I'm your age, Dr. Reich, and I, too, think my generation — including Bill and Hillary, George W., Trump, Newt Gingrich, Clarence Thomas, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Biden – have fucked it up royally. But it's not simply a matter of age: I'd take you or Bernie over DeSantis or MTG any day of the week. I'd take Biden over any of the GQP. He'd not be my first choice, just as he wasn't my first choice in the primaries, but up against any of the ReThuglicans, I'd vote for him. In fact, I'd vote for him over any of the few Republicans who actually still have a sense of honor, like Liz Cheney , Adam Kinzinger, or Mitt Romney: they'd still be to the right of him. The big question is: who do the Democrats have among their younger members who can win?
Here is a list of potential "winners". Because they can speak well and passionately. Because they are on the correct side (the word "right" has been murdered) of the issues. And because the Republican Party and its "platform" is extremely vulnerable. Just read Senator Scotts proposal. Think about the damage done by the Supremely Sick Court. Think about the massacres. Think about how tainted the GOP is with nutcase after nutcase.
No. He's a GoldmanSachs oreo. Blew a golden opportunity to rein in Wall Street and the banks, and didn't give them so much as a slap on the wrist. MAJOR mistake. Whaddaya think Occupy was about? Robert Bork was a law professor too, and so was Ken Starr. Don't mean sheeit.
TRUTH, Rex! And he had a SECOND term where he COULD have made great strides w/inequality & he wouldn’t take the chance! He enjoys being part of the 1%!
That's the going meme based on Hillary losing though getting 3 million more votes than Trump, when there were numerous other factors that hurt her campaign. That is flimsy evidence.
By the way, 2 of the 5 main contenders for the Democratic nomination were women until the Democratic establishment decided to go all in for Biden last time
He won me over in his handling of the impeachment hearings. His closing arguments were thorough, succinct, and right to the point. His view of what America stands for had me in tears actually. I think he is more progressive than meets the eye. I also like that as a lawyer he knows the law and articulates it well. He's fair and unflappable. Together with Warren, they would make a formidable team! But I do want Warren in charge. Schiff could easily take on the presidency after her. This is my dream for what it's worth.
I agree about Rep. Schiff, I always find his interviews on CNN and MSNBC insightful and informative. And his book is a must read. And he has been a hero in both
the impeachment hearings and the Jan. 6 hearings. I don't think Sen. Warren has a chance for POTUS in 2024 unless more women in the U.S. will vote for a woman. I think Schiff has a better chance in 2024 with Warren as VP!
He's a lot more principled than most politicians & very eloquent at expressing his thoughts.
I wasn't aware of where he sat on the ideological spectrum & have wondered. He has been in the spotlight on matters of justice & democracy & little else. Would be interesting knowing where he stands on various issues.
Thanks. I'd go with Pete for brains and presentation. He was the favorite in my circle of old people. But I think Brown is the most electable. However, he probably doesn't want the job (again).
He hasn't been a leader on the environment when that should be our #1 priority (along with recovering our democracy), which is why I prefer Merkley, Inslee, Bernie, Warren, Whitehouse, Markey, Grijalva, Schatz, Tlaib & AOC, all of whom recognize the urgency of confronting climate chaos, ecosystem collapse & mass extinction.
I don't think the country as a whole is ready for a progressive candidate in 2024. I know that sucks, but I think the move to progressivism will take a generation.
I love Ed Markey, but he is my age and Trump’s age. Some too old, some too young, too female, too “coastal.” I don’t know Brown’s policies. He would be 72 in 2024.
I'd reverse that. We need Warren as our President. Schiff would make a good VP or AG. Other good VP choices are Booker, Beto, Buttigieg, Castro (either twin), Merkley, Lieu & AOC.
She's a somewhat polarizing figure, but she's fearless & brilliant, & whomever the Democrats choose will be pummeled by the opposition & the media regardless & AOC can handle it a lot better than most.
She is brilliant but has not one lick of political savvy. She is the future I think, I hope, but always, like all Bernie supporters is ineffective because she often lets the perfect spoil the good. Like Bernie, who holds the same goals I do, she has had little legislative success because our very broken system requires sausage making and compromise. They both may just be politicians who hold up the vision we need to move toward but likely never achieve. But for me, I like to see Democrats win with legislation not just settle for being right, but with no solid achievement.
This is what Fox and the talking heads are saying but she was the one 'out there' to help her constituents in person. She has been so maligned unjustly and the media has done a good job of minimizing her, afraid as all the patriarchy is of a powerful woman. She cares; she is brilliant, and she speaks truth to power. I believe that she has the makings of an outstanding President someday.
I would like to see a candidate that wasn't another root from the same corporate-backed Democratic (or Republican) plant. We need candidates that are not dependent on money from corporations. It seems to me it doesn't matter who you put forth as a candidate if they are beholden to their funders. Money has saturated our political system, when are we going to change this pattern.
Susan, there will be no attempt to get money out until we get a larger Democratic majority. Then we must work on seating more progressives who are will to remove money from this corrupted system. But we have to get to step one first.
Well, it feels like a hopeless situation if we have to rely on the Democrats to meet step one. Examples include Manchin, Sinema and the endorsements of a long term prominent Democrat who supported a conservative Democratic candidates over the more progressive Democratic candidate (Texas).Having a majority of Democrats won't guarantee a better outcome because it depends on who our current party will accept into their group, and this is up to the people with big money. Progressives have been branded taboo, radical, which they are not, and is very convenient for both Republicans and Democrats. This is how it feels to me.
Dream on. Since the Citizens United decision by the far right SC, such a dream went completely up in smoke. Of course, we’d been watching the costs of campaigning rise each election cycle. CU put all that on steroids.
Pete and Liz works for me. I think Kamala Harris is brilliant and tough but misogyny and racism are against her winning. I HATE having to say that!!!!!!!!
I don't agree with your comments on Kamala Harris. She came across brilliant as a prosecuting attorney questioning members of Congress. She has completely fizzled out as a V.P. She would probably make a good AG.
Of your list I’ll take Gavin for President and Val or Cory for VP. Gavin because he has run California and weathered many political storms. Val or Cory because they are passionate about democracy, and they are both kind and compassionate humans.
Adam Schiff is impressive in his stands. However, he is too wooden to excite a lot of people who need charisma. We will never have another Obama in that way, but we do need someone who motivates enthusiasm.
Add Jeff Merkley, Sheldon Whitehouse, Brian Schatz, Raul Grijalva & Ted Lieu to that list. I would also include Pramila Jayapal, Ro Khanna, Rashida Tlaib & AOC although I've been told they are too "radical" to get elected, although they are a lot closer to mainstream opinion than many Republicans who get elected with ease, & have ideas that we desperately need to get back on the right track. Jay Inslee is another I like a lot who has the proper emphasis on the environment, but I've been told he is too dull to excite voters.
I didn’t add AOC, but I’m not sure she’s ready. I have the utmost respect & admiration for her. I think she’s be a superb president. She is NOT too radical. She is painted that way & it infuriates me.
I’d take Sheldon Whitehouse for just about any leadership role if he could be replaced with someone as good. Honestly, Democrats have a solid bank of strong candidates if we could quit fighting among our any selves to get them elected.
I do admire the women you include. They are even closer to my personal views. IMHO it's too dangerous for them to run. We Need to stop the national slide into hell! They can continue to fight and then run next cycle.
So how is it that the Republican Party gets to run truly dangerous extremist candidates that want to take away the liberty, equality & democracy our nation was founded on as well as divide the nation, trash the environment & siphon all wealth & power from the vast majority of Americans to a few billionaires & giant multinational corporations, & actually win with those candidates, & we dare not run "dangerous" candidates that do the reverse & try to make this a much better country & world?
Very very good question. Maybe we underestimate our fellow countrymen’s good sense because most news features the outrageous authoritarian-strongman-loving types?
Yes! Jeff Merkley and Jay Inslee are right up there. I lived in both OR and WA and they are strong, clear headed supporters of civil rights, climate change amelioration and safety net. I really admire them both.
A lot of talk a good game till they get pushed in a corner. Because they are Congress they don't have to make hard choices which is why no one should be elected from Congress ever again.
I was surprised he didn't do much better in 2020. He was the most consistently strong performer in all the debates, & he has a very positive, unifying presence. I hope he tries again.
True, but Booker trailed Biden even among Blacks. Biden got the most votes from Blacks, & I think his poll numbers were higher than Booker & Harris combined. If I recall correctly, Bernie was 2nd among Blacks.
I have noticed that Blacks show very little racial discrimination when voting. Policy & familiarity are the main considerations. They were familiar with Biden & generally liked what he stood for, so he got their votes.
Interesting, I see lists of names and no one mentions Kamela Harris. If Biden would run again with her she would become POTUS that is if he wins. That alone would be a huge factor in the campaign.
I would take Kamela Harris over any republican candidate (except), but I fear she would be locked out of the Senate like most Democrats are today. I would take Liz Chaney if she were to run..as a Democrat. She 'is' not afraid to stand up for the USA's ideals. Also, Adam Schiff with Liz as Vice President. Please, not a nutball republican!
Liz Cheney was all for losing Roe V Wade at fed level and handing it over to the many theocratic states. She has stepped forward to do her duty and recognized truth over lies. She is very right wing and if you haven’t learned a lesson on putting ANY republican in office after seeing what is happening now. I wouldn’t trust your judgement.
I’m thankful she had the integrity to stand for facts! But it does NOT make her a good candidate for us!
Absolutely, and totally. Liz Cheney is okay with suppressing the votes, take a look at her history. She's been amazing in this situation but she's everything the GOP is doing to us today otherwise.
I’d only vote for her if she was on the ticket as VP with a Democrat. I think she’ll run- without Rep endorsement. She and her father are a strategy team that will be differing beat
She'd have to radically change her views that she has held throughout her career, which I can't see her doing on most issues, plus she is much more valuable to us if she runs in the Republican primary & humiliates her competition there.
Warren/Schiff yes. Cheney should run in the Republican primary & destroy Trump & others of his ilk. If it's Trump vs. Biden again, I might vote for Cheney if she runs as an Independent, depending on what she runs on & the respective VP choices. I think it would be a mistake to run Harris unless she shows substantial growth, initiative & wisdom in the next year or so.
Right of, that’s where. The wholesale perfidy of tfg and what used to be known as the Republican Party in all likelihood hasn’t caused that leopard to change her spots that much.
Kamala Harris seems to be uncomfortable in front of a camera. She seems to be reading her speeches rather than delivering them from the heart. I’m wondering when the next Obama-like candidate will emerge from relative obscurity.
Obama was the biggest disappointment of any candidate I’ve ever supported. He squandered his opportunities and let banks off the hook. I’ll give him grudging credit for watered down health care reform and for having presidential bearing. Hilary would have gotten more done. Obama would have trounced Trump.
Are you serious?! Why would someone as right -wing as Cheney run as a Dem! Her father did enough damage to this country—we don’t need her in a higher position!!
And politically she’s just like daddy. I am grateful She and Kinzinger are willing to tell the truth and in doing so face threats. But they are abiding by their oath to the Constitution. It doesn’t make either one a desirable political candidate. It just says they are one of VERY few RetrumpliCons who have sanity.
I said...If she would be a democrat! Not a Democrat like Munchin..a Democrat..Like me. We need strength in the Democrat party and not so hard line like, like so many Democrats are. Someone to balance things out instead of wanting it right NOW! In business you have to be firm, but able to negotiate. I don't see the Democrats standing firm. Being aggressive. There isn to enough Democrats in our government with, heaven for bid I should use this term, but here goes..with the balls to make change.
Harris appears to be a neo liberal! So is Obama & neither of them let us know this when they ran! Where has she been all this time! If people think she’s being “ held back”—that’s on her! She needs to SPEAK Up!
this is a strong list and I'd like to see some of these folks make serious headway in Congress. However, I also feel like we need someone who is electable to the independents and centrist Dems (and even Repubs...they exist...really!!). I think Pete B fits that bill. Possibly Booker too. Newsom is too polarizing though he runs a huge state.
Agree. Pete B is would be a great president--I voted for him in the primary--and so would Cory B. But that would require homophobia and racism among voters to not exist. Is that realistic?
Our candidates need to be inspiring, preferably charismatic & hopefully problem solvers with creative ideas. Trying to overthink someone's electability like, oh that person is too progressive, a woman can't win, nobody will vote for a gay man, Americans are too racist for a Black to win, will give us a dull candidate that hardly anybody really wants.
Politics, like a game of chess, is about strategy. I wish inspiration, charisma, problem-solving and creativity were enough, but they're not. Politicians need to know their competition, the political landscape, and must know what's important to voters, what biases they have, how many voters are in their bas, and how to unite that base. They must use social media and other digital tools effectively, and they must campaign effectively--both offensively and defensively.
Those are all important in running a campaign, but my point is that the character & characteristics of candidates & what they stand for are more important than their race, sex, etc.
He gets a pretty positive response from Fox viewers, so it doesn't sound like he is too polarizing.
His biggest problem, based on what I saw in the 2020 debates, is that his replies are too canned, making him sound insincere. But he is capable of much better & would likely fare significantly better next time. He is extremely intelligent.
All these choices are well-qualified, but the question is, who can reliably WIN against right wing kooks like Trump or DeSantis?
HINT: It's not how qualified the Dem candidate is.
Hilary Clinton was one of the most accomplished and qualified women to have run for office, and while she won the popular vote, she lost the EC. It's sad to say, but the majority of people still will not elect a woman for president, even though there are so many qualified women available. The only way a woman will become president is if she's VP, and the president dies.
Yes, Obama was elected, but look at the extreme racist swingback we're getting now. It's horrible, but I don't see Booker, Demmings, or Abrams winning the presidency in 2024.
Adam Schiff–or anyone on the J6 committee, including Republicans–holds very little sway with the middle swath of the country, even though they are all highly qualified.
I voted for Buttigieg in the primary--he's utterly brilliant and well-spoken, but the way voters are, he'd only work as VP–and we'd be lucky to have him.
That leaves Newsom, Swallwell, Brown, and I'll offer Pritzger as an option, too. The big question is, who could realistically win against whatever candidate the GOP choses?
Voter turnout was at an all-time high of 67% in 2020. That's great it was so high, but it still means ONE THIRD of this country did not make their voices heard.
Let's hope voter turnout in 2024 will be better, because our democracy is hanging on by a frayed thread.
IMHO, Ron de Santis is not a "kook" He spouts the kooky krap that has become the GOP mainstream platform, but he is extremely smart and extremely ambitious. And extremely dangerous. I can't imagine how effed up things would be now had he won the GOP nomination and the election in 2016.
Ron de Santis won because of the maternal backlash when they discovered CRT had quietly slipped into their third-graders' math books. The real lesson: Don't screw around with a mom's third-grader's math book, but focus on Math! CRT could be introduced in a Social Studies or History class in Middle or High school. Third-graders get along fine. They have not been taught prejudice unless they came from a really radical home.
It is simply not true that only children who come "from a really radical home" learn prejudice. My parents never said anything I remember about the races generally or specifically. They never used pejoratives like the N-word, and considered themselves enlightened and open-minded. Yet somehow my siblings and I learned that we white kids were better. Lesson: It is as much in things that are not said, as in things that are, from which kids learn prejudice. Kids infer all sorts of things. To assert that "only children who come from a really radical home learn prejudice is dangerously ignorant.
Rex: Bet you also had the same attitude towards poor white kids. I remember passing you in the hall at school and being invisible to people like you. I believe it's called being a SNOB.
Rex, This is your personal experience. I am aware that racism is a societal fact, and my use of the word. "radical," was indicative of real haters or white supremacists. I was raised in a poor, white family. and the only belief I remember was witnessing the pain of my black neighbors and feeling helpless, that I lived in a world in which I was powerless to change it. How you and your siblings adopted the idea that you were better than other races may have been instilled in you by your response to others who felt that way in your own little tribal world. I really don't know you, but I bet you came from a well-to-do family and lived in an all-white, exclusive (understand that word?). neighborhood with white schools or newly-segregated ones . Maybe I am mistaken. I DO KNOW YOU are mistaken that I am dangerously ignorant. I consider your choice of words to be condescending, hateful and judgmental.. Your response is radically prejudicial in itself. That alone tells me a lot about you.
Biden & Dems inherited a 4-year mess from Trump & are doing the best they can, but the Party is WAY off course to win the mid-terms & next Presidential election. Here are my perceptions:
1. A ONE major blunder is advocating school authorities to tell ANY parent that a parent has no rights in the classroom (Biden comment)! F ACT: Gender issues should be between parents, doctors/& their psychologists. Teachers should teach reading, writing and math. This ONE issue could make DeSantis our next President.
2. Elevating the Woke Culture to an extreme has become ridiculous to the average voter. I am a true liberal on sexual identity/freedom to choose, etc. Too many silly examples to mention.
3. A BIG PLUS is the gun issue. Quit using the term "gun reform." (reform has a bad connotation & implies the person must change his view). A better psych term would be "AMEND gun laws." The evangelicals will hear "AMEN" with out the "d" over and over.
4. Same principle with the term "Defund the Police." Whoever thought of that one should be fired. It implies "Fire the Police" or something WAY more sinister than the intent. WORDS MATTER.
I just saw the presumptive Dem candidates on The Hill. NONE of them will make it! We need someone who is passionate, articulate. intelligent and knowledgeable in all governmental issues Many are influenced by charisma. Not everyone can have the charm and wit of Obama, but it is an influential factor. We need a leader who can inspire and move people! Why not Jamie Raskin? I also like Hakeem Jeffries. Susan Rice would be a great Sec of State - black, female, government experience in domestic & international affairs, articulate, poised and DIGNIFIED! Sorry, but Kamala Harris has proved to be a terrible choice for V.P. She should stay in her lane and would make a good Atty. Genl.
Me too. Someone has said Americans would not vote to see a woman get older on TV. With a real majority in the Senate, Warren would show her stuff and make a huge difference there.
Elizabeth Warren is a wonderful person. However, she has a schoolmarm persona that might lead to considerable “negatives” in the polls. I seem to remember that voters in her own state didn’t support her quest for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020.
By then, the party establishment had decided who should win the primary & voters followed them like sheep.
Through the first 3 primaries, the Top 3 votegetters were Bernie Buttigieg & Warren, in that order. I think that even Klobuchar was ahead of Biden. Then the party establishment weighed in, tipped the scales for Biden for his first win in South Carolina, got Buttigieg (who even after South Carolina had placed ahead of Biden overall), Klobuchar & Steyer to withdraw (when at least 95% of the delegates remained to be chosen) before Super Tuesday (when the Massachusetts primary took place), & from then on it was skewed in favor of Biden as both Bernie & especially Warren were marginalized & told by the party establishment to get out of the way of the Biden steamroller.
Sure she can & she would if people would stop listening to "conventional wisdom" propagated by the establishment about who can or cannot win, & vote for the person they believe would make the best president.
Dammit! We face multiple existential crises -- our democracy, national unity, stability, sovereignty, climate, environment & biosphere are all in imminent peril -- & only an extraordinary politician like Warren, who keeps churning out well thought-out plans to solve our problems, has what it takes to meet these challenges.
We should eliminate candidates based on their obvious inability to rise to the occasion (there goes over 95% of the potential candidates; Warren is one of the few left standing), not on some outdated, poorly founded rationale about who is or isn't electable that has repeatedly proven to be mistaken.
I beg to differ. We created the World Wide Web, a social revolution, world wide music, the clean air act, the voting rights act, the clean water act, the Indian Child Welfare Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, the Superfund Law, the Fungicide, insecticide etc act, and I can go on at length. All the groaning about our errors are imprecise. The truth is that we got beat by murder, money, and media. You want to blame someone for money in politics? Who did that? Not us. We are the people who fought against corruption and wars. Stand up straight and proud and the next time someone says we made a mess of things tell them what I said. Now let’s get some work done and show our stuff again.
Things would undoubtedly be worse without the accomplishments of our generation, but it also cannot be denied that we could have done more. We were complacent given the gravity of the problems that confronted us. And we let the conservatives within the Dem party exclude those of us who saw the need for fundamental change. And they proceeded to make colossal mistakes, e.g. letting the working class and rural Americans go to the GOP.
Unfortunately pointing to the good things the democrats have done in the past won't do a bit of good in the current milieu and has the distinct danger of being a distraction that can lull people into a false sense of pride. The Democrats need vision NOW and they need to find something within them NOW that will move them off their collective duffs.
Buttigieg will be 40 in Jan 0f 2024. Kennedy became President at 43. Pete just looks young, but he is brilliant on his feet. I saw the documentary "Mayor Pete" on Prime Video. It made me realize that he is a warm, caring person, but learned early in life to mask his emotions because of being a closet gay. A very tough lady in his campaign worked hard to make him emote more during the presidential run. If he learns to do this better, he is a winner. His husband is also very kind and well-spoken. His Wikipedia reveals he actually has a lot of experience on many levels - please read.
Biden was what the times called for. He may still be. Please don't weaken our party by a focus on him now. IT'S WHAT GOP WANTS. Not debate on democracy and women's freedom.
Carolyn Callaway ; beneath the pit as it I don't trust polls because with very few exceptions they can be bought. Our corporate owned media love to game opinions with their opinion polls.
I disagree. I do not want another centrist POTUS willing to bend to the will of big corporations. We need to push for a progressive tax system. We need to repeal Citizens United. We need to make living in America affordable again, and a politician who has lined his pockets with the endorsements of big pharma. Companies do not care who wins the political ticket as long as they can hold them by the purse strings. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus.php?cycle=2020&ind=H4300
Shisa: I agree. I fully supported Bernie Sanders, and look how the Dem Party screwed him for Hillary. A lot of people I know voted for Trump because they despised Hillary. (I did vote for her in the General). History is slow to change. When Bernie ran, the term "democratic socialism" was made out to be a scary word; now it is acceptable. Also, the general populace tends to vote on emotional issues, and the Republican Party knows how to manipulate that fact. The Repugnants equated socialism with communism, and many ignorant people shook in fear.
But it’s not about what you want. If Democrats are going to govern as the party it professes to be, then a centrist OT a slightly left of center candidate has got to be fielded. There are a lot of things people under this big umbrella want but we don’t govern as a monarchy. We got away from that, remember? It’s the voters who decide The Who, what, when and where these issues are dealt with and it all begins on the local level. Look around. This is what republicans realized and have been doing for years. Democrats just got lazy and forgot about putting forth solid candidates in at the local level then supporting them all the way through to the federal level. Al Franken had a great guest on his You Tube cast today. His guest is David Pepper who has written a book titled “Laboratories of Autocracy” which, if you don’t want to read the book, at least have a listen to Al’s You Tube cast for today(10/30/22).
Exactly! Who are we(Democrats) grooming ? Where is the combination of a Johnson who could manipulate and denigrate and still get things done? Where is a Bobby Kennedy who finally got compassion, where are those who understand the facts about a strong middle class? Where are those who actually believe in a strong working class?
Every time we actually get a tiny taste of a strong ,moral ,dedicated ,educated ,and compassionate person we flip.
We play the same game over and over until most of us lose hope(?a terrible place to get).
We all know that money in politics coming from corporations is not working, we know that the Supreme Court us not working, we know that non-unionized working conditions are not working. We know that the tax system is not working for most of us. We know that arming ourselves simply means WE die as a nation. We know that hating simply destroys us. We know that lobbying by the wrong groups is anti-democracy.
We know so much and yet we blather and blather over and over. We know that social media is simply big business in control completely. We know that teachers and nurses carry the load and get demeaned with low wages and terrible working
conditions. We know that corporate buying up of real estate leaves most people homeless. We know that we use the words mental health to describe those who have suffered alone and yet we are busy filling our very own Congress with mentally shaky individuals. Who are we? What is it we really want? Who is it we can trust and support in leading us?
Or is this more blather?
President Biden should not run again and he should not in honor of all of us who know we couldn’t take the rigors of the responsibility. We are wise, loyal, educated, caring of one another. Let’s help one another by actually demanding of ourselves to want a leader who will show us how to give back, take care of, be responsible for our own actions, live within the law, demand facts and put regulation back into our vocabulary.
Where are you fearless , moral, compassionate and hugely intelligent leader?
I wish it were true that boomers on the whole are wise and compassionate. Maybe a small majority of them are, and I hope so. But I am AMAZED at how reactionary many of my former schoolmates have turned out. AMAZED and FLABBERGASTED.
Jean, Great thoughts! ONE big thing they don't talk about: Our economy went on a slow ride to Hell when big corporations starting going overseas to produce with slave labor. They have always said "to cut costs," but we know it has always been about PROFITS. The Congress needs to vigorously pass tax laws on their imports here, their tax havens and any other measure to bring the good manufacturing jobs back to the USA.
Lots of good thoughts this morning on the subject of age as it relates to physical and mental capabilities to do a job…any job.
Just an example, Jean, regarding who is fearless, super intelligent, knows what the middle class is and why it is diminished, as well unions ….. Bernie! and he has integrity plus. Many others who fit bill, and have vast Experience, in the U.S. and the world, as we all live on the same planet, are out there too….and may just be over 65. We in the U.S. have fought very hard and long against age, sex, ethnic or color barriers, and still have frightening way to go!
I believe age is not restricting. However, we always have to be grooming the next generation. They have to feel that they are a major part of our Nation as leaders. And they only learn from an example made by older and wiser teachers! Or better said “adults”.
You are correct Bonnie. And as “older” adults we can play a powerful role in preparing our younger selves to be ready to take the lead.
My 20+ year old granddaughter did the same thing riding her bicycle to work…landed in cactus…all caught on security camera. She posted it for all to see!
A response I made to someone else, whose comment is waaaaaaaaay down at the bottom of the list:
Unlike many here, I still like Andrew Cuomo. HE stood up and told ol' Chins McConnel off about "blue state bailouts," while everyone else was behaving like Uvalde cops. Of course, the political retribution meted out to him - and his brother - was swift and devastating. Nevertheless, I'm a Cuomo guy, and would vote for him for anything without hesitation.
IMHO, he has every trait you call for in your statement:
"IMO we need a charismatic, TOUGH democratic candidate that isn't necessarily a "professional" politician, who isn't owned by private/corporate interests - not that Joe is - and is fit for a deep mud fight with the vile and treasonous opposition now in place."
(I'm not convinced an amateur politician has necessarily been appropriate for a long, long time - ol' Tweety comes immediately to mind - regardless of Republicans who decry, but still consistently elect their own crop of wankers! If a pro politician is inevitable, >make it Cuomo.<)
Omg, Maureen, my very sentiments!!! Yeah, and I'm 76 and I am mortified that these septuagenarians and octogenarians are dominating the country with their utterly selfish, greedy, STUPID, regressive politics ruining the country.
I agree that there are Democratic politicians who would probably do a good job. But why is it that we seem to need to dig to find them? What aren't they leaping off the pages into the public eye?
Maybe because the pages have become web pages and mass media is a soup of confusion and misinformation. Not only that but we've got an addiction to what I'd call fear porn that drives people to look for and publicize stupid garbage initiated by unqualified experts, like the Canadian doctor group pushing fear-based misinformation about vaccines. Porn addicts absolutely love that stuff.
It all works together to build an environment of confusion, fear and distrust. All it takes to shoot the good guys down is an unfounded explosive accusation. These things don't hurt the crazies because their appeal isn't about integrity or authenticity. Maybe ammunition is needed that exposes weakness, uncertainty, and other things that their followers would feel disdain for?
Is there a way, or are there ways, to clean things up? I know Dr. Reich's group is working at that. I hope it will catch on and spread to others who'll do similar work.
If you've been following what I've been saying, looking for a "clean" candidate.
People don't seem to have any idea where the "bench" is. 22 state governors. Probably 3-4 in the cabinet. I like Inslee, Gretchen Whitmer, Martin O'Malley, Pete Buttigieg. I think Deb Haaland would break the mold. How about Deval Patrick? I want someone who is an inspirational speaker. I also want someone who can pass the foreign service test and a lie detector test. No surprises.
What I find frustrating is how progressive Democrats are often characterized as radical. The really radical people are the radical regressives on the right. They are NOT conservative at all. They want to drag us so far backward it will take generations to make up lost ground. Look at the high court as as prime example. They are best best majority Charles Koch, et. al could buy.
Joe Biden is a decent person, but I am not sure he has enough fire in his belly to be the warrior democracy needs at this time. But he does not deserve to be screamed at because he doesn’t have enough people in Congress to get stuff done for the American people. The voters in state elections did not send enough to Congress to get legislation passed. That filibuster is one of the STUPIDEST things I have ever heard of. The horrendous laws the Regressives are passing are done by majorities, not supermajorities. If anyone thinks the Regressives would not get rid of the filibuster in a skinny minute, you’re crazy!
Sadly, Dems are divided. 'Progressive' Dems couldn't be satisfied with a partial win on 'Build Back Better' -- so no part of BBB was passed. Again and again, we see a lack of team playing by Dems in congress.
Unlike Republicans, who no matter what, vote in unison on legislation, resulting in a full or partial win toward theur overall goal.
It's easy: If we want our Democrat leaders to be in lockstep, just threaten their lives and their kids and other family members lives..That is how the Wingers do it, how they get everyone in line. It has been shown to be so. I get tired of hearing that Democrats can't get it together. Big money is what threatens the Democrats every time. Wingers have little to offer but threats and the ability to buy off the Supreme Court, and other 'people'. Oh, and people like Manchin and Sinema.
Don't overthink a candidate's electability. The winners tend to be the ones that inspire (think Obama & Bernie until the Democratic establishment propagated the notion that he couldn't win despite faring much better in the polls against Trump, using outdated conventional wisdom that makes no sense in the anti-establishment environment we live in today). AOC is inspiring & would get millions of younger people to vote for her that wouldn't vote otherwise. Those trying to figure out electability always seem to ignore that factor. They say younger people should vote regardless, but they won't unless inspired by the candidates, & they're not the only ones. When voting in the primaries, go with your heart & you won't go wrong
I'm your age, Dr. Reich, and I, too, think my generation — including Bill and Hillary, George W., Trump, Newt Gingrich, Clarence Thomas, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Biden – have fucked it up royally. But it's not simply a matter of age: I'd take you or Bernie over DeSantis or MTG any day of the week. I'd take Biden over any of the GQP. He'd not be my first choice, just as he wasn't my first choice in the primaries, but up against any of the ReThuglicans, I'd vote for him. In fact, I'd vote for him over any of the few Republicans who actually still have a sense of honor, like Liz Cheney , Adam Kinzinger, or Mitt Romney: they'd still be to the right of him. The big question is: who do the Democrats have among their younger members who can win?
Here is a list of potential "winners". Because they can speak well and passionately. Because they are on the correct side (the word "right" has been murdered) of the issues. And because the Republican Party and its "platform" is extremely vulnerable. Just read Senator Scotts proposal. Think about the damage done by the Supremely Sick Court. Think about the massacres. Think about how tainted the GOP is with nutcase after nutcase.
Corey Booker
Gavin Newsom
JB Pritzker
Adam Schiff
Stacy Abrams
Eric Swalwell
Val Demmings
Sherrod Brown
Amy Klobuchar
Elizabeth Warren
Pete Buttigieg
You forgot Katie Porter! Her white board can be her vice president! It's all she needs.
Yes, I momentarily thought of her then forgot her on my list, too. She's one of my favorites.
Jaime Ramirez ; I forgot Katie Porter too, after getting distracted at work. Senioritis! I can work and not chew gum!
Haha! Same problem I have
Good list of choices, Bill. I'll go with Adam Schiff for Prez with Elizabeth Warren the VPrez.
I want Warren on the Supreme Court. Actually, I want to clone Warren and put a bunch of them on the Supreme Court.
I was hoping for Obama on the Court. He's a constitutional law professor, after all.
No. He's a GoldmanSachs oreo. Blew a golden opportunity to rein in Wall Street and the banks, and didn't give them so much as a slap on the wrist. MAJOR mistake. Whaddaya think Occupy was about? Robert Bork was a law professor too, and so was Ken Starr. Don't mean sheeit.
IMHO, Obama's major legacy is Donald Trump.
Exactly!! He pretended he was Bernie & fooled us all‼️
Not at all! Disappointing in some ways, but still our best president of the last half-century
TRUTH, Rex! And he had a SECOND term where he COULD have made great strides w/inequality & he wouldn’t take the chance! He enjoys being part of the 1%!
I like her, too, but it seems she wants to get out of the public life, as much as she shines in it.
Think Michelle would say “I don’t think so”.
I don't think so either. She's smart and charismatic, and less experienced than most lawyers.
Both Obamas!!
Yeah, he was so good at getting his SCOTUS appointment through the Senate. Another loser.
Yes, and it could happen again. Bad combination ..M.McConnell and apparently no law saying how long Congress can hold up a SCJ nomination.
I want her as President, VP, AG, Senate Majority Leader, & Supreme Court Justice, but we're forced to settle for only 1 position.
She was already on the Supreme Court lol , oh that's a different Warren...
seriously, that is a good idea, and take Garland with her.
Jamie Raskin needs to be either on the SC or at DOJ!
Garland is spineless.
I would prefer Elizabeth Warren as President and Adam Schiff as VP
Warren can't win.
Why, because Americans are essentially mysogenistic ?????
Does the pope $hi7 in Rome?
That's the going meme based on Hillary losing though getting 3 million more votes than Trump, when there were numerous other factors that hurt her campaign. That is flimsy evidence.
By the way, 2 of the 5 main contenders for the Democratic nomination were women until the Democratic establishment decided to go all in for Biden last time
What has made you decide that?
Clinton had her theories. https://www.vox.com/2016/7/11/12105960/hillary-clinton-popularity-poll-approval-ratings
I wonder what do you see in Adam Schiff that I don't. He's always been a centrist.
He won me over in his handling of the impeachment hearings. His closing arguments were thorough, succinct, and right to the point. His view of what America stands for had me in tears actually. I think he is more progressive than meets the eye. I also like that as a lawyer he knows the law and articulates it well. He's fair and unflappable. Together with Warren, they would make a formidable team! But I do want Warren in charge. Schiff could easily take on the presidency after her. This is my dream for what it's worth.
I agree about Rep. Schiff, I always find his interviews on CNN and MSNBC insightful and informative. And his book is a must read. And he has been a hero in both
the impeachment hearings and the Jan. 6 hearings. I don't think Sen. Warren has a chance for POTUS in 2024 unless more women in the U.S. will vote for a woman. I think Schiff has a better chance in 2024 with Warren as VP!
He's a lot more principled than most politicians & very eloquent at expressing his thoughts.
I wasn't aware of where he sat on the ideological spectrum & have wondered. He has been in the spotlight on matters of justice & democracy & little else. Would be interesting knowing where he stands on various issues.
I read his book, "Midnight in Washington" and agree with his views even though I am a progressive.
And the problem with having a centrist?!
I agree but at this time in this country, I think the reverse has a better chance!
Thanks. I'd go with Pete for brains and presentation. He was the favorite in my circle of old people. But I think Brown is the most electable. However, he probably doesn't want the job (again).
I like Buttigieg as VP under Warren. Or is that too much brain power?
Other way around. Warren isn't chrismatic she would be fine as a cabinet member or the courts.
I like Sherrod Brown for his presidential look and voice and message, and that he has been electable in Ohio. He was born in 1952. He seems younger.
He hasn't been a leader on the environment when that should be our #1 priority (along with recovering our democracy), which is why I prefer Merkley, Inslee, Bernie, Warren, Whitehouse, Markey, Grijalva, Schatz, Tlaib & AOC, all of whom recognize the urgency of confronting climate chaos, ecosystem collapse & mass extinction.
I don't think the country as a whole is ready for a progressive candidate in 2024. I know that sucks, but I think the move to progressivism will take a generation.
I love Ed Markey, but he is my age and Trump’s age. Some too old, some too young, too female, too “coastal.” I don’t know Brown’s policies. He would be 72 in 2024.
Yes, add him to the list. He is passionate, articulate, and personable.
I'd reverse that. We need Warren as our President. Schiff would make a good VP or AG. Other good VP choices are Booker, Beto, Buttigieg, Castro (either twin), Merkley, Lieu & AOC.
Yes! AOC.....why aren't more people mentioning her??
She's a somewhat polarizing figure, but she's fearless & brilliant, & whomever the Democrats choose will be pummeled by the opposition & the media regardless & AOC can handle it a lot better than most.
She is brilliant but has not one lick of political savvy. She is the future I think, I hope, but always, like all Bernie supporters is ineffective because she often lets the perfect spoil the good. Like Bernie, who holds the same goals I do, she has had little legislative success because our very broken system requires sausage making and compromise. They both may just be politicians who hold up the vision we need to move toward but likely never achieve. But for me, I like to see Democrats win with legislation not just settle for being right, but with no solid achievement.
Have you seen Mayor Pete on FOX News getting standing ovations?
Too soon. Hopefully down the road. I love her too.
She hasn’t proven herself to me- she knows how to work the media- but she’s hasn’t done much for her constituents- hard pass on her
This is what Fox and the talking heads are saying but she was the one 'out there' to help her constituents in person. She has been so maligned unjustly and the media has done a good job of minimizing her, afraid as all the patriarchy is of a powerful woman. She cares; she is brilliant, and she speaks truth to power. I believe that she has the makings of an outstanding President someday.
Because she's whipped. Did she come out against Ukraine? Did she come out against Syria, Yemen, Libya? What has she done?
I don't think she has enough experience to be effective in those areas yet.
She's not even 35 yet. Maybe 2028!
I think she will be by Inauguration Day in 2025. But I agree that she's probably not ready for it yet.
I'd rather see Schiff as AG. But my dream AG is Malcolm Nance. The AG doesn't need a law degree (neither do SCOTUS justices.)
Good choices Wolfger
Yes! That ticket has my vote!!
No more congress people for PREZ!
I would like to see a candidate that wasn't another root from the same corporate-backed Democratic (or Republican) plant. We need candidates that are not dependent on money from corporations. It seems to me it doesn't matter who you put forth as a candidate if they are beholden to their funders. Money has saturated our political system, when are we going to change this pattern.
Susan, there will be no attempt to get money out until we get a larger Democratic majority. Then we must work on seating more progressives who are will to remove money from this corrupted system. But we have to get to step one first.
Well, it feels like a hopeless situation if we have to rely on the Democrats to meet step one. Examples include Manchin, Sinema and the endorsements of a long term prominent Democrat who supported a conservative Democratic candidates over the more progressive Democratic candidate (Texas).Having a majority of Democrats won't guarantee a better outcome because it depends on who our current party will accept into their group, and this is up to the people with big money. Progressives have been branded taboo, radical, which they are not, and is very convenient for both Republicans and Democrats. This is how it feels to me.
There will never be any changes in the House as long as Nancy (do nothing) Pelosi is speaker.
It won't/can't change until there are enough "not old white people" in Cong. who will legislate away Citizens United and protect voting rights.
Who can afford a run these days without a big war chest?
We need to move to direct democracy. We've got the internet to support that move and send all these scumbags packing.
Or the Parliamentary system similar to England.
Dream on. Since the Citizens United decision by the far right SC, such a dream went completely up in smoke. Of course, we’d been watching the costs of campaigning rise each election cycle. CU put all that on steroids.
Pete and Liz works for me. I think Kamala Harris is brilliant and tough but misogyny and racism are against her winning. I HATE having to say that!!!!!!!!
She is fabulous, but a STRONG women (good thing). I don't see her as a diplomat or top leader.
I don't agree with your comments on Kamala Harris. She came across brilliant as a prosecuting attorney questioning members of Congress. She has completely fizzled out as a V.P. She would probably make a good AG.
I'd love to see more people return to the Senate or House after serving. The Senate could use Kamala Harris back in its ranks. Desperately.
Of your list I’ll take Gavin for President and Val or Cory for VP. Gavin because he has run California and weathered many political storms. Val or Cory because they are passionate about democracy, and they are both kind and compassionate humans.
Adam Schiff stands tall in this group because he was the star of the Trump impeachments. I think he’d be a superb President.
Adam Schiff is impressive in his stands. However, he is too wooden to excite a lot of people who need charisma. We will never have another Obama in that way, but we do need someone who motivates enthusiasm.
if you want charisma, intelligence, and compassion; CORY BOOKER
if you want charisma, intelligence, and compassion; CORY BOOKER
Add Jeff Merkley, Sheldon Whitehouse, Brian Schatz, Raul Grijalva & Ted Lieu to that list. I would also include Pramila Jayapal, Ro Khanna, Rashida Tlaib & AOC although I've been told they are too "radical" to get elected, although they are a lot closer to mainstream opinion than many Republicans who get elected with ease, & have ideas that we desperately need to get back on the right track. Jay Inslee is another I like a lot who has the proper emphasis on the environment, but I've been told he is too dull to excite voters.
I didn’t add AOC, but I’m not sure she’s ready. I have the utmost respect & admiration for her. I think she’s be a superb president. She is NOT too radical. She is painted that way & it infuriates me.
I’d take Sheldon Whitehouse for just about any leadership role if he could be replaced with someone as good. Honestly, Democrats have a solid bank of strong candidates if we could quit fighting among our any selves to get them elected.
I do admire the women you include. They are even closer to my personal views. IMHO it's too dangerous for them to run. We Need to stop the national slide into hell! They can continue to fight and then run next cycle.
I hate to say I agree about running “dangerous” candidates whom I actually prefer. Likely it is DeSantis we would be up against.
So how is it that the Republican Party gets to run truly dangerous extremist candidates that want to take away the liberty, equality & democracy our nation was founded on as well as divide the nation, trash the environment & siphon all wealth & power from the vast majority of Americans to a few billionaires & giant multinational corporations, & actually win with those candidates, & we dare not run "dangerous" candidates that do the reverse & try to make this a much better country & world?
Very very good question. Maybe we underestimate our fellow countrymen’s good sense because most news features the outrageous authoritarian-strongman-loving types?
Yes! Jeff Merkley and Jay Inslee are right up there. I lived in both OR and WA and they are strong, clear headed supporters of civil rights, climate change amelioration and safety net. I really admire them both.
Nice list. I especially love Rashida.
Yes, she is really active, doing a lot of good things.
A lot of talk a good game till they get pushed in a corner. Because they are Congress they don't have to make hard choices which is why no one should be elected from Congress ever again.
Don't need to risk losing senate seats.
I love Cory Booker. Brains and heart, what more do you want? The others listed have these qualities too. Which one has the best chance at winning?
He’s wonderful.
I was surprised he didn't do much better in 2020. He was the most consistently strong performer in all the debates, & he has a very positive, unifying presence. I hope he tries again.
Yes, he seems like a really good guy. His color (absurd) probably hurts him with the racists, of whom there seem to be many. Tragic.
True, but Booker trailed Biden even among Blacks. Biden got the most votes from Blacks, & I think his poll numbers were higher than Booker & Harris combined. If I recall correctly, Bernie was 2nd among Blacks.
I have noticed that Blacks show very little racial discrimination when voting. Policy & familiarity are the main considerations. They were familiar with Biden & generally liked what he stood for, so he got their votes.
Biden's fortune shot up with the endorsement of the black Rep. Clyburn of SC.
Interesting, I see lists of names and no one mentions Kamela Harris. If Biden would run again with her she would become POTUS that is if he wins. That alone would be a huge factor in the campaign.
I would take Kamela Harris over any republican candidate (except), but I fear she would be locked out of the Senate like most Democrats are today. I would take Liz Chaney if she were to run..as a Democrat. She 'is' not afraid to stand up for the USA's ideals. Also, Adam Schiff with Liz as Vice President. Please, not a nutball republican!
Liz Cheney was all for losing Roe V Wade at fed level and handing it over to the many theocratic states. She has stepped forward to do her duty and recognized truth over lies. She is very right wing and if you haven’t learned a lesson on putting ANY republican in office after seeing what is happening now. I wouldn’t trust your judgement.
I’m thankful she had the integrity to stand for facts! But it does NOT make her a good candidate for us!
Absolutely, and totally. Liz Cheney is okay with suppressing the votes, take a look at her history. She's been amazing in this situation but she's everything the GOP is doing to us today otherwise.
I’d only vote for her if she was on the ticket as VP with a Democrat. I think she’ll run- without Rep endorsement. She and her father are a strategy team that will be differing beat
Thank you, but you missed my point.....if she ran as a Democrat!
A Democrat like Manchin or Sinema is no Democrat at all.
She'd have to radically change her views that she has held throughout her career, which I can't see her doing on most issues, plus she is much more valuable to us if she runs in the Republican primary & humiliates her competition there.
Warren/Schiff yes. Cheney should run in the Republican primary & destroy Trump & others of his ilk. If it's Trump vs. Biden again, I might vote for Cheney if she runs as an Independent, depending on what she runs on & the respective VP choices. I think it would be a mistake to run Harris unless she shows substantial growth, initiative & wisdom in the next year or so.
Agree big time. Liz has the balls to revitalize the republic. Do worry a bit about where her policy "center" would be.
Right of, that’s where. The wholesale perfidy of tfg and what used to be known as the Republican Party in all likelihood hasn’t caused that leopard to change her spots that much.
So far not at all on major policy votes in the House, but it appears that Adam Kinzinger has had a more heartening change of heart.
She’s a devour conservative on abortion, gun rights etc!
She’s doing the right thing now—but I wouldn’t vote for her as POTUS!
Kamala Harris seems to be uncomfortable in front of a camera. She seems to be reading her speeches rather than delivering them from the heart. I’m wondering when the next Obama-like candidate will emerge from relative obscurity.
Obama was the biggest disappointment of any candidate I’ve ever supported. He squandered his opportunities and let banks off the hook. I’ll give him grudging credit for watered down health care reform and for having presidential bearing. Hilary would have gotten more done. Obama would have trounced Trump.
Are you serious?! Why would someone as right -wing as Cheney run as a Dem! Her father did enough damage to this country—we don’t need her in a higher position!!
And politically she’s just like daddy. I am grateful She and Kinzinger are willing to tell the truth and in doing so face threats. But they are abiding by their oath to the Constitution. It doesn’t make either one a desirable political candidate. It just says they are one of VERY few RetrumpliCons who have sanity.
I said...If she would be a democrat! Not a Democrat like Munchin..a Democrat..Like me. We need strength in the Democrat party and not so hard line like, like so many Democrats are. Someone to balance things out instead of wanting it right NOW! In business you have to be firm, but able to negotiate. I don't see the Democrats standing firm. Being aggressive. There isn to enough Democrats in our government with, heaven for bid I should use this term, but here goes..with the balls to make change.
Gerald We’ve negotiated 40 years to the Republicans demands and here we are. We don’t negotiate with terrorists and seditionists.
IF??? You think she’s going to change parties?? We have PLENTY of STRONG progressive women to run❗️
I do not agree. Kamala would lose.
Harris appears to be a neo liberal! So is Obama & neither of them let us know this when they ran! Where has she been all this time! If people think she’s being “ held back”—that’s on her! She needs to SPEAK Up!
I would also add Jamie Raskin and Hakeem Jeffries, Congressman from N.Y. Loved the video of him addressing Clarence Thomas.
Add Jamie Raskin and Hakeem Jeffries - loved the video addressing Clarence Thomas.
this is a strong list and I'd like to see some of these folks make serious headway in Congress. However, I also feel like we need someone who is electable to the independents and centrist Dems (and even Repubs...they exist...really!!). I think Pete B fits that bill. Possibly Booker too. Newsom is too polarizing though he runs a huge state.
Agree. Pete B is would be a great president--I voted for him in the primary--and so would Cory B. But that would require homophobia and racism among voters to not exist. Is that realistic?
Our candidates need to be inspiring, preferably charismatic & hopefully problem solvers with creative ideas. Trying to overthink someone's electability like, oh that person is too progressive, a woman can't win, nobody will vote for a gay man, Americans are too racist for a Black to win, will give us a dull candidate that hardly anybody really wants.
Politics, like a game of chess, is about strategy. I wish inspiration, charisma, problem-solving and creativity were enough, but they're not. Politicians need to know their competition, the political landscape, and must know what's important to voters, what biases they have, how many voters are in their bas, and how to unite that base. They must use social media and other digital tools effectively, and they must campaign effectively--both offensively and defensively.
Those are all important in running a campaign, but my point is that the character & characteristics of candidates & what they stand for are more important than their race, sex, etc.
Pete B is way more polarizing than even Newsom—so, no, not a good choice at all!
PLUS—where has he been all this time?!
(He was actually on paternity leave when the supply chain issues started—that made me realize he doesn’t walk his talk!)
He gets a pretty positive response from Fox viewers, so it doesn't sound like he is too polarizing.
His biggest problem, based on what I saw in the 2020 debates, is that his replies are too canned, making him sound insincere. But he is capable of much better & would likely fare significantly better next time. He is extremely intelligent.
All these choices are well-qualified, but the question is, who can reliably WIN against right wing kooks like Trump or DeSantis?
HINT: It's not how qualified the Dem candidate is.
Hilary Clinton was one of the most accomplished and qualified women to have run for office, and while she won the popular vote, she lost the EC. It's sad to say, but the majority of people still will not elect a woman for president, even though there are so many qualified women available. The only way a woman will become president is if she's VP, and the president dies.
Yes, Obama was elected, but look at the extreme racist swingback we're getting now. It's horrible, but I don't see Booker, Demmings, or Abrams winning the presidency in 2024.
Adam Schiff–or anyone on the J6 committee, including Republicans–holds very little sway with the middle swath of the country, even though they are all highly qualified.
I voted for Buttigieg in the primary--he's utterly brilliant and well-spoken, but the way voters are, he'd only work as VP–and we'd be lucky to have him.
That leaves Newsom, Swallwell, Brown, and I'll offer Pritzger as an option, too. The big question is, who could realistically win against whatever candidate the GOP choses?
Voter turnout was at an all-time high of 67% in 2020. That's great it was so high, but it still means ONE THIRD of this country did not make their voices heard.
Let's hope voter turnout in 2024 will be better, because our democracy is hanging on by a frayed thread.
IMHO, Ron de Santis is not a "kook" He spouts the kooky krap that has become the GOP mainstream platform, but he is extremely smart and extremely ambitious. And extremely dangerous. I can't imagine how effed up things would be now had he won the GOP nomination and the election in 2016.
Ron de Santis won because of the maternal backlash when they discovered CRT had quietly slipped into their third-graders' math books. The real lesson: Don't screw around with a mom's third-grader's math book, but focus on Math! CRT could be introduced in a Social Studies or History class in Middle or High school. Third-graders get along fine. They have not been taught prejudice unless they came from a really radical home.
It is simply not true that only children who come "from a really radical home" learn prejudice. My parents never said anything I remember about the races generally or specifically. They never used pejoratives like the N-word, and considered themselves enlightened and open-minded. Yet somehow my siblings and I learned that we white kids were better. Lesson: It is as much in things that are not said, as in things that are, from which kids learn prejudice. Kids infer all sorts of things. To assert that "only children who come from a really radical home learn prejudice is dangerously ignorant.
Rex: Bet you also had the same attitude towards poor white kids. I remember passing you in the hall at school and being invisible to people like you. I believe it's called being a SNOB.
Rex, This is your personal experience. I am aware that racism is a societal fact, and my use of the word. "radical," was indicative of real haters or white supremacists. I was raised in a poor, white family. and the only belief I remember was witnessing the pain of my black neighbors and feeling helpless, that I lived in a world in which I was powerless to change it. How you and your siblings adopted the idea that you were better than other races may have been instilled in you by your response to others who felt that way in your own little tribal world. I really don't know you, but I bet you came from a well-to-do family and lived in an all-white, exclusive (understand that word?). neighborhood with white schools or newly-segregated ones . Maybe I am mistaken. I DO KNOW YOU are mistaken that I am dangerously ignorant. I consider your choice of words to be condescending, hateful and judgmental.. Your response is radically prejudicial in itself. That alone tells me a lot about you.
Biden & Dems inherited a 4-year mess from Trump & are doing the best they can, but the Party is WAY off course to win the mid-terms & next Presidential election. Here are my perceptions:
1. A ONE major blunder is advocating school authorities to tell ANY parent that a parent has no rights in the classroom (Biden comment)! F ACT: Gender issues should be between parents, doctors/& their psychologists. Teachers should teach reading, writing and math. This ONE issue could make DeSantis our next President.
2. Elevating the Woke Culture to an extreme has become ridiculous to the average voter. I am a true liberal on sexual identity/freedom to choose, etc. Too many silly examples to mention.
3. A BIG PLUS is the gun issue. Quit using the term "gun reform." (reform has a bad connotation & implies the person must change his view). A better psych term would be "AMEND gun laws." The evangelicals will hear "AMEN" with out the "d" over and over.
4. Same principle with the term "Defund the Police." Whoever thought of that one should be fired. It implies "Fire the Police" or something WAY more sinister than the intent. WORDS MATTER.
I just saw the presumptive Dem candidates on The Hill. NONE of them will make it! We need someone who is passionate, articulate. intelligent and knowledgeable in all governmental issues Many are influenced by charisma. Not everyone can have the charm and wit of Obama, but it is an influential factor. We need a leader who can inspire and move people! Why not Jamie Raskin? I also like Hakeem Jeffries. Susan Rice would be a great Sec of State - black, female, government experience in domestic & international affairs, articulate, poised and DIGNIFIED! Sorry, but Kamala Harris has proved to be a terrible choice for V.P. She should stay in her lane and would make a good Atty. Genl.
Just some thoughts - don't know everyone.
I think the most important factor is how inspirational the candidate is. Some of them are moderately inspirational.
Warren is 73.
With far more energy & mental acuity than others her age & a lot younger, always with great ideas to solve our problems
Good point. I voted for her in the primary. But perhaps her presidential ship has sailed.
Me too. Someone has said Americans would not vote to see a woman get older on TV. With a real majority in the Senate, Warren would show her stuff and make a huge difference there.
Policy wonks seldom win.
Elizabeth Warren is a wonderful person. However, she has a schoolmarm persona that might lead to considerable “negatives” in the polls. I seem to remember that voters in her own state didn’t support her quest for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020.
By then, the party establishment had decided who should win the primary & voters followed them like sheep.
Through the first 3 primaries, the Top 3 votegetters were Bernie Buttigieg & Warren, in that order. I think that even Klobuchar was ahead of Biden. Then the party establishment weighed in, tipped the scales for Biden for his first win in South Carolina, got Buttigieg (who even after South Carolina had placed ahead of Biden overall), Klobuchar & Steyer to withdraw (when at least 95% of the delegates remained to be chosen) before Super Tuesday (when the Massachusetts primary took place), & from then on it was skewed in favor of Biden as both Bernie & especially Warren were marginalized & told by the party establishment to get out of the way of the Biden steamroller.
She can't win.
Sure she can & she would if people would stop listening to "conventional wisdom" propagated by the establishment about who can or cannot win, & vote for the person they believe would make the best president.
Dammit! We face multiple existential crises -- our democracy, national unity, stability, sovereignty, climate, environment & biosphere are all in imminent peril -- & only an extraordinary politician like Warren, who keeps churning out well thought-out plans to solve our problems, has what it takes to meet these challenges.
We should eliminate candidates based on their obvious inability to rise to the occasion (there goes over 95% of the potential candidates; Warren is one of the few left standing), not on some outdated, poorly founded rationale about who is or isn't electable that has repeatedly proven to be mistaken.
Not Newsome—he did a great job w/the pandemic w/41 million people in CA, but he isn’t ready to run for President & he’s too controversial.
Agree, as CA voter. Coastal pols are a suspicious bunch from pov of middle country folks, I think.
Interesting perspective.
I beg to differ. We created the World Wide Web, a social revolution, world wide music, the clean air act, the voting rights act, the clean water act, the Indian Child Welfare Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, the Superfund Law, the Fungicide, insecticide etc act, and I can go on at length. All the groaning about our errors are imprecise. The truth is that we got beat by murder, money, and media. You want to blame someone for money in politics? Who did that? Not us. We are the people who fought against corruption and wars. Stand up straight and proud and the next time someone says we made a mess of things tell them what I said. Now let’s get some work done and show our stuff again.
Things would undoubtedly be worse without the accomplishments of our generation, but it also cannot be denied that we could have done more. We were complacent given the gravity of the problems that confronted us. And we let the conservatives within the Dem party exclude those of us who saw the need for fundamental change. And they proceeded to make colossal mistakes, e.g. letting the working class and rural Americans go to the GOP.
I am traveling right now and can only reply in brief. Need to know what happened, and we not they could not defeat the culture.
Unfortunately pointing to the good things the democrats have done in the past won't do a bit of good in the current milieu and has the distinct danger of being a distraction that can lull people into a false sense of pride. The Democrats need vision NOW and they need to find something within them NOW that will move them off their collective duffs.
They have Pete Buttigieg, Gretchen Whitmer, Adam Schiff, Amy Klobuchar, Jamie Raskin, but of all, I think Pete Buttigieg is by far the best.
Jamie Raskin is on my list too
Buttigieg will be 40 in Jan 0f 2024. Kennedy became President at 43. Pete just looks young, but he is brilliant on his feet. I saw the documentary "Mayor Pete" on Prime Video. It made me realize that he is a warm, caring person, but learned early in life to mask his emotions because of being a closet gay. A very tough lady in his campaign worked hard to make him emote more during the presidential run. If he learns to do this better, he is a winner. His husband is also very kind and well-spoken. His Wikipedia reveals he actually has a lot of experience on many levels - please read.
And he goes on Fox News often, which not many others brave, & hands Fox themselves in his responses 😂. He is generally well received by those viewers.
Biden was what the times called for. He may still be. Please don't weaken our party by a focus on him now. IT'S WHAT GOP WANTS. Not debate on democracy and women's freedom.
I so agree. I also wonder how this theme might affect Biden’s poll numbers…certainly not positively.
His polls are
Carolyn Callaway ; beneath the pit as it I don't trust polls because with very few exceptions they can be bought. Our corporate owned media love to game opinions with their opinion polls.
I disagree. I do not want another centrist POTUS willing to bend to the will of big corporations. We need to push for a progressive tax system. We need to repeal Citizens United. We need to make living in America affordable again, and a politician who has lined his pockets with the endorsements of big pharma. Companies do not care who wins the political ticket as long as they can hold them by the purse strings. https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/indus.php?cycle=2020&ind=H4300
Shisa: I agree. I fully supported Bernie Sanders, and look how the Dem Party screwed him for Hillary. A lot of people I know voted for Trump because they despised Hillary. (I did vote for her in the General). History is slow to change. When Bernie ran, the term "democratic socialism" was made out to be a scary word; now it is acceptable. Also, the general populace tends to vote on emotional issues, and the Republican Party knows how to manipulate that fact. The Repugnants equated socialism with communism, and many ignorant people shook in fear.
But it’s not about what you want. If Democrats are going to govern as the party it professes to be, then a centrist OT a slightly left of center candidate has got to be fielded. There are a lot of things people under this big umbrella want but we don’t govern as a monarchy. We got away from that, remember? It’s the voters who decide The Who, what, when and where these issues are dealt with and it all begins on the local level. Look around. This is what republicans realized and have been doing for years. Democrats just got lazy and forgot about putting forth solid candidates in at the local level then supporting them all the way through to the federal level. Al Franken had a great guest on his You Tube cast today. His guest is David Pepper who has written a book titled “Laboratories of Autocracy” which, if you don’t want to read the book, at least have a listen to Al’s You Tube cast for today(10/30/22).
Well said. Corporate power is a huge factor and one the the chains that binds our political system.
Exactly! Who are we(Democrats) grooming ? Where is the combination of a Johnson who could manipulate and denigrate and still get things done? Where is a Bobby Kennedy who finally got compassion, where are those who understand the facts about a strong middle class? Where are those who actually believe in a strong working class?
Every time we actually get a tiny taste of a strong ,moral ,dedicated ,educated ,and compassionate person we flip.
We play the same game over and over until most of us lose hope(?a terrible place to get).
We all know that money in politics coming from corporations is not working, we know that the Supreme Court us not working, we know that non-unionized working conditions are not working. We know that the tax system is not working for most of us. We know that arming ourselves simply means WE die as a nation. We know that hating simply destroys us. We know that lobbying by the wrong groups is anti-democracy.
We know so much and yet we blather and blather over and over. We know that social media is simply big business in control completely. We know that teachers and nurses carry the load and get demeaned with low wages and terrible working
conditions. We know that corporate buying up of real estate leaves most people homeless. We know that we use the words mental health to describe those who have suffered alone and yet we are busy filling our very own Congress with mentally shaky individuals. Who are we? What is it we really want? Who is it we can trust and support in leading us?
Or is this more blather?
President Biden should not run again and he should not in honor of all of us who know we couldn’t take the rigors of the responsibility. We are wise, loyal, educated, caring of one another. Let’s help one another by actually demanding of ourselves to want a leader who will show us how to give back, take care of, be responsible for our own actions, live within the law, demand facts and put regulation back into our vocabulary.
Where are you fearless , moral, compassionate and hugely intelligent leader?
I wish it were true that boomers on the whole are wise and compassionate. Maybe a small majority of them are, and I hope so. But I am AMAZED at how reactionary many of my former schoolmates have turned out. AMAZED and FLABBERGASTED.
Yes, the hippies of the 60s and 70s have become the CEOs of today.
Jean, Great thoughts! ONE big thing they don't talk about: Our economy went on a slow ride to Hell when big corporations starting going overseas to produce with slave labor. They have always said "to cut costs," but we know it has always been about PROFITS. The Congress needs to vigorously pass tax laws on their imports here, their tax havens and any other measure to bring the good manufacturing jobs back to the USA.
Lots of good thoughts this morning on the subject of age as it relates to physical and mental capabilities to do a job…any job.
Just an example, Jean, regarding who is fearless, super intelligent, knows what the middle class is and why it is diminished, as well unions ….. Bernie! and he has integrity plus. Many others who fit bill, and have vast Experience, in the U.S. and the world, as we all live on the same planet, are out there too….and may just be over 65. We in the U.S. have fought very hard and long against age, sex, ethnic or color barriers, and still have frightening way to go!
I supported Bernie last time and Warren.
I believe age is not restricting. However, we always have to be grooming the next generation. They have to feel that they are a major part of our Nation as leaders. And they only learn from an example made by older and wiser teachers! Or better said “adults”.
You are correct Bonnie. And as “older” adults we can play a powerful role in preparing our younger selves to be ready to take the lead.
I think genetics play a part too and unfortunately I don’t see Joe prospering in that arena. Looks at least his age. He should stay off of bicycles
My 20+ year old granddaughter did the same thing riding her bicycle to work…landed in cactus…all caught on security camera. She posted it for all to see!
Excellent points and very well put.
Thank you Martin. I am fairly new to this whole experience so feel validated. That is nice!
I'm glad you're having a good experience!
Wow. Great comment and sums up my frustration. Thank you and I think we are reduced to only prayers. We need to get serious
A response I made to someone else, whose comment is waaaaaaaaay down at the bottom of the list:
Unlike many here, I still like Andrew Cuomo. HE stood up and told ol' Chins McConnel off about "blue state bailouts," while everyone else was behaving like Uvalde cops. Of course, the political retribution meted out to him - and his brother - was swift and devastating. Nevertheless, I'm a Cuomo guy, and would vote for him for anything without hesitation.
IMHO, he has every trait you call for in your statement:
"IMO we need a charismatic, TOUGH democratic candidate that isn't necessarily a "professional" politician, who isn't owned by private/corporate interests - not that Joe is - and is fit for a deep mud fight with the vile and treasonous opposition now in place."
(I'm not convinced an amateur politician has necessarily been appropriate for a long, long time - ol' Tweety comes immediately to mind - regardless of Republicans who decry, but still consistently elect their own crop of wankers! If a pro politician is inevitable, >make it Cuomo.<)
Omg, Maureen, my very sentiments!!! Yeah, and I'm 76 and I am mortified that these septuagenarians and octogenarians are dominating the country with their utterly selfish, greedy, STUPID, regressive politics ruining the country.
I'm 64 and fed up with them making the rest of us who are older look bad, and fed up with younger voters assuming we are all the same.
So well said. Agree 100%
Thank you. There are younger Democrats I'd vote for in a heartbeat--like AOC--but I don't think they could win.
Good candidates among 22 Democratic governors.
From the cabinet. https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/cabinet/
I personally recommend finding a "clean" candidate. Someone willing to be completely open. Who can pass the Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT)?
We are a celebrity culture. Nothing will change in government until that culture dies. Cultures die hard!
I agree.
I agree that there are Democratic politicians who would probably do a good job. But why is it that we seem to need to dig to find them? What aren't they leaping off the pages into the public eye?
Maybe because the pages have become web pages and mass media is a soup of confusion and misinformation. Not only that but we've got an addiction to what I'd call fear porn that drives people to look for and publicize stupid garbage initiated by unqualified experts, like the Canadian doctor group pushing fear-based misinformation about vaccines. Porn addicts absolutely love that stuff.
It all works together to build an environment of confusion, fear and distrust. All it takes to shoot the good guys down is an unfounded explosive accusation. These things don't hurt the crazies because their appeal isn't about integrity or authenticity. Maybe ammunition is needed that exposes weakness, uncertainty, and other things that their followers would feel disdain for?
Is there a way, or are there ways, to clean things up? I know Dr. Reich's group is working at that. I hope it will catch on and spread to others who'll do similar work.
Politicians never do a good job; they allow a good job to happen
If you've been following what I've been saying, looking for a "clean" candidate.
People don't seem to have any idea where the "bench" is. 22 state governors. Probably 3-4 in the cabinet. I like Inslee, Gretchen Whitmer, Martin O'Malley, Pete Buttigieg. I think Deb Haaland would break the mold. How about Deval Patrick? I want someone who is an inspirational speaker. I also want someone who can pass the foreign service test and a lie detector test. No surprises.
I don't remember why Pete Buttigieg didn't make the cut last time but I like him. His action in TX was great.
What I find frustrating is how progressive Democrats are often characterized as radical. The really radical people are the radical regressives on the right. They are NOT conservative at all. They want to drag us so far backward it will take generations to make up lost ground. Look at the high court as as prime example. They are best best majority Charles Koch, et. al could buy.
Joe Biden is a decent person, but I am not sure he has enough fire in his belly to be the warrior democracy needs at this time. But he does not deserve to be screamed at because he doesn’t have enough people in Congress to get stuff done for the American people. The voters in state elections did not send enough to Congress to get legislation passed. That filibuster is one of the STUPIDEST things I have ever heard of. The horrendous laws the Regressives are passing are done by majorities, not supermajorities. If anyone thinks the Regressives would not get rid of the filibuster in a skinny minute, you’re crazy!
Sadly, Dems are divided. 'Progressive' Dems couldn't be satisfied with a partial win on 'Build Back Better' -- so no part of BBB was passed. Again and again, we see a lack of team playing by Dems in congress.
Unlike Republicans, who no matter what, vote in unison on legislation, resulting in a full or partial win toward theur overall goal.
It's easy: If we want our Democrat leaders to be in lockstep, just threaten their lives and their kids and other family members lives..That is how the Wingers do it, how they get everyone in line. It has been shown to be so. I get tired of hearing that Democrats can't get it together. Big money is what threatens the Democrats every time. Wingers have little to offer but threats and the ability to buy off the Supreme Court, and other 'people'. Oh, and people like Manchin and Sinema.
Good points!
Don't overthink a candidate's electability. The winners tend to be the ones that inspire (think Obama & Bernie until the Democratic establishment propagated the notion that he couldn't win despite faring much better in the polls against Trump, using outdated conventional wisdom that makes no sense in the anti-establishment environment we live in today). AOC is inspiring & would get millions of younger people to vote for her that wouldn't vote otherwise. Those trying to figure out electability always seem to ignore that factor. They say younger people should vote regardless, but they won't unless inspired by the candidates, & they're not the only ones. When voting in the primaries, go with your heart & you won't go wrong
And boyhowdy, doesn't that idea make me depressed.
Me too!
What about the "fit and fighting" young Kamala Harris?!