Won't argue with you, don't know enough of internal practices, but I do know that the very best hospital/Medical center in the country, is a non profit owned by the City of Kirland, WA named Evergreen Medical center, even the food they serve patients is gourmet.
I spend a month in the hospital, because of brain cancer and then pneumonia, …
Won't argue with you, don't know enough of internal practices, but I do know that the very best hospital/Medical center in the country, is a non profit owned by the City of Kirland, WA named Evergreen Medical center, even the food they serve patients is gourmet.
I spend a month in the hospital, because of brain cancer and then pneumonia, and honestly didn't want to leave, when the discharged me.
The care was so good, that the brain tumor was removed on Oct 4, 2017, then 10 daily bouts of radiation, and I''ve had an MRI of the head, every three months till recently and now it is semi annual, and the cancer has not grown back. My surgeon was from India on an H1b visa, as was his back up.
If Black Rock or some private equity manages to acquire it or bits of it, like they have done with Peace Health,which was started and owned by the Sisters of St Joseph, everything is down hill from there.
You are correct about insurance companies, they exist for one purpose only and that is to produce a positive return for their owners/investors, and that mean cutting expenses in the form of personnel, salaries, medical supplies,drugs, and denying services.
Unless you are fortunate to have a Cadillac plan, and they are pricey.
Won't argue with you, don't know enough of internal practices, but I do know that the very best hospital/Medical center in the country, is a non profit owned by the City of Kirland, WA named Evergreen Medical center, even the food they serve patients is gourmet.
I spend a month in the hospital, because of brain cancer and then pneumonia, and honestly didn't want to leave, when the discharged me.
The care was so good, that the brain tumor was removed on Oct 4, 2017, then 10 daily bouts of radiation, and I''ve had an MRI of the head, every three months till recently and now it is semi annual, and the cancer has not grown back. My surgeon was from India on an H1b visa, as was his back up.
If Black Rock or some private equity manages to acquire it or bits of it, like they have done with Peace Health,which was started and owned by the Sisters of St Joseph, everything is down hill from there.
You are correct about insurance companies, they exist for one purpose only and that is to produce a positive return for their owners/investors, and that mean cutting expenses in the form of personnel, salaries, medical supplies,drugs, and denying services.
Unless you are fortunate to have a Cadillac plan, and they are pricey.