Crawl back under your rock. You helped almost destroy this country. The bar for trump was so low worms were suffering. And my final comment, “Fuck You”
Do not knock unpleasant but true environmentalism. You put extra ions in an ocean H2CO3 and water freezes less and less ( at a lower temperature)and the bones of fish dissolve. With less ice heat is taken into oceans instead of being reflected back into space . Duh!!
Arthur, Rove spoke a truth, but it was just to make himself look more aware of what happened. He said absolutely nothing that everyone who watched the debate didn't see, maybe even less. Rove is such slime, he will figure out how to slip into the good graces of someone in the party who will help him get past the vengeance Trump may take on him. Although, I doubt that. Trump needs Rove and his slithery self to keep him afloat. The "debate" criticism was the same old same old, Rove trying to be relevant and powerful when he is now old hat.
Rove showing how smart he is and applying for a job with Trump—even though he wouldn’t last as long as 48 hours. Trump doesn’t require everyone to kiss his ring, you have to kiss his ass. I don’t think Rove could do it many times.
So what you’re saying is that Rove wouldn’t even last 1 Scaramucci in a Drumpf administration. How sad it’s come to this for him 😢 <— me crocodile tears
Maurice, with his ego, Rove wouldn't do it once. He would, however, offer Trump all kinds of help and advice for a price and toss out his bonafides like candy to a child and Toddler-/Trump will pick them up and Rove will be in. Rove has been around Trump and knows just who and what Trump is and he is OK with it. He just got mad about the "debate" and that Trump was beat by a woman, again, just as Hillary Clinton beat him 8 years ago, just not in the white states and the states where massive money was pumped in to tear Clinton down. Harris should do better maybe because Rove is less prominent this time. Who knows?
I'm a little confused – Rove said "tying her to President Biden’s failed policies" - exactly what policies would those be? And, "the argument that she’s a far-left politician out of sync with America’s values" - really Karl? The Republicans are the party out of sync with America's values. And they're going to find out at the ballot box in November.
I despise Karl Rove, even with this, he’s got a lot wrong with the Harris ticket, but his salient points are quite correct about Chump and his sorry ass performance. Hopefully, enough Republicans will see this and at the least stand down for this election. Chump and his acolytes must be handed the most humiliating, devastating, defeat possible in history, if this nation is to survive.
Karl Rove, so despicable, proved Stuart Stevens’ book title, “It was all a lie.” Biden-Harris policies have worked so much better for plain, ordinary people. Republicans are the ones who vote for depriving women of essential healthcare, forcing their religious beliefs on everyone else, defunding public schools, not feeding hungry children, AND voting against common sense gun laws and for NO RESTRICTIONS on weapons -the leading cause of death for children. They lie about their records. They are so far in the past, they are medieval. The only good Republicans are pushing up daisies. Harry Truman
Unfortunately, the die hard Republicans will vote for Trump. They may not like him but they will vote for the party even if it will destroy our democracy. So afraid of becoming socialist and , of course, communist. They are delusional...
It's not the die-hard Republicans I'm worried about so much as the reactive non-thinkers. My neighbors, acquaintances, and read-abouts who will vote for Trump because: 1) he will protect their 401(k), the hell with the free world ending; 2) Harris' homebuyer-help plan will cause the housing market to crash; 3) he'll bring in RFK Jr. who will singlehandedly fix the environment; 4) he's a working class guy like me; 5) I listened to Harris' plans and I don't think she can get any of them through Congress. These are all real examples. I've come up with a new talking-points plan for these neighbors. I ask them what they think about the eating-cats-and-dogs statements. Then I am very sympathetic when they say he didn't mean it or it's not important. I sympathize with them and appreciate their position. I say Of course you have a right to your opinion that he didn't mean it, and you may be right. And Trump is entitled to his opinion that in Springfield they're eating cats and dogs. But the mayor and the police say it's not true, so I think, while Trump is entitled to his opinion, he may be wrong about it. But here's what concerns me: if Trump gets an opinion--maybe he's wrong or confused about something--that the Russians are attacking us, and he thinks he ought to press the nuclear war button, then that's what worries me. He's entitled to his opinions. But I don't want someone with opinions like they're eating cats and dogs in Ohio to be in charge of the nuclear war button. I don't think that's safe for us. What do YOU think about that?
I literally don't know any other way to break through these reactionary voters' mind-sets.
I just watched Vance reiterating his lie that the Haitians are eating pets in Springfield. Such a racist asswipe. The blood of the legal immigrants and any illegal immigrants is on his hands for spouting that hateful dehumanizing drivel.
In the case of many I know, it's willful ignorance. And in this case, that equates to stupidity. I've always run with a "well-educated" crowd (on paper) but this year, I've given up on almost all of them. That education has done them zero good and cannot overcome "mine, my, me me me selfishness". And don't forget to throw in "but the cost of groceries/gas/utilities with a dash of but the babies".
How will the Republicsns see this? Do you think Maga will post it? There is a lost opportunity that we could repost this and other columns if only Reich would make his columns, and especially this one, shareable.
Exactly right about Rove having a lot wrong about Harris' policies. Harris/Biden were blocked at every turn, especially at the border by tRump and his republican congress, which has accomplished the least of any congress in history as a result of their middle school antics.
He, like so many others, has decided due to Trump’s power and intractability to come out and tell the truth for the sake of the country whose very value to us is now in peril due to a very bad man and an electorate that desperately must be convinced.
For once, I am a little bit proud Rove is an American.
Our ignorance and overconfidence have made us as a nation very vulnerable to Trump. We are at a critical juncture that even Rove sees as a time for true patriotism and self sacrifice to make this country better. It is not just up to George Washington. It is not only up to generals mattis and kell, who have seen that unwilling President at work. We must educate our people and quash Trump’s rampages, insurrection, and get him out of there!!!
In answering Rove's (who I, personally, - well, despise may be too strong, but, whatever, despise) question at the end, "What does that make Trump?" Well, I've considered Trump "dumb as a rock" since the day he came down the escalator - in front of HIS paid "supporters." (re: one of the more STUPID responses to Ms. Harris at the debate) His "great gift" to today's republican party is he lured white nationalists out from under their rocks as he led the "Birther" movement and, therefore, the "Tea Party." The ONLY way he "crawls back under his rock" (in Riker's Island?) is if Ms. Harris defeats him in November and Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, and Fani Willis are allowed to complete their cases against him!
I grew up knowing a rankout artist like Trump!! He grew up to be a surgeon! I hope he does not support Trump. I grew up living near the little hill in Jamaica estates queens that Trump grew up on. I was there in 1971 till 1973. There was a Sri Chin moy center just 27 blocks away.
It is very understandable that this big mind Trump that was transported to military school in his early teens now
Craves affection, adulation, and being a dominant figure since his parents had so much power over him. He was so lonely. Becoming the top of his military class was his only way to power. The same for his football feets. The same for his ownership of golf courses and the perceived ownership of buildings where the owner paid 500 k to put Trump’s name on the door!
WOW-Top of his class at military school? There had to have been some real morons in his class for that to happen. One of Chump's professors at Wharton said publicly that Chump was the dumbest fucking student he'd ever had.
I had a similar response Mark when I read that Alberto Gonzales had endorsed Kamala! I was immediately transported to Ashcrofts' sick bed & his willingness to coerce a very ill man to sign off on an illegal surveillance program.....While grateful for Kamala's growing coalition of support, these people are fundamentally responsible for why we have Trump today, their legacy: the destruction & degradation of our way of life.
Heartwarming to see we’re not letting that a-hole, Rove off the hook because he admits Trump massively failed the debate, which would be quite a stretch for even him to lie about. His entire essay is filled with back-handers to Harris, so it’s pretty evident Rove would still vote for the guy who would finish destroying our democracy.
INDEED! Wave the flag! CLAP! CLAP! Off the chair! FUCK Karl Rove to Pluto and back in a boomerang swing of my fucking pickleball racket to the power of TEN! indeed with the flag clap clap off the chair
It is telling that Chump is bragging it was his best debate performance ever (everything he does is the best, right?) On that, I might actually agree with him. It probably was his best debate performance ever. Like all his other abilities, mediocrity would be a far stretch of a compliment. Compared to normal, average people, he’s a complete failure at every level, except possibly being a con man, he’s sometimes good at that, but even that dubious distinction is beginning to wear thin.
That's where the new AIbot threw me off! WHAT border issues? Are some of Bunkerboy's "nasty" policies still in place? Likely. Are there 130,000 "CUH-CUH-CARAVANS!!!" marching towards our borders? NO!
Although our borders would be BIGLY safer had those Traitors agreed to the BIPARTISAN border deal . . .
The "border issues" were due to COVID, and the Biden Administration's insistence on following the law and implementing it in a humane manner. Every R knows this. Yet, they refuse to change the law nor invest in manpower necessary to fix it.
Exactly! Biden has only successes, and successes-obstructed-by-the Do-Nothing/Let's Impeach Some Democrat 118th Congress (such as the border bill). Does Rove consider a 2.5% inflation rate, a 4.something% unemployment rate, a booming stock market, and many Biden fans on Wall Street who write public letters of support, a failed economic policy? I also did not like the nasty subtle sneer about "the debate will not help Harris much or hurt Trump much in the final analysis." Disagree! I think his boy Tricky Dick lost to JFK largely because of their debate.
The more I think about what Rove wrote, the more I realize that Rove is angry because Trump did not tell believable lies--he was too unhinged. "Biden's failed economic and border policies" sounds better than "The worst economy in history," and "Millions of immigrants are coming over the border, committing crimes, and eating your pets," but it's the same message.
Fortunately, that was a time of an electorate who read and listened to a journalism that presented both sides of the political parties platforms and events of the day. Today that is difficult to find - on both fronts.
My personal opinion is that 24 hour "news" is one of the problems in being well-informed today. The same iformation, correct or incorrectly slanted, is repeated ad nauseum until it becomes fact in minds.
Precisely, why do they not pin any of the immigration issue on the billion$ wall that only worked as a grift for his friends? I am so glad she reminded viewers that he meddled in our foreign affairs for campaign fodder... killed immigration bill (also Israel cease fire negotiations not mentioned)... shouldn't there be enforced laws about those acts?! Biden/Harris have Infrastructure plan implemented, tfg never got past talking about it, rather like his 7yr attempt at a healthcare plan and only achieved a concept of a plan...or so he says...I think that is debatable too. Vote 💙
I would someday like to see who got the contracts for all of the steel and it’s movement to build his wall that Mexico was going to pay for, don’t you know that there’s dirt there. I have often thought that we should tear it down and recycle the massive amount of steel into girders to build bridges with, because bridges build better relations than walls. We could do something creative with all of the assault rifles that no American needs, by using the aluminum and steel to build memorials to those we have lost because of their use.
The bridges concept is lovely, although I wouldn't trust the integrity of any material involved in a tRump project. I've read he's always been a skin flint, penny pinching, cheat when his own outlay was involved and, while that wouldn't be the case here, he has a track record of hiring all the worst people. Maybe some additional details will come up in this ones (as example) Dec trial which should have already occurred in May.
Or by walking a few sections over to where it never got built, even though he claimed (at times) that he 'd finished it...ditto ISIS...he didn't do that either.
Leave the damned wall as a monument to Trump's stupidity and hubris. Human traffickers and smugglers cut thru or go over or around The Wall: its discontinuous segments are treated as mere annoyances, something akin to speed bumps.
It was noted that the previous presser he did at the border was in front of a segment that had been installed during the Obama years, it was structurally more sound than the bits he managed to get upright, yet takes credit for all…and takes responsibility for nothing.
I couldn't agree with you more! When I found out that the person I started dating in ‘17 had voted for him, citing the “good businessman” BS, I quit seeing him. I have zero respect for anyone that ignorant, immoral or possibly both. Vote 💙
As for the botched Afghan withdrawal, thirteen American deaths were regrettable and preventable, but Biden got us the hell out of there. How many more Americans would have been killed had we not withdrawn from that disastrous campaign. And what would Trumpty-Dumpster have done any differently? Nuke his way out of there?
Trump negotiated a withdrawal directly with the Taliban and cut out the Afghan government. Part of the deal was the release of 5000 Taliban prisoners – who promptly went right back into fighting mode against our troops. Trump also agreed to an impossibly short deadline for the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, but, as usual, had no plan for implementing that withdrawal. He left his bad deal for Biden to carry out. How dare he criticize them for doing the best they could with every deck stacked against them?
Kelly - I believe you are correct, but on the actual withdrawal process itself, I read that our State Dept was very slow moving, for whatever reasons, in clearing visa applications for Afghan allies and/or dependents to leave and come to the US. Perhaps this was a legacy of the Trump/Rex Tillerson head lopping exercise at State. Also, I think there was not enough time or transport available to get out everyone we wanted to evacuate. Of course the US expectation was that the Afghan national forces would hold off the Taliban for months longer than they did. The end game showed the US in a very poor light, and the Biden team has to shoulder a lot of the blame for lousy planning.
R Hodsdon: Good point. I had forgotten about the head-lopping at State. And you are no doubt right about the paucity of transport. I have spoken with Afghan refugees who got out that day. The children are still dealing with PTSD and the adults have close family members who are in hiding or are in exile and are trying to join them here.
Trump’s right-hand minion, Nazi lover Steven Miller, saw to it that all but one US military base was shut down before Biden took office, sabotaging our soldiers ability to get all of our weapons and troops out. I know for a fact he slowed the paperwork down to allow the brave Afghani and Iraqi interpreters who worked to help our military to leave with their families. Read the memoir of the Iraqi Code Name Johnny Walker by Jim DeFelice to learn about the brave men Donald Trump and Miller tried to leave behind.
Yes, everything you pointed out is true, & I get really angry that very few people mention it. The visas for our Afghan Allie’s were a mess because of Trump & Tillerson due to their staffing cuts, & that department’s under funding for many years. When Trump made this deal with the Taliban for our exit & set a date, why didn’t his admin get busy on those visas? Why didn’t his admin start removing all that equipment out of the country along with the massive troop drawdown, the equipment & vehicles that they rant & rave about Biden leaving behind? Why did Trump shut down the airbase, leaving only the one, as the way to get the remaining 2500 soldiers plus 1000s of allies evacuated?
Then we need to remind people that Trump refused to allow ANY of his admin, including the state dept, to communicate with the Biden transition team so that they could be prepared to hit the ground running.
IMO a big portion of that evacuation, that looked so horrible on our tvs, can be laid directly at Trump’s feet.
This is an important point that too few people have made, especially in the MSM. I thought the withdrawal went remarkably well considering the haste with which it had to be undertaken and the pressure hostile forces were applying. There are definitely things that could have been done better, in particular starting the withdrawal earlier (a factor in the haste mentioned above) and trying to get more of the Afghans who had supported us out of the country.
Directly related side note: I wonder if the suicide bomber who killed 13 Americans and 170 Afghans (whose fate is rarely mentioned in these complaints) was one of the 5,000 Taliban released by Trump.
Somewhat related side note: I was evacuated with my Vietnamese wife from Saigon on 24 April 1975, so I have direct personal experience with such events.
What Trump did was set up the withdrawal from negotiating with the Taliban rather than the Afghan government to freeing 5000 (or, thereabouts), Taliban - to kill us. We should be thanking Biden for getting us out.
If anyone is interested, here are some articles around March 2020 that discuss the Afghan deal with the Taliban. Basically Trump made a deal to yank us out and no bite back if they didn't stick with the agreement. The only counter was the Taliban respected him so they wouldn't dare.
It strikes me as amusing that Rove offered up such weak arguments as Trump’s best ammunition. There is no border crisis, and Trump, himself, killed the border bill that gave Republicans much of what they wanted. The economy is basically the strongest in the world, with millions of jobs created and inflation down. What inflation there is comes from the price gouging Harris proposes outlawing. And, yes, Trump’s record on jobs was one of the worst in history. It seems Rove was advocating more lying - something the Republican party relies on to fool voters.
Karl Rove’s comments sound almost reasonable on the surface until you realize that he is speaking in code that only his acolytes understand and with his fingers crossed behind him. He is a brilliantly evil hybrid of Rasputin and Macchiavelli.
Maybe his motive by writing this piece was to help the believers continue to believe in some of the more important lies, like the border, the economy, and Harris’s supposed do-nothing 3 years.
It's really difficult to imagine what his motivation is. It's almost like the Democratic Party leadership's public questioning of President Biden's fitness for another term on the eve of and during the Republican National Convention. Word of caution, though; that actually turned out pretty well because of President Biden's deft handling of it and Vice President Harris's amazing acceleration.
I think it's virtually impossible that the Republicans could convince their nominee to withdraw, and it's completely implausible to think that they could force him out.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the Republican nominee consumes every bit of available oxygen, even if it's by saying crazy things and behaving even worse. While he's doing his thing, which basically meets expectations, VP Harris doesn't get the attention she deserves and needs. Perhaps that's Roves' angle.
His motive is he is an evil, greedy, prick, and trump is stealing all their funding, and driving the crazybus off a cliff. Rove is irrelevant with trump at the wheel.
He knows he's a pariah to most of the country and he's trying to rebuild what's left of his shattered reputation in the same manner that Nixon attempted rehabilitation. And there will always be enablers in the MSM.
Oh, as in someone SANE who might actually quash their little plans to destroy American democracy? Yes, that would be a problem for the 2025'ers, now wouldn't it. Maybe we could propose that Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzenger, Mike Pence, and any other Republican who openly opposed Trump run together as a committee!
I'm afraid the Republicans may be cooking up a plan to kick Trump off the ticket because of his "age-related disastrous debate." Rove's article would make sense in that light. He's colluding with other Republicans and setting the stage to dump Trump. It happened to Biden. It could happen to Trump. I want Trump to stay because I think we can beat Trump. I'm not sure we can beat, say, Nikki Haley.
It’s really is too late at this point. Ballots are being printed. Many states with early voting won’t have time to update. They’d have to go with a write-in campaign. They won’t chance that.
Christina - Rational Republican voters might prefer Haley to Trump, and die-hard Dem-haters would switch, but I think Haley did not generate enough support within the MAGA crowd. I think Harris could beat her, too, though I agree that having a weak, wounded Trump staggering around the spin rooms like EL Toro midway through the bullfight, braying about how he "beat Harris" and "those people eating pets" is delicious to watch and I am savoring the the sight of his humiliation. He deserves it all.
Nikki Haley is a Repuglican flake, and I don't need your "critique" to make me think otherwise! Robust, full-bodied women are powerful. Women with Mensa-quality IQs are powerful women, i.e., KAMALA HARRIS! WOMEN WHO CAN THINK ON THEIR FEET, IN BOTH COURTROOMS AND IN FRONT OF TV CAMERAS, ARE HIGH-POWERED WOMEN! During the "debates" between Repug "candidates" for Pres., Nikki Haley, like all the rest of them, could not bring herself to say she wouldn't back Trumpty Dumpty! So much for courage under fire! Nikki Haley is a flat-chested nothing burger! She should go back to NC and maybe vie for a low-level clerk's job!
I don't disagree with your assessment. Nikki Haley is not the brightest bulb in the room, and she's a hypocrite, liar, and coward. HOWEVER, bringing in any woman's physical characteristics cheapens your point. And when you open that door, people who criticize women's looks walk through, like those who made fun of Michelle Obama's hair, Hilary's pantsuit, etc. etc. ad nauseum.
There’s no way the die hard trump cultists would accept “the establishment” Republicans trying to push him out, they would turn on them immediately. IMO the Christian Nationalists abortion abolitionists who are behind Project 2025 are counting on Trump to win & then either Amendment 25 him or pay him off to retire due to illness. That’s definitely why they schemed to get Vance chosen as the VP. He is more controllable than the crazy man, less likely to go off on a wild tangent or balk at implementing their Biblical laws.
Laurie, what I don't understand is how someone can have their hand in the fire and not be able to decide if it's too hot. Gee, I can't decide if I want everything I've worked for to go down the toilet. Gee, I can't decide if we really need elections after all. I guess you're correct. Semi comatose, or brain dead. Maybe they'll follow taylor swift's suggestion.
If the most weak minded calls themselves “undecided,” please do us a flavor and do not decide with us! Undecideds are misfits and uneducated like their leader! Pass by! Stay uninvolved and uninformed! YOU are not our type!
Those who are undecided are a red herring in this drama. I suspect many of them won’t even vote so as far as I’m concerned, they’re not worth wasting time or energy worrying about. I don’t have the numbers on how many of them there are but if the election is so fragile that it depends on a handful of votes to swing one way or the other then it’s best to spend time and energy recruiting those who still have a mind left.
lies are all they got. lies, hypocrisy, obstruction, grandstanding, lies, mis direction and information, projection, gerrymandering. lies, cheating, voter suppression, lies, money that will buy the best lies, intimidation, blackmail, election interference, frivolous lawsuits, and lies.
This is Good News... However, there are Caveats... Rove's Analysis only Applies to the 'Sane' Old-School Republicans, such as the Bush Dynasty... The MAGA Zombies will still be True Believers... DJT said today that DJT doesn't want another Debate with Kamala....Thank You Kamala... A Word of Caution, on MSNBC the past couple of Days, the Michigan Pols such as, Gretchen Whitmer, have stated that Michigan is too close to call... Michigan has one of the largest Arab/Palestinian Populations in the USA... About 600,000 in the Detroit Area alone.... If because of the ongoing Slaughter in Gaza, they 'Sit-On-Their-Hands', and decide not to Vote, they could throw Michigan to DJT, which could help decide the Election... At least 10,000 Palestinian Children have been killed thus far... Netanyahu's Coalition is trying spread this War into the Greater Middle East... This Country will not benefit from this Escalation, or from DJT's Election... Time to help end this War by ending the flow of Offensive Weapons to Natanyahu's Government...
I hope excited young voters understand that their votes could well decide the election. They will not get the "perfect" candidate because such a thing does not exist. Even good old Honest Abe Lincoln had his destractors in his party -- strict Abolishionists who found Abe too moderate and willing to compromise in order to keep the Union together. The problem with single-issue voters -- and the "true believer" types with a cause -- is it is hard for them to act strategically. Sometimes you have to take a detour in order to get where you want to go.
I absolutely agree & I make ph calls to the WH all the time trying to tell both potus & VP that very thing.
Mainly because I am appalled at the death & destruction, but also because continuing this course they are on could cause Trump to win. Please Democrats join me in calling & apply pressure on Biden to stop sending weapons.
Have any of you heard about the torture & rape of male prisoners by Israeli guards? It has been captured on video & a doctor said the man suffered a damaged anus, perforated bowel, & broken ribs!!
This man was not a Hamas member.
When the govt said they were investigating the incident & would hold those guards accountable, there were Israelis protesting in the streets because they believe they should be allowed to act that way toward Palestinians, they have so dehumanized them.
Even men in Netanyahu’s far right govt have stated publicly that they should be able to torture & rape Palestinian prisoners!! How in the world can our govt continue to support a govt, a people, who are behaving in this manner??
If you follow the Foreign News Sources, this Torture of Palestinian Prisoners has been documented... Remember one of 1st things that Netanyahu's Gov't did was cutoff the News out of Gaza... This included targeting Correspondents... Over 80 have been killed... Richard Engel of NBC, Richard has Serious Credentials, he is a very Seasoned War Correspondent, was let in today inside Gaza... I believe I heard that he has never seen such Devastation... Long & Short, what I have seen is that the Israelis don't consider the Palestinians are People... Recently, over 700,000 Israelis were in the Streets protesting the non-release of the Hamas Hostages... Not the 40,000+ confirmed Palestinian Dead... Some Sources estimate over 300,000 Dead... Remember, the Palestinian Struggle dates from the 1920's, from shortly after the British Balfour Declaration... Both Sides are now Quilty of Attrocities... 'An-Eye-For-An-Eye, and A Tooth-For-A-Tooth' leads to a Blind, Toothless Village...
I have a paid subscription to Al Jazeera & I read articles from Haaretz(sp) I find vids on IG, etc
Yes, I’m aware of IDF not allowing outside journalists into Gaza except under highly restricted circumstances, & the killing of 100 or more Palestinian journalists.
I was just complaining that American msm aren’t covering these horrors.
I wish she could say how she really feels on this issue. She's been outspoken and I wish she could have retorted to DJT's "she didn't even meet with" Bibi..."I sure as hell didn't--another dictator!"
I felt right after that exchange that we lost a LOT of young voters also.
Defending fracking? Oy!!!
"...most lethal military..."
I could hear the excited new voters dropping like flies.
I believe that Kamala did meet with Bibi... It was another DJT lie... DJT needs AIPAC$$$... I see your 'Points'... Kamala has to be very Careful 'Threading The Needle'... She is still part of Biden Administration...
She did attend an already scheduled meeting/rally with her sorority and did not meet with him until later. It was enough to appear to be a snub, which was good. I understand what you are saying...I'm not sure anyone has ever been in such a tough position when running. I'm for her, of course, but this article is more serious about the work ahead to be done: but it might scare centrists and "undecideds" because of the publication. At first we thought HE was winning the other night because he kept getting the last word, and we thought ABC was letting him get away with breaking the rules and then quickly re-read the rules. Still think about going and re-watching. I think that she is worth liking and will do a good job. But some young folx are so worried about her ties to law enforcement--again, tough position to be in to be a presidential candidate at the same time as being the VP.
A 'Snub' is appropriate... Netanyahu is No Friend Of The USA... He tends to favor the Republicans... He interferes in our Politics... Look at how he treated Clinton, Obama, Biden, and Kamala...
I think there are more than we know. We have groups and PACS of Republicans in support of Harris such as the Lincoln Project, George Conway’s PsychoPac, Nikki Hailey never Trumpers. Plus, I think there’s a group of Haitians in Florida who supported him in 2016 that are far less likely to do so again. Add to this the way he underperformed in the Republican primaries along with the thousands of new Democratic voter registrations happening simply because Taylor Swift endorsed Harris, and you have a positive indication of how this election will go.
Possibly Rove’s message was not only to reassure the faithful trumpers but to message tfg also. Not to encourage him to do better but to remind him that he has to toe the line after he is elected by the electoral college vote. I’m sure that the real power brokers are counting on that.
They are in for a big disappointment from my view.
So did all the republicans since reagan. Reagan got the ball rolling and the rest of them followed suit. I knew that when they stole Gore’s presidency and no one went to jail, we were in for increasing corruption. That fed the beast and brought us trump and j.d. vance.
True but at least we lived in times them where he could be kept accountable. The corruption and propaganda are so thick, that is no longer possible. Even George bush said he would never have been elected had there been no Fox News.
The yam’s haranguing about what she’s been doing for 3.5 years ignores the reality that as VP she has been in a supporting role, working to promote the President’s agenda. She is now talking about her own proposed agenda. And Rove hasn’t been paying much attention if he thinks Americans want the world according to Project 2025 and the yam.
And ESPECIALLY the fact that Cheetolini was PRESIDENT for four years, and two of them with a totally sycophantic House and Senate, yet did nothing except destroy the economy with welfare for the rich.
Border bill was a trap and they would not remove the trap from the bill. It was purposely done so they would have a point/tool to use against him. Tricky, but no cigar.
Right! That's like holding Pence accountable for Jan. 6, the botched deal with the Taliban, the failed Covid response...
But the media swallows it whole, and solemnly repeats "Why didn't Kamala fix all this when she was Pence?"
Harris nailed him pretty well, though, when she gave him that prosecutorial look and said, "You're not running against Joe Biden. You're running against me. You may have noticed. I'm not Joe Biden."
Rove and his ilk would still be kissing the ring if Trump had performed as required. They still have the same piece of damaged goods they've had all along; what's the big surprise? ALL they care about is winning.
That's the only redeeming feature Trump has! That he's so psychotic and so out-of-control that even his MAGA masters can't make him do what they want. I sincerely want him to stay in the race and not allow them to dump him, because we can beat him. Not guaranteed, but looking possible.
Christina - I think Trump delivered as promised to his multi-billionaire masters during his first term: they got the enormous tax cuts, the weakened Federal state and the politicized judicial establishment, Yes, Trump's antics have gotten worse, but he is the tool of our beloved (snark alert!) American Oligarchs, and is till useful to them if -- and only if -- he can get the Electoral votes need to win the White House and perhaps bring in Republican majorities in both Houses. God help us.
I continue to have no respect for Karl Rove. He’s yet another apologist for Trump, a man child who has no business being POTUS. What we saw in the debate was Trump being Trump, unfettered and out of control, which is his norm. Yet, Rove has the audacity to criticize Biden’s policies and attack Harris by suggesting she’s too liberal. The problem is Trump, full stop. He’s too radical and out of step with the majority of the country. He tried to overthrow an election and has criminal charges still pending. Trump has no moral compass and is 100% self serving. If Rove cared about the welfare of this country he’d stop pretending like Trump is actually qualified for the job, as would the WSJ.
Rove is no mere apologist. He was the prime mover and strategist—from his early days as a High School Republican — that envisioned our current Supreme Court, ruling a far right society, — and who made Trump possible by making all his spineless enablers possible . It’s fascinating that Rove is now publicly pronouncing Drmp’s failure. Is 45 finally irrelevant, fit for his righteous resting place under the Republican bus? Interesting.🤔
I know, Maj. I really fear Rove has an ulterior motive: sneaky article setting the stage for dumping Trump. He's too sneaky to put something like this out without having a secret and nefarious objective.
Indeed, Rove is too diabolically calculating to make a comment like this casually. I wonder if Trump hasn’t now served his purpose, and his unmanageable sociopathy, especially his schoolboy crush on Putin, has become a liability. What if the Rove Underworld will dispense with Trump and we won’t have to!? @Robert Reich — what do you think?
I actually think that IS the plan. Peter Thiel, Musk, Don jr, & perhaps a few others, convinced him to choose Vance for a reason. He’s more religious, more malleable, politically inexperienced, very ambitious, he’s young, & he basically owes his career to Thiel.
All of the 100 foundations, funds, anti abortion groups, & orgs that are the collaborators & financiers of the Heritage Foundation think that Vance is much more likely to advance their Christian Nationalist agenda than Trump is; but they know they need Trump with his idolatrous voting base in order to win.
All of those people are evil & anti-democratic, but they are sane & they are smart. They have been plotting this takeover of the govt for 50 yrs & they thought they had it within their grasp in 2020, they are going to do everything they can think of to not let this opportunity slip through their fingers now. They see how demented & out of control Donald is, they just need him to keep up the fight for 54 or so more days. I think if he were to win & get all the administration appointments in place, the powers behind the throne would either 25th Amendment him or pay him off, with a huge sum of cash & a pardon, to announce his retirement due to illness.
Then they’d have a young President Vance to implement Project 2025 with the unitary Presidency.
I still lack confidence. Those so called “undecided voters” are simply Trump voters attempting to assuage their guilt. They know tRump is a terrible human being. They vote for the candidate who feeds their hidden racism and misogyny.
Bonnie, they DON’T know he’s terrible. There are at least 3 MAGAS on my NextDoor posts who make excuses for everything he says/does. It’s amazing. “He was joking.” “That’s not what he meant.” Today one said he hasn’t been convicted of anything yet.
I know, Jan C! They don't even know he's been convicted of rape and 34 felonies! I have neighbors who solemnly tell me that, if Harris gives first-time home buyers $25K credits, the sellers will be forced to buy more expensive houses, that will drive the housing market up, and it will crash. Other neighbors solemnly tell me they're so excited about RFK Jr., because "if he can get in, he'll fix a lot of things that are wrong with the environment." Then she said, "Oh, but we know the system's rigged, so he probably won't get in." Then there's the guy in Shamokin who said, "I'll always vote for Trump because he's a working-class guy just like us." Dear God.
Steve, the same person who said Trump hadn't been convicted of anything yet also said that the people telling us nobody's eating pets are the same people who are telling us the border is secure. I asked her to cite proof that the City Manager of Springfield, OH also works for BPS or INS. I'm sure she won't reply. She hasn't answered me yet about whether the geese the Haitians caught were pets. Imo she's as unhinged as DonOLD himself.
PS, R. My NextDoor pal did reply re pet geese. She said “What difference does that make?” and created a nice image of people walking down one of our main roads carrying geese whose necks had been wrung. Props to her for that.
Me: 1/ Pets and wild animals are different which is why different words describe them.
2/ Stealing is a crime, hunting isn’t.
Hope you and your private soap opera have a good day — lots of material out there now (probably always, but election years are always especially fruitful).
I disagree that all of those voters are racists and/or misogynists. Some, yes, but not all of them. That said, I think the majority share Trump’s 'me, me, me' attitude. I've heard people I know (and many that I don't) sing his praises because they had more money in their pockets during the Trump administration. With those people, it's all about them; nevermind our country as a whole.
At least some of them blame that on Biden, and are convinced that Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine if Trump had been re-elected in 2020. There's just no reasoning with those people.
I think many really believe Trump will help their economic situation. The misogyny and racism are certainly a factor but I think people here over rely on those as factors. But hard to prove one way of the other.
Oh believe me, I will continue to behave and donate as if it’s my job to get Harris elected. I just can’t comprehend how a decent person, let alone tens of millions of decent people, could vote for tRump. And I voted for Republicans from 1976-2016, so there’s no long term history of supporting Dems.
Not in Florida. Trump's a convicted felon, but Florida law says you can vote in Florida if you were convicted in another state and are not in jail at the time of voting.
Is that what undecided means- that you are really going to vote for Trump but unwilling to admit it publicly because of what people would think of you? Let's hope not too many of those.
People need to understand what Trump plans on doing to the economy, health and healthcare, civil rights, the rule of law-- what will that do to their pocketbook?
I'm sure some are like that, but more are just badly mis-informed. They're surrounded by people they love and/or trust who keep repeating things that aren't true. A key characteristic of many Republicans is they're just not very good at identifying what's true from what isn't. They're reluctant to question beliefs or think more deeply around certain subjects because it makes them feel unsafe. It's a defense mechanism to protect their ego and identity.
They could use some help to feel safe and explore why they believe what they do. Also gently reminding each other why honesty matters. It's the foundation of our freedom to self govern by holding power accountable. When powerful interests lie, it's an attack on our freedom.
Is it possible that Rove is attempting to save the Red party from eating itself by this criticism, i.e., bringing forth this truth to get the party to wake up to the nightmare they created by enabling this ridiculous excuse of a leader.
May the Red party pay a price of several election cycles to restore their sanity.
Vote Blue, for g/God’s sake and the sake of our democratic republic.
I don't think today's Republicans have any respect for Karl Rove, George W., or any of the previous generation. I doubt they will care about anything they say.
Yes, the power brokers could have fought Trump off in the early days. Rick Wilson point blank told them something to the effect that they could spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get rid of him then, or spend millions later*. They laughed off his warning.
*I don't remember the exact numbers, but I do remember that information is in Wilson's book, Everything Trump Touches Dies.
I have little doubt did that my representative, worthless in her own right, would be quite glad for the GOP to get rid of Trump and the party return to it's normal mendacity and thievery. She's afraid and cowed like many of them who aren't straight up crazy MAGA.
Rove represents the #RepubloFascist side of the Republican Party where the focus is clearly on the corporate and financial concerns of billionaires. They know that Trump is going to hurt their bottom line bigly, and without the evangelical dogma on their back, they can tell it like it is. Trump sucks for big business. End of story.
No. Jan C., don't hope that. Because, who would they put in his place? Look who they put in Biden's place when he was dumped, and look what happened. Pray that Trump stays the course because we can beat him.
Rove and his billionaire owners were very eager to move on from Biden. If you ask me it's because they're hoping that Kamala won't follow through on fighting price gouging and monopolies.
So. Reich is now using a "fascist" to support his side. I have seen the good, kind, decent Democrats use fascists to do work for them before. When you see the real character of the Democrats -they are for a ruling class, never for the people -it will be clearer. I pray the American people wake up! To how much the elite leaders disdain and fear them for being free America person. Don't be in doubt; wake up. They hate us. They hate democracy. Try to ask questions, please.
Do Trump’s supporters even know who Rove is and what he did? Nixon? Low information people who don’t read and love Trump because he has made racism and sexism cool.
Well, Mr. Dirty Tricks Rove: Biden’s policies are not failed. Trump’s policies were- plunging us into deep debt, killing a million Americans in the pandemic, buggering the supply chain and causing inflation. The problem is with substance, not debate tactics.
Ok. Mr. Rove , a question: are you remotely surprised at Trump’s performance? Think it was a one-off? I suspect you knew it would be very bad. Is there anything that will make you put aside your deep partisanship and declare that Trump is unfit for office? Does he need to soil himself or sexually assault someone on national television? What will it take? When will you take you public criticism of him to its logical conclusion (as the Cheneys have done ) and endorse Harris? Do you hate America?
Isn't it ironic - Rove was a chief architect of destroying the Republican party (the Eisenhower Republican party). His actions and influence helped to sire Trump and MAGA.
Laura Loomer needs to crawl back under the rock she lives under (with apologies to rocks). She is piss poor protein (ICU nurse talk) and a pitiful excuse for a human being.
Crawl back under your rock. You helped almost destroy this country. The bar for trump was so low worms were suffering. And my final comment, “Fuck You”
Karl Rove
Fully agree, but when Cheetolini has someone as despicable and pro-fascist as Turd Blossom ripping him, he's in a deep pile of doo-doo. . . .
They are already beneath whale shit.
Don't tell RFK Jr.! He might collect it and put it on his desk or something.
To Christina K -- Hah! Good one.
To feed the worm.
He will have no use for a desk now.
Do not knock unpleasant but true environmentalism. You put extra ions in an ocean H2CO3 and water freezes less and less ( at a lower temperature)and the bones of fish dissolve. With less ice heat is taken into oceans instead of being reflected back into space . Duh!!
That is an insult to whale shit.
True ; at least the whale shit is part of the ecosystem, and not a destroyer of it.
Yes, they are certainly more toxic
Yes! He should apologize to the whale shit immediately!! the Marianas trench.
That may just be low enough.
Rove spoke the truth but MAGAs can’t handle the truth…to paraphrase Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men. 👊🏽
And they are not even good men.
I think “few” implies that many, hopefully not most, are not good men.
I did not use the word "few" for reason : those of whom I wrote are not even good men at all. All of them.
But they are not honorable men.
This is something I have found hard to get used to.
Arthur, Rove spoke a truth, but it was just to make himself look more aware of what happened. He said absolutely nothing that everyone who watched the debate didn't see, maybe even less. Rove is such slime, he will figure out how to slip into the good graces of someone in the party who will help him get past the vengeance Trump may take on him. Although, I doubt that. Trump needs Rove and his slithery self to keep him afloat. The "debate" criticism was the same old same old, Rove trying to be relevant and powerful when he is now old hat.
Rove showing how smart he is and applying for a job with Trump—even though he wouldn’t last as long as 48 hours. Trump doesn’t require everyone to kiss his ring, you have to kiss his ass. I don’t think Rove could do it many times.
Oh, you really underestimate Rove. Of course he could.
Rove craves that power
So what you’re saying is that Rove wouldn’t even last 1 Scaramucci in a Drumpf administration. How sad it’s come to this for him 😢 <— me crocodile tears
I think Rove spent his time in office piling up enough billions, banked in the Caribbean, that he doesn't need a job anymore.
Maurice, with his ego, Rove wouldn't do it once. He would, however, offer Trump all kinds of help and advice for a price and toss out his bonafides like candy to a child and Toddler-/Trump will pick them up and Rove will be in. Rove has been around Trump and knows just who and what Trump is and he is OK with it. He just got mad about the "debate" and that Trump was beat by a woman, again, just as Hillary Clinton beat him 8 years ago, just not in the white states and the states where massive money was pumped in to tear Clinton down. Harris should do better maybe because Rove is less prominent this time. Who knows?
Dump the Trump!
In the proper facility that keeps him in. No toxic leakage.
Ugh, Laurie! 😞😤 🙂
I'm a little confused – Rove said "tying her to President Biden’s failed policies" - exactly what policies would those be? And, "the argument that she’s a far-left politician out of sync with America’s values" - really Karl? The Republicans are the party out of sync with America's values. And they're going to find out at the ballot box in November.
I despise Karl Rove, even with this, he’s got a lot wrong with the Harris ticket, but his salient points are quite correct about Chump and his sorry ass performance. Hopefully, enough Republicans will see this and at the least stand down for this election. Chump and his acolytes must be handed the most humiliating, devastating, defeat possible in history, if this nation is to survive.
Karl Rove, so despicable, proved Stuart Stevens’ book title, “It was all a lie.” Biden-Harris policies have worked so much better for plain, ordinary people. Republicans are the ones who vote for depriving women of essential healthcare, forcing their religious beliefs on everyone else, defunding public schools, not feeding hungry children, AND voting against common sense gun laws and for NO RESTRICTIONS on weapons -the leading cause of death for children. They lie about their records. They are so far in the past, they are medieval. The only good Republicans are pushing up daisies. Harry Truman
And John McCain.
Unfortunately, the die hard Republicans will vote for Trump. They may not like him but they will vote for the party even if it will destroy our democracy. So afraid of becoming socialist and , of course, communist. They are delusional...
It's not the die-hard Republicans I'm worried about so much as the reactive non-thinkers. My neighbors, acquaintances, and read-abouts who will vote for Trump because: 1) he will protect their 401(k), the hell with the free world ending; 2) Harris' homebuyer-help plan will cause the housing market to crash; 3) he'll bring in RFK Jr. who will singlehandedly fix the environment; 4) he's a working class guy like me; 5) I listened to Harris' plans and I don't think she can get any of them through Congress. These are all real examples. I've come up with a new talking-points plan for these neighbors. I ask them what they think about the eating-cats-and-dogs statements. Then I am very sympathetic when they say he didn't mean it or it's not important. I sympathize with them and appreciate their position. I say Of course you have a right to your opinion that he didn't mean it, and you may be right. And Trump is entitled to his opinion that in Springfield they're eating cats and dogs. But the mayor and the police say it's not true, so I think, while Trump is entitled to his opinion, he may be wrong about it. But here's what concerns me: if Trump gets an opinion--maybe he's wrong or confused about something--that the Russians are attacking us, and he thinks he ought to press the nuclear war button, then that's what worries me. He's entitled to his opinions. But I don't want someone with opinions like they're eating cats and dogs in Ohio to be in charge of the nuclear war button. I don't think that's safe for us. What do YOU think about that?
I literally don't know any other way to break through these reactionary voters' mind-sets.
I just watched Vance reiterating his lie that the Haitians are eating pets in Springfield. Such a racist asswipe. The blood of the legal immigrants and any illegal immigrants is on his hands for spouting that hateful dehumanizing drivel.
I guess you have to be tolerant of other opinions; that's democracy.
In the case of many I know, it's willful ignorance. And in this case, that equates to stupidity. I've always run with a "well-educated" crowd (on paper) but this year, I've given up on almost all of them. That education has done them zero good and cannot overcome "mine, my, me me me selfishness". And don't forget to throw in "but the cost of groceries/gas/utilities with a dash of but the babies".
M K I refer to that as the IGMFY (I Got Mine F*** You) mentality.
How will the Republicsns see this? Do you think Maga will post it? There is a lost opportunity that we could repost this and other columns if only Reich would make his columns, and especially this one, shareable.
Karl Rove wrote all this in an opinion article in The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday or Thursday.
It was shocking, coming from him, but all so refreshing to read something truthful in The Wall Street Journal for once.
You can click the copy button to share these articles. I just did. Wish these were regularly published in NYT or WaPo or Guardian though
Exactly right about Rove having a lot wrong about Harris' policies. Harris/Biden were blocked at every turn, especially at the border by tRump and his republican congress, which has accomplished the least of any congress in history as a result of their middle school antics.
They always have to
Disparage her as
Well For the fine people
On both sides narrative.
His suicide note should be a comprehensive apology to appear on his tomb which should be a PUBLIC TOILET😁😁😁😁
Rove tricked 70% of Americans to support the Iraq fiasco.
Rove should trick 70% of Americans to support the Deprogramming of all Americans that don't appreciate:
Let's collaborate!😁😁😁😁
I totally agree with you.
Yes, we know exactly to whom you referred, Boss Hog Rove.
I love it. This boss hog is not pretending now.
He, like so many others, has decided due to Trump’s power and intractability to come out and tell the truth for the sake of the country whose very value to us is now in peril due to a very bad man and an electorate that desperately must be convinced.
For once, I am a little bit proud Rove is an American.
Our ignorance and overconfidence have made us as a nation very vulnerable to Trump. We are at a critical juncture that even Rove sees as a time for true patriotism and self sacrifice to make this country better. It is not just up to George Washington. It is not only up to generals mattis and kell, who have seen that unwilling President at work. We must educate our people and quash Trump’s rampages, insurrection, and get him out of there!!!
To many ignorant and stubborn Republicans in our country
Too little, too late.
And his family never able to resurrect any semblance of his campaign or time in office 🏬
The one and only Turd Blossom - aptly put, GW.
Whooo...thanks for clarifying...
I agree with your last remark absolutely and hope American voters will do so!
I understood who you meant immediately, but thanks for clarifying.
In answering Rove's (who I, personally, - well, despise may be too strong, but, whatever, despise) question at the end, "What does that make Trump?" Well, I've considered Trump "dumb as a rock" since the day he came down the escalator - in front of HIS paid "supporters." (re: one of the more STUPID responses to Ms. Harris at the debate) His "great gift" to today's republican party is he lured white nationalists out from under their rocks as he led the "Birther" movement and, therefore, the "Tea Party." The ONLY way he "crawls back under his rock" (in Riker's Island?) is if Ms. Harris defeats him in November and Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, and Fani Willis are allowed to complete their cases against him!
Anyone else would be in jail and the key thrown away
Trump has needs
Might as well put Trump and people like him under a microscope!
He must be on top. He sees it that way.
Like the child of an alcoholic, or a cold that is beaten, molested, abandoned- Trump passes on these norms to his family.
Are any of Trump’s apprentices still with this nepotistic company!!!
What happened besides non disclosure agreements????
Thank you
Totally with you! I can't stand the guy, he indeed almost destroyed our country.
I grew up knowing a rankout artist like Trump!! He grew up to be a surgeon! I hope he does not support Trump. I grew up living near the little hill in Jamaica estates queens that Trump grew up on. I was there in 1971 till 1973. There was a Sri Chin moy center just 27 blocks away.
It is very understandable that this big mind Trump that was transported to military school in his early teens now
Craves affection, adulation, and being a dominant figure since his parents had so much power over him. He was so lonely. Becoming the top of his military class was his only way to power. The same for his football feets. The same for his ownership of golf courses and the perceived ownership of buildings where the owner paid 500 k to put Trump’s name on the door!
WOW-Top of his class at military school? There had to have been some real morons in his class for that to happen. One of Chump's professors at Wharton said publicly that Chump was the dumbest fucking student he'd ever had.
I had a similar response Mark when I read that Alberto Gonzales had endorsed Kamala! I was immediately transported to Ashcrofts' sick bed & his willingness to coerce a very ill man to sign off on an illegal surveillance program.....While grateful for Kamala's growing coalition of support, these people are fundamentally responsible for why we have Trump today, their legacy: the destruction & degradation of our way of life.
Heartwarming to see we’re not letting that a-hole, Rove off the hook because he admits Trump massively failed the debate, which would be quite a stretch for even him to lie about. His entire essay is filled with back-handers to Harris, so it’s pretty evident Rove would still vote for the guy who would finish destroying our democracy.
Here's what Kamala should have closed with: WE'RE NUMBER 1!!!
The markets.
Energy production.
And by Truth Social which is failing - ye shall know Trump.
I love that Truth Social is failing but not so much that Trump will make any money on it. Another scheme to rob his cult of $$$.
Marjorie Taylor Green invested!
Good 👍 I hope she invested a LOT.
Doesn't look like he can avoid bankruptcy. Several outstanding lawsuits.
INDEED! Wave the flag! CLAP! CLAP! Off the chair! FUCK Karl Rove to Pluto and back in a boomerang swing of my fucking pickleball racket to the power of TEN! indeed with the flag clap clap off the chair
Dana - So I take it that you do not care for Mr. Rove, then?
But we'll spare the horse he rode in on.
LOL. Thank you for sparing the horse.
It is telling that Chump is bragging it was his best debate performance ever (everything he does is the best, right?) On that, I might actually agree with him. It probably was his best debate performance ever. Like all his other abilities, mediocrity would be a far stretch of a compliment. Compared to normal, average people, he’s a complete failure at every level, except possibly being a con man, he’s sometimes good at that, but even that dubious distinction is beginning to wear thin.
Okay haha. I liked your comment and then was like whoa better verify.
He destroyed an impossible amount of the good will our allies deserve and expect from us!!
You are way too kind.
Wait, is your comment to Reich or Rove?
Karl Rove
Thank you.
Succinct and on-point MH. Well put.
Thank you for your adios and " fu k you" to Karl Rove......and to crawl back under his rock.So Clean and simple. Truly cleansing. Thankyou!!!!
He still drinks the Koolaid. There are no failed Biden administration policies at the border or on the economy.
That's where the new AIbot threw me off! WHAT border issues? Are some of Bunkerboy's "nasty" policies still in place? Likely. Are there 130,000 "CUH-CUH-CARAVANS!!!" marching towards our borders? NO!
Although our borders would be BIGLY safer had those Traitors agreed to the BIPARTISAN border deal . . .
The "border issues" were due to COVID, and the Biden Administration's insistence on following the law and implementing it in a humane manner. Every R knows this. Yet, they refuse to change the law nor invest in manpower necessary to fix it.
And the economy was what Trump left. It took
2 years to suffer his plague. Plus 1.2 million people
Dead. Worst in the world. Suffer the fool.
We all know this because Trump enjoyed 2 years of obamas. They need to speak more about the economy he left Them and how they fixed it.
And the low inflation now.
I know prices are killing us here in Canada too.
Exactly! Biden has only successes, and successes-obstructed-by-the Do-Nothing/Let's Impeach Some Democrat 118th Congress (such as the border bill). Does Rove consider a 2.5% inflation rate, a 4.something% unemployment rate, a booming stock market, and many Biden fans on Wall Street who write public letters of support, a failed economic policy? I also did not like the nasty subtle sneer about "the debate will not help Harris much or hurt Trump much in the final analysis." Disagree! I think his boy Tricky Dick lost to JFK largely because of their debate.
Christina - not to forget the role sinema and manchin played as obstruction wrecking balls for Biden's plans.
The more I think about what Rove wrote, the more I realize that Rove is angry because Trump did not tell believable lies--he was too unhinged. "Biden's failed economic and border policies" sounds better than "The worst economy in history," and "Millions of immigrants are coming over the border, committing crimes, and eating your pets," but it's the same message.
His handlers and no one can
Control trump. They are about to Go through some things…..#dementiadonOld every day is his best. Yesterday was horrendous.
Fortunately, that was a time of an electorate who read and listened to a journalism that presented both sides of the political parties platforms and events of the day. Today that is difficult to find - on both fronts.
My personal opinion is that 24 hour "news" is one of the problems in being well-informed today. The same iformation, correct or incorrectly slanted, is repeated ad nauseum until it becomes fact in minds.
Precisely, why do they not pin any of the immigration issue on the billion$ wall that only worked as a grift for his friends? I am so glad she reminded viewers that he meddled in our foreign affairs for campaign fodder... killed immigration bill (also Israel cease fire negotiations not mentioned)... shouldn't there be enforced laws about those acts?! Biden/Harris have Infrastructure plan implemented, tfg never got past talking about it, rather like his 7yr attempt at a healthcare plan and only achieved a concept of a plan...or so he says...I think that is debatable too. Vote 💙
I would someday like to see who got the contracts for all of the steel and it’s movement to build his wall that Mexico was going to pay for, don’t you know that there’s dirt there. I have often thought that we should tear it down and recycle the massive amount of steel into girders to build bridges with, because bridges build better relations than walls. We could do something creative with all of the assault rifles that no American needs, by using the aluminum and steel to build memorials to those we have lost because of their use.
The bridges concept is lovely, although I wouldn't trust the integrity of any material involved in a tRump project. I've read he's always been a skin flint, penny pinching, cheat when his own outlay was involved and, while that wouldn't be the case here, he has a track record of hiring all the worst people. Maybe some additional details will come up in this ones (as example) Dec trial which should have already occurred in May.
The wall that was impenetrable and blown over in a high wind.
Or by walking a few sections over to where it never got built, even though he claimed (at times) that he 'd finished it...ditto ISIS...he didn't do that either.
Leave the damned wall as a monument to Trump's stupidity and hubris. Human traffickers and smugglers cut thru or go over or around The Wall: its discontinuous segments are treated as mere annoyances, something akin to speed bumps.
It was noted that the previous presser he did at the border was in front of a segment that had been installed during the Obama years, it was structurally more sound than the bits he managed to get upright, yet takes credit for all…and takes responsibility for nothing.
I couldn't agree with you more! When I found out that the person I started dating in ‘17 had voted for him, citing the “good businessman” BS, I quit seeing him. I have zero respect for anyone that ignorant, immoral or possibly both. Vote 💙
George Lopez said it best we'll get over it. (HBO special) another celeb that hated the naranja pendejo bigly.
No mas pendejo, el ladrón, pinche cavron!
As for the botched Afghan withdrawal, thirteen American deaths were regrettable and preventable, but Biden got us the hell out of there. How many more Americans would have been killed had we not withdrawn from that disastrous campaign. And what would Trumpty-Dumpster have done any differently? Nuke his way out of there?
Trump negotiated a withdrawal directly with the Taliban and cut out the Afghan government. Part of the deal was the release of 5000 Taliban prisoners – who promptly went right back into fighting mode against our troops. Trump also agreed to an impossibly short deadline for the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, but, as usual, had no plan for implementing that withdrawal. He left his bad deal for Biden to carry out. How dare he criticize them for doing the best they could with every deck stacked against them?
He probably saw the writing on the wall and knew he would be leaving Biden with a mess for his bid in 2024
Kelly - I believe you are correct, but on the actual withdrawal process itself, I read that our State Dept was very slow moving, for whatever reasons, in clearing visa applications for Afghan allies and/or dependents to leave and come to the US. Perhaps this was a legacy of the Trump/Rex Tillerson head lopping exercise at State. Also, I think there was not enough time or transport available to get out everyone we wanted to evacuate. Of course the US expectation was that the Afghan national forces would hold off the Taliban for months longer than they did. The end game showed the US in a very poor light, and the Biden team has to shoulder a lot of the blame for lousy planning.
R Hodsdon: Good point. I had forgotten about the head-lopping at State. And you are no doubt right about the paucity of transport. I have spoken with Afghan refugees who got out that day. The children are still dealing with PTSD and the adults have close family members who are in hiding or are in exile and are trying to join them here.
He set Biden up
For sure. Wish they realized that.
Trump’s right-hand minion, Nazi lover Steven Miller, saw to it that all but one US military base was shut down before Biden took office, sabotaging our soldiers ability to get all of our weapons and troops out. I know for a fact he slowed the paperwork down to allow the brave Afghani and Iraqi interpreters who worked to help our military to leave with their families. Read the memoir of the Iraqi Code Name Johnny Walker by Jim DeFelice to learn about the brave men Donald Trump and Miller tried to leave behind.
Yes, everything you pointed out is true, & I get really angry that very few people mention it. The visas for our Afghan Allie’s were a mess because of Trump & Tillerson due to their staffing cuts, & that department’s under funding for many years. When Trump made this deal with the Taliban for our exit & set a date, why didn’t his admin get busy on those visas? Why didn’t his admin start removing all that equipment out of the country along with the massive troop drawdown, the equipment & vehicles that they rant & rave about Biden leaving behind? Why did Trump shut down the airbase, leaving only the one, as the way to get the remaining 2500 soldiers plus 1000s of allies evacuated?
Then we need to remind people that Trump refused to allow ANY of his admin, including the state dept, to communicate with the Biden transition team so that they could be prepared to hit the ground running.
IMO a big portion of that evacuation, that looked so horrible on our tvs, can be laid directly at Trump’s feet.
This is an important point that too few people have made, especially in the MSM. I thought the withdrawal went remarkably well considering the haste with which it had to be undertaken and the pressure hostile forces were applying. There are definitely things that could have been done better, in particular starting the withdrawal earlier (a factor in the haste mentioned above) and trying to get more of the Afghans who had supported us out of the country.
Directly related side note: I wonder if the suicide bomber who killed 13 Americans and 170 Afghans (whose fate is rarely mentioned in these complaints) was one of the 5,000 Taliban released by Trump.
Somewhat related side note: I was evacuated with my Vietnamese wife from Saigon on 24 April 1975, so I have direct personal experience with such events.
James - Thanks for sharing your experience. Must have been very tough.
Re the bomber at the gate - I think I read it was an ISIS action, not Taliban.
What Trump did was set up the withdrawal from negotiating with the Taliban rather than the Afghan government to freeing 5000 (or, thereabouts), Taliban - to kill us. We should be thanking Biden for getting us out.
If anyone is interested, here are some articles around March 2020 that discuss the Afghan deal with the Taliban. Basically Trump made a deal to yank us out and no bite back if they didn't stick with the agreement. The only counter was the Taliban respected him so they wouldn't dare.
I would like to know how much money the Taliban paid Trump cause you know he doesn’t do anything that doesn’t benefit him personally.
Everything he touches dies.
it was A Setup For Sure
And the trumpette made the plan with the Taliban. No one speaks of that much. I wish Biden would have postponed but Trump set him up
That’s what happened.
Biden would have needed to bring more troops back if he were to postpone. It was a terrible decision.
Yes it was terrible. I was stunned.
He did what he did. Set a trap for Biden.
or on Afghanistan either. tRump set them up for failure.
and Momala was never a border czar. She negotiated with Central American countries and it worked.
The press will get 45 elected. I am appalled that 43% of Americans support him. 30% I could believe -- the cultists, mayhem lovers and delusionals.
He mainlines it, in an Iv port so he gets a huge dose in every day.
Thank you!!
That was
For the both sides argument 🤮
this was exactly my thought.
It strikes me as amusing that Rove offered up such weak arguments as Trump’s best ammunition. There is no border crisis, and Trump, himself, killed the border bill that gave Republicans much of what they wanted. The economy is basically the strongest in the world, with millions of jobs created and inflation down. What inflation there is comes from the price gouging Harris proposes outlawing. And, yes, Trump’s record on jobs was one of the worst in history. It seems Rove was advocating more lying - something the Republican party relies on to fool voters.
Karl Rove’s comments sound almost reasonable on the surface until you realize that he is speaking in code that only his acolytes understand and with his fingers crossed behind him. He is a brilliantly evil hybrid of Rasputin and Macchiavelli.
...crossed with Murdoch and Putin's love-child.
"Bush's Brain" got us close to where we are today (trump and maga and project 2025).
I'd be interested in your translation.
Yes, Ilene, please de-code for us.
Bring out the decoder ring.
Rove spun it as a bad presentation rather than Harris depicting Trump’s policies as far right and out of touch.
Maybe his motive by writing this piece was to help the believers continue to believe in some of the more important lies, like the border, the economy, and Harris’s supposed do-nothing 3 years.
It's really difficult to imagine what his motivation is. It's almost like the Democratic Party leadership's public questioning of President Biden's fitness for another term on the eve of and during the Republican National Convention. Word of caution, though; that actually turned out pretty well because of President Biden's deft handling of it and Vice President Harris's amazing acceleration.
I think it's virtually impossible that the Republicans could convince their nominee to withdraw, and it's completely implausible to think that they could force him out.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the Republican nominee consumes every bit of available oxygen, even if it's by saying crazy things and behaving even worse. While he's doing his thing, which basically meets expectations, VP Harris doesn't get the attention she deserves and needs. Perhaps that's Roves' angle.
His motive is he is an evil, greedy, prick, and trump is stealing all their funding, and driving the crazybus off a cliff. Rove is irrelevant with trump at the wheel.
I watched Harris while trump blew farts out of his mouth. Her expressions were hilarious and so on point.
He knows he's a pariah to most of the country and he's trying to rebuild what's left of his shattered reputation in the same manner that Nixon attempted rehabilitation. And there will always be enablers in the MSM.
In another few years he'll be an "elder statesman" <gag>
Withdraw and then have to deal with JD? No thank you.
I hope you're right, Bob, about "completely implausible." I really do.
I don't get why you are supporting his statement that it would be completely implausible for the Repugs to drive Trump out. Are you a pro - Trumper??
I think they’re saying they’d rather have Trump as a candidate than someone sane who might win.
Actually, what I meant was that they know if they force him out, he'll destroy the party. his view is, "If I can't have it, nobody can."
Oh, as in someone SANE who might actually quash their little plans to destroy American democracy? Yes, that would be a problem for the 2025'ers, now wouldn't it. Maybe we could propose that Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzenger, Mike Pence, and any other Republican who openly opposed Trump run together as a committee!
Well he couldn’t most certainly come out and say Trump killed it
So he had to mealy mouth around the both sides argument 🙄
…plus the jobs issue and the fact that he he didn’t actually look at her.
I'm afraid the Republicans may be cooking up a plan to kick Trump off the ticket because of his "age-related disastrous debate." Rove's article would make sense in that light. He's colluding with other Republicans and setting the stage to dump Trump. It happened to Biden. It could happen to Trump. I want Trump to stay because I think we can beat Trump. I'm not sure we can beat, say, Nikki Haley.
Beware the 'October Surprise'.... The Republicans Have Been Masters At It Since 1968... I can see the Evil Siths starting to Smile...
I believe short of demise of the candidate it is too late.
It’s really is too late at this point. Ballots are being printed. Many states with early voting won’t have time to update. They’d have to go with a write-in campaign. They won’t chance that.
Christina - Rational Republican voters might prefer Haley to Trump, and die-hard Dem-haters would switch, but I think Haley did not generate enough support within the MAGA crowd. I think Harris could beat her, too, though I agree that having a weak, wounded Trump staggering around the spin rooms like EL Toro midway through the bullfight, braying about how he "beat Harris" and "those people eating pets" is delicious to watch and I am savoring the the sight of his humiliation. He deserves it all.
Nikki Haley is a flat-chested, skinny, not nearly as bright as Kamala Harris, shrill, T-rump wannabe! Don't even go there!
sorry, but as much as I dislike her, critiquing her body does nothing except make you sound as bad as they are.
Nikki Haley is a Repuglican flake, and I don't need your "critique" to make me think otherwise! Robust, full-bodied women are powerful. Women with Mensa-quality IQs are powerful women, i.e., KAMALA HARRIS! WOMEN WHO CAN THINK ON THEIR FEET, IN BOTH COURTROOMS AND IN FRONT OF TV CAMERAS, ARE HIGH-POWERED WOMEN! During the "debates" between Repug "candidates" for Pres., Nikki Haley, like all the rest of them, could not bring herself to say she wouldn't back Trumpty Dumpty! So much for courage under fire! Nikki Haley is a flat-chested nothing burger! She should go back to NC and maybe vie for a low-level clerk's job!
I don't disagree with your assessment. Nikki Haley is not the brightest bulb in the room, and she's a hypocrite, liar, and coward. HOWEVER, bringing in any woman's physical characteristics cheapens your point. And when you open that door, people who criticize women's looks walk through, like those who made fun of Michelle Obama's hair, Hilary's pantsuit, etc. etc. ad nauseum.
Donnie's boss Vladimir Putin has a pretty standard way of kicking someone off with some KGB poison.
Nah. Defenestration or an airplane crash seem to be Pootie's preferred M.O.
There’s no way the die hard trump cultists would accept “the establishment” Republicans trying to push him out, they would turn on them immediately. IMO the Christian Nationalists abortion abolitionists who are behind Project 2025 are counting on Trump to win & then either Amendment 25 him or pay him off to retire due to illness. That’s definitely why they schemed to get Vance chosen as the VP. He is more controllable than the crazy man, less likely to go off on a wild tangent or balk at implementing their Biblical laws.
That was my thought too.
I have said for months and I just said it again. They are going to drag him As Far as
They can and then turf him. Then we Will Never see him again. Dementia Don is having his best day everyday till There is no more.
Then chaos insues.
Harris wins.
GQP NO more. 🤺
It’s a bit late. Ballots are printed.
It’s really all they’ve got. Trouble for them is it is not going to impress too many undecided, nor bring back any traditional Republicans.
Undecideds are semi comatose.
Laurie, what I don't understand is how someone can have their hand in the fire and not be able to decide if it's too hot. Gee, I can't decide if I want everything I've worked for to go down the toilet. Gee, I can't decide if we really need elections after all. I guess you're correct. Semi comatose, or brain dead. Maybe they'll follow taylor swift's suggestion.
The numb nuts will never do something for the Common Good. Their greed and lust for power has corrupted them while threatening the world.
If the most weak minded calls themselves “undecided,” please do us a flavor and do not decide with us! Undecideds are misfits and uneducated like their leader! Pass by! Stay uninvolved and uninformed! YOU are not our type!
Those who are undecided are a red herring in this drama. I suspect many of them won’t even vote so as far as I’m concerned, they’re not worth wasting time or energy worrying about. I don’t have the numbers on how many of them there are but if the election is so fragile that it depends on a handful of votes to swing one way or the other then it’s best to spend time and energy recruiting those who still have a mind left.
Good point Susan! Hadn't thought of it like that. To give him his due rove is a master tactician so yeah quite possibly
lies are all they got. lies, hypocrisy, obstruction, grandstanding, lies, mis direction and information, projection, gerrymandering. lies, cheating, voter suppression, lies, money that will buy the best lies, intimidation, blackmail, election interference, frivolous lawsuits, and lies.
they really can't win without cheating.
This is Good News... However, there are Caveats... Rove's Analysis only Applies to the 'Sane' Old-School Republicans, such as the Bush Dynasty... The MAGA Zombies will still be True Believers... DJT said today that DJT doesn't want another Debate with Kamala....Thank You Kamala... A Word of Caution, on MSNBC the past couple of Days, the Michigan Pols such as, Gretchen Whitmer, have stated that Michigan is too close to call... Michigan has one of the largest Arab/Palestinian Populations in the USA... About 600,000 in the Detroit Area alone.... If because of the ongoing Slaughter in Gaza, they 'Sit-On-Their-Hands', and decide not to Vote, they could throw Michigan to DJT, which could help decide the Election... At least 10,000 Palestinian Children have been killed thus far... Netanyahu's Coalition is trying spread this War into the Greater Middle East... This Country will not benefit from this Escalation, or from DJT's Election... Time to help end this War by ending the flow of Offensive Weapons to Natanyahu's Government...
I hope excited young voters understand that their votes could well decide the election. They will not get the "perfect" candidate because such a thing does not exist. Even good old Honest Abe Lincoln had his destractors in his party -- strict Abolishionists who found Abe too moderate and willing to compromise in order to keep the Union together. The problem with single-issue voters -- and the "true believer" types with a cause -- is it is hard for them to act strategically. Sometimes you have to take a detour in order to get where you want to go.
I absolutely agree & I make ph calls to the WH all the time trying to tell both potus & VP that very thing.
Mainly because I am appalled at the death & destruction, but also because continuing this course they are on could cause Trump to win. Please Democrats join me in calling & apply pressure on Biden to stop sending weapons.
Have any of you heard about the torture & rape of male prisoners by Israeli guards? It has been captured on video & a doctor said the man suffered a damaged anus, perforated bowel, & broken ribs!!
This man was not a Hamas member.
When the govt said they were investigating the incident & would hold those guards accountable, there were Israelis protesting in the streets because they believe they should be allowed to act that way toward Palestinians, they have so dehumanized them.
Even men in Netanyahu’s far right govt have stated publicly that they should be able to torture & rape Palestinian prisoners!! How in the world can our govt continue to support a govt, a people, who are behaving in this manner??
If you follow the Foreign News Sources, this Torture of Palestinian Prisoners has been documented... Remember one of 1st things that Netanyahu's Gov't did was cutoff the News out of Gaza... This included targeting Correspondents... Over 80 have been killed... Richard Engel of NBC, Richard has Serious Credentials, he is a very Seasoned War Correspondent, was let in today inside Gaza... I believe I heard that he has never seen such Devastation... Long & Short, what I have seen is that the Israelis don't consider the Palestinians are People... Recently, over 700,000 Israelis were in the Streets protesting the non-release of the Hamas Hostages... Not the 40,000+ confirmed Palestinian Dead... Some Sources estimate over 300,000 Dead... Remember, the Palestinian Struggle dates from the 1920's, from shortly after the British Balfour Declaration... Both Sides are now Quilty of Attrocities... 'An-Eye-For-An-Eye, and A Tooth-For-A-Tooth' leads to a Blind, Toothless Village...
I have a paid subscription to Al Jazeera & I read articles from Haaretz(sp) I find vids on IG, etc
Yes, I’m aware of IDF not allowing outside journalists into Gaza except under highly restricted circumstances, & the killing of 100 or more Palestinian journalists.
I was just complaining that American msm aren’t covering these horrors.
AIPAC, and the Israel Lobby have much Power in the USA... Criticism of Israel is the Political Third Rail in this Country....
I wish she could say how she really feels on this issue. She's been outspoken and I wish she could have retorted to DJT's "she didn't even meet with" Bibi..."I sure as hell didn't--another dictator!"
I felt right after that exchange that we lost a LOT of young voters also.
Defending fracking? Oy!!!
"...most lethal military..."
I could hear the excited new voters dropping like flies.
I believe that Kamala did meet with Bibi... It was another DJT lie... DJT needs AIPAC$$$... I see your 'Points'... Kamala has to be very Careful 'Threading The Needle'... She is still part of Biden Administration...
She did attend an already scheduled meeting/rally with her sorority and did not meet with him until later. It was enough to appear to be a snub, which was good. I understand what you are saying...I'm not sure anyone has ever been in such a tough position when running. I'm for her, of course, but this article is more serious about the work ahead to be done: but it might scare centrists and "undecideds" because of the publication. At first we thought HE was winning the other night because he kept getting the last word, and we thought ABC was letting him get away with breaking the rules and then quickly re-read the rules. Still think about going and re-watching. I think that she is worth liking and will do a good job. But some young folx are so worried about her ties to law enforcement--again, tough position to be in to be a presidential candidate at the same time as being the VP.
A 'Snub' is appropriate... Netanyahu is No Friend Of The USA... He tends to favor the Republicans... He interferes in our Politics... Look at how he treated Clinton, Obama, Biden, and Kamala...
I think there are more than we know. We have groups and PACS of Republicans in support of Harris such as the Lincoln Project, George Conway’s PsychoPac, Nikki Hailey never Trumpers. Plus, I think there’s a group of Haitians in Florida who supported him in 2016 that are far less likely to do so again. Add to this the way he underperformed in the Republican primaries along with the thousands of new Democratic voter registrations happening simply because Taylor Swift endorsed Harris, and you have a positive indication of how this election will go.
Possibly Rove’s message was not only to reassure the faithful trumpers but to message tfg also. Not to encourage him to do better but to remind him that he has to toe the line after he is elected by the electoral college vote. I’m sure that the real power brokers are counting on that.
They are in for a big disappointment from my view.
He just didn’t want to be wrong Friday
Rove is still a RUpublikkkan shill. He is still insinuating(“ Biden’s bad policies”) etc. despite his criticism of trump performance. He is a relic
Rove still can't be trusted and although his comments were what most of us saw, he's still that untrusted snake in the grass.
The proverbial leopard cannot change its spots.
I appreciate the "KKK," but the term "thug" implies strength. Those flacid man-babies are "betas" compared to infants fresh out of their mother!
🎯🎯🎯He is one of those evil cursed relics, too.
Karl Rove helped create Trump.
So did all the republicans since reagan. Reagan got the ball rolling and the rest of them followed suit. I knew that when they stole Gore’s presidency and no one went to jail, we were in for increasing corruption. That fed the beast and brought us trump and j.d. vance.
How different our country would be if we had gotten Gore and HRC.
*better* *more advanced*
It goes back to Goldwater and Nixon. Racism was a precursor.
Good point.
That was the runup to all of this, yes.
It goes back to Nixon at the very least.
Since Nixon, really. he was the first despicable, Republican.
True but at least we lived in times them where he could be kept accountable. The corruption and propaganda are so thick, that is no longer possible. Even George bush said he would never have been elected had there been no Fox News.
Got that goddamn right.....
And still thinks he should win! As long as Rove is pointing out Ts failings, go completely honest and say he has proven he is unfit to serve!
The yam’s haranguing about what she’s been doing for 3.5 years ignores the reality that as VP she has been in a supporting role, working to promote the President’s agenda. She is now talking about her own proposed agenda. And Rove hasn’t been paying much attention if he thinks Americans want the world according to Project 2025 and the yam.
And ESPECIALLY the fact that Cheetolini was PRESIDENT for four years, and two of them with a totally sycophantic House and Senate, yet did nothing except destroy the economy with welfare for the rich.
She is the VP and not the President. As Harris said, Trump called his people and told them not to vote for the Border Bill!
Exactly. Trump got them to kill the bill because he wanted to run on the border.
Border bill was a trap and they would not remove the trap from the bill. It was purposely done so they would have a point/tool to use against him. Tricky, but no cigar.
Right! That's like holding Pence accountable for Jan. 6, the botched deal with the Taliban, the failed Covid response...
But the media swallows it whole, and solemnly repeats "Why didn't Kamala fix all this when she was Pence?"
Harris nailed him pretty well, though, when she gave him that prosecutorial look and said, "You're not running against Joe Biden. You're running against me. You may have noticed. I'm not Joe Biden."
There 'ya go: SHE HAD A DAYJOB. His "job" was farting-up courtrooms if what the lawyers and jurors said is true.
He was PROFESSIONAL DEFENDENT while VICE PRESIDENT Kamala Harris did her duties!
We CANNOT buy into the Never Trumpers that hate the Frankenstein they made possible. F those Bastards.
Rove and his ilk would still be kissing the ring if Trump had performed as required. They still have the same piece of damaged goods they've had all along; what's the big surprise? ALL they care about is winning.
They thought they could control Trump…like the German establishment controlled Hitler… NOT.
That's the only redeeming feature Trump has! That he's so psychotic and so out-of-control that even his MAGA masters can't make him do what they want. I sincerely want him to stay in the race and not allow them to dump him, because we can beat him. Not guaranteed, but looking possible.
Christina - I think Trump delivered as promised to his multi-billionaire masters during his first term: they got the enormous tax cuts, the weakened Federal state and the politicized judicial establishment, Yes, Trump's antics have gotten worse, but he is the tool of our beloved (snark alert!) American Oligarchs, and is till useful to them if -- and only if -- he can get the Electoral votes need to win the White House and perhaps bring in Republican majorities in both Houses. God help us.
Winning and then implementing Project 2025. We cannot let that happen. VOTE!!
Many are still kissing his ring. Stay tuned. They will be running scared.
I continue to have no respect for Karl Rove. He’s yet another apologist for Trump, a man child who has no business being POTUS. What we saw in the debate was Trump being Trump, unfettered and out of control, which is his norm. Yet, Rove has the audacity to criticize Biden’s policies and attack Harris by suggesting she’s too liberal. The problem is Trump, full stop. He’s too radical and out of step with the majority of the country. He tried to overthrow an election and has criminal charges still pending. Trump has no moral compass and is 100% self serving. If Rove cared about the welfare of this country he’d stop pretending like Trump is actually qualified for the job, as would the WSJ.
Rove is no mere apologist. He was the prime mover and strategist—from his early days as a High School Republican — that envisioned our current Supreme Court, ruling a far right society, — and who made Trump possible by making all his spineless enablers possible . It’s fascinating that Rove is now publicly pronouncing Drmp’s failure. Is 45 finally irrelevant, fit for his righteous resting place under the Republican bus? Interesting.🤔
I know, Maj. I really fear Rove has an ulterior motive: sneaky article setting the stage for dumping Trump. He's too sneaky to put something like this out without having a secret and nefarious objective.
The motive is for him to acquire power. Don't ask me how that this might do this.
Yes, and trump has neutered him.
Indeed, Rove is too diabolically calculating to make a comment like this casually. I wonder if Trump hasn’t now served his purpose, and his unmanageable sociopathy, especially his schoolboy crush on Putin, has become a liability. What if the Rove Underworld will dispense with Trump and we won’t have to!? @Robert Reich — what do you think?
I actually think that IS the plan. Peter Thiel, Musk, Don jr, & perhaps a few others, convinced him to choose Vance for a reason. He’s more religious, more malleable, politically inexperienced, very ambitious, he’s young, & he basically owes his career to Thiel.
All of the 100 foundations, funds, anti abortion groups, & orgs that are the collaborators & financiers of the Heritage Foundation think that Vance is much more likely to advance their Christian Nationalist agenda than Trump is; but they know they need Trump with his idolatrous voting base in order to win.
All of those people are evil & anti-democratic, but they are sane & they are smart. They have been plotting this takeover of the govt for 50 yrs & they thought they had it within their grasp in 2020, they are going to do everything they can think of to not let this opportunity slip through their fingers now. They see how demented & out of control Donald is, they just need him to keep up the fight for 54 or so more days. I think if he were to win & get all the administration appointments in place, the powers behind the throne would either 25th Amendment him or pay him off, with a huge sum of cash & a pardon, to announce his retirement due to illness.
Then they’d have a young President Vance to implement Project 2025 with the unitary Presidency.
He just cannot be allowed to win!!
And then we are looking at President J.D. Vance. Contemplate that.
Ah, yes, the Hillbilly Boy Prince. After his season in the sun, I'm wondering if he won't just go back into business to make a lot of money.
More likely he will follow DJT's example and make a lot of money while in office. He doesn't strike me as the type to willingly relinquish power.
🎯Yep, he is the architect of the evil republican party.
Maj Hem, you said it. Two thumbs up!
I still lack confidence. Those so called “undecided voters” are simply Trump voters attempting to assuage their guilt. They know tRump is a terrible human being. They vote for the candidate who feeds their hidden racism and misogyny.
Bonnie, they DON’T know he’s terrible. There are at least 3 MAGAS on my NextDoor posts who make excuses for everything he says/does. It’s amazing. “He was joking.” “That’s not what he meant.” Today one said he hasn’t been convicted of anything yet.
I know, Jan C! They don't even know he's been convicted of rape and 34 felonies! I have neighbors who solemnly tell me that, if Harris gives first-time home buyers $25K credits, the sellers will be forced to buy more expensive houses, that will drive the housing market up, and it will crash. Other neighbors solemnly tell me they're so excited about RFK Jr., because "if he can get in, he'll fix a lot of things that are wrong with the environment." Then she said, "Oh, but we know the system's rigged, so he probably won't get in." Then there's the guy in Shamokin who said, "I'll always vote for Trump because he's a working-class guy just like us." Dear God.
And such a large percentage of the population thinks just like these folks 😳. I’ve found there is simply no way to penetrate the mental malfunction.
OMG. How do you stand it?!? 🤯
Hey, here's no law against Stupid, right? Free country an' all that...amirite?
Oh dear lord!?!? He’s working class?? That is so delusional, I can’t stand it.
Donald has not done even one day of physical labor in his life.
Probably thanks to fox "news"
has he hooked their child? What is it anyway? It ain't pretty.
Steve, the same person who said Trump hadn't been convicted of anything yet also said that the people telling us nobody's eating pets are the same people who are telling us the border is secure. I asked her to cite proof that the City Manager of Springfield, OH also works for BPS or INS. I'm sure she won't reply. She hasn't answered me yet about whether the geese the Haitians caught were pets. Imo she's as unhinged as DonOLD himself.
Thank you, Jan C for that scene the little Soap Opera in my head that I'm calling "As the World Burns."
You’re welcome, R.
I think your catchy comment is missing a word, but ok.
True that there’s no law against stupid, nor can it be fixed. “They walk among us.”
PS, R. My NextDoor pal did reply re pet geese. She said “What difference does that make?” and created a nice image of people walking down one of our main roads carrying geese whose necks had been wrung. Props to her for that.
Me: 1/ Pets and wild animals are different which is why different words describe them.
2/ Stealing is a crime, hunting isn’t.
Hope you and your private soap opera have a good day — lots of material out there now (probably always, but election years are always especially fruitful).
I disagree that all of those voters are racists and/or misogynists. Some, yes, but not all of them. That said, I think the majority share Trump’s 'me, me, me' attitude. I've heard people I know (and many that I don't) sing his praises because they had more money in their pockets during the Trump administration. With those people, it's all about them; nevermind our country as a whole.
Ironic, considering Bunkerboy's lover, Pootin, is the reason they have less spending money. [sic]
At least some of them blame that on Biden, and are convinced that Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine if Trump had been re-elected in 2020. There's just no reasoning with those people.
I get what you are saying but imo if u aren’t actively refuting racism and misogyny then you’re aligned with the enemy of freedom and peace
I think many really believe Trump will help their economic situation. The misogyny and racism are certainly a factor but I think people here over rely on those as factors. But hard to prove one way of the other.
They are the anti-woke party. What do you think that means?
still, in the voting booth, they/we have privacy... maybe even dump will vote for Harris, one can only hope! hah
you know melania's votin for kamala lol
Oh believe me, I will continue to behave and donate as if it’s my job to get Harris elected. I just can’t comprehend how a decent person, let alone tens of millions of decent people, could vote for tRump. And I voted for Republicans from 1976-2016, so there’s no long term history of supporting Dems.
Thank you Bonnie... we appreciate you!
Welcome to the light.
Hahaha! CONVICTED FELONS lose their ability to vote!!! Bunkerboy won't ever be able to vote again!X'D
Not in Florida. Trump's a convicted felon, but Florida law says you can vote in Florida if you were convicted in another state and are not in jail at the time of voting.
Is that what undecided means- that you are really going to vote for Trump but unwilling to admit it publicly because of what people would think of you? Let's hope not too many of those.
People need to understand what Trump plans on doing to the economy, health and healthcare, civil rights, the rule of law-- what will that do to their pocketbook?
Absolutely! Just mentioning Project 2025 is not enough.
I'm sure some are like that, but more are just badly mis-informed. They're surrounded by people they love and/or trust who keep repeating things that aren't true. A key characteristic of many Republicans is they're just not very good at identifying what's true from what isn't. They're reluctant to question beliefs or think more deeply around certain subjects because it makes them feel unsafe. It's a defense mechanism to protect their ego and identity.
They could use some help to feel safe and explore why they believe what they do. Also gently reminding each other why honesty matters. It's the foundation of our freedom to self govern by holding power accountable. When powerful interests lie, it's an attack on our freedom.
Totally agree. The “undecideds” are low information voters and will likely vote for Trump but just can’t bring themselves to own their vote.
Yes. Even though Harris trounced Trump it will still be an uphill battle for her, because she is woman and her skin is dark.
Is it possible that Rove is attempting to save the Red party from eating itself by this criticism, i.e., bringing forth this truth to get the party to wake up to the nightmare they created by enabling this ridiculous excuse of a leader.
May the Red party pay a price of several election cycles to restore their sanity.
Vote Blue, for g/God’s sake and the sake of our democratic republic.
I don't think today's Republicans have any respect for Karl Rove, George W., or any of the previous generation. I doubt they will care about anything they say.
The Red party thought they could control him. Instead they enabled, encouraged his worst instincts as a power play; “own the libs”.
They got more than they bargained for - sold their souls for a NY shyster, scofflaw obsessed with money and fame.
Rick Wilson warned them about Trump years ago, but they didn't listen to him. Now he's engaged in a very effective fight against them all.
They couldn't fight him off. Changes in the money flows weakened both Partys.
Yes, the power brokers could have fought Trump off in the early days. Rick Wilson point blank told them something to the effect that they could spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get rid of him then, or spend millions later*. They laughed off his warning.
*I don't remember the exact numbers, but I do remember that information is in Wilson's book, Everything Trump Touches Dies.
I have little doubt did that my representative, worthless in her own right, would be quite glad for the GOP to get rid of Trump and the party return to it's normal mendacity and thievery. She's afraid and cowed like many of them who aren't straight up crazy MAGA.
I think considering the low information level and plain stupidity of Trump’s base they wouldn’t know who Rove is, and maybe not Nixon either.
Let us pray for hat it's several election cycles.... Oh Lord.
Rove represents the #RepubloFascist side of the Republican Party where the focus is clearly on the corporate and financial concerns of billionaires. They know that Trump is going to hurt their bottom line bigly, and without the evangelical dogma on their back, they can tell it like it is. Trump sucks for big business. End of story.
Yes. Trump is a wild card that F’s the Billionaire Class and their plans. He’s weak, now, and doesn’t serve their interests anymore-
Jay. Then I hope they F him back by bailing on him.
No. Jan C., don't hope that. Because, who would they put in his place? Look who they put in Biden's place when he was dumped, and look what happened. Pray that Trump stays the course because we can beat him.
Christina, I didn't mean they should DUMP him. I meant they should quit sending him $$.
Huh? Are you saying you don't like Harris and that her candidacy is a mistake??
I think she's saying they might find someone better. Took me a minute to work it out.
That is why billionaires, with the exception of the "Career Loser" who TANKED Twitter, are jumping off the Trumptanic.
Rove and his billionaire owners were very eager to move on from Biden. If you ask me it's because they're hoping that Kamala won't follow through on fighting price gouging and monopolies.
So. Reich is now using a "fascist" to support his side. I have seen the good, kind, decent Democrats use fascists to do work for them before. When you see the real character of the Democrats -they are for a ruling class, never for the people -it will be clearer. I pray the American people wake up! To how much the elite leaders disdain and fear them for being free America person. Don't be in doubt; wake up. They hate us. They hate democracy. Try to ask questions, please.
When Karl Rove and Dick Cheney say Trump is nut, it is serious.
Do Trump’s supporters even know who Rove is and what he did? Nixon? Low information people who don’t read and love Trump because he has made racism and sexism cool.
Well, Mr. Dirty Tricks Rove: Biden’s policies are not failed. Trump’s policies were- plunging us into deep debt, killing a million Americans in the pandemic, buggering the supply chain and causing inflation. The problem is with substance, not debate tactics.
Ok. Mr. Rove , a question: are you remotely surprised at Trump’s performance? Think it was a one-off? I suspect you knew it would be very bad. Is there anything that will make you put aside your deep partisanship and declare that Trump is unfit for office? Does he need to soil himself or sexually assault someone on national television? What will it take? When will you take you public criticism of him to its logical conclusion (as the Cheneys have done ) and endorse Harris? Do you hate America?
Isn't it ironic - Rove was a chief architect of destroying the Republican party (the Eisenhower Republican party). His actions and influence helped to sire Trump and MAGA.
Laura Loomer needs to crawl back under the rock she lives under (with apologies to rocks). She is piss poor protein (ICU nurse talk) and a pitiful excuse for a human being.
And Trumps new bedmate???
Melania probably hired her!
I was wondering that myself. She seems to have no purpose other than to accompany him.
Yes, Molly, and drag all the Reptilians with her!!!!!