Thank you for your wise words. I have the feeling these days that we are hanging by a thread- that the safeguards of civilization that defend against the war of all against all are razor thin. Voices like yours that clarify what is at stake are urgently needed.
Richard, well-said, and the challenge is to get the word out to people who are too exhausted and scared to hear it. The word should be that each of us can do our part where we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. That is a hard task, but it can begin with each of us trying it out on the people around us, stopping the nasty word that could come out of our mouth or pen or keyboard. Turning off programs that constantly blame, whine, and have no positive ideas also could work as a start. Making sure each of us has a code of ethics to live by can help too. There are far more caring people in this world than non-caring inhumane ones, yet it looks as though the opposite is true. We could fix that by recognizing more of the positives than the negatives and being one of the positives ourselves.
Ruth Sheets, thanks for your good reminder that, "There are far more caring people in this world than non-caring, inhumane ones, yet it looks as though the opposite is true." This is a hopeful message and one that points to the truth that our strength lies in our vast numbers. We just need to more widely connect, organize, and unify.
Just because the bullies voices are louder than the bullied voices does not mean they out number us. Over power us? Yes, because we dont fight back and believe the lies they tell us about ourselves. Shawn Fein with the auto workers union seems to be doing a good job of putting the bullies in their place.
Bill Reitz, you're right and we need to remember that negativity, conflict, and bad sells, so the media overdoses us on it and makes us believe that it is more prevalent than it is.
I was explaining that to my wife after she found a story about a mother who gave up her twin girls because she couldnt take care of them. It got her engaged and depressed. Will Tiktok pay for therapy?
Bill Reitz, born into this crazy world, we all need therapy at some point in our lives. Hearing about the suffering of others does break our hearts. It helps if we can see it as an opportunity to make our nation, the world a better place.
Absolutely concur Mr. Reitz. I've often believed the bullies are loud because while they want to be heard, like the crazies in the Republican party, they know the majority of us (the sane ones) do not really agree with them. Even though bullies are loud, they will run out of steam eventually.
It was a weird life. I used to be picked on a lot as I was a little smaller than the other kids as my birthday was near the start of the 1st semester (September) plus I have the ubiqutous bully attractor glasses. After many fights and bullying once I rose to 6'-2" the pedestrian bullying that I was accustombed to stopped. If the bully is afraid of you (whether you know it or not it gives you protection).
Thank you. I believe the main trouble among us humans is the amplification of hate through broadcast and social media. We have these amazing tools of communication and they are incorrigibly abused.
We also vote with our wallets. Boycott billionaires. Start with Bezos (Amazon). Home Depot and Wal-mart are other targets. Buy local; you pay more, but your money stays in the community. We have the power to starve the billionaires, if we know how and are willing to change our habits.
For people who are young enough, study law and work through the justice system. Become a diplomat, a journalist, a writer. Join a union. And for the rest of us, contact your representatives, write letters and postcards to voters, and support the people who are doing good work.
No, in truth, we fund, support and supply them, like we do with Israel. As I write this, IDF is on the ground in Gaza killing indiscriminately, under the cover of darkness, with a complete internet and communications blackout. Then the IDF uses smoke to cover up what they're up to, in this case ethnic cleansing paid for by US taxpayer money. And I guess most of you are absolutely okay with it since I've read very few posts here that call out Professor Reich for his glaring omission - Israel as bully, US as bully's protector and patron - in his newsletter this morning. I guess you can't recognize sadism if you're a sadist yourself.
Mary, blame the Jew, the old trope that brought Hitler to power. You missed the NYT headline because your head is buried in Hamas propaganda. Concrete evidence that the IDF revealed shows the Hamas operation is buried under the Shifa hospital. Hundreds of gallons of fuel, enough to supply Hamas for 4 months was found as well. They also are preventing the food and water Biden and Blinken have negotiated to get to the Gazan people. In addition, Hamas has been killing innocent Palestinians fleeing to the south as Israel advised. Hamas has been using human shields in every attack they have engaged in. Destroying them is the only option Israel is left with. No country can live with a terrorist group supported by Russia and Iran to live on its border.
WILLIAM CASH, and the terribly corrupting Citizens United decision that made the unlimited money of the few, tools to wield as a carrot and a stick to make those with gov't power do their bidding, such as in the case of common sense gun legislation.
It's partly nature and partly nurture. In Judeo Christion circles we supposedly have a code of ethics, "do unto others." Golden rule. Should work for every culture.
To often a sort of false morality of, "might makes right" prevails. I sometimes wonder if that is the default outlook of most people which has to be educated out of them with more advanced notions like "do unto others as you would have done to you." Thus, I would argue, the value of a liberal education.
I taught religious education to young people in our UU congregation in Massachusetts some years ago. I found a code for treating others as we would want to be treated in a host of religious doctrines around this planet, modern and ancient creeds, those deriving from Abrahamic lines to creeds having no connection to “the cradle of civilization.” Far flung peoples the world over recognize that a livable culture that allows a quality life for all starts with treating each other fairly and decently, the way we would want to be treated ourselves, including with a measure of mercy and forgiveness when we sincerely repent our wrongdoings. “Treat all as you would be treated” is a bedrock foundation that humanity bends toward the world over, when people think ..
Buddhist teachings contain several "Sutras" where kings are admonished to provide for their subjects and avoid having disparity of wealth and poverty. The three "poisons" according Buddhist thought are greed, ill-will ("hatred), and delusion ("ignorance"). The first is seen by many as the foundation of our economic system.
David Loy, a contemporary teacher in the area, describes the choice developed in the Lion's Sutra between wealth disparity driving societal violence versus benevolence by the state bringing about a peaceful society.
We have to get beyond individualism before any of the golden rules will actually have an impact.
God bless Emerson! But let's keep n mind that we are horde apes, and a horde follows the alpha male. The largest sculpture in the world is that of Chingiz Khan. Today, the Mongolians say that he was a peace-maker. Stalin was one of his fairly recent admires, and today there are many Stalin admirers in world, most notably in N. Korea. The statue of E Lee was melted down today, but you can be sure that his ghost continues to live in the South. Napoleon, who killed thousands, is revered in France, a country that once fancied itself as a civilizer of the world. There is a natural faculty which, along with reason and compassion may yet save us: humor.
Education about the various religions in the world, what they say they endeavor to espouse or teach, how they originate and propagate, where they stand in relation to our cultures these days — all of that and more about religion is very important, and it constitutes “religious education.” Espousing and teaching a religion is different.
I am always amazed by how easily we dehumanize "the other." When Ezra returned from exile he was shocked to discover that the wealthy Jews had enslave the poorer ones. Over the centuries Christians killed each other by the thousands (not to mention all the Jews and Muslims they killed). Muslims, who share the morality of "The Book," are still killing each other by the thousands, even, or perhaps especially, in madrassas. Without civilization we all perish, but civilization is a thin veneer and ruptures easily. It is a constant and costly struggle to keep it going. Each one of us has a responsibility to contribute to the effort.
I am surrounded by Republicans where I live. They proudly display their flags. I stopped going to church because I felt like a hypocrite as we say, “love your neighbor as yourself”. I cannot.
One neighbor in particular repeatedly “offends” me. They feel entitled. Parking on my driveway, first one car then two, without asking; setting their yard waste bags on my grass. Then are indignant if I dare object. The list is a long one for nearly 3 decades.
I went to church & tried to forgive but they keep on. The man was outraged I trimmed his burning bush back that was growing on my property (I did so my lawnmower could get by). He came over, yelled at me, his wife filmed me and then he purposely stomped on my sister’s charger (she was charging her EV). BTW, the wife had told me it was the responsibility of the neighbor to trim/cut any branches growing on their property.
So while it is easy to say, “love your neighbor”, it is sometimes hard to put in practice.
I too am an Atheist. One of the turning moments for me is in my family my brother supported Jerry Falwell.
My father wouldn’t let the finest human being I ever met who stopped by my home to take me back to college Dad would not let me invite him into the house. The woman my brother married has never spoken to me except to tell me I was responsible for the care of my parents since she had a family.....
All these Christians wore me out. I was without prejudice and integrated a resident summer camp by recruiting two professionals from Clark College. Back in the fifties. I am now almost 93. Any religion is how we live our lives. Not what we say.
After their son hit a hockey puck through my new siding (on their side view) & didn’t tell me for months; removed my driveway markers & put them on my porch so they could continue to pile up their snow; stole my bigger boulders & replaced them with 2 layers of smaller rocks; removed my bricks from under the fence (I placed there to keep the grass from growing while at my mother’s); replaced all my mums in my bed with ones from their yard (mine were unique & beautiful) - the list is long- I DID contact the police.
These are very very sad people. Our nation is filled with them now. The interesting thing is that they do not have the ability to connect what they think or do as diametrically opposed to the Bible teachings, or more specifically the words of their Savior.
I have no suggestions for how to handle this, or what anyone can do to help those sad and misguided folks to 'get' the picture.
It seems to be a herd mentality which makes sense actually when you consider that they are listening to, and following the thinking of, someone who is guided by his own wants and needs. And that goes for the gangs of people who are focused only on themselves.
These are Americans who have typically not traveled far out of their own small circle. And they have no interest in doing so, or in considering the notion that although we are all human beings ( one species of creation) we are each unique. We have basic needs for food, water, air but that is about it. Everything else is pretty unique to each one of us ( even twins). They tend to insist that there is only one right way to do things. But there are lots and lots of 'tribes' of humans. It's a gigantic gene pool with unlimited combinations of talents, traits, and IQ's. A beautiful thing actually if you can appreciate it and honor it. Too bad that is often not the case.
I remains a contradiction that we KNOW we are each unique but are amiss about honoring that fact.
Some municipalities have nuisance ordinances that can be enforced.
This stuff is the grist for a lot of lawyers. One of my colleagues sued her neighbors (I guess they didn't know she was a judge), and after they retaliated, she eventfully took their property because they couldn't pay the judgment against them.
I want to enjoy my house. I worked hard at my education, I worked hard at my job, I worked hard to keep fit, I worked hard on my house and I worked hard taking care of my paralyzed mother for 15 years (a dr error).
I don’t want to move. I love my home. I want to enjoy my time I have left. I am now 70. My dad died at 75.
There is one neighbor, a Democrat, who is very nice & helpful,.
Oh Marlo, how sad. I am guessing those neighbors are so scared of the future, they can't function as decent human beings, and you have to live next to them! It seems they don't want to be held accountable for anything they say or do. Yep, Republicans. Beyond ignoring them, I have no clue how you deal with people who have lost their humanity while they think they are just wonderful people.
It makes for a difficult existence. It seemed to escalate after my mother had a paralyzing stroke. As her caregiver, I had to move in with her for 13 years before moving her to my house. As she was 10 minutes away, I ensured the property was maintained.
She passed away at 100 in 2021 after 15 years of care. I am glad I did it. It brought us closer together & she was very grateful.
Thank you. I attribute my excellent health & strength for giving me the stamina. My sister was also a huge help; driving 9 hours round trip.
My devotion to my mother’s is a reflection of my father’s undying devotion to her. In their nearly 50 years of marriage, I never heard him speak a disparaging word to or about her. Yes, it comes down to love and caring through action. He was the paragon of “true love”. (He also made house calls as a family doctor. A rarity these days).
Alas, you have just described many (not all) Israelis and certainly Hamas :"People who have lost their humanity while they think they are just wonderful people"
The most common and,to me, most troubling manifestation of this multitasking skill is parents who beat their children while patting themselves on the back.
The Christian and non-Christian right blames lack of corporal punishment for societies ills.
Oh these people allowed their young kids to play outside past 10 pm. When the teacher complained they were falling asleep in class, she just said, “if she was more interesting, maybe they would stay awake”.
Right now we are at the precipice of another global conflict, meanwhile back at home we have one democratic party and an authoritarian one. So, we will have two battles to be engaged in. In previous global conflicts both parties would come together. Already, the authoritarian party is against more aid to Ukraine. I could not answer the professor's question about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. All I can offer is if Hamas carried out such atrocities in our country how would we respond? We know after 911 we invented a reason to attack Iraq. How many innocent lives were lost there? Would we leave the Gaza strip alone as many are asking Israel to do? If Israel does what happens when the attacks continue? Should Israel simply let its people suffer then? What if Israel is defeated? Well, at least one humanitarian disaster was averted. But now we have allowed the creation of a bloc of nations whose new goal is to destroy the United States. And, if we are attacked then, should we also defer to humanitarian concerns? That is, to respond to this article, wouldn't we be letting evil win? The unnecessary loss of life is never justified but neither is war, but it is of historical record that the latter wrong begets the former. I do not see any solution to this, only a conflict that is already expanding, soon to draw this divided nation in. This will decide the future of our posterity.
I’m a church-goer but our congregation is not like the one that you described. We’re a small congregation of older people who worship in the traditional way, not with the theatrics of the modern mega-churches. We also welcome the LGTBQ community and I can’t see any of our members being bad neighbors. We never discuss politics in our church but we do pray for the leaders of our country and the people caught up in conflicts around the world. Our members are active in various mission activities such as providing meals to the Veterans Guest House, clothing for the needy through the Good Shepherd’s Clothes Closet, and donating to the local food bank, and many more.
I resent how some “so called Christian churches “ are now preaching a gospel of hate and the idolatry of the love of money. (Or so it seems to me)
Marlo, that does not have to be literal. It can just be a general statement internally which I already believe that you practice. Your heart is obviously pure and good. That is love.
That’s awful and scary. They must be Trumplers. Aggrieved, knucklehead-bully types. Be very careful. As we continue to see, people are crazy and very amped up by the extreme right wing. Can you move? I wouldn’t want to live near such people.
Yes, they feel entitled. I know several churchy republicans, some very full of hate just below the surface. They especially feel they are entitled to every government benefit to fixed potholes to free and fast medical care through Medicare or the VA and in the next breath tell you all taxes should be cut to near zero.
Thank you all for your comments & suggestions. After reading this I am embarrassed. I didn’t mean to focus on myself while there is such human carnage overseas.
I guess we all get a little down at times. It’s nice to have my “Substack friends”! And I probably should get back to church to pray for those poor people in Maine as well. I’ll just leave out “love my neighbor”!
Thank you ❤️
Update: the recent sermon was “Love Thy Neighbor”. Referring to Israel & Gaza situation.
Sometimes “Good fences make good neighbors.” In this case it will not make them “good,” but at least you have put up both a physical barrier and an energetic one.
I had a fence. For 30 years they asked me to remove it; they would “pay half”.
When I put the garbage bags back on their driveway, he asked why I did that.
I said it was killing my grass.
He said “how do you know that’s YOUR property?”
I said, there is a fence dividing the properties (behind the strip of grass in question between my house & their driveway. Fence has been there since 1964).
I took the fence down but they now won’t pay half.
After the garbage issue, about 3 weeks later my fence was broken. I thought that was very coincidental.
It was terribly pushed in. I was busy taking care of my mother. As it looked awful, I eventually took it down reminding them of their promise to pay half. They wouldn’t.
They promptly planted a very tall tree on the property line.
After a while, the law respects a certain amount of access to property, whether or not it is one’s own property, based on having HAD that access unchallenged for a period of time. Careful that they don’t establish some kind of squatters’ right to the property …
It just sounds likethey are establishing a history of use to eventually challenge your control of the bit of it that they use. Owners need to be on record as having taken steps to protect their rights — due diligence — or they can lose them. Gives cheaters an incentive to try, sadly. The more someone gets away with, the more they feel empowered …
Street?? I will look into it. I am very busy right now as a single homeowner. With all this chaos going on I got behind & scrambling to get the winterization accomplished.
Ruth, so true that we can all do our part. And we can’t give up because there are so many good average Jill’s and Joe’s like all of us. Thank you, Robert for setting forth the statement of the case as dreadful as it is...and then solutions to work toward. We mustn’t give up, because our grandchildren and all humanity depends on us going forward in good faith.
Bravery against barbarity is not a one-time heroic act. It is an everyday way of being. It is the bravery of a fifteen-year-old girl who skipped school every Friday to protest the lack of awareness and action on the part of her country to take the moral steps to reverse climate change. It is an African-American Baptist minister who at the age of 26 rose to become one of the most prominent leaders of the civil rights movement. It is a middle-aged woman (Peace Pilgrim) who for 28 years walked across the United States speaking of peace. Bravery against barbarity is not confined to a few, but can be every one of us and indeed to succeed must be.
Marc, you are so right about courage and those who have it and can put it out there for all to see and many to benefit from. The best part is that there are a lot of young, middle-aged, and older people who have the courage and are doing the work every day. Unfortunately, it's more fun and profitable for the media to push the lives of the cowardly, weak-willed, negative, racists, misogynists, homo/trans phobes, xenophobes, and the rest. There is a really good program at my local public radio station, WHYY called "Good Souls." The host, Cherri Gregg presents the stories of people who do have the courage and the will. She has included people who have done large things and some who work in a smaller way. There are so many more "good souls" than people who have forgotten what it means to be a good soul if they ever knew. We need to introduce folks to the idea again or for the first time.
Ruth: The caring ones just go about the business of caring, for the most part. Those humans who more of an animal nature that wants to push others out of their way, put blame on others for things they themselves have done, and grab everything for themselves are the noisy ones and so they are louder.
Cathie, you are so right, but I do think some notice must be paid to those folks who do care and are kind because it would show our children and others who are lost how to be in the world and that the future of humanity does not lie with doing harm to other people and to the creation. There are a lot of folks who have no clue what that is and think being kind is being weak and not worth paying attention to. They're wrong and they could learn something.
I have always been taught and done my best to live by the GOLDEN RULE.
I believe that I have a print ( somewhere?- and I will look) that says this in several languages.
It is not tough to accomplish. It just takes making it a part of your consciousness.
Example: I met a neighbor when I first moved in this place who stopped to chat with me, and I with her. We exchanged some comments and thoughts and then she made a comment about her political beliefs. I said nothing and she looked at me and said, oh, are you a democrat? And I said yes but I always vote for the person I feel is best prepared to do the best job. She then said, well, I wont be talking to you then. ( not a quote but close) and I said well, you do what you will but I will always be happy to talk to you.
It flushed her toilet. She grudgingly says hello to me but she carries that attitude still.
So, all I can do is what I do. I am kind and have a smile for everyone I meet. I sleep well.
Yes, and many are risk takers, some even get a buzz from doing so. So the art of that deal is to get proficient at things like lying or other forms of BS so you get what you want. Gee, I wonder who lives by that idea.
A long time ago, I started seeing discussions of how socializing people, teaching civil behaviors, raising and disciplining kids, etc., is more like training a dog than much of anything else—the same principles of reward and avoidance, wanting to please the “teacher,” etc., come into play. Is that what the book is about? That stuff has been around at least fifty years, maybe more. Not that it doesn’t ring true! It does.
But, at some point, some people are going to apply thought to the values they live by. At least, I hope they will.
But, I was actually just pointing out something that should be patently obvious — when a punishment occurs long after the commission of an infraction, what does that punishment teach?
Yes, those are the points I thought you were getting at.
For me, how we associate our behavior with its consequences is what matters —and if we hope to change other people’s behavior, that hinges on how we get them to see, or at least anticpate, all the real connections — see them, or unconsciously associate them, or whatever ..
I am not of a mind that stimulus-response and behaviorism, etc., are all encompassing. Like I said, after awhile, how we THINK about our behavior and its effects is going to influence how we behave and the choices we make. But reshaping much of behavior and attitudes depends on the associations the biological entity {us} forms in regard to those behaviors and attitudes.
On the scale of “Group Dynamics” and dealing with social trends and norms, there’s a lot to be said for what we learned from Skinner.
If you find reason doesn’t work, keep notes in case you need legal help, and try not to get sucked into their twisty nature. Or just run. You can’t fix another person’s intransigence if that’s what it is. Assess reasonable risk of dealing with an unreasonable person.
Reason shines by use; tarnishes by neglect. It relies on conscious thought informed by instinct refined over ages and epochs. However imperfect, it remains our best guide. Honest seeking after truth, justice, wisdom is the task. Choose the better over the worse. We cannot do better than our best. Nor can we well afford to do any the less, I think.
Absolutely beautifully written. I’m just concerned that you’re preaching to the choir as the old saying goes. But hopefully we’ll all spread the message far and wide.
Katharine, we are a large choir--and we are all over the country. We need these messages to coalesce in our words and actions. Preaching to the choir can be a good thing. It's up to us to get out of the choir loft.
Daniel, no offense but we have enough religion spreading in this country already. Many of us are ready to see less Christianity, less faith in things unseen, and less bible beliefs.
Let’s promote more rationality, critical thought, evidence-based decision making, and secular humanism for the benefit of the greater good.
I'm a former marine and I know weapons, tactics and a raft of other situational... stuff. There are plenty of folken like me that know what to do with a magat.
You step upon them and subdue them until they no longer present a threat.
Then you get the hose and rinse the sidewalk clean.
Can I get an Amen! Thank you for reminding me how many wonderful people there are in our world. While I’m not a church goer myself, I welcome everyone with peace and love in their hearts.
Time to put down the hymnal and pick up the ballot. The Democratic Party needs a massive voting campaign to ensure the next election is not like the last. The Republicans have a long game plan and are winning with voter suppression and judicial assignments.
It seems the more advanced we become as a species the closer we get to an extinction level event that will see the human race pass from the ranks of entities that once roamed this Earth.
Those were my thoughts this morning. I was not in a good space and reading Professor Reich made it even harder for me! It is a scary thought but as Ruth Sheets reminded me, we need to spread the word now more than ever!
I agree. Sterling, the psychic, claims that extraterrestrials, who realize what a rare and unique thing life on Earth is, have already stepped in to allay some of the most dangerous activities of the human race, simply because they know how rare and wonderful we are. If only we did.
I agree with everything you have to say, Professor, but.....all of us, ordinary, run of the mill, citizens, have to accept the ideal of civilization. We have to take the time to learn the truth about our elected officials and make sure we agree with their platforms. We need to be willing to turn off the TV, quit the games, skip a couple of sport events and join the activists (with whom we agree), In short we have to be part of the solution not the problem. Actively protect our civilization and denounce greed.
Mr. Hodgins, I don't feel you understand what women are fighting about. Women are saying it is not up to the government to tell us what we can and cannot do with our own bodies. Whether a woman has an abortion or not should be her own decision, not the government. Woman want the right to choose. Not all women decide on abortion, but all women should regulate their own body. It would be like the government telling men that if they assault and rape women then they will be castrated. Men wouldn't put up with that and would say that not all of us are rapists! Please try and understand that it is about the right to choose.
Peggy, I totally agree with what you are saying but I don't think Donald was talking about abortion. Maybe I'm off base, but I thunk he was referring to Israel cutting off electricity to Palestinian babies on incubators who will die within 5 minutes of the loss of power.
You are right, Alden, and I did apologize to Donald. Being up worrying all night put me in such a bad place this morning, I read it wrong and immediately became defensive!! I need to read carefully and think about what is being said before I comment.
Question of the day: Is Israel doing what it wants to with respect to Ham'as in Gaza, or is Israel doing what Ham'as wants it to do? Ham'as knew fully well that there would be huge repercussions because of its strike on 10/7. It knew this and Ham'as went ahead and carried out its raid regardless. In chess "beware of a free man." If I were in charge of the military offensive about to take place in Gaza I would be very, very careful.
I thought you were thinking of Hamas when you lamented the slaughter of babies. Women are at risk of losing control of their bodies and the vote in this country, and so it is also understandable that it could be about that hot button issue. But you are a thoughtful person, Donald, and I knew you were referring to Hamas’ extreme lack of humanity.
Why would you want to derail this conversation by throwing the terms, "dead babies" into the conversation? That is a tactic to cause people to lose their train of thought and lower their thinking from the higher brain to the lower survival portion of the brain. Distract. Divide. Conquer. Now I'm returning to the conversation at hand.
After rereading Mr. Hodgins comment, I am afraid I jumped the gun!! He was talking about something altogether different! I probably should have not commented today. My head is in a terrible place after that mass shooting in Maine. My daughter lives up there and I have been worried because they hadn't caught the man. I slept very little and my brain isn't functioning very well this morning.
Everybody will feel better when the shooter is caught. At least one Maine lawmaker has changed his stance on gun ownership. Let's hope enough is enough.
Thank you for that lesson. A very short time ago women weren’t allowed to vote!! They weren’t considered humans. Men thought the idea was preposterous, women were property! They didn’t have a brain. Imagine a women wanting and education they said. Impossible.
It's "baby's" not babies in this case. And wow. What a distortion of the issue. However, this is related to how we view the issue of violence and women. Our society tolerates even celebrates male violence, but give women the power to decide on life and death issues, you better just stand back and watch the fireworks. We insist on the gender silos. We insist on controlling women's behavior. And we insist on allowing men to express their violence in a whole range of ways, because we insist on this being part of normal for men and just not normal for women. We all long for and look for the perfect mother who is nurturing, kind and safe. But when she isn't then boy will she get it. This includes government oversight of her behavior especially when she is in a particularly womanly state, that of being pregnant.
You used the plural form of baby incorrectly in this sentence. Because you referred to something that the baby "owned" it needed to be indicated as baby's, not babies. BTW, when still in the womb, it is a blastula, embryo, or fetus. My other point was that we tolerate male violence and murderous behavior in our society, but when women have the power of life and death, many of us get up in arms because that doesn't fit the gender role for women as nurturing and providing a safe haven. Under the guise of "protecting the innocent" many of us think it's okay to insert ourselves into a woman's private life because we can't tolerate her having such power to decide. Many of us want women to remain our "loving nurturant mothers" which translates into being a forced birther.
I believe I misunderstood the point you were making with the comment about killing babies. Male lions that take over a pride of females after vanquishing the reigning male, kill all the cubs fathered by his predecessor. This will bring the females back into estrus faster, and insures that his lineage will prevail. Perhaps some men are no better than male lions. In war, many soldiers seem not to distinguish between "enemy" combatants and civilians who probably had no say in the decision to go to war in the first place. And some men enjoy the battle. As if it's a gigantic, tragic, horrific game. I hold all those who "volunteer" for "service", their leaders, politicians who declare war, those who glorify war, religious leaders and the weapons industry responsible for this most terrible of human activities. It reveals how primitive we still are as a species.
The whole issue revolves around who gets to decide the point at which it's really a baby you're killing, or whose life is more important - the mother or the fetus. It's mostly a question of conscience.
True enough - perhaps - for many, while it would have others averting their eyes as they brandish a cross at you, because that, too, is arguably a religious perspective. I personally think your right. But there are any number of people who would insist upon driving a steak through my heart when I eventually lay in my casket!
DZK--Our Democracy is supposed to be subject to the whims of the majority. The majority of people in this country want legalized abortions, within reason. If this is true why is there a problem. If you are against the procedure simply don't use it, but as a minority you have "no" right to dictate your religious dislikes to the majority. Have them place a metal plate under your suit coat, it will help with the worry about that steak thing.
BTW: I've used >exactly< your reasoning in those $@!7-fights I mention: "If you are against the procedure simply don't use it. . ." Of course, I get accused of sanctioning murder! But I doubt any of that comes as any surprise to you, my friend!
That's >exactly< what the OH November election is about, and there's been beaucoup acrimony, including screeds promoting outright lies and half-truths by the amendment's opposition, as well as backlash to the opposition on
Issue 1 is a proposed amendment to the OH constitution that guarantees a woman's right to reproductive self-determination and medical care. The gerrymandered OH general assembly attempted to undermine it in an impromptu August special election on the heels of announcing a moratorium on August special elections! To OH Яepuблиkan$, hypocrisy isn't a flaw of their so-called conservatism. It's a goddam feature! The Яepuблиkan$ attempted to hustle OH voters into voting on a measure changing the voter threshold for amending the OH constitution from a simple majority to a 60% supermajority. It also required a threshold number of signature from >every county< to even submit a proposal for putting such a referendum on the ballot. Their argument was that amending the OH constitution is too easy, since that constitution determines what kind of legislation can even be brought to the General Assembly floor for a vote by "duly elected" officials. OH Яepuблиkan$ have no intention of representing the voters. They intend to >rule< the voters.
Frankly, they were attempting to put a fig leaf over the fact that they will probably just do what intend to do anyway, seeing's how they're already in contempt of court for thumbing their noses at their own, conservative OH Supreme Court ruling that OH voter districting is - indeed - badly gerrymandered, and it's order that voter districts should be redrawn fairly by a nonpartisan 3rd party and adopted. They've effectively said: "OK. You've ruled our gerrymandered districts are unconstitutionally drawn. Now >enforce< that ruling! We dare you!" Indeed, they've continued holding elections that are still using the unconstitutionally draw voter districts. I expect it will be much the same if Issue 1 passes in November.
That's the rub. That view isn't universal and is not likely to be in the foreseeable future. And the question of whether or not a handful of cells are a baby or a skin tag is a matter of personal conviction. There's also the question of the woman's self-determination. Such question become a matter of religious conviction. That's why it >shouldn't< be legislated. It's not supposed to be. By default, such legislation imposes religious doctrine - by default.
I disagree with you. I believe in science, not religion when it comes to life in the womb. Without a brain (brain dead) there is no life. Religion has no place in government decision. Separation of church and state must be maintained!
I forgot to include in my previous response, that I'm not claiming sciences is a religious perspective. Rather, it's the fact of not embracing a religious perspective that is >itself< a religious perspective. It's all about the freedom to embrace - or not - religion. That's why we arrive at the same conclusion.
I’m a reluctant supporter of the right to have an abortion but it’s a procedure that must be protected. Obstetricians can’t practice the best medicine for their patients if they have to wonder what the legal ramifications will be if they prescribe an abortion for a woman who has an extremely difficult pregnancy. A few examples are a woman who comes in heavily bleeding from a miscarriage that is in progress but the fetus isn’t dead yet. Or a woman who has still has a living fetus that will die. The best course of action for these women would be an abortion without waiting for the fetus to die. Waiting for the fetus to die puts these women at high risk.
David--My post was about "Man's inhumanity to man," and how terrible it was that Ham'as killed and dismembered all those babies. "plural form" not abortion.
Uh, how did killing babies get into my comments. I would never find killing any human to be justified. If you are talking about fetuses, that is a different matter entirely. Elective abortion is a medical procedure of no concern of the government. Spontaneous abortion is also medical, but does not include a choice and again is no concern of any government. Leave medicine to the health experts and their patients.
Fay--My post was about "Man's inhumanity to man" not about abortions. I was referring to the monsters that killed the babies in Israel, "plural form," not our problems with abortions here in the good old US of A.
Agree. A society that kills its own children (THE most innocent and vulnerable citizens) has already lost its moral compass. Wondering why people are so violent with other people can be explained by the fact violence begins in the womb and spreads from there. The "right to choose" should be exercised well before a pregnancy occurs. Please don't counter with "what abouts" like rape and incest. Nether are capital crimes. Especially for the ultimate victim. The fact is no innocent person should be killed simply because they are inconvenient, small and unseen.
We need to adhere to our mission statement as developed through amendments: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Joseph, I agree that this is a powerful guide. That is why my 9th grade civics teacher made us memorize the Preamble to our Constitution. I have never forgotten. I wish the Republican Party, whatever it is now would go back to that basic, plus the hopeful statement in the Declaration that "All men (modified to all people) are created equal and they are endowed with certain . . . ."." Nope, the founders were not even close to perfect, but they did hope future generations would work toward making this a nation that valued people and worked for the betterment of all, even if they were not sure that everyone living was included in that "all." We have grown some since then and have added to the Constitution amendments that give more rights to the people. We need to keep that going rather than allowing a bunch of scared white people and a few others to take steps backward. We can do better!
Even if the republicans did reread (if they ever read it at all) the Preamble to our Constitution, they would spin it the way they wanted it to be!! I doubt they would agree with it!
In the 'we' versus 'them' argument, the right wing has granted citizen right to corporations and they believe we the people include the corporations. The founders never intended for this interpretation but our supreme court has twisted the constitution for them. Now 'them' includes the corporations.
Well Mr. Reich, I think you have pretty much nailed everything that is wrong with our country! Because we have ignored bad behavior we’ve empowered people who want to overthrow our democracy!
Keith Olson ; Because we were trying to "pick our battles" it became very difficult because there were so many! Lots of cheating going on with the deck stacked against the majority of US. I don't think we ignored bad behavior, as much as it overwhelmed US because it was rampant. Robert Reich's words have clarified what is wrong and what should be done, if only we can try to get it done! We need to beware the negativity and drama of the media, too. Also false equivalencies and BS .
I agree with you that there are many, many examples. A lot of ithem have evolved over the years. If the people who were in position to nip them in the bud, did so, it wouldn’t be so overwhelming. We need to make sure next November that we vote for responsible adults to run our Government! Some of the children in there right now remind me of “LORD OF THE FLIES”
Definitely the right thing to do when everyone is behaving within societal norms as these are all things that we have been taught in order to support the “common good.” But we have lived through several decades where these unwritten ways of behaving have been eroded by acts of unscrupulous people who were not held accountable or just given a slap on the wrist. We collectively decided that it wasn’t worth speaking up about it and slowly but surely we have arrived where we are today. Disinformation is as believed as truths. Anyone can tell a lie with impunity and if enough people say it and spread it, it becomes the truth. This is not normal. This is not just “locker room talk.” And it’s not going to be easy to get back to normal but we must try. Every time you witness unjust, inhumane or simply amoral behavior, call it out, support those who are bullied, speak truth to power. It may feel like peeing in the ocean, but every effort counts because the more we stay quiet and “just let it go,” the harder it will be to get society back on the right track. This upcoming election cycle, we all need to speak up and vote for people that stand for and do the right thing. We must not let people who tried to overturn the last election from staying in power. We must stand up and say “enough is enough.” We must pass national enforceable gun control laws. We must fix the immigration fiasco. We must restore reproductive rights. We must meaningfully address climate change. We must make healthcare accountable and affordable. We must have a plan to address income inequality and act on it. These are all things that will help our nation move forward and restore the common good in our society. But it starts with holding people accountable for their actions and inactions. We must not stay silent. Our nation needs us to do the right thing, now.
I just came across a commentary that equates fines on the wealthy - by default - to a one-time licensing fee for their conduct. It's not supposed to be that way, but that's about the way it works out. It was part of a discussion about when court-imposed terms of release will actually be enforced on ol' P01135809 for his willful, continuing violation of those terms of release and his naked contempt of court. For instance, it's good that Judge Engoron is now taking issue with ol' P01135809, but $5k & $10k fines are a goddam joke.
We keep searching for that one time in man’s history he wasn’t hateful or violent against his fellow man. We search in vain.
Man’s inhumanity to man is as old as man.
Humans have simply perfected the way we deal death to one another.
The hope lies in the fact there have always been fewer people perpetrating violence than are victims of violence. We cannot continue being victims or bystanders while we’re being bullied by the few who choose bloodshed over brotherhood.
What Lewiston teaches US, what the monstrous terrorists attacks in Israel teaches US, what the everyday, almost mundane violence in communities where all of US live teaches US is man has not evolved enough over the eons to put down the sword for the plowshare; violence for dialogue.
I’m 75. I’ve never seen a world free of violence and hate. I am one still searching in vain for that one place where the guns and bombs and hate are silent.
I totally support Robert Reich’s message.
Just fresh out of ideas how we make his message a reality.
I ‘m 78 and understand the frustration of having lived through so many hateful times. But as awful as things are right now, I am definitely inspired by this community and the many thoughtful writers here.
You hit the nail on the head. It's MAN's inhumanity toward men, women and children. This is about male violence. Not that there aren't women who participate, but this is mainly about male violence. So instead of talking about human beings causing this, it's important to be clear. This is about male violence. It's about our tolerance of male violence in it's many forms. We glorify war. We celebrate violent sports. We watch and cheer at movies when the hero vanquishes the villain with violence. We punish people with violence. Some of us still hit our children. Predominantly men lash out violently when they feel threatened or inadequate. Men kill women at a much greater rate than the other way around. We reward "toughness" in boys. We shame boys for expressing their vulnerability. We are all culpable for the kind of men we produce.
What? I did say that women sometimes do participate in violence. But the vast majority of violence is committed by men. You don't need to defend the gender. But if you want to help, you can, as a man, call out other men who engage in aggression regardless of who they target. So often a man will claim that he never hit a woman, but why is it okay for him to hit other men? As a society we have yet to help men channel their energy into activities that are constructive rather than all of the behavior that either glorifies violence or ends up causing suffering and misery.
Yes, we must stop the hatred and the bullying. The question is how. We don't shout, we don't threaten, we don't bear arms, we abhor violence... The rules and institutions of civil society protect us insofar as the vast majority of society's members abide by them. But that's no longer true. The promises of justice for all, equity, peace and prosperity if only we all did our bit as good citizens, paid our dues, raised our kids to play by the rules, have not been kept. It seems to me that's the root cause of the pervasive disillusionment, the anger, the rampant individualism, the reliance on self-defence and, ultimately, the belief that "there's no such thing as 'society'", as Margaret Thatcher famously declared.
Anna, Ms. Thatcher was doing her best to portray all the "male virtues" which of course caused her to blather about not really being society or whatever crap she was putting out that day. The Brits liked her because she did what men do and they could show off their pro-woman bonafides and say, "and she is a woman doing that." We should never fall prey to the fear, anger, resentment, and hatred (I think of them as the new Horsemen of the Apocalypse). Those four, perfectly human emotions, if unleashed can do Holocausts worth of harm both at a large scale and small scale. We don't have to permit it. We can do the work of standing up for our neighbors who may not look like, worship like, or even understand the world the way we do, but deserve our consideration and respect as human beings. We have allowed media filled with those 4 Horsemen to run rampant over our society and let them call it "free speech when it was in reality quite expensive and designed to do massive harm while the smiling white men and a few white women pundits could claim they had done nothing wrong. We could as a nation do something, but our people keep electing people who care only for themselves, because they are so steeped in "party" whatever that really means. We let an ignorant hateful scared fool become president with 3 million fewer votes than his opponent, then let him incite insurrection and essentially do it all with impunity. That can be changed, not the history, but the way we deal with our leaders and what we permit them to do from now on. We now have a Speaker who mild-manneredly spews hatred of everyone and a vision (if you can call it that) of this nation run by a few white Christian Nationalists who don't even live the precepts of Christianity and who are a minority in this nation, a white-controlled nation with all women and people of color under their thumb while they are a minority in that too. I do not see the Republican party ever recovering from this insanity no matter what the less extreme members claim. Those guys have done nothing to stop the steamroller. So, since they won't stop it, We the People, with Constitution in hand need to do it. We can't even count on our courts which have been stacked with people who believe their opinion trumps the Constitution. They will make up stuff in the rulings hoping no one will notice. We have noticed. Now, it is time we do what we can to undermine their bad decisions, beginning with the abortion pill crap. Every woman should stock up on it for free, just in case and ignore whatever the SC says. However in their hatred of women, they may cause other problems with drugs if anyone can declare a drug illegal despite the FDA, even those SC "conservatives" may end up suffering for their disregard of our agencies. In short, we are going to have to keep calling the fools out on their bad behavior from "parents" at school board meetings, the 11 who are trying to ban any book they think they might not like even if they haven't read it due to those books being by Black, Latinx, or LGBTQ authors (what about the "free speech they cry so loudly about, I guess it's only for them), to state legislatures cheating through gerrymandering. No matter what the mostly white Republican legislators say, gerrymandering is cheating, a lie and needs to be called what it is and those who proposed and vote for it, called cheats and liars over and over. We can make things better, but we can't get so discouraged we enable the crazies to win. Let's get started, or rather continue the fight for our democracy.
Yes. I always thought Thatcher may have been biologically female, but something happened along the way for her to jettison all that we value in femaleness. Much of this is because we allow ourselves to be ruled by capitalism. We tolerate gazillionaires. We accept male childishness and violence as inevitabilities. We accept the narrow gender roles, which really handicaps men. And many of us have rejected being educated and informed, instead opting to remain ignorant, and afraid. That makes people easy targets for the Republican lies. It's usually fear that drives people to try to eradicate how differences are expressed. This longing for a "strong" authoritarian male leader who tells them reassuring lies about "those people" and his plan to silence them, reassures those who are afraid and ignorant and encourages mostly the men to express that fear with violence.
This was exactly what I needed to hear today in the midst of all these horrible violent tragedies in a world out of control. Thank you Professor for providing a calm, intelligent, sane voice reminding us of something better to aspire to and to keep fighting for it. I, like so many others here, are weary from the stress and it is easy to slip into feelings of hopeless. I am very grateful to you and for this community.
Wow! What a great list of things that so often are seen as societal problems, but which are practiced much as a basis for individual vs. individual conflict and hatred. I had a pair of grad students who became very close friends. I was surprised to learn that they were from very different religions, cultures, belief systems... And yet they were close. Their bonds of friendship grew out of having to work together in school, without the surface appearances that in the outside world, would have set up hostilities between them before any mutual activity might have occurred, that could had lead to understanding and acceptance.
I think on those young men, and many others like them. Wonderful close associations grew out of being with and learning with others who were of much variety. I'm glad I was sent to schools that were not organized to teach and enforce differences among peoples while emphasizing superiority of "we, us, our" vs. others deemed lesser by their not being just like us in some characteristic deemed to be all important.
What accidents of time, parenting, history, interests, and more helped me avoid learning the intolerance, rejection, and even hatred of persons not of "my group"? I can point to some accidents of life, fate, and more- such as being here, in this class, with the rest of you AND our wonderful guide through this experience. (Thank you, Prof. Reich, and my thanks to all of you sharing in this experience!)
When I was in bootcamp, I met a young recruit who had NEVER seen a Black person in his life. Oh he'd sen us on TV and such. But never experienced a Black person, in person.
One day he told me (with a look of profound wonder & amazement) y'all ain't NOTHIN like I was taught. I only seen Blacks on TV but man, y'all just like anybody else!
Many years ago I worked with a good man who was unfortunately bigoted against black people in general, although he treated all individuals he met with respect and equal regard. One day I pointed out to him the inconsistency, by saying, “But Vin, what about Kenny?” And Vin said this: “Kenny’s different. I know Kenny.”
Thank you for your observation; it reveals something very important: what this bigoted man hated was a construct of his mind, not true reality. This is why integration-- social, racial, cultural, residential-- is so important. Meeting others face to face on a regular basis forces us to recognize the humanity of the other, and may eventually destroy the stereotype. Meeting others on social media may have the opposite effect.
What is more, these “constructs” are actually quite fragile, which is why bigots resist looking hard at them. Defensive unreason often suggests a weak basis for beliefs.
I'm that Black dude who somehow was always working in a mostly white whilst living among mostly people like myself. I could feel the folken who treated me like Kenny (doesn't he get killed a lot in South Pk?).
"Sometimes it’s hard to find the root causes of hateful violence — to understand who has brutalized whom, to disentangle accumulated grievances and hostilities that may go back generations."
Trying to understand who has brutalized whom, to disentangle accumulated grievances and hostilities that may go back generations, usually leads to trying to justify one side and demonize the other, but,
in such cases, it's a good bet that both sides are in the wrong. Justifying one side and demonizing the other just leads to perpetuating the cycle of violence. It's better just to yell STOP and find some concessions each side can make to bring peace and a sense of justice.
IMHO prejudice, hatred of "the other." is the root cause most of the time. In criminal law, intent can be inferred from conduct.
Once upon a time, I heard cases involving kids applying for disability based on obsessive criminal behavior. Requires an obsession or a compulsion. However, in my experience representing school districts, prosecuting and defending juveniles, listening to the experts, bullying can be communicated like the measles or chicken pox. Like a social disease.
Thank you for your wise words. I have the feeling these days that we are hanging by a thread- that the safeguards of civilization that defend against the war of all against all are razor thin. Voices like yours that clarify what is at stake are urgently needed.
Richard, well-said, and the challenge is to get the word out to people who are too exhausted and scared to hear it. The word should be that each of us can do our part where we are to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. That is a hard task, but it can begin with each of us trying it out on the people around us, stopping the nasty word that could come out of our mouth or pen or keyboard. Turning off programs that constantly blame, whine, and have no positive ideas also could work as a start. Making sure each of us has a code of ethics to live by can help too. There are far more caring people in this world than non-caring inhumane ones, yet it looks as though the opposite is true. We could fix that by recognizing more of the positives than the negatives and being one of the positives ourselves.
Ruth Sheets, thanks for your good reminder that, "There are far more caring people in this world than non-caring, inhumane ones, yet it looks as though the opposite is true." This is a hopeful message and one that points to the truth that our strength lies in our vast numbers. We just need to more widely connect, organize, and unify.
Just because the bullies voices are louder than the bullied voices does not mean they out number us. Over power us? Yes, because we dont fight back and believe the lies they tell us about ourselves. Shawn Fein with the auto workers union seems to be doing a good job of putting the bullies in their place.
Bill Reitz, you're right and we need to remember that negativity, conflict, and bad sells, so the media overdoses us on it and makes us believe that it is more prevalent than it is.
I was explaining that to my wife after she found a story about a mother who gave up her twin girls because she couldnt take care of them. It got her engaged and depressed. Will Tiktok pay for therapy?
Bill Reitz, born into this crazy world, we all need therapy at some point in our lives. Hearing about the suffering of others does break our hearts. It helps if we can see it as an opportunity to make our nation, the world a better place.
Absolutely concur Mr. Reitz. I've often believed the bullies are loud because while they want to be heard, like the crazies in the Republican party, they know the majority of us (the sane ones) do not really agree with them. Even though bullies are loud, they will run out of steam eventually.
Bullies only run out of steam when they are punched in the nose. As a kid, my brother found that out!
It was a weird life. I used to be picked on a lot as I was a little smaller than the other kids as my birthday was near the start of the 1st semester (September) plus I have the ubiqutous bully attractor glasses. After many fights and bullying once I rose to 6'-2" the pedestrian bullying that I was accustombed to stopped. If the bully is afraid of you (whether you know it or not it gives you protection).
Thank you. I believe the main trouble among us humans is the amplification of hate through broadcast and social media. We have these amazing tools of communication and they are incorrigibly abused.
Dana Jae Labrecque, yes they corrupting influence.
Agreed. I tell this to my pessimistic friends. There are more of US than there are of THEM!
But ‘US’ must do something and act to stop the bullies.
What do you suggest-voting is one way but we must find others
We also vote with our wallets. Boycott billionaires. Start with Bezos (Amazon). Home Depot and Wal-mart are other targets. Buy local; you pay more, but your money stays in the community. We have the power to starve the billionaires, if we know how and are willing to change our habits.
For people who are young enough, study law and work through the justice system. Become a diplomat, a journalist, a writer. Join a union. And for the rest of us, contact your representatives, write letters and postcards to voters, and support the people who are doing good work.
No, in truth, we fund, support and supply them, like we do with Israel. As I write this, IDF is on the ground in Gaza killing indiscriminately, under the cover of darkness, with a complete internet and communications blackout. Then the IDF uses smoke to cover up what they're up to, in this case ethnic cleansing paid for by US taxpayer money. And I guess most of you are absolutely okay with it since I've read very few posts here that call out Professor Reich for his glaring omission - Israel as bully, US as bully's protector and patron - in his newsletter this morning. I guess you can't recognize sadism if you're a sadist yourself.
There are a lot of bullies in the Middle East, Israel being 1 of them, Hamas another, Iran another, Saudi Arabia another & Russia yet another.
Mary, blame the Jew, the old trope that brought Hitler to power. You missed the NYT headline because your head is buried in Hamas propaganda. Concrete evidence that the IDF revealed shows the Hamas operation is buried under the Shifa hospital. Hundreds of gallons of fuel, enough to supply Hamas for 4 months was found as well. They also are preventing the food and water Biden and Blinken have negotiated to get to the Gazan people. In addition, Hamas has been killing innocent Palestinians fleeing to the south as Israel advised. Hamas has been using human shields in every attack they have engaged in. Destroying them is the only option Israel is left with. No country can live with a terrorist group supported by Russia and Iran to live on its border.
Send unrefutable data to support your statements. I'm a researcher as well.
The 2024 presidential election will tell us that number.
Indeed Beverly, indeed.
I'm so glad Ruth made that point as well. And you are so right that we need to more
widely connect. (sigh)
I agree that there are more of us than them but the way our government is set up, it gives them a huge advantage.
WILLIAM CASH, and the terribly corrupting Citizens United decision that made the unlimited money of the few, tools to wield as a carrot and a stick to make those with gov't power do their bidding, such as in the case of common sense gun legislation.
It's partly nature and partly nurture. In Judeo Christion circles we supposedly have a code of ethics, "do unto others." Golden rule. Should work for every culture.
To often a sort of false morality of, "might makes right" prevails. I sometimes wonder if that is the default outlook of most people which has to be educated out of them with more advanced notions like "do unto others as you would have done to you." Thus, I would argue, the value of a liberal education.
Bury the guns.
Respect all women.
I taught religious education to young people in our UU congregation in Massachusetts some years ago. I found a code for treating others as we would want to be treated in a host of religious doctrines around this planet, modern and ancient creeds, those deriving from Abrahamic lines to creeds having no connection to “the cradle of civilization.” Far flung peoples the world over recognize that a livable culture that allows a quality life for all starts with treating each other fairly and decently, the way we would want to be treated ourselves, including with a measure of mercy and forgiveness when we sincerely repent our wrongdoings. “Treat all as you would be treated” is a bedrock foundation that humanity bends toward the world over, when people think ..
Buddhist teachings contain several "Sutras" where kings are admonished to provide for their subjects and avoid having disparity of wealth and poverty. The three "poisons" according Buddhist thought are greed, ill-will ("hatred), and delusion ("ignorance"). The first is seen by many as the foundation of our economic system.
David Loy, a contemporary teacher in the area, describes the choice developed in the Lion's Sutra between wealth disparity driving societal violence versus benevolence by the state bringing about a peaceful society.
We have to get beyond individualism before any of the golden rules will actually have an impact.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, transcendentalism was required reading in public schools.
God bless Emerson! But let's keep n mind that we are horde apes, and a horde follows the alpha male. The largest sculpture in the world is that of Chingiz Khan. Today, the Mongolians say that he was a peace-maker. Stalin was one of his fairly recent admires, and today there are many Stalin admirers in world, most notably in N. Korea. The statue of E Lee was melted down today, but you can be sure that his ghost continues to live in the South. Napoleon, who killed thousands, is revered in France, a country that once fancied itself as a civilizer of the world. There is a natural faculty which, along with reason and compassion may yet save us: humor.
"religious education" is an oxymoron.
No, actually, it is not.
Education about the various religions in the world, what they say they endeavor to espouse or teach, how they originate and propagate, where they stand in relation to our cultures these days — all of that and more about religion is very important, and it constitutes “religious education.” Espousing and teaching a religion is different.
Fairness matters and is important. It is not just for the rich.
Fairness encompasses equality.
I am always amazed by how easily we dehumanize "the other." When Ezra returned from exile he was shocked to discover that the wealthy Jews had enslave the poorer ones. Over the centuries Christians killed each other by the thousands (not to mention all the Jews and Muslims they killed). Muslims, who share the morality of "The Book," are still killing each other by the thousands, even, or perhaps especially, in madrassas. Without civilization we all perish, but civilization is a thin veneer and ruptures easily. It is a constant and costly struggle to keep it going. Each one of us has a responsibility to contribute to the effort.
Versions of the Golden Rule have existed for many millennia. Long before Christianity was made up.
It was the basis for tribal harmony, cohesive societies, peaceful communities.
As a matter of fact, in most males, the propensity for crime diminishes at about age 30.
Recidivist rates vary pretty much relative to crime, demographics and geography.
I am surrounded by Republicans where I live. They proudly display their flags. I stopped going to church because I felt like a hypocrite as we say, “love your neighbor as yourself”. I cannot.
One neighbor in particular repeatedly “offends” me. They feel entitled. Parking on my driveway, first one car then two, without asking; setting their yard waste bags on my grass. Then are indignant if I dare object. The list is a long one for nearly 3 decades.
I went to church & tried to forgive but they keep on. The man was outraged I trimmed his burning bush back that was growing on my property (I did so my lawnmower could get by). He came over, yelled at me, his wife filmed me and then he purposely stomped on my sister’s charger (she was charging her EV). BTW, the wife had told me it was the responsibility of the neighbor to trim/cut any branches growing on their property.
So while it is easy to say, “love your neighbor”, it is sometimes hard to put in practice.
I have the BEST neighbor in the World but they are immersed in our culture of fear.
They tell me how "the Left" must be stopped in order to "save" the country!
FINALLY, looked into her eyes and said, I'm "the Left!" Are you AFRAID of me?!?
If I see that trump sign, yet again this year, I will have to SKOOL them "christians!
As an atheist, I resent having to "preach" them their "word" LOL
Bet they need their benefits.
I too am an Atheist. One of the turning moments for me is in my family my brother supported Jerry Falwell.
My father wouldn’t let the finest human being I ever met who stopped by my home to take me back to college Dad would not let me invite him into the house. The woman my brother married has never spoken to me except to tell me I was responsible for the care of my parents since she had a family.....
All these Christians wore me out. I was without prejudice and integrated a resident summer camp by recruiting two professionals from Clark College. Back in the fifties. I am now almost 93. Any religion is how we live our lives. Not what we say.
" we live our lives,"
Thank you for sharing, Mary.
The ONLY TIME this existence makes ANY sense to me is when I'm helping someone...
It's not just Republicans. You have a bad neighbor. I would complain to the police
After their son hit a hockey puck through my new siding (on their side view) & didn’t tell me for months; removed my driveway markers & put them on my porch so they could continue to pile up their snow; stole my bigger boulders & replaced them with 2 layers of smaller rocks; removed my bricks from under the fence (I placed there to keep the grass from growing while at my mother’s); replaced all my mums in my bed with ones from their yard (mine were unique & beautiful) - the list is long- I DID contact the police.
She said she would sue me for harassment.
Oh Marlo,
These are very very sad people. Our nation is filled with them now. The interesting thing is that they do not have the ability to connect what they think or do as diametrically opposed to the Bible teachings, or more specifically the words of their Savior.
I have no suggestions for how to handle this, or what anyone can do to help those sad and misguided folks to 'get' the picture.
It seems to be a herd mentality which makes sense actually when you consider that they are listening to, and following the thinking of, someone who is guided by his own wants and needs. And that goes for the gangs of people who are focused only on themselves.
These are Americans who have typically not traveled far out of their own small circle. And they have no interest in doing so, or in considering the notion that although we are all human beings ( one species of creation) we are each unique. We have basic needs for food, water, air but that is about it. Everything else is pretty unique to each one of us ( even twins). They tend to insist that there is only one right way to do things. But there are lots and lots of 'tribes' of humans. It's a gigantic gene pool with unlimited combinations of talents, traits, and IQ's. A beautiful thing actually if you can appreciate it and honor it. Too bad that is often not the case.
I remains a contradiction that we KNOW we are each unique but are amiss about honoring that fact.
The funny thing is he wants to be friends. But when I act friendly, they just do something else. So I don’t really talk to them.
His stomping on my sister’s EVERY charger (while it was charging) was the last straw.
If you can, I would move. Sounds like a no-win situation.
Some municipalities have nuisance ordinances that can be enforced.
This stuff is the grist for a lot of lawyers. One of my colleagues sued her neighbors (I guess they didn't know she was a judge), and after they retaliated, she eventfully took their property because they couldn't pay the judgment against them.
I want to enjoy my house. I worked hard at my education, I worked hard at my job, I worked hard to keep fit, I worked hard on my house and I worked hard taking care of my paralyzed mother for 15 years (a dr error).
I don’t want to move. I love my home. I want to enjoy my time I have left. I am now 70. My dad died at 75.
There is one neighbor, a Democrat, who is very nice & helpful,.
Oh Marlo, how sad. I am guessing those neighbors are so scared of the future, they can't function as decent human beings, and you have to live next to them! It seems they don't want to be held accountable for anything they say or do. Yep, Republicans. Beyond ignoring them, I have no clue how you deal with people who have lost their humanity while they think they are just wonderful people.
It makes for a difficult existence. It seemed to escalate after my mother had a paralyzing stroke. As her caregiver, I had to move in with her for 13 years before moving her to my house. As she was 10 minutes away, I ensured the property was maintained.
She passed away at 100 in 2021 after 15 years of care. I am glad I did it. It brought us closer together & she was very grateful.
You see. Your mother was a wonderful person who knew how to raise her daughter to also be a wonderful person.
As the song says, what the world needs now is love. Never more true than at the present moment.
Thank you for doing your part to make that your M O.
Thank you. I attribute my excellent health & strength for giving me the stamina. My sister was also a huge help; driving 9 hours round trip.
My devotion to my mother’s is a reflection of my father’s undying devotion to her. In their nearly 50 years of marriage, I never heard him speak a disparaging word to or about her. Yes, it comes down to love and caring through action. He was the paragon of “true love”. (He also made house calls as a family doctor. A rarity these days).
Too many don’t want to put in the work.
Alas, you have just described many (not all) Israelis and certainly Hamas :"People who have lost their humanity while they think they are just wonderful people"
The most common and,to me, most troubling manifestation of this multitasking skill is parents who beat their children while patting themselves on the back.
The Christian and non-Christian right blames lack of corporal punishment for societies ills.
I don’t think Christianity teaches a person to beat their children.
Oh these people allowed their young kids to play outside past 10 pm. When the teacher complained they were falling asleep in class, she just said, “if she was more interesting, maybe they would stay awake”.
Right now we are at the precipice of another global conflict, meanwhile back at home we have one democratic party and an authoritarian one. So, we will have two battles to be engaged in. In previous global conflicts both parties would come together. Already, the authoritarian party is against more aid to Ukraine. I could not answer the professor's question about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. All I can offer is if Hamas carried out such atrocities in our country how would we respond? We know after 911 we invented a reason to attack Iraq. How many innocent lives were lost there? Would we leave the Gaza strip alone as many are asking Israel to do? If Israel does what happens when the attacks continue? Should Israel simply let its people suffer then? What if Israel is defeated? Well, at least one humanitarian disaster was averted. But now we have allowed the creation of a bloc of nations whose new goal is to destroy the United States. And, if we are attacked then, should we also defer to humanitarian concerns? That is, to respond to this article, wouldn't we be letting evil win? The unnecessary loss of life is never justified but neither is war, but it is of historical record that the latter wrong begets the former. I do not see any solution to this, only a conflict that is already expanding, soon to draw this divided nation in. This will decide the future of our posterity.
I’m a church-goer but our congregation is not like the one that you described. We’re a small congregation of older people who worship in the traditional way, not with the theatrics of the modern mega-churches. We also welcome the LGTBQ community and I can’t see any of our members being bad neighbors. We never discuss politics in our church but we do pray for the leaders of our country and the people caught up in conflicts around the world. Our members are active in various mission activities such as providing meals to the Veterans Guest House, clothing for the needy through the Good Shepherd’s Clothes Closet, and donating to the local food bank, and many more.
I resent how some “so called Christian churches “ are now preaching a gospel of hate and the idolatry of the love of money. (Or so it seems to me)
My church is very much like yours. But I can’t say the words to “love your neighbor as yourself “
Marlo, that does not have to be literal. It can just be a general statement internally which I already believe that you practice. Your heart is obviously pure and good. That is love.
Also, what works for me and may work also for you is to affirm that I am thankful that I am not like those people.
That’s awful and scary. They must be Trumplers. Aggrieved, knucklehead-bully types. Be very careful. As we continue to see, people are crazy and very amped up by the extreme right wing. Can you move? I wouldn’t want to live near such people.
Sending you good energy...
Yes, they feel entitled. I know several churchy republicans, some very full of hate just below the surface. They especially feel they are entitled to every government benefit to fixed potholes to free and fast medical care through Medicare or the VA and in the next breath tell you all taxes should be cut to near zero.
Thank you all for your comments & suggestions. After reading this I am embarrassed. I didn’t mean to focus on myself while there is such human carnage overseas.
I guess we all get a little down at times. It’s nice to have my “Substack friends”! And I probably should get back to church to pray for those poor people in Maine as well. I’ll just leave out “love my neighbor”!
Thank you ❤️
Update: the recent sermon was “Love Thy Neighbor”. Referring to Israel & Gaza situation.
So sorry they are your neighbors. No one needs this
Sometimes “Good fences make good neighbors.” In this case it will not make them “good,” but at least you have put up both a physical barrier and an energetic one.
I can’t have a fence in front of the house where this is, unfortunately.
When it would snow, they piled the snow up 4 feet all on my side, as high as the mailbox. None on their property.
I had a fence. For 30 years they asked me to remove it; they would “pay half”.
When I put the garbage bags back on their driveway, he asked why I did that.
I said it was killing my grass.
He said “how do you know that’s YOUR property?”
I said, there is a fence dividing the properties (behind the strip of grass in question between my house & their driveway. Fence has been there since 1964).
I took the fence down but they now won’t pay half.
why would you ever take down the fence in these circumstances. As Robert Frost noted, "Good fences make good neighbors.."
After the garbage issue, about 3 weeks later my fence was broken. I thought that was very coincidental.
It was terribly pushed in. I was busy taking care of my mother. As it looked awful, I eventually took it down reminding them of their promise to pay half. They wouldn’t.
They promptly planted a very tall tree on the property line.
OMG a nightmare. Stay away from them. Neighbor danger lurking...
After a while, the law respects a certain amount of access to property, whether or not it is one’s own property, based on having HAD that access unchallenged for a period of time. Careful that they don’t establish some kind of squatters’ right to the property …
The police told them to shovel the snow onto their own property.
My strip of grass used to extend to the street until they paved about a foot of it at the end, curving around it (without asking me of course).
It just sounds likethey are establishing a history of use to eventually challenge your control of the bit of it that they use. Owners need to be on record as having taken steps to protect their rights — due diligence — or they can lose them. Gives cheaters an incentive to try, sadly. The more someone gets away with, the more they feel empowered …
Street?? I will look into it. I am very busy right now as a single homeowner. With all this chaos going on I got behind & scrambling to get the winterization accomplished.
I’ll look into it. Thanks!
Ruth, so true that we can all do our part. And we can’t give up because there are so many good average Jill’s and Joe’s like all of us. Thank you, Robert for setting forth the statement of the case as dreadful as it is...and then solutions to work toward. We mustn’t give up, because our grandchildren and all humanity depends on us going forward in good faith.
Bravery against barbarity is not a one-time heroic act. It is an everyday way of being. It is the bravery of a fifteen-year-old girl who skipped school every Friday to protest the lack of awareness and action on the part of her country to take the moral steps to reverse climate change. It is an African-American Baptist minister who at the age of 26 rose to become one of the most prominent leaders of the civil rights movement. It is a middle-aged woman (Peace Pilgrim) who for 28 years walked across the United States speaking of peace. Bravery against barbarity is not confined to a few, but can be every one of us and indeed to succeed must be.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead
Marc, you are so right about courage and those who have it and can put it out there for all to see and many to benefit from. The best part is that there are a lot of young, middle-aged, and older people who have the courage and are doing the work every day. Unfortunately, it's more fun and profitable for the media to push the lives of the cowardly, weak-willed, negative, racists, misogynists, homo/trans phobes, xenophobes, and the rest. There is a really good program at my local public radio station, WHYY called "Good Souls." The host, Cherri Gregg presents the stories of people who do have the courage and the will. She has included people who have done large things and some who work in a smaller way. There are so many more "good souls" than people who have forgotten what it means to be a good soul if they ever knew. We need to introduce folks to the idea again or for the first time.
Marc, I really like your gospel. It is better than the old one, although related.
Yes, Ruth! Thank you! That's what I needed to hear this morning!
Ruth: The caring ones just go about the business of caring, for the most part. Those humans who more of an animal nature that wants to push others out of their way, put blame on others for things they themselves have done, and grab everything for themselves are the noisy ones and so they are louder.
Cathie, you are so right, but I do think some notice must be paid to those folks who do care and are kind because it would show our children and others who are lost how to be in the world and that the future of humanity does not lie with doing harm to other people and to the creation. There are a lot of folks who have no clue what that is and think being kind is being weak and not worth paying attention to. They're wrong and they could learn something.
I have always been taught and done my best to live by the GOLDEN RULE.
I believe that I have a print ( somewhere?- and I will look) that says this in several languages.
It is not tough to accomplish. It just takes making it a part of your consciousness.
Example: I met a neighbor when I first moved in this place who stopped to chat with me, and I with her. We exchanged some comments and thoughts and then she made a comment about her political beliefs. I said nothing and she looked at me and said, oh, are you a democrat? And I said yes but I always vote for the person I feel is best prepared to do the best job. She then said, well, I wont be talking to you then. ( not a quote but close) and I said well, you do what you will but I will always be happy to talk to you.
It flushed her toilet. She grudgingly says hello to me but she carries that attitude still.
So, all I can do is what I do. I am kind and have a smile for everyone I meet. I sleep well.
Right Richard!Recognizing women contributions would be a huge leap. We’ve been waiting for centuries!
so wise!
Speaking of the Prezzydenshul Lieb . .of how many souls deeply tried . .Prof Bob did it
today .. Words to be Inscribed .. # One for The Ages . .
Two Touché’s!
When we use punishment as a primary teacher, consider what that teaches —
A) Don’t do the bad thing?
B) Don’t get caught doing the bad thing.
Yes. I've seen how "Don't do as I do, do as I say" works out.
Yes, and many are risk takers, some even get a buzz from doing so. So the art of that deal is to get proficient at things like lying or other forms of BS so you get what you want. Gee, I wonder who lives by that idea.
A long time ago, I started seeing discussions of how socializing people, teaching civil behaviors, raising and disciplining kids, etc., is more like training a dog than much of anything else—the same principles of reward and avoidance, wanting to please the “teacher,” etc., come into play. Is that what the book is about? That stuff has been around at least fifty years, maybe more. Not that it doesn’t ring true! It does.
But, at some point, some people are going to apply thought to the values they live by. At least, I hope they will.
Behaviorism has its points.
But, I was actually just pointing out something that should be patently obvious — when a punishment occurs long after the commission of an infraction, what does that punishment teach?
Yes, those are the points I thought you were getting at.
For me, how we associate our behavior with its consequences is what matters —and if we hope to change other people’s behavior, that hinges on how we get them to see, or at least anticpate, all the real connections — see them, or unconsciously associate them, or whatever ..
I am not of a mind that stimulus-response and behaviorism, etc., are all encompassing. Like I said, after awhile, how we THINK about our behavior and its effects is going to influence how we behave and the choices we make. But reshaping much of behavior and attitudes depends on the associations the biological entity {us} forms in regard to those behaviors and attitudes.
On the scale of “Group Dynamics” and dealing with social trends and norms, there’s a lot to be said for what we learned from Skinner.
Janet, thank you for sharing.
Dear Robert
I am 88 years old. I have always payed attention to the voice of reason. You are a breath of fresh air in this troubled world. Please continue.
I agree: reason is the key.
…and when reason doesn’t work??????
If you find reason doesn’t work, keep notes in case you need legal help, and try not to get sucked into their twisty nature. Or just run. You can’t fix another person’s intransigence if that’s what it is. Assess reasonable risk of dealing with an unreasonable person.
Reason shines by use; tarnishes by neglect. It relies on conscious thought informed by instinct refined over ages and epochs. However imperfect, it remains our best guide. Honest seeking after truth, justice, wisdom is the task. Choose the better over the worse. We cannot do better than our best. Nor can we well afford to do any the less, I think.
Amen here as well. Maintaining reason without caving to blinding rage, no matter which label is targeted, requires strength and a clear head.
Absolutely beautifully written. I’m just concerned that you’re preaching to the choir as the old saying goes. But hopefully we’ll all spread the message far and wide.
Katharine, we are a large choir--and we are all over the country. We need these messages to coalesce in our words and actions. Preaching to the choir can be a good thing. It's up to us to get out of the choir loft.
There are more of US than there are of THEM!
Adam, that is exactly why they are so frightened of us and why they bully us into silence. Far too often we allow them to do so.
Maybe, but they have guns and love to use them!
WE have Guns Also...Just choose Not to Brandish Them.
And THEY have plotted and twisted for decades to get us to this point, making it difficult to unravel the damage.
Preaching to the choir.
Maybe Robert can get a gig on CBN? What the evangelists need is that old time social gospel,
Confront Franklin Graham. Bishop Strickland.
Confront ALL the snake handlers, including the “new” speaker of the house
Daniel, no offense but we have enough religion spreading in this country already. Many of us are ready to see less Christianity, less faith in things unseen, and less bible beliefs.
Let’s promote more rationality, critical thought, evidence-based decision making, and secular humanism for the benefit of the greater good.
Yes. This mostly is the choir.
I'm a former marine and I know weapons, tactics and a raft of other situational... stuff. There are plenty of folken like me that know what to do with a magat.
You step upon them and subdue them until they no longer present a threat.
Then you get the hose and rinse the sidewalk clean.
Love it.
Adam, are you quoting Trump?
I certainly hope not!!!
And THEIR rhetoric is demeaning and vicious
Can I get an Amen! Thank you for reminding me how many wonderful people there are in our world. While I’m not a church goer myself, I welcome everyone with peace and love in their hearts.
Right !! Put that on a flag !
Time to put down the hymnal and pick up the ballot. The Democratic Party needs a massive voting campaign to ensure the next election is not like the last. The Republicans have a long game plan and are winning with voter suppression and judicial assignments.
With intimidation and guns
It seems the more advanced we become as a species the closer we get to an extinction level event that will see the human race pass from the ranks of entities that once roamed this Earth.
Those were my thoughts this morning. I was not in a good space and reading Professor Reich made it even harder for me! It is a scary thought but as Ruth Sheets reminded me, we need to spread the word now more than ever!
In a stampede, need to turn the leader to save the herd.
Where ARE the “leaders”?????
I think we need to research our candidates carefully regarding their backgrounds before we vote.
Daniel, you are quoting Caiafas the priest.
Or kill them. The leader that is.
Extinction is the rule, not the exception.
J. --That really gives us, as a species, something to contemplate.
I agree. Sterling, the psychic, claims that extraterrestrials, who realize what a rare and unique thing life on Earth is, have already stepped in to allay some of the most dangerous activities of the human race, simply because they know how rare and wonderful we are. If only we did.
Alden--They can't see the forest for the trees.
I don't see any sign that they're doing anything. I like the idea, though it might mean vaporizing the human locusts.
keep preaching.
I agree with everything you have to say, Professor, but.....all of us, ordinary, run of the mill, citizens, have to accept the ideal of civilization. We have to take the time to learn the truth about our elected officials and make sure we agree with their platforms. We need to be willing to turn off the TV, quit the games, skip a couple of sport events and join the activists (with whom we agree), In short we have to be part of the solution not the problem. Actively protect our civilization and denounce greed.
How does one justify violently ending a babies life because you view it as a threat to yours?
Mr. Hodgins, I don't feel you understand what women are fighting about. Women are saying it is not up to the government to tell us what we can and cannot do with our own bodies. Whether a woman has an abortion or not should be her own decision, not the government. Woman want the right to choose. Not all women decide on abortion, but all women should regulate their own body. It would be like the government telling men that if they assault and rape women then they will be castrated. Men wouldn't put up with that and would say that not all of us are rapists! Please try and understand that it is about the right to choose.
Peggy, I totally agree with what you are saying but I don't think Donald was talking about abortion. Maybe I'm off base, but I thunk he was referring to Israel cutting off electricity to Palestinian babies on incubators who will die within 5 minutes of the loss of power.
You are right, Alden, and I did apologize to Donald. Being up worrying all night put me in such a bad place this morning, I read it wrong and immediately became defensive!! I need to read carefully and think about what is being said before I comment.
Back to the chess board--
Donald Hodgins <>
4:52 PM (0 minutes ago)
Question of the day: Is Israel doing what it wants to with respect to Ham'as in Gaza, or is Israel doing what Ham'as wants it to do? Ham'as knew fully well that there would be huge repercussions because of its strike on 10/7. It knew this and Ham'as went ahead and carried out its raid regardless. In chess "beware of a free man." If I were in charge of the military offensive about to take place in Gaza I would be very, very careful.
I thought you were thinking of Hamas when you lamented the slaughter of babies. Women are at risk of losing control of their bodies and the vote in this country, and so it is also understandable that it could be about that hot button issue. But you are a thoughtful person, Donald, and I knew you were referring to Hamas’ extreme lack of humanity.
Mary--You are so right--
Don has a point: In war you isolate the enemy, not yourself.
Victor--Until you've won then you ask yourself if it was worth the price.
Peggy--Where did this come from I'm for abortion rights all the way.
I'm so sorry, Donald! I thought you were talking about abortion! Obviously, you meant something entirely different. My apologies!
Peggy --In my life there is no need to apologize for anything. LOL
Thank you, Donald!
thought the same
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Mario--Who wants to deletes anything. I should rewrite it in all caps.
He’s not a believer
But do you not think abortion is really murder apart from exceptional cases (rape, life threatening to the mother).
Phil, Donald was talking about the babies that would die without electricity to their incubators in Palestine, not abortion. I read his comment wrong.
Why would you want to derail this conversation by throwing the terms, "dead babies" into the conversation? That is a tactic to cause people to lose their train of thought and lower their thinking from the higher brain to the lower survival portion of the brain. Distract. Divide. Conquer. Now I'm returning to the conversation at hand.
After rereading Mr. Hodgins comment, I am afraid I jumped the gun!! He was talking about something altogether different! I probably should have not commented today. My head is in a terrible place after that mass shooting in Maine. My daughter lives up there and I have been worried because they hadn't caught the man. I slept very little and my brain isn't functioning very well this morning.
A lot of us who don’t even have relatives in Maine are feeling and thinking similarly.
Everybody will feel better when the shooter is caught. At least one Maine lawmaker has changed his stance on gun ownership. Let's hope enough is enough.
Gloria--It was a glaring example of man's inhumanity to man. Robert's theme.
At lease it is in my world.
The thought of it affects us all in different ways and stalls the conversation. Take care and have a good day.
Gloria--The same to you.
Respect for the other half of the species would move us along quite nicely.
Elaine--What other half?
51% of the population that is.
Of course it is.
Thank you for that lesson. A very short time ago women weren’t allowed to vote!! They weren’t considered humans. Men thought the idea was preposterous, women were property! They didn’t have a brain. Imagine a women wanting and education they said. Impossible.
It's "baby's" not babies in this case. And wow. What a distortion of the issue. However, this is related to how we view the issue of violence and women. Our society tolerates even celebrates male violence, but give women the power to decide on life and death issues, you better just stand back and watch the fireworks. We insist on the gender silos. We insist on controlling women's behavior. And we insist on allowing men to express their violence in a whole range of ways, because we insist on this being part of normal for men and just not normal for women. We all long for and look for the perfect mother who is nurturing, kind and safe. But when she isn't then boy will she get it. This includes government oversight of her behavior especially when she is in a particularly womanly state, that of being pregnant.
Some counties are allowing women Eight days of care after a birth.
Let’s start there !
J. --The thread was Man's inhumanity to man, the killing and mutilation of babies, not the baby's, falls into that line of thinking. Sorry.
You used the plural form of baby incorrectly in this sentence. Because you referred to something that the baby "owned" it needed to be indicated as baby's, not babies. BTW, when still in the womb, it is a blastula, embryo, or fetus. My other point was that we tolerate male violence and murderous behavior in our society, but when women have the power of life and death, many of us get up in arms because that doesn't fit the gender role for women as nurturing and providing a safe haven. Under the guise of "protecting the innocent" many of us think it's okay to insert ourselves into a woman's private life because we can't tolerate her having such power to decide. Many of us want women to remain our "loving nurturant mothers" which translates into being a forced birther.
J. So right you are. Please forgive these old eyes.
I believe I misunderstood the point you were making with the comment about killing babies. Male lions that take over a pride of females after vanquishing the reigning male, kill all the cubs fathered by his predecessor. This will bring the females back into estrus faster, and insures that his lineage will prevail. Perhaps some men are no better than male lions. In war, many soldiers seem not to distinguish between "enemy" combatants and civilians who probably had no say in the decision to go to war in the first place. And some men enjoy the battle. As if it's a gigantic, tragic, horrific game. I hold all those who "volunteer" for "service", their leaders, politicians who declare war, those who glorify war, religious leaders and the weapons industry responsible for this most terrible of human activities. It reveals how primitive we still are as a species.
The whole issue revolves around who gets to decide the point at which it's really a baby you're killing, or whose life is more important - the mother or the fetus. It's mostly a question of conscience.
DZK--An easy fix is to regard what has formed in the first Trimester as nothing more than extraneous tissue.
That’s exactly what
the latest image shows.
True enough - perhaps - for many, while it would have others averting their eyes as they brandish a cross at you, because that, too, is arguably a religious perspective. I personally think your right. But there are any number of people who would insist upon driving a steak through my heart when I eventually lay in my casket!
DZK--Our Democracy is supposed to be subject to the whims of the majority. The majority of people in this country want legalized abortions, within reason. If this is true why is there a problem. If you are against the procedure simply don't use it, but as a minority you have "no" right to dictate your religious dislikes to the majority. Have them place a metal plate under your suit coat, it will help with the worry about that steak thing.
BTW: I've used >exactly< your reasoning in those $@!7-fights I mention: "If you are against the procedure simply don't use it. . ." Of course, I get accused of sanctioning murder! But I doubt any of that comes as any surprise to you, my friend!
That's >exactly< what the OH November election is about, and there's been beaucoup acrimony, including screeds promoting outright lies and half-truths by the amendment's opposition, as well as backlash to the opposition on
Issue 1 is a proposed amendment to the OH constitution that guarantees a woman's right to reproductive self-determination and medical care. The gerrymandered OH general assembly attempted to undermine it in an impromptu August special election on the heels of announcing a moratorium on August special elections! To OH Яepuблиkan$, hypocrisy isn't a flaw of their so-called conservatism. It's a goddam feature! The Яepuблиkan$ attempted to hustle OH voters into voting on a measure changing the voter threshold for amending the OH constitution from a simple majority to a 60% supermajority. It also required a threshold number of signature from >every county< to even submit a proposal for putting such a referendum on the ballot. Their argument was that amending the OH constitution is too easy, since that constitution determines what kind of legislation can even be brought to the General Assembly floor for a vote by "duly elected" officials. OH Яepuблиkan$ have no intention of representing the voters. They intend to >rule< the voters.
Frankly, they were attempting to put a fig leaf over the fact that they will probably just do what intend to do anyway, seeing's how they're already in contempt of court for thumbing their noses at their own, conservative OH Supreme Court ruling that OH voter districting is - indeed - badly gerrymandered, and it's order that voter districts should be redrawn fairly by a nonpartisan 3rd party and adopted. They've effectively said: "OK. You've ruled our gerrymandered districts are unconstitutionally drawn. Now >enforce< that ruling! We dare you!" Indeed, they've continued holding elections that are still using the unconstitutionally draw voter districts. I expect it will be much the same if Issue 1 passes in November.
People need to understand that a handful of cells without a brain is not a human being! Once they concede that abortion is logical!
That's the rub. That view isn't universal and is not likely to be in the foreseeable future. And the question of whether or not a handful of cells are a baby or a skin tag is a matter of personal conviction. There's also the question of the woman's self-determination. Such question become a matter of religious conviction. That's why it >shouldn't< be legislated. It's not supposed to be. By default, such legislation imposes religious doctrine - by default.
I disagree with you. I believe in science, not religion when it comes to life in the womb. Without a brain (brain dead) there is no life. Religion has no place in government decision. Separation of church and state must be maintained!
I forgot to include in my previous response, that I'm not claiming sciences is a religious perspective. Rather, it's the fact of not embracing a religious perspective that is >itself< a religious perspective. It's all about the freedom to embrace - or not - religion. That's why we arrive at the same conclusion.
Go ahead and disagree. That's exactly the point. Besides, I don't get how you're disagreeing with me, since we both arrive at the same conclusion.
I’m a reluctant supporter of the right to have an abortion but it’s a procedure that must be protected. Obstetricians can’t practice the best medicine for their patients if they have to wonder what the legal ramifications will be if they prescribe an abortion for a woman who has an extremely difficult pregnancy. A few examples are a woman who comes in heavily bleeding from a miscarriage that is in progress but the fetus isn’t dead yet. Or a woman who has still has a living fetus that will die. The best course of action for these women would be an abortion without waiting for the fetus to die. Waiting for the fetus to die puts these women at high risk.
David--My post was about "Man's inhumanity to man," and how terrible it was that Ham'as killed and dismembered all those babies. "plural form" not abortion.
Uh, how did killing babies get into my comments. I would never find killing any human to be justified. If you are talking about fetuses, that is a different matter entirely. Elective abortion is a medical procedure of no concern of the government. Spontaneous abortion is also medical, but does not include a choice and again is no concern of any government. Leave medicine to the health experts and their patients.
Fay--My post was about "Man's inhumanity to man" not about abortions. I was referring to the monsters that killed the babies in Israel, "plural form," not our problems with abortions here in the good old US of A.
Thank you Donald, and as I said, deliberately killing any human being is disgusting and killing children of any age is worse.
Agree. A society that kills its own children (THE most innocent and vulnerable citizens) has already lost its moral compass. Wondering why people are so violent with other people can be explained by the fact violence begins in the womb and spreads from there. The "right to choose" should be exercised well before a pregnancy occurs. Please don't counter with "what abouts" like rape and incest. Nether are capital crimes. Especially for the ultimate victim. The fact is no innocent person should be killed simply because they are inconvenient, small and unseen.
Carol--My remark was directed to Robert's thread about "Man's inhumanity to man." not abortion, but it fits.
What an adult does with her/his own body is none of your business, as it is none of mine, regardless of our opinions.
You are referring to Israel correct?
Glen--More like the Middle East and all its players.
Thank you Fay! Well said, nice weekend.
We need to adhere to our mission statement as developed through amendments: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Joseph, I agree that this is a powerful guide. That is why my 9th grade civics teacher made us memorize the Preamble to our Constitution. I have never forgotten. I wish the Republican Party, whatever it is now would go back to that basic, plus the hopeful statement in the Declaration that "All men (modified to all people) are created equal and they are endowed with certain . . . ."." Nope, the founders were not even close to perfect, but they did hope future generations would work toward making this a nation that valued people and worked for the betterment of all, even if they were not sure that everyone living was included in that "all." We have grown some since then and have added to the Constitution amendments that give more rights to the people. We need to keep that going rather than allowing a bunch of scared white people and a few others to take steps backward. We can do better!
Even if the republicans did reread (if they ever read it at all) the Preamble to our Constitution, they would spin it the way they wanted it to be!! I doubt they would agree with it!
Amen. And "natural law" is not part of that mission.
Natural law doesn’t necessarily mean that it comes from god.
In the 'we' versus 'them' argument, the right wing has granted citizen right to corporations and they believe we the people include the corporations. The founders never intended for this interpretation but our supreme court has twisted the constitution for them. Now 'them' includes the corporations.
Well Mr. Reich, I think you have pretty much nailed everything that is wrong with our country! Because we have ignored bad behavior we’ve empowered people who want to overthrow our democracy!
Keith Olson ; Because we were trying to "pick our battles" it became very difficult because there were so many! Lots of cheating going on with the deck stacked against the majority of US. I don't think we ignored bad behavior, as much as it overwhelmed US because it was rampant. Robert Reich's words have clarified what is wrong and what should be done, if only we can try to get it done! We need to beware the negativity and drama of the media, too. Also false equivalencies and BS .
I agree with you that there are many, many examples. A lot of ithem have evolved over the years. If the people who were in position to nip them in the bud, did so, it wouldn’t be so overwhelming. We need to make sure next November that we vote for responsible adults to run our Government! Some of the children in there right now remind me of “LORD OF THE FLIES”
Definitely the right thing to do when everyone is behaving within societal norms as these are all things that we have been taught in order to support the “common good.” But we have lived through several decades where these unwritten ways of behaving have been eroded by acts of unscrupulous people who were not held accountable or just given a slap on the wrist. We collectively decided that it wasn’t worth speaking up about it and slowly but surely we have arrived where we are today. Disinformation is as believed as truths. Anyone can tell a lie with impunity and if enough people say it and spread it, it becomes the truth. This is not normal. This is not just “locker room talk.” And it’s not going to be easy to get back to normal but we must try. Every time you witness unjust, inhumane or simply amoral behavior, call it out, support those who are bullied, speak truth to power. It may feel like peeing in the ocean, but every effort counts because the more we stay quiet and “just let it go,” the harder it will be to get society back on the right track. This upcoming election cycle, we all need to speak up and vote for people that stand for and do the right thing. We must not let people who tried to overturn the last election from staying in power. We must stand up and say “enough is enough.” We must pass national enforceable gun control laws. We must fix the immigration fiasco. We must restore reproductive rights. We must meaningfully address climate change. We must make healthcare accountable and affordable. We must have a plan to address income inequality and act on it. These are all things that will help our nation move forward and restore the common good in our society. But it starts with holding people accountable for their actions and inactions. We must not stay silent. Our nation needs us to do the right thing, now.
Democrats need to sweep in 2024.
I just came across a commentary that equates fines on the wealthy - by default - to a one-time licensing fee for their conduct. It's not supposed to be that way, but that's about the way it works out. It was part of a discussion about when court-imposed terms of release will actually be enforced on ol' P01135809 for his willful, continuing violation of those terms of release and his naked contempt of court. For instance, it's good that Judge Engoron is now taking issue with ol' P01135809, but $5k & $10k fines are a goddam joke.
Well said!
Thanks you for your comment! and yes, enough is enough! The country has been on the Us vs. Us track for way to long.
We keep searching for that one time in man’s history he wasn’t hateful or violent against his fellow man. We search in vain.
Man’s inhumanity to man is as old as man.
Humans have simply perfected the way we deal death to one another.
The hope lies in the fact there have always been fewer people perpetrating violence than are victims of violence. We cannot continue being victims or bystanders while we’re being bullied by the few who choose bloodshed over brotherhood.
What Lewiston teaches US, what the monstrous terrorists attacks in Israel teaches US, what the everyday, almost mundane violence in communities where all of US live teaches US is man has not evolved enough over the eons to put down the sword for the plowshare; violence for dialogue.
I’m 75. I’ve never seen a world free of violence and hate. I am one still searching in vain for that one place where the guns and bombs and hate are silent.
I totally support Robert Reich’s message.
Just fresh out of ideas how we make his message a reality.
I ‘m 78 and understand the frustration of having lived through so many hateful times. But as awful as things are right now, I am definitely inspired by this community and the many thoughtful writers here.
Likewise. You guys are my elders since I'm a veritable infant at 63. And I agree with all that's been said.
You hit the nail on the head. It's MAN's inhumanity toward men, women and children. This is about male violence. Not that there aren't women who participate, but this is mainly about male violence. So instead of talking about human beings causing this, it's important to be clear. This is about male violence. It's about our tolerance of male violence in it's many forms. We glorify war. We celebrate violent sports. We watch and cheer at movies when the hero vanquishes the villain with violence. We punish people with violence. Some of us still hit our children. Predominantly men lash out violently when they feel threatened or inadequate. Men kill women at a much greater rate than the other way around. We reward "toughness" in boys. We shame boys for expressing their vulnerability. We are all culpable for the kind of men we produce.
What about Marjory Taylor Green?
What? I did say that women sometimes do participate in violence. But the vast majority of violence is committed by men. You don't need to defend the gender. But if you want to help, you can, as a man, call out other men who engage in aggression regardless of who they target. So often a man will claim that he never hit a woman, but why is it okay for him to hit other men? As a society we have yet to help men channel their energy into activities that are constructive rather than all of the behavior that either glorifies violence or ends up causing suffering and misery.
If the Swiss can why cannot we?
Do the next kind thing. Vote. Repeat.
Yes, the animal in humans wins out unfortunately. In many, education teaches us how to overcome the basic instincts in man.
The animal in MEN. Let's be clear.
Everything herein needs to be said and is indeed well said!
Hard to believe how much hate and greed exists. Thank you for continuing to call it out.
Yes, we must stop the hatred and the bullying. The question is how. We don't shout, we don't threaten, we don't bear arms, we abhor violence... The rules and institutions of civil society protect us insofar as the vast majority of society's members abide by them. But that's no longer true. The promises of justice for all, equity, peace and prosperity if only we all did our bit as good citizens, paid our dues, raised our kids to play by the rules, have not been kept. It seems to me that's the root cause of the pervasive disillusionment, the anger, the rampant individualism, the reliance on self-defence and, ultimately, the belief that "there's no such thing as 'society'", as Margaret Thatcher famously declared.
Anna, Ms. Thatcher was doing her best to portray all the "male virtues" which of course caused her to blather about not really being society or whatever crap she was putting out that day. The Brits liked her because she did what men do and they could show off their pro-woman bonafides and say, "and she is a woman doing that." We should never fall prey to the fear, anger, resentment, and hatred (I think of them as the new Horsemen of the Apocalypse). Those four, perfectly human emotions, if unleashed can do Holocausts worth of harm both at a large scale and small scale. We don't have to permit it. We can do the work of standing up for our neighbors who may not look like, worship like, or even understand the world the way we do, but deserve our consideration and respect as human beings. We have allowed media filled with those 4 Horsemen to run rampant over our society and let them call it "free speech when it was in reality quite expensive and designed to do massive harm while the smiling white men and a few white women pundits could claim they had done nothing wrong. We could as a nation do something, but our people keep electing people who care only for themselves, because they are so steeped in "party" whatever that really means. We let an ignorant hateful scared fool become president with 3 million fewer votes than his opponent, then let him incite insurrection and essentially do it all with impunity. That can be changed, not the history, but the way we deal with our leaders and what we permit them to do from now on. We now have a Speaker who mild-manneredly spews hatred of everyone and a vision (if you can call it that) of this nation run by a few white Christian Nationalists who don't even live the precepts of Christianity and who are a minority in this nation, a white-controlled nation with all women and people of color under their thumb while they are a minority in that too. I do not see the Republican party ever recovering from this insanity no matter what the less extreme members claim. Those guys have done nothing to stop the steamroller. So, since they won't stop it, We the People, with Constitution in hand need to do it. We can't even count on our courts which have been stacked with people who believe their opinion trumps the Constitution. They will make up stuff in the rulings hoping no one will notice. We have noticed. Now, it is time we do what we can to undermine their bad decisions, beginning with the abortion pill crap. Every woman should stock up on it for free, just in case and ignore whatever the SC says. However in their hatred of women, they may cause other problems with drugs if anyone can declare a drug illegal despite the FDA, even those SC "conservatives" may end up suffering for their disregard of our agencies. In short, we are going to have to keep calling the fools out on their bad behavior from "parents" at school board meetings, the 11 who are trying to ban any book they think they might not like even if they haven't read it due to those books being by Black, Latinx, or LGBTQ authors (what about the "free speech they cry so loudly about, I guess it's only for them), to state legislatures cheating through gerrymandering. No matter what the mostly white Republican legislators say, gerrymandering is cheating, a lie and needs to be called what it is and those who proposed and vote for it, called cheats and liars over and over. We can make things better, but we can't get so discouraged we enable the crazies to win. Let's get started, or rather continue the fight for our democracy.
Yes. I always thought Thatcher may have been biologically female, but something happened along the way for her to jettison all that we value in femaleness. Much of this is because we allow ourselves to be ruled by capitalism. We tolerate gazillionaires. We accept male childishness and violence as inevitabilities. We accept the narrow gender roles, which really handicaps men. And many of us have rejected being educated and informed, instead opting to remain ignorant, and afraid. That makes people easy targets for the Republican lies. It's usually fear that drives people to try to eradicate how differences are expressed. This longing for a "strong" authoritarian male leader who tells them reassuring lies about "those people" and his plan to silence them, reassures those who are afraid and ignorant and encourages mostly the men to express that fear with violence.
Amen! I really hope that Professor Reich is reaching the young people out there.
Amen and oy vey we're running out of time to save ourselves.
For me, to quote Yogi, this is deja vu all over again. !966-1968. Need to make sure history doesn't repeat.
This was exactly what I needed to hear today in the midst of all these horrible violent tragedies in a world out of control. Thank you Professor for providing a calm, intelligent, sane voice reminding us of something better to aspire to and to keep fighting for it. I, like so many others here, are weary from the stress and it is easy to slip into feelings of hopeless. I am very grateful to you and for this community.
Wow! What a great list of things that so often are seen as societal problems, but which are practiced much as a basis for individual vs. individual conflict and hatred. I had a pair of grad students who became very close friends. I was surprised to learn that they were from very different religions, cultures, belief systems... And yet they were close. Their bonds of friendship grew out of having to work together in school, without the surface appearances that in the outside world, would have set up hostilities between them before any mutual activity might have occurred, that could had lead to understanding and acceptance.
I think on those young men, and many others like them. Wonderful close associations grew out of being with and learning with others who were of much variety. I'm glad I was sent to schools that were not organized to teach and enforce differences among peoples while emphasizing superiority of "we, us, our" vs. others deemed lesser by their not being just like us in some characteristic deemed to be all important.
What accidents of time, parenting, history, interests, and more helped me avoid learning the intolerance, rejection, and even hatred of persons not of "my group"? I can point to some accidents of life, fate, and more- such as being here, in this class, with the rest of you AND our wonderful guide through this experience. (Thank you, Prof. Reich, and my thanks to all of you sharing in this experience!)
When I was in bootcamp, I met a young recruit who had NEVER seen a Black person in his life. Oh he'd sen us on TV and such. But never experienced a Black person, in person.
One day he told me (with a look of profound wonder & amazement) y'all ain't NOTHIN like I was taught. I only seen Blacks on TV but man, y'all just like anybody else!
Think on that. "Y'all just like anybody else."
Many years ago I worked with a good man who was unfortunately bigoted against black people in general, although he treated all individuals he met with respect and equal regard. One day I pointed out to him the inconsistency, by saying, “But Vin, what about Kenny?” And Vin said this: “Kenny’s different. I know Kenny.”
Thank you for your observation; it reveals something very important: what this bigoted man hated was a construct of his mind, not true reality. This is why integration-- social, racial, cultural, residential-- is so important. Meeting others face to face on a regular basis forces us to recognize the humanity of the other, and may eventually destroy the stereotype. Meeting others on social media may have the opposite effect.
What is more, these “constructs” are actually quite fragile, which is why bigots resist looking hard at them. Defensive unreason often suggests a weak basis for beliefs.
I'm that Black dude who somehow was always working in a mostly white whilst living among mostly people like myself. I could feel the folken who treated me like Kenny (doesn't he get killed a lot in South Pk?).
Sad but true. Segregation perpetuates this injustice.
Never watched South Park much, but I know who you mean.
Me neither but SP for many is a cultural touchstone/reference and viola, it worked!
"Sometimes it’s hard to find the root causes of hateful violence — to understand who has brutalized whom, to disentangle accumulated grievances and hostilities that may go back generations."
Trying to understand who has brutalized whom, to disentangle accumulated grievances and hostilities that may go back generations, usually leads to trying to justify one side and demonize the other, but,
in such cases, it's a good bet that both sides are in the wrong. Justifying one side and demonizing the other just leads to perpetuating the cycle of violence. It's better just to yell STOP and find some concessions each side can make to bring peace and a sense of justice.
Root causes of hateful violence: Prejudice and discrimination are typically the foundation of hate-based violence. .
True, but if you read the entire quotation, it deals with specific intersocietal hateful violence rather than individual hate crimes.
IMHO prejudice, hatred of "the other." is the root cause most of the time. In criminal law, intent can be inferred from conduct.
Once upon a time, I heard cases involving kids applying for disability based on obsessive criminal behavior. Requires an obsession or a compulsion. However, in my experience representing school districts, prosecuting and defending juveniles, listening to the experts, bullying can be communicated like the measles or chicken pox. Like a social disease.
We are herd animals in peace, horde animals in war.