Just because there is a vote does not mean there is a democracy, and there is no democracy in any Islamic country, not with gender apartheid, an official religion, official punishment and death of gays, not with killing of unbelievers., and second class status for Christians and Jews (if you can find any in the countries), Most have no Jews.
For centuries Jews found safe refuge in Muslim Egypt and Muslim Palestine--then the Christian crusaders came. You probably know that Hitler regarded himself as a Germanic crusader.
Well, then perhaps you need to reconsider where you get your News at. Jews have lived in Iran for centuries and they have their own representative in their Parliament. You may also want to google 'Iranian Schindler' to learn who Iran saved Jews during WWII.
Of course, none of these will be beneficial to the Zionist/AIPAC propaganda.
Not their own parliament but their own representative in the Parliament. It was suppose to the "the Parliament" and not "their Parliament" Sorry for the mistype.
No disagreement with this view regarding the Islamic countries, of which just about nearly all their dictators are in power courtesy of the USA.
But as you put it, they don't pretend to be a democracy unlike the Zionist Israel which arguably has murdered far more than all those dictators combined.
Victor - Suharto presided over the mass killings of non-Communists, as well as Communists: ethnic Chinese, irreligious people and trade unionists, for example. Also, many people took the opportunity to murder neighbours they disliked for non-poltical reasons. The real figure, according to people who visited Indonesia at the time, may have been 2-2-1/2 million.
Oh how wrong you are. Zionists' haven't murdered more people than all Islamic dictators combined. Just the body count of people beheaded after Frida prayers in front of mosques exceeds the body count of people killed in combat by the IDF, then you have to talk about the ongoing massacres in Iran by the Ayatollahs and Republican Guard, or Saddam, how about DAESH,ISK, Hezbollah, the list goes on.
What is your problem with the Jews having their own state". There is one Jewish ethnostate in the UN and 57 Muslim ethnostates.? 193 states in the UN, the Jews are really underrepresented, I would say that they sit alone in a hostile environmen, literally and fighting for their lives.
There would not be the present trouble had not the Arabs attempted a genocide of the Jews on Nov 1948, again in 1956, again in 1967, again in 1993, and like the insane people they are, they haven't learned a lesson and keep coming back again and again, and promising to do so forever until the land is Judein Frei, as Yaha Sinwar said, they are a nation of martyrs, well not him, but the idiots he get to die for him.
We know that at least 37000 have been murdered just in last 8 months by the IOF.
So, if you want to put the records of the Zionist OCCUPIERS against all Islamic dictators, be my guest, you might as well add the Nazi record so your team look even better.
I am not defending those dictators which are in place because of the US backing, I am condemning those dictators AND the genocidal Zionist all together.
With that I have nothing else to say to you as you are obviously OK with genocide.
Free Palestine from the River to the Sea and Free USA from the Atlantic to the Pacific from the Zionist/AIPAC cancer.
Killed as collateral damage, we killed more French our allies in WWII, 20,000 alone in the invasion of Normandy.
Quite different than the brutal up front and personal Rape and murder of women, infants, toddlers, elderly and disabled by the terrorists of Islamic Jihad and HAMAS, wouldn't you say.
And while at, how about complaining about the full on genocide of Ukrainians by Putin. Ah but that doesn't bother you, only Arab deaths county.
What is happening in Gaza is not Genocide, Genocide is the intentiona obliteration of a people or group, accoding to the UN Convention on prevention of Genocide, there is no such intention on the part of Israel, at least not published, However Israel has a right to defend itself against people who seek to genocide the state, yes Israel has been threatened with genocide since 1948, HAMAS has it in their covenant, Islam has it in their sacred text, Muhammad started it when he beheaded the entire Jewish tribe (60 ,six at a time in the Market Place of Medina, which is a sacred Islamic city.
While there is a real genocide going on in Ukraine people like you are silent.
That slander doesn't work on me. Truth is truth. HAMAS has raped and murdered women,infants, toddlers, elderly and disabled. I bring up this facts and you call them racist.
"that has been the defender of democracy globally"
Seems like you have drank that Koolaid they have been feeding us since birth.
But I could not agree more about tRUMP.
Just because there is a vote does not mean there is a democracy, and there is no democracy in any Islamic country, not with gender apartheid, an official religion, official punishment and death of gays, not with killing of unbelievers., and second class status for Christians and Jews (if you can find any in the countries), Most have no Jews.
For centuries Jews found safe refuge in Muslim Egypt and Muslim Palestine--then the Christian crusaders came. You probably know that Hitler regarded himself as a Germanic crusader.
And lets not forget that currently Iran is home to the largest Jewish community in Middle East outside of Israel.
This is news to me. Can you elaborate? Are they held as hostages (to deter Israel)?
Well, then perhaps you need to reconsider where you get your News at. Jews have lived in Iran for centuries and they have their own representative in their Parliament. You may also want to google 'Iranian Schindler' to learn who Iran saved Jews during WWII.
Of course, none of these will be beneficial to the Zionist/AIPAC propaganda.
Are you saying that Iranian Jews have their own parliament?
Not their own parliament but their own representative in the Parliament. It was suppose to the "the Parliament" and not "their Parliament" Sorry for the mistype.
No disagreement with this view regarding the Islamic countries, of which just about nearly all their dictators are in power courtesy of the USA.
But as you put it, they don't pretend to be a democracy unlike the Zionist Israel which arguably has murdered far more than all those dictators combined.
Mehrdad - Re: your second paragraph: Yes, with the possible exception of Suharto of Indonesia - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suharto
It's well to remember that Suharto had the full support of the U.S. president at the time.
Good point, Gunnar, but keep in mind that this was before the downfall of Communism.
Victor - Suharto presided over the mass killings of non-Communists, as well as Communists: ethnic Chinese, irreligious people and trade unionists, for example. Also, many people took the opportunity to murder neighbours they disliked for non-poltical reasons. The real figure, according to people who visited Indonesia at the time, may have been 2-2-1/2 million.
It seems that Suharto was not all that different from Pol Pot. No? Yet he had US support, didn't he?
Oh how wrong you are. Zionists' haven't murdered more people than all Islamic dictators combined. Just the body count of people beheaded after Frida prayers in front of mosques exceeds the body count of people killed in combat by the IDF, then you have to talk about the ongoing massacres in Iran by the Ayatollahs and Republican Guard, or Saddam, how about DAESH,ISK, Hezbollah, the list goes on.
What is your problem with the Jews having their own state". There is one Jewish ethnostate in the UN and 57 Muslim ethnostates.? 193 states in the UN, the Jews are really underrepresented, I would say that they sit alone in a hostile environmen, literally and fighting for their lives.
There would not be the present trouble had not the Arabs attempted a genocide of the Jews on Nov 1948, again in 1956, again in 1967, again in 1993, and like the insane people they are, they haven't learned a lesson and keep coming back again and again, and promising to do so forever until the land is Judein Frei, as Yaha Sinwar said, they are a nation of martyrs, well not him, but the idiots he get to die for him.
We know that at least 37000 have been murdered just in last 8 months by the IOF.
So, if you want to put the records of the Zionist OCCUPIERS against all Islamic dictators, be my guest, you might as well add the Nazi record so your team look even better.
I am not defending those dictators which are in place because of the US backing, I am condemning those dictators AND the genocidal Zionist all together.
With that I have nothing else to say to you as you are obviously OK with genocide.
Free Palestine from the River to the Sea and Free USA from the Atlantic to the Pacific from the Zionist/AIPAC cancer.
Killed as collateral damage, we killed more French our allies in WWII, 20,000 alone in the invasion of Normandy.
Quite different than the brutal up front and personal Rape and murder of women, infants, toddlers, elderly and disabled by the terrorists of Islamic Jihad and HAMAS, wouldn't you say.
And while at, how about complaining about the full on genocide of Ukrainians by Putin. Ah but that doesn't bother you, only Arab deaths county.
What is happening in Gaza is not Genocide, Genocide is the intentiona obliteration of a people or group, accoding to the UN Convention on prevention of Genocide, there is no such intention on the part of Israel, at least not published, However Israel has a right to defend itself against people who seek to genocide the state, yes Israel has been threatened with genocide since 1948, HAMAS has it in their covenant, Islam has it in their sacred text, Muhammad started it when he beheaded the entire Jewish tribe (60 ,six at a time in the Market Place of Medina, which is a sacred Islamic city.
While there is a real genocide going on in Ukraine people like you are silent.
Racist rants are ignored.
That slander doesn't work on me. Truth is truth. HAMAS has raped and murdered women,infants, toddlers, elderly and disabled. I bring up this facts and you call them racist.
That tells a lot about you.
I think you forgot the raping on cats, dogs and those fish in their fish tanks.
You have quite the ego don't you. Fact is that you are of no account.
I say great job and keep on with your 'alternative facts'