History called the period after the Civil War “Reconstruction “. I believe history will name this era as “The age of narcissism “. Are we sick of this yet?

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Reconstruction was a legal response to the war, and it only applied to states that seceded. Trump's 4 year reign may have been the age of narcissism, but we stopped him in 2020 and have to do do it again. IMHO we are confronting the death throes of Fascism. The remedy is purgation. A blue tsunami can end it.


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I am not sure there is a laxative ( part of a definition of "purgation") strong enough to cleanse the world of Trump and Musk. If there was surely it could be put in Trunp's Diet Coke, and what ever Musk drinks.

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But at least the party of love and peace is happy to try. You always out yourselves as destroyers instead of being builders of things of substance. Rampant fear of boogeymen is truly sad.

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Whoa, so you’re a creep. “builders of things of substance was something you could have said before elon became a drug addled dick, but now? He’s an asshole among assholes. Everyone is saying it.

But the other part you wrote is particularly biased and wrong. Especially since the stock market is at peak levels and because our country was founded on liberal values. But frankly, I wouldn’t expect an extremely biased person like YOU 🫵🏼 to know anything about it. You could use a history lesson comrade gorman.

Musk is quickly heading into “pariah” territory. He will continue being an asshole among asdholes. You will too.

P.S. I had enough money to buy one of his cars but after the fucked up moves he’s made, I went with a less authoritarian auto manufacturer and I sure love not having to think about him and cursing my purchase.

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This is a silly and u serious response. Whether Elon Musk isa douche has nothing at all, whatsoever, even a little bit to do with whether or not he is correct about speech or a host of other things. His ego is enormous. So what? Bill Clinton has voracious appetites for sex with a host of women. I think his actions are detestable; I also think that in retrospect he was a good President, notwithstanding him destroying a young woman's life while in the WH.

Don't use pretzel logic when arguing a case, it only appeals to people who use emotion instead of rational thought. Robert Reich is a dirty provocateur using his kindly grandfather style to espouse curtailment of Constitutional freedoms. Anything else is just gilding that lily. You can't win this argument.

And the word "creep" isn't terribly useful in your response.

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What! Chris, what are you talking about. Clinton did have sexual relations with an intern, but it was also she, her friend, Ken Starr, and Republicans like Gingrich who was also cheating that wrecked a young woman's life. Prof. Reich is a definite supporter of freedom of speech, but he and you know that freedom of speech does not mean freedom to use your speech to do harm to others through lies, misinformation, and character assassination. Must is OK with all of those, it seems, as long as no one is aiming those at himself. He is a child-man who has too much money and is smart enough to think he is better than everyone else. His huge ego is letting him be the one who is influencing in ways his abilities would not approve or warrant. And, his sense of reality is not always on point. He is a critic of immigrants while he, himself is an immigrant who was given a quick chance at American citizenship because of his wealth. He escaped no discrimination, no terror; he came here to get more of what he wanted, money and power, and knew people of a certain kind would fall all over themselves to give him, this super rich guy whatever he wanted. Let's face it, he is just not a good guy no matter what the definition of good is.

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Except he's wrong about free speech - he does not support it. In fact, quite the contrary..

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Do dirty provocateurs talk, write and act about the common good or do they talk about and incite revenge and retribution?

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Jacqueline, maybe we need some caring scientists to work on something that can interrupt the narcissistic draw that people like Musk and Trump have that can be put into drinks of people so they would look at these narcissists as what they really are and not what the narcissists want them to believe. I get it that it is predominantly a fascination with money and its acquisition, but not all because Trump is far far less wealthy than he tells everyone, even if one counts all his properties. Must is extremely wealthy but the illusion of wealth is strong with these guys no matter how much money they actually have.

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Summary Of Articles Mapping The Three Biggest Stories Of The 21st Century

That Will Be Broken On 9-9, 9-10 And 9-11-24

by Sean Sheeter

These articles will be published by In These Times, on the comments pages of Substack, The Hartmann Report and Robert Reich's site with the following summary commentary on Rachel Maddow's MSNBC show on 9-9.

Dear In These Times editors,

Again, GOD electronically put your ITT e-address at the top of 241's address book to Prove You Were Chosen To Break The Biggest Story Of The 21st Century: FIVE PROOFS OF GOD - PROOF 2: The difference between Theoretical Speculation and Reality is the very DEFINITION OF GOD as the NONLOCAL FIVE DIMENSIONAL TOTALITY of an ANTI DE SITTER SPACE-TIME whose CYCLE ENDS after 88.088 Billion Light Years, thus FULFILLING Revelation 21:6: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. GOD'S 7-27-23 FACEBOOK POST And PROOF 4 Of WHO I AM: Travis Boothe 4: The 11-21-22 date I posted this on my Facebook homepage is the Culmination of Three Revelations that define my Destiny in life and as such are the ultimate example of God's Cosmically Coordinated Coincidence Control that was Meant to be Fulfilled on that day. My late partner A.J. Meyer and I are the Two "Witnesses" of Revelation 11. A.J.'s model of the universe came from his vision of Revelation 21, while God's Definition of God in Revelation 21:6 refers to the Beginning and End of the Anti de Sitter Universe so Fulfills that Revelation in the 21st Century. And finally my Prophesy of Jesus revealing Himself as Christ the Messiah on His 12-25-2122 22nd birthday, hence Fulfilling the last book of the Bible, Revelation 22.

The above paragraph summarizes the essence of what the other media outlets here should mention before directing their readers to these other breakthrough special edition ITT articles on 9-9. Besides ITT, I only addressed this (first on 9-1) To Rachel Maddow for three reasons: 1. her most recognizable name, 2. her MSNBC news show is solely worthy of breaking this story on TV that night and 3. the fact that her show is presently only on Monday so she's in a unique position to direct her listener's to the ITT articles on 9-10 and 9-11 at the end of her show. With respect to what you can choose to also emphasize on your show that night Rachel, mention of the common thread of Gnostic spirituality between Christians, Sufis, Buddhists and pre-Christian Essenes is essential as well as the 4D to 5D back to 4D after death experience in the paragraph about past lives in My religious history and intention of uniting God's religions (so followed by the Sufi tale The Story Of Fire). Thomas Paine's lead quote in So in summary... sets up Religions keeping man ignorant of the Creator as Governments keep man ignorant of his rights. Have a field day tearing apart the Supreme Court and Christian Nationalists Rachel, most easily reading the whole thing (best sans justices other than Roberts and Alito) concluding everything with the 1-2 two sentence summary of what the GOP means by Freedom. Followed by the articles Schisms In and Between Religions, Governments and Politics in One World with One God, The Shocking GOP Plan to Dismantle the American Government Revealed and A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's.

9-10: Biggest Science Story is the final word this century on cosmology and physics: You should also mention that POG3-A Comparison of Standard Cosmology and Physics with reference to chapters and sections in The Unified 11 Dimensional Field Solution opens with PROOF OF GOD 3 and that I have changed the title for the extended 17 chapter book titled The Unified 11 Dimensional Field Solution to The Unified 11 Dimensional Explanation Of Everything. Proof 3 refers to the three Figures of Diagram 1 in The Sixth Class of String Theory, which not only Maps the First Stage of Creation/Inflation but also section 5 of chapter 9: The SuperSymmetric Creation of Baryons and Dark Matter. And finally I'm asking for a partner to help me find a publisher and run 241 after the 17, 11 chapter editions of the physics book and a hardcover edition of my 1988 Projective Geometry textbook gets published.

9-11: Biggest Political Stories: The last sentence in both On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia and Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron: So since the huge event of President Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors? It follows that Joe Biden turning the next Presidency over to the Daughter of Two University Professors on Sunday the Twenty First of July is the Biggest Political Story of the Twenty First Century and the Ultimate Example Of GOD'S COSMICALLY COORDINATED COINCIDENCE CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!! 9-11-2001 Revisited' begins with Ted Irwin's amazing story he posted on 8-15 of psychically being given the name of the one man out of five who died when he showed up for work that day for his trillions of dollars of Carbon Trading Patents. The article ends with me reiterating the story about ex-atheist Kevin Coffey's 1971 vision of 9-11-01 and GOD SPEAKING TO HIM the next day, which therefore on 3-23-24 became The FIFTH PROOF OF GOD, Ted's story thus becoming The SIXTH PROOF I shared with ITT on 8-21!!!!!! The last article is a 14 page copy of Ted's Facebook post titled 9-11-01 Revisited.

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In early 2000, after corresponding with my late partner A.J. Meyer for 12 years he told me he came up with his model of the universe after praying to God for a solution and soon had a vision that it would come from Revelation 21. Whereby on 10-11-00 the Monolith Number answered the #1 question posed at the Strings 2000 physics conference. In late 2020 I discovered Revelation 21:6, the centerpiece of the last three of 4 Proofs Of GOD as the Theological Proof that we live in an Anti de Sitter cosmos, as shown in 2 space-time dimensions on the cover of my first 1981 book (pages 2 and 3 of Chapter 11's Biography of A.J. Meyer and Sean Sheeter).

This is a Preface to both the extended 17 chapters of The Unified 11 Dimensional Field Solution meant for physics libraries, physicists and others who want a deeper exploration of these paradigm shifting breakthroughs and the abbreviated 11 chapters of God's Unified 11 Dimensional Universe meant for physics/religion libraries and everybody in the general public with an interest in a Cosmological Unification Of Physics That Unites All Religions Under One God!!!!!!!!!!! The first two chapters are summarized in Proofs 2 and 3.

"It has been the scheme of the Christian Church, and of all the other invented systems of religion, to hold man in ignorance of the Creator, as it is of governments to hold man in the ignorance of his rights. The systems of the one are as false as those of the other, and are calculated for mutual support."  Thomas Paine


1. HISTORICAL/LOGICAL: Google the proofs and writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. He had at least 5 proofs for God. Here are two of them. The Second Way: Efficient Cause

1. Nothing is the efficient cause of itself.

2. If A is the efficient cause of B, then if A is absent, so is B.

3. Efficient causes are ordered from first cause, through intermediate cause(s), to ultimate effect.

4. By (2) and (3), if there is no first cause, there cannot be any ultimate effect.

5. But there are effects.

6. Therefore there must be a first cause for all of them: God.

The Third Way: Possibility and Necessity

1. "We find in nature things that are possible to be and not to be:" contingent beings.

2. Everything is either necessary or contingent.

3. Assume that everything is contingent.

4. "It is impossible for [contingent beings] always to exist, for that which can not-be at some time is not."

5. Therefore, by (3) and (4), at one time there was nothing.

6. "That which does not exist begins to exist only through something already existing."

7. Therefore, by (5) and (6), there is nothing now.

8. But there is something now!

9. Therefore (3) is false.

10. Therefore, by (2), there is a necessary being: God.

2. COSMOLOGICAL/DEFINITIONAL/PROPHETIC: Quantum Entanglement employs a Non-Local Instantaneous Quantum Mechanical Connection Across SPACE in a 5-Dimensional Anti de Sitter Space-Time.

The Anti de Sitter cosmos has a 3-Dimensional Euclidean Space which is Carried through the 4th Dimension of Time by a Primordial Gravitational Wave that was originally Emitted in the Big Bang. At the Big Bang the Totality of Space was a Cosmological White Hole with an Inflation Termination Radius of 7.18 meters whose Exterior Spatial Horizon proceeds to Expand outward at Light Speed before becoming the Interior Spatial Horizon of a Cosmological Black Hole with a Radius of 44.044 Billion Light Years. Which thereafter begins Contracting, finally Ending Time in the Big Gravitational Crunch after the Full AdS Cycle of 88.088 Billion Light Years.

The 5th Dimension of the Anti de Sitter Cosmology consists of a Non-Local Time-Symmetric Quantum Mechanical Connection between Future and Past that can only be Humanly Witnessed via Precognition and Prophesy. The difference between Theoretical Speculation and Reality is the very DEFINITION OF GOD as the NONLOCAL FIVE DIMENSIONAL TOTALITY of an ANTI DE SITTER SPACE-TIME whose CYCLE ENDS after 88.088 Billion Light Years, thus FULFILLING Revelation 21:6: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.”

3. GEOMETRICAL/MATHEMATICAL MAPPING Of CREATION/INFLATION: Here's the Answer to Albert Einstein's question "Did God have a choice in creating the universe" in terms of Fulfilling Revelation 21:6 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end:" Omega and Alpha Meet in one Timeless 11 Dimensional Point called the Motz/Planck Primaton, whose Mass is Derived by multiplying the Combined Proton and Electron Mass by 2 to the 63.5 power. God's Alpha Act of Creation is a Quantum Gravitational Jump to the Effective Planck Mass, whose mass is derived by multiplying Mp+e by 2 to 63.5-1/241. This Initiates Inflation by Doubly-Looped String Unravelings whose First Stage Creates 18 Superposed 6D Strings and Planck Masses from the One initial Planck mass, as represented in the three Figures of Diagram I in The Sixth Class of String Theory. The String Unravelings Cease when space has Inflated to the Heavy Higgs Scale, which is defined by dividing the Monolith Number 203+1/241 = Nu by 4, whereby the Universal Mass is Restored as Calculated by multiplying the Planck mass by 2^Nu. [There's a Second de Sitter Inflationary Era which Ends when the 4D Space is Reduced to a 3D Space at Nu/3, whereby the Spin 6 Planck masses break into 4 Primordial Spin 3/2 Gravitinos in a Third Anti de Sitter Inflationary Era that Terminates at the Big Bang's White Hole Radius of 7Nu/12 = 7.18 meters, which continues to Expand with the Emission of a 4D Primordial Gravitational Wave that was Generated by 2^5Nu/4 = 2.442996015 x 10^76 Heavy Higgs bosons.]

4. GOD'S PROOF Of GOD Via GOD'S PROOF Of WHO I AM: Yesterday 7-27-23 produced the following most amazing, incredible event of my life! I was posting replies to a fellow's query on Neil deGrasse Tyson's Facebook page about the Big Bang with The Sixth Class of String Theory. I then got to the following post:

Travis Boothe 4: The 11-21-22 date I posted this on my Facebook homepage is the Culmination of Three Revelations that define my Destiny in life and as such are the ultimate example of God's Cosmically Coordinated Coincidence Control that was Meant to be Fulfilled on that day. My late partner A.J. Meyer and I are the Two "Witnesses" of Revelation 11. A.J.'s model of the universe came from his vision of Revelation 21, while God's Definition of God in Revelation 21:6 refers to the Beginning and End of the Anti de Sitter Universe so Fulfills that Revelation in the 21st Century. And finally my Prophesy of Jesus revealing Himself as Christ the Messiah on His 12-25-2122 22nd birthday, hence Fulfilling the last book of the Bible, Revelation 22.

5: It took me 11 days to collate, write and edit the final above copy, only adding the 5D to 4D solution to wave-function collapse in the first days after the 11-21-22 post. I answered the top two questions posed at the Strings 2000 physics conference so am 22 years ahead of every physicist on this planet. Most of the papers I wrote over the first 20 years are available on the Summary page at my 241mumbers.com website and the papers on the cosmology I wrote over the last two years are available in serial order on my Facebook page, culminating in the 11-21-22 paper

In a nutshell, the above is from the concluding sections of the preceding chapter 1 - God's Unified Five Dimensional Universe as - I DID NOT POST THE ABOVE, GOD DID!!!!!!!!!!!


On Friday 3-22-24 I posted the 4 PROOFS OF GOD on the following site:

Michio Kaku post: “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.” Max Planck

Quantum physics says there exists a universal energy that has the attributes of God. This energy has consciousness and creativity.

3-23: Kev Coffey I was an atheist until the day after I had a vision of the 9/11 attacks. That was in 1971. I knew the vision was important although I was still an atheist. I was spoken to by God when wondering what it meant, so that was my atheism out the window. I had to wait 30 years, though, to know what the vision meant.

Good luck with your work but this is very much the age of atheism and contempt for philosophy. We must wait for history to unfold.

This comment preceded my reply to Kevin: Wow, right before I posted a summary of my book to you below, I realized we've just got GOD'S FIFTH PROOF that took 53 years in the making!!!!!

Flash forward three weeks later Friday: Three weeks ago Friday I posted the 4 Proofs on a post of Max Planck's quote about GOD'S UNIVERSAL MIND. Then last Sunday: Yesterday (Saturday 4-6-24, two weeks to the day after I found out about Kevin's 1971 vision of 9-11 thirty years before it happened) I found that a fellow named Evaylo Dolmov posted the following on Dr. Kaku's site: By Design: Behe, Lennox, and Meyer on the Evidence for the Creator: Which is a YouTube interview with two evolutionary biologists and a mathematician presenting all the arguments for Intelligent Design. One can argue against naive Darwinism all day to no effect without knowing that Superpositioned Qubits in Quantum Computing are Also Governed By GOD'S ANTI DE SITTER FIFTH DIMENSION! GOD Set This Up With Kev 53 Years Ago, Shut Down 241's Ability To Make Or Send Attachments for 4 Days On 3-21, two days later Kev and I find out about each other and GOD'S FIFTH PROOF Is Born!!!!! Then yesterday there was a third post Quoting Professor Kaku by a fellow named Armin Montevaghe about the wisdom of the God of Einstein, whose Question about God's choice in Creating the Universe is Answered in Proof 3. Which I thought was complete until a fourth MK post on 4-20 made me add this line: ..., which continues to Expand with the Emission of a 4D Primordial Gravitational Wave that was Generated by 2^5Nu/4 = 2.442996015 x 10^76 Heavy Higgs bosons.

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So in summary....

So in summary let us briefly update and address the two central themes in Thomas Paine's precocious quote: "It has been the scheme of the Christian Church, and of all the other invented systems of religion, to hold man in ignorance of the Creator, as it is of governments to hold man in the ignorance of his rights. The systems of the one are as false as those of the other, and are calculated for mutual support." 

So let's talk about the relation between religion and polytrix in the US government. We have a Supreme Court with six Catholics, steering religion and politics to the far right, away from the Creator. We'll comeback to the original conclusion after this read about the last act taken by the Supreme Court on the first of July. TruthBeTold's post from Jim Hightower's daily news letter on 7-2:

Today the U S Supreme Court overturned the centuries long conviction of Pontius Pilate, absolving him of any responsibility for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

In a 6-3 decision along party lines, Chief Justice John Roberts found in error the long standing verdict of history that the Governor of Judea had acted out of personal motivation. Quite the contrary, Roberts wrote, it was strictly within Pilate’s official capacity that he ordered the crucifixion.

In support of his conclusion that Pilate was not acting out of personal motives, Roberts noted a heretofore unrecognized fact. Pilate actually admired Christ and had for a time considered making him court jester after being told of Christ’s whimsical parables. However, after Christ fed the multitude on three fishes and five loaves, Pilate sought to have him elevated to high priest, a plan denounced by Joseph ben Caiaphas, the incumbent. To mollify Caiaphas, but primarily to remove a threat to his regime, Pilate reluctantly ordered the crucifixion, an act well within the governor’s official duties, The first duty of every official, Roberts wrote, is to preserve and perpetuate his rule, be he governor, satrap or inspector of hides and brands.

In his concurring opinion, Justice Kavanaugh noted that crucifixion was not a death sentence, merely a punishment. Unfortunately, he wrote, some individuals perversely elected to die on the cross just to embarrass a government toward which they were ill disposed. Likewise in the case of time honored punishments such as keel-hauling and flogging there were the occasional fatalities, regrettable but hardly of consequence.

Justice Gorsuch noted in his concurrence that in olden times, measures which today are deemed cruel and unusual were in fact a necessity. Trial by water and trial by fire, he observed, were the only ways to get at the facts before the advent of the polygraph and Fox News.

Remarking the perspective she had gained occupying the Tomas de Torquemada Chair of Jurisprudence at Notre Dame, Justice Barrett stated with apodictic certainty that had prosecutors been deprived of the rack, the thumbscrew and the iron maiden, many great truths would have gone unrevealed.

Despite having been challenged to recuse himself when it was learned that Harlan Crow had given him Pilate’s solid gold death mask, Justice Thomas wrote a concurring opinion, the gist being: redemption. Romans, he observed, had long since become good Catholics and were thereby redeemed by Christ himself; they had hardly bothered anyone since their conversion, with the exception of Al Capone in Chicago, Lucky Luciano in New York, and Sam Alito in Washington, DC.

Justice Alito declared that no way could Pilate have gotten a fair trial, with the populace spreading the word that Christ was the only begotten son of God. The scriptures, Alito emphatically stated, say that we all are the children of God, and scriptures take precedence over man’s laws. “We here in this very court,” he continued, “we six justices are a testament to that divinity. If we don’t sitteth at the right hand of God, I don’t know who does.”

Justices Kagan, Sotomayor and Jackson, knowing their six confreres better than anyone, dissented.

The first thing of importance is Robert's conclusion that Pilate (Trump) was not acting out of personal motives for any of his actions leading to 1-6-21. The second thing of importance is "the first duty of every official, Roberts wrote, is to preserve and perpetuate his rule," embracing the Big Lie that Trump won the electoral vote. Then we have Alito's blasphemous conclusion “We here in this very court,” he continued, “we six justices are a testament to that divinity. If we don’t sitteth at the right hand of God, I don’t know who does.” Jesus Christ Alone Sits At The Right Hand Of GOD!!!!

We have a new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president. Who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025, as outlined at the end of Thom Hartmann's historical analysis of what led up to The Shocking GOP Plan to Dismantle the American Government. And all the while you've watched the Republican Party champion the idea of "freedom" while you have also watched the same party openly assault various freedoms, like the freedom to vote, freedom to choose, freedom to marry who you want, freedom for your children's teachers and librarians to have them read what they want, freedom to form unions and so on. If this has been a source of confusion, then your assessments of what Republicans mean by freedom were likely too generous. Here is what they mean: 1. The freedom to tell people what to do. 2. Freedom from being told what to do.


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From a response I gave to a fellow today who wanted to give two "likes" to my post So in summary.... on the Thom Hartmann Report: Thom gave it a like too and Sunday Cc'd cover letter and 7 attachments (above is the 4th, Thom's the 6th) breaking the biggest story of the 21st century to his wife Louise for publication by In These Times on 9-9. Which will be followed by 2 the next day (the biggest science story) and on 9-11 4 more (biggest political story sans 2 other's exposing the Antichrist as since 8-15-24 Both the FIFTH And SIXTH PROOFS OF GOD entail 9-11-01!!!!!! ITT, Rachel Maddow and Louise don't know it yet but I'm going to also post all articles in reverse order capped on 9-9 by Sunday's summary letter to ITT and Rachel here and on Robert Reich's comments page.

The first article on 9-11 is titled On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia. The last sentence of first paragraph: Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Fourth paragraph: As that pretty well covers corporate TV and print media bias so now we get to the meat of the matter: Corporate Social Media starting with the Richest guy on the planet – Elon Musk. From a 10-2-23 article titled What was Elon Musk's strategy for buying Twitter? by NBC New's Ben Collins. On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright. Turns out those anonymous text messages were sent by the far-right blogger Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 for having spoken on a panel alongside white nationalists. The article on Beattie’s site (revolver.news) begins with a baseless claim that censorship on Twitter cost President Donald Trump the 2020 election. “Free speech online is what enabled the Trump revolution in 2016,” the anonymous author wrote. “If the Internet had been as free in 2020 as it was four years before, Trump would have cruised to reelection.” The author said that “Step 1” after a Musk takeover would be: “Blame the platform for its users.” He or she predicted that “Twitter would be blamed for every so-called act of ‘racism’ ‘sexism’ and ‘transphobia’ occurring on its platform.” After Musk’s purchase of Twitter was finalized in October 2022, he allowed previously suspended accounts to return. “In the nearly 18 months since (he bought Twitter), many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination,” which the fascist went on to blame for the 25 billion buck loss of 60% of the X Twitter ad revenue.

Of course Musk also has his Facebook fan page, whose “free speech” algorithm has been updated to at last barring me from responding to or posting any comment. On July 16 the Jim Hightower team's daily post was titled We've been censored by Facebook! And you probably have been, too. They said in the last week or so they'd seen a lot of social media posts about Project 2025 and when they tried to post their article about it on Facebook it was immediately removed as going against their Community Standards on spam. (Ironically one of the author's of the piece barred me “for 100 years” from posting anything on Hightower's site after posting my months old paper that ends with “the new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president, who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025” on multiple comments to their post, violating Their policy on 'spam'!) “I started asking colleagues who work in progressive communications and technology if they’d heard about things like this happening. We’ve now found out that this has been a pattern happening to other organizations publicizing the harm that Project 2025 (“P25”) could do to the country.”

So now that we have fully summarized Anti-Trump News Suppression In Corporate Media, the first question is how in the hell can Progressive Media Counter Mega Billionaire Support Of Trump? Easy and Only Answer – make sure everybody is presented with this Comparison Between The Candidates: Since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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IMHO, the passage of the Reconstruction Acts was a political response to the end of the Civil War in a grossly failed attempt to bring the Confederate states back into the union in a cautious but *dignified* way, help rebuild the south, and provide protections for recently emancipated African slaves. Reconstruction never provided these protections as envisioned by Frederick Douglas, who wrote an impassioned paper about its need but faulty implementation. Moreover, the confederate states *demanded*, and got, representation in congress again before agreeing to rejoin the union. The post-Lincoln Johnson administration was weak and incompetent in its efforts to reconstruct the south and hold the confederate states accountable for their treasonous actions. For his efforts, Johnson, an NC Republican, was impeached by the House but acquitted in the Senate. Reconstruction was an abysmal failure; Jim Crow laws in the south were not.



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Thanks for the "bon mots" and encouragement. ("heart")

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Worse. It's the Age of Malignant Narcissism.

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Paula Dean : yes, malignant and metastasizing

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malignant, metastasizing, and, consequently, unsustainable narcissism.

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Most untreated malignancies result in death of the host. Nuff said.

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Wayne : self destruction, in this case. They should be cut off somehow. Maybe with a tsunami of blue 🗳 votes.

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Or a Second Amendment.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18

Meaning? We need more unbridled use of weapons under a twisted rationalization over self defense from a law written when there were only muskets with one shot every few minutes? Interpretation is everything in the law. The war weapons on the street today are assault weapons, not for self defense.

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We must stop "hosting" them . Tax the hell out of them and prosecute the ones who should be prosecuted., and punished.

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It seems DJT suffers from an especially virulent and untreatable form of malignant narcissism exacerbated by oral diarrhea and selective hearing. I would like to see him self-treat with sodium hypochlorite injections followed by a regimen of UV suppositories.

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UV suppositories !? Hot stuff! May send him in orbit. Accompanying the eeel - on Musk in space.

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It's the "age of destruction:" destruction of democracy and destruction of the biosphere.

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The truth will set us free or . . . wreak havoc upon us if we don't soon hurry up and heed the BLARING WARNINGS!

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Erasing words such as "reproductive rights" from all Federal documents , what else would. Project 2025 like to erase women's right to vote?

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Betty, the answer to what else "project 2025" would like to erase, women's voting, women's participation in public life unless men agreed to it, older women forced to babysit kids for free in lieu of child care, and erasing women's history. Republican men and their female surrogates are already working on those and we keep somehow voting for them as though they have our interests at heart; they don't. Now how do we get that message across to women and our allies?

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Bot much? Where’d you attend third grade? So Reich has employed a bot farm?! Talk about a Narcissist! He also has short man, little penis mega ego bloatism! What he lacks in height and dick he makes up with his large undeniable flapping asshole! If the name Reich isn’t hint enough as to where his OWN angry hate filled lineage hails then if you are a real person, you are indeed shit for brains.

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How's the weather in St. Petersburg, Komrade?

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Actually that would be you asshole. You’re doing it right now.

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Christopher Lasch (1932-1994) saw it coming.

"The Age of Narcissism" -- 1979. The book took a clinical diagnostic term and made it into a common word.

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I recall the book. It was prescient.

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wan't the hippie movement narcissistic?

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The flower children were all about enjoying nature and free love. I don't see any room for the way Trump views himself.

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a denial of responsibility, perhaps?

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Hippies of the 1960's were advocates of doing their own thing, without the guilt that conventional society placed upon them for doing so. They eschewed the violence they saw taking over the country and tried to counter it with messages of peace. I was never a hippie (though, as a musician I did have long hair), but I related to their message.

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Trumps never been irresponsible! 🤪

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Responsibility for what, Victor? Vietnam?

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4

Victor K. : Not any more than the attempt to ",make America "great' Again " (,for the obscenely greedy). Now THAT is narcissism.

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From a response I gave to a fellow today who wanted to give two "likes" to my post So in summary.... on the Thom Hartmann Report: Thom gave it a like too and Sunday Cc'd cover letter and 7 attachments (above is the 4th, Thom's the 6th) breaking the biggest story of the 21st century to his wife Louise for publication by In These Times on 9-9. Which will be followed by 2 the next day (the biggest science story) and on 9-11 4 more (biggest political story sans 2 other's exposing the Antichrist as since 8-15-24 Both the FIFTH And SIXTH PROOFS OF GOD entail 9-11-01!!!!!! ITT, Rachel Maddow and Louise don't know it yet but I'm going to also post all articles in reverse order capped on 9-9 by Sunday's summary letter to ITT and Rachel here and on Robert Reich's comments page.

The first article on 9-11 is titled On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia. The last sentence of first paragraph: Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Fourth paragraph: As that pretty well covers corporate TV and print media bias so now we get to the meat of the matter: Corporate Social Media starting with the Richest guy on the planet – Elon Musk. From a 10-2-23 article titled What was Elon Musk's strategy for buying Twitter? by NBC New's Ben Collins. On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright. Turns out those anonymous text messages were sent by the far-right blogger Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 for having spoken on a panel alongside white nationalists. The article on Beattie’s site (revolver.news) begins with a baseless claim that censorship on Twitter cost President Donald Trump the 2020 election. “Free speech online is what enabled the Trump revolution in 2016,” the anonymous author wrote. “If the Internet had been as free in 2020 as it was four years before, Trump would have cruised to reelection.” The author said that “Step 1” after a Musk takeover would be: “Blame the platform for its users.” He or she predicted that “Twitter would be blamed for every so-called act of ‘racism’ ‘sexism’ and ‘transphobia’ occurring on its platform.” After Musk’s purchase of Twitter was finalized in October 2022, he allowed previously suspended accounts to return. “In the nearly 18 months since (he bought Twitter), many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination,” which the fascist went on to blame for the 25 billion buck loss of 60% of the X Twitter ad revenue.

Of course Musk also has his Facebook fan page, whose “free speech” algorithm has been updated to at last barring me from responding to or posting any comment. On July 16 the Jim Hightower team's daily post was titled We've been censored by Facebook! And you probably have been, too. They said in the last week or so they'd seen a lot of social media posts about Project 2025 and when they tried to post their article about it on Facebook it was immediately removed as going against their Community Standards on spam. (Ironically one of the author's of the piece barred me “for 100 years” from posting anything on Hightower's site after posting my months old paper that ends with “the new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president, who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025” on multiple comments to their post, violating Their policy on 'spam'!) “I started asking colleagues who work in progressive communications and technology if they’d heard about things like this happening. We’ve now found out that this has been a pattern happening to other organizations publicizing the harm that Project 2025 (“P25”) could do to the country.”

So now that we have fully summarized Anti-Trump News Suppression In Corporate Media, the first question is how in the hell can Progressive Media Counter Mega Billionaire Support Of Trump? Easy and Only Answer – make sure everybody is presented with this Comparison Between The Candidates: Since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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WHY do you feel the need to post these long diatribes MORE THAN ONCE? WE CAN ALL READ, YOU KNOW (THE FIRST TIME AROUND!!)!

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I reply to folks addressing the subject at hand, which was Elon Musk. This is the first article on 9-11 is titled On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia, a subject Dr. Reich posted on both 7-8 and 8-8. I don't recall responding to you because you did not address that subject, which was not my and my various partners smuggling pot from Mexico or growing da kind and distributing it respectively in San Diego and Berkeley.

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Then just read it once silly!🤪 BUT APPARENTLY EVERYTHING must BE EXPLAINED TO you because your only response was to chastise him for writing. 🤦🏽‍♀️

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Just report him as a spammer, people, and stop yelling.

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And who appointed you bitch for the day, Bitch? Wow! Having a seriously bad day, are you??

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Thank you for the reference.

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They may call this time "WW2.1". The powers that lost WW2.0 haven't gone away, and they've learned a lot in the past 80 years. Fascism was a tool to prevent the spread of communism and now it's a tool to destroy democracy. The powers behind the current movement are legacy monarchs and present day oligarchs, just as it was 100 years ago.

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Paul, what you say is true as far as it goes, but fascism was and is more than crushing Communism or the Left in general. Fascism wishes to return to a mythical past; it is a manifestation of anti-modernity. It is a form of denial of reality.

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Polls show that yes, yes we are. Bunkerboy is losing in 6 of 7 asinine swing states with one a tie. TEXAS is in play this year!!! I knew our Texas brothers and sisters wouldn't stand for this despite it's regressive policies and Dear Leader.

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Kamala has a LOT of money coming her way during this election. Maybe record amounts. I hope they target some of that toward Texas. If she wins Texas, the election is over by 8 pm.

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I don't know. Is Texas even in play for president?

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steve - I wondered that myself but the recent raids of people who are trying to help register people have me wondering if the republicans in Texas are in fact afraid.

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They are desperate and now, criminal.

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Laurie - “like” Yes, it’s sad.

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Texas polling is unreliable, but the most reliable pollster there, YouGov (that's not saying much) has a 5% spread favoring Trump. Polls in past elections skewed wrongly and underestimated Trump's strength. I think the opposite is happening this time. So yes, I think it's in play, but just barely.


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We should let Abbot secede, without government handouts.

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I only have one reply to that (written before I started my substack newsletter):


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About 5% seems the answer. https://www.newsweek.com/kamala-harris-chances-beating-donald-trump-texas-polls-1947135

Why would you think its the opposite this time?

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I think the polls are misjudging Harris' strength this time, whereas in prior polls they underestimated Trump's strength. They've spent years trying to make corrections to how to more accurately poll potential Trump voters, but have had zero time to deal with the new Harris phenomenon. Additionally, many Harris voters will simply not respond to polls.

A very small sample size of one is me. I never answer my phone when I don't know who it is or it doesn't, at the least, come from a verified number (most polls are marked as spam by Google Fi, which is my provider). I don't think I'm particularly unusual within the pool of Harris voters.

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I think the polls are misjudging Harris' strength this time, whereas in prior polls they underestimated Trump's strength. They've spent years trying to make corrections to how to more accurately poll potential Trump voters, but have had zero time to deal with the new Harris phenomenon. Additionally, many Harris voters will simply not respond to polls.

A very small sample size of one is me. I never answer my phone when I don't know who it is or it doesn't, at the least, come from a verified number (most polls are marked as spam by Google Fi, which is my provider). I don't think I'm particularly unusual within the pool of Harris voters.

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Totally Virginia.. totally sick of this and so sick can’t sleep at night over the lack of protection the tax paying , moral majority of good truth telling and intelligent citizens are lacking. Other countries are warning these out of control freaks! What we should boycott are these phones and the inter-net. Never have we been under attack mentally and socially like today.

How dare we put up with paying taxes that then go to those who lie and cheat .

My God America!!!!! Have you no pride?????

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Have you no common sense America?

You won't find that with 6 on the Supreme Court. This court has jumped the track and come crashing down the mountainside.

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And we all know who stacked that deck. Ugh

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steve--That crash you heard wasn't the court's fault the cause rests squarely on Donald Trump.

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Sep 4·edited Sep 5

Yes, we should stop "hosting" the parasites.

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I am sick, like vomit of all of it and Musk, his hate machine, the man like Trump, is devoid of humanity, of compassion and he is cut from the same cloth as Trump, a tyrant, hell bent on more power and control while he continues his fascist rampaged to destroy our democracy

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America needs an Emetic to get rid of nausea. Lock them up. They will be out of circulation, and we all feel better!

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Sep 3·edited Sep 6

The "eve of destruction"? II can't believe we're on the eve of destruction" old early 60's or mid 60's song. Prescient.

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"The Age of Narcissism" is the title of a book, written by a Catholic if I am not wrong. Vance accuses "cat ladies" of being narcissists, and he, as you know, converted to Catholicism in 2019. The women who "kill their babies by abortion are "narcissists," too , in this narrative. So be aware that the term "narcissism" has become a political weapon that can be used by all sides, hence of dubious utility. All the main religions condemn self-centereredness, but have a poor track record in containing it.

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Yes but the right uses it in an antonymic fashion. They don't understand that many words, mean the exact opposite of how they use them.

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Having a deficiency in originality, "their side" simply echos ours.

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They project what they are doing onto everyone else who opposes them.

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No, it's the age of the globalists. And the globalists are using censorship to stop people from talking about how awful so many policies have been.

The founding fathers made freedom of speech an ABSOLUTE RIGHT, and put it in the FIRST AMENDMENT to the bill of rights, along with freedom of religion, for a reason.

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There is no single "absolute right" because having that infringes on other rights.

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No, it will e more accurately referred to as Cold War 2.0 - The Russians almost won it in 2020 (and it was a near thing) - this is the rematch.

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Virginia - “like”

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From a response I gave to a fellow today who wanted to give two "likes" to my post So in summary.... on the Thom Hartmann Report: Thom gave it a like too and Sunday Cc'd cover letter and 7 attachments (above is the 4th, Thom's the 6th) breaking the biggest story of the 21st century to his wife Louise for publication by In These Times on 9-9. Which will be followed by 2 the next day (the biggest science story) and on 9-11 4 more (biggest political story sans 2 other's exposing the Antichrist as since 8-15-24 Both the FIFTH And SIXTH PROOFS OF GOD entail 9-11-01!!!!!! ITT, Rachel Maddow and Louise don't know it yet but I'm going to also post all articles in reverse order capped on 9-9 by Sunday's summary letter to ITT and Rachel here and on Robert Reich's comments page.

The first article on 9-11 is titled On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia. The last sentence of first paragraph: Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Fourth paragraph: As that pretty well covers corporate TV and print media bias so now we get to the meat of the matter: Corporate Social Media starting with the Richest guy on the planet – Elon Musk. From a 10-2-23 article titled What was Elon Musk's strategy for buying Twitter? by NBC New's Ben Collins. On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright. Turns out those anonymous text messages were sent by the far-right blogger Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 for having spoken on a panel alongside white nationalists. The article on Beattie’s site (revolver.news) begins with a baseless claim that censorship on Twitter cost President Donald Trump the 2020 election. “Free speech online is what enabled the Trump revolution in 2016,” the anonymous author wrote. “If the Internet had been as free in 2020 as it was four years before, Trump would have cruised to reelection.” The author said that “Step 1” after a Musk takeover would be: “Blame the platform for its users.” He or she predicted that “Twitter would be blamed for every so-called act of ‘racism’ ‘sexism’ and ‘transphobia’ occurring on its platform.” After Musk’s purchase of Twitter was finalized in October 2022, he allowed previously suspended accounts to return. “In the nearly 18 months since (he bought Twitter), many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination,” which the fascist went on to blame for the 25 billion buck loss of 60% of the X Twitter ad revenue.

Of course Musk also has his Facebook fan page, whose “free speech” algorithm has been updated to at last barring me from responding to or posting any comment. On July 16 the Jim Hightower team's daily post was titled We've been censored by Facebook! And you probably have been, too. They said in the last week or so they'd seen a lot of social media posts about Project 2025 and when they tried to post their article about it on Facebook it was immediately removed as going against their Community Standards on spam. (Ironically one of the author's of the piece barred me “for 100 years” from posting anything on Hightower's site after posting my months old paper that ends with “the new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president, who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025” on multiple comments to their post, violating Their policy on 'spam'!) “I started asking colleagues who work in progressive communications and technology if they’d heard about things like this happening. We’ve now found out that this has been a pattern happening to other organizations publicizing the harm that Project 2025 (“P25”) could do to the country.”

So now that we have fully summarized Anti-Trump News Suppression In Corporate Media, the first question is how in the hell can Progressive Media Counter Mega Billionaire Support Of Trump? Easy and Only Answer – make sure everybody is presented with this Comparison Between The Candidates: Since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Let’s get JB Pritzker to sort things out… with Reid Hoffman… and Alex Soros… (and maybe Oprah?). OUR kind of billionaires! They can tell us what to do and think!

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by Robert Reich

Professor Reich: elon musk is wildly out of control in a deranged trumpian meltdown sort of way. every day on twitter is like stepping through a live minefield, although things have improved (for me) since i muted and blocked musk -- i am not often subjected to his crazed drooling nowadays (although he does sometimes force his way onto my timeline, as i am sure, he does to millions of others who simply want some peace.)

i've also been astounded at musk's audacity: musk grew up a poor little rich racist boy on the proceeds of his daddy's South African emerald mines that indentured native peoples scratched around in to (barely) feed the great massuhs' greed, before departing for canada, then becoming an illegal immigrant to the united states, where he decided that, if he can't be voted in as president, he CAN declare himself emperor, where he can destroy countless lives -- now that's power, according to fElon musk!

like trump, musk broke the law countless times. his wealth should be stripped (most of it came from US taxpayers) and he should be deported because he entered the country illegally.

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When Musk purchased twitter, I deleted my app! Why haven’t other Americans done the same! Where is the US Government? Where is the DOJ? There are no laws in the US for trump or musk! Have Americans had enough of this autocratic takeover? You couldn’t give me a free Tesla!

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Both of these things, ( MUSK and TUMP) need to be destroyed as soon as possible. These two horrific freaks of nature are an extreme and present danger to the entire world! I have never been a follower on his BS propaganda site, X or twitler. Hmmm, twitler rhymes with Hitler! That says it all. I wouldn't have one of his crummy ass Tesla piece of junk cars.

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Zuckerberg and Bezos as well.

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I trust Robert Reich. How dare Musk insult him !!! Money corrupts absolutely

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Bunkerboy has ZERO chance of winning in 2024 IF WE VOTE and Twitter is in the throes of bankruptcy. Sad! RIHGOP!

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I fear it is not going to happen. I've noticed the use of smart phones and the rise of the right.

If it weren't for cell phones, Trump would have stayed nothing more than the star of Apprentice.,

If it weren't for cell phones, there would have been no Jan 6th. Boebert used hers to give the go signal for the attack on the Capitol, She typed 1776, the moment the electoral votes from Arizona were to be counted.

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The cell phone is more powerful than the gun--use it!

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Victor --Agreed, and no one under the age of 16 should be allowed to have one.

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Not me Vic. I enjoy the peace and quiet of not having my life constantly distrubed. Bad enough with the homephone, starts ringing betwen 0630 and 0700 hrs, damn Indian and Philippine call centers. My blocked memory is used up. I have caller ID so I pick it up and hang it up without answering.

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Tesla is a good product. Don't throw the baby with the filthy water, which X is.

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Just the fact that MUSK is profiting off of his rattletrap Tesla cars makes them a a piece of crap. MUSK is just as bad as TUMP is. He is an arrogant, narcissistic, greedy SOB that doesn't give a damn about the average American citizen. May one of his ''Roman Candle'' exploding rockets crash on his ugly head and destroy his sorry ass. I despise that cocky a/hole and can only wish they would deport his ass back to South Africa, or wherever he is from!

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Just so we are clear, what exactly has Joe Biden or Kamala Harris done for the average American? Your argument that “just the fact that musk is profiting off of his rattletrap Tesla cars makes them a a piece of crap.” 🤣 I call bot or third grade education. You undoubtedly have NO idea why or where your hatred of either Musk or Trump comes from. You just know it does come.😂😂😂

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I know where my hatred comes from, both MUSK and TUMP are out to take everything away from people that are disabled, old, and unable to work until they die. I will hate those low life creeps if i damn well please. Mind your own damn business and you know nothing about me, so shut your ass up. You are nothing, and you can go to he*l. Fizzy in the head. I will hate who i want to, and MUSK and TUMP are hated by many thousands. You know nothing!

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Good for what, if it enriches Musk?

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EVs do not harm the environment as fossil fuel powered cars.

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Unless you’re the poor little African kids mining the rare earth elements which are extremely toxic and poison to humans, just to be able to eat a meal once a day! Idiot! Are you as deformed on the outside as much as your brain on the inside or is?

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Musk harms the environment of government with his extreme wealth. He is not the only one, but he IS the richest of them all. Now he wants to hitch his wagon to tRUMP, and take over completely. EVs have little to do with that threat : Musk is not the only one who has tech people to make electric vehicles. But the may be the worst one to support.

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We should talk.

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I also deleted my account when news broke that Musk intended to buy Twitter. I agree that people just need to stop using it. I have been wondering whether the White House could establish its own thread on the White House website for official short comments.

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I'm going to become a paying member. I'm canceling my NYTimes subscription to pay for it (and also downgrading my Netflix subscription).

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Musk would subvert it.

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The Whitehouse should use Bluesky instead.

Prof. Reich's post is already making news there https://bsky.app/profile/brasil247.bsky.social/post/3l34zolhlsh25

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I wished the heck i could get my daughter to delete her account with X, or Twitler or whatever that silly nonsense is. She is a hard core Democrat like i am.

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Good 💡 idea

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I would like answers to all the above. As with Trump none of this should have surprised anyone. I cannot imagine it worse had the military contracted with Russians or Chinese.

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Do you realize that Joe Biden's family has taken a lot of money from foreign nations for very little work, it's gone through shell companies, and some of it HAS gone on to Joe Biden?

And that some of that money came from China? Not to mention Ukraine?

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Sources, please?

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Yes, really. Never take anyone who opens with, "Do you realize...?" or "You do realize that..." even quasi-seriously. You immediately know they've assumed a baseless superiority.

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Oddly leaves out a good portion of the articles he/she quotes. And GYM Jordan, seriously, if anyone lacks honesty and even morals. Another one that belongs in handcuffs and behind bars.

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Oh yes GYM jordan, such a reliable source!!!! Another maga asshat like his owner/handler.

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ROFL! THIS is your source?!? Get serious.

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We will say POX on you and your quasi truths. Joe Biden is such a bad dude!!! Let's see, took on big pharma for medicare, next up everyone else. Fixed infrastructure that no one else tackled for how long???? Renewable energy AND https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046#:~:text=Drone%20armies,%20expanded%20overtime%20pay%20and%20over-the-counter%20birth%20control%20pills

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I won't use it because of him. But our government makes announcements on it, forcing people to use it!

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Forcing?? There are literally hundreds of millions of us who don't use it and suffer no ill effects.

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Agree 100%! I also deleted my Twitter account when em took over. I am disgusted and angry that our taxes enrich such a dangerous person.

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I am doing fine, in fact I am 1000 times happier and content than a Shitter user.

X + Twitter - Xitter, Greek X pronounced Sh = Shitter.

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Yes kleenex needed to remove X.

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Stephen, I'm one who quit and suffer no ill effects. In fact, among the good effects is relief from aggravating trolls and misinformation.

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I have never been on any anti-social media. I only see it when professional journalists quote it with links.

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Louis - “like” I am right there with you. I don’t understand the lure of social media either. Glad to know that I am not alone. ;)

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At first, social media lured us in by allowing us to connect with friends and family all over the world. Then, little by little, our personal information has been stolen and sold to marketers and scam artists who now dominate and pollute these channels of communication. Simply put, these amazing technologies have been co-opted and turned on us to make us the product and enslave us to information real or false. If we are to continue using them, all social media must be nationalized as public utility and forbidden to private ownership. Call it Socialism or whatever you like, anything that supports the common good works for me.

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You know what I mean! The government and mainstream media make announcements on it and therefore people use it to get the news. Happy? I didn't say "force."

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Go to Threads. It is an increasingly popular platform and provides fact based information.

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I don’t trust anything owned by Zuckerberg and Company. It all starts out with good intentions and pretty quickly turns the table on us. It’s just another lousy device to rob of our identities and information and money if we allow it.

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If the people boycott Twitter (stupidly known as X), the government would also. Wouldn't they?

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I'm pretty sure the government makes announcements thru multiple media channels, not just X.

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Government should move immediately to Bluesky. Reich is already making news there!


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There are other sources. There is no "forcing".

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Thankfully I was hacked out of my pre musk account and never bothered to return. Best non move I could have made. The government has other ways of getting messages out to people so surely it would be worth your peace of mind to get rid of your account. Musk world isn’t what we need at all. As for advertisers still there, they must just be masochists especially since he told them they could go fuck themselves.

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It is pretty funny that Biden announced he wouldn't run for election via X. The irony...

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What a remarkable sense of humour you must have! The irony...

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The law struggles to keep up with technology. It seems everything moves faster and faster except the law.

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steve - “like”

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I never did Twitter and I left face book 2 years ago. If I want pictures my nieces text me….my old friends will reach me if they have my number!

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I left fb the first time they censored me in 2020, that was it.

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So did I! What a Sick person! Why isn't the DOJ doing anything!😬😡😡😡😡😡

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Amen. I deleted my account over a year ago.

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What is with people? They can't live without their cell phones, and especially their apps.

10 years ago I carried a flip phone, only used it twice, each time I need help to even turn it on.

Helicopter parents, yech. The world is no more dangerous today than in the 1930's, just more and rapid news, makes it seem so.

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You can keep yelling at clouds about cellphone usage, but it’s not going away anytime soon. Refusing to learn how the modern world functions will only leave you impotent and frustrated.

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I am not yelling at clouds vainly. Silence is consent. I am not a buggy whip manufacturer, but I will not keep quiet because the herd imbibes poison.

Believe me I am neither impotent or frustrated, if you are emotionally harmed by my anti cell phone rants, well that is your problem.

You have your addictions. I had mine.

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I wouldn’t say your anti-cellphone rants have harmed me. You have before you two choices:

a) continue down the path you’re on, rail against the poison we’re all addicted to (on this point, I do not disagree with you. Smartphones have become an opiate for the masses. For all the good things they bring, they also bring exponentially larger amounts of chaos. Steve Jobs refused to let his child own or operate smartphones/tablets, I think that says a lot)

b) knowledge is power. Turn the negative aspects of this technology into a weapon against dis/misinformation, as this very post we’re commenting on is doing.

You affect no change by shouting from the outside. Especially when the VAST majority of your fellow citizens are on the inside. Use it to your advantage and try to reach out to people where they are.

Just my $0.02

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Thanks G May, but personal opinions aren't rants.

I don't, for one minute, think that I am going to affect change by expressing my opinion. That would be very narcissistic. Nay, I am merely expressing my opinion.

I know that I will not achieve anything by being on the "inside". One person against society?

As regards what the vast majority of my fellow citizens do. I have an allergy to jumping on bandwagons and jumping off cliffs.

But thanks for your considered advice.

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I did the same.

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Why would any American delete an app because the platform allows some form of “free” speech? You dumb or just retarded? Btw no one is trying to give you a free Tesla! What do you mean no laws in the US for Trump or Musk? You mean the laws that apply to everyone equally? Or you mean the non existent laws Reich and the rest of the communist bastards are trying to make so they can arrest political opponents? Total bird brain!

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"You dumb or just retarded?"

I see irony is not dead here.

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From a response I gave to a fellow today who wanted to give two "likes" to my post So in summary.... on the Thom Hartmann Report: Thom gave it a like too and Sunday Cc'd cover letter and 7 attachments (above is the 4th, Thom's the 6th) breaking the biggest story of the 21st century to his wife Louise for publication by In These Times on 9-9. Which will be followed by 2 the next day (the biggest science story) and on 9-11 4 more (biggest political story sans 2 other's exposing the Antichrist as since 8-15-24 Both the FIFTH And SIXTH PROOFS OF GOD entail 9-11-01!!!!!! ITT, Rachel Maddow and Louise don't know it yet but I'm going to also post all articles in reverse order capped on 9-9 by Sunday's summary letter to ITT and Rachel here and on Robert Reich's comments page.

The first article on 9-11 is titled On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia. The last sentence of first paragraph: Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Fourth paragraph: As that pretty well covers corporate TV and print media bias so now we get to the meat of the matter: Corporate Social Media starting with the Richest guy on the planet – Elon Musk. From a 10-2-23 article titled What was Elon Musk's strategy for buying Twitter? by NBC New's Ben Collins. On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright. Turns out those anonymous text messages were sent by the far-right blogger Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 for having spoken on a panel alongside white nationalists. The article on Beattie’s site (revolver.news) begins with a baseless claim that censorship on Twitter cost President Donald Trump the 2020 election. “Free speech online is what enabled the Trump revolution in 2016,” the anonymous author wrote. “If the Internet had been as free in 2020 as it was four years before, Trump would have cruised to reelection.” The author said that “Step 1” after a Musk takeover would be: “Blame the platform for its users.” He or she predicted that “Twitter would be blamed for every so-called act of ‘racism’ ‘sexism’ and ‘transphobia’ occurring on its platform.” After Musk’s purchase of Twitter was finalized in October 2022, he allowed previously suspended accounts to return. “In the nearly 18 months since (he bought Twitter), many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination,” which the fascist went on to blame for the 25 billion buck loss of 60% of the X Twitter ad revenue.

Of course Musk also has his Facebook fan page, whose “free speech” algorithm has been updated to at last barring me from responding to or posting any comment. On July 16 the Jim Hightower team's daily post was titled We've been censored by Facebook! And you probably have been, too. They said in the last week or so they'd seen a lot of social media posts about Project 2025 and when they tried to post their article about it on Facebook it was immediately removed as going against their Community Standards on spam. (Ironically one of the author's of the piece barred me “for 100 years” from posting anything on Hightower's site after posting my months old paper that ends with “the new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president, who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025” on multiple comments to their post, violating Their policy on 'spam'!) “I started asking colleagues who work in progressive communications and technology if they’d heard about things like this happening. We’ve now found out that this has been a pattern happening to other organizations publicizing the harm that Project 2025 (“P25”) could do to the country.”

So now that we have fully summarized Anti-Trump News Suppression In Corporate Media, the first question is how in the hell can Progressive Media Counter Mega Billionaire Support Of Trump? Easy and Only Answer – make sure everybody is presented with this Comparison Between The Candidates: Since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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You are X now.on

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Well said!

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Here is a sample of the horrible crimes occuring before the internet and even TV

Bank Robberies were very common however

On 15 December 1927, Hickman kidnapped Marion Parker -- the 12-year-old daughter of Los Angeles banker Perry Parker -- and ransomed her. However, before Parker could pay the ransom, Hickman killed little Marion. He decapitated, dismembered and disemboweled her.[note 1]

When Hickman met Parker to collect the ransom, he placed the reassembled parts of Marion's body in the passenger seat of a parked car. He had stitched Marion's eyes open so her father would think that she was still alive. When Parker gave Hickman the ransom money, Hickman jumped into the car and sped off. At the end of the block, Hickman opened the door and shoved Marion's body parts out onto the street and sped away.

Because Hickman had stuffed towels from the flophouse where he was staying into Marion's torso, his identity was quickly traced. He was caught a week later in the northeastern Oregon town of Echo. He later confessed to a dozen armed robberies and at least one more murder. He was hanged for his crimes on 19 October 1928 at the age of 20.

This psychopath was the model for the hero in everyone of Ayn Rands books

from Danny Renahan (Little Street) and Roarke, (Fountainhead) to John Galt.(Atlas Shrugged)

She admired Hickman because: His sociopathic qualities: "Other people do not exist for him, and he does not see why they should," she wrote, gushing that Hickman had "no regard whatsoever for all that society holds sacred, and with a consciousness all his own. He has the true, innate psychology of a Superman. He can never realize and feel 'other people.'"

Sound like Musk? Sound like Trump?Sound like MAGAts?

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There have always been criminals and crimes, true. There have always been sociopaths, true. The farther we get from Hitler and the others of that time and the ensuing years, the more people forget and refuse to learn from history. HOWEVER, SCOTUS was once on the side of the citizenry. Now corruption has rotted that too. Never before have we had such rot running for President just to stay out of jail. Nixon was not even as bad as the #mangomoron. I sincerely hope I do not live to a "ripe old age" because it is too dispiriting.

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Ayn Rand was a disgusting narcissist and a sex predator, not unlike Trump.

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Just like another legacy of British Empire colonisation and another ‘placed’ poor little rich boy, Murdoch, Musk embodies brutalist colonialism.

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WOW! Didn’t know this about EM. Am throughly disturbed and concerned about what he will be doing before the election. Dr Reich as always, outlined great points of what can be done to prevent further damage by this greedy, power hungry asshole.

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If you don't like what someone is saying, counter what they are saying. That's the principle of free speech. The founding fathers were very wise, and they thought free speech was essential.

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S.A. Exactly what is an Actual actuary skeptical about? Figures? Facts, Outcomes, Probability projections?

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You can check out my substack. The actual math doesn't lie, but statistics can be tortured until they confess - there are many methods. You have to dig in to the methods and see if they are robust. Also, any studies that are funded by companies that stand to gain if their products passes should be viewed with extra skepticism.

There have been many studies that were so skewed they found a particular drug had a protective effect from something or other where there was no conceivable mechanism of protective effect.

In a lot of recent studies it's been noticed that people getting the COVID vaccines tended to be strongly protected against death (I mean, their death rates were WELL below background rates) for the following two weeks, while people who WEREN'T vaccinated had death rates that spiked for that same period (in times when many people were vaccinated). That's kind of odd, or maybe people just weren't being counted as vaccinated if they died in the next two weeks.

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Obviously, he is skeptical of anything that happens to take his fancy & fuels his misguided belief that he is genuinely skeptical.

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Do you think I WANT to believe that Democrats are openly calling for censorship? No.

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Yet here is an entire comment section of Hitler’s shitlist of democrats calling for violence and censorship of two fellow Americans! Go figure what a bunch of brainwashed outcast narcissists!

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Thank you GrrlScientist,

I have been meaning to bring up muck’s immigration status!!! Well done . Thank you.

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So what of all the illegal thug gangs and criminals being taken care of with tax payer funds who are a worthless bleed on our system? Wow can’t fix stupid.

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Rump & Muck in 2024? 💩🤢🤮🤧😷

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Have we forgotten the meaning of the word, ‘ treason’? The behavior Of Elon Musk, autocrats and other obscenely wealthy individuals is treason on a global scale. These monsters must be removed by the populace of their countries from their seats of power, stripped of their wealth and punished accordingly. Of course it’s easier said than done, but here in America, we must set the example for the rest of the world with a giant blue tsunami.

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What did they do that was treasonous?

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Wow! I guess this is this where good little NAZI wannabe girls who just want Robert’s approval and maybe a pet about the head, maybe a scritch behind the ears like a good little feline? Could you symp any harder? He has little man syndrome and tiny dick disease, there is nothing wrong needing a man, but you must be ugly as fuck or retarded.

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He's only "dangerously out of control" because he disagrees with your completely whacky world view. The entire left is TRULY DANGEROUSLY OUT OF CONTROL - and it couldn't be more obvious. I know crazy people never understand that they're crazy - but holy fuck.

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What law did he break that deems stripping him of all of his wealth and get deported? Countless times at that.

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Yes! Take away everyone from folx that don’t agree with us!!

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Your hate is being whipped up by an extremely biased mainstream media. 30 years ago we had a mainstream media that at least pretended to be neutral. I don't know what the answer is, but ask yourself, what did Trump do that is so bad?

I know you will say "KIDS IN CAGES!" Perhaps there were kids in holding areas that might have resembled cages for a while. But under Biden we have kids crossing the border with people who are not their parents (no one is DNA testing anymore), and 200,000 of them have DISAPPEARED. That's a lot worse than a few thousand kids being detained in more or less humane conditions for a few weeks.

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Give it up. It is pearls before swine here. Nobody here is on board with critical thinking. In fact, they are here backing Reich; a guy who explicitly denounced critical thinking.

You are talking to stones at this rate.

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Give it up. Your comments are disingenuous, and pathetic.

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why are you choosing to be on X? Reich at least has an excuse.

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From a response I gave to a fellow today who wanted to give two "likes" to my post So in summary.... on the Thom Hartmann Report: Thom gave it a like too and Sunday Cc'd cover letter and 7 attachments (above is the 4th, Thom's the 6th) breaking the biggest story of the 21st century to his wife Louise for publication by In These Times on 9-9. Which will be followed by 2 the next day (the biggest science story) and on 9-11 4 more (biggest political story sans 2 other's exposing the Antichrist as since 8-15-24 Both the FIFTH And SIXTH PROOFS OF GOD entail 9-11-01!!!!!! ITT, Rachel Maddow and Louise don't know it yet but I'm going to also post all articles in reverse order capped on 9-9 by Sunday's summary letter to ITT and Rachel here and on Robert Reich's comments page.

The first article on 9-11 is titled On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia. The last sentence of first paragraph: Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Fourth paragraph: As that pretty well covers corporate TV and print media bias so now we get to the meat of the matter: Corporate Social Media starting with the Richest guy on the planet – Elon Musk. From a 10-2-23 article titled What was Elon Musk's strategy for buying Twitter? by NBC New's Ben Collins. On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright. Turns out those anonymous text messages were sent by the far-right blogger Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 for having spoken on a panel alongside white nationalists. The article on Beattie’s site (revolver.news) begins with a baseless claim that censorship on Twitter cost President Donald Trump the 2020 election. “Free speech online is what enabled the Trump revolution in 2016,” the anonymous author wrote. “If the Internet had been as free in 2020 as it was four years before, Trump would have cruised to reelection.” The author said that “Step 1” after a Musk takeover would be: “Blame the platform for its users.” He or she predicted that “Twitter would be blamed for every so-called act of ‘racism’ ‘sexism’ and ‘transphobia’ occurring on its platform.” After Musk’s purchase of Twitter was finalized in October 2022, he allowed previously suspended accounts to return. “In the nearly 18 months since (he bought Twitter), many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination,” which the fascist went on to blame for the 25 billion buck loss of 60% of the X Twitter ad revenue.

Of course Musk also has his Facebook fan page, whose “free speech” algorithm has been updated to at last barring me from responding to or posting any comment. On July 16 the Jim Hightower team's daily post was titled We've been censored by Facebook! And you probably have been, too. They said in the last week or so they'd seen a lot of social media posts about Project 2025 and when they tried to post their article about it on Facebook it was immediately removed as going against their Community Standards on spam. (Ironically one of the author's of the piece barred me “for 100 years” from posting anything on Hightower's site after posting my months old paper that ends with “the new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president, who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025” on multiple comments to their post, violating Their policy on 'spam'!) “I started asking colleagues who work in progressive communications and technology if they’d heard about things like this happening. We’ve now found out that this has been a pattern happening to other organizations publicizing the harm that Project 2025 (“P25”) could do to the country.”

So now that we have fully summarized Anti-Trump News Suppression In Corporate Media, the first question is how in the hell can Progressive Media Counter Mega Billionaire Support Of Trump? Easy and Only Answer – make sure everybody is presented with this Comparison Between The Candidates: Since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Musk seems to want to recreate apartheid S Africa in America. He is a white supremacist like Trump.

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There are parallels between Musk and others of his ilk today and the Robber Barron monopolists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Then it was Teddy Roosevelt the Trust Buster who brought JP Morgan and others to account, broke up the big banks and reigned in the industrialist money bags. It would appear history is about to repeat itself, hopefully under a Democratic House and Senate and a President Kamala Harris Administration. And why not for God’s sake? It’s really a very similar situation where today’s tech gazillionaires like Musk and honestly many more who have become way too big for their britches, let alone to fail. Turn turn turn. Seems to me it’s high time to bring the ship back around to an even keel. Unrestrained capitalism if left to run amuck will bring down the entire economy and country along with it.

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It will also bring down the biosphere!

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Vote BLUE 🗳

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Musk is supplying a counter to facebook and other entities that are still in lockstep with the administration.

Read Mark Zuckerberg's confession of being pressured by the Biden administration on Covid and the Hunter Biden laptop.

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Zuckerberg is in lockstep with Chas Koch. Meta just co-sponsored a climate hoax symposium in Canada.

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No it is not unrestrained capitalism bringing down the economy you shit for brains! It is a bunch of criminals in Washington DC called Congress and senators and bureaucrats and the Wall Street gatekeepers! Kamala Harris is a communist that’s why not!

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From a response I gave to a fellow today who wanted to give two "likes" to my post So in summary.... on the Thom Hartmann Report: Thom gave it a like too and Sunday Cc'd cover letter and 7 attachments (above is the 4th, Thom's the 6th) breaking the biggest story of the 21st century to his wife Louise for publication by In These Times on 9-9. Which will be followed by 2 the next day (the biggest science story) and on 9-11 4 more (biggest political story sans 2 other's exposing the Antichrist as since 8-15-24 Both the FIFTH And SIXTH PROOFS OF GOD entail 9-11-01!!!!!! ITT, Rachel Maddow and Louise don't know it yet but I'm going to also post all articles in reverse order capped on 9-9 by Sunday's summary letter to ITT and Rachel here and on Robert Reich's comments page.

The first article on 9-11 is titled On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia. The last sentence of first paragraph: Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Fourth paragraph: As that pretty well covers corporate TV and print media bias so now we get to the meat of the matter: Corporate Social Media starting with the Richest guy on the planet – Elon Musk. From a 10-2-23 article titled What was Elon Musk's strategy for buying Twitter? by NBC New's Ben Collins. On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright. Turns out those anonymous text messages were sent by the far-right blogger Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 for having spoken on a panel alongside white nationalists. The article on Beattie’s site (revolver.news) begins with a baseless claim that censorship on Twitter cost President Donald Trump the 2020 election. “Free speech online is what enabled the Trump revolution in 2016,” the anonymous author wrote. “If the Internet had been as free in 2020 as it was four years before, Trump would have cruised to reelection.” The author said that “Step 1” after a Musk takeover would be: “Blame the platform for its users.” He or she predicted that “Twitter would be blamed for every so-called act of ‘racism’ ‘sexism’ and ‘transphobia’ occurring on its platform.” After Musk’s purchase of Twitter was finalized in October 2022, he allowed previously suspended accounts to return. “In the nearly 18 months since (he bought Twitter), many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination,” which the fascist went on to blame for the 25 billion buck loss of 60% of the X Twitter ad revenue.

Of course Musk also has his Facebook fan page, whose “free speech” algorithm has been updated to at last barring me from responding to or posting any comment. On July 16 the Jim Hightower team's daily post was titled We've been censored by Facebook! And you probably have been, too. They said in the last week or so they'd seen a lot of social media posts about Project 2025 and when they tried to post their article about it on Facebook it was immediately removed as going against their Community Standards on spam. (Ironically one of the author's of the piece barred me “for 100 years” from posting anything on Hightower's site after posting my months old paper that ends with “the new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president, who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025” on multiple comments to their post, violating Their policy on 'spam'!) “I started asking colleagues who work in progressive communications and technology if they’d heard about things like this happening. We’ve now found out that this has been a pattern happening to other organizations publicizing the harm that Project 2025 (“P25”) could do to the country.”

So now that we have fully summarized Anti-Trump News Suppression In Corporate Media, the first question is how in the hell can Progressive Media Counter Mega Billionaire Support Of Trump? Easy and Only Answer – make sure everybody is presented with this Comparison Between The Candidates: Since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Sep 3Liked by Robert Reich

I’ve felt for quite a long time that musk has too much power and is out of control. For the government to continue to rely on him and his companies for any aspect of government business/functioning is asking for trouble and puts us all at risk and at the mercy of a megalomaniac. Add trump to the mix and this would definitely be a marriage made in hell and an existential danger to the US and the world.

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You are so very correct. They both have me scared for my very life as well for our Democracy.

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Musk could 'own' the military and thus the country if he is allowed to govern communication. Our government has failed us in not being ahead of the oligarchs. Artificial intelligence can save the planet, solve health issues and otherwise make life wonderful. My fear is the ownership of that technology ------history has proven that to be a problem.

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If the ying yangs in Congress continue to act like the government has little to say on the development and implementation of new technologies, esp. in the sphere of information, these things left to the market will get worse.

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Yes, thanks. We must all guard ourselves, and the country, from their poison.

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What, exactly, did Trump do that was so dangerous?

Biden has let a minimum of 10 million unvetted people into the US, a large fraction of which are men of military age, from countries which are hostile to the US. 200,000 kids have crossed into the US and DISAPPEARED.

Biden has been running a proxy war against Russia, and has crossed "red" lines, including using cluster bombs, and bombing targets inside Russia. Russia is running out of patience and has declared it is "reevaluating" it's policies on nukes.

What has Trump done that could be worse than that? Mean tweets?

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Ask Bob Woodward that question. He will tell you, it’s not what Trump did. It’s what he didn’t do. Which is to say, he froze. He had no idea what to do or not do. When it was time to act and act decisively, Trump did NOTHING.

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His upcoming book should be interesting.

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You don't have any problem with facebook though?

You just have a problem when anyone with some kind of presence has a voice that counters the narrative?

Wouldn't it have been nice if someone had been able to say back in 2020 and 2021 that the COVID shots weren't guaranteed to keep you from getting it, that your kids were at almost no risk, that there would be societal costs of shutting down schools and "nonessential" businesses? All those voices were silenced, because of government pressure. Missouri v. Biden proved it, and Mark Zuckerberg confessed it very recently.

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Oh good gravy. Trump was president when all those things happened. I don’t trust a word out of Zuck’s mouth. Remember Cambridge Analytics?

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Zuckerberg "confessed" because Trump

has threatened Facebook/Meta over those decisions. Please take your lies and half-truths elsewhere, troll.

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Where's your evidence that was the reason? Trump did make a dumbass threat (and yes he says dumbass things) about putting Zuckerberg in prison if he commits FUTURE election interference, but that came out AFTER Zuck's confession.

I'm here because the average left leaning person doesn't hear the conservative perspective at all. When Reich says that Musk swore at the EU guy telling him to be careful, you guys have no idea of the full context.

The full context was that the EU was acting all on his own in regards to the upcoming talk between Trump and Musk. Musk's response was pretty "salty", granted, but other people in the EU quickly backed away from the EU tool and said MUSK WAS RIGHT. The EU tool was treading in US election matters, ie interfering in US elections, and one EU official put it in so many words. You would not hear that from the NY Times, the Washington Post, or Robert Reich. So you need to hear it from me.

Meanwhile conservatives hear the liberal perspective ALL. THE. TIME. It's hard to avoid.


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Who would follow who? Rump would follow Muck. Rump is weak. Muck is far more dangerous. Together? Yikes !

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From a response I gave to a fellow today who wanted to give two "likes" to my post So in summary.... on the Thom Hartmann Report: Thom gave it a like too and Sunday Cc'd cover letter and 7 attachments (above is the 4th, Thom's the 6th) breaking the biggest story of the 21st century to his wife Louise for publication by In These Times on 9-9. Which will be followed by 2 the next day (the biggest science story) and on 9-11 4 more (biggest political story sans 2 other's exposing the Antichrist as since 8-15-24 Both the FIFTH And SIXTH PROOFS OF GOD entail 9-11-01!!!!!! ITT, Rachel Maddow and Louise don't know it yet but I'm going to also post all articles in reverse order capped on 9-9 by Sunday's summary letter to ITT and Rachel here and on Robert Reich's comments page.

The first article on 9-11 is titled On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia. The last sentence of first paragraph: Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Fourth paragraph: As that pretty well covers corporate TV and print media bias so now we get to the meat of the matter: Corporate Social Media starting with the Richest guy on the planet – Elon Musk. From a 10-2-23 article titled What was Elon Musk's strategy for buying Twitter? by NBC New's Ben Collins. On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright. Turns out those anonymous text messages were sent by the far-right blogger Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 for having spoken on a panel alongside white nationalists. The article on Beattie’s site (revolver.news) begins with a baseless claim that censorship on Twitter cost President Donald Trump the 2020 election. “Free speech online is what enabled the Trump revolution in 2016,” the anonymous author wrote. “If the Internet had been as free in 2020 as it was four years before, Trump would have cruised to reelection.” The author said that “Step 1” after a Musk takeover would be: “Blame the platform for its users.” He or she predicted that “Twitter would be blamed for every so-called act of ‘racism’ ‘sexism’ and ‘transphobia’ occurring on its platform.” After Musk’s purchase of Twitter was finalized in October 2022, he allowed previously suspended accounts to return. “In the nearly 18 months since (he bought Twitter), many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination,” which the fascist went on to blame for the 25 billion buck loss of 60% of the X Twitter ad revenue.

Of course Musk also has his Facebook fan page, whose “free speech” algorithm has been updated to at last barring me from responding to or posting any comment. On July 16 the Jim Hightower team's daily post was titled We've been censored by Facebook! And you probably have been, too. They said in the last week or so they'd seen a lot of social media posts about Project 2025 and when they tried to post their article about it on Facebook it was immediately removed as going against their Community Standards on spam. (Ironically one of the author's of the piece barred me “for 100 years” from posting anything on Hightower's site after posting my months old paper that ends with “the new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president, who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025” on multiple comments to their post, violating Their policy on 'spam'!) “I started asking colleagues who work in progressive communications and technology if they’d heard about things like this happening. We’ve now found out that this has been a pattern happening to other organizations publicizing the harm that Project 2025 (“P25”) could do to the country.”

So now that we have fully summarized Anti-Trump News Suppression In Corporate Media, the first question is how in the hell can Progressive Media Counter Mega Billionaire Support Of Trump? Easy and Only Answer – make sure everybody is presented with this Comparison Between The Candidates: Since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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At this point, it’s hard to imagine why anyone would continue to use Twitter or buy a Tesla.

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I use twitter to share articles like this one, in hopes someone will actually read them

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You can do that on Threads where it is civil and a lot of articles are shared. I read a lot of articles posted on Threads. It's a good place to be. No nasty comments or very few.

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Yet. Thread is still on a honeymoon.

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Share elsewhere. You are strengthening the twitter network and making it harder for other better networks to break in.

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Too many MAGAS on Twitter

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Me too but I block so many idiots that I jave the tiniest possible level of interaction. Still, any small twist of the knife …

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We’re looking at EVs. Tesla was not even considered.

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Mary gets at the point: there's a gap between inertia (in doing the things one must do day to day) & something better; presumably, that is how folks wound up with a Twitter/Tesla/etc. to choose from...

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Elon Muskow and Trump are cut from the same cloth! Inherently wealthy and inherently EVIL!

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Before Elon bought Twitter the tells were there. He runs his businesses with constant gaslighting. He will promise the world and underdeliver constantly. When he does deliver on time it is more happenstance than anything else and shareholder self congratualations occurs. Once you see his prophecies come and go wide multilple times it is easy to see the similarities of how Trump manipulates his followers to how Musk manipulates his share holders and followers. One weird observation. On bullying, both these kids would have been beat up in public school due to their behaviour. It seems that their money insulated them from any reprocussions for their behaviour and thus from having any empathy for others that they themselves beat up verbally.

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Musk forgets that his companies would be nothing without the engineers and people there that are doing the hard work and trying to appease a megalomaniac.

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Midwest - “like”

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From a response I gave to a fellow today who wanted to give two "likes" to my post So in summary.... on the Thom Hartmann Report: Thom gave it a like too and Sunday Cc'd cover letter and 7 attachments (above is the 4th, Thom's the 6th) breaking the biggest story of the 21st century to his wife Louise for publication by In These Times on 9-9. Which will be followed by 2 the next day (the biggest science story) and on 9-11 4 more (biggest political story sans 2 other's exposing the Antichrist as since 8-15-24 Both the FIFTH And SIXTH PROOFS OF GOD entail 9-11-01!!!!!! ITT, Rachel Maddow and Louise don't know it yet but I'm going to also post all articles in reverse order capped on 9-9 by Sunday's summary letter to ITT and Rachel here and on Robert Reich's comments page.

The first article on 9-11 is titled On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia. The last sentence of first paragraph: Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Fourth paragraph: As that pretty well covers corporate TV and print media bias so now we get to the meat of the matter: Corporate Social Media starting with the Richest guy on the planet – Elon Musk. From a 10-2-23 article titled What was Elon Musk's strategy for buying Twitter? by NBC New's Ben Collins. On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright. Turns out those anonymous text messages were sent by the far-right blogger Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 for having spoken on a panel alongside white nationalists. The article on Beattie’s site (revolver.news) begins with a baseless claim that censorship on Twitter cost President Donald Trump the 2020 election. “Free speech online is what enabled the Trump revolution in 2016,” the anonymous author wrote. “If the Internet had been as free in 2020 as it was four years before, Trump would have cruised to reelection.” The author said that “Step 1” after a Musk takeover would be: “Blame the platform for its users.” He or she predicted that “Twitter would be blamed for every so-called act of ‘racism’ ‘sexism’ and ‘transphobia’ occurring on its platform.” After Musk’s purchase of Twitter was finalized in October 2022, he allowed previously suspended accounts to return. “In the nearly 18 months since (he bought Twitter), many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination,” which the fascist went on to blame for the 25 billion buck loss of 60% of the X Twitter ad revenue.

Of course Musk also has his Facebook fan page, whose “free speech” algorithm has been updated to at last barring me from responding to or posting any comment. On July 16 the Jim Hightower team's daily post was titled We've been censored by Facebook! And you probably have been, too. They said in the last week or so they'd seen a lot of social media posts about Project 2025 and when they tried to post their article about it on Facebook it was immediately removed as going against their Community Standards on spam. (Ironically one of the author's of the piece barred me “for 100 years” from posting anything on Hightower's site after posting my months old paper that ends with “the new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president, who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025” on multiple comments to their post, violating Their policy on 'spam'!) “I started asking colleagues who work in progressive communications and technology if they’d heard about things like this happening. We’ve now found out that this has been a pattern happening to other organizations publicizing the harm that Project 2025 (“P25”) could do to the country.”

So now that we have fully summarized Anti-Trump News Suppression In Corporate Media, the first question is how in the hell can Progressive Media Counter Mega Billionaire Support Of Trump? Easy and Only Answer – make sure everybody is presented with this Comparison Between The Candidates: Since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Thank you Sean. For anyone who is still on the fence, the interview with Don Lemon and Elon Musk is on YouTube! Don Lemon is able to get Elon to expose his true self on many different topics.

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From pages 11-12 of final article on 9-11 titled 9-11-01 Revisited. Musk's opinion about climate change is identical to Al Gore's (born 1 day before me on 3-31-1948 whose astrological 'Sabian Symbol' is "The President of A Nation":

The Powers That Be who force us to use carbon-based fuel instead of free-energy, reveal their hand in the card game of international crime. There are over 5,000 Gag-Orders on technology patents, many of which relate to free-energy. They control them and when they phase out their oil etc they will be front runners to profit from the introduction of cleaner, cheaper energy such as Elon Musk’s electric car, Google’s self drive car, Apple pay wave.

Not to Worry Al Gore's Doing Nicely

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore left the White House seven or so years ago with less than $2 million in assets, including a Virginia home and the family farm in Tennessee. Now he’s making enough to put $35 million cash in hedge funds and other private partnerships. He also just happens to own a carbon credit company. Some estimate Gore has raked in as much as $800 million or more through his hot air lies.

Al Gore lives in a mansion that uses 20 times the energy other Americans burn. He then fixed it to use even more energy. In August 2006 alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh, guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. Since the release of Al's ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, Gore gorged from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005 to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006. While you turn all your lights off on Earth Day, Gore leaves his car running with A/C on, and flys around in private jets.

Confirmation of Abel Danger Report:

This report contends that not only were the buildings targets, but that specific offices within each building were the designated targets. These offices unknowingly held information which if exposed, subsequently would expose a national security secret of unimaginable magnitude. Protecting that secret was the motivation for the September 11th attacks. This report is about that national security secret: its origins and impact. The intent of the report is to provide a context for understanding the events of September 11th rather than to define exactly what happened that day. Initially, it is difficult to see a pattern to the destruction of September 11th other than the total destruction of the World Trade Center, a segment of the Pentagon, four commercial aircraft and the loss of 2,993 lives. However, if the perceived objective of the attack is re-defined from its commonly suggested ‘symbolic’ designation as either ‘a terrorist attack’ or a ‘new Pearl Harbor,’ and one begins by looking at it as purely a crime with specific objectives (as opposed to a political action), there is a compelling logic to the pattern of destruction. This article provides research into the early claims by Dick Eastman, Tom Flocco, V.K. Durham and Karl Schwarz that the September 11th attacks were meant as a cover-up for financial crimes being investigated by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), whose offices in the Pentagon were destroyed on September 11th.[1] After six years of research, this report presents corroborating evidence which supports their claims, and proposes a new rationale for the September 11th attacks. In doing so, many of the anomalies - or inconvenient facts surrounding this event - take on a meaning that is consistent with the claims of Eastman et al. The hypothesis of this report is: the attacks of September 11th were intended to cover-up the clearing of $240 billion dollars in securities covertly created in September 1991 to fund a covert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which ‘unknown’ western investors bought up much of the Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas. The attacks of September 11th also served to derail multiple Federal investigations away from crimes associated with the 1991 covert operation. In doing so, the attacks were justified under the cardinal rule of intelligence: “protect your resources”[2] and consistent with a modus operandi of sacrificing lives for a greater cause.

The case for detailed targeting of the attacks begins with analysis of the attack on the Pentagon. After one concludes that the targeting of the ONI office in the Pentagon was not random - and that information is presented later [3] - one then must ask: is it possible that the planes that hit the World Trade Center, and the bombs reported by various witnesses to have been set off inside the buildings 1, 6 and 7 and the basement of the Towers, were deliberately located to support the execution of a crime of mind-boggling proportions? In considering that question, a pattern emerges. For the crimes alleged by Eastman, Flocco, Durham and Schwarz to be successful, the vault in the basement of the World Trade Center, and its contents - less than a billion in gold, but hundreds of billions of dollars of government securities - had to be destroyed. A critical mass of brokers from the major government security brokerages in the Twin Towers had to be eliminated to create chaos in the government securities market.

A situation needed to be created wherein $240 billion dollars of covert securities could be electronically “cleared” without anyone asking questions- which happened when the Federal Reserve declared an emergency and invoked its “emergency powers” that very afternoon.[4] The ongoing Federal investigations into the crimes funded by those securities needed to be ended or disrupted by destroying evidence in Buildings 6, 7 and 1. [5] Finally, one has to understand and demonstrate the inconceivable: that $240 billion in covert, and possibly illegal government funding could have been and were created in September of 1991. Filling in the last piece of the puzzle requires understanding 50 years of history of key financial organizations in the United States, understanding how U.S. Intelligence became a key source of their off-balance sheet accounts, and why this was said by every President since Truman.[6] With that, a pattern of motivation is defined which allows government leaders and intelligence operatives to ‘rationalize’ a decision to cause the death 3,000 citizens.

World Trade Center -Specific Targets on 9/11

WTC 1: There were three major securities brokers in the World Trade Center: Cantor Fitzgerald, Eurobrokers and Garbon Inter Capital. On the morning of September 11, Flight 11 hit the North Tower at 8:46 right below the floors on which Cantor Fitzgerald was situated. Shortly after that, a massive explosion went off just under the FBI offices in the North Tower on the 23rd floor, and Garbon Inter Capital on the 25th floor, and in the basement of Tower 1 as well. The explosion caused the 22nd through 25th floors above to collapse into an inferno.[9] Fires were reported on the 22nd floor at 8:47. [10] Shortly, thereafter, at 9:03, Flight 175 hit the South Tower right below the floors on which Euro Brokers was situated. (See Chart on page 42.) In all three cases, the explosive, fiery destruction consumed the offices in the several floors above. At 9:37 Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, targeting one of the few offices that had been moved in the newly remodelled section of the Pentagon: the Office of Naval Intelligence. [11] Agents of the Office of Naval Intelligence had been investigating the financial transactions which in this report are linked to securities being managed by those security dealers in the World Trade Center that were targeted.[12] Fortunately, most other agencies had not yet been moved back into the targeted section of the Pentagon. 41% of the fatalities in the Twin Towers came from two companies that managed U.S. government securities: Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers.[13] 31% of the 125 fatalities in the Pentagon were from the Naval Command Center that housed the Office of Naval Intelligence. 39 of 40 Office of Naval Intelligence employees died. In the vaults beneath the World Trade Center Towers, any certificates for bonds were destroyed.[14]

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9-11-2001 Revisited'

On 8-11 I did a followup mass mailing to all the progressive media (Cc'd to editors at Princeton Press) with the subject line Why Isn't Progressive Media Reporting On Trump's Growing Dementia? On 8-14 I addressed the email to the editors at In These Times when the subject was Breaking News Versus Just Reporting It. The next day an Australian fellow named Ted Irwin responded to a now 3 week old post on Nassim Haramein's Facebook physics site where I posted Proofs Of God 2 through 5 with the following three posts:

Ted Irwin

Sean Sheeter I'll have to read & reread this several times before I grasp it. I had to read Dr Judy Woods book twice to understand what happened to WTC 1, 2, 3, 4 & 7 on 9/11. But finally I did get it.

Sean Sheeter Re: 9/11 did you know that as an involuntary medium - telepathically it was communicated to me: Carlton Bartels murdered 9/11 WTC 1. I ignored this first night but second night I got up and Googled. Guess what he was killed for his $60 Trillon patents & software for the Global Climate Change & war game. So YES there is something out there. Same happened re: Extortion 17 - Remember Our Brothers. Michael Strange communicated to me about 2 weeks after - they had been murdered by their own NOT the Taliban. etc. Science can NOT explain this and much much more.

Ted Irwin


So the first thing I did when I saw this the next day after the site wouldn't print Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron was give him the last line ending in Daughter of Two University Professors. I then asked: Can you explain in more detail how you fit into those two murders referred to in RE: 9-11? I have no idea who those guys are. To which the next day he responded: Timeline on the Murder of Carlton Bartels on 9/11 to steal his software & patents as explained - https://www.facebook.com/notes/10221478333102163/

My first response the following day: Don't know how I missed this on first read Ted but when you say "telepathically it was communicated to me”: Carlton Bartels murdered 9/11 WTC" - you actually got Carlton Bartels Name 'Telepathically' then Googled it the next day?!!! Explain 'telepathically', in a dream, on an acid trip or just popped into your mind? What year did this happen? You have got to give me your e-address mate.

First post the next day the 19th: And it's funny that I can't see my reply to you after you gave me that You Tube lecture on 'Essence' in Gurdjieff work after referring to this from My religious history: When one dies your Soul enters GOD'S Heavenly Kingdom in the 5th Dimension, removed from the 4D world. Thereafter you are Nonlocally Reborn with the 'Essence' of your old 'Body of Intuitive Habits' to Guide your new individual destiny as you progressively relearn everything one needs to know as you confront this new 4D world. I've got to tell my friend fellow Gudjieffian Robert DeFord this whole amazing story as he's also a world authority on covert history.

Second post: Just copied your 15 page paper Carlton Bartel’s Stolen Patents 9/11 Timeline but couldn't save it with that title for some reason so saved it as 9-11 Revisited. On 9-9 I want Princeton Press to hold a news conference beginning with a read of PREFACE: FIVE PROOFS OF GOD, the next day A Comparison of Standard Cosmology and Physics with reference to chapters and sections in The Unified 11 Dimensional Field Solution and finally on 9-11 beginning with On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia followed by Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron As The ANTICHRIST On 9-11-24! I wanted In These Times to publish On Media, Exposing The Fascist As A Moron and Thomas Paine On Religions Keeping Mankind Ignorant Of The Creator As Governments Keep Man Ignorant Of His Rights on the 21st but as they are coordinating reporting with another news service for the Democratic National Convention this week I don't think that's going to happen. But I want them and the Daily Kos to print this series of articles on all three days of press conferences breaking the biggest stories the the 21st century after 9-11-01, I think the addition of your article might grab their attention though it's a lot longer and more revolutionary than the same ol' political news.

First 3 lines in Carlton Bartel’s Stolen Patents 9/11 Timeline: On June 4, 2001 a conference was held with Carlton Bartels, Philip Ginsberg, William J. "Bud" Flanagan, Rajendra K Pachauri and Thomas Barnett . Of these 5 men, only Carlton Bartels died on 9/11. All others did not go in to work that day. Carlton Bartels was Chief Executive Officer of CO2e.com (ESPEED), which was formed by Cantor Fitzgerald and PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2001 to serve as the pre-eminent business-to-business online resource for corporations to understand, mitigate, and manage the transition and impact of greenhouse gas emission constraints on corporations globally. Carlton Bartels invented and held the patent on the computer-based system for simulated automated carbon trading.

Ted's Instagram response this morning: Re: e address... too soon. I am very private with contact other than here on FB. Yes telepathically that is the words come in to my head - mostly Yes at night in a relaxed state. The Navy Seal murdered by their own.. I was wide awake looking into the bathroom mirror cleaning my teeth. They had said on the news about 10 day or so before that Seals had been killed in a helicopter shot down. As I said it took years for the entire story to unravel but I was the FIRST to say their own govt. did it because I was told. The words came into my brain as if someone is talking to me because they are not my thoughts.

My reply: Thanks for the reply Ted. First I want to give you the line I added at the end of my second reply to your you tube video that was referred to in my first reply that disappeared (GOD does this to me all the time electronically): I've got to tell my friend fellow Gurdjieffian Robert De Ford this whole amazing story as he's also a world authority on covert history. Now with respect to what you can only refer to as 'telepathy,' actually it's the first Confirmed case of 5D RETROCOGNITION and those voices you heard were GOD'S, much like Kevin Coffey when he “threw atheism out the window” the day after his Precognitive 1971 vision of 9-11-01 when GOD SPOKE TO HIM! Kev was meant to meet me on 3-23-24, as you were meant to read my weeks old post of PROOFS OF GOD 2 to 5 on 8-15, effectively then being the SIXTH PROOF OF GOD that will be Revealed when I read this last on 9-11-24!!!!!! I'm sorry I normally would respect your privacy but you might as well give me your e-address as I'm going to be sending this letter with attachments to all concerned tomorrow on 8-21, one month to the day since Joe Biden handed his campaign over to VP Kamala Harris and 21 days before 9-11!

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Musk is another reminder that the only difference between those with wealth and those without wealth is the money.

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Actually a case study in malignant narcissism, which is rare.

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Not rare enough!

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Not out of the gene pool yet. Evolution is on the case! That is my take.

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Rare? How about right wing celebrities, billionaires, talk show hosts. Malignant narcissism maybe be rare, but if that is the case then that is apparently what it takes to rise to the top.

I would say crime is the career choice for malignant narcissists, be it an El Chapo , a John Gotti or Donald J. Trump

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More common than you think, evidently.

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Actually, I think there needs to be some studies as to the effect of extreme wealth on on a person. We seem to have so many deranged wealthy people. Would they be that way without the wealth? Elon seems to have uncontrolled mental health issues. He has a fear of the masses and needs to control their thoughts.

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Not sure we need studies to tell us why. I really don't care why Musk and Trump are deranged, selfish and evil. There have always been people like that.

But here is an experiment that might be helpful. Take the money away and see what's left of their brains. Neither one of these monsters "earned" the money.

Claw back the wealth with a "special assessment tax". Use the money to help Ukraine, feed and educate kids, pay for child care, boost healthcare coverage, invest in technologies to save the Earth from the Climate Catastrophe!

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We need a progressive tax system, with 100% tax on income over 500 million.

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Tax Musk and all billionaire s

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How about making it a federal crime for lawyers to defend dangerous would-be dictators and out-of-control megalomaniacs? Their punishment should be permanent discreditation and disbarment. If that were to happen, I wonder how many greedy legal eagles would be so eager to jump on Musk or Trump’s gravy train?

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Weird how MAGA glommed o to the rumor that Bill Gates wanted to implant chips in people’s brains (Covid shots) and went nuts, whereas Musk is actually doing that (I know it’s medical) but what the hey?

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The same can be said of someone lacking class.

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drumpf and musk, two professional con artists who have lied, cheated, and stolen their way to power remorselessly. For them, too much is never enough. Whatever it takes to strip them of their power is required, for the sake of humanity's survival. Look up: Gustav Krupp making a deal with Hitler to supply arms to the Wehrmacht in 1933, to seal a guarantee of World dominion. Desperate times.

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Yes, indeed. The US is busy upgrading all of its nuclear missiles.

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... or worse, from a mental and spiritual point of view....

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All of these “shoulds” yet no one in the administration is taking any action. Musk has already been allowed to reach an uncontrollable status.

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I would like an answer to why the administration is sitting on the issue.

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Because they can't do an ything without congress and you know who congress belongs to, don't you.

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Why do you think the Administration should be “controlling” what Americans say and do?

What is with this obsession with how people are outside of the petty US power structure, they are suddenly public enemy no.1? I understand people who serve the powerful in the country having that obsession, but why would normal Americans push for that?

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From a response I gave to a fellow today who wanted to give two "likes" to my post So in summary.... on the Thom Hartmann Report: Thom gave it a like too and Sunday Cc'd cover letter and 7 attachments (above is the 4th, Thom's the 6th) breaking the biggest story of the 21st century to his wife Louise for publication by In These Times on 9-9. Which will be followed by 2 the next day (the biggest science story) and on 9-11 4 more (biggest political story sans 2 other's exposing the Antichrist as since 8-15-24 Both the FIFTH And SIXTH PROOFS OF GOD entail 9-11-01!!!!!! ITT, Rachel Maddow and Louise don't know it yet but I'm going to also post all articles in reverse order capped on 9-9 by Sunday's summary letter to ITT and Rachel here and on Robert Reich's comments page.

The first article on 9-11 is titled On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia. The last sentence of first paragraph: Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Fourth paragraph: As that pretty well covers corporate TV and print media bias so now we get to the meat of the matter: Corporate Social Media starting with the Richest guy on the planet – Elon Musk. From a 10-2-23 article titled What was Elon Musk's strategy for buying Twitter? by NBC New's Ben Collins. On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright. Turns out those anonymous text messages were sent by the far-right blogger Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 for having spoken on a panel alongside white nationalists. The article on Beattie’s site (revolver.news) begins with a baseless claim that censorship on Twitter cost President Donald Trump the 2020 election. “Free speech online is what enabled the Trump revolution in 2016,” the anonymous author wrote. “If the Internet had been as free in 2020 as it was four years before, Trump would have cruised to reelection.” The author said that “Step 1” after a Musk takeover would be: “Blame the platform for its users.” He or she predicted that “Twitter would be blamed for every so-called act of ‘racism’ ‘sexism’ and ‘transphobia’ occurring on its platform.” After Musk’s purchase of Twitter was finalized in October 2022, he allowed previously suspended accounts to return. “In the nearly 18 months since (he bought Twitter), many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination,” which the fascist went on to blame for the 25 billion buck loss of 60% of the X Twitter ad revenue.

Of course Musk also has his Facebook fan page, whose “free speech” algorithm has been updated to at last barring me from responding to or posting any comment. On July 16 the Jim Hightower team's daily post was titled We've been censored by Facebook! And you probably have been, too. They said in the last week or so they'd seen a lot of social media posts about Project 2025 and when they tried to post their article about it on Facebook it was immediately removed as going against their Community Standards on spam. (Ironically one of the author's of the piece barred me “for 100 years” from posting anything on Hightower's site after posting my months old paper that ends with “the new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president, who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025” on multiple comments to their post, violating Their policy on 'spam'!) “I started asking colleagues who work in progressive communications and technology if they’d heard about things like this happening. We’ve now found out that this has been a pattern happening to other organizations publicizing the harm that Project 2025 (“P25”) could do to the country.”

So now that we have fully summarized Anti-Trump News Suppression In Corporate Media, the first question is how in the hell can Progressive Media Counter Mega Billionaire Support Of Trump? Easy and Only Answer – make sure everybody is presented with this Comparison Between The Candidates: Since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Elon Musk must surely be controlled by the Monopolies Board? The President can and should be using his enormous power and issuing an Executive Order as granted by the Supreme Court.

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That's right. SCOTUS ruled that anything the president does is not illegal, they actually said immune, but if he is immune then anything he does is legal.

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Well said

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From a response I gave to a fellow today who wanted to give two "likes" to my post So in summary.... on the Thom Hartmann Report: Thom gave it a like too and Sunday Cc'd cover letter and 7 attachments (above is the 4th, Thom's the 6th) breaking the biggest story of the 21st century to his wife Louise for publication by In These Times on 9-9. Which will be followed by 2 the next day (the biggest science story) and on 9-11 4 more (biggest political story sans 2 other's exposing the Antichrist as since 8-15-24 Both the FIFTH And SIXTH PROOFS OF GOD entail 9-11-01!!!!!! ITT, Rachel Maddow and Louise don't know it yet but I'm going to also post all articles in reverse order capped on 9-9 by Sunday's summary letter to ITT and Rachel here and on Robert Reich's comments page.

The first article on 9-11 is titled On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia. The last sentence of first paragraph: Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Fourth paragraph: As that pretty well covers corporate TV and print media bias so now we get to the meat of the matter: Corporate Social Media starting with the Richest guy on the planet – Elon Musk. From a 10-2-23 article titled What was Elon Musk's strategy for buying Twitter? by NBC New's Ben Collins. On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright. Turns out those anonymous text messages were sent by the far-right blogger Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 for having spoken on a panel alongside white nationalists. The article on Beattie’s site (revolver.news) begins with a baseless claim that censorship on Twitter cost President Donald Trump the 2020 election. “Free speech online is what enabled the Trump revolution in 2016,” the anonymous author wrote. “If the Internet had been as free in 2020 as it was four years before, Trump would have cruised to reelection.” The author said that “Step 1” after a Musk takeover would be: “Blame the platform for its users.” He or she predicted that “Twitter would be blamed for every so-called act of ‘racism’ ‘sexism’ and ‘transphobia’ occurring on its platform.” After Musk’s purchase of Twitter was finalized in October 2022, he allowed previously suspended accounts to return. “In the nearly 18 months since (he bought Twitter), many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination,” which the fascist went on to blame for the 25 billion buck loss of 60% of the X Twitter ad revenue.

Of course Musk also has his Facebook fan page, whose “free speech” algorithm has been updated to at last barring me from responding to or posting any comment. On July 16 the Jim Hightower team's daily post was titled We've been censored by Facebook! And you probably have been, too. They said in the last week or so they'd seen a lot of social media posts about Project 2025 and when they tried to post their article about it on Facebook it was immediately removed as going against their Community Standards on spam. (Ironically one of the author's of the piece barred me “for 100 years” from posting anything on Hightower's site after posting my months old paper that ends with “the new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president, who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025” on multiple comments to their post, violating Their policy on 'spam'!) “I started asking colleagues who work in progressive communications and technology if they’d heard about things like this happening. We’ve now found out that this has been a pattern happening to other organizations publicizing the harm that Project 2025 (“P25”) could do to the country.”

So now that we have fully summarized Anti-Trump News Suppression In Corporate Media, the first question is how in the hell can Progressive Media Counter Mega Billionaire Support Of Trump? Easy and Only Answer – make sure everybody is presented with this Comparison Between The Candidates: Since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Thank you Robert for your excellent and accurate commentary on Elon Musk. He is out of control and acting like a dictator. It’s time to pull in his reins and make his X unavailable to all until he removes the hateful and inaccurate messages. Also, I too am concerned about his dominance in the space industry. Other companies should be given the opportunity to contribute their knowledge and ideas to the US space industry. I am hopeful that my fellow Americans will see through the lies and hate that Trump is spreading and support the Democrats for President and a majority in the House and Senate.

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The Justices gave enormous power to the President, who can manage this by using an executive order if he sees fit. Monopolies commission can suspend the take-over of YouTube.

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Prez and Garland asleep at the wheel or compromised.

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More like asleep!

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3

Immobilized by fear of the terrorists that are working for tRUMP and now Musk. Don't forget the death threats. They also have AI impersonating a very popular presidential candidate. Talk about election interference. They want to incite civil war every place where democracy is strengthening. Where ever the humans are winning. They want US to destroy each other. It is a very old tactic: Divide and conquer.

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Prez snoozing, Garland part of the problem.

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Words hurt trump just like any school yard kid that he behaves like. This to please his peanut gallery, and pump them up.

Money we know weakens the moral/ethical fortitude of many and this is his trading card, his hammer.

We are at a trump/musk historic crossroads... Don't go down it.

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From a response I gave to a fellow today who wanted to give two "likes" to my post So in summary.... on the Thom Hartmann Report: Thom gave it a like too and Sunday Cc'd cover letter and 7 attachments (above is the 4th, Thom's the 6th) breaking the biggest story of the 21st century to his wife Louise for publication by In These Times on 9-9. Which will be followed by 2 the next day (the biggest science story) and on 9-11 4 more (biggest political story sans 2 other's exposing the Antichrist as since 8-15-24 Both the FIFTH And SIXTH PROOFS OF GOD entail 9-11-01!!!!!! ITT, Rachel Maddow and Louise don't know it yet but I'm going to also post all articles in reverse order capped on 9-9 by Sunday's summary letter to ITT and Rachel here and on Robert Reich's comments page.

The first article on 9-11 is titled On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia. The last sentence of first paragraph: Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Fourth paragraph: As that pretty well covers corporate TV and print media bias so now we get to the meat of the matter: Corporate Social Media starting with the Richest guy on the planet – Elon Musk. From a 10-2-23 article titled What was Elon Musk's strategy for buying Twitter? by NBC New's Ben Collins. On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright. Turns out those anonymous text messages were sent by the far-right blogger Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 for having spoken on a panel alongside white nationalists. The article on Beattie’s site (revolver.news) begins with a baseless claim that censorship on Twitter cost President Donald Trump the 2020 election. “Free speech online is what enabled the Trump revolution in 2016,” the anonymous author wrote. “If the Internet had been as free in 2020 as it was four years before, Trump would have cruised to reelection.” The author said that “Step 1” after a Musk takeover would be: “Blame the platform for its users.” He or she predicted that “Twitter would be blamed for every so-called act of ‘racism’ ‘sexism’ and ‘transphobia’ occurring on its platform.” After Musk’s purchase of Twitter was finalized in October 2022, he allowed previously suspended accounts to return. “In the nearly 18 months since (he bought Twitter), many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination,” which the fascist went on to blame for the 25 billion buck loss of 60% of the X Twitter ad revenue.

Of course Musk also has his Facebook fan page, whose “free speech” algorithm has been updated to at last barring me from responding to or posting any comment. On July 16 the Jim Hightower team's daily post was titled We've been censored by Facebook! And you probably have been, too. They said in the last week or so they'd seen a lot of social media posts about Project 2025 and when they tried to post their article about it on Facebook it was immediately removed as going against their Community Standards on spam. (Ironically one of the author's of the piece barred me “for 100 years” from posting anything on Hightower's site after posting my months old paper that ends with “the new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president, who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025” on multiple comments to their post, violating Their policy on 'spam'!) “I started asking colleagues who work in progressive communications and technology if they’d heard about things like this happening. We’ve now found out that this has been a pattern happening to other organizations publicizing the harm that Project 2025 (“P25”) could do to the country.”

So now that we have fully summarized Anti-Trump News Suppression In Corporate Media, the first question is how in the hell can Progressive Media Counter Mega Billionaire Support Of Trump? Easy and Only Answer – make sure everybody is presented with this Comparison Between The Candidates: Since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Musk and Trump belong in the same playground as the other 'mouthy' 10-year olds.

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I disagree on only one point made in this analysis, that Musk should not be charged with any crime as he incited violent crimes against asylum seekers in the UK.This is indeed a crime under English laws although the extradition treaty signed with the USA is in practice one sided and only allows British citizens to be extradited on request luckily for Musk.

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From a response I gave to a fellow today who wanted to give two "likes" to my post So in summary.... on the Thom Hartmann Report: Thom gave it a like too and Sunday Cc'd cover letter and 7 attachments (above is the 4th, Thom's the 6th) breaking the biggest story of the 21st century to his wife Louise for publication by In These Times on 9-9. Which will be followed by 2 the next day (the biggest science story) and on 9-11 4 more (biggest political story sans 2 other's exposing the Antichrist as since 8-15-24 Both the FIFTH And SIXTH PROOFS OF GOD entail 9-11-01!!!!!! ITT, Rachel Maddow and Louise don't know it yet but I'm going to also post all articles in reverse order capped on 9-9 by Sunday's summary letter to ITT and Rachel here and on Robert Reich's comments page.

The first article on 9-11 is titled On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia. The last sentence of first paragraph: Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Fourth paragraph: As that pretty well covers corporate TV and print media bias so now we get to the meat of the matter: Corporate Social Media starting with the Richest guy on the planet – Elon Musk. From a 10-2-23 article titled What was Elon Musk's strategy for buying Twitter? by NBC New's Ben Collins. On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright. Turns out those anonymous text messages were sent by the far-right blogger Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 for having spoken on a panel alongside white nationalists. The article on Beattie’s site (revolver.news) begins with a baseless claim that censorship on Twitter cost President Donald Trump the 2020 election. “Free speech online is what enabled the Trump revolution in 2016,” the anonymous author wrote. “If the Internet had been as free in 2020 as it was four years before, Trump would have cruised to reelection.” The author said that “Step 1” after a Musk takeover would be: “Blame the platform for its users.” He or she predicted that “Twitter would be blamed for every so-called act of ‘racism’ ‘sexism’ and ‘transphobia’ occurring on its platform.” After Musk’s purchase of Twitter was finalized in October 2022, he allowed previously suspended accounts to return. “In the nearly 18 months since (he bought Twitter), many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination,” which the fascist went on to blame for the 25 billion buck loss of 60% of the X Twitter ad revenue.

Of course Musk also has his Facebook fan page, whose “free speech” algorithm has been updated to at last barring me from responding to or posting any comment. On July 16 the Jim Hightower team's daily post was titled We've been censored by Facebook! And you probably have been, too. They said in the last week or so they'd seen a lot of social media posts about Project 2025 and when they tried to post their article about it on Facebook it was immediately removed as going against their Community Standards on spam. (Ironically one of the author's of the piece barred me “for 100 years” from posting anything on Hightower's site after posting my months old paper that ends with “the new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president, who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025” on multiple comments to their post, violating Their policy on 'spam'!) “I started asking colleagues who work in progressive communications and technology if they’d heard about things like this happening. We’ve now found out that this has been a pattern happening to other organizations publicizing the harm that Project 2025 (“P25”) could do to the country.”

So now that we have fully summarized Anti-Trump News Suppression In Corporate Media, the first question is how in the hell can Progressive Media Counter Mega Billionaire Support Of Trump? Easy and Only Answer – make sure everybody is presented with this Comparison Between The Candidates: Since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Only things that will stop someone acting as malignantly narcissistic as Musk are firm barriers.


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I enjoyed your interesting article, Sam. It analyzes how Musk became the man who created "Darth Twitter" from having Asperger's, his apartheid-influenced childhood with affluenza, and how libertarians and Peter Thiel's Roy Cohn-like influence during his PayPal days turned Elon into the malignant narcissist that made him the perfect BFF for Trump.

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From a response I gave to a fellow today who wanted to give two "likes" to my post So in summary.... on the Thom Hartmann Report: Thom gave it a like too and Sunday Cc'd cover letter and 7 attachments (above is the 4th, Thom's the 6th) breaking the biggest story of the 21st century to his wife Louise for publication by In These Times on 9-9. Which will be followed by 2 the next day (the biggest science story) and on 9-11 4 more (biggest political story sans 2 other's exposing the Antichrist as since 8-15-24 Both the FIFTH And SIXTH PROOFS OF GOD entail 9-11-01!!!!!! ITT, Rachel Maddow and Louise don't know it yet but I'm going to also post all articles in reverse order capped on 9-9 by Sunday's summary letter to ITT and Rachel here and on Robert Reich's comments page.

The first article on 9-11 is titled On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia. The last sentence of first paragraph: Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Fourth paragraph: As that pretty well covers corporate TV and print media bias so now we get to the meat of the matter: Corporate Social Media starting with the Richest guy on the planet – Elon Musk. From a 10-2-23 article titled What was Elon Musk's strategy for buying Twitter? by NBC New's Ben Collins. On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright. Turns out those anonymous text messages were sent by the far-right blogger Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 for having spoken on a panel alongside white nationalists. The article on Beattie’s site (revolver.news) begins with a baseless claim that censorship on Twitter cost President Donald Trump the 2020 election. “Free speech online is what enabled the Trump revolution in 2016,” the anonymous author wrote. “If the Internet had been as free in 2020 as it was four years before, Trump would have cruised to reelection.” The author said that “Step 1” after a Musk takeover would be: “Blame the platform for its users.” He or she predicted that “Twitter would be blamed for every so-called act of ‘racism’ ‘sexism’ and ‘transphobia’ occurring on its platform.” After Musk’s purchase of Twitter was finalized in October 2022, he allowed previously suspended accounts to return. “In the nearly 18 months since (he bought Twitter), many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination,” which the fascist went on to blame for the 25 billion buck loss of 60% of the X Twitter ad revenue.

Of course Musk also has his Facebook fan page, whose “free speech” algorithm has been updated to at last barring me from responding to or posting any comment. On July 16 the Jim Hightower team's daily post was titled We've been censored by Facebook! And you probably have been, too. They said in the last week or so they'd seen a lot of social media posts about Project 2025 and when they tried to post their article about it on Facebook it was immediately removed as going against their Community Standards on spam. (Ironically one of the author's of the piece barred me “for 100 years” from posting anything on Hightower's site after posting my months old paper that ends with “the new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president, who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025” on multiple comments to their post, violating Their policy on 'spam'!) “I started asking colleagues who work in progressive communications and technology if they’d heard about things like this happening. We’ve now found out that this has been a pattern happening to other organizations publicizing the harm that Project 2025 (“P25”) could do to the country.”

So now that we have fully summarized Anti-Trump News Suppression In Corporate Media, the first question is how in the hell can Progressive Media Counter Mega Billionaire Support Of Trump? Easy and Only Answer – make sure everybody is presented with this Comparison Between The Candidates: Since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Yo Sean shitter what’s up bot?

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From a response I gave to a fellow today who wanted to give two "likes" to my post So in summary.... on the Thom Hartmann Report: Thom gave it a like too and Sunday Cc'd cover letter and 7 attachments (above is the 4th, Thom's the 6th) breaking the biggest story of the 21st century to his wife Louise for publication by In These Times on 9-9. Which will be followed by 2 the next day (the biggest science story) and on 9-11 4 more (biggest political story sans 2 other's exposing the Antichrist as since 8-15-24 Both the FIFTH And SIXTH PROOFS OF GOD entail 9-11-01!!!!!! ITT, Rachel Maddow and Louise don't know it yet but I'm going to also post all articles in reverse order capped on 9-9 by Sunday's summary letter to ITT and Rachel here and on Robert Reich's comments page.

The first article on 9-11 is titled On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia. The last sentence of first paragraph: Then on 7-8, after the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

Fourth paragraph: As that pretty well covers corporate TV and print media bias so now we get to the meat of the matter: Corporate Social Media starting with the Richest guy on the planet – Elon Musk. From a 10-2-23 article titled What was Elon Musk's strategy for buying Twitter? by NBC New's Ben Collins. On the day that public records revealed that Elon Musk had become Twitter’s biggest shareholder, an unknown sender texted the billionaire and recommended an article imploring him to acquire the social network outright. Turns out those anonymous text messages were sent by the far-right blogger Darren Beattie, a former Trump White House speechwriter who was fired in 2018 for having spoken on a panel alongside white nationalists. The article on Beattie’s site (revolver.news) begins with a baseless claim that censorship on Twitter cost President Donald Trump the 2020 election. “Free speech online is what enabled the Trump revolution in 2016,” the anonymous author wrote. “If the Internet had been as free in 2020 as it was four years before, Trump would have cruised to reelection.” The author said that “Step 1” after a Musk takeover would be: “Blame the platform for its users.” He or she predicted that “Twitter would be blamed for every so-called act of ‘racism’ ‘sexism’ and ‘transphobia’ occurring on its platform.” After Musk’s purchase of Twitter was finalized in October 2022, he allowed previously suspended accounts to return. “In the nearly 18 months since (he bought Twitter), many of the decisions Musk made after he bought Twitter appear to have closely followed that road map, up to and including his ongoing attacks against the Anti-Defamation League, a nonprofit organization founded by Jewish Americans to counter discrimination,” which the fascist went on to blame for the 25 billion buck loss of 60% of the X Twitter ad revenue.

Of course Musk also has his Facebook fan page, whose “free speech” algorithm has been updated to at last barring me from responding to or posting any comment. On July 16 the Jim Hightower team's daily post was titled We've been censored by Facebook! And you probably have been, too. They said in the last week or so they'd seen a lot of social media posts about Project 2025 and when they tried to post their article about it on Facebook it was immediately removed as going against their Community Standards on spam. (Ironically one of the author's of the piece barred me “for 100 years” from posting anything on Hightower's site after posting my months old paper that ends with “the new speaker of the House who openly wants to establish a 'moral' Christian Nationalism run by the next Republican president, who will implement a fascist plan called Project 2025” on multiple comments to their post, violating Their policy on 'spam'!) “I started asking colleagues who work in progressive communications and technology if they’d heard about things like this happening. We’ve now found out that this has been a pattern happening to other organizations publicizing the harm that Project 2025 (“P25”) could do to the country.”

So now that we have fully summarized Anti-Trump News Suppression In Corporate Media, the first question is how in the hell can Progressive Media Counter Mega Billionaire Support Of Trump? Easy and Only Answer – make sure everybody is presented with this Comparison Between The Candidates: Since the huge event of Joe Biden bowing out and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States on Sunday the 21st of July, there is only one question before us: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Parents Both Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

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Regarding Musk and others like him, whatever goes up usually comes down. Hopefully, one day, he and others will blast off on a rocket to somewhere and never be seen or heard from again. Have an X, Space X, and Tesla-free day, month, year, and century.

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Musk claims in an interview that he’s an alien from outer space. It appears he’s on the road to be a megalomaniac along with the orange one.

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Musk actually looks like an alien!

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He’s already there.

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