i chose "america will begin to heal" because we have, as a nation, been confronted by the truth of the actions of a group, for the first time since watergate. and watergate was likely the first time EVER that americans were provided with accurate information about criminal activities of some of its citizens. but unlike watergate, it seems these hearings were aimed primarily at the public. necessarily.

but of course, my vote is a very tiny minority of your responses so far, with "zilch" being the top response. i almost chose this response myself, because i tend towards cynicism. but as you said, robert, on twitter https://twitter.com/RBReich/status/1550619106927292417 : "Never forget this: The forces undermining our democracy, polluting our planet, and stoking hatred are counting on you to give up. Cynicism is how they win."

i agree. so i pulled myself out of that sinkhole of cynicism and despair and voted differently from my initial impulse.

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Classical medicine. In Watergate, Nixon was not purged. He resigned. Senate Republicans chose country over party.

The 1/6 Committee hearings aren't a trial. It's public theater.

From my perspective, the cult resolve has been hardened. Party over country. Republicans see themselves as victims from the weight of the deep state.

I would have split their loyalties by showing that democracy is the victim, personified by one of them: Mike Pence.

Still time to question Mother and the kids. Pence's adult daughter, Charlotte, congratulated Biden the next day. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/533226-mike-pences-adult-daughter-congratulates-president-elect-biden/ She was an eye witness.

From day one, the FBI should have taken statements from every eye witness. Many of the staff members present that day have moved on. How many Republican staff had to be counseled? How many filed claims for health care as a result of 1/6?

I also think a bigger story is the planning. Surely risk managers within the government had warned that violence would occur. When I worked for DOL, we were preoccupied with planning for terrorist threats. Did the FBI not predict this would occur? Why have we not seen evidence re the brothers Flynn?

“The truth unquestionably is, that the only path to a subversion of the republican system of the Country is, by flattering the prejudices of the people, and exciting their jealousies and apprehensions, to throw affairs into confusion, and bring on civil commotion. Tired at length of anarchy, or want of government, they may take shelter in the arms of monarchy for repose and security.”

Alexander Hamilton in 1792 describing the Republican Party in 2022

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There have always been right wing nuts in this country. They have a microphone now that the John Birchers didn't.

There are millions, probably tens of millions of Americans who do not vote. Among those are people, who can be engaged in discussion and brought far enough over the line so they see the connection between voting and what happens, and will vote. Last night on a phone bank, I persuaded two non voters in Texas to agree to vote for Beto. There are more non-voters in Texas than republicans. It is that demographic, and registering new, young voters and encouraging their activity that can make a difference. We already have an army working on it, but we can always use more positive energy. Please find phone banks and get to work now. This is what democracy looks like.

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Well said. Americans really don't realize how fortunate they are that they have a say in who sits in government, probably because they have never been persecuted by a dictator. Just listen to any migrant from any country who came to the United States looking to escape the nightmare of authoritarianism. Good job, Donna.

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Thank you, Celeste. It is true, that Americans take our precious democracy for granted. This passivity is learned and cultivated, rooted in a false sense of entitlement. It can be unlearned, if I have anything to do with it.

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Yes, you are right that Americans don’t know their rights or benefits, but! It is their responsibility as a citizen to know. As Hamilton said in the quote above, people vote for the candidates who agree with them or promise what the candidates want. Trump certainly said what "his people" wanted hear and promised the sky and the moon too!

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so let's teach them, and continue to remind them!!

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My pitch is benefits. I NEVER address Trump with them.

99% of them vote contrary to their personal interests.

BTW, Fire Team 6 has a database of unregistered women who trend Democratic.

Mervis Reissig


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Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

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Thank you for your effort to get Beto in . Abbot is a disgrace.

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Thank you, Donna, for that insight. I’m hand writing letters through Vote Forward to motivate infrequent voters to exercise our “superpower” (that use of the term borrowed from Jonathan Capehart).

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Donna you are to be admired. I have a dear friend with multiple Sclerosis. She lives in Pennsylvania. I pay her to make calls for Move On. She made over 100 v

Calls for Biden. And to get out to vote. She was eager to do this and I was happy to pay .

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During the 1920's there were 4 million Klan members in the USA. They marched in Washinton DC by the thousands.

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The FBI did provide warnings, but those got buried in the bureaucracy. If you've worked in the Executive Branch, you surely know that Homeland Security is an epic shitshow that was never, ever, intended to actually be organizationally functional as opposed to a political campaign backdrop, so it's no surprise that they couldn't keep from dropping their hot coffee in their own crotch with two crutches and an assisted living caregiver to guard against them doing even that. On top of that, the Capitol Police are an inept fiefdom unto themselves that couldn't write a parking ticket legibly. The simple fact is that no on in America considers the possibility of insurrection or _domestic_ assault on government facilities real; unless it were a handful of hopelessly obvious ecoterrorist (sic) loonies. Failure happened because on one in the chain of command remotely believed the event was possible. The same mistake is unlikely to be made again soon.

And yes, there is far more to the Jan 6th conspiracy. I think that the Committee made the right choice, however, in showing that the fish rotted from the head. Investigating all the rest, now, would have taken far more resources and far more time. And far worse would put Trump in a position to say, "They failed, I was badly served." The hearings thus far show that Donnie was served much as he wished to be, and overtly refused to respond to anything he didn't like. The rest can be covered in his actual trial.

What we are seeing, in effect, is a grand jury proceeding. They've just demonstrated probable cause. I think Biden was and is terrified that he and his family will be judicially hounded after he leaves office and so has had no intention of seeing Trump prosecuted. From that perspective, Merrick Garland has served Biden well but served the country damned ill in utterly avoiding any attempt to prosecute senior figures in the Jan 6th event. Until public testimony made exceedingly obvious the near-dereliction of Justice's approach to the event so far. Garland should file charges before November, but he and Justice are so far behind the curve that that will be logistically impossible. The least he could do is announce an open investigation into Trump. But I don't think Garland has the will to go against the preference of his boss on that. And Biden, of course, will dither, as ever. I only think we'll see charges filed if Biden announces he won't run, but that's an issue for another day.

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You have no idea what Attorney General Garland is doing, is planning to do or has done. He does not televise his work - meaning the work of the Department of Justice and all of the staff employed there.

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You are right...we are so discouraged with the seemingly endless effect of nothing happening. But I sure hope the DOJ surprises me. I do wish a Special Counsel had been appointed to take on Trump's insurrection...would it have insulated the DOJ somewhat? I don't know. I just know I'm scared living in this country and I've never felt that before.....

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Garland better charge Trump or he will look like a weakling. I don't think Trump will spend an afternoon in jail.

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I agree trump will probably not spend a day in jail. I do think he will be indicted, tried, convicted, appeal, the Appellate Court will decide with justice, then the trumpster will be set loose by his cronies on the not so supreme Court and spend the rest of his useless life in Mara Lago until his lenders get wise and foreclose on him.

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I have no inside information on Garland's investigation or his personal motivation; of course, that's entirely correct. But please, don't be jejune. What one does and what I do is a) look at the 'shape of the space' of his actions (i.e. investigations), b) look at the pace and trajectory of his actions, and c) judiciously survey more expert opinion on Justice and the present proceedings. All of those blatantly indicate that Garland has no interest in prosecuting Trump in this century, because he certainly won't get near that the way he's going about it any time in his current tenure as AG. I draw my own inferences from there.

Now, if YOU think that Garland has serious intent to prosecute, by all means enlighten me with just how, in your view, he intends in general to get there and go about it. Because he's farther from that result than when he started by all available evidence of his conduct, in my considered view.

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Regarding the “shape of the space. . . (Investigations)” you might also find the Grand Jury’s’ Inquiries with VP Pence’s Secret Service senior agent indicative of some interest by DOJ in the events of Sept 6, but only if you read the NYT.

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I have no ‘inside information’ regarding Attorney General Garland’s actions not do I have ‘inside information’ regarding the actions of the Grand Juries he has working on the January 6 insurrection BUT I can get a general understanding of the actions being taken by simply reading reporting in The Washington Post. Try it sometime. You might discover “by all available evidence of his conduct” that DOJ is farther along in its investigation than you are capable of grasping. Have a nice day.

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I'll grasp what they show when they show more than vapor. Which is all we've seen regarding DoJ investigation of anyone in Trump's inner circle for anything at all. The first substantive move, not an actual investigation, has only come in the last few days---AFTER Jan 6 Committee completely embarrassed them. If you have any remote hint of substantive acton, from the Post or anywhere else, you have definitively failed to cite that. Your inference on what I do or don't grasp is, shall we say weak; and unsupported.

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I absolutely disagree on your take on Biden and Garland. The only member of the Biden family to maybe, have skeletons in the closet is Hunter and he's been investigated several times. Merrick Garland is first and foremost an attorney, Yes, justice moves slowly because the evidence presented must be legally acceptable - no hearsay for one thing. The DOJ has been investigating and gathering irrefutable evidence, I understand that people are anxious to come to trial, and I firmly believe trump will be charged and indicted by the Grand Jury, but only when the DOJ is sure they will win.

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D. C. police should be armed with automatic weapons and plenty of ammo. Next time right wing radicals show up they should mow them down. What if they breach the White House?

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Thank you, Daniel, you have brilliantly summed up the state we are currently in. We have heard hints that Homeland Security was "concerned" about the crowd gathering at the White House grounds on 1/6, but no one took action, Why? I agree the bigger story is the planning. I love your quote from the Federalist papers.

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I'm stealing the Hamilton quote. TY.

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I agree with you 100%. And why when every Republican associated with Trump including family members,Mike Pence deny what Trmp was saying ? Yjey all knew it was a lie.

Yesterday I read that Murdoch put his arm around someone whose name escapes me but another traitor and said, ( and these were Murdochs words) trump lost Arizona my ten thousand votes. Murdoch knew. All the important traitors knew. I am so angry as these Trump nuts let out County promote a lie and praised the LIAR. People are running for office today using that lie for political gain. They all should be revealed and voted 0 .

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Daniel, this is just excellent. "From day one, the FBI".....where is our government?

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Daniel, the FBI did take statements from the insurrectionists/rioters whatever you want to call them. The eye witnesses numbered in the millions. I was watching the trumpster's address to his minions when they started marching. I immediately phoned my friend who lives in DC to make sure he was safe and we stayed on the phone while watching, me on CNN, Henry on MSNBC. We were among the millions. The FBI didn't need to question eye witnesses, they were watching too..

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In the 50's and 60's the FBI stalked radicals and broke the law with impunity helping the right wingers with their witch hunts.

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Well said. But why not ask another question: Why did Hamilton endorse the monarch (President)? George Mason didn't. He asked Madison directly "But this President which you propose, isn't he just like George III?" Madison offered no good response, probably mumbled something about checks and balances.

We have an awful system of government, based on the UK system of 1787. Time to change.

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John Adams and Hamilton seemed to endorse a monarchial style of government because they did not trust the "common man". Madison most definitely mistrusted the masses. He believed the wealthy needed special protection from the masses of workers and poor.

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Checks and balances are highly valuable; in many ways the genius of the American tradition of governance. The problems are a) the system was OVERTLY designed to thwart popular democracy, which the Framers were much afraid of and not without cause; b) the system is exceedingly difficult to revise; and c) checks and balances require good faith participants and we presently have extremely _bad_ faith participants in 2.5 of the three branches of government.

And no President is a monarch; I have to dispute that analogy, despite the early providence of its utterance. Monarchs simply had far more institutional and traditional power than any president ever has. Indeed, the American Presidency prior to Lincoln was easily the weakest of the three branches of government. It is only with the malignant growth of the 'Imperial Presidency' since the Second World War that it has become germane and viable to discuss the potential harms of a monarchical presidency, in my view.

Trump is the first individual in American history to conduct himself like a monarch, and it required him explicitly to deny the rights and authority of the other two branches of the government to give off that image. Not reality, image. But dangerous individuals like De Santis and Tom Cotton have taken close note of the potentials, in my view. Anyone trying to impose a kingly rule on Americans will fail in my view, because public sentiment is powerfully ingrained against that. But getting to that failure may be a costly exercise if we ever are confronted with an attempt. The next 15-20 years are the time frame when we are most likely to see such an attempt, if ever. I don't say 'likely,' but I do say most likely. This kind of outcome is something which I study, and incorporated in a text I am writing, so I'm not simply talking to see my own words in pixels, here.

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I love this post. Nixon also had visions of monarchy (remember his desire to uniform the military guarding the White House in early 19th century operetta style) The trumpster is more into dictatorial authoritarian style of his heroes Putin and Kim Jung Il.

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Nixon would be a liberal today.

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GrrlScientist - There will be NO healing without accountability as Trump continues to spread his plague of lies while simultaneously amassing hundreds of millions of dollars to promote those that stand with him and also purport his lies.

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i agree, todd. but before we can assign accountability, we must understand the role of those involved in this attempted coup. without that, we are simply spraying bullets randomly in the dark.

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I totally respect where you are coming from. Unfortunately, the quality of leadership in almost every facet of national and state government, corporate business, financial markets, etic. in this country has become more self serving. At the same time, the middle class, that has always given a pathway to upward mobility (with the help of unions), has been decimated, with many below the wealthy scrambling to survive (and thus looking out for themselves). Add in the effect of the 24 hour news cycle, social networks, and push information to cell phones, we are in a much different place than the Watergate era. Whether we want to believe it or not, our system of Democracy was built on trust, and the myth of "One from many". This is most evident in the realization that many of the abuses we see to day are the result of "accepted norms" rather than codified laws.

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"Leadership" is another opiate for the masses.

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Well said, Steve O'Cally.

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GirlScientist, your thoughts expressed on this matter were what I needed to hear. Thank you.

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Stay positive. We all need to stay positive and not be sucked into the feeling of defeat. To many try to have answers for what is happening in our country when staying positive is key. If you want negativity turn on the FOX channel of MSNBC or any of the national news programs. Try Reuters. "Just the facts Ma'am"!

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Through the leftist lens, all evil resides within the made-up mobs of the right wing. This myopia has turned off most US citizens, and pro-America immigrants, who see more leftist rage and violence on their doorsteps than so-called criminal conservatives. It’s not cynicism. It’s fear. Fear from an increasingly my-way-or-the-highway modern liberal authoritarians.

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Lol...was it "...made-up mobs of the right wing" that attacked our Capitol on Jan. 6th? Are you one of those crazed mob-?sters yourself?

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I liked the "my-way-or-the-highway" bit. The "conservatives" >always< like to blame their $hi7 on the left. They're like the guy in the room who likes to fart and point at a guy next to him. You know the type.

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I appreciate the intellectual depth of the arguments made against my comments. I suffered your type in grammar school. If such is the ilk of responses here I'll respond in the same way as I did then.

Goodbye. Good luck with your approach to those who disagree with you.

Better things to do.


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Your way or the highway. Right ‽ I wasn't even talking to you. Thank you for confirming my schoolboy observation.

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DZK; That will learn ya durn ya!

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I was looking also for the Bible Verse, "Open a snarky can of whup-ass on those who disagree with you."

All I could find was "So instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. Therefore I urge you to reaffirm your love for him." 2 Corinthians 2:8-9

What would happen if everyone treated each other like that?

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Good bye don’t let the door hit you as you leave!

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You see the issue as “Made-up mobs of the right wing” and “Liberal authoritarians”? We need your profound and unbiased insight to explain exactly why 190 GOP House members voted against the right to contraception.

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You're kidding, right? since when are liberals authoritarians? Do we dictate what women cab do with their bodies? Do we determine whether gays have the right to marry? Do we organsize voting districts so that only Republicans have the majority to representatives, irrespective of the desires of the population? I could go on but why bother?

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Way to go Alden, right on

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Brainwashed idiot.

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I don't disagree with those caught on Jan. 6, and even admitted to their criminal activity. Not condoning their actions, either beyond peaceful protests. The actions of leftist thugs, mob riots, and clashes with police on the part of the left, however, are never condemned by liberals. Year after year, in city after city, riots and runs at public government facilities, and even the white house, are called justifieable protest actions. That's the issue of myopia I'm talking about. How many Congressional committees were called for even one of the violent acts by leftists factions?

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@JFP. You're forgetting Chicago 1968. You're forgetting the Ohio State shooting of students. You're forgetting how Berkeley students were detained, gassed and intimidated. You're forgetting all the lost souls who put down their lives for freedom and equal rights. You are basically blind and selectively choosing what evidence to see or present. The so-called "leftist mobs" you are creating out of thin air must be your way of insulting the peaceful, sign-carrying marchers who respectfully march outside the Supreme Court, or the City Hall, or outside the fences around federal government facilities. No "lefty" ever said "Hang the Donald" for example. You said you would disconnect? Please do!

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That sir, is BS. Too much Faux news. Might include what you call "leftists" but most who committed crimes were charged and convicted. Those convicted include white supremacists who caused, exacerbated and even committed the damage.


No 1 terror threat: white supremacists. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/22/white-supremacists-rightwing-domestic-terror-2020

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Is it “leftist” to protest police killings of unarmed Black people, especially those caught on camera? Is it “centrist” to ignore injustice such as was done to George Floyd?

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Hmmmm. Don’t know which ‘leftist’ protests you mean that were violent. Oh, unless you mean the peaceful protests interrupted by trump extremists and the police - like the ones in Portland, OR. My kids marched in them. Mothers marched in them. None were armed. However my kids witnessed a van pull up a block or so from the march they were joining and men jumped out, opened up the back door and handed out arms. Police pushed peaceful protesters out of the way. Peaceful protesters were beaten. By the third night my kids were given helmets, gas masks and lawyers were writing their names and phone numbers on their arms. Those protests against police violence against black AMERICANS, against THE GAY AND LESBIAN COMMUNITY? Is that what you are referring to?

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There is no Left in the USA. The Communist Party-USA’s membership consists mostly of members of the secret police.

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Totally. What this country thinks of as "left" is considered all around the world as just more right wing deceptions! Bernie, though is getting a little bit there and AOC seems to me to be standing as far left as she practically can do.

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Yes, there’s no need to adopt faith in “historical determinism” or any other teleological statement describing the ultimate outcome of history. What’s important is equality in economics, sustainability in production, and rejection of ideology. If you haven’t seen Slavoj Zizek’s film, “A Pervert’s Guide to Ideology,” i recommend it.

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Actually, the >real< Socialists don't seem to even recognize Bernie as a Socialist. Just sayin'. (I like to get their newsletter to see what their positions are they >actually raise<, when the wanker-publicans start tossing "the S word around." It gives one pause to realize how parallel >real< Socialists views are with the wank-publicans. Just sayin' again!)

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I am a member and no FBI or Gestapo. Communist Party USA is really not a threat to the Capitalist system.

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Ought to take a gander at the Ripon Society of the Republican Party. Their “leftism” sounds a lot like senator Warren.

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Pearring are you another Troll?

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I can't seem to find the Gospel quote from Jesus, "The more of a judgmental motherf_cker you are, the more that the Kingdom of God is at your command." I lost my Bible. Anyone?

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Part of the Apocrypha, along with the Prosperity Gospel, maybe, where Jesus invited the moneychangers into the temple.

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Didn’t Jesus say, “Let he who is guiltless cast the first stone”?

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Judge not lest ye be judged?

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I think it's "judge not that ye be not judged." I think Jesus didn't think people should be judgmental of others. Matthew 7:1.... I'm not a bible person so that's all I can tell you looking it up.

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Take the highway out of town, troll.

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From my point of view it's just the opposite however you have the right to disagree. I'll even read what you say as long as it's civil and doesn't roll around in name calling insults...

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I’m interested in what constitutes trolling, and why people do it. Some seem to wish to rudely express contempt to annoy others, whom they do not feel they can persuade. Contempt and arrogance are lethal to productive discourse.

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You'll have to read between the lines on this, not because I'm attempting to obfuscate, but because I can't express my feeling in words what this video expresses, particularly in the sound track: https://youtu.be/Q4Ga64M_RzM I was one of the "Zilch" voters.

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Before Watergate, we did have ol' Joe McCarthy's televised witch hunts against perceived American Communists (his perception - not legal perception). When he couldn't get enough attention with 'the Big Red Scare' he went on to attack the Army and military in general, which finally was his undoing.

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I am not a fan of the FBI. They were good at persecuting left wingers in the 60's and 70's. They are America's secret police. If they stick to solving bank robberies that is good.

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I'm agreeing mainly because I can't stand the thought if the alternative.

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Jul 23, 2022
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This BS comes from states' rights, before the Constitution was written. ALL eligible voters have a right to vote. In modern parlance, that's a democracy.

These days, virtually nobody accepts the big lie. If you do, and you advocate to overthrow the government, that puts you in jeopardy and makes you sound like a big liar.

18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 2, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 87–486, June 19, 1962, 76 Stat. 103; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

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I was going to address his 2nd point by saying it's a shame nobody mentioned any of that prior to it having become common practice and achieving critical mass, but here we are in a time where the words ring hollow. However, you're doin' just fine without my kibitzing! Remind me not to get on the wrong side of your critique! LOL! Well done.

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Jul 24, 2022
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Look at my cv. The Federalist papers. Preceded the Bill of Rights. Madison was the primary author of the Constitution. Al Levine (you know him as Alexander Hamilton) did not get the "unitary executive" written into the text. Read the 9th Amendment. We (even you) have the right to vote because common law rights of English yeomen were bootstrapped into the Constitution.

Over 100 convictions and guilty pleas.

All the crap you cite are INADMISSABLE in a court. 65 court decisions, many by Trump appointees, belie everything you say.

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Jul 24, 2022
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"Punish plebes."

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I say all of the above; Stephen King says don’t forget that Trump is not human.

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Unfortunately, he actually is on the spectrum of the human condition.

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And there are other carbon copies of him.

We may want to think about creating meaningful and accessible social services that help children who are like him. Now, when families seek help, there is none.

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Problem is: children who are like him were abused by their fathers when they were young. The father is unlikely to WANT to get help for their kid, largely because HE will get in trouble as the abuser. I, ah, am very familiar with this by personal example. (And my father DIDN’T get what he deserved, either: he lived a very [physically] healthful life and finally passed away pretty peacefully at 95-1/2.) I also have 3 younger siblings who got the same treatment I got, only not quite so badly cuz I was the oldest. And my mom probably got WORSE than I did. HE wasn’t going to lift a finger to get help for ANY of us, or to allow us to get help via any means.

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It is awful that that happened to you, Phillip. Of course you're right that abusers aren't flocking for therapeutic services. There are other possibilities, though. Sometimes the abusive father leaves altogether, and the bewildered and also abused mother is left to deal with the damage.

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At least catch them early before they rise to the top of corporations, government, military & media as they tend to do.

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That is a good idea. The likely show up in the early years.

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On the sociopathic, sadonarcissistic end of the spectrum.

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Sadism has no correlation with sociopathy or narcissistic personality disorders generally. But otherwise, yeah.

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You've gotta be kidding! Numerous psychologists have diagnosed Trump with "malignant narcissism". I prefer to put it in 1 word as "sadonarcissism", which fits perfectly with Trump, who combines narcissism with sadism (you only have to observe the viciousness he has displayed toward others, including the whole of the American people, such as his COVID response, to see this). Sadonarcissists like Trump appeal to sadomasochists like Trumpsters, & sadonarcissists feel the need for that adoration that they get from sadomasochists. It's a form of symbiosis between the two that combines mutualism with parasitism, which is why it's so difficult to break.

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You understand nothing about sadism as a practice, and are thus conflating things which are distinct. In fact, ALL of the pseudoterms you just included in that comment are your own invention, other than malignant narcissism. That is a diagnostic category which does exist, is in my opinion as well accurate for Trump, and which I reference indirectly in a different comment to Robert's post here. But Trump is on the lower end of the malignancy in my view, if extremely high on the narcissism. It's a composite behavior, nor a single category. And I say that as someone with nontrivial clinical experience with sociopaths.

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I would've chosen "none of the above" because I still have doubts that Trump will be prosecuted although he obviously should be.

Trump will never fade into obscurity. Both his sadonarcissm & the media's obsession with Trump preclude that.

Not zilch because already some good has come out of it. The American people are now a lot better informed & aware of what happened, & this will be an indelible part of history.

I did choose the 4th, that GOP participants will be punished, now that Bannon has been convicted. (It'll be very telling by what sentence he receives. He should get the maximum considering how very dangerous he is. After all, no one besides Trump, Putin & Murdoch are as responsible for the existential threat to democracy & national unity we are experiencing as is Bannon. I hope this is not the end of charges & convictions against Bannon. We'll see.) I think there may be more coming, but probably a selected few rather than everyone responsible. I hope I'm wrong on that because it is absolutely essential for our recovery that all who committed criminal, seditious & treasonous acts against our nation be appropriately punished.

Only then can we heal.

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In the past, I often referred him to a pig. Not sure if he can even qualify as and animal. Pigs have more integrity.

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The diagnosis is Anti-Social Personality Disorder, so designated because there are enough humans exhibiting the same symptoms. We can do something constructive about it, or we can stand back and throw these people in the garbage. Societally, our reaction is closer to the later.

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Thank you for your reminder. It's too easy to fall into the same category

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...and more intelligence... but the pigs will forgive your insult.

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Pigs are just pigs. They are not pathological.

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Trump is all too human, but fortunately a two level standard deviation outlier from 'normalcy,' more or less. Donnie Boy is the living example of the 'successful sociopath' type, with additional narcissistic personality traits in spades. That is, he has a major behavioral disorder, which includes the outcomes that he's a fraudster, lives for excitement, is a congenital liar, and lacks empathy. So yeah, Trump IS a 'monster of a kind' on the spectrum of human behavior; but a C movie grade monster, not a real Frankenstein. His money and an undeniable charm when he was far younger---Elon Musk does the same thing now---kept Donnie Boy out of prison to this point. The country needs for his confidence game to lank him in the glass house for a good spell.

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Incarceration of Drumpf and his cronies is the only reason that the prison at Guantanamo Bay should remain open.

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Interesting. He's the Pied Piper type. I never thought of him as charming. I remember the first time I learned of him in the '70's. Sleazy. Creepy. Disgraceful. A distortion of the idea of what is attractive.

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I have always felt Trump to be an egregious con, but than sociopathy rubs me the wrong way. Very large numbers of individuals from the 80s and 90s have plainly stated that they found Trump personally charming, including many folks who didn't like him. I base my assessment on that, not on my personal reaction. Many say the same thing and even more about Reagan, who creeped me out intensely as a dishonest and malevolent fraud.

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I spotted him as a con man & jerk first time I was exposed to him. In no way did he seem charismatic to me, but clearly a lot of people react differently to him.

Same with Hitler, whom I immediately found repulsive upon first sight, yet he captivated millions of gullible people.

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But he is a perfect example of Pennywise the clown.

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I have no idea! Most of what has happened to me, my friends and family and the world I never would or could have predicted. But here goes:

I will take a wild guess and suggest that TFG will be taken down by the state of Georgia. And I think the finger in the dike has been removed by former Trumpers who are now angrily testifying. It will be a waterfall of payback and retribution to a pathetic bully.

This much I believe. Karma is never fast enough or perfectly what we want. But every action creates a reaction. DJT has spent his whole life hurting people. Stealing money from contractors, humiliating people publicly (over and over and over), lying incessantly, ruining careers, betraying loyal followers...the list of his abuses is longer than any comment section could contain. You can't spend an entire life treating people like disposable tissue paper and not ultimately experience some payback.

All this will bite him in the butt. And those who continue to believe in such a putz will be marginalized. I could be wrong. It happens all the time. But maybe this time I've got it right :)

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Hi Bill! I enjoy reading your thoughts. I have no idea either for the same reasons as you. It boggles the mind and it used to depress me, but not anymore!

I talk about Karma, and what goes around, comes around, but the fact is there are many deplorable people that have gone to their graves who were never punished nor were their victims compensated. The Republican Party has blood on their hands, and they will never pay the price for all the suffering they have created.

Trump is a monster or a person who is a sociopath that suffers from narcistic personality disorder (I still prefer the term megalomaniac.) He also is a tool of the neofascist Republican Party. He may be the symbolic head of the party, but if that head is chopped off and nothing else happens, then the party will live on and continue its crusade to destroy a democratic government and install a kleptocratic regime.

I understand propaganda and I understand that there are people that are susceptible to propaganda. I'm not. Maybe because of my upbringing, etc., etc., but I have always resisted being manipulated or taken advantage of. So, I can't wrap my head around how so many people can be so stupid or selfish or greedy that they will allow themselves to be bamboozled time and time again. The most cursory research would expose the multitude of lies and misinformation that are promulgated by Trump and virtually every other Republican. You can't argue or debate with stupid!

As someone who has seen this coming for at least 30 years, I'm with P.T. Barnum " No man ever went broke overestimating the ignorance of the American public." Politicians, generally, are natural grifters and politics is the easiest and most lucrative grift in the world. Voters are the gift that keeps on giving.

So, I have no idea what will happen because it is completely and utterly out of my control and beyond common sense.

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ChipsPOV- I could not agree more with your perspective and I share your sense of bewilderment. If somehow Trump manages to avoid hanging himself with his own rope, and he gets elected because Democrats are disorganized, clueless, and self-destructive, then that will spell the end of America's experiment in democracy. I feel fortunate, because I have citizenship elsewhere in a civilized democratic nation where intelligence is more prevalent and self interest less dominant.

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Thanks. It appears we were raised in a similar manner.

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My reply to this is "One nation under God" That doesn't mean under any man or party.Also"In God we trust",which doesn't sound like a practical solution,but it is more than we know!Do not steal is one of the commandments,the'thugs' want to steal earned benefits(Social Security and Medicare),they want to steal democracy(our way of life and governing) and steal our civil rights,they have always been wrong,even before we knew about it.

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Of course, no one knows exactly what will happen, but the best predictor of the future is the past, which fact, if it is one, in no way provides a perfect system or method for prediction, but it's something. Trump has escaped justice for 73 years, so smart money is on him to continue to walk free. However, to borrow another folkloric chestnut: There's a first time for everything. Which keeps the world interesting, one supposes, and keeps Trump up at night.

(BTW: It's "underestimating," not overestimating. Sorry, born nitpicker here.)

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I think it actually is "overestimating", or maybe it should be "underestimating the intelligence", which is equivalent to "overestimating the ignorance".

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"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."

~ source: Wiktionary

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I’m with you, Chips. Everything you said.

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What you just wrote is what I could've written, it matches so closely how I feel.

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What you said in your 3rd paragraph hasn't been said nearly enough. Trump has caused so much trouble & harm to so many people throughout his life with no significant punishment. I hope you are correct that he will finally get his just rewards.

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I, too, am a cynic by nature but our wonderful USA is under serious threat of losing it's Democracy. We are assailed by lies, violence, threats, loss of voting rights and all the ills that portend our downfall. People, we must vote in numbers unseen and make a resounding statement that We the People, not Corporations and anarchists, are the deciders. It is not a time to wring our hands and say, "Nothing can be done." Sign petitions, become involved, vote, spread the truth and have faith that Americans will find the moral courage to turn this around. Trump is one person but we number in the millions. All the ills that will befall our children and grandchildren can be resolved by positive changes in attitude, heart and laws. Commune with like-minded others and VOTE like your life depends on it because it really DOES! There are more decent, civic-minded citizens than those who would see us devolve into a dictatorship. Even if Trump goes to jail, more will rise up to try and complete his mission. Don't ever give up or give in! God Bless America!

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and donate.

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Land that we love,stand beside her and guide her! Beautifully written and we all agree,it's our nation,not anyone's to besmirch!!!

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Trump and Bannon are both psychopaths and monsters.

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Has anyone heard anything recently about their co-psychopath Stone?

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Yes they are inalignment with all the other WS and their allies. Schadenfreude.

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The January 6th committee has done an outstanding job presenting the facts to the country and I’m looking forward to their continuation in the fall. As for indicting Trump, the country is already split and will continue to be regardless of whether Garland indicts him. If he fails to indict, the message Garland will be sending to the American people is that some people “are” above the law thus further eroding respect of our courts and the system of laws. Great conversation this morning on a variety of important topics that we need to keep front and center.

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Every eye witness should have been questioned.

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At what point do we decide he’s never going to indict?

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If he doesn't indict within a week of the end of the hearings, which may be around the beginning of October, I'm giving up on him. He's had plenty of time, & many of these people are truly dangerous, including Trump, Bannon, Flynn, Stone & several members of Congress, who should already have been expelled. They all should be in prison awaiting trial.

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Fingers crossed.

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When Garland actually says he won't. Until then, let's hope he'll do the right thing.

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“Surely 173 despots would be just as oppressive as one.” — James Madison

Congress has become nothing more than a fancy club for millionaires. Wake up, people! Nothing ever gets accomplished in government that remotely resembles justice, nor that would truly benefit the middle &/or working class. This (essentially) two party system is crap.

Thank you, ROBERT REICH, for being a real-life LORAX who SPEAKS FOR THE PEOPLE!

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Yes, wouldn’t it be great having a third or forth party to keep these two honest or less corrupt?

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Which is why I support the Working Families Party in addition to progressive democrats.

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The 1/6 committee is proof you are throwing out the baby with the bath water.

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Garland won't prosecute. We need an independent counsel to push forward with prosecuting Trump and the 8 in Congress who aided him..

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That'll work!!! What are young people thinking about anyone doing all this horrendous stuff and nothing happening,a TERRIBLE<TERRIBLE EXAMPLE!

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I agree. Garland seems afraid of his own shadow, not a good fit for what he's called upon to do. It's going to take courage, and he's not that guy, as far as I can tell, but maybe he'll surprise me. (Common wisdom has it that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but he has the look of a coward.)

On the other hand, after watching this human parade for 73 years, it seems that criminals often get off easy: five years for a rape, robbery, or manslaughter, but out in three for good behavior. (Just generalizing) As just one recent, real example, Derek Chauvin got 22.5 years for sadistically murdering George Floyd in broad daylight with three other cops watching, all of which was videoed on a cellphone. Chauvin could be up for parole in -- what? -- 15 years. Mr. Floyd will be dead forever. I don't know: What is justice? If Chauvin stays in prison forever, that won't bring back Mr. Floyd, but it might ease the minds of Mr. Floyd's survivors and protect the rest of us from a vicious man. (I would hate to be a cop in prison, especially one who so brutally and notoriously murdered a helpless Black man. He probably will wisely request some sort of separation from gen pop or even solitary confinement; he's suffering the worst torments of hell now: He has no friends or supporters and is surrounded by dangerous criminals. Sleep with one eye open, I guess.)

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Derek Chauvin will never make it out of prison alive. But make no mistake, he is a heartless sadistic psychopathic killer. He is right where he belongs.

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Is that still possible?

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We must prosecute Trump. As long as Trump and his supporters believe the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Trump. Although the courts found no credible evidence that the election was stolen, Trump continued to say it was stolen. His rhetoric of tweets bringing his supporters to DC and announcing they go to the Capitol to stop the counting of electoral votes for Biden is evidence of a crime. Crimes need to be prosecuted. I rest my case.

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If we are to remain a nation of laws, what choice is there ?

Better to lance the wound, or even cut off the limb now, no matter how painful,than to see the unchecked spread of the gangrene of unaccountability. It is time more people just did their job.

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And if the extremist supporters find more fodder for their disinformation campaigns, so what! They will find it somewhere, anywhere, to engage. It is not essential to change that group’s minds in any case. They are a minority viewpoint, a dying and declining one at that. We need only educate and engage those in the majority opinion who are disenfranchised from electoral process. “Only.” Still a tall

Order but far simpler to amplify existing support than change those too far off the edge to turn back.

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They may be a minority, but they are also many of the 1% wealthy swaying the minds of those with much less who carry much control - and that’s on both sides of the fence! As long as the populace is not in control voting will never be fair. NONE of us should need to dump money into campaigns in order for chosen candidates to win. Votes should be the only way!

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Yes, but we need to contain those extremists & protect the rest of us from them while preventing them from indoctrinating others.

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The original "groups" that back Trump are not new, ie the militias, hate groups, anti-immigrant , gun rightists, political rightists and the religious right. Most have been active in America since our status as British colonies. These groups adapt their mission, message, and methods to the times and issue at hand….and they believe themselves to be the REAL patriots. Trump, with the able assistance of Steve Bannon, sought the support of these groups. Bannon invited them join with Trump and their long dreamed goals would become reality. They did not just show up on January 6th, they were there from the beginning of Trump's bid to become President. These groups are quite powerful, have enjoyed large membership growth and right wing media too! After Trump, they will find another. They are not going away.

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Yes…HE gave the moles permission to come out from the underground where they’ve been repressed for years….

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Trump is an effective demagogue aided and abetted by the media. He sends a dog whistle to the collective racist subconscious of "the militias, hate groups, anti-immigrant , gun rightists, political rightists and the religious right."

Why do churches not excommunicate and shun racist behavior?

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They have a long long history of abetting racist behavior that goes back hundreds of years….just think of the indigenous tribes and African natives and South American people, all snatched from their cultures in the name of religion. There are those who are still stuck in the historical memories of the past, just like some of our citizens which murk up our existence to a peaceful existence in the United States.

It is good that Pope Francis will be visiting Canada to personally apologize to all the Indigenous tribes for the mistreatment of families the Catholic missionaries wrought, but ohhhh the damage this has brought to that establishment through the years!

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Thank you for reminding us of the detriment of organized religions

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They are called fascists.

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Failing to prosecute ALL involved in the Jan 6 uprising is itself the failure of democracy. There is no doubt the right is pushing an authoritarian regime. Of course they will play victim if they're charged, but so what? The message of not taking action would be that authoritarian laws that punish the vast majority of the population are pretty much inevitable, and that our suffering isn't worth the fight. That's the recipe for an actual bloody revolution, as the 1% uses their power to create a permanent indentured working class.

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I think that this is where I'm at, as well. Still, I have no idea what is going to happen.

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On yesterdays PBS NEWS HOUR was a poll result that 20% of Americans don't follow the Jan 6 hearings. They are probably in the states that have unbalanced representation in the Senate and Electoral College. Analysts said that people care about what impacts them, not the fate of democracy....ie. gas prices, inflation. The hearings are very important and making laws that will prevent this in the future are important, but this won't win an election, which is what matters.

In most people's mind Jan. 6 is about 2020, and we know what happened. The hearings are theatre filling in the details. What will you do for me now?!

If GOP can run on and win elections on CRT, pedophiles, Don't Say Gay, and other distractions, the Democrats can focus campaigns on real issues (Forced Birth, Gun Safety, affordable housing, Healthcare, Jobs, climate, voter rights, education) ...Josh Hawley running away is symbolic of the GOP, but he did come back to the chamber and create mischief, he did raise the pedophilia attack during the Supreme Court justice confirmation...Cruz ran to Cancun, but is still a danger to democracy. Take no comfort in pointing out their hypocrisy. They raise money and that's what counts and have a loud voice creating sound bites.

Do not spend too much time responding to them, and parrying their BS. There is plenty of real issues we can take the offense with to bring out the vote and win elections up and down the ballot.

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Apparently most of Wyoming must not be watching the hearings. I can't see how anyone watching them could not be impressed with how Cheney is conducting the hearings, yet she is trailing in her re-election bid. If I were a Wyomingite, I could not help but be very proud of her.

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Have we witnessed Democratic Party leadership publicly attack...at full force...the rising fascism of the Republicans around them in legislative chambers? Trumpet that message to the masses? You know the answer(s) to my questions...

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Thank you for this. It's too early for coffee in California, but wonderful to listen to under the stars, with the dogs , a black sky, silver stars, and a golden sliver of a moon.

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I’m afraid Merrick Garland won’t prosecute Trump for fear of both political backlash and the very real threat of violence from Trump supporters. I think he should regardless of the risks, but I fear he won’t.

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I as an American am not concerned about the back lash. Many Americans before me have fought wars to protect this democracy and I have no issue doing the same.

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Well neither would I, but I don’t think Garland has the guts to risk a war.

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Agreed. That is the stumbling block with the current day issues. No body want's to hear thier kid have a fit either so they give them what they want. Garland needs to man up and stand for our democracy.

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Conflict will likely come regardless of whether Trump is arrested or not, worse if there is no justice, with the final demise of our democracy & national cohesion practically assured in the latter case.

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And he'll use Obama's rhetoric of the need to "look forward instead of looking backward" as an excuse to do absolutely nothing. Absolute weasel words.

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I chose zilch as the republicans are not changing much as shown by the contraceptive vote. Georgia seems the best chance of a trial not DOJ. Trump may skate and that scares me.

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Republican politicians.

Not the rank and file.

This is a wedge issue in need of a sledgehammer.

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My biggest fear is that the result will be zilch and that none of the other options will come to pass. With everything we’ve learned comes increased GOP doubling down on their path to one party government. Public seems apathetic and the Dems discombobulated. SCOTUS is on a rampage to dismantle our civil rights as well as personal ones. Am now reading the most terrifying book in years: Corey Robin’s “The Enigma of Clarence Thomas.” He is now the leading theoretician of the Court and his vision of black nationalism, worship of money and the Constitution should strike terror in us all. November election will show whether I’m too pessimistic. But one Holocaust was enough for me and my family. But the GOP seems to hold Hungary’s Orban as the model. If they win, God help us all!

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Black nationalism? Please explain! He seems to be about the most anti-Black Black I've known, but there could very well be something even more insidious behind it all.

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Read the Robin book or a review. Thomas's grandfather was a self made business man during Jim Crow era and he held him to the paradigm for black emancipation - don't rely on any help from white people. Only way to emancipate blacks is to go it alone completely. So no politics, no affirmative action, no voting rights etc. I have no idea how this is supposed to work in a society that is about 85% non-black for a group that is undercapitalized, under educated and under skilled as a result of our terrible history. But Robin shows how consistent Thomas has been with this creed in his jurisprudence, pulling in race in cases where it is not at all relevant. Scary isn't a strong enough word.

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Thank-you! Very interesting! Not sure how his rulings will achieve those goals, which sound idealistic on the 1 hand, & unrealizable in existing circumstances on the other hand.

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It's on your mind, but why? You think that is where justice will be meted out to Trump?

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Is that what that comment was about? If so, I don't think the State of Georgia has enough power to sink T and his coconspirators but it could be a good start. If the DOJ doesn't get the indictments rolling - and soon - then the bastards get away with it. And Merrick Garland will live forever in infamy. I hope I'm wrong.

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That's my guess. He has since posted other comments repeating "Georgia" after posts doubting Garland's resolve, so I assume that's where he thinks Trump will find accountability, but he doesn't elaborate further.

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