To All Americans Who Are Not Paying Attention

Our Republican Party for many years has been trying to remake America into a country that falls completely under their rules!

They are NOT going to work together with Democrats anymore for the American people.

They have unfairly loaded the SCOTUS with Republicans 6 to 3 thanks to Senator Mitch McConnell and his underhanded tactics and The FPOTUS along with the totally complicit Republican

Party! They are slowly taking away our rights and freedoms. Roe v Wade, gerrymandering, minority voting rights, book bans, LGBTQ rights, etc…. Remember the majority of them voted against the Inflation Reduction Act because they don’t care about ordinary Americans!

It’s SO OBVIOUS!! Look at the results of Congressional voting. It’s almost always along partisan lines. And their continued attacks on Hunter Biden and President Joe Biden. They continue to attack Biden for being too old. Joe Biden is far superior to Trump both physically and mentally and they all know it! They continue to support the most devious American ever born! And they continue advocating and promoting disinformation.

Anyone who doesn’t believe that this is what’s actually happening is either complicit or ignorant!

Our government should be working for the American majority not the minority! I.E. Roe v Wade

( “Of The People, By The People, For The People” )

We all need to reunite the States of America!

There’s nothing we can’t accomplish if we are all “UNITED”

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Keith, I agree with your statement. I have wondered what the perpetrators of the anti-American, anti-unity agenda get from their efforts and I think it is their need to feed their money and power addiction. Instead of a "war on drugs" which has been going on 50 years with little to no success, we need to redirect our efforts into a "tough love" effort toward the truly addicted, the very rich and those who use their money to get power to get more money to get more power and so on. These people no longer care what happens to our nation. They push us all around their game board expecting us to do nothing to stop their manipulation. We saw some of the insanity as people left Twitter in droves to move to a new social media platform that is run by another ignorant ruthless power/money-addicted child-man who has no scruples that I can tell. We need to demand more of our members of Congress and force our media to cover what is really going on in the "business world." RFK, Jr. is just a symptom of this addiction. Pick out a totally inept, loud-mouthed guy with a recognizable name, then put him into the fray to see what kind of chaos he can cause while the addicted smile and take their cut of power and money that will come from it. We the People could seriously redirect the addicted by demanding a wealth tax, and that all individuals and corporations pay their share of taxes on all their income, even that which they pick up in their stock manipulations. Then, we need to work with the laws we already have to stop mergers that create monopolies and near monopolies. This should be a no-brainer since we already have the laws in place. What we don't have is the will. Next, we need to find ways to stop those addicted folk from taking away our rights. This is their form of "trickle-down in that our rights get trickled down to only what rich white pseudo-christian men think we should have, with them in charge of course. We need to get moving because the 2024 election is only 15 and a half months from now and it could be the election that seals our fate.

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Ruth Sheets ; Yes ; Biden is "often played down" by the media; because the obscenely wealthy OWN the Media! But our President has been speaking out more forcefully about things that must be said. He supports the students burdened by loan sharking in privatized 'government' student loan programs. He supports and celebrates new gun laws passed recently, and loudly frequently supports unions! He has done good things for the common good!

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Yes. All the left accomplishments are 'stolen' by the right, for their States and they act and talk like, THEY voted for it, when they never voted in favor for it. The right only cares about wealth; for themselves, their party, or that wealthy donor.

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Laurie, just to be clear, I am an ardent BIDEN supporter and am presently exhausted from tweeting support for him and pushback on Marjorie Taylor Greene who is an absurd loud mouthed power hungry BFF to McCarthy who has managed to be allowed to negotiate the Defense Bill in a committee to which she doesn’t belong to get her nut case MAGA ideas added (will not be approved by Senate) including her more than ridiculous agenda of impeaching Biden which makes me physically ill. I have supported Biden for years and will continue in every way I can. He has been energized by his commitment to restoring the freedoms of Democracy to this nation and is accomplishing many great things. His only quirk is he is distinguished and will not resort to a bullhorn to tout his achievements so we must boost him along in the long game. IMHO, he is the best president we’ve ever had, and is functioning extremely well given the rotten hand he was dealt. I will redo the remarks on RFK in a bit. They were misleading. I am seriously ill but have content on that as well in retrospect. Thank you for calling my attention to those.

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IMHO, he is the best president we’ve ever had, and is functioning extremely well given the rotten hand he was dealt.


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Still looking for the piece to correct; in the meantime, suggest you read “Letters From An American” by Heather Cox Richardson daily. Professor of history and politics, the truth of day’s events, clarity, never speculation or opinion, think with the facts for yourself. Has massive following here and on Facebook.

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Please explain how it's loan sharking.

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Totally totally totally factual. Ruth, I am already thinking ( in my dreams) of what country I could move to. My my what a scary place we’ve allowed to develop in the Petri dish of cancer cells!

Have we truly lost our minds and our will?

From white boys who have no direction to women who use their idiot position to demean others, to overly wealthy phony punks who think all they need is another buck... boy, where has the incubator gone off the track?

Say NO America. Have pride and kindness in your soul..., if it is still there.


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Jean, yes, it is scary that so many people have forgotten their humanity and are working really hard to take away our rights to bodily autonomy, to read what we choose, to learn the honest history of our nation, to live our own lives without other people telling us what we're worth and that they don't have to serve us, and more. We the People need to stand up to the bullying. It is so much like bullying in school, which is probably where DeSantis, Trump, et al learned it, the least proficient, competent, caring, decent people need to build themselves up by hurting others, and so often those others go along with it, hoping things will get better for them. They never do. Once a bully, it takes a whole lot of intervention to turn that around. Bullies love the power they get from the pain they cause. Republican bullies are loving it too and so many of We the People are going along with it, to be "bipartisan" or some other equally stupid reason. People do successfully stand up to bullies and we can do it if we have the will to face them down despite their insults, threats, general ignorance, and the rest. There are definitely courageous folks among us, and we need them to jump up and take the lead to help the rest of us stand in the face of the Republican bullying.

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Well, when you find another country you like better. Let me know so I can wave goodbye to the ship. All that compassion and an even deeper pile of hate.

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No, Craig... the opposite of hate... introspection!

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Exactly so Ruth Sheets.

Exactly why we need dome form of ranked choice elections to broaden the field and generate actual room for productive conversation.

Although they are less Repugnant, the Dems are equally Demonic (read fascist, corporatist, Greed mongers.

Exactly why i am excited over the moon with JFK Jr, Marianne Williamson and Cornell West.

Why do you think almost as many voters dont participate as both Dems and Repugs?

Get your head around actually haveing politicians respond to voters instead of propagandists.

Get your head around the consequences of industries with budgets rivaling & soon surpassing all governments together. Understand the gravity of corrupt, crony capitalist monopolization of all media into an ever shrinking number of rapacious billionaires suppported by a Pyramid of Wannabes.

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Guy-- one cannot be be less repugnant and still equally demonic. I do not see fascist Democrats anywhere in elected positions. I can find examples of greed, and those who game the corporate system, for sure.

There is no see-saw, or an even playing field construct here. There is, if one must be reductionist, anti-democratic authoritarianism or democracy. Now voters must engage and choose.

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Of course you don't see fascists in the Dems. That's perfect. Y

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I have never ever been interested in what RFK is saying at this point. Although, this Sunday when MSNBC's "Inside" host Jen Psaki and Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett were roasting RFK on the Sunday program about things he allegedly said, but did not quote him verbatim and did not supply clips of what RFK allegedly said in context. Made me want to hear exactly what he is saying that they do not want to quote his exact words.

Went to listen to his most recent visit in front of congress to testify under oath. His opening statements were amazing. He even took down Congresswoman's claims about what she allegedly claimed he said in the past. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz also became aggressively animated in trying to censor RFK. We know how far Wasserman Schultz will go to promote her candidate HRC or rig an election. She went after Sanders

Go listen for yourselves

I have never ever been interested in what RFK is saying at this point. Although, this Sunday when MSNBC's "Inside" host Jen Psaki and Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett were roasting RFK on the Sunday program about things he allegedly said, but did not quote him verbatim and did not supply clips of what RFK allegedly said in context. Made me want to hear exactly what he is saying that they do not want to quote his exact words.

Went to listen to his most recent visit in front of congress to testify under oath. His opening statements were amazing. He even took down Congresswoman's claims about what she allegedly claimed he said in the past. Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz also became aggressively animated in trying to censor RFK. We know how far Wasserman Schultz will go to promote her candidate HRC or rig an election. She went after Sanders

Go listen for yourselves. You can go listen at Cspan. Just google RFK recent testimony cspan. Unable to link that here.

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"RFK, Jr. is just a symptom of this addiction." That's what comes out at me the most in all this planned confusion. The media is making buckets. It's just too big a temptation for journalists to go for the clickbait headline, because everything is internet driven, and that's the only way they rise to the top of the algorithms to get attention. Peruse the Google News assortment for a week and you will see the ugliest tabloid headlines from the Murdoch quarter, and unfortunately some similarly tempted imitators from the used-to-be-respected mainstream. Studying the wording of headlines is actually quite fascinating, and grotesque in the case of the Murdochs.

America has been a "fast food nation." Now our dopamine includes the "news" stream. I try very hard not to click on the most provocative headlines -- instead, to choose a more professional-sounding alternative. But rapidly comes the time when we may have little choice in the matter.

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Prudentialism introduces a revolutionary socio-economic and technological paradigm built upon the principles of sustainability, automation, equality, and time-based currency. Drawing inspiration from concepts such as the Venus Project and the Zeitgeist Movement, Prudentialism proposes a radical yet promising path towards societal transformation. This paper will elucidate this innovative concept, arguing for its adoption on a global scale as a powerful antidote to the rampant inequality and corruption infesting our traditional fiat currency-based systems.

I. Concept of Prudentialism:

Prudentialism's architecture is characterized by concentric ring-shaped cities, meticulously designed and manufactured using industrial-scale 3D printers. These cities would be fully automated, employing AI-driven systems to manage infrastructure, production, and services, significantly reducing the need for manual labor and creating an environment where humans can focus on creative, intellectual, and social pursuits.

These cities would also be self-sustaining, employing renewable energy resources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Indoor hydroponic vertical gardens would ensure food security and independence, providing nutrient-dense, locally-grown produce all year round.

II. Time as Currency:

In place of conventional monetary systems prone to manipulation and corruption, Prudentialism proposes the use of time as a currency. The fundamental premise is simple: each individual’s contribution to society is quantified by the time they dedicate to the community's well-being. This model encourages cooperative behavior, fosters social cohesion, and, importantly, establishes a universal measure of value immune to inflation and other economic volatilities.

III. Virtual Reality Immersive Learning:

Virtual reality (VR) technologies will form the educational backbone of Prudentialism, providing immersive, experiential learning environments. Through VR, learners can be transported to any environment, historical period, or conceptual realm, enabling a richer and more nuanced understanding of the world. This democratizes access to knowledge, allowing individuals to acquire skills and perspectives without the constraints of physical geography or economic status.

IV. Constitutional Implementation:

Prudentialism’s constitution would be focused on the protection and enhancement of individual and collective rights, establishing a framework for participatory democracy. The constitution would emphasize the community's responsibility to its members and future generations, providing a solid foundation for ethical behavior and accountability.

V. Legacy and the Monument:

Prudentialism introduces the concept of a "Scaled Monument," a physical or digital artifact representing one's contributions and legacy. This monument, reflecting the time spent contributing to the community, becomes an enduring testament to an individual’s life and work, providing a tangible incentive for positive societal contribution.

Comparison with Existing Systems:

Equality: Unlike the current capitalistic models, where wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of the few, Prudentialism is designed to foster equality. Every individual's time is valued equally, ensuring a fair distribution of resources.

Sustainability: Current systems often prioritize short-term economic gains over long-term sustainability. In contrast, Prudentialism's focus on renewable energy and local agriculture promotes sustainability and resilience against ecological threats.

Education: Prudentialism's VR-based education system contrasts with traditional education models that may reinforce social inequality. It provides a universally accessible, personalized learning experience, fostering intellectual growth regardless of socio-economic background.


Prudentialism is a novel proposition, yet it is built on the lessons learned from the shortcomings of current socio-economic systems. By harnessing technological innovations and reconsidering the nature of currency, labor, and education, it offers a pathway to a sustainable, equitable future.

The challenge now is to build momentum for Prudentialism among communities globally, initiating this transformation from the grassroots. The change will not happen overnight, but with commitment, open dialogue, and courage to challenge the status quo, Prudentialism may become the blueprint for the cities – and societies – of the future.

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Definitely appreciate any exploration outside the worn Communism v Capitalism box - a false dichotomy in a single dimension in any case!

Also appreciate your constructive advocacy for better institutions / plan for a better future, in contrast to the easier task of just critiquing failures of status quo or the opposition (where I am as guilty of as any).

In my youth, I would speak of the E's of social transformation (yeah, pun intended): Equality, Education, Environment, Energy, Economy, Engineering, and Ethics. (Was a director of public health in the Big Easy, so your mileage out of the weak pun may vary.)

Happy to find all these key themes in your ideas. Happy to find a like (but presumably younger) mind with a progressive orientation around these ideas, if I may so generalize. In my old age, of course, it increasingly seems time is short for new (& non-binary) organizing principles and social institutions. Our current political-economic-governance paradigm is overly simplistic, polarizing, and productively exhausted.

We all can release the ideological poles we've allowed humanity to be defined by.

- Give it thought.

- Speak your mind.

- Act on a consensus.


- Iterate.

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I appreciate your insight.. and thank you for the keen analysis of the Prudentialism social model.. I’ve got a far more in depth and explicable version of the workings.. where I lean into the details and some potentials.

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Human nature will not be repealed. Heaven is your only hope where we would have a just leader, benevolent dictator. Walden 2 is pretty good. Have you read it?Different systems have been tried, particularly communism. Capitalism is flawed, of course! But it has brought more people out of poverty than anything. Our standard of living is incredible. Even our poverty level is very good. China per capita income is $12,700. Read the Declaration of Independence. If we followed it, which we can’t, but follow it weakly. But it seems like that would be utopia. The country we have built may be as good as it gets if the malcontents would accept its true purpose. You cannot erase god and make heaven. It is a basic law of human nature. If you have not read Animal Farm, or 1984 please do. Remember, Orwell was a socialist but he writes about the ideal socialism vs what man makes of it.

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Stocks are manipulated in your mind only. All stock prices are ruled by supply and demand. Buying or selling a huge amount of stock is not manipulation. Neither is high speed trading, which doesn't work very well if at all. Here I have some expertise unlike my other comments. The left is a very angry bunch.

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What “tough love” do you refer to, though?

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Pat, I'm glad you asked. We could begin with a realistic wealth tax. I like Elizabeth Warren's suggestion of 2%. Then, we fix the tax code so the loopholes are closed that let rich folks get breaks ordinary citizens don't get. Then, every person and corporation will be expected to pay their full taxes on every bit of income, even the stock gains. They should never get to count as deductible any fines or fees they must pay due to their bad behavior. I don't believe that permission is in the tax law, but if it is, it must be changed. Then when CEOs break the law, they need to have prison time like any other criminal and have their power trimmed when they get out. Donations to any candidate can not be greater than $250, no matter how much money a person has. Once the addiction sets in, those super rich guys think they can own and control whatever they like and try to buy people who will let them do it (like our members of Congress, Supreme Court justices, and others. Then, there's the estate taxes which need to be on a person's holdings from say $400,000 to keep family dynasties from becoming too entrenched. When a person wins the presidency, their assets MUST be in a trust that neither they nor anyone in their family has access to during the entirety of their time in office. That should go for the vice president too. Those would be a start. I know that people smarter than I can figure out what else "tough love" might include. We do need to stop a lot of the money-power connection, the corruption, and the general bad behavior on the part of people in power and those with too much money.

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Every one of these suggestions is sensible. Please, won't someone run Ruth's list over to DNC HQ? Maybe if the DNC used her ideas and stopped playing footsie with wealthy donors, Democratic voters wouldn't be susceptible to the phony populist pleas of RFK, Jr.

I'm not voting for Cheryl Hines' kept man, but I'm also old enough to remember Nader's effect on a lukewarm Gore back in 2000.

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C. Thanks. I so wish the DNC really did a better job of getting support for the best candidates, not just incumbents, and really stood for our issues.

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We agree here too, Ruth. Unfortunately, the party appears to have a "command/control" structure. It sets a course and methodically plods towards it, stubbornly adhering to whatever they already decided, regardless of response from party members or voters at large. It's inflexible and slow to turn, steer and respond; completely opposite of the things Obama's campaign won with.

I agree with most of the party's stands but it does a poor job of listening to voters, responding to their fears and explaining in simple terms what its platform does to address voter's concerns. The approach has a feel of, "You don't know what you need. We're telling you that we know better than you about what you need." Sadly, this carries over to candidates. If the party has it in their mind that so-and-so is a better candidate for the general, they'll ignore party response to an upstart and her growing groundswell of support. For every AOC or Barry O that breaks through, there are many more incumbent retreads that engender no passion, energy or connection with voters getting unwavering party support. This tendency frightens me most because it is an internal blindspot the party refuses to correct.

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I'd suggest a step even further: phase out the income tax over a period of 10 - 20 years and replace it with a simple progressive wealth tax, starting at perhaps twice the poverty level. Why "fine" people for working? Instead, let them pay back into the system in proportion to the benefits received, to support the system that enabled their success. Does that not make more sense?

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We tax our houses every year [effectively making us rent out homes from the towns we live in], why not change over to a wealth tax, and institute fair revenue sharing to municipalities? OR figure a way that municipalities do a local tax, and the fed does another tax — but everyone pays fairly.

I may not have the details in my head, but I like the idea …

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Do you have an example of what tax breaks the rich get that we don’t? Hint, there is none. The rich pay 59% of our taxes.

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Oh Craig, you know that argument is BS. Of course the rich pay most of the taxes, but that's because they rake in a vast majority of the money. I love how conservatives bring that up while forgetting to mention how much those rich folks actually earn through total income, capital gains, and stock income from "playing the market." I don't resent their earnings, but I do resent that they get to get breaks for private jet flights, paying off fines they have accumulated, and other stuff their donations have gotten Congress to give them. It seems to me that, from whom much is given, much is expected. That includes from earnings to taxes.

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Envy, jealousy etc. does not matter. There is a dollar for dollar correlation between income/ productivity and social benefits. Its really none of your business how well they do. Paying over half of our taxes isn’t enough for you. Corps. also gave 22.3 billion dollars in charity last year. Go make some money if you are so resentful. Should Le Bron James give up over half his $100mil a year salary? Or your favorite lefty actors? Of course not! Using shame and guilt is also not cool.

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Agree.. but if the democrats really gave a shit they’d have abolished citizen United, closed Guantanamo bay, and abolished the executive order after correcting all the damage trump caused signing shit he didn’t read. This is a vastly more complex and sinister corporatocracy than any voting can fix. It’s fail under its weight in greed and we need to simply be in the position to show what works better.. and it ain’t crypto of fiat currency.

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I'm not sure you understand what Citizens United (I assume you mean the SCOTUS decision and not the group itself?) actually is. It is a decision (one of a long line of dubious, at best, decisions dating to the 1970s Buckley and Bellotti cases) to permit unlimited funding of Super-Pacs based on constitutional, not statutory, interpretation. It is wrongly decided and has been, along with companions decisions like McCutcheon, disastrous to our politics. BUT it is not something the Democrats can "abolish."

I keep seeing it: Blame the Democrats for not doing enough with power they don't have. You want to "abolish" Citizens United (and other such abominations), start working to amend the Constitution and/or defeating GOP/MAGA senators and representatives. The deck is stacked against both efforts -- but perhaps that will help you better understand what the Democrats are actually up against and that glib wishes are not horses.

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EXACTLY — constantly blaming Dems for not using power they don’t even have — especially constantly talking as though they’ve had congressional power, when R’s have the system tied up in knots.


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But, does anyone think that the congress has shifted responsibility for decisions to SCOTUS? There are no laws that are being created to challenge the Citizens United decision. The fact that there are no term limits to Congress or SCOTUS means that legislatures can remain in power with continuous funding by corporations and basically just keep corporate agendas in place. The railroads own those congress people. This is top of mind for me because there was a freight train derailment this morning not far from where I live. Congress did NOTHING after the East Palestine derailment. And who would vote for term limitations (in my opinion the only way to somewhat limit corporate influence) on themselves? Certainly not Congress! Power doesn't cede itself.

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"Constantly blaming Dems for not using power they don’t even have."

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Hey Teri, It wasn’t Congress, it was republicans who shifted responsibility for overruling Roe v Wade to SCOTUS. That was a totally “engineered” outcome on the part of the republican party. Why? Because democrats wouldn’t vote for legislation that made abortions illegal. So republicans (mainly McConnell) manipulated and ignored rules and norms for putting judges on the Supreme Crt.and by doing that he was able to create a conservative majority on the Court that was guaranteed to overturn Roe.

Just like Dems won’t vote for legislation to make abortion illegal, republicans won’t vote for anything that gets rid of Citizens United. I’m pretty sure Dems have introduced legislation to get rid of Citizens United. The problem is, if republicans are the majority in either the House or the Senate, Dem legislation to overturn Citizens United will be blocked.

The only way to break the stalemate is to make democrats the majority in both chambers- the Senate and the House. It also requires a Dem president to sign the legislation into law.

Our government wasn’t always this way. It used to be Dems and republicans voting for legislation based on whether they thought it was a good idea or not. In other words individuals in Congress voted according to their conscience, not based on which party they belonged to. But in the last 15 years or so, republicans began voting as a block. In other words, they are told how to vote and very few of them ever disobey.

I believe Dems will pass things like term limits and

a code of ethics with consequences if they control both chambers. The notion that “Congress” won’t

pass this or that bill confuses the issue. It’s mostly

republicans who won’t pass legislation if it will in any way decrease corporate profits. In fact, Republicans are responsible for not passing the Railway Safety Act of 2023 because according to them, it would have reduced profits, and they threw in the disclaimer that it wouldn’t have made railroads much

safer anyway. But that’s what they always say about

almost all regulations: It cuts into corporate profits

and by the way, it wouldn’t have made human beings any safer. Then republicans get huge campaign contributions from them.

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Blah blah

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It’s not just Democrats “not doing enough”, it’s that nobody is doing anything at all or even discussing any of the issues at their foundational core! I blame the root to the problem.. I’m only pointing out the democrats bin this tread be if humanity is simply to pause and take a deep honest look at all the institutions political, judicial, educational, medical, corporate and religious.. then it’s plain to see that what they claim on the surface to advocating for or aiming to amend sits 180° opposite of their actions.. the outcome is the in almost all matter of capital related affairs particularly parallel to the intentions and will always lead you to the fundings. If we don’t pull our head out of our ass and simply believe our eyes and do a level of diligent research to understand what’s hyperbole and what’s at the core we truly as blindly ignorant as those who sacrifice free will for blind faith. There’s literally no different.. you a man between your subconscious self and you’re being maintained, you put a man between you liberty of choice and pursuit of happiness and your being manipulated. People should only require a risk assessment of anything and be able to determine if it’s a risk they wish to take and do so with an informed understanding to the consequences and impact to their personal health. This should not be the case in matters to impose risks to the environment or other people. We should not be taxing more to anyone for smoking if that tax isn’t directly affording them the medical care that is the claim for the public health campaign. Regardless of your position it’s no different than free speech.. it’s a unjust oppression or burden placed on a fragment of propel old enough to make decisions for them selves. It should be illegal to roll industry and tariff taxes down to the consumer. This major factor that plays into the coming economic collapse.. as is everything else to passes the corporate penalty for abuse directly to the consumer. PG&E in California is a Prime example and the lobby was able to roll out $60 billion in rate hikes and spin a PR campaign yet do nothing to clear the dead Timber from the rural power lines that ignited 12 of 16 fires that kill hundreds of people, millions of animals and thousands of homes on top of a consecutive 6 rate hikes for a 14% increase per year for 6 years consecutively, and the turn around and grant them chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, while fucking making it a mandatory requirement to have a active NET meter on your home to have solar.. regardless of you want it or not and have battery storage.. it’s now a $10 per month fee and they have over 30 rate plans and always start the account with time of use that effectively allows them a massive advantage due to the sim hour curve. Go figure. It’s systemic rotten to the core and neither party will address it and your vote won’t matter in the long run until someone says enough is enough and challenges it.

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Even if English is not your first language, write a draft and then go over it very carefully seeing if it is grammatically correct. Ask for help from a native speaker. There is no point to a post which makes no sense, like this one.

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I have a feeling English isn’t your first language.

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I do under stand that is a Supreme Court ruling.. giving corporations the right of the citizen to fund unlimited amounts of money into campaigns. The reason why you can’t call this a democracy. A citizen can be put to death in this country, but not a corporation. And you assuming that the the Executive, and legislative branch’s of government don’t have any responsibility to appeal and simply point out the blatant truth about to the public and put it up for a vote to prove that either a) there’s an effort to reclaim the constitutional rights of the people to elect their representatives without the massive financial influence weighing in. Or B) this is no longer what we are claiming and this corruption is systemic and call it by it’s true name.. a plutocracy and solidify it a as the political philosophy it factually is!

There not a democrat or republican citizen in the middle or lower class that wouldn’t support removing this unconstitutional assault on the people’s rights to self govern. That include banning the lobbying and returning to the 2/3 majority. I’d rather see no new laws take Effect over all the damage that’s been caused by the partisan divide needed only to spit by the vice president’s own decision which will obviously favor the party of their candidates affiliation. Clear Information Is power so it’s a cop out for you all to pretend that there’s nothing our government can do to restore the integrity of the election process then it’s time we dismantle it and reorganize the system itself.

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Leave Guantanamo Bay open so we have a place to house the felonious traitor Donald J Trump … FOR THE REST OF HIS MISERABLE LIFE!!!

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That WOULD be perfect! The only thing Bunkerboy fears more than death or pain is being ignored and forgotten. Guantanamo is PERFECT for that.

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Best use of Guantanamo Bay prison yet.

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No need...we'll always have Alcatraz.

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Alcatraz brings in way too much money as tourist attraction, so it will never be converted back into a prison. Now that nice federal alpine resort in Florence, Colorado would be entirely suitable.

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What would prevent You from being sent to Guantanamo?

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I’m not a traitor … that’s what’s preventing me from being sent there.

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The same rules apply to all.. if it can happen to someone else, then it can happen to you. I believe it’s the “golden rule”. If you believe you’re immune to the cruel nature of humans ideas of justice.. don’t be surprised when the pendulum swings. Why some people think Due Process should only apply to them and that our actions abroad are not directly relevant to our moral standing around the world is a major problem with this country impacts our ability to travel the world without the level of discrimination and risk associated from war crime and human rights violations. History has taught us nothing if we carry foolish ideologies like such. If we can’t bring a charge and conviction then we have no right to incarcerate and certainly not torture ANYONE.

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Justis Time ; Just How would the Democrats "Have abolished citizens united, closed Guantanamo bay and the most questionable of your 'objectives' ; Abolishing the executive order'!? I would like to see citizens united abolished, Guantanomo bay ; I wonder how pressing that is to close ; but I don't think abolishing executive order is necessarily a good idea. Biden may actually need executive order powers, the way things are being done across the aisle. Things are getting mutinous ; The Commander in Chief may need some teeth!

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Guantanamo IS HIGHLY PRESSING TO CLOSE! It never should have been opened to begin with. It still houses people who were kidnapped from their countries and never charged …

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Laurie, (God, I need coffee) yes, Citizens United must be overturned but I’m not up to speed on that one. Guantanamo Bay is outside the United States or it would not be functioning. It is not on US soil so we get away with it but in fact, if we had signed onto the agreement that supports the International Criminal Court at The Hague as most nations have, we could be prosecuted for the torture that has been done there as “crimes against humanity.” It is obsolete and must be closed but at present still houses a smaller number of very bad people who have not yet been charged or indicted for crimes but remain in custody. It is a “thorn” that must be repaired but seems to be low in pecking order. I completely agree, no one messes with my president’s Executive Order, ever. He is the Commander in Chief, always.

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And what exactly makes them "very bad people"? Maybe some of them did fight to protect their country. That suggests that someone else, with a red white and blue flag pin, might be the bad actor. We have heard a great deal about some of the inhabitants having been turned in solely to get the $5000 reward. Their only crime was to embarrass the idiots who tortured and imprisoned them. I can't stand this dumb phrase worst of the worst. Says who?

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They’re in his top drawer.

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Buy executive order.. and then sign a executive order that abolishes the executive order. Simple. Democrats should have done that immediately went they had both the house majority, and senate majority with a sitting president. But let be clear.. they’re equally responsible and equally funded by the industry, and don’t eat to address the real problems that are at the root of our collapsing economy for the same level of greed that collapsed all former reserve currencies. Only this time it’s 100% fiat. and that’s about to become a hard pill to swallow as the order shifts hands yet again with no tangible asset to cushion the blow. Production of weapons is our main industry and everything outside of agriculture has been exported for exploitation. Truth is the only thing to set us free. That’s how you overturn these things.

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Actually, with the obsolete trumplican party having taken OUR house, Exective Order may be the ONLY way President Biden can defeat the alt right's tyrannical bigotry and seething fear of EVERYTHING. (Most see them as a "hateful" group, but I see them as a "cowardly, fearful group of under-educated children.")

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All enthralled with a cowardly, immature, corrupt, dishonest conman!

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The Trumpees already tried rebellion and that wouldnt have helped the working man. We would have seen the oligarchs run rampant. Yes, they are running rampant now, the ONLY thing holding them back is that they have to go through our votes to get their stooges elected. That at least gives us the possibility of changing the oligarchs self serving laws by electing non Oligarch backed candidates. I would consider other Democratic alternatives to our form of governement any autocratic alternatives will only put us back in control by the few.

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Bill Reitz ; Does that mean you do not support Joe Biden? the MAGA right would love to have the Presidency handed over to tfg giftwrapped! All this talk about third party candidates and big name phonies is concerning. Voters MUST get the facts! the only Kennedys that were progressive were assassinated! this RFK Jr has nothing in common with their ideologies. He is not his father! Not even a little bit!

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Perhaps I should clarify. I would support alternate forms of democratic government than what we have now. RFK Jr, thats as red as they come F'him. He got hit over the head with the money bags. Killing people with his antivaccination positions (yea! measles!). I do support Biden though I'd rather Bernie was running (the roleout of any anti corporation messaging by Biden has been slow much like future faking). Do I conform?

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Still no sure what you mean by “other forms.” You are SO right about any sort of insurrection or revolution. Trying to undo what we have will only lead to a wave of autocracy taking over, if legal constraints are destroyed and there is a vacuum of power. The Oligarchs want revolution. It won’t throw them OUT— it will usher them IN. Steve Bannon has represented the interests of Oligarchs all over the world, and his favorite idea is to blow up the American system….Why, we might ask? To usher in the rule of money, of course. And he expects to be one of those coming in, if not by having zillions of dollars, at least by serving the interests of those who do.

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Judging by his appearance, i wouldn't think Steve Bannon would have any influence over anyone, to me, his appearance reminds me of a skid row bum that hasn't bathed in 6 months. Goes to show that a person can't be judged by their appearance. I suppose......

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Eliminating the senate. Representatives determined by population 250k per congress person. The ability for the masses to vote on legislation. No more electoral college. Limits on executive immunity to prosecution in or out of office. Supreme court by elections. Either every so many years or by a geographical area. The system as it is is broken. This seesaw change I dont think is representative democracy. Its the oligarchs fighting their last gasp to retain power. So I'm for radically changing our current government or establishing a new democratic one via peaceful means. Id only see the need for violence if it became an autocracy. Putins shown how awesome peaceful resistance works against a determined dictator.

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I Love Bernie but let’s be honest with ourselves , there is no way Bernie will ever win. He’s too old, he’s a socialist and in many ignorant minds that means Communist . If some voters already think Biden is too old, I do not, at least he’s sane, Bernie would seem even older. This country has a real problem with ageism! The ones who really seem really over the top are Trump and DeSantis, he’s got a real Fascism complex! Banning books, banning gays, banning drag shows what else has he got up his sleeve. Both he and Trump have a Hitler complex which seems to attract a lot of right wingers.

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I have no issue with Bidens age. He is a fighter. A different type of fighter than the inadequecy bros (Trump and DeAntis). His actually gets things done. I will forever remember his statement about the chips act. It is going to make the middle class rich and the rich very rich. Thats inequality stated plainly in a nutshell. The Rich get disproportionally wealthier than the poor and middle class.

Way to go keeping the status quo in place. Though I will vote for biden in the general election I'd be damned if I vote for him if Bernies on the primary ticket. Corporate democrats need to get the message that their brand of government where we do all the feel good stuff without changing the fundamental economics is going to lead to another coup and another and another etc.

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RFK jr. is a Fascist GQP hack, as far as i am concerned, i wouldn't vote for him for dog catcher. I belong to the 55 and older crowd that Mr. Reich referred to in this post. I fear that many will be taken in by his, ''Kennedy'' name. He doesn't fool me though, he is a wack job that is into conspiracy theories too. Especially about vaccines.

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The Dems can’t “abolish” Citizens United. It’s a SCOTUS ruling. We can address it, but if they say money is constitutional speech, how would you suggest abolishing it?

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Easier said than done with Republican obstruction and terrible Supreme Court rulings!

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All great suggestions EXCEPT it’s the office of the President; not King. Our presidents don’t rule by decree. tFg found that out when he tried to strand thousands of people coming into the US who he didn’t like. The courts stopped his BS. Executive Orders last only as long as the President stays in office so that’s a useless route. It’s Congress that has to step up and fulfill its Constitutional duty. Again we are stymied though. We’ve a completely useless House of Representatives, thanks to an idiotic majority that thinks it’s more important to cook up conspiracy theories about everybody but their own failed leader, than to do the People’s work. The Senate is not filibuster proof so whatever does happen in that body is almost always a wrangle.

Get familiar with the saying, “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride”.

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There’s an odd little trick they play on how people think, too, when they say it is Democrats who are trying to “take away our freedoms” — WHICH freedoms? The freedom to hoard money from people who earn it and pay them a pittance for their labor; the freedom to discriminate against people on the basis of race or creed or gender, deny them housing, deny them fair participation in our culture, deny them due process of law, unfairly arrest and prosecute them…; the freedom to impose your religion on other people; the freedom to pollute our atmosphere and water and destroy our ecological balance; the freedom to continue to use up our natural resources, burn fossil fuel, hoard potable water, and contribute to climate change ….

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Freedom to own slaves......

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Egad, right, that too!!!!

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I completely and utterly agree. And, so would a majority of Americans IF they were all paying attention, or IF this common sense majority were not overwhelmed by the multitude of fund-raising appeals from disparate candidates and organizations that invoke great fear but who seem incapable of fighting the malevolent or otherwise misguided evil-doers.

All of these well-meaning parties need to band together to be effective. About ten years ago, when the old White majority realized they were soon to become the minority, they turned to Republicans to orchestrate an effective anti-democracy strategy on many fronts, e.g. state legislatures, the Federalist Society, evangelicals (anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion all), wealthy (greedy) ultra-conservatives and gun-toting, self-named "patriots." Together, they created a White, Christian nationalist movement (aka MAGATrumpers, or what I like to call the Redhats, in order to brand them as today's Redcoats - who real Patriots fought for their independence from a monarchy) of aggrieved victims of a (democratic) government and imagined "Socialists."

They controlled and changed the narrative. They organized around the actor they cast as the best/worst Presidential candidate to lead the zombie apocalypse. They held - and still hold - many large rallies. They constantly get their message out ... and it's filled with conspiracies, lies and false accusations - juicy, fun, ridiculous and damaging rhetoric. "They" are extremely effective.

Good and sensible democracy-loving people and groups need to organize as one. They need to mount a concerted effort to battle the forces of evil. They also need to put up a Presidential candidate that can stand up to the slings and arrows of right-wing media and the nutty politicians who foment the zombie Redhats. Because, as good and well-meaning Joe Biden is, he's no John F. Kennedy.

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RandO, I too find all the small groups popping up to claim to have the answer to get Democrats into office, but each essentially unconnected with one another. Yes, Republicans did organize, although it is more like the organization has been going on for the past half century. Democrats have the best positions on nearly every issue, but are somehow being infected by Republican strategies and fund-raising whining. We definitely can do better and in fact, must do better. We don't even have the media in our corner because they follow the Republican shenanigans as more eye-catching, as though what they are saying and doing is what matters while ignoring the important issues like global warming, income disparity, resource depletion, plastics pollution, too big to fail while taking ridiculous greedy risks, monopolization, and the rest. Why can't we get the message out there? How is it Republicans who have done nothing to help anyone but rich white men are in power in so many states and have our House of Representatives? That is nuts! I get it that people are dissatisfied that Biden couldn't do miracles for them, but he certainly did a lot which was often played down by our corporate media. I remember the Ben Franklin 1750s cartoon "join or Die." It is what we Democrats and those others who believe in our democracy must do now.

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I couldn't agree more with your identification of media's focus on the Republican Redhats as a big part of the problem. They (and I refer mostly to TV news and social media) have us flailing our arms about as we respond aghast every time a repressive bill is passed, or tRump posts an absolutely ridiculous lie or accusation, or SCOTUS removes yet another freedom, or cocaine is discovered in a White House room occupied by 500 people throughout the day.

I wish they would address all of the Redhats' grievances and accusations every day. We have the proof that shuts down their lies. We also need to explain to the "great unwashed" what the actual negative effects of these anti-woke, anti-women, anti-Ukraine, anri-democratic, anti-common sense, anti...everything - political actions are - especially on their White, middle-class lives. Then we need to focus and spread the news about what Democratic leaders are doing (or, want to do) that's good for them.

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Scrooge definition - https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/Scrooge

ANYTHING is better than what the Right Scrooges can offer. So if we only have Joe Biden for now; Vote for him!

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I think you got out of the subject. Joe Biden is his own man and he has never pretended or wanted to be like John Kennedy. In my opinion, he has more balls than John Kennedy. Kennedy never had to put up with a 100% republican wackos.

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The red hats assassinated RFK. and his brother, JFK.

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R-and-O ; "I completely and utterly agree" ; With whom?

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Spot on!!! Thank you!

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You should run for office! Could not agree more!

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They’ed assassinate me just like the last president to challenge the banks.

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Sandra Eshima ; To whom are you replying? Just curious.

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All I can say is that THANK GOD that, even though the trumplican party holds WAY too much power, it is only about 30% of the country. It's membership is ALSO falling!

Call me an optimist, but I can't see the Gop lasting until 2028 with the way Bunkerboy TORE IT'S GUTS OUT.

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I so agree with you!

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Can you name one book which is not available in Florida under your book ban theory?

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Oh yeah? Was Harry Blackmun speaking for the "majority" when he wrote the deciding opinion in Roe v. Wade, or was he writing policy from the bench? RBG thought that the issue of abortion was best settled democratically by voting, not by a judge writing policy. The current SCOTUS ruled against Republican redistricting in North Carolina.

Re: "book bans" - no one's banning any book worth reading. If you're referring to the pornographic smut being peddled to school kids, then I say good and I say burn them all because no kid should ever see such things.

Unfairly loaded? Really? Are you really that naive? Would the Democrats not have done exactly the same thing? Didn't they work overtime to railroad Alberto Gonzales in the 2000's to make sure that a Republican didn't get to appoint the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice?

Where have LGBT rights been circumscribed? Has Obergefell been overturned? Biden mentally superior? If he is, then let him debate RFK. Let him campaign and let him debate, because he didn't last time (campaign that is). I mean, he did, but barely. Biden fell down at the USAFA, he stumbled out of an interview two weeks ago like a senile old man. Are you really sure about your man?

I think you are hyperbolic with your points here and need to reconsider all of them.

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Jul 17, 2023
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Full of that Kool-Aid. Trump was a and is a complete disaster. "Biden's crimes" are a Republican wet dream.

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A Яepubлиkan big lie fabrication, actually. Just sayin'.

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DZK ; That too!

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Daniel Solomon ; Well said!

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Aren't they a little too old to have wet dreams?

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Please. Biden's proof of crimes? Hunter's laptop? Biden won't campaign? Are you for real? Trump has been indicted for espionage.Trump has been found liable, in a court of law, for sexual assault. Trump is facing more indictments for crimes he has committed against the American people and our country. All you have to do is take your head out of your ass and you too will see reality.

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Might not have phrased it this way but my sentiments approximately the same: there is an order of magnitude of difference between errors, omissions and even felony versus treason.

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I probably shouldn't have phrased it that way, but sometimes it just fits.

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Yeah, I hear ya! Look at ALL that proof the Republicans have come up with! LOL! I could make your laptop look just like Hunter's. Give me a week and Republicans will be saying, "What about Poole?" every time they are being charged with something that has documentation and witnesses against them. Republicans keep saying Potus has dementia, then he's the mastermind of a crime family! Which is it? How many more years are you going to investigate Hunter and Clinton? It's been years and a special investigator and NOTHING! I'd say wake up, but people like you want to remain asleep, unaware, zombie like following an orange god.

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Wendy Nazel ; Yes, HaHa! "but her emails!!"...endless BS!

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Bob, isn't it time you grow up a bit. I am so tired of the anti-Biden whining. He certainly isn't perfect, but the stuff you are putting on him are what I call lie-blaming. That is making up stuff and blaming Biden for them. Who cares about a laptop that someone got into and who knows what he did to and with it. Hunter has his problems, but that does not mean President Biden has anything to do with that. Putting out a bunch of innuendos and Republican talking points does not make them either true or worth pondering. Have fun anyway.

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Bob Poole ; Troll!

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This relationship that many folks seem to have developed with Hunter Biden's laptop is shockingly outrageous. I'm surprised it doesn't have its own Facebook page.

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LOVE that!!1

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Bob, can you show me an example from a reputable, reliable, competent, confirmed by a second source of President Biden’s crimes?

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Oh and FYI, President Biden has always had to deal with a stutter, which has absolutely no impact on his cognitive abilities. Do you judge all people with minor or major disabilities?

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One of the brightest people I've ever been friends with has a stutter. I always thought highly of him for calmly continuing each sentence.

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Another Fox brain washed Trumpie! Wow you really are incredibly naive to believe all that but of course you desperately want to believe it! It justifies your Fascist yearnings.

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Pictures of a laptop: Is that any kind of evidence?

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A sad legacy to a truly great man, RFK Jr. is a crack pot and a disgrace to the Kennedy name.

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Fact is, RFK is right! (sort of) Please let me explain:

Back in the '90s I became aware of a branch of linguistics called "memetics."




The study of memes and their social and cultural effects.


What I recall is that words and ideas spread through populations in a way very much like the spread of a virus. If I remember correctly, it's also a weapon the FBI has in its arsenal and can bring to bear in fighting organized crime - taking that under advisement.

So it's true that a deadly virus, or viruses have been unleashed on the US population, but not what we've come to understand as virus, and there's no effective vaccine that the CDC can recommend that will stop it. Indeed, once infected, like any virus, it mutates quickly to evade antiviral intervention, making it virtually impossible to cure. That's why inoculation - that is, vaccination - is the only means we have of preventing the spread of viruses. And for years and years the religious right, as well as the Яepubлиkans, have done all they can do to prevent the >only possible< vaccine from being disseminated, starting at the local school boards.

It's clear that RFK Jr is become infected with such a virus and is now infectious. What a coup for the very forces he, by breeding and background, should be standing against.

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I do not agree. Without the COVID vaccine I would have died. Simple as that. I was able to minimize the effects of covid only because my immune system had been exposed to the vaccine. I have a lung issue and I am grateful beyond measure for the vaccine. How many people died before we had one? Answer - A LOT.

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You realize that's not what my post is about, don't you? It is about how destructive memes infect society in a virus-like way, and how the only possible intervention that stands a chance of being effective is education. Otherwise, I'm fully vaccinated for the covid, have dutifully masked up, and haven't suffered so much as a scratchy throat, while a rampant outbreak of summer colds seem to be causing problems all around me here, now. The covid never touched me. And neither have the bullshit conspiracy theories! Please re-read my post and focus on what I >am< saying.

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Actually, could be that had you refused vaccination, not masked up the odds are that you could be speaking from the grave.

Destructive memes are not actually a communicative disease. False syllogism, dogs are animals cats are animals, therefore dogs and cats are the same?

The meme: Had you refused vaccination, not masked up the odds are that you could be a dead Republican.

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Well taken.

I was talking about the virus-like effect of memes in the consciousness, and by extension, society. Yes, the covid vaccine meme resulted in a lot of dead Яepubлиkans. Yet there are still Яepubлиkans about regurgitating Яepubлиkans' garbage memes. Conspiracy theories, too, are memes, where:

"the meme was conceived as a "unit of culture" (an idea, belief, pattern of behavior, etc.) which is "hosted" in the minds of one or more individuals, and which can reproduce itself in the sense of jumping from the mind of one person to the mind of another." (IBID: the link I include above.) I think the use of the word "jumping" is an unfortunate, un-"blue lined" bit of bad rhetoric that leads to confusion in the matter, where the word "transmitted" far better describes what can be easily observed. Transmitted is also how the medical profession refers to how a virus spreads.

All that was formulated in a time prior to the internet and social media, which if anything, has not only made the effect more visible, but more pervasive. I rather like the way a certain Thomas Franklin expresses it in 1787 - I hear tell:

"Falsehood will fly, as it were, on the wings of the wind, and carry its tales to every corner of the earth; whilst truth lags behind; her steps, though sure, are slow and solemn, and she has neither vigour nor activity enough to pursue and overtake her enemy…"

The internet has provided >supersonic< wings as effectively as aviation helped spread the damn covid in the first place, if you get my drift here.

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Well said.

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I'll just bet you'll enjoy what Leeja Miller has to say about a closely related issue: https://youtu.be/ISYL1WsuR78

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great video. Thanks. I live in Illinois and did not know we were the first to require media literacy taught in schools, or that PBS has classes to help us all identify fake news.

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I did not see him say meme “viruses” and RNA viruses are “the same” — insofar as one might mistakenly say cats and dogs are “the same.”

But you know, cats and dogs ARE both animals, and mammals, and typically four-legged furry creatures.

I think the construction of his argument about how things go viral {hey, we SAY it all the time!!} is quite apt.

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You could have been clearer, DZK. Upon re-reading, I see your point, but let's not forget the RFK Jr. had many assets that should mitigate against his behavior,such as an excellent education and a Harvard degree. My hunch is that it goes to being one of nine children in a family traumatized by two assassinations.

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progwoman ; I had that thought that maybe he wanted to be in politics, but did not want to be assassinated! Sadly, I remember a band that actually called themselves "The dead Kennedys" . Talk about bad taste! I don't doubt that he is protecting himself with his "un Kennedy" talking points and orientation, whether consciously or unconsciously. Very sad! It must have been terrible to lose his dad that way! After losing his uncle!

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Please, we should not be making excuses for RFK, JR and his statements and general behavior. The last thing Democrats should do is to give credence to him. The thinking of people backing him seems totally outlandish and uninformed, also anti-democratic.

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It’s interesting how many politicians who are fighting against democracy have Ivy League educations. See for instance https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/01/ivy-league-apologists-january-6-gop-elitism-populsim/621153/

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Fair point.

I guess that raises the operant question: "Given his background, what is it that made him vulnerable to the parasitic memes he now transmits? Indeed, could he have been in some way targeted for a little brainwash, given that a tightly focused psy-op can be devastating on an individual? Of course, I'm thinking more about things like POWs, etc., and I don't think that applies here.

On the other hand, I have an - former - old friend who was at one time a smart, well-educated Ohio woman, who ended up opening a Civil War memorabilia shop in Michigan she named after one of the Confederate battle flags. She later moved to Atlanta, and the last time I spoke to her got mouth-frothing bat-$#~7 about the Union lies spread by Lincoln - so go figure. So, I went and figured, concluding it may have something to do with her having married an "old school" Georgia man. In many ways, I've seen today's political debacle coming for decades and from miles away!

I'm wondering if something similar is at play here with RFK Jr. After all, Jim Jones proved beyond the shadow of any doubt such personality modification was possible, and not to be suggesting some kind of conspiracy, apparently - if it is to be believed - the CIA was keeping track of, although not participating in any way, with the events in Jonestown. I wonder what they concluded, if anything. On the other hand, wasn't Harvard William F Buckley's stompin' ground? It's >not< particularly an egalitarian-oriented institution. Perhaps it something far more cynical with li'l Jr, here. After all, ol' Tweety seems to have proven it's possible to get away with such cynicism - thus far - with like-minded support. After all, Jonestown was nothing if not a support structure.

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Yes, after I wrote it, I realized you were on the same side of the aisle. It is unreal to me that others are not on board. The bodies piled up in cities and so many people died. To say that the vaccine is bad is just crazy.

My neighbor in Florida made fun of the vaccine and went out a lot during lockdown. He was just put in a nursing home and is doing very poorly.

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I don’t understand the fight against vaccines and public health measures. I was in the 5th grade before polio vaccine was available. I remember the summer warnings, don’t drink from public fountains, the many who died, or were in iron lungs, or crippled for life. As a child, there weren’t vaccines and I caught measles, mumps, rubella, and chicken pox, as did my sisters. We all recovered, but that was a lot of nursing and fear for my parents as many children did die. My poor father caught mumps from us and they went down to his testicles, very painful.

We were so grateful for public health officials who did what the could to keep our communities safe, and then for vaccinations. Nothing is 100% safe and there will be a few reactions, but nothing like the devastation and death that these diseases can cause. More children will have disabilities or die because of the measles vaccine debunked lie that it caused autism.

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I never caught Covid in spite of living with two people who have. I suspect part of the reason is that I am one of the lucky ones who is not as genetically predisposed as others. I have also been twice vaccinated. The two in my household who did get it were vaccinated and their cases were mild.

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Actually the vaccine should have reduced Covid deaths but the statistics prove the opposite happened.

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DZK ; "memetics " makes me think of emetics, which cause vomiting! Good antidote!?

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Love that

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But, but, but, you said “(sort of)” and “let me explain” …

OK, maybe you need a few more red flags that you were tongue-in-cheek.

But I do think it was a valid comparison between the idea and the virus. As I said, we talk about idea going viral ALL THE TIME.

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Good point, that we reference virus memes all the time.

Yep! Sometimes verbal "flourishes" can be risky. Humor can be risky, as well. Sometimes the risk is clarity. Thanks for getting the irony I intended, though. (He bangs on about the wrong virus!)

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Well said! The difficulty with the post by Robert Reich is that it repeats false claims in order to refute them. That is one of the fastest ways to spread a disinformation virus. If credible counter arguments worked, we would not be in the mess that we are in today fighting authoritarianism worldwide.

There are other approaches that combat the disinformation menace. One that I have seen and like is Words That W!n.

That messaging approach has three parts:

1. Values: You start by stating positive values that people share.

2. Villain: You identify villains, and what they are trying to do to threaten those values.

3. Vision: You present the vision that we want people to join and promote.

Such messages are brief and make a truth sandwich.

Here is a link to learn more about that approach.


There are other good approaches, such as race/class fusion messaging.

But the key takeaway that I want people to see here is to not repeat disinformation claims because that only spreads them.

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So in a society the places profit of all things on earth and at the expense of life itself.. don’t you think that there simply no possible way people can trust anyone else when they make billions of the misfortune of others. I certainly don’t trust pharmaceutical companies, FDA, and the justice system. So fundamentally we have no choice but to opt out and lead by example.. developing a fair system is not difficult with technology today. It’s getting the one in control to stay out of our way.

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Jul 28, 2023
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Jul 28, 2023
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I wasn't apologizing for Biden. I was commenting on Kennedy being a wanker, more fit to serve a DeSantis than actually govern on his charisma, and I don't give a stringy $#!7 about your Harvard poll.

Thank you for your concern.

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Jul 28, 2023
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Jul 17, 2023
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Fair criticism. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you. (I >really< appreciate your German-like koine! LOL!)

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Ramona Agin—Kennedy siblings and cousins have publicly beseeched RFKjr to cut it out already. From his Skakel cousins … crickets. Yes, it was only rumored, but word was that Jackie pulled up stakes in Hyannisport and resettled on Martha's Vineyard to put Nantucket Sound between her kids and the influence of Ethel's boys. The sole emphasis on the candidate's Kennedy name is understandable but half the story. RFKjr has two heritages. I think of him as RFSkaKel.

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Polly wants a cracker

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It’s really sad about RFK Jr being so strange. I believe he was watching his father on tv when he was shot and killed that terrible day. He was quite young then. Not saying that has had an impact on his strange politics but certainly it’s made an impression.

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I agree, RFK Jr is blackening the Kennedy name. All three brothers, Jack, Bobby, and Teddy. may have been flawed men - but then nobody can claim perfection. But al; three Kennedy brothers put America. it's people, and the Truth on top of their lists.

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RFKjr and trump…have we as a nation become that nutso that a name and crazy conspiracy theories are qualifications for running the country? Rhetorical, yes. RFK was exactly what we needed in ‘67…his son is exactly what we don’t need in ‘023. He’s dangerous, might have shown promise but he’s coming across as unbalanced, we don’t need that again. That apple rotted before it fell from the proverbial tree. What a shame.

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Eleanor, When I listen to RFK, Jr. speak, he seems to be struggling with his ideas. His attempts to explain his vaccine "theory" make no sense. I have heard there are some issues he still has some coherence with, but I have not heard them. Maybe that's because the COVID vaccine stuff and his other lies about vaccines in general take up most of his brainwidth. I honestly don't care what his positions are on anything. He is not "ready for prime time" and should not be supported by anyone, and I mean anyone for the office of President of the United ?States. That is also true for Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, the two biggies on the Republican side. The "lesser" Republicans are not much better, but at least they aren't totally wrapped up in conspiracy theories and are a little less hateful. They are, however,powermongers, fearmongers, and people without any regard for our democracy. It's a mess out there!

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Ruth Sheets ; It seems like the other (non tRump) republican candidates are merely place holders, allowed to run if they pledge to 'pardon' tfg. there are no serious, Democracy defending patriots in the Republican 'lineup'!

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Laurie, you are right about the place-holding. It reminds me so much of the reason a non-entity like Gerald Ford was picked to be vice president before Nixon resigned. We all suspected he was picked because he would pardon Nixon, and that is exactly what he did, to the detriment of our nation. We have a Constitution that tells everyone Trump and Kump should not be able to run in any election anywhere because of their participation in an insurrection, but it appears all the Constitutional amendments are pretty much dismissed except for the 2nd which is enhanced far far beyond what its authors intended. I don't know how to address this when our Supreme Court cons care as little for our Constitution as they can get away with and it is a little more each term.

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Robert: I truly have admired you for many years, especially your support of fighting the economic inequality to the hoi polloi. However, on this observation of RFK Jr., you have either been sadly misinformed, or have not done your homework. If you had taken the time to become aware of some of these issues that RFK Jr is supportive of, you would be aware of his stances on the Ukranian War, his disgust an criticism of our Economic Policies, Our support of a runaway Military Industrial Complex, and yes, his criticism of the Corporatization of our Agencies. His stance on vaccines has always been that we should require testing of the over 78 vaccines that BIG PHARMA has hoisted on the American Public, and our health system which is focused on Allopathic solutions rather than wellness. He has accomplished a lifetime of work fighting corporations like Monsanto and DuPont which have seriously injured millions, as well as the waterways and lands that they have poisoned. He is being relentlessly censored by a corporatist DNC and MSM, whose job it is to protect an aged and ineffective, and possibly criminally liable President, whose allegiances as you know, have been to the Corporate and Military State. I am actually so surprised that you have not done your homework, and at least queried more about what he stands for, perhaps, even a public meeting, which I am sure he would welcome, with a man of your stature. Lastly, I just read that he denied the inferences about the viral being an ethnic weapon.....but lets be real now.....there are things that we don't know about BIG PHARMA and the powers that be now.......I have been a man of science for 50 years, and to be honest, I do not trust anyone in the positions of power now, with our government, and with BIG PHARMA. Anyways, God Bless, and please do a little more homework on your part, because you and RFK JR, share common goals and common enemies of the people.

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You sort of had me ... until "we should require testing of the over 78 vaccines hoisted [sic] (foisted) by BIG PHARMA on the Amerin Public." Do you honestly think they havent been tested?

You completely lost me with "I do not trust anyone in the positions of power now, with our government, and with BIG PHARMA." No one? Not even RFK, Jr.?

In between, that you believe Biden has been ineffective and that he may be a crimminal ... well, it looks like someone has contracted the quite contagious MAGAT Virus, symptoms of which are beliefs based on beliefs, conjecture and misinformation, otherwise known as unfounded conspiracy theories and, for which there appears to be no (tested) vaccine.

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They have not been tested. Hope and presumption is wrong in this case. Fauci has admitted this. As a chemical engineer and former pharma employee, it was never done and drug interactions of vaccines has never been done or required

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Plus testing is not done on women- ever. My doc has had so many patients with Shingrix side effects she has recommended I DO NOT take it. As a nurse, I’ve investigated what the bad side effects are- and I agree. I’ve taken care of many people with shingles- it’s really awfully uncomfortable, but I’d rather suffer that than have permanent neuro effects

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Unlike other pharmaceuticals, vaccines have never been tested against a pure placebo (saline solution, for example). Dig a little deeper before relying solely on what you're told by those who profit from what they're telling you.

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Jul 17, 2023
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It was tested according to the standards at the time, and it was 51% effective against shingles. Later, scientists developed Shingrix, which was far more effective than Zostavax. Science continually advances and finds new, more effective medicines, testing them at each step of the R&D process and continuing to study their effects after they are approved.

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I wish I had been told it was 51% effective when I got the shot. And told it was still 51% effective when they rolled out the new shot. It was reported in the news as not effective.

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Sorry, but you sound like one of those people who think science works like magic. One little wand wave and poof! The big, bad shingles are all gone!

The fact is, science is a process and is always changing and improving. When I got the shingles vaccine (which was a two-parter, btw, so if your single dose was ineffective that may have been why) I was aware of the 51% effective rate and decided 51% was better than zero.

They've developed better vaccines since. Something I'd be grateful for, but which you seem bizarrely affronted by. As if you were deliberately cheated of the best vaccine on purpose.

Honestly, paranoia is not a good replacement for being well-informed.

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Do you not understand that all this is a work in progress? I’m a scientist, and we always do the best we can with the information we have. Then it goes to peer review, someone finds a better solution. It’s called progress.

Is 51% effective better than 20%? Is 78% percent better than 51? It’s really simple.

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And, yes. I got the COVID shots and the boosters and wore a mask and stayed in. For the sake of others, as well as myself. And judging from the heroic actions of my immune system to the vaccine, headache, fever, exhaustion for two days, I think my immune system is still working. And no, I didn’t get COVID. Yet.

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Betty Allen ; Millions of those who have had both doses and boosters have had Covid, but in a milder form ; They are still here and did not have to be in the hospital. I'm one of them and my husband is another. I wonder why this forum has been hijacked by those who want to argue about Covid, which is endemic at this point, when the discussion is about RFK Jr's Presidential bid, which could hurt Biden?

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Well said, and thank you for saying it. Dr. Reich is one of the smartest people in the country, but he dropped the ball on this one.

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Wow, Alan, that was a real boost for someone who has latched onto some serious conspiracies. Yes Big Pharma has been problematic, but that is not what I have heard RFK, Jr. saying about vaccines. Seventy-eight vaccines to be checked out! really! And, he's back into the vaccines cause autism trip. We were past that years ago. He may have done some good work related to corporate corruption in the past, but that does not make him "ready for prime time." He needs to get elected on a lower level so we can see how things work out and prove his bonafidies. Right now, he sounds incoherent to me and not someone who would be a good ally for the other nations we need to work with. You just keep on supporting him if you wish, but he really is much more of a Republican than a Democrat. Let them have him. As problematic as he is, he is better than anyone they've got.

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Ruth- vaccines are never tested on women, ever. Our bodies are NOT the same. So, no testing on every single drug and vaccine for half the population

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Jul 17, 2023
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The truth! Follow the money. Who's behind what you believe and how much are they profiting from their position? Dig deeper rather than accepting what you're told based on blind faith.

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You are just ignorant and wrong. RFK had a couple of good ideas years ago, but you and he neither one have any idea what you’re talking about regarding pharma nor vaccine science. And it’s all these stupid people that support him care about, another grievance campaign. Disgusting.

You can string together sentences thought, which RFK Jr seems to have more and more trouble with.

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I suggest everyone read "Turtles All the Way Down" about the lack of adequate testing of vaccines. If you take the time to do so, you will understand RFK Jr's position on vaccines. It's available on Amazon and incredibly well documented.

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I have listened to Robert Kennedy speak and then read a summary of what he allegedly said and I have never found much similarity. No one seems to be able to produce or check the statements that are being attributed to him about bioweapons, and he denies that he said that.

My understanding of what he said was that we must stop gain of function research, which is illegal and dangerous,, and which should not be happening, but still is.

I believe he said the virus attacks different ethnic groups differently, and therefore there is the potential to develop bio weapons targeted at certain ethnic groups. I can believe he said that;; after having listened to him for hours that makes sense as something he would say. The quote that's being bandied about that the virus was developed to exclude Ashkenazi Jews is something I absolutely cannot believe that he said after having listened to him for hours.

I have heard him say that COVID 19 has NOT spread as much in certain African communities where they have a very healthy lifestyle and diet.

Criticism of the way the virus is being handled is that there is not enough emphasis being placed on nutrition exercise etc

I have also heard him express such an uncritical and unwavering support for Israel that he has been seriously criticized by people like Cornel West. I actually disagree with him in his wholehearted celebration of Israel is the perfect democracy, but I don't think anyone can call him an anti-semite which has lately been done

I don't agree with everything Robert Kennedy says ,but the person I have been listening to is in no way similar to the person described by the news media. He does talk a lot about the time he spent with his father visiting economically impoverished people of color, with some passion, and he talks about how he wants to correct that economic inequality.

I am very surprised to read this article by you Robert, because I've been listening to you for years and this is the first time I have ever disagreed. If you have actually heard him say some of these things I'd be interested. I have been listening to him speak and I must say it reminds me of his father in a way that has tugged at my heart's strings.

I understand that his candidacy could provide a threat to Joe Biden and that is a concern. But the character assassination being rained upon him, in my opinion quite unfairly, by the media is shocking to me.

I know it is risky for me to say this on this venue, but I have to, because it's troubling to me to see something so distorted

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Sorry but RFK jr is a wack job! His family has also denounced him for his crazy ideas about vaccines! Having been born in the 1950’s and saw my Uncle fall to Polio I find it perverse that he is scaring people away from having vaccines that have saved our lives! My mother cried when my sister and I got our polio vaccines and I cried with joy when I received my Covid vaccine! Thank goodness for Science and shame on RFK jr for spouting lies and hurting the very people that we should hold up as champions of our health and well being!

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What Robert Kennedy Jr. has said about vaccines is also not what has been reported. He has concerns about the exemptions given to Big Pharma for the way they test vaccines. He says that when he asked to get the Mercury out of fish no one called him anti-fish. I was born in 1945 and I remember the polio vaccine well. Things were different then, and the number of vaccines that we are now taking is not similar to the way things were then, according to Robert f Kennedy Junior. Some people in his family are supporting him and others are not. Some members of his family are part of the Biden administration. I love that he has not been critical of those people, nor of Joe Biden, although he talks about where his policies would differ. One of the ways is that he would spend less money on the military and more money on what sounds reminiscent of the war on poverty. I just wish everyone would listen to him directly instead of accepting what the news media is saying.. I have been radicalized by listening to him and then listening to the coverage, which is just so distorted that it scares me.

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Lynne E. If we are to survive as a species and as a nation, have to prioritize,

First priority for Biden and the nation was to survive the coup. That should have been your first priority also.

When I see Junior with Flynn and Bannon, with Musk I know that he has no sense, https://www.salon.com/2023/05/03/steve-bannon-alex-jones-rfk-jr/

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Daniel, I hope you are not saying that it is okay for the news media to completely vilify RFK, Jr,, by misquoting him, in order to protect Joe Biden. I get your point about the danger it poses that Trump is running, but in a democracy we are supposed to have freedom of the press and the press is supposed to reflect something akin to the truth.. Kennedy has actually said he's willing to speak to almost everyone with few exceptions and one of them is Steve Bannon. The censorship he has received from mainstream media has forced him into podcasts with people some of us don't like. But even listening to those conversations has been enlightening. He has worked as an environmental lawyer and his info about companies like Monsanto, who now have people heading agencies that are supposed to protect us is very specific and important. No one has ever questioned what he says about that ... it just isn't reported at all.

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Not misquoted. "The only person who listens ... is TRUMP."


No sense of priority. FIRST issue should be the insurrection!

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I listened to this and I don't get your point. He says he is afraid that Donald Trump will lead us to a dark place. He bemoans the fact that many people feel Trump is the only one that is listening to them. Of course this is true!... that is why Donald Trump has such a huge and loyal following. He wants to debate Donald Trump on the issues. What is it about the statement that you find disturbing? Is it the fact that he says he wants to concentrate on the issues and not on the things Donald Trump is accused of? The insurrection was a horrible attack on democracy (my childhood best friend is the mother of Brian Sicknick, the police officer who lost his life, so the insurrection had a deep effect on me that was personal).

But censorship and limiting freedom of the press isn't good either, and does need to be addressed.

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“Spend less money on the military”? Are you kidding me? And leave us vulnerable to the likes of Putin, China , & North Korea??

The Republicans have AREADY placed us in a vulnerable situation by adding onto the military bill unacceptable demands & by Tuberville blocking the promotions of high level military officers. We are currently without a commandant!

RFK, Jr. Is not “cooking on all four burners” and should NOT be taken seriously. He neither has the intelligence, the common sense, the experience nor the proven track record to run for ANY office let alone the Presidency. Biden has demonstrated ALL of these and can run circles around ex-drug addict who is greatly lacking in brain cells.

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I tried to document that he actually made the comment cited and I couldn’t find it.

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He actually says he did not make that comment... And I believe him because it wouldn't fit in with what else he's saying.

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This is another trope that anti-RFK Jr haters pull out. 1) Caroline Kennedy once explained that in her family they were always taught “vote the party, vote the party, vote the party.” Plus, the family network is very large now and a verrrrrry large number of Kennedy’s are now part of the federal government or hold other major Democratic positions. *Of course, they will stand against him, since the party has made vaccine compliance a litmus test. 2) People of a certain age are still talking about the polio vaccine and trying to use it against RFK Jr. Why? They have nothing to do with each other. It is a lie that RFK Jr is an anti-vaxxer (It’s part of how the party and media continually mischaracterize him.) No one has spoken against the polio vaccine, which, by the way, was made and tested for safety in ways that are not done now.

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Before you continue with your biased opinion on this, read "Turtles All the Way Down" to educate yourself on the validated history of vaccines. And take the time to read some of the hundreds of studies that have been done on the Covid vaccines and their effects. You can find Turtles at https://www.amazon.com/Turtles-All-Way-Down-Vaccine/dp/9655981045/. As one example of information that has been withheld from the public, see https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin/ for a detailed listing of 97 research studies that substantiate the safety and effectiveness of ivermectin in early treatment of Covid. There is a tremendous amount of legitimate scientific research into Covid and into the vaccines, and you're apparently not aware of any of it.

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Don, I googled WHO and Invermectin and got this,

“The current evidence on the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 patients is inconclusive. Until more data is available, WHO recommends that the drug only be used within clinical trials.” (3/31/21)

A 2021 review article by FLCCC members on the efficacy of ivermectin, which was provisionally accepted by Frontiers in Pharmacology, was subsequently rejected on account of what the publisher called "a series of strong, unsupported claims based on studies with insufficient statistical significance" meaning that the article did "not offer an objective [or] balanced scientific contribution to the evaluation of ivermectin as a potential treatment for COVID-19".[12] The FLCCC review article included a study from Egypt that was later retracted after anomalies were found in its data and concerns were raised about plagiarism.[13]

As for the book “Turtles All the Way Down,” the author is anonymous. I’m very leery of taking medical advice from anyone who won’t identify themselves.

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Thank you for a thoughtful reply, Susan. I suggest you keep digging. If ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine had been recognized as suitable treatment for COVID-19, no Emergency Use Authorization would have been granted for any of the vaccines. That would have meant that billions of dollars wouldn't have gone to the pharma companies. It also means that many more people wouldn't have died because there were no early treatments permitted. TAWD explains why the author chose to remain anonymous. I suggest you read it before condemning it.

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RFK Jr. is the preferred candidate of extremist right wing. Gee why is that?

"Robert Kennedy Jr., With Musk, Pushes Right-Wing Ideas and Misinformation"


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Prevention would be healthy immune systems. With vaccines every time a virus mutates you need a new vaccine. I stopped taking the flu vaccine after my first one. It was the Swine Flu vaccine and Reports were coming out that people were getting Guillain-Barré syndrome. I eventually became immune to the flu. Unlike the vaccine, which didn’t work if they guessed the wrong strain, my immune system protected me from them all. Then the hospital where worked made flu vaccines mandatory. I didn’t want to expose myself unnecessarily to ingredients in the vaccine. But I had to take it “ because I might get a mild case of the flu and pass it on to someone who was immunocompromised. Listen closely: they said the vaccine would not work for people who were immunocompromised so I had to get the vaccine. I did not work in a department that dealt with sick individuals but I might pass it to them walking down the hallway. So, I got the vaccine for the last couple of years I was there. The nurses made sure that we got individual doses so that we did not have thimerosol (Mercury.)

From the CDC:

Purpose: To prevent contamination

Most commonly found in: Some kinds of fish

Example: Thimerosal (only in multi-dose vials of flu vaccine)*

Now listen closely: the CDC says that because I am elderly, I need to take the vaccine because my immune system does not work as well. So, the flu vaccine does work for immune systems that don’t work as well? I am 76 and still no flu or flu shots. Should my immune system change I will reconsider flu vaccine. But wearing a mask would give me more protection.

Everyone knows their own health history. They should decide what is best for themselves. If the shot works for you, take it. I am not anti vaccine. I am anti double talk and blanket one size fits all statements.

Again: you decide what is best for you.

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I am hearing that the Covid vaccine does not prevent you from passing it to others...from other sources. I am 77 years old and I also do not take the flu vaccine. I never get the flu. I think I build up natural immunity, but who knows,? I want the freedom to make my own choices. I had my required vaccine for COVID-19 but I'm not going to be taking it every few months when they find each new strain. I get something called FLO from Australia, which is a nose drop that allegedly makes it more difficult for the virus to enter through your nose. You cannot buy it in this country, you have to buy it from the Australian Pharmacy, because it says it prevents virus. I use it under a mask. My theory is if it works that's great, and if it doesn't work I haven't lost anything: it's good for your sinuses... But this information will not be shared in our country.

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Well said.

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He didn't say gun deaths are mainly caused by medication. I can't read the full times article cuz I'm not going to pay to be a member of the Times (as I was happy to pay to be a member of this group), but I have heard him speak on this topic extensively. He says when he went to school he belonged a rifle club and kids carried guns into school all the time, no shootings.. Don't get me wrong, I am for gun control. I have some (mild) questions about what he says on the subject, but they are interesting things and they fall far short of wacko, more similar to the war on poverty as a way of changing the culture. He says the reason for so much gun violence is multi-determined, including the fact that so many of our kids are on medicines that carry warnings about violent fantasies. He ALSO wants to attack what can be attacked (like eliminating food insecurity, bringing healthy afternoon school programs providing kids with a decent place to spend their time). He doesn't believe we can stop the gun lobby who has so much Republican support, but says if we could pass a law limiting assault weapons he would happily sign that law. He got a lot of flack for that statement from the right but that also was never reported.in the mainstream.

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What RFK Jr said was that the Democrats’ approach to gun control has not worked well so far. Also, that he is familiar with a lot of gun owners and that just insisting on passing gun laws is not likely to get much compliance. That’s why he thinks the two major parties need to work together to come up with some approaches and ideas that they can agree on that could be more helpful in making progress on this issue. As far as medications contributing to mass shootings (and gun deaths), Democrats always say, “No, that’s not a cause.”—and add something like “experts have ruled that out.” RFK Jr never said it was a cause—he considers it an important issue to study. Personally, everyone I know who has had a loved one commit suicide had been taking anti-depressant or other pharmaceutical drugs with such listed side effects. (And by the way, suicide among mid-life farmers is way up now, a major problem now in farming, as are neurological illnesses now believed to be caused by the deadly chemicals Big Ag has put into their farming products — like Round-up ready products banned in Europe because of human safety issues.) It’s easy to believe that mass shooters could have some drugs in their system that affect emotions and behavior, isn’t it? And really, if we weren’t committed to protecting the pharmaceutical industry, why wouldn’t we study that?

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I, too, have been shocked by the character assassination coming from Democrats (except I have recently observed how widespread it is, and they all say the same lines, so I am no longer shocked,) AND I have noticed that same thing: the media so distorts what RFK Jr says, that it bears practically no resemblance to what I heard him actually say.

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The sudden appearance of cheerleaders for RFK, Jr. to Professor Reich's site is strange. There seems to be an organized "swarm" to sway opinion towards Kennedy, using tRump tactics to do so: deny that what you heard and read and saw about/directly from Kennedy you actually did not hear, read or see; to praise selected segments of his personal history while ignoring or dismissing others and thus, his history of environmental activism,for example, is all that matters whereas his very public stands against vaccines, against Anthony Fauci, and recently that in his strange mindset, Jews - and even specifically Ashkenazi Jews - have special protection against Covid - and so many of his stated beliefs are irresponsible and mindless. It is particularly ugly that he has come out with this unfounded nonsense about Covid and Jews in an era where violence against Jews in America (and elsewhere) is on the rise!

Like tRump, he is clearly not fit to be President of the United States. He has a terrible history of drug addiction, including heroin. He made public statements that were cruel to his first wife and mother of their children who had various serious problems of her own.

He's a very strange bird trading on a family name that has held special place in American lore, his father perhaps most of all. He should go back to being an attorney, working as an environmental activist.

What in the world can he be thinking that leads him to do harm to the Democratic Party in 2024?!

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Yes with that 'swarm' analogy. It's like allofasudden outta nowhere we're surrounded. We might need to get vaccinated against these guys cause we haven't built up any immunity yet.

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dnkarr ; Our b s. meters are working, after the onslaught of rulings made by the stacked 'Supreme' court and the attempted and ongoing coup! Our government is full of traitors and terrorist supporters. We need to pay attention. Vaccines are less threatening than the Rethuglican party!!!! Really a lot of crap being put out here today!

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It's almost like a bunch of the people the South African is repopulating twitter with just read a directive there to come here and spread disinformation.

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It seems Robert F Kennedy, Jr has succumbed to this sense of power that conspiracy theories can draw due to the absolutism that the belief in them requires.

If he wants to claim that big corporations are killing us, there has been proof of that for over a half a century through chemically-laced tobacco, DDT, leaded fuels, the chemical corruption of our climate, and most recently, the coddling of the assault weapons makers.

Are used to listen to him on the Ring of Fire radio show, and he seem normal with views on the right track. I have no idea where this dive into irrationality came from.

But as with the other crockpots with an R by their names, let’s hope that he will be forgotten as humanity changes towards a compassionate course - the only direction that will keep civilization intact into the next century.

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We can't just hope, we'll have to help get out the big BLUE vote this time around.

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In case someone might think being of one particular political party or other makes one smarter, they can just look at Republican support for Donald Trump and the crew and Democrats' at 20% or whatever in the RFK, Jr. camp. None of these are intelligent choices because they are men (and a couple of women) who have nothing positive to offer this nation in terms of leadership. The only one of the top candidates of either party to have shown meaningful leadership to help the people of this nation is Joe Biden, but he is being depicted in so many places as an ignorant old fool. I do believe that is deliberate and the media just loves it because it means they have more influence over an election than they have any right to have. Alas, people are easily charmed by a name and will attach to one they like or remember, all kinds of stuff that a person who has it does not deserve. I have no idea why we do this, but it is evident all over the place if one just looks. Democrats pretending RFK, Jr. is his father is ridiculous, but I keep getting emails that ignore his baseless claims and push him as someone who has a clue about governing anything. Heck, he can't even govern himself and his magical-thinking brain-to-mouth-operation. How is that in any way better than what Biden has done (even with tiny margins in Congress)? I must say, I am disgusted!

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Hope you're disgusted enough to help get out the BLUE vote!!

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Maryk, I am doing the best I can, literally preaching the need to vote every chance I get.

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It is indeed tragic he has squandered such great ability. About 10 years ago I and a few others had a chance to spend a day with Bobby at his home in Mt. Kisco, NY. He was engaging, funny, intelligent and quite knowledgeable on a wide variety of subjects. But since that time he has evolved into someone I no longer recognize. It truly saddens me.

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It is no wonder polls show others ahead of Biden when after two amazing speeches in Europe the press reports on Biden’s supposed gaffes.

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The press is usually the problem regarding disinformation. A "Free" press is important but a press developed solely for and by greedy billionaires is useless in a revolution.

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Al Ross III ; An 'owned' by the obscenely rich' media that does not truthfully inform the voters is not 'free'! Lies are not free speech!

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The media favor tfg. He will give bigger tax breaks to the wealthy this time around (if he 'wins').

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RFK, Jr. is as clearly UNHINGED as TFG and this must be widely publicized. As you accurately state, the Kennedy brand is GOLD and many may not be aware of his mental difficulties. The source of his paranoia is not clear although it is apparent he has done some reading in fake science and conspiracy theories. He is not unintelligent but clearly off base. He could very well accumulate a cult of his own; the damage of course being taking away the vulnerable electorate needed for a Biden win. He would have to be the GOP nominee or an independent to achieve this objective but in either case, he must be defeated before his numbers rise. How very sad that his intellect has been diverted from rational thought. Another commented the “Ethel” must have dropped him on his head. I am unaware that Ethel had a problem with alcohol or not. It is irrelevant. The story of RFK, Jr. must be shared widely now early in the race so he is eliminated. I could fear that he is indeed paranoid schizophrenic but I am not a psychiatrist. I do feel sorry for someone so very misguided but eliminate him from the candidate pool we must.

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Judith L. Hubbard ; Alcoholism is epidemic in the U.S.A! There are many families with alcoholic members! this is not unheard of, and gaslights millions of sick people. We have all heard of the drunken Irishman, like the drunken sailor! it's more B.S.! If this is so 'irrelevant' why did you mention it? They talk about the opioid epidemic ; There are lots of 'people' getting rich on booze! Some Harvard graduate will write an expose about this 'phenomenon' that'll sell big! Not!

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Couldn’t find you in all the threads again! Please refer to Washington Post article late this am ie just out:

“Democratic Party Rushes to Disown RFK, Jr.” by Philip Bump. RFK, Jr. did as Reich wrote in newsletter some very good things early in his career as an environmental lawyer, but at some point lost his way. Has been involved a while in antivax theories, “Covid vaccines cause Autism?” other garbage. NOW “UNFIT FOR POLITICAL OFFICE” because he is talking nonsense about “ETHNICALLY TARGETED BIOWEAPONS” ; “GENETICALLY ENGINEERED MICROBES’” to attack specific populations. “COVID 19 TARGETED TO ATTACK CAUCASIANS AND BLACKS”. Likely attacking Jews as well; doesn’t everyone, for no reason other than ethnicity.

Having seen photos of voters for Trump, there is no shortage of susceptible people to disinformation. The Junior Kennedy could get his own cult, mix his own KoolAid.

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As to alcoholism, that originated in another comment. Yes, it is an illness but not one Ethel Kennedy had time for. Imagine rearing eleven children having been married only 18 years when her husband was assassinated. That’s quite a load; Junior and mom did not always see eye to eye but something else has turned Junior into a vaccine denier, conspiracy theorist, etc. He is “UNFIT” but so was Trump and he got elected. How do we cull the “UNFIT’” from the pool before debates, etc. He is being funded by big MAGA donors to dilute the pool of voters away from Biden.

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Yeah and it's not fair to blame Ethel. It's always the mom-blame-game. I think he accomplished his state-of-being on his own, no help from Mom.

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And never blame Ethel for her dead junkie son David's troubles and dead prey-on-the-babysitter son Michael's nor RFskaKel's years as a drug addict before his anti-science crusades. All credit, of course though, for her daughters' real accomplishments.

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Absolutely correct; I was quoting other comments. Agree with you.

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I agree with your statement “The story of RFK, Jr. must be shared widely now early in the race so he is eliminated.”

I am trying to do that on Nextdoor. com. How are you and everyone else going to spread the word?

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Will defer the physical to my local Democratic Party as I am homebound, disabled, but engaged there by phone. Can engage in online forums and do to the point of exhaustion. I am on a mission for Biden and team. This platform seems to engage with TikTok of which I am not a member. But there are many others. Facebook so very toxic, but many are.

Twitter often but cannot tell if making any impact there. Instagram. Others, ideas 💡? I will post, share wherever I can.

The beauty of this platform is that it can be shared. Email pieces to others with large followings. Suggest joining Substack whenever I can since newsletters are free less comments. I subscribe to many and comment; others read only but share whenever possible. Postcards, calls possible through local Dem Party. The value of mobility impairment is I have the time from my sofa to research and compile data and share. Gives me a sense of purpose as well. ❤️🇺🇸🌎

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Thank you! If everyone did ONE thing to educate people, it would help the Biden campaign to WIN!

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PS Nextdoor great idea! Well, perhaps in swing states or Democratic. Sadly, I live in blood red SC and must consider safety locally. Before election 2020 had Biden stickers on my car; still driving then; in one outing, three cars tried to run me off the road. Another friend had Biden sign in yard; someone threw a brick through her front window. It is truly ugly and will likely get worse this time around.

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Judith L. Hubbard ; "the damage of course being taking away the vulnerable electorate needed for a Biden win" : I don't think our electorate is as vulnerable as all that! We are in the majority! We have won the last two elections! The enemies of democracy and much of their media want to convince us that Biden is not a winner! They have paid a lot for the Kennedy name, I would bet! They will do ANYTHING to 'win'! Beware voters!

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Seems Americans love people with big names like Trump and Kennedy. I blame Hollywood, which has created alternative realities for people, just look at Dancing with the Stars or Sons of Anarchy. People came home from work and lost themselves in TV land. It's sad that this Kennedy is polling at 20%, a guy who favors conspiracies over real science. A guy with a name whom some people think of as a winner...hey that was the other guys, not this clown. Some say we deserve the worst of the worst.

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Rosemary Crane ; Republicon wet dreams! Most voters are suffering losses of rights and oppression. challenges against voting! Against Democracy itself! "Some say we deserve the worst of the worst." Sounds like Donald J Trump! He hates us!

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It's deeper than hate. Trump wants total control of the federal government. There is an interesting article in the NYT's as to Trump's plans should he win the 2024 election. It's failry horrendeous but you may have guessed that he plans (and says it out loud) to finnish the job.

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Jul 17, 2023
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Having lived in NY for most my adult years Trump is a criminal and if you think he is the best president I am sorry for you! Very sorry!!! He was the worst President in the entire history of the country and should never have been that close to the nuclear codes. He holds up Putin , Xi and Kim Jong Un as great leaders. They are monsters that murder their own people and Trump thinks they are the best! Genius’s he calls them. He is a Fascist and a criminal.

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Jul 17, 2023
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I am a Moderate Democrat but I can't say your statement is off. The cities that are liberal controlled are all declining, because there is no common sense to governing and accountability is NOT a part of the equation, particularly if someone is a criminal. It is just simply a fact...

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Bob Poole ; New York City is sinking! or the sea level is rising! Your friend's climate denial may not be helping the situation! with a name like Poole, that may explain why that does not concern you!

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Was the Cool Aide you drank orange flavored by any chance?? Go to your MAGAT friends and stay off of substack.

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By the way my comment was for Poole.

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That fool Poole is quite a tool!

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The entire Home Depot, lol

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Jul 17, 2023
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Patriots! Go find a NAZI rally! You may be more comfortable there!

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Bob Poole ; so aware and observant! Feel free to leave any time. Be careful though ; You might learn something! We value facts here; not conspiracy theories and blind hatred! We value the Constitution, the rule of law and the FBI! We support our troops too! All of them ; not white supremacists, sexists and racists! Not white Christian Nationalists, OR NAZIs!

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You are out of your mind if you believe Trump was the best President we have had in a long time.

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Bob Poole ; "The reason I dislike Kennedy so much has to do with the fact that he is a Democrat" DINO ; A MAGA wolf in sheep's clothing! that is what he really is ; the Enemy trying to appear as a Friend! A Trojan Horse! If you think Donald Trump was "the best President we've ever had for many, many years: you must be him! Or he is sitting there dictating to you.

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Go back to bed Bob Poole.

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And BTW it's Orban not Obiden!!

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I believe that’s an Obama tie in. Getting the racism in sideways.

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Bob Poole. To be clear; It's far beyond mean tweets. tfg is responsible for 1/6. How can you ignore that? He encouraged a lunatic element to violently disrupt the democratic process, and did nothing to stop it for hours, despite pleas from his own family and administration.

If not obvious to you before 1/6, there should be no doubt after he demonstrated his willingness to destroy our country for his gain. Mean tweets BS, he's despicable, but more importantly, dangerous.

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I have really enjoyed your emails, until this one. If you can make the statements you have made about RFK, Jr - then you have not done your homework or done any kind of deep research on the topics you slammed. I would think that a mega-brain such as yourself should feel some level of responsibility to only speak to that which you are deeply informed. Your email is clearly an uninformed harsh and angry OPINION of the science and politics of COVID and vaccines. You have stepped way outside your areas of expertise.

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And 'your' area of expertise is what, pray tell? What reliable sources is your friend RFKjr getting his information from? Inquiring minds would like to know. Feel free to cite sources.

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Huh, Inquiring minds... Pray tell...don't they do their own research?

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Yes actually we inquiring minds do engage in our own research and wouldn't rely on yours or for that matter RFKjr's. It's just a figure of speech used in a rather satiric manner. And interesting that my inquiring mind having done my own research has arrived at a diametrically opposed view from yours. Depending on where you vote, it's possible that your inquiring mind will cancel out my inquiring mind. That's the way it works. I stand by my own research however, so no need to cite your sources. Was just kinda curious.

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Sadly, RFK Jr. is no standard bearer of the Democratic ideals his family name used to represent.

"Robert Kennedy Jr., With Musk, Pushes Right-Wing Ideas and Misinformation"


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The similarity among the various comments here to this particular essay from Professor Reich raise suspicions that there is an organized strategy to advance RFK, Jr. on a site where those who are likely Democratic voters might be readers. It will be useful for those same readers to post actual quotes from Kennedy himself because the denials here of what people have actually seen/read/heard are very much like tRump's disinformation tactics. Kennedy is promoting dangerous ideas. His motivations are strange; his thinking is strange. Maybe he's responding to that group of lunatics who gathered in Dallas waiting for the appearance of John F. Kennedy and/or John F. Kennedy, Jr. and RFK, Jr. saw an opportunity to appeal to lunatics. You can support ideas that you like, but if they are coming from someone who also espouses dangerous ideas, that should raise alarms for you.

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Well said.

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Robert R: You've not done your homework. Shooting from the hip with unresearched misinformation of your own is the kind of emotional anger that is far more dangerous than the "gonzo conspiracy theories" you allege.

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Richard M. And you've not done 'your' homework. Time to hone your research skills. You might even wanna read and listen to and understand what your hero RFKjr is actually saying. Sure, he's for peace and against Big Pharma. It's the rest of the dangerous misinformation and downright quackery he espouses that's cause for alarm. But if he's your choice, what can we say. You reap what you sow, bro.

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The Republicans are desperate. One candidate is going to prison, another is turning the country against him with his anti-abortion, anti-LGPTQ, anti-Disney, etc. actions.

So I believe the Republicans are grooming RFK,Jr to ruin a Biden win. And only then just maybe they will have a chance at winning the presidency.

Think about it. RFK, Jr didn’t join the race until such a late date; when the frying pan was getting too hot for the Republican Party. They are DESPERATE!

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Dr. Reich is correct.

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With the clear exception of his understanding of the horrific potential for bioweapons.

And possible exception of his reliance on reports of RFKJr, rather than his own words in full context.

But RFKJr has done a very hard to fix harm to the US ( with ripples to the entire global community) with his failure to be particular enough with his concerns, in those special cases where they have merit, for them to HAVE merit.

In my mind that disqualifies him as a leader in a democracy.

But his arrogance in putting his name forward at the risk of Trump winning, borders on the kind of gestalt ignorance only seen in those born to unqualified privilege.

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I agree

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It's entirely the name that is getting this attention - he personally is a nut, but Americans are so naive they fall into the slightest thing & the NAME is very powerful, so they all ASSUME he would do exactly the same as his famous father would do ! THAT is terrifying but how to stop this is the problem ! As soon as he popped up I started feeling worried !!!

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