The scariest ones are those that appear 'normal' friendly and trustworthy and the minute you say something they don't like or look at them the 'wrong' way, they turn on you in a surprise 'Jekyll and Hyde' move. Years ago, I didn't hesitate to speak up at a reckless driver or pedestrian but now, I keep my mouth shut and ignore such creeps…
The scariest ones are those that appear 'normal' friendly and trustworthy and the minute you say something they don't like or look at them the 'wrong' way, they turn on you in a surprise 'Jekyll and Hyde' move. Years ago, I didn't hesitate to speak up at a reckless driver or pedestrian but now, I keep my mouth shut and ignore such creeps. You never know if they are armed... Our world is such the jungle...
The scariest ones are those that appear 'normal' friendly and trustworthy and the minute you say something they don't like or look at them the 'wrong' way, they turn on you in a surprise 'Jekyll and Hyde' move. Years ago, I didn't hesitate to speak up at a reckless driver or pedestrian but now, I keep my mouth shut and ignore such creeps. You never know if they are armed... Our world is such the jungle...