The days we are living in remind me of Serfdom many centuries back, where we did the job we were told to do in hopes of having a bite of bread or some shelter at the end of the day.'s just today's version of slavery. Oh sure, there is payment involved for work done, BUT...most often it's not a living wage.
The days we are living in remind me of Serfdom many centuries back, where we did the job we were told to do in hopes of having a bite of bread or some shelter at the end of the day.'s just today's version of slavery. Oh sure, there is payment involved for work done, BUT...most often it's not a living wage.
The days we are living in remind me of Serfdom many centuries back, where we did the job we were told to do in hopes of having a bite of bread or some shelter at the end of the day.'s just today's version of slavery. Oh sure, there is payment involved for work done, BUT...most often it's not a living wage.
We are working toward an income distribution that rivals Medieval Europe. Time to sharpen the pitch forks! Or at least vote the scoundrels out.
Don Herbst ; If we can actually have our votes counted accurately, and have safe access to the polls or mail in ballots!
Starting to look like a couple of very big "IFs" isn't it.
Don Herbst ; Who knows what will happen? Some states run by wingers will be compromised, unless the Congress can come up with some laws.