I'm in total agreement with you on this, Professor (I usually agree with everything you write, so I don't know if that counts).

There are some other sources with superb investigative reporting, and some are surprising. There's The Nation, old and durable, hard-hitting and true; and the occasional block-buster articles in The New Yorker, very old indeed, for good reason, and great reading overall.

I'd include Vanity Fair - not just for women, you know - which often has extremely readable articles that get behind the news to the people and issues that are or should be newsworthy. And there's even Rolling Stone, which generally has two hard-hitting political articles every issue, hard-hitting and well-written. I suspect these two publications got into publishing smart investigative political articles with the advent of crazy right-wing nutcases in our political arena.

As for The New York Times and the Washington Post, whoever writes their headlines is an idiot, going for tabloid gotcha appeal. Their articles, with "leftists" being anyone who wants decent pay and working conditions, readily available health and all that stuff that actually helps people, and "moderates", which to them means either conservative Democrats or the very few Republicans who have a soul and an inkling of caring about anyone other than themselves. And of course the non-factual right-wing columnists. Into the dustbin with those two rags!

I just donated to The Guardian yesterday, with my hundred bucks going in a very small way to help keep them solvent and reporting. What a good feeling! And I mustn't forget the daily Florida Phoenix, what journalism ought to be, which is part of nonprofit The States Newsroom, which has issues for many states - perhaps yours is included, so look them up; you won't be sorry you did. I start my day with the Phoenix.

There may be others out there, but these will get you past the BS of mass media. Thank goodness for that!

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Glad you donated to the Guardian, Porter. I should spend more time reading Rolling Stone.

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Rolling Stone has been publishing excellent investigative pieces practically since its founding in Nov, '67. The Viet-era 'Pitiful Helpless Giant' is the one I remember. I've barely been aware of it--and no longer interested, as it lost its youthful fire when Jann moved it to New York and became establishment--as something that used to be everywhere is now hard to find: the newsstand. The closest such is in the nearest Walgreen's. Alas, it carries domestic fluff magazines--sewing, housekeeping, jam-jarring--but nothing newsworthy. Fortunately, my town (Berkeley) does have a first-rate library system with plenty of periodicals, and other insistent sources of alternate coverage.

Still, I appreciate the sources suggestions listed by one and all. We need to know where to go for information and inspiration ..

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The next time I go to Walgreen's for my Friday no-longer-credible SF Chronicle, I will ask the manager to add the above titles to the magazine selection. You could do the same, wherever periodicals are sold. (I buy it for the Saturday! crosswords ..)

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Well Said ! ! !

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Thanks for the clue about The States Newsroom . . . that model of publicly funded nonprofit journalism seems to me to be the most powerful chance we have to reinvigorate the media. Hadn't heard of them!

Hope they can get to all of the states and territories, and also start down the list of major county capitals too . . .

Many popular liberal broadcast figures repeatedly cite local newspapers as their sources, and in many ways the engine that drives their ability to present pointed and arch commentary on our times. They all say, 'subscribe!' and good for them for that. But local news has been under attack for decades, and the next phase is not at all clear to me.

-- best luck to US, b.rad

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Brad - there's no charge to receive the States Newroom's daily news updates, and you can click to go from there to their main state page - assuming they cover your state. Then you get to like it so much you start donating to them, all tax-deductible.

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Ha, this is an old post, so maybe it's safe to comment. Perhaps I'll just be talking to myself here, I hope, lol.

Forgive my trying to describe my situation: I didn't study English in college. Barely, in high school. But I earned a perfect score on the GRE writing exam, finished a Berkeley professional editing course with an A grade, was called a "brilliant writer" by a best-selling author. . .

No bragging rights, though, because I've never figured out how to put whatever odd literary ability I may have to sufficiently meaningful use.

I'm not a perfect copy editor. I do developmental editing. I'm best at ghostwriting, sounding like other people. I guess I hear the nuances that make them unique and reveal their meaning.

For example: once upon a time, I was granted an audience with a sought-after, fashionable, investment advisor, a darling of those in the Connecticut know. After five minutes of listening to him, I literally ran screaming into the night. My friends were appalled. I was "ungrateful." I was "nuts."

Within the year, the man was wearing stripes in a Federal "pen" a la Bernie Madoff.

I try to explain myself here to say: Often, now, I can't read or listen to the news outlets that I used to, within reason, trust. I can't listen to most politicians.

I don't frighten easily. For 36 years, I worked as an international airline pilot, flying jumbo jets across the Pole and around the globe. Engine fire, all in a day's work. But listening to a newscaster now, I'm afraid. I'm afraid that we, the U.S., may have fatally lost our way, with the media helping to degrade our compass.

But I subscribed here. It sounds right. Not loud enough, though. Not enough people reading and listening; not unless your subscribers include at least everyone who voted for Trump.

I wish I knew how to do something--explain to a few million people how to hear propaganda as propaganda. But, to my horror, I don't know even how to rescue my two closest, formerly sane friends from having lost their minds.

Again, apologies. But

I do want to say: I, too, agree with what you write here about media. You've got a platform, an audience; that's priceless. Please write louder, so that more people hear.

Thank you for sharing the wisdom and for persisting.

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I agree with you about the need for what Robert says to reach a wider audience, but as he said the mainstream media, owned by oligarchs, will not pick up on these writings and report on them. They want this kind of discourse buried. A well informed and educated public cannot be manipulated or hoodwinked by the liars and peddlers of misinformation. We can copy links to here and use social media to share them.

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Beautifully said. ❤️

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Once upon a time, in television's formative years, there was a component called News, where we shared what was mostly a common set of facts, shared by newscasters like Walter Cronkite, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley and others, over a very limited number of networks.

Enter the mass expansion of networks, media types, corporate mergers touching all the points that touch every aspect of our daily lives, including corporate lobbyists and Citizens United, and news is gone replaced by 'entertainment', a common set of facts is gone (or very difficult to piece together), replaced by alternative facts. It's a mess, and another place where following the money gives some worthwhile perspective every once in awhile.


Do we stand a chance??

Robert, you and your efforts are SO appreciated. Thank you!

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Mark, I too remember Cronkite, Huntley and Brinkley. I even remember Edward R. Murrow. The news divisions of NBC and CBS in particular were truly independent. They had integrity and they earned the public's trust. They did hard-hitting investigative reporting (anyone remember CBS's extraordinary expose of farm workers?) and they exposed rotten politicians (Murrow on Joe McCarthy). It's tempting for an old coot like me to look back on those times and say they were better. No, I think they were different. Today we have many other options, some of them superb. The real problem today is that the mainstream media and its news divisions are in the business of making big money, and Wall Street isn't willing to be patient with any of its investments.

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I'm not saying they were better, and I agree that there are several worthwhile sources today...many more than 'back then'.

But it all comes back now to big money, and small money. How many clicks, and how many touch points each major mainstream has, ultimately in our pockets.

With so many sources, media inputs, and societal demands, and no corresponding change in available time to dedicate, it's no wonder so many seem to know (or care) so little about what's really going on.

Today, staying informed takes more time it seems, and the stakes are higher with each passing day.

'And that's the way it was...'

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Yes, Edward R. Murrow, always beginning with "This, is the news." and always ending with "Good night, and good luck." in his deep and grave sonorous voice when I as a boy heard him in the '50s. Everything he said rang true to me.

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I, too, remember Cronkite and the others and often pine for them! It was a different time. No internet to feed us continual "news" and from all over the world. And I totally agree w/ your very last sentence. It's always about the $$$$$ isn't it? :(

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I've been waiting for someone to voice this concern. Thank you so much! I LOVE the Atlantic and the Guardian. I try to watch the PBS Newshour - if not live, online the next day. And I really like Washington Week on Friday nights. I love what SubStack has done in encouraging authors to interact directly with their readers. I follow several of them, including you. I haven't watched Democracy Now in quite a while. Think I'll go back to them.

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PBS is an interesting paradox. I have huge respect for Judy Woodruff and several of the other reporters, editors, and hosts. But I'm also aware that they have to toe the line because their so-called "public" directors have on occasion directly or indirectly limited what producers can do or what they can explore.

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IMO the weekend version of the PBS news "hour" (on weekends it's only 30 minutes) with Hari Srinivasan is superior to the weekday version. I wish Woodruff would retire. Although coverage of climate on the news hour has improved a bit very recently, the weekday news hour ignored it for months on end. And now, way too much deference to the inflation hawks' argument on Build Back Better but little discussion of the bill's benefits.

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Wow! The places we can get independent, unbiased news is truly shrinking. So sad!! And dangerous!

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Yes, from our legacy sources. We will have to look further afield like not only The Guardian and the ones mentioned but The Christian Science Monitor, too!

I try to subscribe to these non MSM outlets as well as organizations focused on climate and other issues.

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You're right. I wanted them to do more on the African American and minority problems and issues, and they still don't do enough!! But, no news, on tv , paper and online still don't cover the Whole picture and don't want to because they might lose viewers!!

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The NewsHour is covering Black issues nonstop. This is not good either. It will drive independents away. They should have coverage, absolutely. But not one or two precious segments every day!

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I don’t like far left coverage either. I’ll check out your recommendations. I like moderate, balanced coverage.

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I could not agree more with every single point you make about MM. It is the reason, I too, have turned to YOU and your newsletter, along with others, including those you mentioned and a few more. I stopped watching CNN and MSNBC and PBS when they all treated Bernie like you know what and marginalized him and even ridiculed him. Even Rachel showed her bias against him. They are better than Fox, which is a bar way too low.

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Sally, you're reminding me that the treatment Bernie got in the 2008 and then again in 2016 pushed me into my current skepticism. Also, of course, the way the New York Times and other mainstream outlets went along with Bush's insane "weapons of mass destruction" story leading up to the Iraq War. Never forget Judith Miller of the Times.

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I remember my disbelief at the success of Bush’s and Cheney’s lies - my utter astonishment and anger! It’s just all gone downhill from there in terms of lies and corruption in our government. My question to you, Dr.Reich, is how do you keep on keeping on? I mean how are keeping the faith - in our better angels?? I’m so very disheartened.

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I am sorry Sally, but we need to go back to Nixon, Powell, & Reagan for the real dumpster fire that is the republican party. Read the Powell Memo for the blueprint that has become the American party politics.

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Thanks . . . I have been reading Rachel Maddow's 'Drift' among my books list, but I have to put it down frequently because it reanimates the Reagan monstrosity that included many outright campaign lies, reminiscent of recent times, and so many more lies leading to his election in 1980. Then it just continued and grew, with the killing of hundreds of Marines in Beirut through ignorance and carelessness and hubris -- or calculated? -- and then causing many pointless deaths in the insane invasion of Grenada . . . which of course boosted Reagan's sway over Congress and polls. ( Wait, what? Yes, blueprint for the future . . . ) It just goes on, with his bullheaded explosion of the 'defense' budget, the inane 'star wars' projects, and more, leading to a tripling of the national debt. HW added another factor, for a total of 4X debt increase from 1981 to 1993. Twelve long years. ( Anybody been complaining about debt increases recently? Oh, who? When? . . . ) Congress has to make it happen, yes, but we know how this works. The Iran Contra deals alone, perverted, illegal, immoral, contrary to every public claim, should have kicked his ass to the curb forever, with his whole cohort, San Quentin or bust. Guess what?

Trying to finish that book, and others . . . -- b.rad

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Remember G.W. Bush's 'New World Order!

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Pull out a dollar bill and find the Latin motto "Novus Ordo Seclorum." If you don't do Latin, it translates "New Order of the Ages." Draw your own conclusions on who and what Bush was "dog whistling," and where he got the idea in the first place.

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Scull and bones society secrets, no doubt.

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"...we need to educate and re-educate ourselves (and our children) about how to learn what’s really going on — how to absorb the news critically. Isn’t this a minimal responsibility of democratic citizenship?"

All forms of media need to be challenged and questioned by vocal, confident, thoughtful people.

One step to helping kids truly absorb the news is to put newspapers - a variety of hard copies - in the hands of every student. Physical ownership. Begin a practice of reading that everyone can see and authentically practice.

As a teacher, I brought newspapers to school all the time. One day a student asked "Where can I get one of those?" He wasn't kidding.

The computer is an increasingly omnipresent, seductive management tool not only for teachers but also for parents. At its best, a screen can be deft in ferreting information and sparking thought. At its worst, a screen can take possession of its user, turning the adolescent's classroom or bedroom into a mind-numbing holding tank.

Adults who trust that young kids can read effectively online are at best naïve, at worst lazy. In turning kids loose on screens, we're throwing young, unfocused minds into lairs of distraction.

If the objective is to develop an informed, balanced, humane, socially graceful citizen, then the mentor needs to encourage deep-dive engagement through close and wide-ranging reading of print media followed by face to face discussions that elicit a range of perspectives and opinions.

We tend to shy away from aggressive discourse, and that's unfortunate. We should be developing rich discussion skills - aggressive in the best sense of the word - and hard-fought conflict resolution right now in every classroom.

It's beautiful to see students pull out texts to support and prove their points. It's beautiful, too, to see a strong young man secure enough in his own self-worth concede "that's a fair point" in a discussion. It's not weakness to have a thought that is flawed but it's weak to refuse to recognise and acknowledge it. That requires modelling from a strong and confident mentor willing to invite thoughtful argument, even if directed at that mentor.

Our children are daily being sucked into distractions on screens they didn't seek and don't really desire. Unfortunately, we're allowing technology and our own asocial practices freedom to rewire them. In the process, rich reading, deep questioning and thinking, extensive discourse, and our collective humanity are lost.

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Perhaps a little too little and a little too late, in the past couple of days I've heard Manchin & Sinema referred to as "conservative Democrats" rather than "moderate Democrats." It appears even the mainstream starting to catch-on that those clowns are DINOs. That's not to contradict Mr Reich's observation in any way. I'm just sayin'.

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Spot on DZK!!

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We have made zero policy changes related to media and the organizations themselves have made no meaningful structural changes since they, through fear, lazy journalism, obsession with profits and access, etc., led us to invade and destroy Iraq. It's a war crime. It's unforgivable. The horrors we caused are incalculable and indescribable.

Buuuut, ya know, I guess things happen, and some outlets sort of maybe apologized, so our country moved on, because acknowledging what we did and why would pierce the veil of America as star-spangled purveyor of good and other fantasies we tell ourselves so that we can ignore any type of civic responsibility and go about our day consuming and ignoring the consequences of our actions.

We, the public, have been failed over and over again by mainstream press, but we refuse to sufficiently mobilize to address it. Elected officials benefit from the limited debate and predictable narratives of the media, to say nothing of their ability to go on and spew nonsense with no fear of real questions or challenges to blatant lies or hypocrisy.

One of the main takeaways from COVID is that our failure to address the corruption and failure of mainstream media outlets is now a danger to the entire species. A country this powerful cannot allow itself to be so easily swayed or misinformed, yet that is what happens over and over again. If we don't make this a major focus of every progressive organization, I believe we are heading toward a future where climate change ravages the planet while the press and networks refuse to show the real fallout, allow corporations to greenwash their role, provide ample time for politicians who deny that the mass death and planetary destruction are even happening, and of course, after every 4-minute surface-level exchange, break to tell us the reason our marriage isn't working is because we're using the wrong shampoo.

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we are living in the age of 1984. There has been many times I went back to find a story to collect facts from and the story or articles have been altered of the whole story has been "taken down" and is no longer available.

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that is why I often prefer a hard copy. We should get a receipt on paper for our votes, too, like in other countries.

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Thanks! And very kind of you to ask, but nope. I do have to say that it's quite nice to have a place to direct angry rants about injustice where you can also find interesting comments and articulate responses. This has proven to be much more pleasant than most discussion forums, where my statements on things like the absence of proof that trickle-down has worked anywhere at any time are met with MAGA-memes and deeply inappropriate requests for me to go self-copulate and admit I'm a "libtard."

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And the Aldening and vanishing of local newspapers is yet another problem. Here in Colorado I supported and read the Colorado Independent and the Colorado Sun, which (with some other local indie efforts) are now folded together into a group I still read and support.

And from an end-of-year Mother Jones editorial column: https://www.motherjones.com/media/2021/12/war-on-democracy-media/?keycode=71CEC01%7CP1CEC01

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So, why not legally establish the cost of the Build Back Better Act as either $175 billion per year OR 25% of the defense budget, whichever amount is smaller? Language like this would certainly help me put the cost of the Build Back Better Act in perspective--and might even help a couple of reluctant Democratic senators understand the importance of their voting for it.

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Never occurred to me, something like that. I like it.

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I trust NPR,PBS, NY Times & W Post to report the empirical facts of current events. I may also use FactCheck & Snopes to verify. But I make my own value judgments about the reported news, using my understanding of science, moral philosophy & Christian theology. I often stand on the shoulders of columnists/contributors such as Paul Krugman, Thomas Friedman, Robert Reich, Heather Cox Richardson, Bishop William Barber, & Fareed Zakaria. I respect their knowledge & wisdom.

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Mister Reich, I could not agree more strongly with your analyses. We Americans, have been way to complacent about taking care of our precious democracy. would be oligarchs are always on a prowl and we have enough of historic evidence from around the world to show us what we can expect when they succeed. Please do continue with your columns and education of our citizenry. (You are by far my favorite analyst of human order and societies).

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I might call your attention, Mr Kotar, to some domestic historic evidence: We all know about the Civil War, but how about the "Wall Street Putsch/Business Plot" of 1933 directed against FDR and the New Deal. The McCormack-Dickstein Committee (which unfortunately degenerated into the House Committee on Un-American Activities) examined the allegations of a coup, declaring that there was indeed some evidence of such a scheme by Wall Street elites, anti-communists and fascist sympathizers. Even though the findings were declared by Congress to be “alarmingly true,” no charges were ever laid against anyone involved; just like the present foot-dragging investigations of congress into the Trump-inspired insurrection of 6 January 2021. Nancy Pelosi said publicly that Trump should have been arrested on the spot.

As it is said, each failed insurrection is simply a rehearsal for the next one--unless there are serious consequences for the perpetrators. Jeff Davis at least spent two years in a federal pen. The Business Plot instigators got zip. General Smedley Butler, USMC, who was supposed to lead the coup w/ an army (using the American Legion as his recruiting ground) blew the whistle on the industrialists, bankers and plutocrats behind the plot who had pledged $3 million to buy weapons--but of course no legal consequences ever befell the plotters--they were all too rich and/or influential (Prescott Bush, General Motors, Chase Bank, Maxwell House, Dupont, among others who were "allegedly" involved.) Once the seat of power was theirs, the plotters would install an ultra-nationalist, business-friendly regime modeled after Mussolini’s Italy. Sound familiar? Jingoism and profits: always the issues. First the Civil War, 1861 (160 yrs ago); then the Business Plot, 1933 (88 yrs ago); and lately, 6 Jan. 2021(one year ago). It almost looks like a mathematical progression--and with the midterm elections imminent we may be approaching a mathematical singularity, a political epiphany.

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The Young Turks (TYT) also report about what you were writing. The corporate news hardly ever have a progressive on. I sometimes send an email to a news outlet when I am especially angry. I don't think there is a group that lets one sign a petition or tells us to send an email to the media outlets, letting them know how biased they are and what their propaganda is about, or is there?

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Spot on regarding the “status quo”. The coverage has been very disappointing, they seem to miss the point too much, have the “emergency switch on 24/7”, red breaking news banners scrolling something obvious that is news to no one. It is no longer my main source of information

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Always such a blessing to read your posts and benefit from your wisdom. My sources are kqed, deutche welle (dw.com), and increasing less cnn. I also much appreciate your posts and another blogger, Heather Cox. Love kqed radio since its financed through membership and its intelligent reporting and educational information. I love DW because it provides a European and international perspective, and is funded by German taxpayers, not advertising or ratings. I find their reporting objective and professional. I used to like cnn but it has become dependent on reporting political theater for attracting viewers and indirectly advertising revenues. I love and appreciate your reporting because it’s educational content and your motivation is clearly driven by love of country and reasoning, values I share. I love Heather Cox, a historian, for connecting current events to our historic context. I also read the daily New York times feed. I pretty much have disengaged from social media for sources of information for obvious reasons. That’s a lot of time to keep up with current events, but necessary to be an informed citizen and voter. I will keep your information source in mind.

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Dr. Heather Cox Richardson ("Letters From an American") has written tirelessly of historical parallels leading up to comparison between the aftermath of the Civil War and our current problems. Professor Reich and Dr. Richardson are among my favorite political analysts. I've given up on any reasonably sane political analysis from either NYT or the WaPo.

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I will also recommend the NY Times podcast, "The Daily".

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I think you are spot on

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