To All Americans Who Are Not Paying Attention

Our Republican Party for many years has been trying to remake America into a country that falls completely under their rules!

They are NOT going to work together with Democrats anymore for the American people.

They have unfairly loaded the SCOTUS with Republicans 6 to 3 thanks to Senator Mitch McConnell and his underhanded tactics and The FPOTUS along with the totally complicit Republican

Party! They are slowly taking away our rights and freedoms. Roe v Wade, gerrymandering, minority voting rights, book bans, LGBTQ rights, etc…. Remember the majority of them voted against the Inflation Reduction Act because they don’t care about ordinary Americans!

It’s SO OBVIOUS!! Look at the results of Congressional voting. It’s almost always along partisan lines. And their continued attacks on Hunter Biden and President Joe Biden. They continue to attack Biden for being too old. Joe Biden is far superior to Trump both physically and mentally and they all know it! They continue to support the most devious American ever born! And they continue advocating and promoting disinformation.

Anyone who doesn’t believe that this is what’s actually happening is either complicit or ignorant!

Our government should be working for the American majority not the minority! I.E. Roe v Wade

( “Of The People, By The People, For The People” )

We all need to reunite the States of America!

There’s nothing we can’t accomplish if we are all “UNITED”

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A sad legacy to a truly great man, RFK Jr. is a crack pot and a disgrace to the Kennedy name.

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I agree, RFK Jr is blackening the Kennedy name. All three brothers, Jack, Bobby, and Teddy. may have been flawed men - but then nobody can claim perfection. But al; three Kennedy brothers put America. it's people, and the Truth on top of their lists.

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Jul 17, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

RFKjr and trump…have we as a nation become that nutso that a name and crazy conspiracy theories are qualifications for running the country? Rhetorical, yes. RFK was exactly what we needed in ‘67…his son is exactly what we don’t need in ‘023. He’s dangerous, might have shown promise but he’s coming across as unbalanced, we don’t need that again. That apple rotted before it fell from the proverbial tree. What a shame.

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Robert: I truly have admired you for many years, especially your support of fighting the economic inequality to the hoi polloi. However, on this observation of RFK Jr., you have either been sadly misinformed, or have not done your homework. If you had taken the time to become aware of some of these issues that RFK Jr is supportive of, you would be aware of his stances on the Ukranian War, his disgust an criticism of our Economic Policies, Our support of a runaway Military Industrial Complex, and yes, his criticism of the Corporatization of our Agencies. His stance on vaccines has always been that we should require testing of the over 78 vaccines that BIG PHARMA has hoisted on the American Public, and our health system which is focused on Allopathic solutions rather than wellness. He has accomplished a lifetime of work fighting corporations like Monsanto and DuPont which have seriously injured millions, as well as the waterways and lands that they have poisoned. He is being relentlessly censored by a corporatist DNC and MSM, whose job it is to protect an aged and ineffective, and possibly criminally liable President, whose allegiances as you know, have been to the Corporate and Military State. I am actually so surprised that you have not done your homework, and at least queried more about what he stands for, perhaps, even a public meeting, which I am sure he would welcome, with a man of your stature. Lastly, I just read that he denied the inferences about the viral being an ethnic weapon.....but lets be real now.....there are things that we don't know about BIG PHARMA and the powers that be now.......I have been a man of science for 50 years, and to be honest, I do not trust anyone in the positions of power now, with our government, and with BIG PHARMA. Anyways, God Bless, and please do a little more homework on your part, because you and RFK JR, share common goals and common enemies of the people.

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Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023

I have listened to Robert Kennedy speak and then read a summary of what he allegedly said and I have never found much similarity. No one seems to be able to produce or check the statements that are being attributed to him about bioweapons, and he denies that he said that.

My understanding of what he said was that we must stop gain of function research, which is illegal and dangerous,, and which should not be happening, but still is.

I believe he said the virus attacks different ethnic groups differently, and therefore there is the potential to develop bio weapons targeted at certain ethnic groups. I can believe he said that;; after having listened to him for hours that makes sense as something he would say. The quote that's being bandied about that the virus was developed to exclude Ashkenazi Jews is something I absolutely cannot believe that he said after having listened to him for hours.

I have heard him say that COVID 19 has NOT spread as much in certain African communities where they have a very healthy lifestyle and diet.

Criticism of the way the virus is being handled is that there is not enough emphasis being placed on nutrition exercise etc

I have also heard him express such an uncritical and unwavering support for Israel that he has been seriously criticized by people like Cornel West. I actually disagree with him in his wholehearted celebration of Israel is the perfect democracy, but I don't think anyone can call him an anti-semite which has lately been done

I don't agree with everything Robert Kennedy says ,but the person I have been listening to is in no way similar to the person described by the news media. He does talk a lot about the time he spent with his father visiting economically impoverished people of color, with some passion, and he talks about how he wants to correct that economic inequality.

I am very surprised to read this article by you Robert, because I've been listening to you for years and this is the first time I have ever disagreed. If you have actually heard him say some of these things I'd be interested. I have been listening to him speak and I must say it reminds me of his father in a way that has tugged at my heart's strings.

I understand that his candidacy could provide a threat to Joe Biden and that is a concern. But the character assassination being rained upon him, in my opinion quite unfairly, by the media is shocking to me.

I know it is risky for me to say this on this venue, but I have to, because it's troubling to me to see something so distorted

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The sudden appearance of cheerleaders for RFK, Jr. to Professor Reich's site is strange. There seems to be an organized "swarm" to sway opinion towards Kennedy, using tRump tactics to do so: deny that what you heard and read and saw about/directly from Kennedy you actually did not hear, read or see; to praise selected segments of his personal history while ignoring or dismissing others and thus, his history of environmental activism,for example, is all that matters whereas his very public stands against vaccines, against Anthony Fauci, and recently that in his strange mindset, Jews - and even specifically Ashkenazi Jews - have special protection against Covid - and so many of his stated beliefs are irresponsible and mindless. It is particularly ugly that he has come out with this unfounded nonsense about Covid and Jews in an era where violence against Jews in America (and elsewhere) is on the rise!

Like tRump, he is clearly not fit to be President of the United States. He has a terrible history of drug addiction, including heroin. He made public statements that were cruel to his first wife and mother of their children who had various serious problems of her own.

He's a very strange bird trading on a family name that has held special place in American lore, his father perhaps most of all. He should go back to being an attorney, working as an environmental activist.

What in the world can he be thinking that leads him to do harm to the Democratic Party in 2024?!

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It seems Robert F Kennedy, Jr has succumbed to this sense of power that conspiracy theories can draw due to the absolutism that the belief in them requires.

If he wants to claim that big corporations are killing us, there has been proof of that for over a half a century through chemically-laced tobacco, DDT, leaded fuels, the chemical corruption of our climate, and most recently, the coddling of the assault weapons makers.

Are used to listen to him on the Ring of Fire radio show, and he seem normal with views on the right track. I have no idea where this dive into irrationality came from.

But as with the other crockpots with an R by their names, let’s hope that he will be forgotten as humanity changes towards a compassionate course - the only direction that will keep civilization intact into the next century.

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In case someone might think being of one particular political party or other makes one smarter, they can just look at Republican support for Donald Trump and the crew and Democrats' at 20% or whatever in the RFK, Jr. camp. None of these are intelligent choices because they are men (and a couple of women) who have nothing positive to offer this nation in terms of leadership. The only one of the top candidates of either party to have shown meaningful leadership to help the people of this nation is Joe Biden, but he is being depicted in so many places as an ignorant old fool. I do believe that is deliberate and the media just loves it because it means they have more influence over an election than they have any right to have. Alas, people are easily charmed by a name and will attach to one they like or remember, all kinds of stuff that a person who has it does not deserve. I have no idea why we do this, but it is evident all over the place if one just looks. Democrats pretending RFK, Jr. is his father is ridiculous, but I keep getting emails that ignore his baseless claims and push him as someone who has a clue about governing anything. Heck, he can't even govern himself and his magical-thinking brain-to-mouth-operation. How is that in any way better than what Biden has done (even with tiny margins in Congress)? I must say, I am disgusted!

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It is indeed tragic he has squandered such great ability. About 10 years ago I and a few others had a chance to spend a day with Bobby at his home in Mt. Kisco, NY. He was engaging, funny, intelligent and quite knowledgeable on a wide variety of subjects. But since that time he has evolved into someone I no longer recognize. It truly saddens me.

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It is no wonder polls show others ahead of Biden when after two amazing speeches in Europe the press reports on Biden’s supposed gaffes.

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RFK, Jr. is as clearly UNHINGED as TFG and this must be widely publicized. As you accurately state, the Kennedy brand is GOLD and many may not be aware of his mental difficulties. The source of his paranoia is not clear although it is apparent he has done some reading in fake science and conspiracy theories. He is not unintelligent but clearly off base. He could very well accumulate a cult of his own; the damage of course being taking away the vulnerable electorate needed for a Biden win. He would have to be the GOP nominee or an independent to achieve this objective but in either case, he must be defeated before his numbers rise. How very sad that his intellect has been diverted from rational thought. Another commented the “Ethel” must have dropped him on his head. I am unaware that Ethel had a problem with alcohol or not. It is irrelevant. The story of RFK, Jr. must be shared widely now early in the race so he is eliminated. I could fear that he is indeed paranoid schizophrenic but I am not a psychiatrist. I do feel sorry for someone so very misguided but eliminate him from the candidate pool we must.

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Seems Americans love people with big names like Trump and Kennedy. I blame Hollywood, which has created alternative realities for people, just look at Dancing with the Stars or Sons of Anarchy. People came home from work and lost themselves in TV land. It's sad that this Kennedy is polling at 20%, a guy who favors conspiracies over real science. A guy with a name whom some people think of as a winner...hey that was the other guys, not this clown. Some say we deserve the worst of the worst.

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Jul 17, 2023·edited Jul 17, 2023

I have really enjoyed your emails, until this one. If you can make the statements you have made about RFK, Jr - then you have not done your homework or done any kind of deep research on the topics you slammed. I would think that a mega-brain such as yourself should feel some level of responsibility to only speak to that which you are deeply informed. Your email is clearly an uninformed harsh and angry OPINION of the science and politics of COVID and vaccines. You have stepped way outside your areas of expertise.

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Robert R: You've not done your homework. Shooting from the hip with unresearched misinformation of your own is the kind of emotional anger that is far more dangerous than the "gonzo conspiracy theories" you allege.

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It's entirely the name that is getting this attention - he personally is a nut, but Americans are so naive they fall into the slightest thing & the NAME is very powerful, so they all ASSUME he would do exactly the same as his famous father would do ! THAT is terrifying but how to stop this is the problem ! As soon as he popped up I started feeling worried !!!

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