May 11Liked by Robert Reich, Heather Lofthouse

All four criminal trials should have happened by now. VERY frustrating.

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May 11Liked by Robert Reich

It is beyond frustrating. I am enraged about it.

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Donald J. Trump is beneath contempt whereas life matters. Stormy Daniels was the editor of her journalism paper in high school, she got a full scholarship to Texas A and M. Where your and my vertical self unite - even so, let us make haste. consider well this ruined aqueduct, lady, which used to lead something into somewhere. ( .

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I'm supportive of gay rights but am, in fact, heterosexual. Actually I'm buy-sexual. ha ha ha. Buy me something and I'll have sex. Not really. I liked Robert Reich' piece about being short. I shoulda been a salsa musician. Leigh....Silverton that is.

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My understanding is that Stormy Daniels is/was a professional. Professional in the best sense of the word. If degrees were given in her line of work she would have a Ph.D.

Speaking of Robert Reich, I would like to see him make a "buy-sexual" cartoon. That could be a real hoot.

Oh, my brother graduated from Texas A and M, but that was before the "stormy" scholarship happened.

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Absolutely. The courts are aiding and abetting by not not moving swiftly.

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And that is why I voted "corruption of justice". Never before in my quite long life did I believe our justice system was corrupt and partisan. Cannon was the the first shock. And the SCOTUS was the next.

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I like your phrase "the first shock". That grabbed my attention and I laughed, especially since Cannon is a shocker.

More specifically, a "shock" by definition is, "a sudden or violent mental or emotional disturbance". That. Is. What. Cannon causes.

There ought to be some way to get rid of her, but I don't know how.

Btw, I'm also not an Army, but an Air Force brat. Emory 1973

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Cannon is an abomination - she should be reprimanded and asked to stepdown immediately from office

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Cannon should be MADE, not asked to step down. It's beyond "should be" reprimanded. In any case, she IS an abomination, meaning by definition she is "worthy of or causing disgust or hatred" (Webster dictionary)

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May 11·edited May 11

Yes, and it should have happened well before now..... her inadequacy re experience is one (really deplorable) thing, but the slow-walking, esp in a case like this, is beyond inexcusable. (Forget the part where she obviously agreed to do as told if she were simply given the position; I want to know exactly who is fattening her wallet).

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She would have to be impeached by Congress, possibly for the degree to which she has endangered national security. But that’s the only way to fire her.

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I'd at least like her removed from this trial.

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Thank you. I did not know that. So it would involve "some kind of politics going on" as I suspected in my comment above.

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Mary, where did you get that information? That is not what I read in Jack Smith's dealings in getting her off the case. Nowhere have I read that Congress has anything to do with removing a judge of that type. That sounds like a pretty petty problem for Congress to have to get involved with it. I have read that the superior judge in her district can remove her.

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Why do you think that isn't happening? I certainly don't know, other than some kind of politics going on.

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What we need more than ever is a functioning court system loyal to all of us who believe in living within the law. Of those who adhere to laws ,be they stopping at red lights or not lying about your taxes, or giving a moment to care about where this country is headed.

I resent highly that so many think so little of the country that aids and abets them. Look at the trash lining every street in America. Look at the non-compliance to driving laws. Look at the billionaires being proud to “pay very little” back into OUR country.

Come on American Judicial system…. Prove you are real. The world is watching. And so are those who give a

S_ _t.

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Cannon and others are just cogs in the big machine. They do the bidding of Trumps rich backers.

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The blame lies totally on Merrick Garland a total disgrace to our justice system. Was he bought by dark money? Didn’t he also come from the Federalist Society?

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I don't believe that, but I will concede that he is probably the AG because the GOP refused him an opportunity to sit on the supreme court. I think the thoughtfulness that makes him an overly cautious AG would have been assets on the court.

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Yes - Garland acted way too slowly on the insurrection

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If Bunkerboy had placed him on the UN-supreme court, (see what I did there?!?), we would have had an equally corrupt, useless supreme court, but hopefully a COMPETENT Attorney General. I can't wait until President Biden wins in 2024 and we can finally have a trifecta!

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Excellent questions. I don't know the answers. Worth looking into. Thank you.

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Very curious,isn't it.

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Quite right! But there’s one part of all this drama over which we the people have control. The election. No matter what happens in the courts, we need to work for President Biden to crush Trump under the biggest landslide in history, in both the popular vote and the Electoral College.

We don’t need any verdicts to know that Trump is unfit for office. We just need to make sure he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of ever holding office anywhere again.

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if Biden wins and the Dems get majorities in both Houses, possible but tough to do, then he can reform the court. He can pressure Thomas and Alito to resign, and if they don't the Senate can get rid of the filibuster and expand the court. More than half of the current court justices were confirmed under very sketchy processes. Most of them lied about their intentions. Some lied about many other things. Now, they are lying about the Constitution.

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I like this plan.

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The “fix” has been in on all these trials by Trump Associates! Has worked out nicely with inaction and inferior legal reps.

Anyone else would be in jail! Disgusting yet take a look at the Supreme Court! Says it all!

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Thanks Mary. For me, there are multiple ways for criminals to crush our democracy. Tocqueville assumed that democracy would be passed on by generations. Obvious he was too optimistic because we're not keeping up with skullduggery.

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May 12·edited May 12

We’ve been through some bad times before - this reminds me of the end of the nineteenth century, when robber barons ran everything, farmers were afraid of foreclosure, the Reformation ended abruptly and Jim Crow took its place, the last Indian nations were put in reservations (if not killed outright), and yellow journalism was on the rise. Somehow we managed to escape that.

Part of the reason was the formation of the Populist and then Progressive Movements and corresponding parties. By the turn of the century, some Republican states had adopted Progressive goals and some Democrats had taken in Populists. Then in the first two decades of the 20th century, we had labor movements, abolishment of child labor, progressive states instituted welfare programs, and progressives pushed education and professionalism. And a constitutional amendment was passed to tax income, so the robber barons could be taxed so that farmers, whose only asset was property, wouldn’t have to pay the whole burden. And finally, in 1920, women got the vote.

(Another reason is during the late 1800s, we suffered from continued deflation - one of the reasons farmers wanted silver currency - but at the turn of the century, gold was found in South America and there was international inflation that reversed the damages of inflation, so the nation was more prosperous and we tend to be more compassionate when we are more prosperous).

But the involvement of college-educated young people in political movements mattered. And I think it will matter again. I am particularly impressed by the young veterans in Congress.

So don’t be too discouraged.

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I put “other”, because it not only reveals the limits and corruption of the justice system; it also reveals the two tiered justice system, which clearly benefits the rich at the expense of everyone else.

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One tiny example is the judge allowing Trump the day off from his trial to attend his son's graduation. Who else would be given that respect? As for contempt, in probate court, I finished a sentence after the judge told me to stop and she sent me to jail for four days when I was almost 70 years old. I wasn't shouting or using profanity. Part of the caloie intake in jail includes cookies and Kool aid which I can't eat so I was very hungry. There wasn't enough drinking water for all of us. Most of the women were in jail for not being able to pay fines and relied on family to care for their children. I thought of Dicken's "Great Expectations" and Maughm's "Of Human Bondage", but of course there was nothing to read and not even a deck of cards for solitaire. How do Trump's judges and the SCOTUS think citizens like me view the way Trump's trials are delayed and the contempt he gets away with?

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Oh Gloria! What an awful experience for you!! Your example is perfect to show the deference they give to trump. It is also useful to better understand why American citizens are fed up and angry with the justice system - it is unfair!! Thank you for sharing.

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That truly sucks! That said, it happens far too often to the common man/woman.

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Disgusting, pathetic. How can anybody call this justice?

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And didn’t Trump use that dispensation to go immediately to a campaign event instead of a celebration after his son’s graduation?

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False claim, according to snopes.


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Scopes cites sources, so I begrudgingly believe they are probably right in their call (as opposed to them being fooled by fake but convincing "documentation") But I have to say I am surprised that Trump has attended any of those events, and that he really cares about them except so far as they are an extension of his own brand, and ego.

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I should have said skeptical that he cares.

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May 11·edited May 11

Gloria J. Maloney, sorry you (and the other ladies) had to endure that injustice. There are good judges and then there are judges who themselves are in comtempt, contempt for the common people.

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You are a braver reader than me as I didn't finish Somerset Maugham's only magnum opus.Thsnk goodness he stuck to short stories thereafter! I am also amazed that Trump hasn't been given cell time for his impudence to tge US justice system but "rich," people operate under different laws everywhere these days.

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Yes… we either stand for the laws we created or we don’t - but I think the judge wants the trial to proceed quickly and get to verdict

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Can you imagine Trump not getting his Diet Coke and hamburgers for even one day?

I would so enjoy seeing that.

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So sorry Gloria! But your account is unsurprising and so telling of the differences between what

most of us would get compared to Trump. Is there ANY doubt that many of these "justices" are running scared that Trump will become Ptesident again??? Lord help us all, and shame on us for being such cowards to take on this crooked, wretched man!

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Sadly, it's hard to imagine trump's judges and scotus care at all about the disparities of how justice is served.

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Thank you so much for sharing this experience, Gloria. In the seventies, I spent some time in various jails and prisons as a reporter and was appalled at what I saw, but it's rare that defendants reveal their treatment that occurs routinely.

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I wasn't a defendant. I was the administrator of my younger brother's estate.

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Thank you for the correction. I feel sure you felt like one.

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I bet he's just going to shriek on Troth Cential on the pot instead. Po-LUCKY Barron!

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@Robert Jaffee. I keep asking, whether the contempt citations are violations of bail terms in GA, DC and SDFL?

Revocation of bail usually automatically puts the defendant in jail or other close supervision, like an ankle bracelet, the modern version of the ball and chain.

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True, and unfortunately, if he is jailed, Trump will be seen as a martyr and will probably raise more money in a week than he did in the last quarter.

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He is already (unbelievably) seen as a martyr. He will also raise more money. Nothing should stop justice if he can't play by any rules anyway, they should be evenly applied to him. Especially him who should be setting an example. He has no value except to serve as a pitiful example.

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Agreed, unless it puts him back in the Oval….:)

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No judge can know that. And it's not a judge's job anyway.

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I’m not saying they would know that, but it’s a possibility.

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We can not expect justice to be served if we constantly worry about what his MAGAts might do in retaliation, or that it may cause the undecided to vote for him out of sympathy. The judicial system has been hamstrung in many instances because they worry too much about what may happen, when their only job is to see that law is upheld.

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I think he should be put in one of the court’s holding cells for the rest of the trial,

to give him a foretaste of jail. He could watch the trial from there and thus be legally present (maybe with a video and audio recording of his behavior in there?)

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Think about Trumpster's not being jailed. We need a consequence for his criminal behavior. I like the comments about Ford's mistake in pardoning Nixon: he got away without consequence. This, I opine, set up The Trumpster's getting close to getting away with crime.

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deletedMay 11
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Just keep working for a Biden landslide!

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It's not an actionable problem. So, no problem.

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Unfortunately, it’s reality. Orange is the new mango…:)

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Daniel, I think it was Joyce Vance who said that that's not the case here. I can't remember what the reason was but there was something about these contempt citations that didn't trigger that violation.

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1. She has not responded.

2. Never up, never in. .

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Sorry, I'm not following you.

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"The best justice that money can buy!"

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Yes, most people can't afford the endless appeals that Trump buys.

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Two-tiered is exactly right...not in my lifetime has it been so obvious!

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If you are looking to remove cancer from a patient, you must first find out how deeply it has spread or metastasized. It is important to know how corrupt and influenced some critical parts of the justice system have become to even begin to treat it. All of us are surprised and shocked at how deep this cancer is.

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The word “apocalypse” has its roots in ancient Greek. Its original meaning was “to uncover that which was hidden and would not be uncovered were it not for an apocalypse.” It is often connected with a sense of revelation. What we are witnessing is the uncovering of a cancer of injustice in our justice system, or in other words, an apocalypse, that like cancer, was previously hidden in the justice system. One cannot treat a cancer until you know how deeply it has metastasized. The question now is how close is the justice system to becoming “stage four?”

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Not all of it was hidden. The obvious difference between justice for the rich and justice for the rest of us was not hidden.

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"Liberty and justice for all" or so we're told to pledge. Were it only so. And our society cynically has our children repeat that in school. Trump is the antithesis of all the virtues and values that I was brought up to believe made America great.

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Robert, what's the difference between real patriotism and cynical patriotism?

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deletedMay 11
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Actually, the Declaration of Independence was written in 1776. The Constitution wasn't in place until 1789, though I suppose it's close enough!

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deletedMay 11·edited May 11
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It is weird, though, that Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, and on another charge, OJ Simpson all went to jail. Yes, they weren't there for long enough but they still went. And so did Martha Stewart. So sometimes the system does work. Ish.

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I'm not in a position to judge how far the cancer has spread but certainly I've seen enough to be concerned. Stage 1? 2? 4? I dunno.

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Thanks for this. So the Rapture Xtian fundamentalists have their Apocalypse. Lucifer as Light Bearer ?

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We are in stage 4

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@ Marc. Classic Greek medicine. Catharsis. Purgation. Out, out black spot!

In November, we can change everything. Cachresis. Sweep. To protect American democracy, reach out to millions of unregistered likely Democrats using a dedicated database using every outreach method possible (phone and text, postcard, email and targeted ad, and in-person too), where new Democratic voters will make the most impact – in the most flippable states and districts.


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Movement Voter Project is also funding door to door campaigns by neighbors. Much of this work is targeted at the swing states. The young adults doing much of the footwork are very enthusiastic and smart!

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So are other groups like:

Blue America. https://blueamerica.crooksandliars.com

Forgotten Democrats https://forgottendemocrats.org/

The other night. I zoomed to: https://linktr.ee/givingcircles

Working America https://workingamerica.org/

Many, if not most, partner with FT6 -- only 3 paid employees. Thousands of volunteers.

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I do hope that most here are politically engaged. We won't win this with wise remarks on this substack. There are a million ways to be involved depending on one's interest, talents, and circumstances. I'll be picking up a bunch of vote T-shirts next week for distribution as an example.

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That was very well put, Marc!! I do believe more and more citizens are waking up to how very corrupt parts of the judicial system have become. This is something that desparately needs to be addressed in President Biden's second term.

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I totally agree with you, Marc. Makes me wonder just how deep the cancer of Donald TUMP goes???? No bottom to the depth of that cancer!

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Isn't Trump more the symptom? His situation, his trials and shenanigans along with the SC thumbing their noses at not just Congress and the President but the People. This may be the ultimate stress test. To paraphrase Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in the midst of the Civil War "we are now testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived, and so dedicated can long endure." While we aren't yet engaged in armed conflict with each other we are never the less engaged in a war of ideas and, yes, testing whether we can 'long endure'. So far the flag is still flying. The question is for how long?

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Yes - Lincoln … the turning point of whether this is a democracy or 50 seperate states with a different government in each

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Well, most of those states would have difficulty managing by themselves, which is why they want control of things in Washington. I met a woman recently who have moved from Montana to get away from moguls moving in to enjoy their "freedom." They're clueless about interdependence.

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They long for the days of The Articles of Confederation (even though they simply didn't work).

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You are exactly right, Terry. I fear what's in store for us in the upcoming election.

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deletedMay 11
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Unless it becomes a shooting gallery.....

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deletedMay 11
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Of course. I don't know of any state that gives judges a lifetime appointment when they do and many/most elect their judges. But the Constitution covers all federal appointments and would take a Constitutional Amendment to change.

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True, and lifetime appointments were intended to SHIELD judges from political considerations. The founders could not have imagined Clarence Thomas.

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deletedMay 11
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Thank you! I’m outta here; back to postcarding.

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Do you really think so? When the country is so divided is the best time to get everyone to come together and pass a Constitutional amendment? Amendments which will clearly benefit one side and disadvantage the opposing side? I'm not sure you're clearly thinking this through.

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deletedMay 11
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Very starry-eyed aren't you? I don't think you understand the process for adding an amendment to the US Constitution. Quite laborious. 2/3 of the House and 2/3 of the Senate have to pass it out of their respective chambers and send it to the states. Both chambers of dach state legislature must then pass the amendment. Once 38 states have passed it, then it goes into effect. That's 38 of 50 states. Or there's the Constitutional Convention option. However we've never used it as it's considered even more laborious. An amendment requires a tremendous amount of agreement. So its not gonna happen anytime soon and in the meantime we have an election to deal with.

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May 11Liked by Robert Reich

It beggars belief that more than three years after the event, there is still every prospect that the instigator of an attempted coup d'état be permitted not just to walk away free but even to prepare a second attempt.

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If it weren't happening in real life it would make a wonderful satire. Try to overthrow the government, have people killed and get elected president. Who would have thought it could happen in real life?

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It shows how we lack imagination. Or as the saying goes, truth is stranger than fiction.

Somebody needs to die so this story can take a different turn.

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Much like Hitler. It is a sign of a corrupt society. Disinformation breeds fear. Once fear sets in, anything is possible. Trump was the enabler and mouthpiece.

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It’s horrifying

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deletedMay 11
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He will and he will bring back the dirtiest of his cabinet Bannon Miller Stone

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It is sadly apparent that, even though justice can be careful, it can be gamed. The calendar is used as a weapon, as are the partisan appointments made by the accused. Justice delayed is justice denied!

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Yes: 6 important words you used: sadly + calendar + gamed + weapon + delayed + denied

Nicely done. Thank you for succinctly describing "justice". Beautiful.

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May 11·edited May 11

Yes, thank you! I watched my recording of Thursday's trial featuring Stormy Daniel's on The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell.and it was a pleasure to hear the transcript as only Lawrence could deliver it. Ms. Daniels was sharp. And would not allow tRUMP's attorney to "put words in my mouth". She was pushing back and showed a sense of humor, In spite of the circumstances, that showed intelligence that put the lawyer in the shade.

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She was so very good on the stand. I was delighted at how frustrated and angry her testimony made trump! I have my fingers crossed that Cohen will be able to deliver testimony the jury will be able to use.

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May 11·edited May 11

Yes, Michael Cohen needs to stay away from angry assertions. As a former lawyer, he should be OK. A good mentor could help with guidance. Emotion can mess it up. I wondered at how Stormy Daniel's kept her testimony together. and did not allow the attacking attorney to get to her. She held her ground well. Even with pushback. When she was called some kind of toilet, she paraphrased a line that the lawyer was accusing her of saying. Something like, " I'm going to put him in jail". She made it into " I'm going to flush the orange turd"! RIOT!

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Still need to remember that Cohen is a terrible human being and a POS. Stormy Daniels doesn't look good either with her involvement over the hush money. But we need them to put Trump into an orange jumpsuit!

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They aren't perfect, but who is? They certainly paid a price, each of them, for their choices. They both admit it, too. I hope they help to bring justice.

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I think women are better than men at this because they have to.

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Lawrence O'Donnell is THE BEST. I set my timer to alert me when his show comes on so I don't miss him.

He did, however have one crappy show the other night. I don't remember what it was, but I thought it was very unusual.

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May 11·edited May 11

I usually record the shows, but sometimes the subject matter is difficult to make as interesting, or even the guests. If it was in the court, that can be very tedious, too.I will, on occasion, fast forward through a guest that is difficult to follow. Or a subject that was covered earlier, on another MSNBC program.

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As a reminder many of the shows are available on YouTube.

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Terry ; my husband points that out frequently, but I don't want to watch commercials.

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I don't know how to use my TV recorder. But if I ever do figure it out, LO's show will be the 1st one I'll record. :-)

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May 11·edited May 11

I thought Thursday's show was so good, I decided to save it. To watch it again! There were distractions, and I missed some of it. The DVR capability is nice to have. Your cable carrier should be able to assist with the cable box set up. I have a husband who used to build computers. We just call our carrier and they come out and set it up, or help with a problem. Retirement can be nice, he says.:)

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They all know Trump is guilty as hell and he’s going to get away with everything! He’s gotten away with anything and everything for years! Our Supreme Court is worthless! Trump is well protected! It’s white, wealthy landowners that the Constitution was really written for so nothing has changed there! 🤬

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Joan, trump is guilty and even if the courts let him walk away, so many more people have had their eyes open to his lies, grifting, and criminal activities. He will not occupy the White House because of this.

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I'm not ruling out Trump being back in the White House. Too many people like his lies, grifting and criminal activities.

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As much as it saddens me to say, I agree. There are so many lost souls out there with practically nothing and close to homelessness. These are the people trump and his minions target with honeyed words and promises he will never keep.

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They are lost alrighty - these are the people he will hurt the most - there’s nothing in his agenda to help them

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Damn it all to Hell, you are absolutely right: "promises he will never keep"

It is a sad situation. It makes me wonder if there is anything more evil than what Trump does. The only thing that comes to my mind is what Hitler did.

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Get out there and work for a Biden landslide (if you aren’t already doing so).

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Absolutely!! Vote Blue, America!!

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Sure hope you're right Peggy!

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Me, too, David!!

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There are also those supporters of his that admit into a reporters microphone 🎤 that they know he lies and know what he’s done but will vote for him anyways! That’s depressing to know!

I agree with you, Peggy, at least he is being more exposed for all the world to see! However, our government looks weak as it gives Trump and his constant lying 🤥 a life jacket 🧥 instead of a straight jacket! Crazy, nasty 🤢 biohazard’s cult leader coming on board to continually lie and grift and control and destroy and manipulate our country is a past from years gone by! It’s like a father that was severely abused as a kid, grows up into an abuser and treats his family with worse abuse 😖😖😫😤😳!

I couldn’t understand why he was allowed to run 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️ for president again? Now, I learned how the Constitution was created to give the wealthy white male landowners a pass! It shows me that he is being treated with a silk glove and actually is, above the LAW! 🤬🤯

The first thing I noticed is was attack on women’s bodies, being quashed! The one ☝️ incredibly important, desperately needed law to protect women and their families!

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Money talks - big money is what Trump is courting now in exchange for tax benefits

I think the first time Trump ran in 2016 - he was a goner early on and then a group of the ultra wealthy met at a backyard cocktail party ( probably in the Hamptons) and decided to use Trump as a puppet to get major taxcuts through. I’m afraid who is in that group now and Trumps promises to make them even richer.

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The Supreme Court is worse than worthless, about two-thirds of it is CORRUPT.

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And Clarence Thomas is complaining about the "bad press" he's getting!

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Clarence Thomas is the biggest slimeball (the best of all possible words I can think of) ever to sit on the Supreme Court.

"Old man" Bush made a gigantic mistake nominating him for the position. Bush probably had good intentions but it backfired drastically. Too bad he isn't around today to see the product of his "handiwork".

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We need new amendments to address some of the shortcomings

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What the trials have shown us...

The inequality of justice. The infuence of money.

The need to OVERTURN CITIZENS UNITED and expand the Court.

More broadly...

The limitations of the human race to do the right thing for the right reasons.

Sadly, I think we may have peaked and even visiting UFO's can see it's no longer worth landing here as we have also poinsoned the planet. But I could be just having a bad day or even a dead worm in my head...

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On a side note about worms---I think it strange the press will go on ad nauseum about RFK jr's dead worm and its connection to memory problems, but absolutely NO mention of jr's addiction to heroin for 14 years...now THAT likely has fried his brain and at least partially accounts for his crazy ideas!

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Sharon: Be more physiologically specific: in your 'brain' 🤯😉

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The Bull S**t never ceases; our system of Justice is easily derailed by individual Judges that are willing to be Compromised by Vacations Legal Bribes , other such round about legal ways to Buy The Verdict You can Afford…

It’s all for sale, But it’s not cheap to Buy…

The Supreme Court’s Clowns…

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Like elected offices ALL judges should be subject to some term limit that can be renewed but isn't for life. It was a nice idea for the 18th century but like the electoral college and other features but that was written in the age of Kings.

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The Verdict You Can Afford. Exactly.

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Student demonstrations were only touched upon in this Klatch. Demonstrations and taking to the streets are what occurs when the citizens understand that without taking action, they are not heard. The use of a militarized police force to respond to the demonstrations only points out how effective demonstrations are and in this case, credited with influencing President Biden. If Trump gets elected, demonstrations may be the only voice we have left and we can expect a vicious response by the Trump controlled government carried out forcefully by the police and eventually the courts. Remember the elderly man being forcefully pushed to the ground by the police ending up with a concussion? I could be next. See you in camp!

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Yes, you are right. With immigrants and protestors all attacked by the military police there will be another genocide if Trump is elected. There isn't enough room in prisons for all the arrests that will happen.

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Margaret, I have been saying that about all these ridiculously stupid laws these republican governors are passing. If the orange man get elected, how are they going to handle the mass protests? You are right. There will just not be enough prisons or enough man power to take us all down.

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No, but they will try. I'm afraid that with a Trump presidency this time, it will be a mass slaughter for his revenge.

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I do believe that when he tries to start his slaughter/revenge tour, it will awaken American citizens to the horrible reality and threat he has become. There will be so many to protest, he will not be able to carry on his slaughter/revenge.

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I hope you are right!

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Of course, since he would do nothing to stop climate change not many would survive anyway!

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They won't be able to....too many of us!

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I'll be right there with you, Marc!! If they want to beat up an old woman at least I will have had my say!! I will protest quite loudly and as often as possible if that orange man does (gag) get elected!!

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I’m with you guys - if they want a 72 year old woman beat up on tv so be it

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I'll just make sure I get a few licks in, too!

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Marc, there is a possibility that i could be next after what i said in the comment section of an email i got from DJT's website. I was very disgusted that i even got email from his site. I evidently have spyware on my computer. In the comment section on that site, i used every curse word i know insulting DJT, words i wouldn't dare say on this site. I unsubscribed to his site about 25 times. That site was of course begging for donations up to $3500.00. Makes me wonder if i should flee to another nation??

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Hahahahahahahaha!! I would have loved to see the face and reaction of whoever read your email, John!! That would have been priceless!! Don't flee just yet! We need you in this fight!!

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Trump will have control of the military and police and just have protesters gunned down

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Justice seems corrupted by political pressure and power play and it all comes to surface now that Trump is facing legitimate Court cases The fact that the GOP Chairman of the judicial committee, the GOP Speaker and GOP senators are publically undermining judicial processes and harassing witnesses and Court officals in all Trump cases is just one striking example. This is nothing short of fascism. The fact that most key players representing the government in the judicial processes are either elected or nominated by politicians combined with the large amount of money being donated to candidates likely is one of the core causes . There is not such a thing as a free lunch in politics!

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The very facts that Justice and Politics have now been intertwined to the point where the common man or woman can not clearly see where one ends and the other begins is frightening in a free and open democracy. I am reminded by other well known words uttered on the same subject some years ago... “It is not merely of some importance but is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done”. - Lord Hewart

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You are right. But I think politics and "justice" have always been intertwined. We just happened to experiencd post WWII a period of increasing justice---now we're sliding backwards into corruption.

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No question, politics and "justice" have always been closely intertwined when thinking about the USA. I mean, after all, we're told from childhood that the very founding of our country was for religious freedom and "justice" from a greedy English king and his tyrannical tax collectors hellbent on enforcing unjust taxes upon American Colonists peacefully sitting in their Boston parlors, adorned with plush wingback chairs holding their delicate English porcelain cups and peacefully sipping their tea. With Liberty and Justice For All.

Well, all save the indigenous populations, of course. But then, hasn't "Justice" and "corruption" always been about which perspective you are viewing events from, and your personal view of what is "best" for the greater good? Everyone has heard the story of Diogenes the Cynic, who walked the sun-filled streets of Athens, his lit lantern in hand, looking for an honest man. From my own perspective, the phrase is more a metaphor, a search for truth and virtue. Not so much different from our collective search for liberty and justice.

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Well said. I can't help wondering how we, as a nation who defeated Fascism in WWII and having written voluminous chapters on the rise of Hitler, could have fallen into this in our own country. Mind boggling, to be sure. No one believes in the "pledge" of allegiance, despite knowing it by heart.

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Not fascism. But not nice.

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We have always, as a nation, had injustice. But our history includes major acts of justice achieved through hard work by good people. It seems we've sunk to a new low, but if you study history, we've been here before. I think whether we recover is an open question. Meanwhile, we continue to destroy our environment, and that's the biggest injustice of all.

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May 11Liked by Heather Lofthouse

With the plethora of doom-gloom-horrific, I appreciate the banter and humorous exchanges within the serious discussion.

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The United States government has been infiltrated by the MAGA crowd . Turn on Fox News and it’s apparent this country is headed to disaster because of Trump and what he has done to divide the country , his hate , his dysfunction his lies . He has tremendous support from the rich , who seem to be flocking back to him. It’s seems that many Corporations are ok that the US becomes an authoritarian state. For the most part the media treats him like he’s normal. He’s constantly given air time , likes he’s important. He’s a national disgrace and should be treated as such. He’s Mr Trump, a former President who instigated an insurrection.

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Yes, the "new rich" created in the last 50 years have no sense of community, just selfishness. They are oblivious (with some exceptions like Gates) of tbe non-functioning nation we are headed to, they only see profits. There must

be a reset on a level not seen since the Great Depression.

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Melinda Gates, perhaps. But Bill? I think not, having sat and talked with him years ago as head of Microsoft. What's the difference between Bill Gates and Donald Trump? About 3,236 miles. One lives in Washington State, the other Florida. The only other difference is Gates has a much better PR staff.

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They treat him as normal reflects the widespread abnormality of our time.

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May 11Liked by Heather Lofthouse

Heather Lofthouse: i was admiring your crossword mug for today's entire show -- and with great envy, might i add? i also thought you might find this interesting: i've chatted in the past with actually writing crosswords for the NYTimes. i never did it, but it's actually not as easy as you might think.

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Regarding The Coffee Klatch: I like the closed captioning.

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I did, too, Dr. Bloxom!! It was nice to be able to follow along and catch everything that was said. My hearing is not what it used to be and even with the volume way up on my laptop, sometimes I miss things.

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Sorry about your hearing. My hearing is still what it used to be. . . I hear more than I ever want to hear. I need an anti-hearing aid.

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Hahahahahaha! That was a good one, Dr. Bloxom!!

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That wasn't meant to be a Ha Ha. I was serious. If you know of an anti-hearing aid on the market, please let me know. (1/2 Ha Ha)

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I am sorry, Dr. Bloxom! I do not know of anything on the market that quietens the noise, but I will be on the lookout.

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Peggy, long ago when I was young, one of my older male relatives used a hearing aid. When we all got together I noticed he would sneakily remove his hearing aid so he wouldn't hear so much. I don't have that option because I don't use a hearing aid.

The only anti-hearing aids I know of are ear plugs, and those hurt my ears. You may not believe this, but when I was stationed in the Philippines decades ago I asked an oral surgeon friend of mine to make me some ear plugs. He injected the impression material into my ear to use as a mold, and when he pulled it out the hairs in my ear got caught in it and crapped it up. So much for that.

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I know I’ve mentioned investigate reporters and other writers at the LA Times and people at the New York Times and at the WAPO but I also like Ronan Farrow of the New Yorker to which I just got a trial subscription to interact more with Steve Martin the comedian, writer, art, collector, philosopher and all around good guy whose alma mater was Cal State Long Beach this is LeighLovesHelping on Facebook.

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I appreciated the choices given between watching or listening. Really nice!

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Yes. Actually I never thought about having choices. Thanks.

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Dear Robert, I have been a bit “leary” shall I say about our justice system and presidency for quite sometime. I reached young adulthood in the 70’s, having graduated from high school in 1974- watergate, women just being able to buy a car without a man, able to get BCP while single, even the Baptist church to which I belonged by 1979 gave women credit to be able to make their reproductive decisions and so on.. so to me the world was “looking up.” But unfortunately, Regan became President in 1980 and it has been all downhill since… GHBush, was “given” the presidency in 2000- and the democrats talked so infrequently about that- why? , Clinton with his sexual incident of a young woman - which took him very low in my opinion, Obama which Congress allowed him to accomplish almost nothing - so Obamacare was a miracle, then Trump… who destroyed so much of our government or caused most of the upheaval-and embarrassment around the world… and we have judge shopping, lawmakers setting up fake residence in areas so they can file in a particular jurisdiction, one judge in Tx with the power and authority to stop women nationwide from a needed medication… the former president pounding over and over again about how democrats were and are evil, are pedophiles, stealing the vote, socialists to take guns and freedoms away! Yes, I have turned cynical with Cannon, Trump attorneys and putting a trial on hold simply because the prosecutor slept with her BF that was the attorney- big deal- it isn’t like one of them was on the “other” side! That is a very ridiculous reason and in a sane, just world trump and his cronies would never have been in power in the first place. So, yes, pretty cynical now and less and less hope as each day passes that my vote or anybody’s will ever count for decades to come .

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Just act out of hope. Not much choice IMO. You have never lived in a better time to try and make a difference.

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