A data scientist, Stephen Spoonamore, strongly suspects a hack took place during the 2024 election. He speaks of tremendous numbers of “bullet votes” for Trump, occurring in just the swing states. A bullet vote is where there is only one selection in one race out of the entire ballot.
For example in Arizona and Nevada, 5% and 7% of the ballots were people who only voted for Trump.
He explains how easily it could occur particularly with the ability of Starlink, headed by Elon Musk. He also explains that a hand recount would clear this up.
Mr. Spoonamore is imploring Kamala Harris to request a HAND RECOUNT as only she can do. He states that a hand recount will determine the correct number of votes for the 2024 presidential election.
People interested in pushing for Harris to have a hand recount should contact Harris at the White House:
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
Or contact someone who can talk her into a hand recount and have her read Spoonamore’s letter. (Her husband, Pelosi? Waltz? Jeffries?)
Professor Reich, what do you think of this theory? You can also say that Trump voters are so primitive and lazy that they only wanted to vote for their dear leader.
I just submitted the comment above about Elon Musk to the Washington Post Fact Checker.
The voting system as run by various states is designed to let the Republicans make it more difficult for Democratic leaning voters to cast a ballot and easier for them to purge less frequent voters from voter rolls. Add to this the gutting of the Voting Rights Act, the hostility of the current Supreme Court to human rights, economic fairness, the persistence of racism and lies all makes it a perfect storm. We have a system designed for the 18th century when only white men with property could vote and it continues into the 21st. Voting should be treated as a fundamental right with meaning, yet it isn’t.
Also, the Supreme Court is not about Justice with honor in any way, as it has allowed itself to be bought, at least the Majority has. Our system has a fatal weakness in that there are no safeguards against the willful killing of our remedies. take, for example, the way we are again hearing that "The DOJ has a policy that "A sitting President cannot be indicted". Here it is again ; and then someone will write in the newspaper that "Nobody is above the law". "We don't have a king" ; etc. It is even inscribed in stone, somewhere, on a building façade, isn't it? Doublethink.? We can see that something is wrong, but can't get to a remedy as we hurtle towards disaster : Again. This is deliberate mental illness. Or the willful allowance to let the obscenely rich get away with stealing again. They have endless off ramps in the legal system. After the horrendous crimes that are unfolding with no consequences, we again hear about Statutes of limitations, lest anyone think that eventually tRUMP will have his day in court to face any consequences. of course, he will be very old, too, so we should just let it slide. Rupert Murdoch is in his 90's and still criming. Oh well : let it go ? Meanwhile, a very young man is facing 15 years in prison for posting classified materials on a gaming site. He will be in his 30s when he gets released. But tRUMP not only walks, but is President, and about to do "Whatever the hell he wants."!?
This writer knows without a doubt this is looking to be ‘The 34 felony count Presidential administration. It’s no surprise he’s driven to appoint untrained, unqualified
and bastardized people for most sensitive government post. His goal is to align our country with dictators and despots. God help us all for division between church and state seems to cease to the highest bidder.
You're writing about 34 counts that have to do with one act. Being involved with infidelity while married. It's something that almost every President in the 20th century could have been prosecuted for. I believe there was only two or three Presidents who didn't have a mistress, President Carter being one of them.
No his felonies are about paying her to remain silent with business funds, and falsifying his business records to write the expense off on his business taxes. That is tax fraud.
I am old and decrepit, but I am also lucky because I can afford to give monetary contributions to organizations defending human rights. Do what you can!
I’m also old but healthy. But due to bad marriage choices (one,) and thus too old to be hired; I don’t have financial stability. I still try to help others
Laurie - what dumpster did with the classified docs was much worse than what a dumb kid did. dumpster undoubtedly sold the documents, probably to his puppeteer putin, probably through an intermediary such as the saudis, which would explain the $2 billion given to jared kushner. by the way, the saudis and the iranians are planning naval exercises together. hope? not so much.
His love interest, Kim Jong Un has sent 10,000 troops to Russia to help defeat Ukraine. Biden is interfering with it somewhat at this point by giving Ukraine the type of weapons they need to fight effectively. He also wants to get some legit justices onto the court before it gets even worse, while he is still President.
Mike - does the white house have an on-call plumber?
Also, it's a strange universe that a traitor with known ties to putin would be given classified info. that means that musk and everyone else around him has access to it also. It seems to me that we should probably impeach biden for disclosing classified info to the enemy? or, we could say, well mr. biden, either you go to jail or dumpster does, what'll it be?
I've posted ad nauseum about Biden having the corrupt supreme court given right to do whatevers within the scope of his duties, with impunity. Biden has a moral, ethical, political and patriotic obligation to arrest and imprison at a supermax for life, all the participants in the ongoing 4 year coup attempt. There is no reason in the world that Biden shouldn't use this to save our democracy. I'm talking about jailing the corrupt 6 on the court, ginni, stone, bannon, leoleonard, all the congresspeople involved, the oligarchs who are funding this fascist enterprise, all the lawyers and republican attorneys general who aided and abetted, all the "alternate electors" . remember that at the j6 hearings, it was all republicans who testified against their boss. the problems that may occur as a result of this action would be far less traumatic for the country than allowing this dumpster to regain the presidency.
Did you read Spoonamore’s Substack letter above? We need to demand a hand recount in MI, WI, NC & AZ if not ALL swing states! Why is no one talking about this? There were 600,000 bullet ballots. Very strange.
But, I'm afraid that the thinking in top Democrat circles is that they don't want to add to the distrust people already have in the electoral system post 2020 stirred up by the trump challenges. Of course, this should never cause us to fail to challenge elections when challenges are needed.
❤Reich❤:"...they can make us ... stop defending those who are most vulnerable..."
Seven Letters: "wana die?" are required by scientists to defend those who are most vulnerable, one in twenty Americans wanted to die BEFORE THE FASCISTS WON! Trump feeds Despair, Despair feeds Trump.... aka "America is in a TAILSPIN"
If you are one of the 1% that does NOT deny this science, join me in suing the 99% that do, starting with your County Health Department!😁😁😁
I laugh at you in derision. The President-elect of the US is a convicted felon who surrounds himself with crooks, just like a mob boss. He's a Combover Caligula.
Writing Vice President Harris today. I've always felt Al Gore capitulated too quickly when the Supreme Court intervened in the in the 2000 election. Incidentally, that decision in favor of George W. Bush was written by Justice Scalia.
. . . and the Bush bunch dragged everything down to perdition with his invasion of Iraq.. Never been the same since, with world-wide awakening of American cruelty and torture in Abu Grabe, prison, once know for abuses by Saddam Hussein, and now know as the place where American fairness went to die.
It was improper that partisan groups demanded and obtained the voting software after the 2020 election. After a partisan group obtained the voting software, the software was more vulnerable to hacking. This is not speculation. These are the facts. After the voting software was obtained by very partisan groups, the possibility exists and increased that the software was reverse-engineered to find the security vulnerabilities.
I hope that contacting Harris works, but I don't hold out much hope. She was all too eager to concede, conceding 5 hours after the counting started.
Why was she in such a hurry,?She even called Trump to congratulate him before she gave her speech
Given her eagerness to concede do you really expect her to demand a recount and look the fool?
I see no ray of sunshine. As Roy Orbison sang; "It's Over" Instead of wasting time on forlorn hope, or trying soothe ourselves, we need to be prepared for the persecution to come and form a resistance, passive and positive.
Agreed Jan, but we have to do more than being, basically beggars at the temple or mosque, asking for alms or drachma's or whatever it is we are asking for
We need an organized, not coopted, resistance. The other day on RR a reader commented. "Give him a chance". Bull shit. we have no choice but to fight, writing your congress critter is just one stone in the pile., from which you feed your slingshit.
I keep thinking of Pastor Neimoller who said "first they came for the socialist amd I did nothing because I wasn't a socialist."
That is funny. I get email every day requesting more donations to Kamala, precisily to fund 'correcting' ballots, and counting late ballots. Perhaps that is not as rigorous as a hand recount? Meanwhile I read that the publicans did massive voter disenfrangizement of democratic districts, sufficient to swing the count in swing states. We know the voting rules suck when the winner can be determined by random uncertainty in a few swing states. I think that is the number one issue that must be addressed.
“She was all too eager to concede, conceding 5 hours after the counting started.” Exactly my first thought when I heard the Bad News. Was she, or most likely her family, subtly intimidated or threatened by the newly strengthened and weaponized MAGAT Brownshirts?
If she was intimidated or threatened so easily, despite being surrounded by secret service, then she would have been a push over for Putin, Xi, Un, much like Joe has been.
I don't know why she conceded so fast, either. Maybe they flt they should show how election loss is done. Don't rock the boat. Don't be like trump. Don't sew distrust of the electoral system.
Kathy, While I agree that the spectrum of voter suppression/ nullification factors, let alone the systemic constraints, are all contributing components, I also would suggest we not discount, that while Trump’s vote count in 2024 was comparable to the count in 2020, Harris received about 13 million fewer votes than Biden in 2020. Moreover, I would note these figures do not include the approximate 80 million eligible voters who didn’t cast ballots in either election. I mention these figures for one reason: to help broaden our post-election analysis, while recognizing all the contributing factors are not nearly accounted for.
"Vote flipping" is in the realm of possibilities. It is possible for a hack or "bug" to flip the vote of every 5, or 10, or 20 votes. The printout of how the voter voted would be correct, but how it was counted would be incorrect. I'm not saying this happened. I'm saying computer scientists in the past have said this is possible.
With Musk in the middle of all of this, we know he is very computer oriented and he has very intelligent people working with him. Anything would be possible in that type of environment!
What I find disturbing is that I don't seem to have a way to actually know if my ballot votes were counted at all. The ballot does not have my name on it. The ballots don't have serial numbers so I could check that it exists in the voting district. All we seem to end up with is a stack of ballots in various districts, that seemingly have everyone's ballot. But, how do we know if extra ballots were not added, or deleted?
As a minimum, every voter should be able to find their ballot in the stack, and check that it matches their records (assuming they made a record). And, any voter should be able to ask a number of similar random ballot voters if their ballot is correct. Also the district count should be able to be checked by any voter in the district. And, any voter should be able to check that the total state or federal count matches the sum of the voting districts.
You can't do all that with paper ballots alone. You need data bases at the local level, state level, and the final federal level, that every voter in the country can check for consistency.
I like this idea. Perhaps your ballot should have a unique number on it for identification, accessible by a computer search. Only you would know that number, so your vote would still be secret unless you wanted it disclosed.
Barbara - I was going to mention something similar to your comment. I was also going to add that I just read an article (AP news I believe) that the USPS delivered a lot of correctly mailed and addressed ballots to not only wrong districts in those states but also to entirely wrong states. Apparently the USPS received a letter after the primaries saying that they had concerns about their ability to handle ballots in the presidential election but of course DeJoy brushed them off. Originally they were concerned about their ability to receive ballots on time even when they were postmarked way ahead of the deadline. Considering that a lot of states refused drop boxes, or hand delivery, some had no choice but to use the USPS. We already had states purge voters during the “quiet period” on top of gerrymandering and now we have people who did what they were supposed to do but were denied the right to vote because of the USPS. It makes me wonder just how many people did indeed vote but were still denied to be counted. Regardless of whether they were voting for republicans, democrats, independents or write ins this should not be allowed to continue.
RR. This must be a hard commentary to write at this time feeling still the shock and disappointment even disbelief that people could vote for THIS over the alternative presented by Harris so amazingly well. I am disappointed and disgusted. This does not make me lose hope because we are many in this mode together and will be gathering in numbers once the effects the consequences realizations and reactions get around to people. Unfortunately this will take time. All the while MAGA will be swinging their wrecking ball and cementing changes. So we have to fight with as much as we can with those, bless them, who have the strong spirit to lead. We are still early in this but there will be strong resistance and responses. RR take care. Your messages are vital for many, certainly here. ❤️
our imperfect system was designed for honorable,informed people-if it ever reflected reality,it doesn't now-a more perfect union is a joke-time for a new constitutional convention
It's not too hard to count bullet votes. Sum of all Trump minus sum of all some other statewide office (governor, senator) or lacking that, which is possible, district by district, sum of all votes cast for Congressional candidates of any party. Could try comparisons by other down ballot state offices but lots of people skip those anyway.
The AP news site makes it look like there was a shift in favor of Republicans with 99% of the estimated votes counted. The leading reason according to poles was the economy. I imagine that the high prices caused by Covid and corporate gouging and the resulting high interest rates caused that shift. So it will take some significant digging to show that the vote was rigged enough to be the real cause. Is there any way that can be done simply by looking at nameless ballots?
I am rather skeptical of claims of premade results. Instead, it is the question of who is permitted to vote and who isn’t, and how convenient it is. The Republicans know they can thwart change by limiting the number of eligible voters.
The richest man in the world- an evil genius who can get rockets to park themselves back on their launch pads for reuse AND who took over 6 weeks off all his various jobs to full-time campaign to elect Trump and who will gain enormous govt contracts and power with this win…you can’t imagine how he’d make just enough votes appear for his candidate. Trump said he didnt need more votes that he had plenty BEFORE the election. He ALWAYS tells. He said they’d ‘fix’ voting and you wouldn’t need to in the future. This election was stolen. It cannot hurt to hand count Arizona just to be sure.
And Rhodes there will be no handcount. Harris was to eager to concede, as if she wanted to lose, she even phoned Trump before she gave the concession speech, she condeded as votes were being counted.
There are many questions, doubts & anomalies of various kinds about the election which compel a thorough investigation, focusing on activities of Musk in particular, but also of Putin, other billionaires & other Trump/Republican operatives, & interactions with each other & election officials.
Kathy and Kathleen - they said we'd never fly, never go to the moon, 20 years ago there were no cell phones, 30 years ago no internet, the list goes on. it's hard to imagine the fantastic wealth and the power it brings for us little people. it's hard for honest people to understand the scale of evil that rules us. remember 2008? who paid? homeowners. transparent theft and gambling with other people's money were rewarded. this election theft is no different. they've been subverting and repressing votes for decades. the media didn't focus on what was being done under the radar, because it hadn't been done before on this scale. but if it can be imagined, it can be attained. if it's able to be done, it will be done. or it will have been done already
This is NOT a conspiracy theory! It was on the Thom Hartmann show (a Substack author). This man explains how it could happen. He worked with computers. Please keep an open mind and watch the video.
Wow! You just outted yourself as being a 2020 conspiracist. How would you know the names of the video makers? I guess you were more interested in the 2020 conspiracy videos, huh? It would explain why you're the only one here calling Trump supporters that deplorable name, wouldn't it?
Well, Kathleen WEBer, "me thinks the lady doth protest too much."
Regardless, I kindly request that you not disparage people who voted for Trump.
It’s not hard to cheat in a single state. Florida has been caught in past elections and are probably still doing it. And I’m not talking about Bush v Gore. For some reason, Texas also comes to mind.
Ohio is another. I suspect South Carolina, too, at least for the senatorial race of Lindsey Graham, who was caught pressuring Georgia officials to toss out votes in Democratic strongholds, while his own supposed tossup race he was so concerned about that he blubbered on Fox while desperately soliciting contributions turned into an easy win for him. What did he do to make it that way? Kentucky, Missouri & Iowa have been suspicious, too.
In fairness, how do you know how hard or easy it is to hack the software? "In fact," you have no idea. Or do you have some CS credentials or E-voting expertise you'd like share with us? In fact, it wouldn't take all 7, just the 3 blue wall states.
Marlo - also, dumpster said we wouldn't need to vote anymore. also, he seems to miraculously "recovered" from his advanced dementia. he gave an academy award winning performance, playing a bored, demented, buffoon. he knew he'd already won because of the techbroligarchs and the 4 years they had to rig it all. hope? not so much
Trump doesn't lie about what he intends to do. The only reason that he hasn't followed through on his intents is because he was up against institutional safeguards over which he had no control, that is not the case now, he has control over all branches of government, including Judicial, and a compliant, cowardly 4th estate, Kevin Roberts has given him the tech manual to deconstruct the U.S. and shit can the constitution, and has hand picked the staff to help him do it.
The only thing we can do is organize a resistance, and we can't do it electronically because of the PATRIOT Act, and the humongous data center the NSA built at Bluffdale, UT because of the PATRIOT Act.
Damn everything fits so neatly.
9/11, then PATRIOT Act, then NSA data center, then Trump an Project 2025
And now we have he Surveillance State, all that is missing are nation wide CCTV's as in England, yet still there are many.
Many are of no effect, unless they are connected and organized, a difficult job in a surveillance state. Even when analog, as in Germany or Cuba, parents have to be wary of even their children, their neighbors, friends and family
The chessboard is set, all of the game pieces are on the table now, just waiting for the first move, and that will be Jan 21,2025
William, could you explain your cryptic prediction in more detail please? Specifically, How does the Patriot Act prevent us from organizing electronically? Are you saying that everything we type is being filed and that we'll be detained before we ever participate? If so, then how does Dr. Reich propose that we mount an effective resistance?
9/11, then Congress does something that it has never done before, put together an extensive bill, the PATRIOT Act, passes it and the president signs it on Oct 26, 2001, it only took 47 days to put together this complicated and invasive Bill. It was reported at at the time, that it was put together during the Clinton Administration and just waiting for an event.
The NSA data collecting center at Bluffdale, UT was constructed because the PATRIOT Act required such a data collecting center. to fulfill the requirements of the legislation
This BS has been repeated everywhere, apparently by people who watch propaganda on MSNBC. I often wonder why the media continues to take things out of context & warp things the way they do when it is so easily debunked by actually watching the whole video of what Trump said but it’s very clear they do it because it is effective. People believe it & repeat it over & over again. https://youtu.be/JJNPMa4qKRU?si=0l_kjuHa-l5QyJjQ
"Everything that confirms a correct election has been manipulated with the help of Elon Musk, according to Trump: you can vote for whatever you want, we’re definitely winning that way beforehand, and that’s why Trump has been so vulgar at his rallies. He knew Elon was also helping with promises of voter money." (TRANSLATION MS. GLOYER)
Well, we have smart computer scientists and if this is true someone will figure it out. Frankly, I think y’all sound like the MAGATS of 2020. Found any Jewish space lasers yet?
I will take your insulting remarks for now and you can apologize later after a hand recount is completed in the swing states. Just please ask Harris to request a HAND RECOUNT! (Swing states)
Remember the 2000 election. If anything, the current majority in SCOTUS is even more hostile towards We The People. Despite mountains of evidence showing election tampering, I expect SCOTUS' ruling will be, "Too late. The election has already been called. No more recounts. No more court challenges allowed."
Defy them then. They are illegitimate, antidemocratic & anti-constitutional and have lost all moral authority. The most immoral, undemocratic SCOTUS decision up to 2000 was a critical turning point in the fortunes of this country. Just imagine the difference a President Gore would have made compared to Bush on climate, on democracy, on the economy (remember Bush's 2 recessions, including the Great Recession?)... And that was only the start of their devastating antidemocratic, anti-constitutional rulings. Trump was constitutionally ineligible to run for office, but SCOTUS overruled the Constitution & allowed him & other constitutionally ineligible Republicans to run. They postponed, essentially canceling, consequential Trump trials that were likely to have proven treasonous activities by Trump. This is fascism we face: the end of our democratic system of government we've been living under for 250 years & improving upon until 40 years ago, when we started going downhill under Reagan. We must no longer let illegitimate Supreme Court justices prevent justice from taking place. Lack of resistance to antidemocratic, anti-constitutional measures taken by SCOTUS, the Republican Party & their allies has taken us to the precipice of fascism, tyranny & terrorism. This is our last chance to prevent this peaceably.
To "defy them" means LOTS of defiers getting locked up. (Makes it easy for them to identify likely "troublemakers". Given their position, they have both the Military and Law Enforcement to act as their muscle to enforce their agenda. To overcome their Power REQUIRES violent revolution. Are We The People outraged enough to go there? I doubt it, because the required 100 million angry Americans to make a revolution successful are far too comfortable (even if the political landscape sucks). Meanwhile, We fill the ether with "We should do this or We should do that," doing nothing more than venting Our anger and outrage.
"Actions speak louder than words." Wake me when/if The People get to the Action portion of the program.
Kathleen, calling Trump supporters that is wrong, disgraceful and unwelcomed here. By the same token, comparing people here to that disgraceful adjective is equally improper and uncalled for. I think you should amend your comment and apologize.
Now then, care to explain how "smart computer scientists" can see the 1st line of code, much less the hundred thousands lines of code?
Name one computer scientist who can, or has, studied the voting software? In fact, the only people, or "smart computer scientists," to see the voting machine code are the partisans who improperly obtained the code after the 2020 election.
A data scientist, Stephen Spoonamore, strongly suspects a hack took place during the 2024 election. He speaks of tremendous numbers of “bullet votes” for Trump, occurring in just the swing states. A bullet vote is where there is only one selection in one race out of the entire ballot.
For example in Arizona and Nevada, 5% and 7% of the ballots were people who only voted for Trump.
He explains how easily it could occur particularly with the ability of Starlink, headed by Elon Musk. He also explains that a hand recount would clear this up.
Mr. Spoonamore is imploring Kamala Harris to request a HAND RECOUNT as only she can do. He states that a hand recount will determine the correct number of votes for the 2024 presidential election.
People interested in pushing for Harris to have a hand recount should contact Harris at the White House:
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
Or contact someone who can talk her into a hand recount and have her read Spoonamore’s letter. (Her husband, Pelosi? Waltz? Jeffries?)
ALSO READ: https://open.substack.com/pub/planetcritical/p/cyber-security-experts-warn-election-hacked
Stephen Spoonamore substack.com/@spoonamore
Stephen Spoonamore Twitter/Threads/BlueSky: @spoonamore
Professor Reich, what do you think of this theory? You can also say that Trump voters are so primitive and lazy that they only wanted to vote for their dear leader.
I just submitted the comment above about Elon Musk to the Washington Post Fact Checker.
The voting system as run by various states is designed to let the Republicans make it more difficult for Democratic leaning voters to cast a ballot and easier for them to purge less frequent voters from voter rolls. Add to this the gutting of the Voting Rights Act, the hostility of the current Supreme Court to human rights, economic fairness, the persistence of racism and lies all makes it a perfect storm. We have a system designed for the 18th century when only white men with property could vote and it continues into the 21st. Voting should be treated as a fundamental right with meaning, yet it isn’t.
Also, the Supreme Court is not about Justice with honor in any way, as it has allowed itself to be bought, at least the Majority has. Our system has a fatal weakness in that there are no safeguards against the willful killing of our remedies. take, for example, the way we are again hearing that "The DOJ has a policy that "A sitting President cannot be indicted". Here it is again ; and then someone will write in the newspaper that "Nobody is above the law". "We don't have a king" ; etc. It is even inscribed in stone, somewhere, on a building façade, isn't it? Doublethink.? We can see that something is wrong, but can't get to a remedy as we hurtle towards disaster : Again. This is deliberate mental illness. Or the willful allowance to let the obscenely rich get away with stealing again. They have endless off ramps in the legal system. After the horrendous crimes that are unfolding with no consequences, we again hear about Statutes of limitations, lest anyone think that eventually tRUMP will have his day in court to face any consequences. of course, he will be very old, too, so we should just let it slide. Rupert Murdoch is in his 90's and still criming. Oh well : let it go ? Meanwhile, a very young man is facing 15 years in prison for posting classified materials on a gaming site. He will be in his 30s when he gets released. But tRUMP not only walks, but is President, and about to do "Whatever the hell he wants."!?
This writer knows without a doubt this is looking to be ‘The 34 felony count Presidential administration. It’s no surprise he’s driven to appoint untrained, unqualified
and bastardized people for most sensitive government post. His goal is to align our country with dictators and despots. God help us all for division between church and state seems to cease to the highest bidder.
He wants to destroy The United States of America and everything it stands for. This would likely be an annex of Russia.
That’s what this man thinks too.
I don't understand your comment about "church and state".
Our US Constitution guarantees separation between church and state. This is what I meant.
You're writing about 34 counts that have to do with one act. Being involved with infidelity while married. It's something that almost every President in the 20th century could have been prosecuted for. I believe there was only two or three Presidents who didn't have a mistress, President Carter being one of them.
No his felonies are about paying her to remain silent with business funds, and falsifying his business records to write the expense off on his business taxes. That is tax fraud.
Ahem, 34 separate financial felonies. Have it your way if you wish. I’ll settle for the court’s findings for felonies.
conspiracy theory!
And why, pray tell, would “they” want to do this? mRNA vax isn’t cheap. This makes zero sense.
I am old and decrepit, but I am also lucky because I can afford to give monetary contributions to organizations defending human rights. Do what you can!
I’m also old but healthy. But due to bad marriage choices (one,) and thus too old to be hired; I don’t have financial stability. I still try to help others
This is me too. We do what we can and we do it consistently. Sisterhood!
Laurie - what dumpster did with the classified docs was much worse than what a dumb kid did. dumpster undoubtedly sold the documents, probably to his puppeteer putin, probably through an intermediary such as the saudis, which would explain the $2 billion given to jared kushner. by the way, the saudis and the iranians are planning naval exercises together. hope? not so much.
His love interest, Kim Jong Un has sent 10,000 troops to Russia to help defeat Ukraine. Biden is interfering with it somewhat at this point by giving Ukraine the type of weapons they need to fight effectively. He also wants to get some legit justices onto the court before it gets even worse, while he is still President.
He will have to get approval of the Senate for such appointments.
He's already receiving classified briefings. We will soon see the toilets at Mare Lago plugged up again and overflowing.
Mike - does the white house have an on-call plumber?
Also, it's a strange universe that a traitor with known ties to putin would be given classified info. that means that musk and everyone else around him has access to it also. It seems to me that we should probably impeach biden for disclosing classified info to the enemy? or, we could say, well mr. biden, either you go to jail or dumpster does, what'll it be?
I've posted ad nauseum about Biden having the corrupt supreme court given right to do whatevers within the scope of his duties, with impunity. Biden has a moral, ethical, political and patriotic obligation to arrest and imprison at a supermax for life, all the participants in the ongoing 4 year coup attempt. There is no reason in the world that Biden shouldn't use this to save our democracy. I'm talking about jailing the corrupt 6 on the court, ginni, stone, bannon, leoleonard, all the congresspeople involved, the oligarchs who are funding this fascist enterprise, all the lawyers and republican attorneys general who aided and abetted, all the "alternate electors" . remember that at the j6 hearings, it was all republicans who testified against their boss. the problems that may occur as a result of this action would be far less traumatic for the country than allowing this dumpster to regain the presidency.
Did you read Spoonamore’s Substack letter above? We need to demand a hand recount in MI, WI, NC & AZ if not ALL swing states! Why is no one talking about this? There were 600,000 bullet ballots. Very strange.
I copied the link to Spoonamores' letter, and sent it with my own letter to the office of the vice president. https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/vicepresident/
But, I'm afraid that the thinking in top Democrat circles is that they don't want to add to the distrust people already have in the electoral system post 2020 stirred up by the trump challenges. Of course, this should never cause us to fail to challenge elections when challenges are needed.
❤Reich❤:"...they can make us ... stop defending those who are most vulnerable..."
Seven Letters: "wana die?" are required by scientists to defend those who are most vulnerable, one in twenty Americans wanted to die BEFORE THE FASCISTS WON! Trump feeds Despair, Despair feeds Trump.... aka "America is in a TAILSPIN"
If you are one of the 1% that does NOT deny this science, join me in suing the 99% that do, starting with your County Health Department!😁😁😁
"They"? Who? How? Why?
That’s all very true but this computer scientist believes it was hacked with Musk’s internet intelligence and Star Link. He explains how in the video.
The important take: contact Harris at the White House and have her request a hand count in the swing states.
Yes! Only Harris can request a Recount. We all must reach out to her! Don't let Trump's brazen Theft stand!
Peter, are you Heather's son? Formerly from Chicago? If so, she's the best!
Unfortunately no. My fam is from CT.
Did you contact her? How? I called the White House
Dems are the cheaters. Loser.
I laugh at you in derision. The President-elect of the US is a convicted felon who surrounds himself with crooks, just like a mob boss. He's a Combover Caligula.
Let you tell it, tRUMP brain washed troll.
Writing Vice President Harris today. I've always felt Al Gore capitulated too quickly when the Supreme Court intervened in the in the 2000 election. Incidentally, that decision in favor of George W. Bush was written by Justice Scalia.
Emailing? Writing a letter will be too late. Deadlines coming.
. . . and the Bush bunch dragged everything down to perdition with his invasion of Iraq.. Never been the same since, with world-wide awakening of American cruelty and torture in Abu Grabe, prison, once know for abuses by Saddam Hussein, and now know as the place where American fairness went to die.
I think it was Sandra Day O’Connor that was the deciding vote. It was stated when she died.
It was improper that partisan groups demanded and obtained the voting software after the 2020 election. After a partisan group obtained the voting software, the software was more vulnerable to hacking. This is not speculation. These are the facts. After the voting software was obtained by very partisan groups, the possibility exists and increased that the software was reverse-engineered to find the security vulnerabilities.
A hand recount in the swing states would reveal the truth! Why isn’t this being discussed on the news?
I hope that contacting Harris works, but I don't hold out much hope. She was all too eager to concede, conceding 5 hours after the counting started.
Why was she in such a hurry,?She even called Trump to congratulate him before she gave her speech
Given her eagerness to concede do you really expect her to demand a recount and look the fool?
I see no ray of sunshine. As Roy Orbison sang; "It's Over" Instead of wasting time on forlorn hope, or trying soothe ourselves, we need to be prepared for the persecution to come and form a resistance, passive and positive.
I agree, William, but there’s literally nothing to lose by asking.
Agreed Jan, but we have to do more than being, basically beggars at the temple or mosque, asking for alms or drachma's or whatever it is we are asking for
We need an organized, not coopted, resistance. The other day on RR a reader commented. "Give him a chance". Bull shit. we have no choice but to fight, writing your congress critter is just one stone in the pile., from which you feed your slingshit.
I keep thinking of Pastor Neimoller who said "first they came for the socialist amd I did nothing because I wasn't a socialist."
That is funny. I get email every day requesting more donations to Kamala, precisily to fund 'correcting' ballots, and counting late ballots. Perhaps that is not as rigorous as a hand recount? Meanwhile I read that the publicans did massive voter disenfrangizement of democratic districts, sufficient to swing the count in swing states. We know the voting rules suck when the winner can be determined by random uncertainty in a few swing states. I think that is the number one issue that must be addressed.
If you haven't hear a pronouncement from the DNC about a recount, then you are getting scammed.
“She was all too eager to concede, conceding 5 hours after the counting started.” Exactly my first thought when I heard the Bad News. Was she, or most likely her family, subtly intimidated or threatened by the newly strengthened and weaponized MAGAT Brownshirts?
If she was intimidated or threatened so easily, despite being surrounded by secret service, then she would have been a push over for Putin, Xi, Un, much like Joe has been.
I don't know why she conceded so fast, either. Maybe they flt they should show how election loss is done. Don't rock the boat. Don't be like trump. Don't sew distrust of the electoral system.
Kathy, While I agree that the spectrum of voter suppression/ nullification factors, let alone the systemic constraints, are all contributing components, I also would suggest we not discount, that while Trump’s vote count in 2024 was comparable to the count in 2020, Harris received about 13 million fewer votes than Biden in 2020. Moreover, I would note these figures do not include the approximate 80 million eligible voters who didn’t cast ballots in either election. I mention these figures for one reason: to help broaden our post-election analysis, while recognizing all the contributing factors are not nearly accounted for.
"Vote flipping" is in the realm of possibilities. It is possible for a hack or "bug" to flip the vote of every 5, or 10, or 20 votes. The printout of how the voter voted would be correct, but how it was counted would be incorrect. I'm not saying this happened. I'm saying computer scientists in the past have said this is possible.
With Musk in the middle of all of this, we know he is very computer oriented and he has very intelligent people working with him. Anything would be possible in that type of environment!
What is NOT possible for a man with unlimited money?
Russian hackers are notorious too.
What I find disturbing is that I don't seem to have a way to actually know if my ballot votes were counted at all. The ballot does not have my name on it. The ballots don't have serial numbers so I could check that it exists in the voting district. All we seem to end up with is a stack of ballots in various districts, that seemingly have everyone's ballot. But, how do we know if extra ballots were not added, or deleted?
As a minimum, every voter should be able to find their ballot in the stack, and check that it matches their records (assuming they made a record). And, any voter should be able to ask a number of similar random ballot voters if their ballot is correct. Also the district count should be able to be checked by any voter in the district. And, any voter should be able to check that the total state or federal count matches the sum of the voting districts.
You can't do all that with paper ballots alone. You need data bases at the local level, state level, and the final federal level, that every voter in the country can check for consistency.
I like this idea. Perhaps your ballot should have a unique number on it for identification, accessible by a computer search. Only you would know that number, so your vote would still be secret unless you wanted it disclosed.
Barbara - I was going to mention something similar to your comment. I was also going to add that I just read an article (AP news I believe) that the USPS delivered a lot of correctly mailed and addressed ballots to not only wrong districts in those states but also to entirely wrong states. Apparently the USPS received a letter after the primaries saying that they had concerns about their ability to handle ballots in the presidential election but of course DeJoy brushed them off. Originally they were concerned about their ability to receive ballots on time even when they were postmarked way ahead of the deadline. Considering that a lot of states refused drop boxes, or hand delivery, some had no choice but to use the USPS. We already had states purge voters during the “quiet period” on top of gerrymandering and now we have people who did what they were supposed to do but were denied the right to vote because of the USPS. It makes me wonder just how many people did indeed vote but were still denied to be counted. Regardless of whether they were voting for republicans, democrats, independents or write ins this should not be allowed to continue.
RR. This must be a hard commentary to write at this time feeling still the shock and disappointment even disbelief that people could vote for THIS over the alternative presented by Harris so amazingly well. I am disappointed and disgusted. This does not make me lose hope because we are many in this mode together and will be gathering in numbers once the effects the consequences realizations and reactions get around to people. Unfortunately this will take time. All the while MAGA will be swinging their wrecking ball and cementing changes. So we have to fight with as much as we can with those, bless them, who have the strong spirit to lead. We are still early in this but there will be strong resistance and responses. RR take care. Your messages are vital for many, certainly here. ❤️
our imperfect system was designed for honorable,informed people-if it ever reflected reality,it doesn't now-a more perfect union is a joke-time for a new constitutional convention
It's not too hard to count bullet votes. Sum of all Trump minus sum of all some other statewide office (governor, senator) or lacking that, which is possible, district by district, sum of all votes cast for Congressional candidates of any party. Could try comparisons by other down ballot state offices but lots of people skip those anyway.
If we ALL ACTED and called the WhiteHouse maybe they would do a hand recount in the swing states or at least Mi, WI, AZ, & NC.
Call the White House!
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
Ask to leave a comment for Harris
The AP news site makes it look like there was a shift in favor of Republicans with 99% of the estimated votes counted. The leading reason according to poles was the economy. I imagine that the high prices caused by Covid and corporate gouging and the resulting high interest rates caused that shift. So it will take some significant digging to show that the vote was rigged enough to be the real cause. Is there any way that can be done simply by looking at nameless ballots?
Watch the video. It makes sense. Then think about:
- the Secretary of State Benson (Mi) stating how extremely SLOW the uptake of information was from the tabulators “for some reason…”
- Trump said he had enough votes in ADVANCE of the results
That's trumpian arrogance. In fact it's really hard to cheat in a single state and you're saying they managed to do it in 7.
I am rather skeptical of claims of premade results. Instead, it is the question of who is permitted to vote and who isn’t, and how convenient it is. The Republicans know they can thwart change by limiting the number of eligible voters.
A hand recount will tell the truth! Watch the video.
Wow! Just watched the video and I want a hand recount! Any info on how to strongly advocate for this? Please share. Writing to the VP now
The richest man in the world- an evil genius who can get rockets to park themselves back on their launch pads for reuse AND who took over 6 weeks off all his various jobs to full-time campaign to elect Trump and who will gain enormous govt contracts and power with this win…you can’t imagine how he’d make just enough votes appear for his candidate. Trump said he didnt need more votes that he had plenty BEFORE the election. He ALWAYS tells. He said they’d ‘fix’ voting and you wouldn’t need to in the future. This election was stolen. It cannot hurt to hand count Arizona just to be sure.
Musk is acting like he is using Trump as a sock puppet with his hand up his ass. Trump's ego won't allow that, he is sure to turn on Musk.
He has become the guest who won't come home at Mar a Lago, and is stealing thunder from Trump.
And Rhodes there will be no handcount. Harris was to eager to concede, as if she wanted to lose, she even phoned Trump before she gave the concession speech, she condeded as votes were being counted.
The media declares the winner, not the voters.
There are many questions, doubts & anomalies of various kinds about the election which compel a thorough investigation, focusing on activities of Musk in particular, but also of Putin, other billionaires & other Trump/Republican operatives, & interactions with each other & election officials.
Kathy and Kathleen - they said we'd never fly, never go to the moon, 20 years ago there were no cell phones, 30 years ago no internet, the list goes on. it's hard to imagine the fantastic wealth and the power it brings for us little people. it's hard for honest people to understand the scale of evil that rules us. remember 2008? who paid? homeowners. transparent theft and gambling with other people's money were rewarded. this election theft is no different. they've been subverting and repressing votes for decades. the media didn't focus on what was being done under the radar, because it hadn't been done before on this scale. but if it can be imagined, it can be attained. if it's able to be done, it will be done. or it will have been done already
And anything Trump is accusing others of, he’s absolutely waist deep in it!
I think it’s both.
Watch the video
The MAGATS 2020 had plenty of videos in 2020. A lot of them included Shay Moss and Ruby Freeman. I'm not interested in conspiracy theories
This is NOT a conspiracy theory! It was on the Thom Hartmann show (a Substack author). This man explains how it could happen. He worked with computers. Please keep an open mind and watch the video.
Wow! You just outted yourself as being a 2020 conspiracist. How would you know the names of the video makers? I guess you were more interested in the 2020 conspiracy videos, huh? It would explain why you're the only one here calling Trump supporters that deplorable name, wouldn't it?
Well, Kathleen WEBer, "me thinks the lady doth protest too much."
Regardless, I kindly request that you not disparage people who voted for Trump.
It’s not hard to cheat in a single state. Florida has been caught in past elections and are probably still doing it. And I’m not talking about Bush v Gore. For some reason, Texas also comes to mind.
Ohio is another. I suspect South Carolina, too, at least for the senatorial race of Lindsey Graham, who was caught pressuring Georgia officials to toss out votes in Democratic strongholds, while his own supposed tossup race he was so concerned about that he blubbered on Fox while desperately soliciting contributions turned into an easy win for him. What did he do to make it that way? Kentucky, Missouri & Iowa have been suspicious, too.
In fairness, how do you know how hard or easy it is to hack the software? "In fact," you have no idea. Or do you have some CS credentials or E-voting expertise you'd like share with us? In fact, it wouldn't take all 7, just the 3 blue wall states.
Marlo - also, dumpster said we wouldn't need to vote anymore. also, he seems to miraculously "recovered" from his advanced dementia. he gave an academy award winning performance, playing a bored, demented, buffoon. he knew he'd already won because of the techbroligarchs and the 4 years they had to rig it all. hope? not so much
Yep.. Here’s Trump saying it.. https://youtu.be/of9OP_a6MNg?feature=shared
For once he wasn’t lying.
Trump doesn't lie about what he intends to do. The only reason that he hasn't followed through on his intents is because he was up against institutional safeguards over which he had no control, that is not the case now, he has control over all branches of government, including Judicial, and a compliant, cowardly 4th estate, Kevin Roberts has given him the tech manual to deconstruct the U.S. and shit can the constitution, and has hand picked the staff to help him do it.
The only thing we can do is organize a resistance, and we can't do it electronically because of the PATRIOT Act, and the humongous data center the NSA built at Bluffdale, UT because of the PATRIOT Act.
Damn everything fits so neatly.
9/11, then PATRIOT Act, then NSA data center, then Trump an Project 2025
And now we have he Surveillance State, all that is missing are nation wide CCTV's as in England, yet still there are many.
"yet still there are many" who did not fall for Trump's deceptions. That sounds good to me, William.
Many are of no effect, unless they are connected and organized, a difficult job in a surveillance state. Even when analog, as in Germany or Cuba, parents have to be wary of even their children, their neighbors, friends and family
The chessboard is set, all of the game pieces are on the table now, just waiting for the first move, and that will be Jan 21,2025
Our problem we have no Gay Kaspparov
William, could you explain your cryptic prediction in more detail please? Specifically, How does the Patriot Act prevent us from organizing electronically? Are you saying that everything we type is being filed and that we'll be detained before we ever participate? If so, then how does Dr. Reich propose that we mount an effective resistance?
Juliette, to the prying eyes of the digital masters we are as naked as new born babies, but that should not scare us. We have right on our side.
Bear with me Juliette as I tie events together.
9/11, then Congress does something that it has never done before, put together an extensive bill, the PATRIOT Act, passes it and the president signs it on Oct 26, 2001, it only took 47 days to put together this complicated and invasive Bill. It was reported at at the time, that it was put together during the Clinton Administration and just waiting for an event.
The NSA data collecting center at Bluffdale, UT was constructed because the PATRIOT Act required such a data collecting center. to fulfill the requirements of the legislation
The center sniffs all electronic traffic, and not just in the U.S.
Yes I am saying that everything that is transmitted on the internet, everything that is sent over the air, including cell phones, is captured by NSA,
Until Trump takes office, NSA is suppose to ignore intra continental communications, suppose to I said.
This BS has been repeated everywhere, apparently by people who watch propaganda on MSNBC. I often wonder why the media continues to take things out of context & warp things the way they do when it is so easily debunked by actually watching the whole video of what Trump said but it’s very clear they do it because it is effective. People believe it & repeat it over & over again. https://youtu.be/JJNPMa4qKRU?si=0l_kjuHa-l5QyJjQ
Here is the letter to Kamala Harris
"Everything that confirms a correct election has been manipulated with the help of Elon Musk, according to Trump: you can vote for whatever you want, we’re definitely winning that way beforehand, and that’s why Trump has been so vulgar at his rallies. He knew Elon was also helping with promises of voter money." (TRANSLATION MS. GLOYER)
Well, we have smart computer scientists and if this is true someone will figure it out. Frankly, I think y’all sound like the MAGATS of 2020. Found any Jewish space lasers yet?
I will take your insulting remarks for now and you can apologize later after a hand recount is completed in the swing states. Just please ask Harris to request a HAND RECOUNT! (Swing states)
Remember the 2000 election. If anything, the current majority in SCOTUS is even more hostile towards We The People. Despite mountains of evidence showing election tampering, I expect SCOTUS' ruling will be, "Too late. The election has already been called. No more recounts. No more court challenges allowed."
Defy them then. They are illegitimate, antidemocratic & anti-constitutional and have lost all moral authority. The most immoral, undemocratic SCOTUS decision up to 2000 was a critical turning point in the fortunes of this country. Just imagine the difference a President Gore would have made compared to Bush on climate, on democracy, on the economy (remember Bush's 2 recessions, including the Great Recession?)... And that was only the start of their devastating antidemocratic, anti-constitutional rulings. Trump was constitutionally ineligible to run for office, but SCOTUS overruled the Constitution & allowed him & other constitutionally ineligible Republicans to run. They postponed, essentially canceling, consequential Trump trials that were likely to have proven treasonous activities by Trump. This is fascism we face: the end of our democratic system of government we've been living under for 250 years & improving upon until 40 years ago, when we started going downhill under Reagan. We must no longer let illegitimate Supreme Court justices prevent justice from taking place. Lack of resistance to antidemocratic, anti-constitutional measures taken by SCOTUS, the Republican Party & their allies has taken us to the precipice of fascism, tyranny & terrorism. This is our last chance to prevent this peaceably.
To "defy them" means LOTS of defiers getting locked up. (Makes it easy for them to identify likely "troublemakers". Given their position, they have both the Military and Law Enforcement to act as their muscle to enforce their agenda. To overcome their Power REQUIRES violent revolution. Are We The People outraged enough to go there? I doubt it, because the required 100 million angry Americans to make a revolution successful are far too comfortable (even if the political landscape sucks). Meanwhile, We fill the ether with "We should do this or We should do that," doing nothing more than venting Our anger and outrage.
"Actions speak louder than words." Wake me when/if The People get to the Action portion of the program.
yup, they got away with it before. it's now "precedent"
Please contact her at the White House.
Kathleen, calling Trump supporters that is wrong, disgraceful and unwelcomed here. By the same token, comparing people here to that disgraceful adjective is equally improper and uncalled for. I think you should amend your comment and apologize.
Now then, care to explain how "smart computer scientists" can see the 1st line of code, much less the hundred thousands lines of code?
Name one computer scientist who can, or has, studied the voting software? In fact, the only people, or "smart computer scientists," to see the voting machine code are the partisans who improperly obtained the code after the 2020 election.