Dec 27, 2022Liked by Robert Reich

I'm not sure I like reading about how the sausage is made.

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Mr. Reich, you need to write a play. Actually, you have written a play, you just have to put two acts to it. It’ll play, it’ll play real well! You will find fabulous actors, and it will win the Pulitzer Prize. Or the Tony or whatever they give for plays. Hey, they’ll even make a movie. I mean you’ve got the dialogue, it’s all right there!! It’s already superb. It is TRUTH, it is real, it is passionate, dramatic, comedic, what else do you need?! YOU are a playwright! You may already have a title: “Lessons Learned; or how to survive a Senate confirmation hearing without really trying.” Thank you, those were great scenes!

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So true. What Dr. Reich is referring to here is human psychology as it relates to ego. As it turns out, real life isn’t necessarily about how correct or how right you are, but how you cater to the ego of the listener. I failed to understand this fundamental truth for most of my life...and I think this gets to our problem with the MAGA people. We can scream the truth to high heaven, but if their egos feel bruised they’ll never accept the leadership of the educated.

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That sounds like a few job interviews that I went on. I wish somebody had educated me on how to respond like those staffers did Robert. I usually didn't get the job, and I wondered why. I was never good at sucking up, and I didn't even realize that's what I was supposed to do. Too bad I didn't have some interview coaches. I read up on how to do a job interview, but they never mentioned you must show so much respect and respond not answer the questions. All that kinda goes against the natural instinct learned at school to show how brilliant you are. I'm just glad I won't ever have to do that kind of thing ever again. It was never much fun.

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I think we would be better off raised by wolves.

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I got nervous just reading this, AND I’m not even nominated for anything! Ha!

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Elena Kagan knew how to answer hypocritical bigots of the Senate: “During those proceedings, GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina asked Kagan, who is Jewish, how she spent the last Christmas holiday.

“Like all Jews, I was probably at a Chinese restaurant,” Kagan quipped, prompting hearty laughter and applause in the hearing room.”

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Many thanks. If only Brett Kavanaugh had been given (and taken!) this advice -- especially about respecting the Senators!

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This sounds very familiar to me. During the 50’s every woman was trained to hide her intelligence, never outshine a man, and always cater to a man’s needs first. The home is the man’s castle and he has the last word in all decisions. Woman must never show anger. These ideas of male superiority still haunt women . Dr Reich had to endure this for a short time. It is a good lesson in how many have to speak to power. We often call it, don’t poke the dragon. I hope once he was able to be in the cabinet, true communication was valued. We saw how Trumps sickophant cabinet had to continue to praise Trump and never let him know he was the emperor with no clothes. Watching the confirmation hearing of Ketinji Brown Jackson shows this is still the game that was played. Actually having mutual respect and honesty would be a better model, but historically people in power prefer praise and awe. What a dysfunctional species we are.

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Dear God, imagine having to be humble and deferential to the pack of Republican fools and jackhats that populate the Senate nowadays.

But, better the Republican Senate fools than the rabble, riff-raff and boorish ignoramuses of the GQP House, it must be said.

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Wow...and I worked for the DoD was I kinda understand the people in government. I do enjoy your insight and wish you were still on the Cabinet.

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Great post! Love the from-the-trenches perspective; hideous and demoralizing, but sadly not surprising.

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I have heard it said that those who feed at the public trough have no self respect, therfore expect and demand a show of public respect. Your experience clearly shows that. Thank you for your insights.

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Great article! Here’s a question. Why should a Congress agree to confirm a single appointment if an Executive refuses to comply with it’s subpoenas? That is a singularly emphatic display of disrespect, no?

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That's really interesting. This rite of passage, even with a "friendly" group of Senators; to have to be coached on how to properly genuflect when you know the answer cold has got to be really difficult for any intelligent person. Kind of makes me wonder if anything has really changed since we were living in caves. You know, back when the guy that ran the place was the brute who swung the heaviest club....

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Thank you for writing this. I work in a profession where my knowledge and deference are tested about 4x an hour. The truth is, for most people, in most workplaces, there's someone who wants either their ass kissed or acknowledgement that they also know things.

We have a hard relationship with knowing here in the America. We have to point out we know things. Our knowledge isn't useful unless other people know we know things. It all very much gets in the way of creating wisdom from knowledge.

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