Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by Robert Reich

"Bullies don’t laugh with because they have no compassion for other people. They don’t know how to laugh with others because they don’t know how to connect with others."

They also don't know how to laugh at themselves. I have a suspicion Kamala can laugh at herself; she doesn't take herself too seriously--but she takes her policies and the future of the US very seriously indeed. She's got her priorities straight. I just hope she's got all her policies straight, too.

She looks like she's having so much FUN campaigning that people want to join her.

The Dems have a new Happy Warrior--Happy Days Are Here Again! VOTE BLUE!

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This is a wonderful set of comments, Maureen. I think you’re 100% correct about Harris’ ability to laugh at herself. That’s an indication of humility and humanity. She’s exactly what America needs now. We’re so fortunate to be able to look work for a winning ticket- whoever she chooses for her running mate!

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Thank you.

I can't even IMAGINE tfg laughing at himself.

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He is utterly devoid of any sense of humor (or any other redeeming quality, such as honesty, decency, compassion or honor).

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A Supreme Court decision about what constitutes porn made the following definition: Porn has "no redeeming social value." That's how I think of Trump. He's pure porn -- not one redeeming quality about him.

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EXCELLENT observation, Jan!

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He's also a psychopath:

I score his 7 out of 7 on this forensic assessment tool:


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Absolutely, Abraham! I'd have to look up psychopath and sociopath to see what the distinctions are, but I wouldn't be surprised if he qualified for both.

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Agree 💯 percent

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I really can't think of a single redeeming quality. Whenever I think he may be close - he ruins it by speaking again.

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Hate, revenge, anger, narcissism, arrogance, division and much more horrible stuff is the name of the game for TFG. In my opinion, TFG doesn't have a clue of how to laugh! He is an utterly horrible person that is obsessed with himself and only his sorry self!

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And, ultimately, compared to Kamala, he's BORING.

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Maureen, the problem for Trump is that we have heard everything he has to say, for the past 9+ years. There is nothing new, just the names have been changed and the adjectives put in front of people's names. I think his newest one is "Crazy Kamala." The problem is that when people see and listen to Kamala Harris, they don't experience crazy as they do when watching and listening to Trump himself. Funny how that works!

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GOP-ers always project their sins on their opponents. It's so predictable that it's a virtual confession of what they're up to.

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You're so right, Ruth! Aside from tacking his usual denigrations onto different issues, Trump hasn't had one new thing to say since 2016. Another sign of mental deterioration and stagnation.

If I remember correctly, Trump called her "Lyin' Kamala" the day Biden withdrew. Imo someone pointed out that he'd been saying "Lyin' Biden" for years and should use a different adjective for Harris. Hence "crazy" which has the benefit of being alliterative.

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Spot on, Maureen! I live alone so I feel very uninhibited to talk back to the radio. If Trump's voice comes on, I tend to drown him out by chanting " Yada, Yada, Yada...." It's very therapeutic!

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Lark, I keep the remote handy when watching the news so I can hit mute as soon as Trump's image comes on screen. I'm tired of his voice, let alone the screed that spews out of his mouth.

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With Trump, same !💩 different day

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Seeing him lose, and go to jail, now THAT'S therapeutic.

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SO true!!! Another good point for people to ponder.

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My hope is that this changes the political landscape and how politicians treat each other. The attacks are not working. He's only ramped up his vile comments and it's not working. He single handedly has changed the culture of this country. Since he walked down those steps announcing his candidacy I've noticed a change in humanity (increased aggression, lack of respect, lack of manners). It's felt like the wild west. Biden started to move us back. Kamala will show that we can be tough, kind, and decent and still have a good time addressing tough issues. HARRIS FOR PRESIDENT

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Compared with mold on the wall, he's boring.

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he's running 2016 campaign again; same old same old.

They know they're losing and all they can do is hurl insults.

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And same old same old is boring.

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Not to mention body odor and halitosis


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And he hates dogs!

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I think he hates animals; which really scares me. If you don't like animals, if you hurt animals, or if animals don't like you...something is wrong.

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Peggy, a sure sign that he's unfit to hold any elected office. <not sarcasm, I'm serious>

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What's even worse, his running mate hates cats apparently! That is just not a winning ticket!

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Add to that, the odor that he emits from the adult diapers he wears and is too lazy to change them. I can well remember how bad that odor was as i fathered 4 children and i changed their diapers when they were babies. I cannot fathom how bad TFG's soiled diapers smell. i don't even want to think about that!

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John, and concentrating totally on himself has got to be depressing because there is nothing there but a sometimes loud voice and all the negative emotions about everyone else, including those who have cleaved themselves to him, not realizing that self-absorption leaves nothing for connecting with anyone else except very superficially.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

His voice is like fingernails on a blackboard

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Yes, Donald Trump is a narcissist. But so is Joe Biden. Even today, he refuses to resign, and in the process of staying U.S. President, he is making things very awkward for Kamala Harris. Biden is power hungry, a control freak - like Trump. When will he bough out, let Harris have her turn, and let her maximise the advantage he has over him and Trump in the 100 days left? Time is of the essence, and Harris needs every minute of it!

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Gunnar -- if Biden were to resign today...Kamala would be hard-pressed to spend the next 3 months campaigning, she'd be up to her eyeballs in the dreary, day-to-day business of trying to keep our adversaries at bay and our allies in line and feeling secure because "America had their back". And what of the MiddleEast, the world's oldest forever conflict, thousands of years old and still smoldering, ready to break out into conflagration at any moment.

No, Kamala should be allowed to get her total focus on Job 1: Winning the election. Let Joe handle the wildfires and the missiles and the arms shipments and the peace negotiations. She has this brief respite before it becomes HER mess, and Joe has this time to leave his mark on history.

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R. - So, you're saying that "Job 1: Winning the election" is more important than the policies? Isn't that putting the cart before the horse? In order to submit an informed vote, we need to know what each party's policies are - that's what democracy means: acting on information, not acting on pure guesswork.

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Wow - you missed the info boat

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Jul 31·edited Jul 31

Why should he resign? He's the elected President, and those who could remove him for incompetence seem to think he's doing fine. Just because many in his party did not think he could win the 2024 election does not mean they think he is incapable of serving as president.

Do you live under a parliamentary system? If so, I can understand why you would think he should step down; it's what a prime minister would do if his party voted him down.

But the US is not a parliamentary system. The president is elected for a fixed term, and he serves it out (no matter what his party thinks of him) unless he is incapable of doing so. If he stepped down, it would taint his legacy and force Kamala to spend much of her time defending his legacy (which, as she was his VP, is also her legacy) instead of attacking Trump. See R. Hodson's reply to you for more detail.

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This is actually advantageous for both. He can concentrate on governing, & she can concentrate on campaigning.

I hope Biden will take care of the tricky, controversial things he must do to correct our course as much as he can before Kamala takes over.

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To reiterate what Maureen said, Biden isn't withdrawing because he's now incompetent to do his job. It's that he's unlikely to maintain his ability to govern throughout the next term, so it would be irresponsible to run again for that reason, but he should be able to finish out his term no problem. But if it is a problem, he can retire at any time & Harris can take over.

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unless he is thinking of some evil he can do.

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Orange antichrist!

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Trump is another billionaire anti-Christ using religion to protect the billionaire class.

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Trump is actually partially possessed by adversarial beings who serve the AntiChrist. It is correct to speak of demonic possession in his case.

The arrival of these spiritual beings on the scene of human affairs is a new phenomenon, less than a hundred years old. So we are facing a whole new set of challenges. That's why people are feeling things are getting worse.

A key characteristic of these beings—technically known as Asuras—is that they attack the human ego directly, aiming to destroy our earthly self. They directly oppose Christ, who is our higher self.

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If he did, I would seriously question if it was maybe a body double!!

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Either that, or the Invasion of the Body Snatchers has started.

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I would suggest an exorcism. Try dousing him with holy water and see if he maintains that crocodile semblance of smile or starts writhing and smoking.

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Excellent suggestion!

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Besides all the other evil he manifests, he lapses into unintelligible gibberish unknown to any human.

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Steve, maybe he'll melt.

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Good one!

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I don’t think he can be spontaneously authentic about anything enough to laugh.

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A body double? THAT'S a scary thought!

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Do you think there is one?

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Not sure, Peter, but if I ever saw a smiling, laughing trump, I sure would question it!

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Peggy, a smiling Trump would have to be AI generated!

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I think they would have had plastic surgery by now

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He is one of an unkind. (Ihope).

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I suspect that if Trump ever attempted a genuine laugh, his orange make up would become craquelured like a medieval painting. He might even break his jaw.

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Maureen, heck, I can't even imagine Trump laughing at all. I can't imagine what it would sound like and what he would look like doing it! Bad images!

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So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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The Daughter of two University Professors with a sense of humor!

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No shit, and you became one too! I see ya gave a like to Exposing... and appreciate the humor. So I'm gonna give you some more serious material explaining my what I'm up to. Bob's site is better than Facebook for meeting actually interesting people.

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In early 2000, after corresponding with my late partner A.J. Meyer for 12 years he told me he came up with his model of the universe after praying to God for a solution and soon had a vision that it would come from Revelation 21. Whereby on 10-11-00 the Monolith Number answered the #1 question posed at the Strings 2000 physics conference. In late 2020 I discovered Revelation 21:6, the centerpiece of the last three of 4 Proofs Of GOD as the Theological Proof that we live in an Anti de Sitter cosmos, as shown in 2 space-time dimensions on the cover of my first 1981 book (pages 2 and 3 of Chapter 11's Biography of A.J. Meyer and Sean Sheeter).

This is a Preface to both the extended 17 chapters of The Unified 11 Dimensional Field Solution meant for physics libraries, physicists and others who want a deeper exploration of these paradigm shifting breakthroughs and the abbreviated 11 chapters of God's Unified 11 Dimensional Universe meant for physics/religion libraries and everybody in the general public with an interest in a Cosmological Unification Of Physics That Unites All Religions Under One God!!!!!!!!!!! The first two chapters are summarized in Proofs 2 and 3.

"It has been the scheme of the Christian Church, and of all the other invented systems of religion, to hold man in ignorance of the Creator, as it is of governments to hold man in the ignorance of his rights. The systems of the one are as false as those of the other, and are calculated for mutual support."  Thomas Paine


1. HISTORICAL/LOGICAL: Google the proofs and writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. He had at least 5 proofs for God. Here are two of them. The Second Way: Efficient Cause

1. Nothing is the efficient cause of itself.

2. If A is the efficient cause of B, then if A is absent, so is B.

3. Efficient causes are ordered from first cause, through intermediate cause(s), to ultimate effect.

4. By (2) and (3), if there is no first cause, there cannot be any ultimate effect.

5. But there are effects.

6. Therefore there must be a first cause for all of them: God.

The Third Way: Possibility and Necessity

1. "We find in nature things that are possible to be and not to be:" contingent beings.

2. Everything is either necessary or contingent.

3. Assume that everything is contingent.

4. "It is impossible for [contingent beings] always to exist, for that which can not-be at some time is not."

5. Therefore, by (3) and (4), at one time there was nothing.

6. "That which does not exist begins to exist only through something already existing."

7. Therefore, by (5) and (6), there is nothing now.

8. But there is something now!

9. Therefore (3) is false.

10. Therefore, by (2), there is a necessary being: God.

2. COSMOLOGICAL/DEFINITIONAL/PROPHETIC: Quantum Entanglement employs a Non-Local Instantaneous Quantum Mechanical Connection Across SPACE in a 5-Dimensional Anti de Sitter Space-Time.

The Anti de Sitter cosmos has a 3-Dimensional Euclidean Space which is Carried through the 4th Dimension of Time by a Primordial Gravitational Wave that was originally Emitted in the Big Bang. At the Big Bang the Totality of Space was a Cosmological White Hole with an Inflation Termination Radius of 7.18 meters whose Exterior Spatial Horizon proceeds to Expand outward at Light Speed before becoming the Interior Spatial Horizon of a Cosmological Black Hole with a Radius of 44.044 Billion Light Years. Which thereafter begins Contracting, finally Ending Time in the Big Gravitational Crunch after the Full AdS Cycle of 88.088 Billion Light Years.

The 5th Dimension of the Anti de Sitter Cosmology consists of a Non-Local Time-Symmetric Quantum Mechanical Connection between Future and Past that can only be Humanly Witnessed via Precognition and Prophesy. The difference between Theoretical Speculation and Reality is the very DEFINITION OF GOD as the NONLOCAL FIVE DIMENSIONAL TOTALITY of an ANTI DE SITTER SPACE-TIME whose CYCLE ENDS after 88.088 Billion Light Years, thus FULFILLING Revelation 21:6: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.”

3. GEOMETRICAL/MATHEMATICAL MAPPING Of CREATION/INFLATION: Here's the Answer to Albert Einstein's question "Did God have a choice in creating the universe" in terms of Fulfilling Revelation 21:6 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end:" Omega and Alpha Meet in one Timeless 11 Dimensional Point called the Motz/Planck Primaton, whose Mass is Derived by multiplying the Combined Proton and Electron Mass by 2 to the 63.5 power. God's Alpha Act of Creation is a Quantum Gravitational Jump to the Effective Planck Mass, whose mass is derived by multiplying Mp+e by 2 to 63.5-1/241. This Initiates Inflation by Doubly-Looped String Unravelings whose First Stage Creates 18 Superposed 6D Strings and Planck Masses from the One initial Planck mass, as represented in the three Figures of Diagram I in The Sixth Class of String Theory. The String Unravelings Cease when space has Inflated to the Heavy Higgs Scale, which is defined by dividing the Monolith Number 203+1/241 = Nu by 4, whereby the Universal Mass is Restored as Calculated by multiplying the Planck mass by 2^Nu. [There's a Second de Sitter Inflationary Era which Ends when the 4D Space is Reduced to a 3D Space at Nu/3, whereby the Spin 6 Planck masses break into 4 Primordial Spin 3/2 Gravitinos in a Third Anti de Sitter Inflationary Era that Terminates at the Big Bang's White Hole Radius of 7Nu/12 = 7.18 meters, which continues to Expand with the Emission of a 4D Primordial Gravitational Wave that was Generated by 2^5Nu/4 = 2.442996015 x 10^76 Heavy Higgs bosons.]

4. GOD'S PROOF Of GOD Via GOD'S PROOF Of WHO I AM: Yesterday 7-27-23 produced the following most amazing, incredible event of my life! I was posting replies to a fellow's query on Neil deGrasse Tyson's Facebook page about the Big Bang with The Sixth Class of String Theory. I then got to the following post:

Travis Boothe 4: The 11-21-22 date I posted this on my Facebook homepage is the Culmination of Three Revelations that define my Destiny in life and as such are the ultimate example of God's Cosmically Coordinated Coincidence Control that was Meant to be Fulfilled on that day. My late partner A.J. Meyer and I are the Two "Witnesses" of Revelation 11. A.J.'s model of the universe came from his vision of Revelation 21, while God's Definition of God in Revelation 21:6 refers to the Beginning and End of the Anti de Sitter Universe so Fulfills that Revelation in the 21st Century. And finally my Prophesy of Jesus revealing Himself as Christ the Messiah on His 12-25-2122 22nd birthday, hence Fulfilling the last book of the Bible, Revelation 22.

5: It took me 11 days to collate, write and edit the final above copy, only adding the 5D to 4D solution to wave-function collapse in the first days after the 11-21-22 post. I answered the top two questions posed at the Strings 2000 physics conference so am 22 years ahead of every physicist on this planet. Most of the papers I wrote over the first 20 years are available on the Summary page at my 241mumbers.com website and the papers on the cosmology I wrote over the last two years are available in serial order on my Facebook page, culminating in the 11-21-22 paper

In a nutshell, the above is from the concluding sections of the preceding chapter 1 - God's Unified Five Dimensional Universe as - I DID NOT POST THE ABOVE, GOD DID!!!!!!!!!!!


On Friday 3-22-24 I posted the 4 PROOFS OF GOD on the following site:

Michio Kaku post: “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.” Max Planck

Quantum physics says there exists a universal energy that has the attributes of God. This energy has consciousness and creativity.

3-23: Kev Coffey I was an atheist until the day after I had a vision of the 9/11 attacks. That was in 1971. I knew the vision was important although I was still an atheist. I was spoken to by God when wondering what it meant, so that was my atheism out the window. I had to wait 30 years, though, to know what the vision meant.

Good luck with your work but this is very much the age of atheism and contempt for philosophy. We must wait for history to unfold.

This comment preceded my reply to Kevin: Wow, right before I posted a summary of my book to you below, I realized we've just got GOD'S FIFTH PROOF that took 53 years in the making!!!!!

Flash forward three weeks later Friday: Three weeks ago Friday I posted the 4 Proofs on a post of Max Planck's quote about GOD'S UNIVERSAL MIND. Then last Sunday: Yesterday (Saturday 4-6-24, two weeks to the day after I found out about Kevin's 1971 vision of 9-11 thirty years before it happened) I found that a fellow named Evaylo Dolmov posted the following on Dr. Kaku's site: By Design: Behe, Lennox, and Meyer on the Evidence for the Creator: Which is a YouTube interview with two evolutionary biologists and a mathematician presenting all the arguments for Intelligent Design. One can argue against naive Darwinism all day to no effect without knowing that Superpositioned Qubits in Quantum Computing are Also Governed By GOD'S ANTI DE SITTER FIFTH DIMENSION! GOD Set This Up With Kev 53 Years Ago, Shut Down 241's Ability To Make Or Send Attachments for 4 Days On 3-21, two days later Kev and I find out about each other and GOD'S FIFTH PROOF Is Born!!!!! Then yesterday there was a third post Quoting Professor Kaku by a fellow named Armin Montevaghe about the wisdom of the God of Einstein, whose Question about God's choice in Creating the Universe is Answered in Proof 3. Which I thought was complete until a fourth MK post on 4-20 made me add this line: ..., which continues to Expand with the Emission of a 4D Primordial Gravitational Wave that was Generated by 2^5Nu/4 = 2.442996015 x 10^76 Heavy Higgs bosons.

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Thomas Paine On Religions Keeping Mankind Ignorant Of The Creator

As Governments Keep Man Ignorant Of His Rights

So let us briefly update and address the two central themes in Thomas Paine's precocious quote: "It has been the scheme of the Christian Church, and of all the other invented systems of religion, to hold man in ignorance of the Creator, as it is of governments to hold man in the ignorance of his rights. The systems of the one are as false as those of the other, and are calculated for mutual support." 

So let's talk about the relation between religion and polytrix in the US government. We have a Supreme Court with six Catholics, steering religion and politics to the far right, away from the Creator. We'll comeback to the original conclusion after this read about the last act taken by the Supreme Court on the first of July. TruthBeTold's post from Jim Hightower's daily news letter on 7-2:

Today the U S Supreme Court overturned the centuries long conviction of Pontius Pilate, absolving him of any responsibility for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

In a 6-3 decision along party lines, Chief Justice John Roberts found in error the long standing verdict of history that the Governor of Judea had acted out of personal motivation. Quite the contrary, Roberts wrote, it was strictly within Pilate’s official capacity that he ordered the crucifixion.

In support of his conclusion that Pilate was not acting out of personal motives, Roberts noted a heretofore unrecognized fact. Pilate actually admired Christ and had for a time considered making him court jester after being told of Christ’s whimsical parables. However, after Christ fed the multitude on three fishes and five loaves, Pilate sought to have him elevated to high priest, a plan denounced by Joseph ben Caiaphas, the incumbent. To mollify Caiaphas, but primarily to remove a threat to his regime, Pilate reluctantly ordered the crucifixion, an act well within the governor’s official duties. The first duty of every official, Roberts wrote, is to preserve and perpetuate his rule, be he governor, satrap or inspector of hides and brands.

In his concurring opinion, Justice Kavanaugh noted that crucifixion was not a death sentence, merely a punishment. Unfortunately, he wrote, some individuals perversely elected to die on the cross just to embarrass a government toward which they were ill disposed. Likewise in the case of time honored punishments such as keel-hauling and flogging there were the occasional fatalities, regrettable but hardly of consequence.

Justice Gorsuch noted in his concurrence that in olden times, measures which today are deemed cruel and unusual were in fact a necessity. Trial by water and trial by fire, he observed, were the only ways to get at the facts before the advent of the polygraph and Fox News.

Remarking the perspective she had gained occupying the Tomas de Torquemada Chair of Jurisprudence at Notre Dame, Justice Barrett stated with apodictic certainty that had prosecutors been deprived of the rack, the thumbscrew and the iron maiden, many great truths would have gone unrevealed.

Despite having been challenged to recuse himself when it was learned that Harlan Crow had given him Pilate’s solid gold death mask, Justice Thomas wrote a concurring opinion, the gist being: redemption. Romans, he observed, had long since become good Catholics and were thereby redeemed by Christ himself; they had hardly bothered anyone since their conversion, with the exception of Al Capone in Chicago, Lucky Luciano in New York, and Sam Alito in Washington, DC.

Justice Alito declared that no way could Pilate have gotten a fair trial, with the populace spreading the word that Christ was the only begotten son of God. The scriptures, Alito emphatically stated, say that we all are the children of God, and scriptures take precedence over man’s laws. “We here in this very court,” he continued, “we six justices are a testament to that divinity. If we don’t sitteth at the right hand of God, I don’t know who does.”

Justices Kagan, Sotomayor and Jackson, knowing their six confreres better than anyone, dissented.

We have a new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president. Who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025, as outlined at the end of Thom Hartmann's historical analysis of what led up to The Shocking GOP Plan to Dismantle the American Government. And all the while you've watched the Republican Party champion the idea of "freedom" while you have also watched the same party openly assault various freedoms, like the freedom to vote, freedom to choose, freedom to marry who you want, freedom for your children's teachers and librarians to have them read what they want, freedom to form unions and so on. If this has been a source of confusion, then your assessments of what Republicans mean by freedom were likely too generous. Here is what they mean: 1. The freedom to tell people what to do. 2. Freedom from being told what to do.


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Hitler never laughed either

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Trump does not laugh, because he claims that the country is near collapse, and that he alone can save it. This is no laughing matter. He has to be met with sarcasm and ridicule--then voters might laugh.

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In 2016 or 2017 he was speaking somewhere and got booed. He actually chuckled and said "Well, that wasn't the response I expected, but ok..." and moved on. I was shocked -- I didn't know he could roll with a punch or have a comeback. And I bet 8 years of aging means he can't now.

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Jan, I must have missed that chuckle because ever since he has been running for office, he has talked hate, distrust, anger, fearmongering, resentment of everyone, and has lied nearly incessantly. I don't see how he could have had energy for a chuckle. You're probably right that he could not do a real chuckle now if he tried.

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So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Sean, that wasn't a question for me in 2016 (excepting the "Daughter of..." part), and it isn't now.

I told someone in another of Dr. Reich's Substacks that I'd vote for the commenter's dog before I'd vote for Trump.

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I prefer not to imagine him at all, but I agree with you, Maureen. 🙂

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If he did laugh at himself, the smile would convey that he isn’t seriously laughing at himself.

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Trump idea of a joke involves "Hannibal Lector, sharks, boat batteries, and windmills. ;o)

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Donald Trump does indeed have a sense of humour - he speaks tongue in cheek all the time! His detractors either don't see it or choose to take him literally. The real problem with Trump's light touch/off-the-cuff remarks is that he forgets to shape policies and stick to them. This was his problem during his first term 2017-2021. Like Kamala Harris, he too needs to become serious and focus on policies.

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Trump only has one goal - greed and power for himself -

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Gunnar, keep thinking that way. Trump is not doing anything like "tongue in cheek" or maybe it's his tongue gets stuck in his cheek. He has no clue about policy, just who he resents, hates, and wants to get revenge on. That is in no way light-hearted or anything else. It is narcissism, total self-absorption. He might have once had a lighter side, but that deteriorated as his money evaporated.

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Ruth - No, his tongue doesn't get "stuck in his cheek". Not at all. In fact, as President, he was flexible, not at all 'stuck'. He was the first U.S. President to meet and talk with a North Korean leader. He broke with the stuckness of all previous presidents since the end of the Korean War in 1953.

Also, after Iran had shot down an American spy drone, he was urged to retaliate militarily. This would have meant automatically to follow previous U.S. Presidents' policy inclinations towards Iran: rage and revenge! On reflection, Trump realised that there was nothing to gain by following previous policies of beligerence. He opted to change American approach in the face of 'provocation' from Iran. That's neither narcissism nor self-absorption. Nor is it blind, unthinking nationalism.

Good on him!

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Ah Gunnar, a dictator wannabee talking with a full-blown dictator is nothing to brag about. I think Trump was looking for pointers from someone who currently had the power in his country that Trump wanted over the people of this nation. That does not make Trump flexible, unwise, perhaps!

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Mockery and snide comments are not humor. Humor collapses one's seriousness about oneself, something he lacks the humility to risk. He is a brittle narcissistic personality disordered character.

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Trump has only one policy: whatever works for him.

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"The real problem... is that he forgets to shape policies and stick to them."

The President of the United States FORGOT to shape policies? Seriously, Gunnar?

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Yes, Jan ... all the books that I've read about Trump's presidency and character suggests that he had difficulty anticipating his opponent's next move and completing his own policy move. John Bolton describes this, time and time again. The good thing about Trump was that he sought Bolton's advice, they discussed things. Trump sacked him when he realised that Bolton was an old-time Washington hawk who didn't share Trump's vision of Make America Great Again. In essence, Bolton wanted Trump to make America 'great' by insulting and provoking other nation states and sirring up international trouble. Trump regarded that as a waste of time; he wanted disengagement - from NATO, for example.

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Gunnar, of course Trump "had difficulty anticipating his opponent's next move..." That's not FORGETTING. He's stupid.

His mental limitations are both shaped and exacerbated by his narcissism and his stunted emotional/psychological development which makes him about the effective age of an average. 4-yo.

No matter WHY Trump had trouble formulating policy, the fact that he did is proof that he's not fit to be president of anything more important than his own dinner table.

Today one of the most significant peacetime prisoner swaps of all time was announced. What did Trump do? Blustered about how it was poorly done. Putin's warming up the bus in case he decides Trump needs to go under it.

And PRESIDENT Biden proved once again that whether he's a good campaigner or not, he's doing one heck of a job in the job.

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You’ve a real problem Gunnar - did your family escape from Nazi germany and move to Australia in the 1940s?

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You're kidding, right? I was 21 when I migrated to Australia in 1963 - from Norway. - Are you one of those who, by your silence, defends America's military support of Israel's genocide until after the November election? Silence means consent, Susan.

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Gunnar - What EXACTLY are Israel's choices in dealing with Hamas? And What exactly are Americans able/willing to do about effecting a change? It is a dangerous illusion to believe that America can control the actions of other states to conform to our own notion of right and wrong.

Israel-Hamas is not the only disaster that is killing innocent people, it's just the one that gets the headlines today. America can do more good in preventing needless deaths -- by providing food aid to nations suffering the collapse of their agricultural economies due to climate disasters or war; by increased trade with less developed countries; by developing and distributing vaccines for the various diseases afflicting populations living in tropical areas where malaris and guinea worm, etc. are endemic.

What we have not been able to do is produce peace in the Middle East. My personal opinion is that it is an intractable problem, and that there will be some segment of Arab nations and the state of Israel forever at war with each other. I am not arguing that we should stop trying to make peace and just accept perpetual hostility as "normal", But I do wish that well-intentioned people (in the US and in other countries) who are rightly concerned about the terrible destruction of Israel's war in Gaza would drop the pretense that America could stop Israel from doing whatever the hell it wants if we just applied enough pressure.

The difficult conundrum of American Middle East policy (in my opinion) is that American presidents/slash/American voters will never -- I repeat, NEVER -- countenance the destruction of the State of Israel, any more than they would abandon western Europe to Russian aggression. This is not to say that American policy and Israel's are in lock-step with each other.

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tfg = the f*ing genius?

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That would be the evil f***ing genius.

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efg lol

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the former guy

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Irna Gadd, I think you are right. I hope the person Kamala picks can also laugh and help her lighten things up. There is nothing funny about Trump, but there is a joy in knowing after 248 years we are still here and trying to keep our democracy alive despite a bunch of would-be dictators and tyrants, the thing we escaped back then.

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I agree with you, and appreciate all your comments on this post. Yes, we're still here, working to keep democracy (as we know it, even with its flaws) alive and improving all the time.

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I hope she chooses Pete Buttigieg! He’s a great communicator, articulate, smart and a good sense of humor. I love his rebuttals to ignorant gop and Maga morons.

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The real problem, Ruth, with American democracy was the two main parties' relative neglect of blue-collar from Reagan onwards. The Republicans were busy 'liberalising' trade by importing good on a massive scale from cheap-labour countries, especially in Asia. This led to the closure of American factories inside the U.S. and to unemployment, under-employment, low wages and degarded neighbourhoods with underfunded school. Over the decades this created an angry under-class of lumpen-proletariat who eventually discovered in Trump someone who seemed to share their hatred.

While this was going on, the Democratic Party was focused on assisting minority groups and women. This was admirable, but they, too, forgot blue-collar and instead embraced 'free trade' and cheap imports from Asia. As a foreigner I wondered whether both parties were in cohot with each other, both regarding taking care of the U.S. working class as somehow a 'Marxist' policy?

Anyway, whatever the reason, the important thing is for the Democratic Party to learn from its mistakes and stop thinking of blue-collar as a basket of deplorables. One way would have been for Biden last year to introduce a neo-New Deal economic package - something I suggested at the time. This would have reduced blue-collar anger and turned some borderline Tumpist voters towards the Democrats. But Biden's brain was too addled by then, and he did nothing substantial, and now it's touch and go who will win in November. One lesson to learn from the the 1980s onwards is not to neglect blue-collar; one-third of U.S. voters are blue-collar - and can only be ignored at your party's peril.

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So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Gosh, Sean ... you sound like a proponent of genetic engineering ... eugenics. May I remind you that university professors are not always progressive. Back in the day - 1967 - Noam Chomsky wrote "American Power and the New Mandarins", a book in which he complained about the tardy response by American university staff to the ever-expanding American-stoked war in Vietnam by LBJ - a Democrat president. Something similar is happening currently, with universities trying to clamp down on pro-Palestinian protests by students.

Yes, Trump is a narcissist, but so is Biden. Not only that, but by refusing to resign, Biden is making it awkward for Kamala Harris to campaign on a policy shift - away from Biden's stiff and sterile support of Israel's genocide by food restriction and destruction of hospitals in the Gaza Strip. It seems to me that the Democrat party machine is just as inflexible and inhumane as it was under LBJ. Please explain!

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Yes, Kamala has to make it absolutely clear that she is laughing at herself, because this is what Republicans will accuse her of laughing at Americans.

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She's not laughing at Americans, but she is often laughing at Trump, Vance, and other wing-nuts & their ideas.

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Maureen - While laughing at Trump and Vance, isn't it time the Democratic Party got its own house in order? What can possibly be more reactionary than the military aiding and abetting of genocide in the face of appeals by the International Court of Justice in The Hague? Or the alienation of America's friends and NATO allies by destroying the European gas pipeline in the Baltic?

I'd suggest you raise your gaze from domestic policies to current U.S. foreign policies under Joe Biden. They are a basket case.

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Interesting to me that extremists of every stripe don't know how to laugh. Somehow laughter opens the door and lets a little more truth in, a little more sunshine.

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Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Recently the media focus has been on the 'age issue' and the question of the mental competency of an octogenarian during President Biden's second term. So let's compare his mental competency with Donald Trump's starting with his most recent gaffow followed by a list of what he said and his cabinet members said about him during his first term. (A short list of my faves:)

Did Biden call Nancy Pelosi Nicky Haley when recently talking about the 1-6-21 assault on the capital?

Did he claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

I saved the above collection of quotes that was originally posted on a Facebook page dedicated to insuring Joe Biden's second term last year. That was before that Republican special prosecutor in his VP document's case harped on the age issue and Joe's forgetfulness of details when the guy interviewed him. I was going to submit the above to the Daily Kos before reading the two following articles updating Trump's mental problems amidst the failure of a media focus on the orange moron at the president's expense while he's trying to run this country as the GOP is fixed on trying to tear it apart.

On 2-26-24 I read their lead article titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia, cataloging his further mental decline. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a new site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that Both his Parents had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I Learned when I posted A Comparison to every response. Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long spew about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Trump has obviously been both a low IQ moron and a fascist all his life, his first attorney was Roy Cohn Christ's sake. For here's precisely how he became the Perfect GOP Candidate: A supreme Narcissist who first builds Hotels with his last Name plastered all over the top of each with a Will To Power Fixation that drives him to become a TV Star where the whole game was to have the contestants kiss his ass to see who was His most 'competent' Apprentice, Firing all the Losers before finally picking the Winner, Like Me. Which sets him up to run for President, Wrapping Himself In MAGA Flag to Beat all those Loser Politicians in the Primary and Lock Her Up Hillary in the 2016 Electoral College. Rejoice, rejoice an absolute field day for all the fascists, white supremacists, Christian nationalists, plutocrat billionaires, corporatists, corporate media, atheists, evangelical preachers and six Supreme Court Justices all Backing a Moronic and now progressively Demented Fuhrer for the MAGA Masses Who Worship Him Like A God, Further Feeding Its Insatiable Sociopathic Narcissism!!!

Turns out I also hadn't read the whole issue with A.J. Pennyfarthing's 10 stunning moments from Trump's late-night speech to religious broadcasters. You ain't going to be changing any preacher's or MAGA's minds about how unhinged DT is with any raft of articles cause that is the Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron's Lowest Common Denominator Appeal To The Wrap Yourself In MAGA Flag And $60 Bible Masses!

So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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: )

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Trumpet 🎺 Political Theater plan is to Collect All the money possible on the Table and Under The Table ; Then Be loud and Audacious as Possible; Select a Vice President willing to Sprout Crazy Talk . Then Deliberately Lose The election ; Pocket all the Money the Rubes have been Fleeced for and Go Away a fat, orange sad old man with all the money too Demented to Go to Jail .

It’s the plot of THE PRODUCERS AKA “Spring time for Hitler” think about it…

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Citizen J, I thought that was the plot 8 years ago when Trump ran, but alas, he actually got the office he didn't really want and did a lot of damage to our nation and now claims he wants to do it all over again, only this time with even more hateful sycophants and project 2025. We have to take him very seriously this time while laughing along with Kamala Harris as she tries to bring in some joy, while sending Trump and the rest of them home!

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Trump needs to be locked in a padded room - he’s very dangerous - as dangerous as Hitler would have been had he survived the war

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Wow … it would work, since he’s well on his way to making it real. Hah! … Let’s hope the “lose the election” part carries through…

Vote Blue.

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I'm sure that's Plan B.

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So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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So true, Michael. Extremism precludes humor -- it requires seeing everything through the lens of your personal "ism," which is VERY SERIOUS STUFF. That's why I'm suspicious of extremists.

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Laughing when voters are angry?

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Trump's own nephew said his uncle is a maladjusted, unstable old man. He stated Donnie often used raciest remarks that indicated his prejudice toward people of color. Fred C. Trump III has firsthand information concerning Trump and his declining mental state. President Biden shows mild signs of confusion while Trump's mental state indicates a sever level of insanity. I'll take unsteadiness over crazy any day of the week.

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Donald, remember the book his niece Mary, a trained psychologist, wrote a few years ago saying the same things? "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man," Mary L. Trump.

As a lot of us know (and say) "When Trump tells you who he is and what he plans to do, believe him."

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So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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❤️Reich❤️[and me]:"Laughing together is one of the important signs of [my ability to see my faults, aka "death of the ego"]. Contrast this with [endless exaggerations of anxiety cured by the morphing placebos of] anger, hate, and grievance."🤔🙈🙉🙊🫣🤯

❤️Scientist on the laughter required to kill my ego and see my exaggeration of threats:


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The top scientist of a top science of ❤️EMOTIONAL MATURITY ❤️(Cognitive Behavior techniques, aka CBT) has developed CBT2.0 which is a much faster (10X?❤️) treatment that YOU WILL NEVER EXPERIENCE because it requires therapists to kill their ego, which they will "never" do:🤔🙈🙉🙊🫣🤯


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So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Recently the media focus has been on the 'age issue' and the question of the mental competency of an octogenarian during President Biden's second term. So let's compare his mental competency with Donald Trump's starting with his most recent gaffow followed by a list of what he said and his cabinet members said about him during his first term. (A short list of my faves:)

Did Biden call Nancy Pelosi Nicky Haley when recently talking about the 1-6-21 assault on the capital?

Did he claim the ability to properly identify a giraffe in a multiple choice of three animals, proved he was a "real stable genius"?

Did his former college professor call him the "dumbest f--king student I ever had"?

Did Biden suggest we could build a wall with transparent concrete?

Did he ever say to the camera he wished his wife were present with him while she was literally standing next to him looking confused?

Did his own sibling say in a recorded interview that he paid someone to take the SAT for him because he was too stupid to get into college on his own?

Did Biden think people needed photo IDs to buy groceries?

Did Biden say Paris was a city in Germany?

Did he misspell basic words in dozens of different tweets only to "correct" them by misspelling them a different way?

Did he suggest injecting disinfectants into our bloodstream to kill COVID?

Did he say he didn't know what a blind trust is, despite having a "degree" in Finance?

Did he bankrupt every business he tried starting on his own, including a Casino?

Was Biden the first President in history to utter the sentence, "Belgium is a beautiful city"?

Did Biden ever say our captured prisoners of war are only heroes because they were captured?

Did he have more than a dozen of his hand picked cabinet members resign because they couldn't work with his incompetence?

Did his own Chief of Staff call him an "idiot"?

Did a Senator from his own party say, "The White House has become an adult day care center”?

Did his own Secretary of State say he was a "fucking moron"?

Did his own economic advisor say he was "dumb as shit...an idiot surrounded by clowns"?

Did his National Security Advisor say he was "a dope...an idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartner”?

I saved the above collection of quotes that was originally posted on a Facebook page dedicated to insuring Joe Biden's second term last year. That was before that Republican special prosecutor in his VP document's case harped on the age issue and Joe's forgetfulness of details when the guy interviewed him. I was going to submit the above to the Daily Kos before reading the two following articles updating Trump's mental problems amidst the failure of a media focus on the orange moron at the president's expense while he's trying to run this country as the GOP is fixed on trying to tear it apart.

On 2-26-24 I read their lead article titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia, cataloging his further mental decline. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a new site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that Both his Parents had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I Learned when I posted A Comparison to every response. Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long spew about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Trump has obviously been both a low IQ moron and a fascist all his life, his first attorney was Roy Cohn Christ's sake. For here's precisely how he became the Perfect GOP Candidate: A supreme Narcissist who first builds Hotels with his last Name plastered all over the top of each with a Will To Power Fixation that drives him to become a TV Star where the whole game was to have the contestants kiss his ass to see who was His most 'competent' Apprentice, Firing all the Losers before finally picking the Winner, Like Me. Which sets him up to run for President, Wrapping Himself In MAGA Flag to Beat all those Loser Politicians in the Primary and Lock Her Up Hillary in the 2016 Electoral College. Rejoice, rejoice an absolute field day for all the fascists, white supremacists, Christian nationalists, plutocrat billionaires, corporatists, corporate media, atheists, evangelical preachers and six Supreme Court Justices all Backing a Moronic and now progressively Demented Fuhrer for the MAGA Masses Who Worship Him Like A God, Further Feeding Its Insatiable Sociopathic Narcissism!!!

Turns out I also hadn't read the whole issue with A.J. Pennyfarthing's 10 stunning moments from Trump's late-night speech to religious broadcasters. You ain't going to be changing any preacher's or MAGA's minds about how unhinged DT is with any raft of articles cause that is the Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron's Lowest Common Denominator Appeal To The Wrap Yourself In MAGA Flag And $60 Bible Masses!

So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Laughing at themselves, or laughing any time, shatters their truly defensive tough guy persona and makes them seem weak (which they are, but don't want to reveal it) and vulnerable.

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I was going to say something similar. She looks like she's having a great time - and she's balanced. She knows when to be serious, and when she can be humorous - she can read the room!

When she is allowed to be more humorous, she literally makes me smile. I'm going through some stuff right now, and her enthusiasm gives me so much hope. It is absolutely the bright spot in the political tunnel right now.

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King Trumpet 🎺 is serious as a Heart Attack , Trumpet 🎺 is more like his Hero Herr Hitler. The Orange Jesus is serious about Two Things Money where his Heart is And Not being Accountable For Jan 6 The Attempted Coup of Our Government.

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Exactly, Maureen!

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There is also an art to making authoritarian gestures (which accompany the grim facial expressions). Most of these tend to resemble the fist salute that Trump made after the shooting and the ones he makes while everyone is shouting "fight, fight, fight."

This art could be called "Hitler Posing," (although Mussolini likely started it), and we have these photos from 1925 showing exactly how Hitler practiced the poses. He actually did smile once in these photos, but learned to eliminate those expressions from his public appearances.


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Thanks for the link.

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Trump is devoid of the empathy and remorse gene - he has no use for others that can’t give him something in return and he shows no remorse for hurting people… like his many wives and girlfriends or THE AMERICAN PEOPLE

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What comes to mind, reading Robert’s Reich’s inspiring column today, about tfg’s inability to laugh, is he’s so Deadly Serious about his driven news for rabid retribution, revenge, has poisoned his entire system. So “drained of any sense of affection, joy, happiness, pleasure, gratitude, perhaps body chemicals that affect the muscles in his face are incapable of even producing normal emotions that lead to the facial to smile, and eyes to crinkle & twinkle with delight. It’s true, these are never seen in the myriad of photos.

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This is such a good point. I saw James Comey (I know, ew 🤢 ) speak about his book years ago and he told an anecdote about being Trump not having any sense of humor about himself, whereas every other President he served under did, especially George W Bush and Obama. You can take yourself very seriously and be able to laugh at yourself -- think the more confident a person is the more they CAN do that.

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You make a great point about the importance of compassion and connection in genuine laughter. It’s refreshing to see a leader who can balance seriousness with a sense of humor.

Kamala’s ability to enjoy the campaign trail while focusing on important policies is inspiring. It’s true, people are drawn to positivity and enthusiasm.

Here’s hoping her policies match her spirit! 💙

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Actually, the point about the importance of compassion and connection in genuine laughter is Reich's, but I wholeheartedly agree. Trump's attempts at "humor" fall flat because they are mean-spirited.

My hopes line up with yours.

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Great points ,thank you Maureen.

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Thank you!

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Well said!😃 What a great change of pace! Just what the country needs!💙💙💙💙💙💙

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From a University of Michigan Grad...Vote blue and GO blue

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Absolutely astute observation! America is a country that’s just dying to laugh again. It’s so sad that the only things many people laugh at anymore are contrived for them on a television screen or a cell phone. Kamala’s cackle is good for the soul.

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I love her laugh!

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Trumpet 🎺 Political Theater plan is to Collect All the money possible on the Table and Under The Table ; Then Be loud and Audacious as Possible; Select a Vice President willing to Sprout Crazy Talk . Then Deliberately Lose The election ; Pocket all the Money the Rubes have been Fleeced for and Go Away a fat, orange sad old man with all the money too Demented to Go to Jail .

It’s the plot of THE PRODUCERS AKA “Spring time for Hitler” think about it…

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I actually thought that was his plan in 2016, until the media decided to throw him the crown. He’s trying to stay out of jail now, and he loves the attention, which he won’t get on a golf course in, of all places, Saudi Arabia, if he loses.

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Interesting theory. Loved that film, not sure I care if he is gone.

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You are so right! Kamala is a refreshing sight and candidate. It is nice to see a person who is able to laugh and see the light in a situation. I am so sick of seeing trump ridicule and call people names, lie about them, yet try to make himself look like the "savior". He is anything but the savior. He is a menace that we must not let back in our White House! Kamala and whoever she picks, will be a great president!

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You said it so well, Kerry!

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No surprise, it’s Kamala’s delightful, freeing laugh, that of a happy, fulfilled woman that triggers tfg so terribly. His reaction to this is way, way out of proportion. A giant clue, to something disturbing Off within the pathetic excuse of a person.

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Her laugh is some kind of nervous tick. She does it at inappropriate times and in circumstances when laughing is not the usual response. It doesn’t make her a bad person. Her laugh may be joyful and exuberant when done in appropriate circumstances, but it’s weird when she laughs at inappropriate times.

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So did I read your ChatGPT correctly, 1-hyenas don’t laugh (it sounds like a laugh) 2-Harris’ laugh sounds like a hyena to some people 3-people that don’t laugh can’t analyze laughter. 4- if you can’t take a joke and laugh [at yourself] you have no reason being POTUS because you really don’t get people.

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So it appears you are a maggot.

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And T. Winey here did not let us down. Every accusation is still a confession with your lot, eh Timothy?

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Projecting projection? That's a new one!


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Nope. It's the same old story, same old song & dance with your lot.


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Does a hyena actually laugh? or does it make a similar sound?

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I think we know a hyena makes a cry that sounds like a laugh to us.

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But I also know that Kamala Harris is no hyena! and we have no idea if the hyena is amused at all, when making that sound.

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Only a lioness can keep hyenas at bay.

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You’re gonna cry in November and continue to receive two likes for your ChatGPT “analyses.”

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Just looked at your garbage "newsletter" and reported you for being a troll and for the offensive, insulting, and at times cruel bile you spew.

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Thank you, Barak. He needs to go back to his cave along with all the other Neanderthals.

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I'm will to wager everyone in here convulsing is jabbed.

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Nope. Just rejecting you on a personal level.

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Go ahead. Tell the teacher. We will see if Substack really supports free speech.

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Oh my, i am sooo scared.

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PS, I boubt Barak is your real name.

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And I, Winey, doubt that you can spell "doubt" correctly. Care to make a wager?

Oh drat! You've lost the contest before it began.

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What is your real name? Bubba the baboon?

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what the fuck is IT? IT is part of musk’s simulation. IT only sends linked auto-replies.

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deletedJul 30
Comment deleted
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A MAGA moron who’s very scared

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I think he's more of a UK conspiracy theorist who'll eagerly offend anyone (including trump for his bleeding ear).

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Just another attention seeker - anything goes as long as it’s about him.

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Trumpet 🎺 Political Theater plan is to Collect All the money possible on the Table and Under The Table ; Then Be loud and Audacious as Possible; Select a Vice President willing to Sprout Crazy Talk . Then Deliberately Lose The election ; Pocket all the Money the Rubes have been Fleeced for and Go Away a fat, orange sad old man with all the money too Demented to Go to Jail .

It’s the plot of THE PRODUCERS AKA “Spring time for Hitler” think about it…

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I didn't think Biden needed to step aside. I still don't think he needed to step aside. But my God, the enthusiasm for Harris is amazing. I stand with her. You say you haven't seen exuberance like this since JFK. I say the last time I saw excitement even close to this was for Bernie. I know some on the left don't like Harris because of her history as a prosecutor, because they believe ACAB, but I don't believe that. I would rather have a prosecutor as president than a felon. And I absolutely love that she's not pulling any punches, that she and her team are not afraid to play offense. #ImWithHer

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I think the enthusiasm for her is light-years beyond Bernie. It may be a similar kind of enthusiasm, but for her it's broad and deep, energizing people of all ages, all stripes. That's what makes this different than any politician or campaign of my lifetime. Bernie energized a lot of people and performed an extraordinary service, but Kamala Harris is energizing a giant swath of the nation. We're witnessing something transformational here.

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I didn't say it was the same amount of enthusiasm. I said it was the same kind. Bernie energized people of all different demographics too. But yes the enthusiasm for her is simply amazing. I just think the last time we saw anything like this was with Bernie and we don't have to go as far back as JFK.

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100% agree. Bernie’s rallies were energized by hope! So good to feel it again 🇺🇸

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Trumpet 🎺 Political Theater plan is to Collect All the money possible on the Table and Under The Table ; Then Be loud and Audacious as Possible; Select a Vice President willing to Sprout Crazy Talk . Then Deliberately Lose The election ; Pocket all the Money the Rubes have been Fleeced for and Go Away a fat, orange sad old man with all the money too Demented to Go to Jail .

It’s the plot of THE PRODUCERS AKA “Spring time for Hitler” think about it…

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Bernie’s age, would also be an issue. How wonderful it could and needs to be when our country values the wisdom of our Elder Statesmen. As the National Treasures they Must be to Guide us into fully become A Mature Country.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

Agree with your thinking. I love Biden, am pleased with Biden’s policies and actions, and would be pleased with almost any Dem as President. I would have been delighted with Pres Bernie, and am still unhappy that the selection in 2016 was stacked against him. The only question now is who has the best chance of winning this election. It now seems clear that Harris has a better chance of winning than Biden did, for several reasons.

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I didn't doubt Biden's mental or organizational ability at all, but agreed With RR that his greatest skill was not public speaking, especially extemporaneous, in a debate or a press conference. But he with all his kindess, and other great qualities, hasn't an ounce of charisma, which I had no idea Kamala has in spades. JFK had it, likely FDR did too. Stepping down was a genious move, wonder if Biden knew it would be? Agree with Heather Cox Richardson that the timing was perfect.

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Please tell me you aren't accusing Democrats of rigging the Democratic primary.

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No I am not. n.b. I am an enthusiastic Dem and progressive. It appeared that the superdelegates in 2016 were decisive in Hillary's favor. I changed my wording to 'stacked' against Bernie. It was not nefarious, but it backfired epically because Hillary ran a lazy and entitled campaign (yes, Comey, I know...). Hillary did not find a way to connect with voters who were truly on the fence (as amazing as that is). The 'Obama-trump' voters (and there were many) preferred Bernie, and Bernie would have beaten trump in Michigan, Pa., Wisc., IMO. The result was a disaster of epic proportions, foremost in the Supreme Court.

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Cindy: Did you delete the "lol" at the end of your question or were you really being serious? Don't wanna start a war - just curious. Anyhow, can't keep straight which primary the Dems are being accused of rigging - there are so many to contemplate.

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I must have misinterpreted your comment. I read it as you making the claim that the primary was rigged. Sorry about that.

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Hey Cindy - Not to worry. Sometimes the written word is quite ambiguous which has its positives and its negatives. Also, sometimes when writing on the spur of the moment one says things in a way one wouldn't if one were let's say face-to-face speaking. And we could modify or 'edit' our words instantaneously if we saw we were on the verge of creating an incident and weren't quite ready for the consequences. So whatever I said, let's be friends and enjoy the rest of the day. It's been a rough few months and we're all still recuperating. 😉

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Thank you. Agree entirely. For me, it's one of those rare times when I'm glad I made a mistake. LOL

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RemovedJul 30
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I disagree.

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RemovedJul 30
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What is asinine is not understanding the meaning of the word rigged - to manipulate by deceptive or dishonest means that may or not be unlawful. Convincing someone to withdraw their candidacy based on reasoned argument is not deceptive, dishonest, unlawful or 'rigged'. Using a threat to get someone to withdraw would be considered rigged. The last line of your reply exposes an arrogance in you that is unbecoming.

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I didn't want President Biden to step aside either, Jamie, but he wants the absolute best for this country. I believe he knew Kamala Harris being younger would be the person that would pull the party together and beat the orange man. That is what President Biden wants most of all - to keep the orange stain away from the oval office! Those on the left that don't like Harris need to understand, we are fighting like hell right now for our Democracy. Her history is her history and they certainly cannot change it; however, they can put that behind them and get involved in getting her elected president. If they choose to go with a third party candidate, they will in essence be voting for the orange man. If they choose to sit out the election, they will in essence be voting for the orange man. I would hope that anyone on the left would do whatever it took to have their votes count for Democracy. Vote blue through and through! Lotus for POTUS!

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So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Jamie Diamond ; What is ACAB?

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All Cops Are Bastards

Between the way cops have indiscriminately killed Black people, how they violently put down peaceful protests and protect protesters using violent rhetoric, and how much the system sucks, some people see every cop as being bad just because they're a cop. The system sucks, yes, a lot of cops are awful, yes, but being a cop in and of itself doesn't mean you're a bad person.

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Jamie ; Yes, I agree being a cop does not mean you are a bad person ; I believe that it is wrong to label a group so broadly. I have known law enforcement officers who do their sometimes difficult and dangerous jobs well and with integrity. It's like being racist or sexist or prejudiced against certain faiths or nationalities. the acronym is hate speech.

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No it's not like being racist or exist or anything like that and while I don't subscribe to the idea, it's not hate speech. Being in law enforcement is a profession that people choose. People don't choose their ethnicity or gender. It's not the same thing. That's like saying "blue lives matter" which is ridiculous because there's no such thing as blue lives.

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We are seeing the rise of a new generation of Black public prosecutors, who unlike the Tim Scott's of the world don't feel a need to cozy up to power. Kamala Harris was one. Bragg in NY is another. Wesley Bell in St Louis is another, running ahead of a "squad" incumbent in the primary for MO 1st congressional district (which includes Ferguson.)

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Jamie simply defined the acronym when someone asked. His post didn’t promote the acronym

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Jamie Diamond : I have not used the phrase "blue lives matter" . Please do not put words in my mouth. I am not erasing or negating "Black lives matter". But I am disagreeing with the acronym 'ACAB'.

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Jamie Diamond ; "In order to be ridiculous, a thing must first be ridiculed". I wonder what it is like to live in a place like, say, Haiti? No law enforcement except for the warlords with their automatic weapons. It is not a crime to decide to be a peace officer, or law enforcement officer. It IS a crime to abuse the authority or power of the job though. What does the word ; 'bastards' reinforce? That a child born to an unmarried woman is illegitimate and bad? Some talk is not helpful. Words matter.

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I didn't say it was a crime. I said it's a choice and not something you're born with. I didn't come up with the thing and as I said, I don't subscribe to it. I just wouldn't call it hate speech. And yes "blue lives matter" is ridiculous. I'm not saying the lives of cops don't matter. It's the slogan that's ridiculous. "Blue lives matter" and "All lives matter" are racist responses to "Black lives matter" as the first two are intended to negate the third.

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So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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We’ve just embraced hope again in the UK, and France turned away from hate at the last moment. Now it’s your turn, America, to join the fight against the dark forces (even within your legal system) threatening your democracy and prevent The Handmaid’s Tale from coming true!

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We are working hard at it, Richard! The UK and France are definitely a model for us! We want to see a blue deluge in November. Lotus for POTUS!

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So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Absolutely! Laughter is contagious and world is finding joy again. Thank You Kamala!!!

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RemovedJul 30
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There you go again Tom. Keeping it real. You must be watching AlJazeera - all those dead kids bodies and amputated-without-anesthesia limbs getting to you. Bodies of relatives being dug outta the rubble with bare hands. People trying to make their way to the next safe area only to be bombed out by the IDF then told to scramble to the next safe area only to be bombed out by the IDF. Hey Tom - lighten up. Olympics Paris 2024.

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I have an optimistic state of mind when I am listening to Vice President Harris! I won’t even watch or listen to the FPOTUS ANYMORE because he is sickening and unpatriotic!

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

Keith ; Yes ; He is the "Donald downer". She is a breath of fresh air and the prosecutor we have been missing. Long overdue!

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Did you originate the witty and apt "Donald downer?"

Prof. Reich's insights this time made me think, Yes! A prosecutor, not a persecutors! (I have long marveled that litigious T would jump into vigilante "Lock her up" with no reference to any legality like a trial or finding of guilt beforehand--messy trivialities for the man who demands loopholes for himself?)

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

Elizabeth Banwell: I thought about "Debbie downer" and realized that "Donald downer " is appropriate these days. Not sure I'm the first, but it fits so well! Thanks! A variation is "Donnie Downer" ; similar to Debbie.

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Hahahahaha! I love that comparison, Laurie!

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Oooo, I love it: Donnie Downer instead of Debbie Downer 😎

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"If you smile at me, I will understand

'Cause that is something everybody everywhere does in the same language"

Wooden Ships


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I’ve been eating the purple berries for six or seven weeks now; haven’t got sick once. But you have to be brave, how many is it they’ve shot down? Please come to Chicago … we can change the world!!

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A great song. I pray that the next line never becomes harsh reality.

"I can see by your coat, my friend, you're from the Other Side

There's just one thing that I've got to know, can you tell me please

Who won?"

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Great! Thank you. I like Kamala's laugh and could not understand the Trump response. But of course it was not to be taken seriously and I shouldn't have for one second. Three cheers for Kamala and her capacity for joy.

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Putin and Xi don't laugh either. They both prefer Trump.

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Fantastic. The simplest answer is to be joyous, pleasant and laugh, smile and make the poor behavior of the other a small matter to be minimized. Treat the former President as if he were a misbehaving youngster. Go Kamala!

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Nothing a narcissist hates more than fighting a happy warrior who knows their game.

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FOLKS, PLEASE LISTEN UP—the Joy and Enthusiasm of the past week are great BUT there is something that could put Donald Trump in the White House no matter how many people want Kamala to win: VOTER SUPPRESSION! VOTER SUPPRESSION on a vast scale never seen before! Trump could win if it‘s not stopped! Hundreds of thousands of “VIGILANTE VOTER CHALLENGERS” are being deployed by MAGA to all states (especially swing states) to purge voter rolls of any and all likely Democrats, especially Blacks, People of Color, elderly, youth and many others.

Several excellent sources of info about this are:

gregpalast.org (website of investigative journalist Greg Palast)


(who just announced that 160,000 voters—mostly Black—are to be purged from voter rolls in Ohio) and fairfight.com(Suppression in Georgia).

Working on the ground to restore voting rights to people wrongly denied them are


aclu.org, lwv.org and naacp.org

Please spread the word and support all these folks. They are working to save Democracy and they need our support!

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So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Good point. I heard Greg Palast speak in our smallish town of SLO, CA some years ago. Thanks for these reminders, of folks to support.

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Very few people are aware of the scale of this so i am posting this info everywhere i can, including WRITING LETTERS TO THE EDITOR of my local newspapers. I strongly encourage everyone to do likewise!!

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By November 10th if we VOTE like hell the plurality of the win will be obvious as will the gumming up of the works by Weird DonOld’s minions. A clear clean analysis of the counties where the minions are holding up certification will show that if disregarded those counties will not affect the state outcome. We will have winner.

At that point Biden resigns Harris is the new POTUS (given she won) and steps in to declare herself the winner both with electoral votes (states gummed certifications be damned) and popular vote. A page right out of Weird DonOld’s play book.

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This Christian Nationalist Network “Ziklag” Aims to Purge Voters in Battleground States

Transcript of interview from “Democracy Now”

ANDY KROLL: Ziklag calls this “Operation Checkmate”, putting money into mobilizing conservative voters in key counties — not just states, but the counties — so Maricopa County in Arizona, Fulton County in Georgia, the other battleground counties in the country, and then trying to put money into knocking more than a million voters off the voting rolls in these states. And you see this in a couple of ways. But what’s so interesting is how the Christian right, Christian nationalism is fusing here with the election integrity or, really, the election denial movement that grew out of the 2020 election. We didn’t have a lot of evidence of that before this reporting on Ziklag. But you see this bridge, again, between the Christian right and the election deniers in a really big way going into this election.

AMY GOODMAN: And how effective can they be in knocking voters off the rolls?

ANDY KROLL: A little bit of money goes a long way when you are trying to get people knocked off the eligibility list for voters. That’s what the experts, the political consultants, the folks that know these worlds, told us in the reporting for this story. You know, Ziklag is putting, say, $800,000 or $1 million into something called EagleAI, an artificial intelligence software that makes it easier to challenge the eligibility of voters en masse. So, you’re not doing it one by one; you’re doing it by the hundreds, by the thousands. You don’t need tens of millions of dollars, the experts told us, to be able to make those challenges and to sort of turbocharge the effort to make voters ineligible. You only need a few hundred thousand dollars, maybe a million dollars. That’s what this group, Ziklag, appears to be doing. So, it could have an effect. And we’re talking about margins again in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, margins that are a few thousand, a few tens of thousands of voters.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And, Andy, how does the election officials in every state, especially in the battleground states, their cooperation with these efforts, how might that turn out in the coming election?

ANDY KROLL: Well, you have two different camps here. You have the election officials in these states and in these counties who are just trying to run a free and fair election. What we’ve heard from those officials is that these efforts, like EagleAI or the work of the group True the Vote, another, quote-unquote, “election integrity” group — these mass challenges to the voter rolls make an already difficult job, an already stressful job, a time-consuming job, even more difficult. It’s putting just more stress on the work of these local election officials, the ones who are trying to do a good job.

And then you have the officials who have sort of bought into the election integrity claims, who have bought into Donald Trump’s election denial for 2020 or 2022 even. And for them, they are, in some places, encouraging these mass challenges. And so you might see confusion. You might see chaos. You might see voters unaware that they’ve been removed from the rolls in these kinds of places. So, it’s just creating either more stress on good officials, or it’s creating more chaos with officials who buy into these baseless claims about election fraud.

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Just what I said here about her smile and laugh bringing joy and lifting spirits last week! So glad we agree! What a difference this week has made!

MAGAts are steadily destroying themselves.

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Kamala’s joy is the necessary antidote to Trump’s fear-mongering and apocalyptic threats.

That said, I’d like to see the Harris campaign start every message about Trump with, “Trump is a liar, a rapist and a felon.” Every message: #LiarRapistFelon.

Keep up the great posts, Dr. Reich.

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(This is a revised version of my original comment - I revised it after reading several responses to my original.)

I would like to ask EVERYONE to encourage mainstream media outlets to refer to VP Harris as Harris, not Kamala. Few such outlets refer to men in politics repeatedly by their first names. Inadvertently it’s a dismissal of a woman to use her first name. I know that for many people, the intention is meant as to convey a sense of connection, and I get that. Women, in particular, are socialized to foster and strengthen connections, and the use of first names is part of that. In male-dominated media, though, using women’s first names underscores a long-standing misogyny that had never been called out and so has become habit. Thanks for reading this and understanding.

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Agree, and I do refer to her as Harris. However, her given name is somewhat uncommon, and a brand name itself, similar to Ichiro who never wore ‘Suzuki’ on the back of his Mariners jersey. So I hear ‘Kamala’ as showing full respect.

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I find your comment thought provoking because I am a life long feminist committed to the equality of women in every aspect of life. I do think a sense of connection is important because it expresses how comfortable people feel with her candidacy and their gut feeling that she is one of them. Using her first name doesn't mean that they don't hold her in high regard. It's that they can imagine sitting down with her over a cup of coffee as one does with a friend where your views will be taken seriously. I still think of Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy as Bobby. On the other hand, I would never think to call Mike Johnson Mike because he does not deserve that expression of familiarity. We have nothing in common. Aristocats for Kamala.

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I call him Mike as a sign of disrespect. If I respected the Arschloch I'd call him Michael. Much of Ms Harris' campaign material refers to her as Kamala so I infer she's OK with that.

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Point well-taken. I think mainstream media outlets don’t ever call men by their first names. Maybe by their initials, whereas they often refer to women by their first names. THERE it’s misogynistic, in my opinion. I’ll restate my comment to apply to media outlets.

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Jul 30·edited Jul 30

Her campaign chose “Kamala” rather than “Harris”— given the attempts to denigrate her and the generational shift toward addressing people, even bosses by their first names, it’s not a slight. FYI, I’m a retired woman who grew up in a family with both parents integrally involved in the civil rights and feminist movements.And in both my careers (law and clergy) I was well aware of misogyny and how women are denigrated “politely.”

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So since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States of America on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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smile? you noticed though that the TV talking heads, Fox included, are heavily populated by 30 something women with medium/shoukder length straight hair, very wide eyes and a fixed half smike?

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I like the "smike". Good description

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Would rather Reagan was left out of this because “trickle down” ruination, otherwise, yes, exactly

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