Trump shows the worst attributes of old age: forgetfulness, confusion, rigid thinking, unwillingness and/or inability to learn new information, stubbornness, the inability to change and develop new perspectives.

Biden shows the best attributes of old age: wisdom, a deep understanding of people and the world based on decades of learning about them, deep empathy for all, and a solid commitment to doing what’s best for our country. Biden is truly a wise Elder. Our country and the world urgently need him. Trump is emotionally and cognitively immature. He brings out the worst elements in people and reinforces them. Trump is a serious danger to our country and the world.

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Biden’s cognitive power is evident in his achievements both domestically and internationally; and by the fact he engages openly with the press.

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Here is the thing: President Biden is 80 but he is also sharp and fit.

Donald Trump is 77, unhealthy, aging badly, and with clear signs of moderate dementia. And, oh yeah, he is a malignant narcissist and a fascist to boot.

It is possible that if you get your news from big media you would not realize this. Even sources considered “fair”, “unbiased” and mainstream.

They get it completely backwards. And THAT is our big problem, not the president’s actual mental health or accomplishments.

We must start to push back HARD with the truth whenever they mention President Biden’s age or mental acuity.

We need some hard core memes and pre written posts to blast out when needed.

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Here’s what really has me confused. After Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on classified documents that President Biden had in his possession and not having enough evidence to prosecute but also included derogatory statements about his memory.

Trump’s follow up to that was, "The Biden documents case is 100 times different and more severe than mine," Trump said in Truth Social post. "I did nothing wrong... What Biden did is outrageously criminal."

This from a man who stole classified documents, shared classified documents, hid classified documents, refused to turnover classified documents, and lied about everything regarding classified documents!

Trump is what my mom calls CREEP AND CRUD!! How the hell can anyone of decency even think about voting for this idiot!

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When we consider Joe Biden, a major factor we must take into account is the amount of tragedy this man has suffered in his life. Very few people lose a wife, several children, and whatever else... he has overcome incredible losses and sufferings, yet emerges as a strong man. He is olderly, he does walk a bit stiffly, he overcame a stammer when young... but none of this affects his intelligence, his decency, and his patriotism. The latter three are qualities that are totally absent in Trump and his entire family... and by default questionable in many of the empty maga-heads. For example, when Joe Biden talks about the three service members recently killed, you can see the suffering in his features... it is genuine. Dump is just a fake human bean to be flushed down the toilet of worthlessness. The sooner, the better for all of us.

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To be clear: the issue isn’t either man’s age, it’s the bald attempt of a corrupt functionary to curry favor with an amoral tyrant.

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Biden has gravitas. No one else does regardless of age.

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It’s a little too late to be asking this question. We are electing a president “up in years” with all the political and life experience that comes with that reality. But he is not alone. And who he brings with him to the table is as important as concerns about his age.

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I should be sleeping.

With ought listening to the podcast, the question seems wrong.

The questions is not how old he is, but he have the ability to use the vast poser of the USA for good. So far, he has. I do not approve of everything he has done, or that has happened while he was POTUS but overall it is much better than it could have been.

With that I am going back to sleep. hopefully with good dreams, and hopefully with some short term memory being turned into long term memory.

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Biden has done a great job this term, considering he had to herd MAGAs. Honestly, they’re both old and forgetful, but only one is a fascist. That said, shouldn’t we get a new set from time to time? Or at least one new one? The DNC hasn’t bothered with a primary - again - so we’re just supposed to take what they give us and like it. I understand this shit from MAGA, but from the Democrats it’s absolutely absurd, not to mention undemocratic. Just because the incumbent has always been the candidate doesn’t mean we always have to do it that way, does it?

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I don't care about the age of candidates. But if your energy policy is summed up as "drill baby drill," either you do not understand proven science, OR you do not choose good sources to make important decisions. Either way, it's a dereliction of duty to protect ALL Americans and future generations.

And if you say "drill baby drill," with gleam in your eye, knowing full well that wildfires are raging more than ever, floods and hurricanes are stronger than ever, and Alaska is melting from the extreme heat, either you're completely out of your mind, OR you have a great plan to ensure the apocalypse, OR BOTH the former and the latter are true.

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While it is true that trump would be worse, I find that President Biden is still sharp as a tack. He works hard, has a fantastic team that gets things done, and continues to do his best for the country and ALL Americans. Age is just a number. As I advance in years, I find that even though I may have a few aches and pains, I still have energy, drive, ambition, and some intelligence (I didn't ever have a lot!). The media uses age against President Biden whenever they can but refuse to point out that trump is definitely NOT aging gracefully!! Trump's repeated gaffs, memory loss, and ignorance on subjects of great importance are not proclaimed nearly as much as they go after President Biden for any perceived gaff! I just want to say it over and over and over, our country needs a president that is in a word 'presidential'. Someone who knows how to work with other countries to keep the world from spiraling out of control. Someone who loves this country and wants to help every single citizen in it. Someone who understands diplomacy, courtesy, and uses proper etiquette. President Biden has been amazing these last four years and he will be just as amazing the next four. trump does not display any of the traits I have described as making a good president. He is boorish, rude, vengeful, and orange!!

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10

Mr. Biden is a normal human being who occasionally does what we all do, and that is to trip over word or to misspeak. Aside from that, Mr. Biden has a speech impediment that may require additional concentration to make sure he’s getting his words right. in addition to that, he has one of the most stressful, high-pressure, demanding jobs on the planet.

It is sad that many people are clamoring to shame him in his humanity, and want to see him fall flat on his face, and fail miserably at his job, the one in which he is more concerned about the good of the many rather than the good of the few.

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Crazy vs. elderly? I'll take elderly. Biden may be slow to answer questions, but his core is solid. He knows right from wrong....

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Irrevelent and still sharp. Whatever detriment he may have mentally, the President is a team of both the White House and Cabinet. That team has delivered the best Presidency, economy and all indicators of national performance in years no matter how many fact-free negatives Trump and his Trumpets in Congress may choose to lie about and the Press give unchecked equal time.

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This is just more dirty tricks from the MAGA Rethuglican side. I hate to even look at the headlines anymore but I do because of the danger those people present to our democracy. And "people" was the politest word I could think of to say. But I have my doubts.

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