If only the workers could read books instead of listening to podcasts.

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If only some, ANY, of the Democrat leaders would use modern technology (not books) to reach those disenchanted voters.

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Those disenchanted voters are convinced the Democrats are responsible for all their problems and no matter how many facts you throw at them, they prefer simple solutions to complex problems. They believe the Orange Menace because Daddy promises he'll make it all better.

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That’s mostly true. But not totally. When I’m argueing with SOME Trump supporters, they’ve been shocked when I present them with FACTS and I can show where I’ve gotten the information. Not only did the Dems stick to outdated forms of communication, they chose the wrong elements to campaign on. But that’s been said for YEARS. We need new leaders if the current leadership won’t get over themselves.

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Good for you!! Please tell us where you got the facts that they believed. I ask this sincerely. I have had zero luck sharing facts.

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I can give you an example - A few months ago my s-i-l sent me a snapshot of a FOX news post claiming there were so many illegal aliens that were criminals that were coming across the border. I immediately went to the Customs and Border Patrol website and refuted all of her Faux News facts with figures from their own website. I asked her where she thought FOX got the info. She of course didnt know, and thanked me for "looking all that up" - I would have no clue how to do that". And therein lies some of the problem. Along with the fact that people are lazy, don't read, don't research, and pretty much don't care if it means they have to put some effort into it.

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Joanne E. Gillespie, there are places in the u.s. that still do not have internet. And even in the ones with access, not everyone can afford the phone, or tablet or computer to use it. It is not necessarly laziness. Or the refusal to put effort into it. We are not born knowing how to use this media.

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Hi Joanne. I'm so grateful that my retired wife taught at the local university for 30 years. When she hears anything from the media or from an in person conversation she is on her phone and has a fact check within a minute or two. The facts are there if one is willing to look. Good luck to everyone... GH

I forgot to add her favorite comment is... "site your source."

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Really, besides all the other ‘ocracies we have in charge, we have a lazyocracy. Until it seriously incommodes the MAGAts, they won’t get interested.

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They CAN’T read…that’s really the problem. That dope from Columbia University that educators bought into pushed a reading philosophy that now has been proven NOT TO WORK. So it’s not just covid lag- the parents of kids now are NOT GOOD READERS. I taught my kids phonics at home to augment what their school was doing, reading was a daily practice in our house. Interesting that was not true at the InLaws houses, or in the homes of the young people I precepted on the job- they don’t read books, period. The pseudo news today revealed reading scores are still down- duh, no kidding….

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According to these figures here: https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/criminal-noncitizen-statistics

17,048 in 24', 15,267 in 23', 12,028 in 22', and 10,763 in 21' non-citizens were arrested with a criminal history. Is that not "So Many"? What is your threshold for letting in criminals?

Before you say...they arrested them at the border before they entered...no...most of them are arrested in near by communities in the US. And that's the ones they find and record.

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Once again, I’m reminded that Trump understands all too well: *“You just tell them, and they will believe you. They just do.”* Being a Trump supporter means blindly accepting whatever the conman says. Will it ever occur to these brainwashed followers that they’ve been deceived and lied to? Will they ever have the courage to admit that they believed it—not because it was true, but because it was what they *needed* to believe?

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Before the election, I had a conversation with a person who didn't know where the inflation was coming from.

One part of it was the pandemic spending, including stimulus checks, handed out by both Biden and Trump, but these checks helped people get through, and also kept the economy going.

She said. "Trump didn't hand out checks. Giveaways are a Democrat thing". I said, "Look it up. He even sent checks with his name on them to get people on his side, as if that money were his, personally"

"No, he didn't"

When she got out her phone, I waited.

A minute later, she said, "Well, what do oy know? There it is, right here." Her husband had to be shown the article too, but of course that one item wasn't enough to change their votes.

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It may make more sense to use the "frog in a pot of water while the heat is slowly turned up" analogy.

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Truer words Joanne!!

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You need to explain Google to these people!

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Because it is always easier to blame someone else for all our woes... it is human nature. Looking at yourself for where life has brought you is not for everyone.

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Gotta take it 1 issue at a time. When I hear “tax and spend Dems”, I pull out each administration’s budget deficit account. Easy enough from the web, multiple sources. When it’s about Energy (oil/gas) I pull up data showing US output and who we sell to, and where the $ really goes. Gender issues? Population indexes, demographics and local budgets showing line items. True, some want to use 1 cause as a reason to burn the whole world down. Then it’s just a sarcastic crack every time they say something in my presence. There’s not a lot of people I care enough about to make that effort. Or that would look at the data, and realize it’s non-partisan sites. It’s also true that I have to remind myself it’s not good to wish for a swarm of mosquitoes to target all red hats.

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What you can find and use for rebuttal is all over the net, a simple search engine will provide guidance Pamsy, good luck!!

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MAGATs are immune to facts.

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I agree and I'm nearly 80. I have no desire to watch people my age continue to F up just because they're old. I'd love to see AOC, Crockett, Frost, et al take over the party. Old doesn't necessarily mean entrenched, but in DC all bets are off. Those old farts hang around forever like the bad smells they create.

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Age should have NOTHING to do with who is deserving of our respect, our votes, our support. The list of very young up to old who are big MAGA followers is long. Marjorie Taylor Green, Lauren Boebert, Hegseth, et al are on the younger side of 50. Look at the MAGA rally crowds and you will see a shockingly large number of young people: Do you like them because they're not old?? Age-ism is still age-ism, even when it comes from someone claiming to be "nearly 80." Ideas, values, character, records, integrity matter, and the age is otherwise irrelevant.

Yeah, there are plenty of members of Congress, both chambers, who are very old. Joe Biden was very old. Joe Biden is old in every way; Bernie Sanders is old only by a calendar. Matt Gaetz is 42. AOC is 35. Pete Buttegieg is 43. All on the "young spectrum." Who do you prefer?

What seems to be in short supply in the Democratic Party is energetic, articulate, eloquent FIGHT on the PUBLIC stage, regardless of age. We hear it in bits and pieces - Tammy Duckworth, wonderful against Hegseth, comes to mind - but as an organized, overall, full-throated army to fight the overthrow of our government with every possible means? Seems pretty weak so far.

Your statement about "the bad smells they create" is an ugly, hateful age-ist cliche. It is the kind of thing you hear from those who want to destroy Social Security, want to put "boomers" on ice floes (quick, before the ice is all melted), write public screeds about how "boomers" won't give up their houses, their jobs, won't give all they've earned to their Gen-whatevers, then shut up and go away, try to arouse hatred and rejection of "boomers" with mindless generalizations about "boomers" causing all the problems....and so on and so on.

Resist hate-filled stereotypes wherever they crop up.

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Um . . . wow. Geez. All I meant was that old doesn't necessarily mean wise. But it seems to be an almost universally accepted idea that we have to "respect our elders." I don't think they get respect until they've earned it. The fart remark was supposed to be a joke but apparently it didn't land.

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Annie Cross, thanks, your response was excellent. I too push back on ageist comments. And thank you also, for addressing the cruel, derogatory remark about smell. We need elders AND youth; it's not an OR. I like Common's words in the "Glory" rap/song he did with John Legend for the movie, Selma. He said, "No one can win the war individually. It take the wisdom of the elders and young peoples' energy." Each generation brings strengths that are needed strategically. Those who think we should toss all the elders and replace them with young people, don't know that wisdom is imperative.

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None of the MAGATs I know are interested in facts.

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Our Democratic leaders are still stuck in the 1970s as far as their communication skills go. We need young people installed at DNC and in state Democratic offices nationwide. We have to be ready to strike at any opportunity which arises. As we’ve seen this week, the rethugs are not good at what they do.

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Just got forwarded a boldprogressives.org email offering “Trump did that”stickers to put on grocery shelves (eggs) and gas pumps.

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I don't know, but it certainly seems true this last election cycle. The Magas have a few main gripes, while the Dems pretty much ignore rebutting these gripes with facts.

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While this made sense during Biden's term, it is now similar to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

He is a full blown psychopath now. He is both accelerating and deteriorating.

WE must stop him and his klowns however we can, and stop the havoc before it gets any worse.

Or, the blue states can create a new country or join Canada if they allow it.

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The whole red state blue state is a problem in itself. A lot of left leaning people live in so called red states, and vice versa. Separating the country into a separate red one and a separate blue one isn't feasible. I don’t know how we are supposed to get people thinking and actually talking, but that’s what needs to happen. 😞

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Judy, absolutely! Getting people to think and talk rationally, without throwing epithets at one another, is a huge problem. I believe it’s one teachers could correct if the general population would leave them alone to do their job.

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Absolutely KKatz!!

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I was shocked at how many referenced, Daddy’s home, ie Mel Gibson On Trump's Visit To California: 'Daddy Arrived And He’s Taking His Belt Off'

How many men think this is how you show masculinity? What happened to masculinity being defined by courage, honesty, capacity for empathy, caring for others, having the maturity to plan ahead, intelligence, valuing equality and equity for people and the planet?

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Most people have never experienced corporal punishment, or are irritated at how far the social norms have moved that a swat to a toddlers behind is viewed as unconscionable.

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KKatz, the problem, I think, is that people don’t know how to address a child’s misbehavior without hitting or yelling. Neither of those solve problems or teach children the how and why of good behavior.

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There’s a huge boundary area between what’s acceptable and what’s flat out not. It’s also very difficult to define a very brief, attention grabbing swat - more a startle than pain - as opposed to a traumatizing experience. Even knowing correct effective as opposed to not - in ANY familial emotional action - how many people attain it?

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That kind of masculinity is seen as weakness. These are the same people who think Jesus is too liberal.

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It's true that agent orange has 30% of the populace brainwashed including many of the workers. Dems need to form their own media networks and to debunk

Fox News, 'Lies' Social, and Sinclair News' pack of lies relentlessly. Show people just how badly that they are being ripped off. To Biden's credit, he actually got on the picket line at an auto plant and stood with the workers to demand better pay and working conditions. More Dems need to get with the workers and press for concessions from the oligarchs to show that they are serious. Take as an example Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) who has championed for domestic workers as well as for an improved footing for small business versus corporate monoliths.

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David, you are so right about the working-class, mostly white men and the women who love them wanting "daddy to fix it for them." They don't listen to what he says, but are somehow so sure he can do it. They don't realize that he is working hard to get richer and more powerful so he can do whatever he wants to all of us, including the scared working-class, just like a spoiled toddler. He cares nothing for them, just as he clearly and often told them; he only wanted their votes, and they gave those precious votes to him and they and we will all suffer for it.

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I'd love to ask them if they didn't believe him when he said, "I only care about your vote."

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But Daddy is a liar

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Lois, unfortunately, the people he lies to either don’t care or believe he’s doing it for their benefit. Only when the country is run by the oligarchs and the corporations, and the general public is worse off than they’ve ever been, will some realize that they backed the wrong party.

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We need a third party. They will never believe anyone labeled as a democrat

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Tell me how many third party politicians ever made it to any significant position of power. Your best bet is reforming the Democratic party.

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And I had thought the republicans were going to fall apart. As a party. Oh well.

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RDW, I think they (GOP) still will fall apart.

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Maybe the Dems should just change their name. I know there's already a party called Family Worker's Party ( or something like that.) Maybe that's the party to integrate into.

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Which, to be fair, no one else was doing. Trump's narrative was a) everything in the country was basically shit b) it was the fault of the Democrats and immigrants and c) he alone could sort out the problems. The Democrats' took a long time to have any narrative at all, even to defend their not insubstantial achievements in government. The one message that rang out was that Trump was dangerous, but even that message was confused. Dangerous to whom then? No, they said, not to whom, but to what - dangerous to constitutional norms which were important to democracy. Er, wot?! At the other end of the spectrum of opposition to Trump, they said he was clearly a fascist (prompting hasty Google searches leaving people even more confused). Towards the end of the campaign, that became the clarion call of an increasingly desperate Democratic party. Not me, said Trump - they're the fascists with their Deep State and weaponisation of the law and all the rest of it. Project 2025 - what's that? Sure, he was lying, but then he has always lied - about everything - and the ritual of fact-checking against the background of a blizzard of misinformation has never alone been enough to derail his campaigns. You can't indeed fool all of the people all of the time, but you can fool enough of them at any one time in order to win an election.

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So, MAGATs don't understand that a threat to democracy is a threat to them? Do we need to spell it out like they are third-graders?

I guess you answered that: "but you can fool enough of them at any one time in order to win an election."

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My guess is that many of them don't feel that they have been well-served by the institutions that are supposed to preserve democracy - chiefly the government and its law enforcement agencies, but also the courts and the mainstream media. But winning an election is one thing and governing quite another. Mario Cuomo once said that one campaigns in poetry but governs in prose. Trump governs in exactly the same way that he campaigns - lies, angry denunciations and threats. He's made one reckless decision after another in a whirligig of activity that has still allowed himself time off to play golf during his first week in office. He's not really governing at all. His rambling press conferences (like the one today about the fatal air crash) are hardly any different to the incoherent speeches he has given at campaign rallies.

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Here's the irony. The people who "don't feel that they have been well-served by the institutions that are supposed to preserve democracy" absolutely HATE Democratic administrations because "those people" get the benefits they think should be theirs alone.

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What I'm reading on many comments (including my own) is that our form of democracy or democratic Republic is, essentially, doomed. I'm not really seeing any answers to this crisis, not experienced in this nation since the 1860's.

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France, 1789. Just sayin'

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True. But also getting near impossible when majority of social media is owned by right wing oligarchs

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Waiting until it’s difficult and then complaining about it, isn’t a viable plan of action. It’s harder to get the job done now, so think smarter. Work a bit harder.

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You left the Russian influence out of your comment DM!!

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Exactly. That is why I listen to PBS and mostly follow substack news.

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KKatz, Dems need to push a positive, but scathing message out on every front and not leave any ground to the toddler playground. Those toddlers are doing enormous damage already and it is only 9 days in. When the pain comes to the working-class white guys, they will be convinced that it was not their Baby Bully Donnie who did it; it will be Biden's fault along with that horrible Harris woman. They don't want to know the truth and proved it with this past election. Too many want to believe the lies that THOSE people are causing every problem those working people have and are keeping them from being rich or whatever it is they want to be and are not now. How can any of us fight that. They want the Toddler-Trump fantasy even though the consequences will be devastating for them and their families. Scared people will go along if they think what they are going along with will fix things for them. The German people went along in the 1930s and earlier. History's not part of the right-wing working-class disinformation.

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I think we need to avoid thinking of some of them as toddlers. Trump certainly, but he’s still very dangerous. Steven Miller has been hard at work planning the consolidation of power in the White House, along with the members of The Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society. Underestimating their hatred of anything resembling a thinking, functioning middle class is a recipe for disaster. They prefer folks who are hungry to have a king, first in Jesus, then in His annointed emperor knowing not how The Dark Ages treated the working poor. The king-makers absolutely know what they’re doing. They have their useful idiot at The Resolute Desk. Who’s going to stop them?

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Democrats needs to step up and make NOISE.

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I can’t accept that it’s impossible

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People need to switch from corporate-owned news and social media to independents outlets to seek info that reflects views from both sides.

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Views from the right must be the truth, and it has to be shown by hard facts to be the truth. Otherwise, they might as well keep watching FOX.

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People needed to be given a better education first to understand what is going on, but I think it is too late........just go north, as I don't think things are going to get better in the US.

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Good idea! It might get younger people on board

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The problem is it is easier to spread misinformation that way than it is the truth which seems boring because it is sense.

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No, the fake news stations are only interested in money, so they make up the flashy fake headlines to get you to tune in. All very sad and evil.

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That certainly is also a problem. The bad forces who are against decency in our society use anyway they can to get at us.

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Workers of the world need to unite! Government workers are doing everything can to protect democracy by undermining Trump and his oligarch bootlickers. We salute the flag, not the fascist: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/i-pledge-allegiance-to-the-flag-not

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Look at the Wikepedia on labor wars in the 1930's. Management had no resources other than their own employees. When the employees went on strike their ability to obtain wage raises and better benefits won them good jobs. The workers today are stunned, but they will be ready to rise to the need to strike so they could achieve better wages and benefits. Management will find out that machines are not enough, they do need workers who are devoted to their work.

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Wondering whether Drumpf’s deportations will shrink the workforce to the advantage of workers who stay in the USA. Supply and demand.

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That’s why the “far left” works are being forced to resign.

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I don't think "far left" has much to do with the administration forcing resignations. It's anyone with the character, integrity or devotion to the Constitution and the rule of law.

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If only they’d listen to the pods that are telling the truth!

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Good point!

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That’s just not nice. Many of my coworkers and family members are Dems & read & make hourly wages. Please do not sink to their level.

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True, but there are a WHOLE lot of them that don’t and can’t be bothered with critical thinking or to be curious about how government works and how policies affect them. They and the other 90 million who didn’t vote got us into this hellscape.

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At first I was irritated when reading that statement. But I wonder if it was meant to be sarcastic? I mean, people don’t read BOOKS to get political info. It’s short snippets or news articles if they do read. It’s radio in the time of TV. Nixon/Kennedy again.

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Exactly, there is no depth to today’s intellect. Listen to General Milley!

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One recent book, not very long and very well written and organized, that can give ordinary people ideas and factual leads on organizing for better deals is *The Guarantee* by Natalie Foster. Renters, service workers and others in the past decade have successfully effected truly positive changes for ordinary people.

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Thank you! I know plenty of my coworkers who read on their lunch breaks!

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…or instead of obsessing about professional sports.

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The dear leader’s cultists don’t need no stinkin books or reading.

That’s for the libtards.

Cultists just have to listen to the sweet sound of dear leaders voice and that’s all they need to hear and believe. So easy.

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Only easy when the media covers them everywhere--it's overdone.

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"If only my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle." (Old Parsi saying.)

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It’s this kind of condescending, insulting attitude that alienates voters.

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Really? Maybe they should grow up and take some responsibility.

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Trump is proving, every day, that he doesn’t care about his lower-class supporters. They wear a permanent label regardless of their red hat - LOSER. They ignored this during his first term. They’re going to feel the pinch this time.

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It is a bitchy remark but I am so fed up with the stupidity all around me. People do need to take charge of their information stream.

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They think they are. People get addicted to nicotine. Health supplements. Religious broadcasts.

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YES! I read a lot and almost never listen to amateur or professional podcasts. And I am a professional public radio producer!

(I almost never see movies either, I'd rather read a book!)

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There are books that spread disinformation, too; consider anything JFK, Jr. has "written."

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I thought it was many years since he died in a plane crash.

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Sorry, RFK, Jr.

Thanks for pointing out my typo.

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But they don't so meet them where they are or we miss them entirely

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The workers don’t have the time nor the energy to read to understand. And even if they started to read, their reading skill levels would not allow them to read beyond a menu. It is over for the U.S.

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Well Nancy, I used to be a "worker", 12hr days and periods of double shift (16 hr straight for those not familiar). And I will tell u that reading can be a chore. Listening to NPR or other news casts r all that ur time and remaining energy allow for. Readi is for me now DURING RETIREMENT.

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The message wasn’t meant for you obviously. Many of the most savvy men are blue collar. I am the daughter of a blue collar father, who had an intellect well beyond today’s average.

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Or perhaps listen to the right podcasts.

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Absolutely, Nancy. Critical thinking is in such short supply and the reason is obvious.

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Robert, while this indeed reeks, it's "wreak havoc." Thank you for all you're doing to keep us informed and resisting.

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Everything is already worse thanks to Trump chaos:

- Coffee prices rising.

- Stock market chaos.

- Farm labor shortages.

- Tuberculosis outbreak in Kansas.

- Egg prices and shortages up to all-time highs.

- The 1,500 Jan 6 criminals Trump pardoned already being rearrested for more crimes.

How Trump Republicans are making bigger messes:

- trade wars

- Nazi salutes

- WW3 threats

- planning Gaza ethnic cleansing

- replacing civil servants with druggies and pervs

- defunding healthcare, police, farms, school luch, veterans care, and medical research

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turning allies against the usa. people all over the world are canceling vacations to the USA

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Great. Just great, though I don't blame them.

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I would too!!

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We aren't very friendly. We demand genetic sample for visa. Disgusting.

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Your summation is right on the money! Thank you & your organized brain!

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People need to do something. They are suffering. They are hysterical. They keep reading all these post and told to continue to fight..but it’s not helping them.

How about organizing a disrupter for the White House. And Congress... here is the White House switch board number. 202-456-1414

I don’t have one for Congress..assuming they have a central switch board. We need about 10 million people to start calling at noon and continue calling for days.

Just jam the lines.

Also need a catch phrase. STOP THE MADNESS? Just a suggestion.

Any ideas?

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And flood your US senators and House Reps continually with the same message. Call their DC offices AND all their local ones. Can't get through? Call on Sat / Sun - you'll go right through to voice mail... leave a msg!

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Don't know the phone number? Easy, google "contact (then name of senator or rep)" Up should pop an entry with ALL their contact info on it... DC and local. (If you're in their district you can ALSO EMAIL!!)

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Depending on the senator, you can email from outside his or her state. I have been doing that for the past 9 days, which feels like an eternity. Some, like Mitchy, don't have direct emails at all. And you gave to have an LA zip code to contact Mikey at all.

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Thanks! They typically don't want anyone whose zip is outside their own district. I haven't tried faking it yet with a legit zip; have you?

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Haven't faked it at all and have emailed Thune, Murkowski, Collins, Sanders, and Whitehouse. And no problem calling everyone. I googled their DC office numbers. Numbers matter.. or should. Worth the time. Doing nothing, saying nothing feels unacceptable. Have pulled my grieving head out of the sand, at least for now. NC is my home state and we are a real mess despite our Dem wins in the Council of State. Our state legislature is a national embarrassment and a disgrace.

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Good news re "faking it" .. I'll try it. Hang in there re your own state; I read about the latest tussel. (It's all so exhausting, in sooo many places..)

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This s is the ticket.

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I think you've got it all down. When do we start? We cannot let these jokers take is back almost a century!

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I need to find a way to reach the top subscription authors. Robert, Andy H, The Contrarian, etc. This needs to be coordinated to actually have an effect. Think, Million Man March without the marching part. Like a swarm of bees…disrupters without breaking the law. Without name calling. Just the message, Stop The Madness. All suggestions are appreciated.

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March, march, march on the White House and the Supreme Court. Phoning won't help. Every week-end..........march against the tyranny of DONALD J. TRUMP

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Its really busy in your brain! Keep at it!

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The White House line doesn't seem to be working. Hmmm, I wonder why?

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It is working now. I got a message.

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That's the trouble. His line has worked for too long, on too many people.

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Itworked a few hours ago.

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Call your members of Congress, every single day. All of us.

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No use!

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I just called the White House. A woman answered. I said, “Stop the madness! Trump & Musk need to back off.” She responded, “Maam, are you looking for the comment line? It’s not up yet, but I can give you an address to write to.” I laughed and hung up

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You’re so right! I’m sick of opinionated yelling at us to fight! What in the world is that supposed to mean? How do we fight back against a mob of super-rich law breakers? Your idea is a good start. A champion would help. On the other hand, maybe nothing will change until the Republicans do their worst. Then maybe —just maybe—the dupes who voted for Trump would wake up to the harm he is doing.

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I think they have done their worst and will only do more. I feel helpless, I don’t know what I can do to make a difference. I share Robert’s emails, and HCR’s letters. I might get 1 to 4 people that “like” it but they already know how it is. I need someone that knows a lot more than me to help show me the way to DO SOMETHING AGAINST ALL THIS TERRIBLE STUFF! It sure isn’t the Democrats in office. They need to do what we voted them in to do. Sorry I don’t mean anything toward you personally. This is so bad and it’s not even 2 weeks yet.

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Sam, all I see every day is gloom and doom. I read the comments, I feel the pain…If we can do one thing…one little protest that requires little effort…it will help those of us struggling. We can’t do much about what will happen in the future. But, we know that the current administration are disrupters. We have to also disrupt but in a peaceful way. Think Million Man March, without the marching part. No cursing, no name calling, no confrontation. Just leave a message, “Stop the Madness” . Hang tough..work with me. Maybe all of us together can have a small impact.

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It must be coordinated by someone with an audience. Robert Reich. The Contrarian, etc..

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Will do as you suggest.

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I have been calling Senators Sanders, Whitehouse, Thune, and Tillis. And emailing them and others. Polite young interns have answered and assured me they are keeping a tabulation of all calls. I am calling of course to ask rhem to vote against RFK Jr 's confirmation. Been told that it has been a very high volume call day. Overwhelm them!!

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It is important to not be rude. Not call anyone names. Not be confrontational. Imagine this is a Million Man March, minus the marching part. Just repeat the montra. The point its to jam the phone lines. Disrupt business in a peaceful way.

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great ideA..

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In the 80s there was an exercise guru who used "STOP THE INSANITY!" Seems right. Wonder if it is still protected, or if the movement could get the rights?

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In the 80s there was an exercise guru who snagged "STOP THE INSANITY!" Seems right. Wonder if it is still protected, or if the movement could get the rights.?

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hmmm. good ?.

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Congress: 202-224-3121

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Yes, call and insist that we have no more girls sports, just one league. Not boys or girls since there is no difference. Full funding for cutting off girl's breasts and sex change for boys if they want their genitals cut off. Even if the parents don't want surgery on their children. Full funding. Hospitals are making huge money. Seems like a good thing. Right?

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I sincerely hope that you are being sarcastic. Otherwise, that is barbaric!

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Resist confrontation. It only gives them more ammunition to respond. The worst thing you can do to someone is to ignore them. Just my opinion.

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Are you insane? Since when are they doing such things? Nobody is doing what you and the other fascism supporters out there clain.

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I tried to tell you and Mary Trump sure did

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You got that right!

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So did Dr. Bandy X Lee and her colleagues. But Trumpers also voted their hate, like the comment immediately above yours.

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This is the Project 2025 being implemented! That should be included in all reporting!

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I'm mentioning it in all the comments for news articles that neglect to do so. I hope more folks will do the same.

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They own the legacy media.

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Asking so I know, what does “legacy media” refer to?

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I can't click "like," but I have to agree. I have no idea how bad things will need to get.

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Sadly, they don’t believe it, because dear leader said he didn’t have anything to do with project 2025. Or, they read it and liked what it said… sigh. I had a friend… well, not so sure about that now, tell me that one. 😞

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Evil is the root of all money!

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And vice versa!

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Indulge me, please. The quote is, “ the love of money is the root of all evil.” Certainly true if the oligarchs.

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I believe: the addiction to money is the root, trunk, branches and leaves of all evil- and will literally burn down the planet & everyone on it- just so they can get their next Fix.

Absolutely nothing else makes sense to me- hang out with any fully active addict and you’ll quickly see the inhumanity; the total carelessness of ANYONE or ANYTHING but the rush….

(No offense for people struggling with SUD.)

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And we should expect something different given how he treated contractors in the past?

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The problem is, these Trump voters are not paying attention to anything resembling actual news sources, and continue and will continue to get their news from echo chambers owned and controlled by the same oligarchs who will continue to feed them bullshit about how it is the liberal-elite trans people of color who are the reason they are hurting. And, they will, continue to eat up this drivel. Nothing will change. With the 4th estate in shambles there is no hope for returning this country to one that is truly for the people.

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MAGA are loyal to trump UNTIL: their bellies are empty, they are being evicted, they have lost their jobs. Then they seek aid, but musk has taken that away. In which case they will turn against trump and it will not be pretty. After all, he taught them to use violence.

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Unfortunately even when these things happen- when their bellies are empty, they're being evicted, they've lost their jobs and there's no aid- even then- they will blame Biden, democrats, immigrants, black and brown people, jews and muslims, LGBTQ+, mexico, wind turbines, space lasers, elite satanic cabal pedophiles.... I'm sure they'll incite violence, directed at anyone/anything other than Trump.

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Then we will have to remind them that it is The Republicans. Biden is gone, the immigrants have been deported, no one else has the power other than the Republicans and the Billionaires.

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Or other Democrats!🤬🤬🤬😢

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What other Democrats? The Republicans have all of the power. The White House, The House and Senate, and the Supreme Court.

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The biggest issue with democrats is they need large sums of money to run for an office. Citizen united is the root of our current problem. And the past 40 years of Reagancomics.

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Absolutely! It all started with Reagan and has just kept going. Why didn’t Democrats in office speak in plain English just what was up! I’m late to the political game. It f—-ing toke trump to show me I need to pay attention!

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Me too. I figured that no one in their right mind would vote for him in 2016…. Sigh.

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When I went to Washington DC this past summer I went to the Holocausr Museum.

It was not lost on me how similar things are now to the beginning of Germany 1933 with the rise of Hitler, and let's all remember what happened to him.

I also have first hand experience with narcissism , which trump is a classic case!!!

Thank you for your article

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American workers need to be told what's going on. But they're not paying attention to anyone who would tell them.

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The right-wing ranters are loud and threatening. My only Trump-loving acquaintance is absolutely blind and deaf to facts, figures, examples that show Trump’s and MAGA’s dark side. The followers of Trump are indeed paying attention—to the bad guys, and being completely taken in.

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Yesterday every so often I turned on faux to see what they were reporting. They were reporting stuff about everything / anything and (surprise surprise) NOTHING about the funding cuts.

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who will tell them? we need a free and honest news outlet (with the whole factual truth - not opinions) to be easily and readily accessible to all Americans + the globe.

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Democracy Now!, PBS NewsHour, Frontline, NPR radio.

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Musk is going after NPR and PBS. I have already written to my Republican Representative in the House to fund NPR and PBS and why.

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To understand MUSK, one has to understand SOUTH AFRICA and the Apartheid mentality that he grew up with. Just ask Trevor Noah!

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Here's an example of someone taking real, responsible action.

In Ottawa County, Michigan, "Ottawa News Network" has begun recently posting local news and commentary.

It is a nonprofit, funded by local contributors who appreciate hearing the truth about local politics.

The election in November unseated the "Ottawa Impact" majority.

\Vince S

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thanks, for your reply Vince. I asked a real question - I don’t have the answer/s to.

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Dream on.

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Vincent is right. Everyone must do their part - millions across America.

There is no cavalry coming to save you.

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They are already addicted to the LIES! Why would they look for something else? They were told how, where, and when to listen; told that anything else is purely false. What will make them look anywhere else?

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What would you suggest?

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Pam, the impressive president of the United Auto Workers told them and all other union workers over and over again. Joe told them. Kamala told them. We can hope that now that they are right up against the consequences of not listening or hearing, they will join the outrage, but the damage has been done.

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We have to be as organized and loud as the MAGAS

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The Dems tried to tell this to working folks before the election and it fell on deaf ears. Hello! When I’ve driven through poor, rural parts of regional states, the most broken down homes are flying Trump flags. I do not understand and we all will have to go through President Befuddle Pants crazy time. How many times and ways do we need to say, these rich folks don’t give a rat’s ass about you or anyone else?

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You're mostly right, but the DNC and Dem candidates' refusal to go after big money as a huge reason for the high prices and low wages has led to skepticism of many voters. The elitism attributed to Dems is somewhat deserved--we have too many privileged candidates who really don't understand working class plight, and many Dems' refusal (including Kamala) to "let loose" on the growing oligarchy has hurt our ability to reach these people.

Bottom line--Dems need to get just as angry as MAGA at the rigged system, but point the way to a better solution for all.

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Bernie is the only way to go..........i.e; SOCIALISM works, and of course the bleeding obvious........NO GUNS!

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This comment deserves more likes. This is the reality that the hysterically depressed are not getting. By not being fully focused on issues like affordable housing and health care, by sucking up to Hollywood and celebrities too much and leaving the border open too long, which further depressed wages. Sometimes it seemed like only Lina Khan was really doing her job. well, now here we are, with high tariffs on Canada and other such nonsense. The price for weak policy making and sucking up to some "Democrat " oligarchs, is a loss for all U.S. citizens...

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There is truth to these statements. We need to get out from under big donors and get back to kitchen table issues

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We all need to remind ourselves that we are adding to their revenue by using their products & services!

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Yes, but how do we not? I am physically unable to go into stores. I have to shop online. We have two places to get groceries in my town: Walmart that has online ordering and pickup and Foodlion that does not. I have to order from Walmart and a grandchild picks up my order.

I also have to order from Amazon. Where is an online company to take their place that does not back trump?

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You are the exception & should not be concerned with the load that others can shoulder. Limitations are something that must be dealt with in the way that is best for the person(s) making their way in a difficult situation. 🫶

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I agree. I too am in a similar situation. However. My friends and neighbors help out. Neighborhood networking may help. Co-op style. You know, like the old days. Say hi, help someone out. Help some and harm none. My Dad and father in law both served in WWII. Values seem to be forgotten these days. It's our turn to fight back. I learned a long time ago on how to treat a bully. You punch him in the old snot locker. Everybody has an opinion of what we need to do, and we can do this forever. Do something positive. Start with yourselves. And pass it on. Get positive and emit hope. Hope is a powerful thing. The answers will come. As a kid in school, we stood up, faced the flag of the US and said a pledge of allegiance. So I Pledged allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisable, with liberty and justice for all.

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Since Trump is doing exactly what he said he'd do why would publicizing it make any difference? Trump voters have made it clear that they care more about MAGA than workers rights. Your articles should be about why labor rights are important and the distortions of the concepts of freedom and greatness.

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A little off topic, but listened to a bit of RFK Jr.

What the hell is 'Make America Healthy Again'? MAHA?? Really? This during the second reign of a jackass that thought bleach might help the Covid pandemic? After Robert's article, it should be, ' let's see how quickly we can dismantle America again.'

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Or make children in school sick again 🤧 I'm old enough to remember life before Polio and Measles vaccines

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So am I! Somehow my Mom & I escaped the measles that hit the rest of the family..I was pretty little.

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It's clear they didn't believe he'd actually do the things that would hurt them, only deport criminals, for example (which Biden was already doing). To them, political speech is noise, bullshit. And, tbf, a lot of it is.

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But what he “said” he’d do was said without much detail about how he would actually do it. Now that the details are becoming more apparent, I wonder how the unions and those who supported him are feeling?

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Unions as such, with possible exception of Teamsters (I have no idea what McBride thought he was doing) absolutely did not. Whether members listened to their leadership (my own union, IUOE, for example), I don't know. Seems not enough.

Trump has just gutted the NLRB, just as he did before. Open season for illegal strike breaking, etc, because no cop on that beat anymore

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While there are plenty of fine individual Democrats, The Party will not have the backbone to do anything truly meaningful at this stage for workers until the party line stops being in favor of corporations & stock markets. The 2 Parties in this country are NOT the same!...but they've both spent 40 years serving the same masters (not us).

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Unfortunately true!😬😥😥😥

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He may wreak havoc, but you’re right, he does reek.

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