This is what they SHOULD be broadcasting:

~(CNN) ‘The economy is far BETTER under President Biden than Trump.’

1. “In fact, the stock market hit an ALL TIME HIGH on Friday;”

2. “We have unemployment BELOW 4% for the longest stretch in FIFTY years;”

3. “President Biden has presided over the creation of 14 MILLION new private sector jobs; and”

4. “Only TWO Presidents in the last century, Donald Trump and Herbert Hoover, left office with FEWER Americans working than when they started.”

“Joe Biden has presided over a STRONG and ROBUST economy that’s great for middle Americans, Donald Trump did not.”

“Just last week, consumer confidence took the single most POSITIVE jump in 30 years. As inflation has come down, prices have come down.”

“We’re beginning to see the impact in people’s pocketbooks of President Biden’s leadership.”

“For example, insulin out of pocket costs are now CAPPED at $35/month. It used to be HUNDREDS of DOLLARS a month. Those of us with family members with diabetes understand how that is a significant step forward for the American public.”

“We’re beginning to see the POSITIVE IMPACT of President Biden’s REAL LEADERSHIP on our economy.”

~ Senator Coons


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I don't know that the economy was bad on the surface when Trump was president, but he clearly benefited by inheriting a economy passed down to him from Bush and Obama. Of course he took credit. Then the useful fool after manipulation by the GOP, the moneyed interest behind the throne and his people, he signed a several trillion dollar tax cut that led to a record deficit. So much for the Republican deficit Hawks. Funny they never mentioned it.

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From Obama only. Bush trashed the economy with 2 recessions, the second a near depression that Obama worked long & hard to get out of.

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And let us not forget Iraq. All the false intel to get there from a questionable source. Lots of treasure lost in oh so many ways. And to think, Clinton left him a surplus. And here we are.

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Yep, Bush wiped out that hard fought Clinton surplus by his 2nd year! Just like Trump destroyed the Obama economic boom.

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"Funny they never mentioned it."

Funny indeed. Wonder why that is!?!


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The deficit is a “seasonal” issue, only appearing in election years. It’s very annoying that the MSM doesn’t consistently point out how much the Republicans have added to the deficit with their tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations.

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They are being rewarded not to mention anything positive about Biden or negative about Trump. They are indeed part of the problem.

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The MSM DIRECTLY BENEFITTED from Trump's tax cuts. Of course, they will NEVER say ANYTHING that goes against the receiving of their tax cuts. One solid reason they "champion" Trump today. Same reason they NEVER talk about the outrageous cost of drugs in this country. The media makes HUGE revenue because of the commercials and advertising these corporations make from these drug companies. They will NEVER say ANYTHING to threaten their income streams.

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Still lost after all these years--

Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

7:49 AM (0 minutes ago)

Donald Trump's campaign is reflective of images Trump wishes to envision instead of the true reality of what actually exists. The man lives in a dream world filled with lies and deceit he dreamed up in order to feel comfortable in his own wrinkly skin. The man shows signs of the early onset of dementia. What degree of mental decline will he suffer as the next few years reduce what cognitive ability he may have once had. Biden has a running mate and together they make a good team. Who is Trump's running mate? You really can't support a future ticket without knowing who is on it. Trump's choice will only reduce the Republican's efforts because no one in their right mind wants anything to do with the man. If you are a Republican and you support Trump, your intentions go against the best ideal of our country. I hope you truly love the color "Brown."

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Donald Hodgins <silencenotbad@gmail.com>

8:53 AM (0 minutes ago)

When I view our world, I see dangers that represent various agents from other countries who wish to supplant us as a world leader. Russia, China, North Korea, and a host of Muslim countries who want nothing less than our complete destruction. It's like being naked while walking through the allies of New York City holding on to a fist full of cash. We are a target, and everyone wants what we have. What is totally disquieting is that the main threat we face today comes from within our own country, not from abroad. Donald Trump is that danger and he is among us. In little less than a year we will have the power to make this human abomination wish he had chosen a different line of work. With any luck, Trump will be addressed in the past tense. However, the footprint left by his absence will no doubt draw a crowd. I only hope, for all of our sakes, his replacement will have a mindset that will reflect the traditions and values this country was built upon, no more Republican morons. There isn't a cleaning crew that can sweep up the mess Trump left us with, but Joe is doing his level best. It's just sad the Republican hoard finds fault with the things Biden is doing to counteract the destructive forces Trump employed while he was damaging our country during the 4 years he stole from Hillary.

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Not to mention that Trump withdrew from NATO and other alliances, leaving the US without the allies who otherwise would support us against the countries (add Iran) that want to be the world's leader.

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Alan--Trump wants everyone to belong to his political club, but he will not join anyone else's.

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So very well said Donald!

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Seeking--It will be our secret.

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Republicans are so DESPICABLE that they take PUBLIC CREDIT for the infrastructure projects in their OWN districts that they voted AGAINST!! Following in their weak leader, Trump's, footsteps. PATHOLIGICAL LIARS!!

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Jim--That is the smell of old fish, a rotten potato that got left under the sink and time forgot, and the men's Lockeroom, well maybe not the locker room because "Kim" seemed to be rather fond of the odor found within the walls of Angle Beach High. Face it, Trump stinks.

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I agree with Donald that it is"disquieting that the main threat we face today comes from within our own country, not from abroad."

I am 69 years old and it pains me to say that I have definitely lost my faith in the viability of our two party political system. Therefore, given the the ongoing acrimony and divergent views in both Democratic and Republican parties the only candidate for President that I plan to fully support in November if he gets on the ballot in 2024, is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who is running as an Independent candidate.

I believe that his platform is truly unique because if elected his campaign and his administration will be focusing on: "the values that we share instead of the issues that divide us", "ending the forever wars", "cleaning up government", "rebuilding our industrial infrastructure", "strengthening unions", "favoring small and medium businesses that are our nations real job creators", "breaking up too big to fail banks and monopolies", "wealth for all and telling Americans the truth and when crisis strikes", and when crisis strikes, "bail out the homeowners, debtors and small businesses instead", "protect and restore the fundamental civil liberties", "freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures", "protect the right to privacy", "ending mass surveillance of American citizens" and the "abuse of civil asset forfeiture", "break up "too-big-to-fail" banks and monopolies", and "address the most pressing environmental problems".

If you'd like to learn more about RFK's mission to reclaim our Democracy go to: www.kennedy24.com.

Catherine K.

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Catherine---I respect your choice however, the people of this country have to put everything on the back burner and concentrate on beating Trump. We have to unite under one platform and one candidate in order to do this. This means any vote other than one for President Biden is in essence a vote for Trump. If we want a future, we will need to vote as one. You vote as you wish but there is way more at stake here than the Presidency.

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Oh Catherine. PLease think again. First, RFK doesn't have the slightest chance of winning the presidency so you might just as well set your ballot on fire, and any vote for Biden that we lose, has the same effect as casting vote for tfg. Surely, you don't want that... ? Please tell me you don't want that. He was the most divisive politician to ever sit in our WH.

"the values that we share instead of the issues that divide us", "ending the forever wars", "cleaning up government", "rebuilding our industrial infrastructure", "strengthening unions", "favoring small and medium businesses that are our nations real job creators, breaking up too big to fail banks and monopolies",

This sounds exactly like a Biden campaign speech. I don't know where you've been getting your info Catherine, but Biden and Harris have been working on all of those issues, and he would either like to get them done himself, or, knows that its not realistic to try to get them done under the current political climate. I myself agree that all of those things should eventually be done. But RFK is not the man to do it. If you have suggestions for Joe Biden, I'm sure he would love to hear from you.

But the main thing here is that we've rarely, if ever, have had a more decent and law abiding man in our WH, and his experience working inside of the Capitol, and the WH , is just staggering. That's why he's been so successful in his first three years, and so if anybody knows how to address your issues , its Joe Biden.

He's our best hope to restore this country to it's former glory and fix all of your issues , but third party candidates could very well, destroy his chances simply because the race between tfg and Biden will be so very close. Please. Help us to save our country. Biden in '24. RFK, if you'd like, in 2028.

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Yes, but much of right-wing antagonism & treachery has been inspired & stoked by Putin & the Russian propaganda machine.

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I rather have a President that is experienced and still is active and his mind is clear, his messages are clear and in FULL SENTENCES than someone who just spits hate, mistrust, violence, racism, separation, threats and is incoherent!

We ALL saw how he behave when NATO met and the way he pushed aside the other members JUST for him to be in the front! his demeanor was so embarazzing the USA citzens with his belittle conduct! He is not going to make this country great because we already experienced FOUR YEARS with him in the WH and we know that he will benefit himself, his family and the 1%.

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Miss--Well done it is evident you "Miss" nothing.

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Trump pushing his way to the front of a group of NATO representatives was his desperate attempt to rise to the surface, like a sick bubble in a pool of sludge.

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I don’t think you can call it “early onset” when it happens after 60 or 65. But the rest of this works for me.

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Alice--Trump has always been crazy but that was his own fault, his dementia is something imposed upon him by an unseen power we should all thank. Now, how do we speed up the process.

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Alice--The man couldn't tell the difference between one of his Ex-wives and the woman who is suing him. If it gets bad enough maybe, he'll vote for Joe.

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Stress will tax his cognitive abilities the most. The court cases are probably the best way to “speed up the process.” In fact, they may be why we are seeing more and more dysfunction in his memory, more stream-of-consciousness rambling. I do wonder, however, whether his base would care if he started gibbering even more. They might think he was speaking in tongues and bow down to him as their Cristo-fascist Chosen leader!

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Donald, good points here. I have no idea why anyone would want to run with Trump except that they are hoping he will die in office or be declared unfit so they can rule. I am sure Trump's handlers are aware of this point and will have some real bad stuff to hold over the head of whoever runs with Trump. Blackmail is powerful and probably in play now to keep so many Republicans tied to an ignorant, disgusting fool who has nothing positive to offer anyone, but wants to rule. Besides, if the chosen one doesn't do the "right" thing, Trump and Kump can encourage their crazies to construct a gallows on the Mall for a hanging. They wanted the insurrectionists to do that to Pence. It is hard to believe Pence didn't know the kind of person Trump is and was. I guess power does make people do all kinds of things that are against what they claim are their principles. Trump's running mate will have no moral compass as Trump has none or be willing to sacrifice any such morality to the cause. The media will just love the show until that show goes after them. Then it will be too late.

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Ruth--Absolute power corrupts absolutely, not my words but well worth the thought.

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Trump’s running mate, will assuredly be some Lacky yes person!

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Gary--I thought he would choose a woman but his options are limited, Greene, yuk. Then came DeSantis, the perfect Trump clone but younger. It's a possibility, and Desantis isn't stupid. He understands what happens if Trump can't fulfill his duties as President, being his VP.

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Among women, besides MTG, there's Elisa Stefanik (another "yuk"), Nikki Haley, who probably doomed herself by staying in the race & finally making some solid criticism of Trump, Kari Lake, the female version of Trump, Kristi Noem, & Tulsi Gabbard, maybe even fawning Candace Owens (but I doubt it).

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Donald, interesting to note that the day DeSanctimonious drops out of the race he endorses tRump who he claimed wasn't fit to be president. Makes you wonder just what the Orange one promised him, doesn't it???

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Is there a law that would prevent him from choosing Ivanka as his running mate?

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The truth doesn’t sell. Simple as that

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No! The truth does sell and people are clamoring to hear the truth. The media is lazy, irresponsible and hopelessly captured by the wealthy assholes. The Fourth Estate has fallen to unfathomable depths. They could have and should have done better and done more,. Thank goodness for Substack authors like Reich to speak truth to power.

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An ugly truth. That too is simple. Regrettable as well.

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News Coverage is designed to Capture Eyes 👀, or clicks, or the purchase of a Newspaper which is loaded with advertisements Just Like “Free” TV.

News is based on whatever garners the most attention of the Viewers.


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& designed by only a few Media Corporate Giants brought to you by: De- regulation. When media is allowed to conglomerate it creates a crevice where the propaganda machine steps in! As it has over the last forty years! I know, cause I saw & lived it! We’ve allowed ourselves to become a society of “ Don’t Look Up”(Netflix)🥴🤣😂🥴

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Exactly. The major networks' national news used to be separate from the rest of the companies, and each one prided itself on accurate and responsible reporting. That has been replaced by corporate greed which sees news as not a national responsibility, but entertainment. This slippery slope evidences our moral slide.

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Exactly, better said than I, fewer words says it ALL!🙏David

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Exactly right! It WAS a booming economy . . . then it CRASHED when BUNKERBOY'S work finally started showing late in his third failed year. (I learned during his "presidency" that a current president's policies come into play between the second and third year.)

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Not so much Bush. Remember the 2007-08 crash that a new President Obama had to pull us out of? Contributing to that crash was the two disastrous credit card wars that Bush got us into. So no, not Bush.

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Bush passed on a recession - Obama fixed it.

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Bush almost bankrupted us! Remember the mortgage meltdown? That was on his watch. Obama pulled us out of that.

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Paula--Reagan and Bush illegally removed over $3 trillion from the social security coffers without permission. And we wonder why social security is in trouble.

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George W Bush left a huge deficit, from the illicit war on Iraq. Obama inherited the Great Recession from Bush. Obama could have done a better job if he had allowed Wall Streeters to crash in their own slime instead of sticking it to middle America and allowing us the privllege of bailing out our own predators.

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Actually, did not Bush hand Obama an economic disaster?

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He also managed to generate the largest four your increase in the national debt of any president in history. Nice accomplishment - yes I’m being highly cynical‼️

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Excellently well put.Biden , his surrogates , and MSM must continue highlighting the many legislative accomplishments of the first years of the Biden administration.Advertise/ market again and again for all Americans to see.

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Repeat, repeat, repeat!! Over and over like a mantra!!

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That should be the path to success, but too many of our citizens are operating from their amygdala, not their prefrontal cortex. There has to be a counter-punch emotional focus.....

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👍Correctly said, 🙏Marge💙

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Some intelligent strength!

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It's part of a path but as I think you are saying, Biden can't over rely on that. Mesassaging gotta make voters feel good, feel hopeful. Obama got that right. I mean, what accomplishments did Obama have to run on in 2008? It was audacity of hope. The promise. He also has to contrast with TFG. And somehow he has to get the independents women and men to come out and vote for him. The independent men I see as a big challenge.

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Is that what it feels like to take a punch from Ali?

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Exactly!! I've seen a few small headlines, but nothing major about what Biden has done for the country. The maga republicans always parrot they want Trump back because gas prices, inflation, employment was better. It's better now but news sources aren't stating it loudly enough.

What's funny is those same news services are now being denied access into Trump's world (the NBC reporter over the weekend not allowed). What they don't realize is unless you "kiss his ring" if Trump wins there may not be a free press for long.

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As I have said before, the media is controlled by the richy rich who tell them what to write and say. They don't want to broadcast how well President Biden has done because they don't want him reelected!

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The "rich" didn't used to make 300+ times that of the average worker, and they used to see news as responsibility to the continuation of the Republic. Now it's just another form of "entertainment". Greed, greed, greed, nation be damned.

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I remember when trump was president he kept talking about how great the stock market was doing and the media did too. Not sure why that isn’t happening now. Of course no one on Fox News is reporting on it now. Everyone with a 401K/403B should know though.

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I think many Trump supporters own little or no stocks or have a 401K/403B account. A new high in the market doesn't affect them. Inflation at the grocery store and gas pump does, and things look better here for Biden!

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Yes! Why don't they get it? Why don't they remember their their now extinct old rhetoric teacher who disapproved of hyperbole and said just stick to the facts. Among 3% of Iowa voters, Trump won half. Other candidates split the rest. Sounds different doesn't it?

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Only 15% of eligible voters voted in the Iowa GOP Primary, and of those 15% voted 53% for Trump. Trump "won' based on 7.95% of the eligible Iowa GOP voters. 85% of the total eligible voters didnt vote for any GOP candidate. That is the real story -that a candidate has been declared by MSM to have "won" anything at all based on a mere 7.95% of voters.

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While Trump has said he wants the economy to collapse.

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I mentioned this to my family of Trump supporters. They laughed! "He's just kidding!" No, he is not! He wants it to crash to increase his chances of beating Biden, and he doesn't care how much pain and suffering a crash will cause the American people!

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Tim, did they explain why he would joke about something like that? It doesn’t sound funny to me.

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They got religion Tim. Reckon the "he's just kidding" defense works for whatever he does. Well maybe he's just kidding about how much he cares for them. How can they tell when he is and when he isn't . It's a gut thing.

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Denial is not just a river,,,

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Create a problem where one doesn’t exist, blame the Democrats, rinse and repeat.

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For the Trumpers, he wasn't being serious. But for independents and nominal Democrats maybe that makes a great ad.

I' m glad Michael Steele is no longer working for the GOP. He is politically astute.

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It's rare but gratifying when a former RNC chairman turns into one of that party's top critics.

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Yes, Democrats should be shouting from the rooftops that Trump wants the economy to crash (and he wants to take away our healthcare).

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Yes. Now that’s real presidential.

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Republicans in Congress are trying their darndest to sabotage the economy, but so far they've failed.

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Agree Dems must get Biden's record out. However, the more I read and witness about our politics, it appears voters are more influenced by story than by facts. Think how Trump repeats simple talking points three times in a row (even prior to recent decline) and all surrogates echo the same. It's been effective. A ridiculous number of people in this country now believe the Big Lie with no evidence. They also believe Dems are communists?!?! I'd like to see Dems counter the strategy effectively. Even then, it's an uphill battle against the media's click (or profit) spotlight on Trump and MAGAs screaming chaos of the day, whether it be impeachment, border or an abortion ban. Sometimes I think Dems need to scream and shout simple, declarative, but emotion inducing slogans too, such as "Don't let mothers die" or "Restore our revenues." How do we fight MAGA without becoming like them?

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I agree. Except that there's always "evidence" for anything. Facts, and made up things, very specific things, are easily interpreted/used to give credibility to an overall conclusion, that the election was stolen. There were things done in the election to cope with covid and it's easy for some to see these actions as part of a larger conspiracy to rob TFG of the election. Also, while Dems have to put some energy to defend against some charges, that can be a trap by simply keeping alive the charges in the media. The best defense is countercharging to put TFG/GOP on the defensive. The Dems should and will use simple emotionally charged slogans. Stop the rightwing gun violence slaughter of our children. Whatever.

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Except that good news will not get the MSM the clicks they so desperately need.

If I recall, when trump won the nomination in 2016, the NYT hired almost 100 more reporters and staff.

His criminality and coarseness causes surges of clicks and/or viewerships.

I think most folks are either amazed or outraged.

Count me in the outraged group.

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Great points! Thanks. I'm loading them up in my arsenal. These points can all be backed up with fact.

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Is the stock market an arbiter? If so see DWAC. Scary.

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But if they broadcast that it might hurt Trump's chances of winning, and if there's anything the past few interminable years have taught us it's that the one thing most news orgs want more than anything else is trump safely ensconced in the oval office, where his incompetent malice can generate endless opportunities for them to both sides everything and this drive up their own revenue.

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Marlo, it has been hard over time watching reporters mostly interview the disgruntled folks, particularly in the South and Midwest as though they are the only people whose opinions about the economy matter. I have also noticed how carefully the media have ignored the problem of greedflation. I have only heard it hinted at anywhere but a couple of times on MSNBC. When businesses make huge profits while the people in general are experiencing real hardship, something is wrong and it isn't the fault of the people who are struggling. This needs to be prominently addressed in our media and not on page 10 of the paper or as an afterthought between 2 long commercials.

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Problem is, MSM is not interested in protecting or saving our democracy. They are interested in ad revenue and ratings. Trump has always been a clown, and the circus is more interesting than CSPAN so that's what they sell.

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They will likely be severely limited, if allowed to exist, under a Trump administration. They should be smart enough to realize that.

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Great analysis!

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Except those statistics aren't accurate. There have been several significant revisions in unemployment numbers and the what is being reported is selective bias at best. Americans are struggling more than ever. No amount of massaging the numbers will convince them otherwise. They believe what they are experiencing, not what you tell them they should be feeling.

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Josh, what they are experiencing is what they choose to experience.

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In so much as they voted for Biden, then I guess. No one thought Biden would be as disastrous as he is. People were sold a bill of goods by the MSM and establishment as they demonized Trump and literally tried to usurp a sitting president with conspiracies concocted by the CIA, FBI and Clinton campaign. Americans are suffering greatly under Biden and the dems have nothing to offer but Marxist communism.

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Josh, can you name a single "Marxist communist" in the Democratic party?

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Mainstream media shouldn’t be surprised because they keep giving Trump oxygen! Trump is like a fire, it’s only active if it has oxygen.

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The big story should be that Trump is disoriented X 3. Since Trump ridicules his opponents, he is fair game.

Nikki Haley questions Trump’s mental competence in lead-up to New Hampshire’s primary


#trump stinks

Donald Trump has syphilis? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAqqhmtW42k

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I agree, ridicule and making fun of him should be a major part of the democratic strategy. Malignant narcissists do not like to be made fun of.

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If ridicule and making fun of him causes him to crash sooner, I'm all for it. I'm just uncertain as to whether it will make Democrats look bad, and become more like those on the right who do nothing BUT ridicule. We want to oust them, not become them.

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Terry, I agree. Democrats need to constantly tout how President Biden is bringing America back after the pandemic and is doing an amazing job!! I always think of Michele Obama "when they go low, we go high". We should never try to emulate the right. They use nasty tactics and Democrats are better than that.

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The problem when you always go high- you eventually end in altitude where there is no oxygen and you asphyxiate! I’ve learned the only way to deal with a bully- is to match their energy. The Dems need to get their heads out of the clouds and go on the ATTACK!

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Susan, while I agree that Democrats do need to message better, I simply do not believe we should lower ourselves to name calling, bullying, intimidation, etc. We should continuously drive the message of the good that President Biden has done for ALL the American people and will continue to do when reelected. We should point out those that voted no on bills that have helped the American people and then want to take credit. Leave the GOP nastiness behind and drive home what President Biden has made right after trump messed it all up!

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There are a number of Democrats who do that expertly with class, truth & righteousness. Watch Jamie Raskin, Jasmine Crockett & that Moskowitz guy. They also add humor & irony. Some others who are quite good at this are AOC, Swalwell, Schiff & Lieu.

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You do whatever works with the audience you've got.

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Only because of the flawed electoral college. She won the popular vote by about 2.9 million.

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Terry ; a taste of their own 'medicine' once in a while is fair. There is plenty of evidence that Biden is doing a good job for the Humans (not the corporate 'people'). If you can dish it out ; you should be able to take it.

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I'm less concerned with what is fair, and more with what's effective to make sure he never holds office again, and that we who oppose him do not become like him.

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Terry ; I like what is fair and just.

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Terry ; a little poke once in a while that reflects some truth will not make us "become him".

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Do what you always did; get what you always got. All they have is ridicule. They certainly don't have policy. Ridicule what they call policy as compared to what Democrats have to offer and have accomplished.

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Project 25 is their policy and whatever Bannon is cooking up.

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Works for me! 👍

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Are they even using the word “policy” anymore? I’ve seen articles that quote Republicans worrying that they haven’t accomplished anything and have nothing to run on. Gee, whose fault is that?

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Oh, they have indeed clearly demonstrated an unspoken policy. Simply stated, go after Biden and anyone not a МАГАт Яepuблиkan, while defending ol' P01135809 with the distraction, and promoting the Southern Fried Christianity heresy and other Confederate values in support of their "heritage."

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Hard call. Ridicule/humor has a role but shouldn't be overdone maybe.

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It’s kind of impossible not to ridicule Trump. I mean who can take that orange lump seriously?

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2.5 American idiots. 😑

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Maybe too many voters?

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I wonder if ridicule makes narcissists double-down on their worst behavior though? Why not highlight his weaknesses without the ridicule and keep highlighting all Biden and his administration have accomplished?

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3 target markets

1. Independents and unregistered voters. In most of the swing states these are the majority. Think Gen Z, who can sweep for Democrats. 40% of the electorate, trend at least 70% Democratic.

2, Democrats to get out the base.

3. Registered Republicans. -- has to be demoralizing for most of them.

Who gives a damn about cult members, who vote against "the other."

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Demoralizing only if they have a conscience, for which there is no evidence.

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Daniel Solomon ; Maybe "the other", at least the latest target Du Jour.

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I find "Trump hates dogs" and "Trump stole from kids with cancer" makes them choke on their beer.

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How about easing up on glorifying Biden and instead, focusing on the harm done by Republicans since Reagan?

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I think they’d be much better off just pointing out trumps increasingly irrational behaviour and his utter lack of any policies that aren’t aggressive and racist. His LGBT stance the only reasonable thing he comes out with. They should reiterate the facts of the economic improvement of the Biden administration. I don’t think Democrats should lower themselves to the juvenile, slanging matches Republicans indulge in.

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Looking a gift horse in the mouth.

It's NEWS! Friggin' Republican Nikki Haley is saying it.

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But then you will end up on his hit list!

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We don't have to be diagnosticians. We just have to believe our eyes. He crossed the line of decency when he came down that elevator, and every step of the way since then.

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And we have to GOTV (Get Out the Vote); tens of millions of infrequent voters to the polls.

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Though it only emerged that Nancy Reagan was her demented husband's crutch in the Oval Office after his death, demented Trump is missing his Nancy Reagan now. Melania is completely useless in that regard as is the rest of that cursed family. What's truly sad is the fate of Jared and Ivanka's children who didn't ask to be born into it.

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It’s those damn half Immigrants kids of his causing all the problems.

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The Trump boys' ethnic origins had little or nothing to do with their rotten personalities; they learned to be attack dogs at the feet of their master.

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What hope with such parents? Look at Trump's benighted progeny.

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Such a tragic waste of their humanity and for the nurturing of the common good of our country.

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Just like Henry VIII

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the Grump is gamey, all right.

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A piece by Times Radio I just came across (UK, a little like Radio Free Europe beamed at the US, of late) :






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Thanks for passing these links on- Conway and Scaramucci are sober and astute observers of American politics and they are clearly not swept away by Trump nor dumbstruck by his success. They know that it's no big deal for former presidents to have an advantage if they seek renomination. What would be surprising is if they didn't.

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Conway, yes. Scaramucci is neither sober nor astute.

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Scaramucci are sober and astute “ observers ? Is he not the guy who was Press Secretary for Trump for about 10 minutes ? And is now making the rounds being Anti Trump ? Was he not convicted of some low class crime too ? Why is anyone even listening to him ?

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I put Scaramucci in the same category as Michael Cohen. Ex-members of the Trump cult who are now prepared to stand up to Trump and warn the rest of the public. Frankly, at this point, I am grateful for any help that's offered to undermine Trump's credibility. If ex-Trumpists can help, I welcome their help.

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I find the notion of Trump and landslide victory hilarious. 7% of registered republicans...a whopping 56k people...The media needs to stop brown nosing and call out the facts. Nobody wanted to vote and the other choices were just as super shitty. 7% landslide...drop the nonsense, Trump has syphilis brain and should be reminded of his mental degeneration daily.

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Syphilis COULD explain TFG's word salad. The steppage gait comes next. However, the more common current causes of dementia from Alzheimer's to Lewy body dementia to multi-infarct dementia are a sufficient explanation for everything based on my medical training...

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Who the fuck cares what the origin of his narcissistic megalomaniac syphilitic dementia psychopathy is. His wack ass should have been 25th amended in 2017, imprisoned and 14th amended before 2024 caucuses began. 🤨

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in Iowa Trump got 7.95% of the 15% that voted. That according to the MSM and Trump was a "win" !

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To their way of thinking, it was a BIGLY win! Jeez! What shoddy reportage.

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Let's all delay laughing until after the election.

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Some of the MSM oligarchs need to bone up on their history on how media owners fair under fascist authoritarian regimes... Whilst they might prosper in the short term, they generally end up against the wall in the medium term once the "Supreme Leader" decides he doesn't want any intermediaries between him and total control over the media (and hence propaganda).

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Like the NBC news reporter not allowed on Trump's plane over the weekend.

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How did they become oligarchs? Are there oligarchs of public television (like a 'Putin of PBS')?

PS: Those media owners couldn't care any less: they all gorged at the trough when Bush wanted to "rally the troops" (Congresswoman Barabara Lee aside, no one said "no" - and we still have those AUMFs in place, i.e. a "Supreme Leader" with no congressional check on his authority); they even facilitated the Googling of WMD's (so how are we not all characters in their mainstream public show?)...

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The media certainly trumpets Trump in a positive light. (Their business model and oligarch owners demand it.)

But the actual facts remain that whatever the press claims, the actual votes show Trump is doing very, very badly.

Those who voted in the Iowa caucus are largely die-hard Republican voters. And 49% of them voted *against* Trump.

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Keith Olbermann pointed out how poorly Trump did in Iowa the next day, although the media was "awestruck" at his supposed landslide.

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Keith’s podcast is my morning wake up first thing. Wouldn’t miss him for anything.

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Sadly, in this wildly irrational political environment, it is not fact, but perceptions that seem to matter. I would posit this to the Dumbing Down of America that I have long bewailed.

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Perceptions matter but they don’t rule everything. Actual reality wins in the end.

The news will promote the perception that Trump’s wins in Iowa and NH are signs of his electoral strength but REALITY is his wins were by tiny margins and a very weak showing.

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its is a wildly irrational media environment that allows Trump to declare 'victory' based on 7.95% of eligible primary voters in Iowa. I think that the political environment - the Duopoly- is so corrupt that its an unknown.

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What Duopoly? Mars?

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no one is talking about "Mars.'

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Get a sense of humor

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South Carolina went for... Newt Gingrich... in 2012? Lol...

= D

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It is sad to watch that interview CNN had with a Republican couple who could not stand Trump, or what their Party had become. But the husband thinks of himself as Republican as a core part of his identity and it seemed unlikely from his remarks that he would vote for Biden. Identity trumps self-preservation.

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Did anyone see that bulge that emerged from Gov Sununu’s mouth? https://youtu.be/v7G9JkWsIrQ?si=nNohkvisyLYkkoc8

Check this out. People who should know better just don’t any more.

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What's your evidence of Trump's lack of votes? The polls (mostly) don't provide this certitude.

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“What’s your evidence of Trump’s lack of votes?”

49% of the votes in Iowa were NOT cast for Trump. It’s been widely reported.

Did you miss that bit of news?

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Bravy, the Iowa count is the "evidence". Look it up.

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The MSM is doing nothing but stroking tRump’s, MAGA’s and what’s left of the Republican Party’s ego and they’re lapping it up. Talk about something long enough and it becomes a fact. Continuing to talk/write about something that is obvious as if it is unprecedentedly unique is showing gullible stupidity and adding to the snowball rolling down the hill.

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With the GOP primary all but over, is it too early to start running ads against Trump? I could see a series of ‘Trump is like...’ ads gaining traction.

1) Trump is like Aunt Karen’s obnoxious new husband who you hope doesn’t show up to Thanksgiving (cut to video of Trump being obnoxious). Then the ad ends with asking ‘Why would we want to invite that guy back into our living rooms?’

2) Trump is like the guy you pray your daughter never brings home.... ‘ Why would we want to invite that guy back into our living rooms?’


I continue to believe that once Trump’s cult of personality is punctured, his support will quickly melt away.

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Well done Steve. After Haley gets her lickspittle ass kicked tonight, the Democratic Party will have the luxury of nine months to focus on one target. If the Democratic Party has any testosterone left we should see an advertising campaign unlike anything we’ve seen before. After all, the enemy keeps shooting himself in the foot and handing us his remaining ammunition nearly every day.

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Biden campaign already had an ad out quoting Haley’s vivid reaction to tfg having confused her with Pelosi, before NH primary. Dems need to run that on a loop on “billboard trucks” in certain neighborhoods.

Also P.O.’d that no news bit I’ve seen has ever clarified that tfg did NOT offer 10K guard troops to Pelosi.

tfg was not only confusing the 2 women (similarly to the way his brain collapsed when he confused E. Jean Carroll with his ex-wife Marla Maples while under oath in EJC’s rape/defamation case’s deposition), tfg was also spewing misinformation about offering guards. Jan 6th Committee further proved his inaction for *hours* while the Capitol/legislators were under assault on Jan 6th.

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How about focusing on Republican misdeeds while you're at it.

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There are also Supreme Court decisions pending as well as several trials. I suppose it’s unlikely but he could be disqualified from holding office.

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He certainly should be.

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Good idea!

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That's a damn fine ad campaign. I'd love to do the narrator voice-over on a spot like that!

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Biden-Harris campaign immediately created an ad using clips of Haley sputtering about tfg’s demented confusion — & ad’s spectacularly impactful — shortly after Haley’s comments were broadcast.

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Indeed it was. Let me ask you a question about your monicker there HS.

I drive a 2009 Pontiac G8 which was developed by Holden Australia (a GM subsidiary), as were the 2004-2006 model years for the Pontiac GTO and the 2014 - 2017 model years for the Chevy SS.

THAT Holden?

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Nothing so international! I learned something from you and a family member who’s a car nut and knew about Holden Australia. Simply an allusion to the Holden Caulfield character in “Catcher in the Rye”. :-)

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Speaking of being a rapist, I keep wondering if anyone else has noticed that the former president has been found guilty of grabbing Ms Carroll by exactly what he made international news bragging about what he could grab the women by. I think there's a Lincoln Project or some Biden campaign ad about that in there somewhere. He's been convicted over what he publicly bragged about doing before he was convicted of it.

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DZK - Speaking of the Lincoln Project did you see their latest ad “God made a Dictator”? I personally think that it was one of their best yet. Funny how some “Christian” people forget that they are trying to vote in a rapist (let alone forgiving him for all of his other crimes).

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It is important to understand the enemy. In this case it is ignorance. Many in fundamentalist Xtian sects are raised in a cult which teaches the tenets of and condones toxic patriarchy. Within such closed minded and controlling sects, there is no such thing as rape, or sex, merely Godly Strong Man procreation for God alone.

Surrounded by them here in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. You will often find that the women who have absorbed this misogynist’s worldview are the staunchest supporters of rapists in their own communities, aka Boys will be Boys defense of indefensible bullying.

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Monnina - That makes me so sad for the women but I still don’t understand that if they are so god fearing people that they would be okay with all of the things that trump has done. I wish that they could see that what is happening is Not okay and that they have rights (or at least Should have rights).

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Middle Ages mentality!

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What's wrong with supporting filth because you happen to believe in 2000 year-old stories?

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Maybe there will be a reaction to that when they hit Trump for 10 million.

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$10M ‽‽‽‽‽ The court went into Giuliani for over $100M. I'd like to see NY drain him of $500M! It should be worked into the Biden campaign that the wanker didn't even have the goddam common sense to shut the hell up when they sanctioned him in the first place. If he has that poor a judgement in personal matters - NO! He's >not< fighting for freedom of speech - what kind of judgement does he have in governing 300,000,000 souls ‽ What kind of judgement does he have in conducting foreign policy ‽ It's the kind of judgement that could bankrupt several gambling casinos! How the bloody hell do you bankrupt even >one< goddam casino ‽

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Yes, so much for his great business sense!

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I was thinking Common Sense! 😏

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Trump has neither.

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He does have a shark-like sense for (blood in the water) the grift however.

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They want someone like that having access to the nuclear codes? Good grief.

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👍 A good strategy for an ad campaign, don'ch think?

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You betcha!

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A similar ad against Goldwater was very effective for LBJ.

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He HAD access for 3 years and 3 weeks. 🤨 Probably scared the shit out of NORAD the whole fucking time.

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Oh, I hope it’s a lot more than that.

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Professor Reich: i find it a shocking social failure in this country that the media are embracing trump, that the legal profession allows this criminal to roam freely and spew his ... ? ... nonsense, and that the general public are pleased to support him despite his many promises to make them and their lives, and their childrens' lives, utterly, irredeemably miserable. and this is all, from what i can tell, the result of a few rich white male oligarchs grabbing ever more wealth and leaving nothing for the rest of us.

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That's definitely why Professor Reich focuses on inequality e.g. in his lectures; check out this quote from Piketty's 'Capital in the Twenty-First Century':

"The advent of universal suffrage and the end of property qualifications for voting (which in the nineteenth century limited the right to vote to people meeting a minimum wealth requirement, typically the wealthiest 1 or 2 percent in France and Britain in 1820–1840, or about the same percentage of the population as was subject to the wealth tax in France in 2000–2010), ended the legal domination of politics by the wealthy. But it did not abolish the economic forces capable of producing a society of rentiers."

He goes on (at length) about how 'Returns(c)>g' (returns on capital, i.e. rents, being greater than the economic growth rate, defines economic history aside from the middle of the twentieth century); basically, the difference in scale of wealth for the ".1%" doesn't afford the possibility of even the most well-compensated "managers" (labor) from ever catching up (thus the incentive to serve the wrong agenda e.g. in the case of costly political campaigns - and by way of media with questionable priorities, none of which are owned by the public).

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Maybe, but their tactics seem to be working.

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Agree completely, but one addition: the behaviour of Trump induces fear in every potential opponent, internally in his party, his formal prosecutors, and his political adversaries.

This is the impressiom I get from reading Heather Cox Richardson. Trump comes close to direct threats, but his followers will do the work.

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It’s how mafia bosses work. Don’t say or command anything directly, use coded innuendo.

"Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" (also expressed as "troublesome priest" or "meddlesome priest") is a quote attributed to Henry II of England preceding the death of Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury, in 1170.

rhetorical device allowing leaders to covertly order or exhort violence among their followers, while still being able to claim plausible deniability for political, legal, or other reasons.

(Wikipedia, Henry II)

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That is true, Tom. I urge my friends to support these politicians, election workers, civil workers and anyone else being threatened and intimidated by the little orange man and his cult.

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The US justice system has been extremely slow in holding the vile, violent atmosphere that is created by threats, freedom with no responsibility, violence, swatting, etc.... Our system has failed at stopping this destruction of our public good. Others have written far more poetically regarding this, but it is a myth, that much has been done. That is why you can be shot in church. I suggest circles of AR15 holders in numerous jurisdictions to allow them to play with their guns with others of their own inclinations. WE can bury them and their guns in a big hole dug out in the middle and begin to rid ourselves of these threats. These military appendages have destroyed us. The threats these folk are seeing is invisible.

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What if the political ad campaign showed Trump threatening everyone in the audience - "I know where you live, your parents, your children, and I have goons ready to come to your house". That would affect me!

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Tom van Doormaal, the justice system prosecutors show no sign of fear. As for the others, it's self-serving cowardness (cowardice).

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Trump gives us the perfect opportunity to examine our true values - are we fools going for the entertainment rush, or are we a rational species that actually uses our brains to create a better world? It’s time the press examines their responsibility for the monsters they feed.

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In the words of Dr. Frankenstein, "HE'S ALIVE!".

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How much rationality do you find in Republican utterings?

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'are we fools going for the entertainment rush?'

From this perch it appears that too many of our citizens are looking for just that. Entertainment. More fodder for the "Leopards WILL Eat Your Face Club."

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Why didn’t anyone listen to Dr. Mary Trump? She said he would destroy this country. He’s a psyvlpath. Should have been locked up ages ago along with his crooked children. Sickening.

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Mary is embarking on a speaking tour of swing states. Fingers crossed.

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I totally agree with this column. TFG's coverage by the media is ridiculously slanted to make him look good. Just look at the pictures that accompany these articles - TFG is usually in front of an American flag with the picture shot from below to make him look large and imposing. Picture propaganda.

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Mainstream media is mega-corporate and driven by shareholder thirst and advertising revenue. Who cares about virtue?

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I care about virtue, and I think most Americans do - but they are having their reality so distorted by the press and Trump lies that it's hard to tell what's wrong and what's right.

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It’s mainstream media that needs to be virtuous. Independent of advertiser's biases, independent of lobbyist’s influence, media should ferret out facts, details and ultimate truth. Consumers of media information deserve TRUTH.

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I fully support what you said but unfortunately things like truth, virtue and moral responsibility doesn’t make the press any money so they are not motivated to rethink their modus operandi. Sad and pathetic I know!

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Caring about virtue is good, but finding it in public life is somewhat more difficult

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Yep too much of the public are collateral damage from the mutualistic relationship between tfg and the media. My other post.

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Public media is... not that... but still has to report on the reality i.e. the facts: a dangerous dude - who poses dangerous risks to the country - and could effect dangerous consequences (e.g. right-wing Supreme Court/end of 'Roe v. Wade', global instability a la war in Eastern Europe & The Middle East, a plague, etc. etc.).

PS: What if SNL runs out of Trump jokes??

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Rishi Chopra ; They may have to become less duplistic ; or lose all value even as jokers.

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The writers would definitely have to rise to the challenge - but even "Laugh In" went off the air eventually (let's hope the public's taste changes & the question is avoided)...

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What is troubling is the lack of approval for Biden. His record of accomplishments is staggeringly positive, yet all positives seem to be taken for granted, like the "soft landing," for instance, or the cap on insulin. Do people actually think Trump would have given them these things? Many of the people who disapprove of Biden are those who have benefitted the most from his policies, and who would be the most afflicted by Trump's. The stupidity is stunning.

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True, but why are Democrat's messaging falling flat?

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The media is not friendly

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I really enjoy this write up and totally agree with the exception of calling it a glorification of Trump success. I see as complicity by the media. They aren’t that stupid. To ignore Biden is deliberate and destructive for our nation. Biden has every force imaginable against him yet we still are a functioning democracy. Why not highlight his achievements, because they are complicit? We have a lot to overcome come election time. Scary times but it’s all thought out by corporate America

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6 people own 90% of our media. None of what we see would be possible without that.

Biden needs to be a reincarnation of Teddy & FDR, sprinkled with an extra healthy dose of LBJ’s Civil Rights 2.0!

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Biden has made progress, but he is no FDR. Sadly, this may be his undoing. His inability to grasp the necessity of more bold moves.

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Even FDR asked for the people to push him, show that he would have the voters' support. Did Biden really get that? The kind of push that would convince a Manchen to... Well, no.

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Maybe it is the outlet of these computers. Steals time from real community and more effective actions.

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Good point. What is wrong with us?

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I think he’s done some amazing things: canceling student loans, getting rid of junk fees, etc. He’s been up against Manchin and Sinema though, and now a Republican House. I’m surprised he’s managed to do anything under the circumstances.

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Supporting Israel is undoubtedly a bold move, which seems to repel and energize our "White Knight" Progressives- who may unwittingly vote for Trump or stay aloof, cocooned in their purity.

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Biden has received the most money of any politician from the Israel lobby in his career. He is known as a hawk. When Palestine was created, folks who were involved knew they were displacing one people for another & there would be a risk of a forever conflict. Their forecast has proved fortuitous. Israelis who do not support their own hawk, Netanyahu, a somewhat Trumpty type, are protesting Netanyahu but few are hearing about it.

Your cynical comment about ‘whoever you think progressives are’ is puzzling. I consider myself a progressive and I want the ERA to pass and women to have control over their bodies.

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