Trump himself is a nascent fascist because he often calls for violence against his political opponents, and he is a racist and a nativist. Pretty good syllogism, but it can be documented that he is appalling in many ways. Strangely I am beginning to see that everything we fear that may come to pass if Trump is re-elected or seizes power …
Trump himself is a nascent fascist because he often calls for violence against his political opponents, and he is a racist and a nativist. Pretty good syllogism, but it can be documented that he is appalling in many ways. Strangely I am beginning to see that everything we fear that may come to pass if Trump is re-elected or seizes power unlawfully here, is already happening in places like Gaza, and probably in countless places where people don't have a voice, where their governance is ineffective and brutal. Doesn't mean we cannot work together to make things better. Do more to help the victims of war. Stop using fossil fuels. Use solar and wind to split water into hydrogen oxygen, and use hydrogen fuel cells to produce clean energy, and use hydrogen gas to store energy, because we'll find that batteries pollute ground water. Don't give up. Peaceful protest can reach the hearts and minds of our entrenched politicians on the supreme court even if it means unseating them with millions of votes.
Trump himself is a nascent fascist because he often calls for violence against his political opponents, and he is a racist and a nativist. Pretty good syllogism, but it can be documented that he is appalling in many ways. Strangely I am beginning to see that everything we fear that may come to pass if Trump is re-elected or seizes power unlawfully here, is already happening in places like Gaza, and probably in countless places where people don't have a voice, where their governance is ineffective and brutal. Doesn't mean we cannot work together to make things better. Do more to help the victims of war. Stop using fossil fuels. Use solar and wind to split water into hydrogen oxygen, and use hydrogen fuel cells to produce clean energy, and use hydrogen gas to store energy, because we'll find that batteries pollute ground water. Don't give up. Peaceful protest can reach the hearts and minds of our entrenched politicians on the supreme court even if it means unseating them with millions of votes.