I could not believe my ears when I saw a reporter in Wyoming interviewing a handful of residents there, and reportedly found that all the persons spoken to - agreed with the sentiment that Liz Cheney was undeserving of another term as the representative of their state! What is the matter with their perception of the interests of the country? Hello! Wake up folks. Trump is a dictator in waiting...

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It's called F-O-X D-I-S-I-N-F-O-R-M-A-T-I-O-N.

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The real disinformation is from CNN, MSDNC and Reich, of course.

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Hey, what are you doing here? Troll!

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Good for you.

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Says someone completely brainwashed by republofascist propaganda.

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Jul 30, 2022
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I doubt that in their hearts they know they are right. I live I Sarasota Fl.a Mecca of Republicans. I read on an Internet thread about their perceptions and beliefs. They have not watched the hearings . They subscribe to theEpoch Times ,the Heritage Foundation. They like Breitbart and Tucker Carlson. It’s painful for me to read what their interpretations are as they think so differently from those us who stand with Robert. They have no hearts. They have hero’s. Trump is one.

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I live in Tampa. Pretty bad here as well.

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Thank goodness for the secret ballot.

To paraphrase the right wing creed, they probably have to take a public MAGA position due to peer pressure, but in the secrecy of the ballot box, in their hearts they know she's right.

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hope YOU're right!

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I certainly hope you are right. But why haven't the "mainstream" media (if they even exist) going to Wyoming to interview in Casper, or any large city, to get a real feel for what the natives think?

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All we get from media is propaganda and brain washing. It is almost all lies and bullshit. How can you escape it? The more you resist it the more it is embedded in your brain. When Russia invades Ukraine I have a gut reaction to bomb the hell out of them. Is this brain washing?

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Bomb the hell out of who? AI hope the Russians. But I do agree that most of the media - especially television are bottom dwellers interested only in money, which they have decided they can make from preying on the semi literate masses.

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IMHO only way to get the truth is put them under oath.

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Give them truth serum. Maybe a few hours on the rack. Thumbscrews are also useful.

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And hope and hope they don't lie under oath. That's one of the reasons I don't care if they ever interrogate the trumpster, when he isn't lying, he forgets everything he ever said or heard. For most other people I agree Daniel.

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My take is that most of those in Wyoming are very anti-immigrant and very much against the BLM movement. DJT is like a breath of fresh air to them. They must be conditioned to ignore any and all negative information about their “Dear Leader”. Very sad. I agree with David (below) that points to FOX NEWS as the main reason for their devotion to the former guy.

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And yet Wyoming has had practically no personal contact with either immigrants or BLM, & neither is any threat to them even if they were dangerous, which they aren't any more than anyone else. Many people are just afraid of what they don't know.

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Just don't take my guns! Blow up D. C. but don't take my guns. I make love to my guns.

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She's wasting her time on Trump country where they believe Jesus really flew up into the sky, the Big Lie is true, and they don't read fast enough to know what is happening in the news. She has demonstrated the leadership America needs, so though Republicans are probably not smart enough to nominate her as the GOP Presidential candidate, and we may have to choose between old turkey and wild turkey, 2024 could be the best year yet for an independent if she were to run as one. Teddy Roosevelt did and he even wrote her a line that would work. "Patriotism means to stand by the country. It doesn't mean to stand by the President". She fits the bill!

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I see that a good number of Democrats watching the hearings are favorably impressed by her and state they'd support her run for the presidency (in spite of being reminded that she voted w/ the orange devil well over 90% of the time). I'm also highly impressed with her, and not just for her patriotism (against all odds), but also for the leadership role she's obviously played while on the Committee. But she'd have to change her stance on a number of issues before I'd help put her into the presidency. (I do wonder if, while serving on the Committee she's changed her mind about a few issues, but also, if she's had the time to really take the pulse of national reactions to what many of the red states and the taliban court have done and are still trying to do, and perhaps adjusted her own thinking...)

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While Kinzinger has become probably the most moderate of congressional Republicans, often voting with Democrats (& the American people) on important issues, Cheney has been slower to change her voting habits, but I noticed that she was 1 of the <1/4 of House Republicans that voted for codifying marriage equality, & 1 of only 8 House Republicans who voted for the contraceptive bill.

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Cheney has actually said something very similar to that.

If she loses, she still has many options. She has gained national respect that other Republicans can only dream of. She may even gain enough of a following to run for President. By running in the Republican primary, she'd put her opponents to shame. She probably wouldn't win, but she could single-handedly destroy any chances of Republicans winning.

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Yes Theodore Roosevelt ran for President on the Bull Moose party ticket, as I recall he lost. If Liz Cheney is not re-elected to congress from Wyoming, she needs to move to a different State.

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Yes, but TR did come in 2nd ahead of Republican incumbent William Taft (Woodrow Wilson won). If the same result occurred this time, it would be good for the Democratic nominee, I suppose.

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It sounds totally outrageous to me. One would THINK they should put a lasso in her hands!

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You have to wonder how many have been watching the hearings... plus, the campaigning for her gop opposition is apparently strong.. I live in CA and in past week took TWO calls asking for donations to support her opponent. I typically do not listen to the human caller's spiel on this stuff but I do when I know the candidate is gop. I listen patiently (while they lead w/ an attack - in this case, on Cheney - then continue w/ the attacks all the way through, barely mentioning the "positives" of the opponent. And then, after I've tied them up the whole time (ha!) I simply thank them for calling then state I'm unable to donate to their candidate because I'm a proud Cheney supporter. Then I hang up. Pretty satisfying but you get the drift... in typical faux style, they must do a good job of keeping their base good and stirred up.

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Sharing a state with Liz Cheney is coincidental for those folks, Frank. I think they belong to the ongoing maybe a fifth of the U.S. population that craves a dictator to suppress everyone who disagrees with them. Time and fate recently gave them tools their movement had lacked—Murdoch-style media guidance and networking of speed and spread unimaginable pre-internet—and, when both were ready, Donald Trump. As he fades and they choose among the wannabes plotting to replace him, is a wake-up call enough? Not that i know what is, but I do know that internet-era media and networking wait impatiently.

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I agree with your statement that they crave a dictator to suppress everyone who disagrees with them. This is the trumpster's great appeal. He obviously learned from reading Hitler's speeches.

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I agree with you analysis of the deep red state extremists. As things unravel for Trump to where he may not be the Republican nominee, DeSantis will be the element of least change for the GOP and they are likely to give him the nomination.to be the establishment Nazi squeezing out other Fascist opportunist. If Biden is the Democratic nominee he would lose to DeSantis who could pull Trump base and those who won't vote for such an old candidate. We need a better Democratic nominee than Joe Biden.

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Any suggestions for an electable candidate? Until we have one, don't dismiss the one person who totally beat the trumpster in both the popular vote and the electoral college

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I couldn't agree more, Steven Johns, can only hope Biden recognizes that, and that some electable Democrat surfaces. Daunting horizon.

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I think too much money has made our two-party system stagnant. If people could imagine the possibility of a new face in politics rather than always gravitating to the least possible change in both parties, a great leader and statesman could inspire Americans to participate in rebuilding a strong America.

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I support the "Bull Moose" party.

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This is the same state to first give women the vote? ..

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Yep—in 1890, per Wikipedia.

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Oh, how some states have changed!

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What a frightening position the US is in today.

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Wyoming may be the most right-wing state.

I watched the debate & Cheney towered above the others with her knowledge & aplomb.

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If asked, I'd name Oklahoma or Idaho ..

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They certainly are rivals, as are West Virginia, Alabama & Mississippi.

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Me either I was shocked but not it's Wyoming after all

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And he alone had fooled everyone but with the aid of Traitors.

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Don't you think these "interviews" are purposely preselected to present one side?

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It might reflect a bias on the part of the reporter. A couple of weeks ago, I heard an NPR reporter characterize the district in rural Georgia where I grew up as uniformly poor and "conservative." Either he was just confirming his biases or he hadn't been there. Actually, there is a lot of right wing wealth which donates and invests generously to keep the working class poor in its place.

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Those Americans captains of industry have always screwed the poor. It is in their DNA to exploit and mislead the working class.

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Jul 30, 2022
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I’m sure the reporter didn’t speak to ALL people, but the ones she did speak to were not fans of Ms. Cheney.

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Jul 30, 2022
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Steve, I’m curious why you think Trump’s efforts to dismantle our form of government is good and worth voting for. He clearly doesn’t want ANY oversight of the president. He said he believes the power of the president “must be total”. It seems to me a vote for Trump is a vote to end adherence to the constitution and American democracy. Why do you want to do that?

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Jul 30, 2022
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The evidence is clear & overwhelming that Trump did try to retain power, both through legal & illegal channels, including planning & fomenting the insurrection & forceful overthrow of the election results.

The lowered taxes went overwhelmingly to the extremely wealthy, & now the US has the greatest wealth & power disparity among all advanced nations, & in our whole history, the previous record occurring in the late 1920s, a precursor to the Great Stock Market Crash of 1929 & the subsequent Great Depression. Lack of regulations allow corporations to pollute at will with no consequences for their actions, including highly negative impacts on the environment, health, society & inhabitability of our planet.

The US became a net oil exporter under Obama, but also developed alternative energy sources, which Trump abandoned.

Likewise Trump abandoned our most loyal allies in the Middle East, the Kurds, when Erdogan demanded Trump allow Turkish troops to cross the Syrian border to attack & kill the Kurds. He also undermined NATO cohesion, threatening to withdraw. Both actions made our allies question the reliability & trustworthiness of US commitments. Internationally Trump deferred to Putin's wishes over the interests of our allies & even the US. Putin felt no need to invade Ukraine as long as Trump was doing his bidding.

Damn! Just as I am writing this long rebuttal of every point this guy made, his post has been removed!

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Great post, Jaime!

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Thanks, Sheryl!

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He lowered taxes for corporations, billionaires, and fat-cats. At my corporation (a Fortune 100 company), we never paid more than 11% corp tax. Since the Trump tax cuts of 2017, we pay approximately zero. His tax plan did also allow us to deduct expensive executive lunches and gave us a super sweet tax break for our corporate jets. Our executives all make millions, not many are too competent, and they are laughing at the 99% all the way to the bank. I promise you, the average American saw NOTHING like that in their paychecks.

Also, my corporation employs approximately 90 lobbyists to keep the cash coming. And yes, he did say the power of the president should be total. That in itself should be scary for you.


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Trump is a world class pig.

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Jul 31, 2022
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Wow. Among the most incorrect and illogical comments I've seen. Especially here.

Not sure how a government operates without tax revenue. Also, not sure how a democracy can survive with your beliefs. Congratulations to all of us on your retirement 20 years ago.

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Under Trump, the Saudis now own the biggest oil refinery in the USA/North America. He made a 2yr deal with Russia and Saudi Arabia to cut US oil production, which lasted through April 2022, which accounts for the higher profits for the oil industry and higher prices at the pump. The latest WAPO story about Gaetz/Stone speaking about getting a pardon for his loyalty to Trump. I prefer a democracy over blind loyalty to Trump "the boss", who is very corrupt.

(1). https://money.cnn.com/2017/05/01/investing/saudi-arabia-buys-largest-oil-refinery-port-arthur/index.html

(2.) https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2022/07/30/roger-stone-matt-gaetz-pardon-mueller/?pwapi_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWJpZCI6IjE5OTYyNjA0IiwicmVhc29uIjoiZ2lmdCIsIm5iZiI6MTY1OTE5MjMxMiwiaXNzIjoic3Vic2NyaXB0aW9ucyIsImV4cCI6MTY2MDQwMTkxMiwiaWF0IjoxNjU5MTkyMzEyLCJqdGkiOiI3OGQxN2Y1Zi1jY2NjLTQ5NmQtYjQ2NC05MmJmYTkyNzE2NzAiLCJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy53YXNoaW5ndG9ucG9zdC5jb20vaW52ZXN0aWdhdGlvbnMvMjAyMi8wNy8zMC9yb2dlci1zdG9uZS1tYXR0LWdhZXR6LXBhcmRvbi1tdWVsbGVyLyJ9.Caf4gXA80AtOfg5N7oHueMX-t3ctozI-LhltfQWJ_n0

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Jul 30, 2022
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That's because Wyoming is full of conservative religous zealots; and science informs us that conservative religous zealots are sociopaths who need in-patient therapy.

Conservatism is not a political ideology - it's a form of mental illness. - Ron Denver, Co.


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Thet are not Conservatives. They are Reactionaries

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I would say they are fascists.

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And boy, do they ever react!! …with venom and retaliation!

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Wyoming is full of conservatives. Wyoming is the Land of Conservatives. Wyoming is a red state and needs to be the Defendant in the U.S. V. State of Wyoming, because of the crazy conservative government out of compliance with federal law and U.S. Constitution.

Conservatives oppose the free exercise of a person's U.S. Constitutional rights, just like the State of Wyoming.

There are no "good conservatives" no more than there are sane persons in an insane asylum.

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The people running the insane asylum are the crazy ones. I worked in an insane asylum. The keepers were nuts.

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I like it! Call a spade a spade.

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Colorado is an island of reason in a sea of delusion. Your politics is more compatible to the Pacific Northwest

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I will be plotting a communist revolution from the comfort of my Lazy Boy. Hard work being a revolutionary these days. Pass the iced tea, please.

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Hope you meant "SOCIALIST," as "COMMUNIST" is not a viable system of government . . .

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No, no I am a card carrying member of the communist party. I got my red card from Socialist USA also. The IWW membership is too expensive or I would also be a member. The commies were vital to the labor movement and civil rights movement. No one talks about that now. I joke around but the radicals were vital for the benefits we have now. Their reward was to be double crossed by labor leaders and civil rights establishment types.

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Also, would you admit that the idealistic goals of original communism was greatly undermined by those powers such as the Soviet Union & China with their totalitarian regimes under the banner of communism?

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Yes, but both countries started about 300 years behind aggressive capitalist neighbors who attacked and dominated them for hundreds of years. China has produced an economic miracle that has astounded the world for better or worse. They went from feudalism to an economic monster in 70 years. It took the West 300 years to get there.

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However, that was largely from taking capitalist ideas from Western society (unfortunately very little democratic ideas).

I am no fan of capitalism, especially the corporatism, industrial capitalism & crony capitalism that dominate the US economy. My preference is the blend between democratic socialism & regulated free market capitalism we see in many countries in Europe, which has served those countries very well, leading to the happiest, healthiest, most prosperous societies in the world.

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Loving the location. Not so much the revolution. Revolutions rarely deliver what they promise. But plotting — yes, I will be plotting, too. I’m a writer. Have a novel to finish. [Nothing in it about revolution. Will murder suffice?]

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@ John. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

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Call me the Mexican Joker. If we can't laugh about our own insanity then we are in trouble. When I think I know something I realize I don't know anything.

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Jul 30, 2022
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I will be dead and gone before the shit hits the fan most likely. I been shot at before.

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Not particularly funny at this particular time, actually.

[Workers rights WERE championed by the Reds once, until they weren’t. Neither communism nor classic socialism is necessary, though, for people to be aware of the rightness of rights.

That’s just me being serious with a bunch of guys who aren’t.]

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On this substack we seem to excel at diagnosis and complaint. Identifying the problem is widely held to be the first step in finding a solution. But we never seem to get there! We always seem to point out things that others can do (e.g. the Fed should..., Democrats ought to..., Biden needs to...., Congress should act...). But how can we focus on our individual efforts to solve some problems? I'm going to do 3 things in August:

1. work for the Katie Porter campaign to help her get re-elected

2. donate until it hurts, not just to Katie Porter, also to other key campaigns around the country, including Katie Hobbs in AZ, O'Rourke in TX, Demings in FL and Stacey Abrams in GA. Senate campaigns are just as or even more important, so putting my money where my mouth is...

3. volunteer to work the polling booth on election day and do my part to make sure it is safe and accessible for all voters in my area.

One other thing I am trying to do is learn to talk to my Republican friends. Many of them are disgusted with Trump and Trump-ism but what I am hearing is that they are actually afraid of voting for Democrats. There have been too many lies and conspiracies pushed out by Fox and other radical misinformation media sources. People are legitimately confused. It goes like: "If I vote against Trump's larceny and criminality, will I then be voting for policies that I don't support?" One good option that sensible conservatives have is to just sit out this particular election. See what happens and then look forward to 2024. I remember in 1972 when I was working for George McGovern there was a big push to get out the vote. One lady was interviewed saying she planned not to vote. When the reporter asked why, she said along the lines, "I don't vote because it only encourages them!" This might be a good policy for well meaning but conflicted Republicans this time around!

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I don’t understand what they don’t agree with. They want the planet to burn up? They want homeless camps? They want the middle class to disappear? They want women and minorities to live in fear? How in the world can they not want to fix these things?

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I listen to see if someone expresses a lot of dissatisfaction with what could be an issue of common interest. There such an array of HOT ones angering the majority of us across the nation, there's usually something. (Abortion's a big one and that can be used to point out the possible LOSS of other FREEDOMS as well...) Then suggest that sometimes we simply must "hold our noses" and vote for the one who supports our point of view on key, really important issues, even if they are not otherwise a "perfect" candidate. Otherwise, I think this country is entirely spoiled. We've not had to live under dictatorship or repression (beyond that experienced by Native Americans and People of Color), and far too many have never met immigrants who came here fleeing that. To me, the attempts to overthrow our government make every other issue pale in comparison, but too many don't understand why that is a concern... and .. it can be hard for orange supporters to reckon with that, even IF they are now finally (kinda) coming to terms with how they've been hoodwinked.

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One issue for which they have an irrational fear is guns. "Democrats are gonna take away my guns!" when there is no basis for thinking that other than right-wing fearmongering.

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1. They don't think those things will happen or will affect them. They largely live in a narrow reality with a continuous feedback loop.

2. They're mostly just against the "other" Party.

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See my answer to Janet. They won’t be able to live in their alternate reality for long.

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Get the MONEY out of politics and get the politics out Governance.

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Jul 30, 2022
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That's some of it. But many consistently vote against their self-interests.

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Except that it is their problem, and soon they won’t be able to escape it anymore.

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KATIE PORTER IS A ROCK STAR .. and good for the entire country!! I also donate to her and the others you list, plus more. Despite the gloom, there ARE several bright lights out there who deserve national support.

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Good for you Benjamin. When I was younger I worked on campaigns too, including McGovern. We won some, we lost some. But I don't think as many people at that time bought into fascism as a viable alternative. I disagreed with Nixon, but I didn't despise him. I wish the last two Democratic Presidents had been a little more forceful, but I loathe and detest trump as the lowest form of Homo sapiens, for me there is a huge difference. ps, Since I am now retired on a small fixed income I can no longer donate as much as I did when working, but I do still donate to causes I believe in.

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I’m on it this summer to try to get attention to a GREAT IDEA, speaking of focusing my individual attention on solving our problems, Benjamin. Take a breath, everyone and hear me. How incredibly sticky it will be to prosecute Trump for all his crimes. Can you imagine how tied up the country will be in getting our pounds of flesh that we so richly deserve? Ok, another breath now. How about we consider the good of the country ahead of the satisfaction of destroying Trump, and we do that by letting him go free of all prosecutions if he comes clean about January 6th and all his machinations to stay in office? It would have to be a very frank mea culpa that releases his followers so we unite this country. And before you say he never will do that, consider that he is facing jail and poverty, plus I think he’s enough of a narcissist to turn that into how releasing his followers made him a hero, saving us all!

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I admire your enthusiasm, Suzanne, but trump cannot 'come clean'. Psychopaths/Sociopaths are incapable of expressing remorse because they deeply believe what the rest of us recognize as lies. You cannot shake them. I had personal experience of this when I lived for a few years with a psychopath. Even when he was caught in the act, he would insist I didn't see the action.

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I agree with you Fay. Twenty-seven psychiatrists did not write "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" because they believed Trump was only moderately narcissistic.

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Music educator here ... Please let me help you find some theme music! I agree, it would be lovely to have some. The Free Music Archive has SO many great instrumental pieces, posted by their composers for use, as long as the source is acknowledged.

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May I suggest a little ditty by the Chad Mitchel Trio : " What id you learn in school today?"

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Good thought. I've used some of them...from another music educator (retired when pandemic hit).

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The most effective Democratic song is:

Happy days are here again

The skies above are clear again

So let's sing a song of cheer again

Happy days are here again

All together shout it now

There's no one

Who can doubt it now

So let's tell the world about it now

Happy days are here again

Your cares and troubles are gone

There'll be no more from now on

From now on

Happy days are here again

The skies above are clear again

So let's sing a song of cheer again

Happy times, happy nights

Happy days are here again

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Yellen Jack / Ager Milton

Happy Days Are Here Again lyrics © Wb Music Corp., Emi Robbins Catalog Inc., Advanced Music Corp


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In a few weeks I'll be driving across the country on secondary highways from New Mexico to Milwaukee with an Econ. Prof. and Russian historian I met online last year. Maybe I'll learn something while meandering through the underbelly of the USA? At least the conversation won't be dull! Wish me luck!

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Underbelly? I’ve driven 49 states (as a 🇨🇦tourist), and it’s the smaller places that are amazing. Have a great trip ❤️🇺🇸

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keep us posted!

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We should eliminate all corporate special exemptions. They are not people, but 'Individuals for tax purposes', so they should pay the same taxes as a single individual. No special exemptions, deductions or tax rates.

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I’ve volunteered as a poll watcher so I can keep an eye on any GOP/MAGA antics at the polls. And I will be distributing Get Out The Vote materials in my precinct - north Tampa area.

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Regarding a theme song; I think you could use one of several "heroic" themes from Beethoven's Symphony #3, the "Eroica." You wouldn't need to worry about copyright law since it was written centuries in the past, and Brother Ludwig would never object to your using it!

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Great idea!

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Nice idea, and I'm a huge Beethoven/Classical music fan, but most recordings (except perhaps very old or synthesized ones) are going to be copyrighted by the recording industry.

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Another cool theme remembered from my youth was used on the animated TV program Mighty Mouse: "Mighty Mouse is on the Way!" Anybody can sing that, and it's fun to drop your voice a few octaves to try for a superhero voice!

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Here he comes to save the day!

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I used to love when Andy Kaufman would pantomime to that song.

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We could change it to "Robert Reich is on the Way!"

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That song will become public domain on Jan 1 2024, so Heather needs to wait a bit longer.

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I'm going to the Van Gogh exhibit in Guadalajara, Mexico, on Aug. 10th. Part Fraycation, part inspiration to pull out my painting supplies.

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i answered "a paycation", but since i am still unemployed (and probably will be for the rest of my life), this paycation is not voluntary. my august plans are to read a couple more 800+ page books and reviewing them. (currently working on one such review right now for forbes in fact.) huge books like this take a much longer time to read than my usual 3 days because there are so many stupid little distractions that pop up every single day.

i have no realistic suggestions for a theme song for your show, but PLEASE do not use something that is licensed only for USA. if so, i won't be able to access your saturday podcast, just as i could not (and still cannot) access the wealth and poverty class that i originally subscribed to. :(

let me add a few more frowny-disappointed faces, just to drive my point home:

:( :( :(

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Theme song? 16 tons :)

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Thank you for this morning's coffee klatch. I really like your idea of reporting the real state of the economy - not just how it effects the too wealthy people. I also want to know why the DNC isn't spending oodles of money explaining why we have an economic downturn (especially that it is global not regional) instead of letting the retrumplicans get away with dumping it all on Biden. Are they secretly hoping to lose?

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My great, great grandfather was confederate veteran. He fought for an awful cause, and yet I am proud of him. I am a Vietnam vet and that was an awful cause. We humans are a complicated lot. Because of my political views my people would think I was insane.

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One seemingly small but momentous decision is, in my opinion, at the root of the fatigue and worry we are all going through today. It goes back to 2009, and was the decision by then-president Barack Obama not to fulfill his promise to sign the "Freedom of Choice" Act -- codifying a woman's right to an abortion into law. Doing so, he said during the campaign, would be at the top of his list of priorities.

The Act would have taken Roe off the table completely. After the death of Scalia, Mitch McConnell would not have had a giant carrot to wave to the white evangelicals who formed Trump's base. All of the kabuki theater gyrations of picking Supreme Court justices would have been behind us from that time.

I appreciate the opportunity to express my deep disappointment in how Democrats have treated THEIR base. (Don't get me started on free trade....)

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Obama did not have the votes in Congress to get the bill through. He only had about 45 working days with super majority and that helped get ACA. Al Franken's race was contested, so he didn't get seated until July 2009, Sen Byrd was sick, Sen Kennedy was sick then died.

If we want Democrats to accomplish things, then we the people must give them a functional Congress, especially in the Senate. We need more seats to carve out the Filibuster.

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Sorry, dear. The bill had already passed Congress and needed to be signed into law. If it had not been passed already, Obama could have never made the promise to sign it on DAY ONE. Keep in mind that being a legal and constitutional scholar, Obama was not "green" bout these things. (Instead he signed a bill about equal pay for women -- another one that had already passed Congress.)

The Democrats realized that Roe continuing under threat was a prime fund raising vehicle. It's as simple and cynical as that.

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We should eliminate all corporate special exemptions. They are not people, but 'Individuals for tax purposes', so they should pay the same taxes as a single individual. No special exemptions, deductions or tax rates.

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