The republican party is inching closer to fascism with each passing year. This is about power and control and have proven that they will stop at nothing to get it. We're also seeing this type of authoritarian efforts occurring worldwide, not much different than in the 1930's in Europe. Democracy and our Constitution means nothing to them and they are intentionally crushing the rights of Americans to amass total control. Speak up, get involved. We must stop them.

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Reaganomics opened the door to possibilities they’d not considered. Wealth and power became their primary focus, and they’ve not looked back since. As their power has grown, so also their greed.

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The days of bipartisanship between Democrats and Republicans ended when the Supreme Court allowed greedy corporations to buy politicians through Citizens United. This disastrous decision led to the red wave in the House and ultimately led to the birth of Trumpism. And that party is scarily getting stronger every day. Democracy has never been more endangered well before we were born.

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There is powerful and dark money support for these horrific ploys by Republicans - from the Christian Right. I was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1976 - lasted just 4 years as I became acutely aware of the problems with the clergy and with the church. Now I am an avowed atheist. Churches primary impulse is to control people's lives with their myths and edicts that have no basis in science. As much as I fear the Supreme Court ending Roe, I am even more concerned of their clear tendency to deny the separation of Church and State in the First Amendment. There are so many clandestine forces, like the Family, who are replete with cash - dark cash - supporting a frightful move toward Theocracy which aligns so well with current Republican machinations. I love hearing your 'optimism', Prof. Reich, but I find it very difficult to feel any optimism at this point. A democratic majority is our only hope, I feel.

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Let's stop the assumption that the country is a democracy, please. America is a racist, militaristic, impoverished and backwards corporate abomination that the population and government serves. A plutocracy that harnesses consumers to a life of debt and ignorance. I'm sorry, but the exception proves the rule in this case.

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I'm 66. When growing up, my grandmother, a red hot Democrat, explained the difference to me between a Republican and a Democrat with a story. It went like this: when a man is lying on the ground, clearly needing help, a Republican would step over him and tell him he needs to pick himself up but a Democrat would lend the man a helping hand. Rather harsh but mostly true. In today's world, she would probably add that the Republican would not only step over the fallen man but point at the one who wants to help and say no, you aren't allowed. Sad times.

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You’re right. But I’m not optimistic like you. The GOP will take the House and Senate next year, the filibuster will be axed, collaborators Sinema and Manchin will officially become Republicans. Democracy is not elections; it is free elections and, for much of the country, that’s over. Democracy is abiding by results; for much of the country, that’s also over. When the Beavis and Butthead of the authoritarians, Trump and Carlson, take power and Marjorie Taylor Greene becomes head of the Gestapo, the revolution will begin. It’s coming, and I hope I’m alive, to participate. In a way, I agree with your optimism. But mine is for a distant future, a future of true freedom.

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The press still cover the gop as if it’s a participant in the political process when it clearly is not.

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“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” (I know, Orwell was talking about Stalin.)

Moreover, ignoring the future consequences of present policy is canny and thrifty! Money is vital, but real stuff like food and water, soil and air, animals and humans are just corny fake stuff! Winning is everything and governing is for fools! When I assume that my actions don't affect you that makes it true, but I feel every butterfly's breath! When White men verbally abuse women, disabled people and LGBTIQ people, they're being hilarious! When White men verbally abuse Black people they're Just Being Realistic!

I think that GOP priorities have simply become clearer and more strident over the past 45 years.

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I agree whole heartedly, but the seeds of the current mess have been there throughout my substantial lifetime. They have just become less ashamed.

I think my translation of GOP says it all: Got Ours Party.

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Another excellent column, concisely written, well-focused and absolutely on-target. The Republicans were never actually in favor of small government; they were just against what they couldn't control, and they expected and demanded that the lower classes follow along.

They wanted government consisting of 'their' people ("the right people", in other words), with everyone else paying for it while recognizing their born superiority in all things. Think of it as a wealthy all-white upper-class country club where outsiders exist only to trim the grass and take out and dispose of the trash.

I've long suspected that this is a strain in American society that goes back well before the American Revolution, back to the days of the Dutch patroons in New Amsterdam, who just took ownership of whatever land they wished for their black and Mohawk slave laborers to work and thereby make them ever richer and more powerful. Our nascent 0.01%.

Many of our wannabe aristocracy hightailed it for Canada and the British Caribbean after Cornwallis gave up the battle but their ideology of classism with its social and economic hegemony lived on, baked into our society as an enduring sickness of inequality and attitude.

Of course our unofficial aristocracy sees no need to pay for anything through taxes. Never assume they would. They've learned to donate perhaps 10% of their wealth as publicly as possible, while retaining vast sums of money, corporate power and landed wealth and receiving the accolades of the lower classes for their supposed generosity.

Since Reagan they've managed to shrink or in many instances eliminate any need to pay taxes on their wealth. Occasionally those known as "old money" will demonstrate their supposed fairness and inclusivity by admitting into their ranks those of considerable "new money", when they can be useful to the maintenance of their power and social control.

And, of course, their acolytes learned how to use flag-waving uber-patriotism and nationalism to bring in vast numbers of adoring masses to give themselves electoral power as a safety hedge against equality - you know, that old hated "all men are created equal" nonsense that the uber-rich despised and eventually ignored.

Is this fascism? I don't know what to call it besides our version of the British class structure that most Americans, but not the landed gentry, thought we were getting away from in 1776.

What I do know is that Privilege will use any means, latch onto any malleable and angry groups, to continue their power and increase their wealth. Again, that small but intensely powerful 0.01%. So don't count on the resurrection of the Eisenhower progressive income tax, it just ain't gonna happen.

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They can't win without control of who votes

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Unfortunately, they've become the American Taliban -- trying to legislate our morality. Being free means we can do what we believe is our right, but these home grown Taliban won't give the rest of us that right. their belief about abortion doesn't take into account the SOUL, which is what animates the body. Their twisted understand of our humanity shouldn't be the basis of our freedom.

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The conversion of the Republican Party to the Fascist Party, sans name change, began well before Reagan. Why are his fellow fascists unwilling to give credit to Richard Nixon?

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Frankly, I am fed up with both parties! We need a whole new system - one that is progressive and perhaps no more two parties. Our system needs a total overhaul and it is the young folks who will do it.

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Why aren't Biden, Harris, Schumer & Pelosi pounding every day on the points you make in this article. Why can't Democratic leaders be as message-disciplined as the GOP?

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