a state that went blue! So sad.

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"Let the trump voters learn the hard way..." I can sympathize with that feeling.

But then I think about the folks who are going to suffer the most under trump's reign. I.e., LGBTQ folks especially trans women, immigrants, pregnant women especially those having medical complications etc. I would also include any journalists and public figures who've spoken up against him including a number of late night comedy hosts, etc. That will negate any satisfaction in watching his voters suffer for me.

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I'm with steve reed, above: the suckers will blame us, or whoever they are told to blame. It's hard enough in common everyday stuff to admit you were wrong. Admit you voted for catastrophe? Even to yourself, which is the step to taking responsibility for "cleaning up the mess." Me, definitely no optimist about human nature.

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Going from past experiences of how individuals in Northern Ireland who have supported vile individuals into politics whose crimes are then later exposed, they just go quiet. Many cease to participate or vote. How much of this reaction is due to individual’s shock and disgust and how much is to do with retreating to take stock, gather strength and politically resurge full of self righteous vengeance at some later date is unclear.

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As long as they stop participating, I can live with that.

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Absolutely to hell with all the Trump voters. The key is to let them get the brunt of the damage they have votes for while also limiting the damage done to those they would attack (minorities, immigrants, LGBTQ, anyone else who they don’t like).

Just standing by to watch Trumpies suffer for what they’ve done is to be enjoyed. But just standing by thinking others won’t suffer more if the Trumpies aren’t fought means even more harm to us than to them.

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Except we’re not going to suffer. We’re going to enjoy minute of it!

So there’s that,,,.

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We are going to suffer.

Thinking that somehow the Trump shitstorm is only going to rain on *other* people is a stupidity we should leave to those who voted for him.

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It's all about enjoying the cruelty. May it serve you well.

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Right! We have the midterms to get ready for. We cannot give up!

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The thing about the midterms is, there may have been a difference-making number of Harris voters who were complacent that she had it "in the bag." Who (maybe) will be raring to correct that error. Problem is, MAGA will have had two more years of kicking selected folks off the voter rolls and etc. see under Greg Palast, just those numbers are staggering. God bless us Everyone.

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Liked....despite recognizing that there is no god. There can't be.

"If God is good then he is not omnipotent. If God is omnipotent, then he (clearly) is not good”

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Glad I looked up the context. Whose quote? I think the unanswerable proof that there is no god is that humans have only two hands. Supposedly made in "god's" image. So, a "god" is schlepping around the universe with only two hands? How many times a (goddamn) day do we need more than two (goddamn) hands?

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Or, reject the assumption God is good. Guess that's a definitional issue.

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ps god also does not empower my Like button. So, Like.

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Of course there is voter suppression. But i would double or triple check anything Palast says.

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Steve, I've reached the point where I double/triple check everything anybody says.

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Don't run, draw the line and fight.

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I am listening to MSNBC, they are engaging in self delusion, talking as if this was a normal congress and government and kvetching as to whether Gaetz will be ratified by the Senate.

This is not normal it will be a dictatorship on day 1. Trump will appoint him acting AG, which is good for 270 days in a normal world, and have him approved during a recess which Thune or who ever is majority leader willl call on demand. Same thing with Gabbard and all of his other appointments.

My only question is why are this pundits, hosts and editors engaging in self delusion, why are we engaging in self delusion.

Trump and Kevin Roberts have learned the first time, what to do, to destroy the constitution and the government

To quote Kevin Roberts, this is a second revolution and it will be bloodless if the left will allow it, well this leftist won't.

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DJT, or his Puppet Masters, is steadily dismantling the Constitutional Checks & Balances... The 'First 100-Days' of DJT 2.0 could be Horrific... At the Trump Organization, which is a Big Name with only about 30-People, DJT was extremely Volatile, and UnHinged... DJT ruled his Private Organization like a Tyrant... DJT also filed for Bankruptcy at least 5-times... DJT is very Vindictive & Cruel, Matt Gaetz will implement these impulses... I would study how the Nazi Party changed German Society, or how Stalinism has permeated Russian Society... If unchecked, DJT's MAGA Sycophants will cause great Harm to this Country that will be difficult to undo...

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Preaching to the choir Apache. Germany was primed and ready for Hitler. Women were having visible orgasms as his motorcade rode by.

Mao said: The revolution swims in the sea of the people, and by that I don't mean all of the people. All it takes is a motivated minority.

Students of social change know that the tipping point is 17%. And that accounts for the anxiety of Europe and why Hungary flipped to the fascist right, the cause is Muslim immigration.

Hungarians wanted fascism, a huge majority of Germans, French, Nederlanders even Brits do aswell.

Them are facts.

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I am Skeptical that People Realize how Terrifying Repression can be when Dissidents are Hunted Down, and Punished...

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"visible orgasms?" I suppose you're an expert? And it's women's fault, of course, that any of this happened.

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William, apparently millions of Americans don't mind either.

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MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has been calling out these likely transgressions for a while.

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She;s the only one really well Joe Reid has as well, the rest of them are and have been covering their ass

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Lawrence O’Donnell has also been outspoken. One of the reasons I like him is that he doesn’t withhold his comments, calling the dope the names that really apply. Plus, I’ve noticed that he never calls the orange monster “president”.

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For as long as I'm still here, I'll show them just how nasty a leftist can be.

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Me too, but I'm 85 and have lived a good life and am in remission from lung and brain cancer. But I am still making plans.

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76 this past Monday. I'm with you and William Farrar. The time has passed for going high when they go low. When controlling wildfires we fought fire with fire.

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But they not only have all the power, they have all the guns.

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No, they don't! They want you to think that, but it's not true unless we roll over and play dead. Mid-term elections happen in 2 years. By then I expect some of his cult members will have awakened to the fact Trump devours his own, same with members of Congress that are currently supporting him, thus I believe they'll protest by voting for who ever doesn't support him. As for guns - While the NRA seems to have the GOP in its back pocket, gun ownership isn't reserved for Republicans only.

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Now there's a conversation-stopper!

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Yeah…Fight! 🙄😂

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Patience and courage!

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Unless you are in the Uber wealthy class or a professional placed within the protective structure of a big company or institution, uprooting and becoming an immigrant anywhere in an increasingly politically and economically polarised world will carry with it its own difficulties.

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Odd then that here in France and in the European and international news there are many reports of Americans currently applying and getting visas to live in various European countries.

My local property agent friend has had a nimber of American clients property hunting over the summer, even in this small, out of the way little town.

My neighbour, an American who has lived here for 20 years, says she has had many requests from people she knows on where to get help and advice for their applications.

I did it myself. Not difficult, just need some patience. My British/Chinese friend did it and they even accepted her birth certificate, hand written in Mandarin!

Please don't make things seem more difficult by spreading rumours and falsehoods and uninformed opinions. It doesn't help anyone. There is enough to deal with without that.

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Where do you live, Alternative?

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I was going purely on my own personal expat US experiences. So glad to hear you and your circle have encountered nothing but good things in emigrating 🐈‍⬛

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Sorry, but easy for you to say! Vaya con Dios, if you can do.

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These miscreants are all agents of chaos engaging in their primary function. To sow chaos no less.

Whereas our job is to obstruct, deny, undermine, discredit and in the end, cover them with their own rot and leave them like a bad smell in memory.

Quite an undertaking now since they're dug in so deep. But what else are we gonna do?

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Where’s Maxwell Smart when you need him

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Dammit! I could use a shoe phone right now. There is a miscreant who's been bleating and berating in this forum that could use a sharp blow right upside his head. Motivate that tiny mind to semblence of... never mind.

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What was that about “deep state”?

This permeation of the democratic republic model may put us back to the neanderthal period…

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Bad example using Neanderthals, Dooglas. They are extinct. Except for miniscule traces in our genome. On the other hand, that may be all that is left of our democracy too. So not so bad an example after all.

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We're pretty much there and spreading global.

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What else? Use the "patriot" own end game against them.

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What are you going to do?

Nothing. You’re all talk.

You’ll sit down and be quiet.

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I wish you would.

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I know you do. You don’t like Freedom of Speech.

That’s one of your Party’s biggest problems.

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Who pays you to write on this forum? China or maybe Russia?

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Nobody. Just an idiot emboldened by a 2% win when his guy got about 34% of eligible votes in the country, and when 9 million fewer votes than 2020 were cast. Sounds like the 9 million forgot the horrific handling of COVID (not to mention impeachment and loads of embarassing ignoramous moves) by the first Trump term which led to the 7 million vote win by Biden in 2020.

Also, just a troll here who cares nothing for facts, just being a pest to trry to discourage and infuriate. Ain't working. Stay or go, we don't care. If you care to actually have a conversation, we welcome you. Otherwise, you're not going to gain anything---except if you are getting paid as a troll.

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Whenever I see a Lib shouting “Russia! Putin! Russia!” I know I’m not speaking with a serious intellect.

That hoax was debunked 5 years ago. Did you notice?

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Fight. Tell the truth. Never give up.

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You’re gonna’ fight?


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In the same way you will think independently and make good decisions. Impotent Minion.

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I made my good decisions last Tuesday (well, before that, but you get the picture, right?)

I’m waiting for January 20th. I wonder…Will you Libs riot?

Or will you behave like good little children?

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"[We]are on the edge of an extremely important moral Victory: when all of the votes are cast, it seems that Donald Trump will not have majority support of the American people. He will be a plurality winner and the scale and the size of his victory will be less than what George W Bush achieved when he beat John Kerry by 141,000 votes in the state of Ohio (becoming the nation's 43rd president). We should talk about the man that he picked to be Secretary of Defense because when he was picked Donald Rumsfeld (who had at one point been the youngest secretary in the nation's history) was celebrated. He went on to become the worst defense secretary in American history *by a lot*! He was the principal architect of two losing War Wars that killed a million human beings (5,000 plus of them Americans... wounded tens of thousands... incited a suicide epidemic... and cost $4 trillion). The Arrogant Rumsfeld sent the first Cavalry division to Baghdad without its armor! He mandated that the United States Army fight a war of ideology on the basis... not of Doctrine... not on training... but the whims of Rumsfeld's ego... and it was a disaster. And now Donald Trump has raised the ante ..."...!


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I used to have a nice crisp print of this on my desktop, but never forget this: https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/secretary-of-defense-donald-rumsfeld-and-iraqi-president-news-photo/1424016

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Translation: You lost.

Sit down,

The adults are back in charge.

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No - not really 🤣🤣🤣

An Aderall addicted blabbering incoherently "thinking" and speaking (The Weave) 78 year old lifetime criminal (stealing $2.5Mio. from St. Jude Hospital with his son Eric; Trump University scam with a verdict of having to pay $25Mio., not to mention the latest trials) without morals (cheating on every one of his three wives) kissing up to dictators (Orban, Putin) put in charge to enrich himself and destroy this country while doing it.... - just wait & see....

His disastrous handling of the CoVid pandemic.

And the list goes on and on...

More than 30,000 incorrect statements - others call them outright lies - while in office.

The eye opener of his limited capabilities provided by not just one of his former staff members but numerous.

The first term with its lack of generating the promised "results" (ie border wall - paid for by Mexico 😂😂😂; eliminating ACA and bringing a much better health care insurance, which he delayed during his first term time and time again, and of which he has after 8 years still only a concept of a plan 🧐) should have been a clear warning sign (not to mention his disastrous deficit adder of $7Trillion, his negotiation directly with the Taliban in Afghanistan for US armed forces to withdraw, etc.) - and people still want seconds.... (tax credits for the super rich, cuts in Social Security and Medicare, with the first one having been a tax collected from peoples salaries, who count on getting their payout once hitting retirement age, etc.).

And now Project 2025.

Good night - and good luck.

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Your predictable and hysterical overreaction was fun to read!

Good job! You hit all the cliches, untruths and outright lies!

So, I’ll repeat: The adults are back in charge.

And you’ll do just fine…Like you did during his first administration.

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I am going to come back to this comment next year and see how you are doing, Guy. I think it will be fun!

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I’ll be waiting!

MAGA, Sweetie!

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Adults who rape women and children, kill pets, traffic girls, defraud their government, defraud their clients, defraud their contractors? Those adults?

I'm sorry, sir, I think you have confused "adults" with "Sociopaths."

Back to the garbage truck with you, guy.

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Nov 15
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Actually, champ…You don’t disprove a negative.

I’m sorry you’re dumb enough and gullible enough to believe all the silly things you’ve been told about Trump for the last 8 years.

Really, I am.

I can see that this gullibility has caused you anxiety, and it’s ruining your life. You have Trump Derangement Syndrome.

But fear not! There’s a cure! Stop watching MSNBCNN. Stop reading rags like the New York Times. Stop following Jen Rueben on Twitter.

You’ll feel much better! I promise!


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Since AG Gaetz is a "Feared Fantasy" see "Feared Fantasy Techniqe"(an age old sciendtific ❤️anxiety treatment❤️)


If you would like to do any of the scientific role play techniques, please DirectMessage me with some times to zoom(9am-8pm PST)



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I cannot agree more. This (Gaetz) has to rank up there with one of the most outrageous and egregious nominations in history, not to mention some of the other ones.

One can only hope that there are enough sane Republican Senators left in Congress to keep some guardrails on. (Collins, Murkowski, Ernst, Graham (I doubt that), Grassley, ...). There will be objections from the Republican side, and some chaos in the Republican party, despite what they view as a mandate.

The term "advice and consent" appears twice in the United States Constitution, both times in Article II, Section 2, Clause 2. First, the term is used in reference to the senate's role in the signing and ratification of treaties. Then, it is used to describe the Senate's role in the nomination and confirmation process for federal appointees.


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There’s a mandate.

GOP recalcitrants who don’t play ball will be punished at the ballot box.

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Yes, his voters are going to learn the hard way. No Mercy on them. Of course, it will affect the rest of us, and that is most unfortunate to put it very very mildly!

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Definitely! that's a good way to put it! Insane and dangerous!!

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Cry harder!

I enjoy it!

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Yes. Living in a free, prosperous and safe society is madness. You, poor Christi, are an example of classic indoctrinated, brainwashed inbreeding.

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So glad you enlightened me. Thanks.

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I like the Gaetz pick! Wanna’ know why?

‘Cuz it’s payback time, Libs.

Pain is on the menu.

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Payback time it will be, and i'm sure all the ignorant or morally corrupt will be dancing in the street. Enjoy friend, the angle of the previous slippery slope will become that bit steeper, even for the maga faithful. But you ARE correct, pain is on the menu.

Let's chat again in two years.

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Payback for what?

What have "Libs" done to you that makes you thirst so mightily for what you term "payback?"

Your adversary is not whom you think it to be. Unfortunately you don't see this clearly yet and likely will not until it's far too late for regret.

You'll have ample opportunity to revisit your misplaced accusations, angst, desire for vengence and all of that nihilistic maga shit wondering "what the HELL was I thinking?" What indeed?

Good luck!

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Report this psychopath, Guy Valmont, to the admins. He's nasty.

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Just another sad sack maga. It'll burn out soon.

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I'm not so sure it'll burn out soon. There are a lot of them out there and they're nasty and sadly empowered by T and his merry band of wackos.

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I take your point but in this particular instance, I think the toddler just wants attention. He'll likely be gone tomorrow.

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Keep flailing

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Hahaha! Merely amused by you. You exist to amuse you know. And you do a wonderful job of it.

Thank you, for your "service."

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Pay back for what, Billy Bob?

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For magas being idiots, I'm guessing. When trump starts screwing them, I'm going to laugh at them as I go visit other countries who will let me in but will chase them out if they try to go there. I've heard of several countries, already, that said to make sure you let them know you didn't vote for the orange stain.

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For the last 4 years, dummy. How’s the pole-dancing going?

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Ah, Texas tough guy. Got it. Be best, Bubba Patriot🥱

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Report this psychopath to the admins.

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Oh, look, everyone, it's a MAGA person named Guy, or so he claims. Could actually be a Vlad or a Svetlana, who knows or cares. They stand out like sore thumbs as they resort to grade school name calling because they have nothing else with which to present a reasonable argument.

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Ты чертовски глуп.

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Spoken like a guy whose daughter wasn't raped by DT or Gaetz. GH

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You’re literally demented. What a weird comment!

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You talk like you voted for the convicted rapist, not me. So you seem to be the demented one. GH

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Report this a-hole, Guy Valmont, to the admins. He keeps giving psychopath vibes.

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YOU report him! Don't make it the responsibility of others!

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You’re not too bright, are you?

Trump is not a “convicted rapist,” you blithering idiot.

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Well, he was adjudicated, by a jury, civilly liable for attacking and sexually abusing a woman. He was also adjudicated liable for lying about it (and probably will be again.) That's not a dealbreaker for you, though.

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Such a good American. Threatening and reveling in the pain of fellow citizens. Typical maga ijit. When you end up lying in trump's diaper waste as it oozes out over our country, remember that. BTW, don't think leftists are synonymous with pacifist. It is not. Come for us, we'll show you just how many of us are armed. Go back to drinking that stinky, yellow, urine trump keeps squirting into your sippy cup and leave the adults alone.

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Report this Guy Valmont dude to the admins.

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Payback for what? What did I steal from you? How have I hurt you? Why do you think a guy who attacks teenage women is a great pick for AG? How many people are you willing to hurt for no reason? Come on, this is dumb.

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Report him to the admins.

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For the last 4 years.

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The last four years of your existence? Your truck's existence? Your singlewide's existence? What specific part of the last four years?! You gotta get more detailed or we're not getting anywhere. I supported the bipartisan immigration bill that was killed by Trump with a single phone call. Nobody can figure out what Trumpers want except free food, free houses and a bunch of women to beat and bully.

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Should adjust that as free beer, free food, free Mom's basement housing, and an Internet connection and subscription for "Call of Duty." The only people I hear screaming about "free stuff" are incels and very old, completely creepy, raddled and angry white men who've never paid off a student loan in their lives. Honestly, I think to improve our situation, we should park these guys in their mom's basements permanently and then move forward without them. They have nothing to offer us. Neither do their brainwashed robot mothers. But we still bear a responsibility, even to those who would kill us if they could figure out how to do it.

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My god, it’s one of the monkeys that escaped from the lab… and he TALKS!

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who asked you?

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It’s an open forum, sweetheart. I don’t need permission.

The adults are talking. Toddle off.

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Oh, guy, you poor little boy. Go crawl back under your rock and drink the trump urinaide that you love so much. Or is it his spooj? (yes, it's spelled wrong for a reason)

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If Merrick Garland hadn’t dragged his feet and had actually prosecuted the people involved in Jan 6 we would not be here

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HOW did we get here?? HOW could Garland let us down so horrifically?!!

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Choosing a judge instead of a zealous prosecutor for AG in the age of Trump was one of Biden's worst decisions.

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Biden believes to his core that nonpartisanship in governing is essential to preserving democracy. Compromise on both sides gets results for all Americans. He is right. He chose Garland after Republicans defeated Obama's choice of Garland as Supreme Court Justice nominee. Obama and Biden believed that Garland would act as a nonpartisan justice. This is exactly the kind of justice you want on the Supreme Court, someone whose loyalties lie with the law, our understanding of justice and the Constitution rather than a political party. I don't know enough to speak on how faithful Garland was to his commitment to nonpartisanship in applying the rule of law. That will come out. Hopefully he will explain his choices to America. The important point here is that Gaetz will have loyalty only to Trump, not to the sanctity of the rule of law, not a care for justice, not for a loss for democracy.

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But he wasn’t hired to be a judge. He was hired to be a prosecutor. He did not fulfill his duties by allowing an insurrrectionist and possible spy with top secret documents because who knows what he did with them— to walk away Scot free for the sake of appearing to be vengeful. That’s not vengeance, that’s justice. We all saw it unfold as it happened. And there’s proof in the documents too. Not only did he get a “get out of jail free card “, he got a free pass to the next fucking election. There’s where he was the wrong choice for AG.

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And there’s where I draw the line with Biden. He loves this country, just not enough. If he’s that senile to not realize it, then shame on the DNC and shame on his advisors.

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Bullies don’t understand fair play or niceness.

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Agreed, agreed, agreed, agreed, agreed! And I have called the DOJ 18 million times to tell them so! Garland is a super scumbag COWARD!!!

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Adherence to the rule of law and the Constitution is applicable to both judges and prosecutors. We have neither seen documents nor heard publicly from Garland as to his rationale for his actions. My comments are not based in support of Garland rather only based on needing to see evidence. I'm sick and tired of judgements being made before evidence supports a judgement. That's how MAGA operates.

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Sure. I see the jury is still out for you. I watched as TFG started saying the election was rigged unless he won in July because of 2020 and then installed Louis DeJoy to postmaster and they immediately started to dismantle post offices ability to process mail. Sure. We also saw him lose 60+ election fraud lawsuits concerning 2020. There was the Georgia Secy of State phone call where he tried to coerce Raffensperger to FIND 11.780 votes for him. We all watched the speech on the ellipse and then the violent “tourist outing “ at the Capitol and then for hours waited for Trump to stop the attack. We all heard the evidence in the hush money payments trial. I am no Albert Einstein, but if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it most certainly is a DUCK. You can believe whatever you want. That’s your right, for another 45 days or so. Good luck with that.

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Lawyers rarely care about justice. They work for clients.

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Carolyn, choosing him wasn't so bad -- keeping him was. Maybe Garland should have been VP and Harris the AG. 😊

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Yes, and still be in his position.

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I couldn't believe that Biden didn't get someone to replace Garland when we got to the two year point and Garland STILL hadn't done anything about the coup. I'm really mad at Biden for HIS passivity.

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He has seemed semi comatose, even though he got the infrastructure bill passed. But if they had my son in custody, I might tread carefully. They ARE the Mob, after all, that we are up against. For all we know, the Supreme Court and Merrick Garland are being "protected" by goons, instead of legitimate Secret Service personnel. This whole era is unbelievable, with so many in power so corrupt.

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Garland, "Mr President, I am still working at it."

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I don't have a clue what "FOTFLMAO" means.

If you want to be understood, why not write it out in English?

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I'm actually more mad at biden than i am garland. i didn't really expect anything from him once I learned of his background. tell me again why a democratic president hires a republican AG?

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Garland is a Democrat.

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Garland can call himself anything he wants, but history will call him a coward -- at best.

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McConnell did first

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I think Garland was a plant. He never intended to do anything. He was just running the clock out.

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FOR REAL?! Darn, but that makes sense. DAMN!

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That’s what it looked like to me… flying under the radar.👍

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No he was just met with leftover MAGA resistance when he came on and it took a while to overcome.

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Ask Sarah Kendzior, she’ll tell you all about Merrick

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I'll google her. (Oh, s*it! That means that things are worse than I imagined. WAY worse.)

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Mike, who is Sarah Kendzior? I sure would like to learn what Garland is all about! I have called DOJ a hundred times, telling Garland to "GET OUT!" He aided and abetted and was an accomplice to Trump after the fact. He claims that DOJ has received many threats. Good! Maybe someone will burn his house down with him in it!! Enabling the return of Trump is the worst MORTAL SIN ANYONE COULD COMMIT!

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kdsherpa - It's what he was paid to do. oligarchs have deep pockets, and if that doesn't work, there's always threats, veiled and otherwise to friends and family.

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Compromise, incompetence, or cowardice, or all three. Biden's legacy, unfortunately, will be poisoned eternally by his inability to fire an Attorney General who was a Republican plant.

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Here is what Mr AI said about Garland's dysfunction

"The DOJ's strategy of prosecuting lower-level individuals before targeting Trump was intended to build a strong foundation for the cases against higher-level figures. This approach aimed to secure solid evidence and cooperation from those involved in the January 6th Capitol riot and other related activities.

However, this method had its drawbacks. The complexity and length of these investigations allowed Trump to delay proceedings, especially as he pursued legal and political strategies to avoid prosecution. The DOJ's long-standing policy that a sitting president cannot be prosecuted further complicated matters, as Trump's re-election provided him with certain immunities2.

In hindsight, the DOJ's cautious approach may have underestimated the potential for delays and the impact of Trump's political maneuvers. The situation highlights the challenges of balancing thorough investigations with the need for timely justice."

Translation: Garland fucked up!

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He's a Republican. I expect no less.

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Republicans never turn on their own, and dems constantly stab each other in the back. Shit sucks.

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Sometimes in the face, like Al Franken.

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This is the result of AG Garland’s milque toast inaction —the inverse opposite of what he dragged his feet over.

In wanting to preserve or restore the image of the DOJ after Bill Barr, he allowed a multiplier effect of delays to prosecute Trump in order to appear balanced and apolitical.

Gaetz is going to quash any investigations into his furtive sex with minors probes, clear Trump of pending cases, and become the Orange Emperor’s legal watchdog and henchmen.

There are no guard rails or protections. Gone. We’re truly at the mercy of thugs and political mercenaries.

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I don't think Mr. Garland was dragging his feet. I think he was being absolutely correct about everything and being obstructed by gangs of Trump lawyers paid by the RNC, Peter Theil and Elon Musk throwing up dozens of bogus but time consuming suits.

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DOJ tried and convicted several hundred J6 insurrectionists but didn’t go after Trump for nearly 2 years. And, yes, then Trump’s legal team ran the clock.

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Not surprising because of the who - Trump - and the complexity of the charges, it took meticulous research and vetting to bring Trump’s case. That takes time.

The Dept of Justice was not sufficiently funded by Republicans and there were many, many additional suits to command their immediate attention. Plus, the Supreme Court obligingly delivered at each step of the way, ending with the immunity decision, which delayed the case so that it could not be brought during the election.

And, Don’t forget Donald Trump’s culpability in this. Delay, delay, delay.

Trump is and had always been, incredibly lucky. He is a singular figure who has spread his brand of evil to others throughout his life but has remained untouched.

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The thing i don't fully understand: how he is able to convince so many, even those who despise him, to become loyal to him. Maybe he has an instinct for knowing who is corruptible. Then again, probably more are corrutible than might normally be thought, esp floating anywhere near his orbit.

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Not a great strategy was it? A dumb and risky strategy Gafland et al they did not see it that way. There seems a concatenation of unfortunate events .

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Yes, but they will mess up.

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Exactly! And they do eat their young. There will be so much in-house fighting. All these clowns have two things in common amongst each other. They're rich...And they're Type A personalities. They'll all want to be in control and doing their own thing. Keystone Cops gone off the rail.

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No, we are not unless we just roll over and observe our own demise as a Democratic nation.

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Becky - We no longer have a choice. The law depends now on 6 corrupt supreme court justices. Lower courts will be upheld if it serves the oligarchic purposes, and lower courts will be reversed for the same reasons. it's not rocket surgery, very simple to understand.

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Sounds awesome!

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Don't call the Dems for help when the knock at your door comes in the middle of the night. GH

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First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller

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Nov 14Edited

I agree, If Garland is swept up in a purge it will serve him right and I'm none too sure about Smith, either.

“You come at the king, you best not miss.”

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the sloth of Washington, DC

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We are back in the twilight zone and the MAGA cockroaches are coming out of their roach 🪳 motels!

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If only Rod Serling would emerge from the woodwork somewhere and reassure us this is all just a dream. Nightmare that it is. Then again, he’d probably direct us to the Night Gallery for more tales of suspense and disbelief! When will this end…!?

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Only this is the "Twilight Zone" of America. A real "Nightmare Before Christmas".

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Actually, it's Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

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No, that's Amazon capturing those who said they will always hate Amazon.

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All I can say is.....WTF?

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Yep that was my reaction too!

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I think I heard that he was selecting Hannibal Lectar as Secretary of Health &, Human Services.

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Thank you for my chuckle of the day?

How about meat inspector?

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or wine sommelier

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I think you mean "the late great Hannibal Lector," as Bunkerboy's a-brain is so damaged he cannot discern between fact and fiction.

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No that’s going to be the woman who shot her puppy.

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And here I thought he was going to run the dining room.

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No it was for the Dept. of Agriculture. YUM_YUM

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Kennedy is no different.

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I wouldn't be at all surprised!

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I'm at the 'given up' stage. The power these people will wield... We lost, and that's tough enough to process. The rich, the mis-informed and the selfish backed him. Of course, sexists, racists and all kinds of bigots too. But the ones that worry me most are the average people that did not, and do not, see the danger. That STILL think Trump is OK, and we're the blinkered ignorant sheeple. I'm not religious, but god help America.

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If you are reading this-there must be some shred of hope left in you 🤔

It’s ok to be down and unhappy-even terrified-take a walk, in a forest 🌳 or by the beach or a lake-or just window shopping-anything to feel some “calm” inside

Find community and talk with people 👍

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I'm lucky. I have a lot of wonderful friends, close family, etc. I also have moved back to the UK. But America is and was home. My eldest son lives there still (Tucson) and it's where my work and a great many friends and colleagues are. But I remain VERY worried about the future, and how it will affect the rest of the world too. It's utterly heartbreaking and I can't believe so great a country - the land of so many of our dreams - willfully did this to itself. It's like it took a gun to its head.

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Yes, Liam, it's JUST like that (taking a gun to one's own head) -- if not the head, certainly both feet.

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But THANK YOU for the kind reply. It was appreciated!

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Gaetz is a sick sex pervert

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I agree. I watched the whole so called investigation here in Florida. Gaetz is a predator. He threw his buddy under the bus to make a deal🤮

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Like Bill Clinton..?

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Clinton had an affair with a consenting adult not an under age girl. GH

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She was 17 1/2, a prostitute making back as a call girl. She had a fake ID. After a while they found out she was underage and cut off all contact with her. He did nothing wrong. She’s legal in mist states and countries anyway.

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How do you know what Billy Clinton was up to during his 26 trips to Epstein’s “Lolita Island”?

See how dumb you sound, now!

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What was trump up to?

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Yes—that’s the question! An affair is not a crime, but raping 13 year old girls IS! Two women filed lawsuits vs Trump alleging just that! He threatened to kill the family of one; she dropped the suit. Enjoy your charming president!

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Everyone on this thread should just block Guy Valmont make him as irrelevant as he is.

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Naw! But I will block you!

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Actually you're the one who sounds dumb, Guy. Keep washing that RW propaganda down with your Kool-Aid.

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Dude you’re irrelevant, troll.

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By all accounts (even his R colleagues) Gaetz is a sleasebag. But the real issue here is his lack of qualifications to be AG, and his obvious reasons (from his own words, not just Trump's) why he wants the job--both because he was facing an imminent scarhing report on his conduct from the bioartisan ethics committee, and because Trump wants an AG to fulfill his promise to ignore lingstanding DOJ policy and go after political opponents for no good reason other than vengeance and to hold onto power. Anyone who cares about the continuance of democractic rule should be worried. Remember (did you take civics?) the historical protections of an independent judiciary work for everyone, regardless of Party.

Trump wants to corrupt the DOJ. He wants vengeance, even though Garland/Smith was set to deliver guilty sentences on Trump's abuse of power leading to Jan 6 and would likely eventually win the government documents case on appeal.

Don't forget, the REAL reason Trump was desparate to promise anything to get re-elected was to stay out of jail. He's already a convicted felon (by a jury).

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The DOJ has never been more corrupt than under Garland.

Does Trump want payback? Damn right.

And I hope he gets it. I’d like to see Adam Schiff and Liz Cheney investigated.

Good times!

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Please give evidence, not just accusations. You don't have any, just lies. You fell for lies, or you don't

care. Put up or shut up.

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You think you have evidence.

That’s the funny part!

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Let's see yours.

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Birds of a feather flock together. Sex trafficking is right up 🍊🤡 alley.

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You forgot the DUI’s and the cocaine parties and the two dropped investigations. Why were they dropped? To make sure he wasn’t in jail at the time of appointment?

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I watched it all. He threw his buddy under the bus & now this!

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Well, what did you expect? You elected a convicted felon. We had so many chances to stop him. Normalized at every turn. Biden should never have met with him. And smiling? Give me break. Even the Republicans (sic) are aghast. You broke it, now you own it. All I can say, I don't want to hear anything from the Democrats but NO. RESIST.

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Philip Miller ; "You elected a convicted felon". Did you vote? How many votes were actually counted? How many were "spoiled'? and what happened to the "spoiled ones? If living in a swing state and being barraged with slick ads all day when billions of dollars of ad buys pushed lies about the opponents of the orange menace and his sycophants convinced you to vote against your best interests, it was perfectly legal and most likely will not be challenged anyway. Who is the YOU that you are blaming? It was, after all , the corrupt Supreme Court that allowed him on the ballot after having incited an insurrection, which is ongoing and continues to unfold, unchallenged by President Biden or anyone else who may have the power to do so. Stop blaming the Democrats. They do not control the media or the DOJ. the big money does, and they favor the Republicans. and the guy who raids the Treasury for the obscenely rich. Donald John Drumph.

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It was not a landslide. When all ballots are counted, it’s projected to be a win by 1 or 2 percentage points. Even the Electoral College was not a landslide on the scale of Reagan’s. Don’t let people tell you it was a landslide with a mandate. Democratic policies were favored over Republican ones—if people did not know which party supported them. (Washington Post investigation recently published.)

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Carol C : "It was not a landslide." ; I never said it was a landslide. I don't think it was at all. Responding to the wrong comment?

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Laurie, I am sorry. I see now that I could seem to be scolding you. I meant to say that some media and Republicans are saying landslide. And we should not let them get away with it.

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It is amazing, the power of the media to misinform. Even MSNBC has me sometimes shouting at the TV. Sheesh!

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"We" did not .

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Here is Joe Biden -- on Who Wants to be a Millionaire? ... at the beginning of 2024.


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I feel like all Trump’s nominees are unqualified and we are watching a clown show. No one will be able to take this government seriously.

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That's the least of my worries. What they're going to DO is what terrifies me.

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Once again we're the laughing stock of the world and absolutely no other country will want to deal with us 😡😞✌🏻💙

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Seriously? ... the guy was simulating oral sex on a microphone!

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tfg wants to install the most unlikable, least qualified and harmful miscreants, 'Just' because he can.

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That’s what I call it too, a clown show! A very scary ass clown show

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That's the point! No one will take the government seriously because it's a thinly veiled sham for the newly elected dictator. He'll use his chosen ones as the front men, but in actuality he will be the one pulling all the strings and the world will be fully aware of that fact.

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No, I don't think he'll be pulling any strings. He'll just be playing golf and showing off for TV, and leaving everything else to the rest of 'em. Now, the dumb ones will be fine. But Stephen Miller??? Hold onto your hats, folks. We have hitler's reincarnation -- in the form of a Jew, weirdly enough.

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That MAY be a good thing. Look at Bunkerboy and his leader's achomplishment's: NOTHING. They gifted Our money to useless billionaires, but FAILED in EVERYTHING else!

The ACA gets stronger and more inclusive each year!

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ACA didn’t face Rs in the executive, House & Senate with a SCOTUS that has revealed it’s shamelessly MAGA beyond what we ever suspected. Rs have been trying repeal ACA since it was enacted and DJT has “concepts of a plan” to replace it. Biggest worry on ACA is repeal and Rs being unable to implement any replacement.

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That's what makes them so dangerous.

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What next? Serial murderer for Supreme Court Justice?

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Already have 2...Alito and Thomas.

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Justice Cannon, somewhere in FL.

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+ 3 more to go

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Actually, tfg is responsible for many deaths and assaults that his mouth inspired ; even though he was not the one with the gun at the temple or wielding the hammer on an 83 year old man, just the liar who recommended bleach be injected into people's veins and masks not be worn , and vaccine injections be avoided. Or the hate speech that led to the killing of innocent Black grocery shoppers. the murders of Muslims while just being. Now the killing of any woman of any race or faith just for miscarrying a pregnancy, if she happens to live in one of the more hateful states.

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Aside from Charlottesville, where a woman was killed, there were many incidents that could have resulted in deaths or awful injuries: Comet PingPong for example, or attacks on Asian citizens on the streets.

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Sounds reasonable.

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All nominations so far are absolutely disgusting.

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I just hope he will begin his firing of them all sooner rather later.

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And here we were ... worried about Musk.

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I'm worried about ALL of them.

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We can, and must, attend to ALL of them. The poisonous presence of one does not preclude the poisonous power of another. They are like a pack of jackals and the wounded creature they are circling is America.

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Whoop dee fucking doo...

WTF are you going to do to "attend?"

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Resist, call out the lies, protest, etc. Dufus is counting on us to roll over and play dead, to be complacent, to believe he won't come after me, not my problem what he does to the other guy. If you adopt that attitude when he does come after you there will be no one left to defend you.

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Pay attention to their every action, and they and Trump are the ENEMY of the electorate!!!

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He is not looking for competency, he is looking for henchmen.

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The only person worse than Gaetz would be Jim Jordan. My late father really, really didn’t like Geo.W

Bush. I’m glad he isn’t alive for this…because if he was, it would probably kill him.

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you mean Gym Jordan

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Susan - I was also surprised it wasn't gym jordan. i mean, if he doesn't reward him.... oh wait, he and loser comer couldn't impeach biden. that must be why. i feel so sorry for the returning democrats who have to deal with this garbage.

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God, yes! It will be 4 f’ing years frittered away on their fuckery!!!

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Me too Paul. I wonder if any Dems still counting ballots wanted to concede.

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Equally terrible, IMHO.

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I think he just meant that his since his father hated Bush so much that he would find Trump would have been unthinkably more horrific.

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Also, if Gatt Maetz gets rejected (we live in hope), Ken Paxton might be next. And the Rs would probably okay him. He’s possibly worse than Abbot.

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That’s true Joanne. Isn’t Paxton supposed to be in prison? Living in certain parts of TX is probably like being in prison, but Austin isn’t one of them.

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