This is the sort of reply that a person sends when he is bereft of any intelligent answer. It's a sign of intellectual short-circuit. It suggests that Chuck is absolutely correct and you're lost for words.
This is the sort of reply that a person sends when he is bereft of any intelligent answer. It's a sign of intellectual short-circuit. It suggests that Chuck is absolutely correct and you're lost for words.
All you've managed to do is to simplify in ways that simple minds do. You've managed to extrapolate beyond the data given. I will try once more. Never let it be said that I'm not patient with you!
Nowhere have I said that Empire is totally bad, and nowhere have I said that "Russia is good". Nor have I ever meant to imply it. I've simply stated that the U.S. is building an empire and this entails being able to lean heavily on other nation states by economic and trade means and 'persuade' them to agree to things that other governments regret feeling compelled to do. I don't think this is good either for the other countries or for America's international reputation. So, the Vietnam War wasn't good for your country's reputation, nor was the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline good for you country's international reputation, especially not among your NATO allies.
Yes, Russia is one of the victims. That doesn't make Russia good. But it doesn't make Russia nearly as bad as the U.S. mainstream media propaganda tell you it is.
Palestine is another victim. Most of the international community are desperately trying to persuade the U.S. government under Joe Biden that supporting genocidal war by proxy is a bad idea. The international community is trying to rescue the U.S. power elite from itself. But we are not an empire; we don't have the clout to persuade the Biden administration to desist. And if Donald Trump wins in November, we won't have the clout to persuade him, either. It is what it is. It would be great if there were an Empire able to persuade the U.S. government - that would be a good empire, William.
With you, I'm up against it! You even deny that the U.S. (and Norway) was behind the destruction of Nord Stream. If you face facts with pollyannish denial, what can I do? What can anyone do? Ignorance is pure bliss.
What you have said, leads solidly to the conclusions I have drawn from your own statements. One doesn't have to say a thing directly
As regards Trump, it is obvious and known that he is Putin's puppet, from his efforts to get Vlad to approve a Trump hotel in Moscow, to asking him to provide Hillary's emails, to his private conference in Helsinki, where they evicted and forbade journalists and all translators save Putin's from the room.
Trump doesn't require persuading when it comes to Putin and other dictators, he is part of their club.
I do not amend or repudiate my assessments of your position, they are a reduction of your many, many words.
Russia is a victim, that alone gives you away. A genocidal aggressor is a victim, What he did to Chechnya to install his satrap is what he is doing to Ukraine and you call him a victim.
Wars against political Islam is brutal, whether it is waged by Russia or the U.S. Frankly, I'm not sure that there is a military answer. Maybe its Russia and we who need to change - in unexpected ways.
I'm going to diverge. You probably won't approve; you say you don't like 'distractions' - but there you are. There is a story circulating:
тАЬThe genteel gloss of CairoтАЩs Abdein area, where Mohamed Amir Atta lived, had faded to shabby disrepair by the early тАШ80s, when he entered his teens. The government workers who had once lived well on $100 a month found themselves in a vortex of downward mobility, working second and third jobs to survive. тАж Atta graduated from Cairo University in 1990 and his father convinced him that only an advanced degree from abroad would allow him to prosper in Egypt. Soon he was headed to Hamburg Technical University on a scholarship. тАж AttaтАЩs academic focus was Arab cities, specifically preserving them in the face of Western-style development. He returned to Cairo for three monthsтАЩ research in 1995, and was angered at what he saw. тАЬHe said it was a completely absurd way to develop the city,тАЭ recalled Ralph Bodenstein, one of AttaтАЩs fellow students, тАЬto make a Disney World out of it.тАЭ тАж In November 1997, he made an unexpected visit to his academic supervisor, Machule, to discuss his thesis, then disappeared again for about a year. There is evidence that he trained at an al Qaeda camp in Afghanistan around this time. He reappeared in Hamburg in early 1999, from which time investigators connect him with a cell of about 20 suspected terroristsтАЭ.
So, maybe one way we need to change is our fancyfree approach to town planning in foreign cities. All I can say is that, by his own lights, Muhamed Atta found the 'perfect' target: a brutalist steel-and-glass twin tower, precisely the sort of architecture he had learned to hate. Having seen Melbourne undergo a ten-year 'facelift' in the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s, where the ruins of once-lovely old buildings were marked with signposts saying "Wheelan the Wrecker was here!" - The signposts seemed provocative. So, from this melancholy experience in Melbourne, I have a sense of how Mr Atta may have felt during his years of growing-up in Cairo. I guess the difference between him and me was that I 'moved on', as they sat these days, while he didn't.
Come on. I am not buying that both sides crap, and I don't think anyone else does either. There is a big difference between Bush's criminal war in Iraq and Putin, And Putin has declare Genocidal intentions, and is purposefully, targeting schools, maternity wards and civilians. He has said he wants to obliterate the Ukraine identity and culture he even denies the Ukrainian language, That is genocide, Bush's war was for oil, re election, to beat his Daddy, and for the sake of Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Try again.
If you aren't a Putinista, then you are trying very hard, and no one is buying your swill.
The thing is, William, that if you call me a "Putinista", you thereby throw doubt on you judgement that Donald Trump is "Putin puppet". The more you throw such labels around, the less discernment and credence you give yourself.
I have said all there is to say Gunnar,if that is your real name. Putin is a genocidal aggressor, deliberately targeting and killing women and children, and you keep changing the subject or ignoring it and continuing on with your deflection.
William - You write, "So says the AI bot".
This is the sort of reply that a person sends when he is bereft of any intelligent answer. It's a sign of intellectual short-circuit. It suggests that Chuck is absolutely correct and you're lost for words.
Guunar. I have spent some time evaluating your arguments
Here is what I have deciphered.
Empire bad
USA is Empire
Russia victim defending itself from Empire
USA bad, Russia good.
All the rest, all of the other arguments and claims are superfluous and a distraction.
All you've managed to do is to simplify in ways that simple minds do. You've managed to extrapolate beyond the data given. I will try once more. Never let it be said that I'm not patient with you!
Nowhere have I said that Empire is totally bad, and nowhere have I said that "Russia is good". Nor have I ever meant to imply it. I've simply stated that the U.S. is building an empire and this entails being able to lean heavily on other nation states by economic and trade means and 'persuade' them to agree to things that other governments regret feeling compelled to do. I don't think this is good either for the other countries or for America's international reputation. So, the Vietnam War wasn't good for your country's reputation, nor was the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline good for you country's international reputation, especially not among your NATO allies.
Yes, Russia is one of the victims. That doesn't make Russia good. But it doesn't make Russia nearly as bad as the U.S. mainstream media propaganda tell you it is.
Palestine is another victim. Most of the international community are desperately trying to persuade the U.S. government under Joe Biden that supporting genocidal war by proxy is a bad idea. The international community is trying to rescue the U.S. power elite from itself. But we are not an empire; we don't have the clout to persuade the Biden administration to desist. And if Donald Trump wins in November, we won't have the clout to persuade him, either. It is what it is. It would be great if there were an Empire able to persuade the U.S. government - that would be a good empire, William.
With you, I'm up against it! You even deny that the U.S. (and Norway) was behind the destruction of Nord Stream. If you face facts with pollyannish denial, what can I do? What can anyone do? Ignorance is pure bliss.
What you have said, leads solidly to the conclusions I have drawn from your own statements. One doesn't have to say a thing directly
As regards Trump, it is obvious and known that he is Putin's puppet, from his efforts to get Vlad to approve a Trump hotel in Moscow, to asking him to provide Hillary's emails, to his private conference in Helsinki, where they evicted and forbade journalists and all translators save Putin's from the room.
Trump doesn't require persuading when it comes to Putin and other dictators, he is part of their club.
I do not amend or repudiate my assessments of your position, they are a reduction of your many, many words.
Russia is a victim, that alone gives you away. A genocidal aggressor is a victim, What he did to Chechnya to install his satrap is what he is doing to Ukraine and you call him a victim.
You expose yourself.
William - I agree that Putin's war on Chechnya was a gruesome conflict. So was the U.S.'s battle against ISIS in Iraq - see
Wars against political Islam is brutal, whether it is waged by Russia or the U.S. Frankly, I'm not sure that there is a military answer. Maybe its Russia and we who need to change - in unexpected ways.
I'm going to diverge. You probably won't approve; you say you don't like 'distractions' - but there you are. There is a story circulating:
тАЬThe genteel gloss of CairoтАЩs Abdein area, where Mohamed Amir Atta lived, had faded to shabby disrepair by the early тАШ80s, when he entered his teens. The government workers who had once lived well on $100 a month found themselves in a vortex of downward mobility, working second and third jobs to survive. тАж Atta graduated from Cairo University in 1990 and his father convinced him that only an advanced degree from abroad would allow him to prosper in Egypt. Soon he was headed to Hamburg Technical University on a scholarship. тАж AttaтАЩs academic focus was Arab cities, specifically preserving them in the face of Western-style development. He returned to Cairo for three monthsтАЩ research in 1995, and was angered at what he saw. тАЬHe said it was a completely absurd way to develop the city,тАЭ recalled Ralph Bodenstein, one of AttaтАЩs fellow students, тАЬto make a Disney World out of it.тАЭ тАж In November 1997, he made an unexpected visit to his academic supervisor, Machule, to discuss his thesis, then disappeared again for about a year. There is evidence that he trained at an al Qaeda camp in Afghanistan around this time. He reappeared in Hamburg in early 1999, from which time investigators connect him with a cell of about 20 suspected terroristsтАЭ.
So, maybe one way we need to change is our fancyfree approach to town planning in foreign cities. All I can say is that, by his own lights, Muhamed Atta found the 'perfect' target: a brutalist steel-and-glass twin tower, precisely the sort of architecture he had learned to hate. Having seen Melbourne undergo a ten-year 'facelift' in the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s, where the ruins of once-lovely old buildings were marked with signposts saying "Wheelan the Wrecker was here!" - The signposts seemed provocative. So, from this melancholy experience in Melbourne, I have a sense of how Mr Atta may have felt during his years of growing-up in Cairo. I guess the difference between him and me was that I 'moved on', as they sat these days, while he didn't.
Come on. I am not buying that both sides crap, and I don't think anyone else does either. There is a big difference between Bush's criminal war in Iraq and Putin, And Putin has declare Genocidal intentions, and is purposefully, targeting schools, maternity wards and civilians. He has said he wants to obliterate the Ukraine identity and culture he even denies the Ukrainian language, That is genocide, Bush's war was for oil, re election, to beat his Daddy, and for the sake of Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Try again.
If you aren't a Putinista, then you are trying very hard, and no one is buying your swill.
The thing is, William, that if you call me a "Putinista", you thereby throw doubt on you judgement that Donald Trump is "Putin puppet". The more you throw such labels around, the less discernment and credence you give yourself.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck it is a duck.
Maya D'Angelou said, "When a person shows you who he is, believe him".
You have shown yourself.
Only to your own satisfaction, William - that is, you confirmation bias has been satisfied.
I have said all there is to say Gunnar,if that is your real name. Putin is a genocidal aggressor, deliberately targeting and killing women and children, and you keep changing the subject or ignoring it and continuing on with your deflection.