Professor Reich, I fully agree with you that we must stay focused in regards to the upcoming election to ensure that primarily Donald Trump does not regain the presidency and second that we vote in a Congress that is functional.

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Even with a Democratic president and a Democratic majority in both the House and the Senate, we must still deal with two other factors. First of all the Supreme Court is solidly, no longer a place to bring federal cases, and expect a fair outcome. These justices have terms for life and more and more they are being purchased and swayed by the ultra billionaires. Secondly, we still have to deal with what you have so rightly termed as the second gilded age. When we have a gilded age, then it seems inevitable that we will have another economic downturn if not a disaster. In this case, because our system is built on increasing consumer purchasing , with the loss of purchasing power of the middle class and the lower working class unable to pay for food and housing the continuing purchase of goods that has propped up, our economy will suddenly stop, and the house of cards may tumble.

If this should occur, rather than bailing out the billionaires as Obama did, we should allow these ultra capitalistic ventures to fail, and instead rebuild them as worker owned, cooperatives, and in the case of the largest industries, consumer owned cooperatives. In the case of banks failing, then the credit unions have shown us an excellent model of how old-fashioned banking is still viable.

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Regarding the Supreme Court Biden could have proposed an increase in members but what did he do a study commission to effectively do nothing. This is the problem as I see it the democrats slow walk solutions while the republicans are on a crusade. At this point in time TFG should have been incarcerated and also found ineligible for federal office under the fourteenth admendment.

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To stuff the Supreme Court requires the active participation of the Senate. Good luck with that, FDR failed. Without term limits - which are NOT set by the Constitution, it simply says the Supreme Court Justices "shall hold their offices during good behavior" . Most of all we need a rigid, and enforced Code of Ethics for all three branches of Government, One Code covering ethical behavior. The people who wrote this Constitution expected the legislators, executive and judges to be men of honor integrity, and moral behavior (and I don't think they cared about sexual or religious morals) Then we could have a Government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

In my opinion (not fact) we need to recruit an intelligent, dedicated to the common good, group of people to spend 3 to 6 months writing this code. If I were Queen, I'd appoint Robert Reich to lead the group. Once they reached a consensus, the National Code of Ethics governing the three branches of government should be put to a National referendum. Once approved, an independent agency should be appointed to oversee, investigate all charges and refer to a group of group of rotating appellate judges for decisions and penalties. If found guilty the least penalty must be loss of office.

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Fay, I think this is a great idea. Some people will think it is “unrealistic.” However, holding on to an ideal of a code of morality and ethics to be applied to all of those who are in a governing or adjudicating position, should not be dismissed out of hand. We must hold high ideals for those we elect to govern us, and who sit in judgment in our courts.

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Check out Senator Sheldon Whitehouse on Lawrence O'Donnell discussing the antics of judge Samuel Alito in his attempts to investigate his own wrongdoing by opining about the law just before the case is brought before the court. I found this on You Tube today 3/25/24 at 9 a,m,

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I enjoyed his thorough investigations,the man is sharp as a tack,and how 'false' amicus briefs were presented to the court for 'certain purposes'.

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Nowhere in the Constitution is it stated that judges will have lifetime tenure. "Holding their office during good behavior" is ASSUMED to mean lifetime tenure. This phrase is just too damn vague. The corrupt behavior of Thomas, Alito, and deceased Scalia make mockery of "good behavior." There should be definable term limits. Initially, the Executive (president) was not limited to two terms. That was changed after FDR. Senators used to be elected by state legislators. That provision was also changed to allow for the people of each state to vote for their senators. There should be judicial term limits. (People had much shorter lifespans in the 18th century.) This would require amending the Constitution as would abolishing the Electoral College. Increasing the number of justices on the highest court would not require constitutional amendment. Put a justice on the high court for each of the 13 judicial districts. We are currently 4 justices short. And for Pete's sake, enact an enforceable code of ethics, which applies to the Supreme Court. Thomas and Alito act in direct opposition to the Constitution and behave like they are above the law. (That 14th Amendment decision was appalling!) If we have a Constitution or laws, that those with oversight are supposed to enforce, but don't; what's the point in having those laws? That's not a civilized society.

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It is unjust, too!

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And a chilling heartbreak for those of us who love our beloved nation

and still live w/ integrity.

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The Article 3 (Judiciary Branch) neither specifies HOW justices are appointed and other than "good behavior" the terms of service, therefor NO Amendment is necessary. This can be changed by legislation alone. NO Code Of Ethics is specified either. As of today, the Senate and the House of Representatives each has an "Ethics Committee" that is supposed to oversee that all Senators and Congress persons behave ethically, with honor and integrity. The Supreme Court kinda sorta made a code of ethics which they said the might adopt - maybe. This is something else we the people have the Constitutional right to write, institute, and demand enforcement. Do we really need this? Well if you don't care about such disreputable, dishonest people as New Jersey's Menendez, New York's George Santos', and Donald J Trump, I guess not.

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what's your take on That 14th Amendment decision, given what the SCt and the the Colo. dissent noted? Federal prosecutors didnt go for it.

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I love it! I would include Rep. Jamie Raskin and Liz Cheney. I would line up interviews with judicial scholars and people who have already demonstrated zeal for democracy and loyalty to country. What about the people at CREW?

What about retired judge Michael Luttig? Jack Smith?

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Shaf : Yes!, all three are good!

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Also Lawrence Tribe,professor of constitutional law for over 40 years.

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Isn't it time to update the Constitution? Why cling to the Electoral College that can ignore the popular vote, the stated will of the majority of the American people? It has brought us GWBush and the Iraq War and lost us Al Gore and progress on global warming. When Hillary Clinton received the most votes, we got Trump instead.

Now the mess in the Supreme Court, of all places.

Many of our treasured structures aren't holding. At bottom, that is the fundamental problem.

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The Supreme court intervened for Dubya, only after Ralph Nader, carved off enough votes from Gore to create the situation.

In 2016 the libertarian party (Gary Johnson ) and the Green Party (Jill Stein) carried enough of the popular vote in Michigan and Pennsylvania to give Trump the win and the electoral votes. Actually Jill Stein's votes alone, if given to Hiillary would have given Hillary the win.

Michigan and Pennsylvania will again be the determinant states in 2024, as there are now only five Swing States, thanks to voter suppression laws and actions such as threats and armed poll watchers by MAGATs.

They are AZ, NV, MI, PA, WI

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Term limits as to position not federal judicial appointment are possible. The proposals have been 2 x 9 years. That is similar to U.S. Magistrates, who have (generally) 8 year terms. Magistrates are Article I appointments so hence the difference.

There is no vested right in the office of chief justice and Congress should take the first step to limit that term to something similar to the chief judges on the lower courts. This would require extending 28 U.S. Code § 136 to the Supreme Court and would mean that a Chief Justice serves in that role for 8 years, must retire at 65 from that position, and cannot hold the position for more than one term.

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@ Dr. Doug.

Please tell the readers of your Substack about Field Team 6 and post the link.


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I like the retirement age. I believe that room must be made in all professions to make places for the younger generations who have experience to fill the roles. I left my career for a support role when I saw how out-of-touch many of my colleagues were regarding the state of our society, their failure to mentor younger hires, and the parallel to a field I worked in earlier that went offshore because of the same structure. Nobody was grooming younger people so that they could assume leadership, so the organization faltered.

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I agree! That should apply to Representatives and Senators as well.

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I don't believe in an retirement age.

I believe in health checks.

And i believe its arrogance and reductive to say the out of touch.

You try to solve that at the individual level which I believe is fundamentally wrong.

I believe that happens by having a more diverse or spread out pool ie people of differing ages and backgrounds I believe age is the less relevant item here.

That will in it self give a better spread and likelihood of younger candidate's being appointed or elected.

Your stance is essentially saying that older people are useless and have no input.

We also hear the opposite of very young people and I believe both are signs of a new and growing prejudice or ageism.

Born out from frustration

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65 is too young. It’s around that age that wisdom truly kicks in.

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Fay Reid ; It would be better if you were not Queen ; since we do not want or have a monarchy. But if conservatives have a Federalist society choosing our justices (Just- ices), we should be able to put together a group of those who understand our challenges to Democracy. But we do not have the wealth to do that. Maybe a Department of Democracy Preservation, or something like that. Elizabeth Warren, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, Robert Reich ; each of the members would have expertise in economics, the law and history, and environmental concerns, etc.

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I recommend George Soros and his Open Society Foundation. Yes, he is filthy rich, but he has been demonized by the fascists precisely because he is a champion of democracy.

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Excellent read, Fay!!! I wholeheartedly agree!!

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Thank you

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Great idea. It can, and should be done 👍😎

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The Supreme Court is using your word stuffed by the republicans. Just the threat by FDR changed the thinking of the then Supreme Court and New Deal proposals were now constitutional. There are several members of the current Supreme Court that should be investigated and possibly removed by their behavior but of course nothing will happen.

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"But, of course, nothing will happen" It would be truly Great if that is not true. I have been following Senator Sheldon Whitehouse on Meidas Touch and whenever he appears on MSNBC, and he has some facts to share, and possible remedies. Very interesting!

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Doug, nothing will happen as long as Republicans control Congress.

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Another "unfortunately", the ONLY people that can decide that a Code of Ethics needs (re)writing are the very same politicians that it would be affected by such a Code. Furthermore, it is they who get to decide who (should it happen) who will be doing the writing. AND get to approve (but most likely not approve) the final product.

This is the inevitable outcome for any group that is permitted the freedom to "police themselves."

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Not necessarily, CaptainPatch. The Constitution makes no mention of a code of ethics. Apparently they just decided that the only gentlemen who would want to be legislators were men of honor, integrity and of an ethical nature. I do believe that if a generalized Code of Ethics were to be written and adopted by the majority of voters in the Country the Government would have no choice but to accept it. The MAGA "me first" would squawk and squeal "unfair", but I think we'd be better off without them. Also those are the types I had in mind when I suggested an independent enforcement agency.

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I hate to disagree, but you are being too idealistic. Start by looking at who is in place NOW. How many are sincerely working for We The People. They _already_ have an Ethics Committee -- and note just how ethical "our" legislators are (not). Anyone outside of that select body that writes a Code can -- and will be -- stonewalled by Congress insisting that any such Code MUST originate from within Congress. They may accept that outside document "for study purposes" and be handed off to an investigative committee -- where it would languish FOREVER. ("Killed in committee", a common congressional practice.) The entire process is exacerbated by the fact that _We The People_ do NOT get to choose who will be on the ballot; candidates are chosen by the Parties -- AFTER they have extracted an oath of fealty to the Party first and foremost in order to get the Party endorsement. Some _few_ sincere candidates may arise as Independents (e.g. Bernie Sanders), but in the system of "Majority rules!", their influence is minimalized. (Which is why nearly all Independents in Congress caucus with one or the other of the Two major Parties.)

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I totally agree, Fay. I would go a step further to say that no public office may be held "for life." That idea alone smacks of monarchy. Additionally, in my opinion, Supreme Court judges should not be appointed by a president; rather they should be subject to election by vote every two years. If an individual judge behaves properly without partisan or dark money loyalty, he or she may be reelected for additional terms of office. This would allow closer investigation of each judge's moral and political behavior. Maybe this sounds extreme, but the judgment of the Supreme Court should be immune from appeals to delay the serving of justice. Otherwise, why even have a Supreme Court?

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You're kind of bringing up the idea of a parliamentary democracy. I doubt that could ever happen here but there's a lot to be said for it. Maybe we should start considering it.

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Paula, we must give your proposal serious thought, because our presidency is too powerful. It is all too easy for a president to declare a national emergency and then reconstruct the government to his liking, as Trump proposes to do.

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Fey, you obviously thought about this quite a bit. What do think about choosing judges by lottery?

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Hi Victor, I'd prefer Civil Service. With Civil Service you fill out an application, giving proof of citizenship, educational background, job experience, interests. Then you have to take an examination based on the job requirements, aptitude, and knowledge, then and only then you are placed on a ranked list and are interviewed by management and peers. That way we're more likely to have qualified judges rather than party hacks.

Come to think of it that might be a better way to hire legislators too (:-)

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Thank for your reply. On what basis and how would judges be appointed to the Supreme Court?

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This is a good idea in principle, my only concern is with the sentence “Once approved, an independent agency should be appointed to oversee, investigate all charges and refer to a group of group of rotating appellate judges for decisions and penalties.”

Who does the appointing to the independent agency? The agency itself could be overtime replaced and filled with partisan hacks.

Who appoints the rotating appellate judges? How long do they serve? We’ve recently seen some less than stellar, completely incompetent and biased federal circuit court judges. There’s probably some on the appellate courts that started and remain the same.

I agree with many here that the Supreme Court should be expanded to match the number of federal court circuits. The appellate court judges and the Supreme Court justices should also have a term limit not exceeding two eight year terms or maybe a single twelve year term.

Regarding the Supreme Court’s case load and which cases they accept. If it’s a case that beneficial to Republicans, oligarchs, high ranking members and donors to the Federalist Society or The Heritage Foundation, or former Assoc. Justice O’Connor wanting to retire under a Republican president, the case is accepted, heard and decided quickly unless slow walking is beneficial to those above.

As we’re seeing with the Federal court circuit judges in Texas and Florida and the state judge in Georgia, all of which lacked proper experience when nominated and most of whom are members of the Federalist Society (as is AG Garland), there is a dark anti-fair justice to elevating judges that are “tough on crime” or pro-business. I’m fearing there are a lot of stealth Federalist Society judges out there.

I remember there was once a time that the ABA weighed in and gave a rating for nominated federal judges and local and state bar associations (at least in California) gave an experience rating, printed in the voter information pamphlets, on judges up for election. Guess those days are gone.

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Thank you Michael, you are right about "Appointed" What I want is an agency NOT appointed by any of the 3 branches of Government, I'd prefer Civil Service, which is a governmental Agency but not beholden to any political group. This is the same reason I want a group of ordinary, but really intelligent, citizens to write the code.. Ethics is a behavior, not a job. More like the Founding Fathers thought when they talk3ed about morality. The people in the late 18th very early 19th were not so obsessed with sexual behavior as some of us seem to be. I do not think normal sexual behavior has anything to do with ethics, whereas any form of abnormal behavior might.

Frankly if I had my way ALL Federal justices would be appointed through Civil Service with advice from the ABA. The Judicial Branch should be the only area of government where "politics" has no place.

"Lady Justice is based on the Greek goddess Themis − honored as clear-sighted − and the Roman goddess Justicia − honored as representing the virtue of justice. She is blindfolded because justice is unbiased and should not be based on a person's appearance or other outside influences." This is something the Supreme Court Justices seem to have forgotten

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Thank you for the Greek and Roman history behind Lady Justice. These days for the Supreme Court she’s probably blindfolded so she won’t see the bribes going to Alito, Thomas, and Kavanaugh and all can claim Plausible deniability.

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Doesn’t it take a majority in both the house and the Senate as well as the president to increase the number of justices in the Supreme Court? I do not know the process, but I have to believe it must be quite challenging.

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Marc, Adding to the challenge, were we to retake the House and hold both the Senate and the White House, we would need 50 Democratic Senators prepared to enact a filibuster carve-out to bring said measure to the floor for debate and an up or down majority vote.

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I like Fay’s idea of implementing a national code of ethics. It would certainly be interesting to see which representatives and senators would oppose such a code, as well as which justices would oppose it also.

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Marc, While I certainly favor a national code of ethics, I don’t expect a court willing to overturn a fundamental reproductive protection, over and over again reaffirmed, wouldn’t do it to other fundamental protections.

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All Federal employees have a code of ethics. https://www.oge.gov/

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Barbara Jo, I would really love to see the filibuster and the electoral college done away with!!! If we did hold both the Senate and the House as well as the White House, couldn't we get so many more things accomplished?

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It's time we stopped protecting the morbidly rich minority with things like the filibuster and the Electoral College.

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Peggy - I worry that if the fillibuster is gone and Trump somehow gets elected (by cheating) we would be in a precarious situation in the senate.

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Peggy, we had all that in 2009-10, and this is why we have Trump now.

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Rule XXII, paragraph 2, states that to end debate on any proposition "to amend the Senate rules [...] the necessary affirmative vote shall be two-thirds of the Senators present and voting". If all senators vote, 67 votes are required to invoke cloture on a proposition to amend a rule.

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Peggy, With a Senate majority, I expect, at best, we could anticipate a resuscitation of the “talking filibuster” which, at least, would mean legislation eventually would get to the Senate floor for debate and an up or down majority vote.

The matter of the electoral college is much thornier because abolishing it would entail a Constitutional amendment requiring a two-thirds majority in both federal chambers ratified by three-quarters of the states. For better or worse, because we were the first constitutional republic, our founders made it exceedingly challenging to rewrite them.

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In 1975 the Senate reduced the number of votes required for cloture from two-thirds of senators voting to three-fifths of all senators duly chosen and sworn, or 60 of the 100-member Senate.

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Lee, Unlike the 60-vote threshold required to move legislation to the floor for debate and an up or down vote, a Senate rule change only requires a majority vote.

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Yes, and the Senate is stymied by the filibuster, and it will take a miracle to kill the filibuster . There are 33 senatorial seats up for election this year, It is predicted that afer the election, the senate will be split 50 Republican, 46 Democrat and 3 Independent.

It takes 60 Votes in the Senate to kill the filibuster, that means 10 Republicans will have to jump ship.

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Lee, Fifty Senators could abolish or reform the filibuster rule, presuming we had a VP who would cast the tie-breaking vote.

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Keep a clear mind and an honest prospective. Take two aspirin and call me in the morning. Time is the only thing that can actually find an answer to Trump. That and the worms.

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Donald - let’s all start worm farms?!

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Marge--I'm hooked. I love fishing.

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Please forgive the cross-posting. I think this is very relevant here, and very necessary:

On many of these sites I have been raging about the dangers to our freedom and democracy that have been created and exacerbated by the US Supreme Court. I have a growing fear that they pose a huge danger to the 2024 election. It has become apparent that the Trump/GOP strategy is to challenge all of the swing state election results with a barrage of unfounded law suits that will confuse the public, delay and perhaps deny the honest results. I have no trust that the current court will defend democracy. So far, they have certainly protected Trump.

I am also impressed with the degree of mobilization that is going on by many grassroots organizations to get people registered and to explain to those who are distracted and confused the importance of this election. To all of those people, as well as everyone else reading this my request is simple: write more postcards; not just to voters but to the Supreme Court. Tell them that we, the American People, have lost our faith and trust in their objectivity. They have become extreme, isolated, arrogant, and corrupt. They have already done a great deal of damage to our society with their decisions about guns, women’s rights, civil rights, and voting rights. They have lost the legitimacy to rule over us. We demand that they reform themselves before the election, and that they do that by having the two of the longest serving justices ( Thomas and Alito ) resign. You can just write the last two sentences. If we can get a 200,000 post cards, or perhaps, 1,000,000, we can get lots of news coverage and hold them accountable. We need to do this or our election could be stolen.


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Trump's erroneous misconception--Donnie Boy's perceived wealth is wrapped up in real estate, and as such its "real" value represents a false sense of what the man actually owns. Almost every piece of property Trump says he owns is actually owned by a company holding the mortgage on a specific property. Trump is basically renting it until the lean is paid in full. If the court is unable to receive the ordered judgement of $464 million on time Trump's properties will be put up for sale at a greatly reduced price. If the properties are sold the monies acquired will first be used to fulfill the requirements of the original mortgage. After that what is remaining will go toward paying the judgement. This would render Trump's properties to be valued at less than 25% of their appraised value. The court's judgement would gut the Trump family and put the "royal" squeeze on the orange guy. He did want to be treated like royalty. Something has to give, and considering Boebert and Greene aren't involved in this, Trump will have to be the one. Seeing as how the man doesn't like dogs, I guess he will just have to try the pill out on himself. Melania, duck.

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Remember, many of Trump's property are in desperate need of an upgrade, due to their age, a very expensive upgrade. Again, reducing the market value of Trumps world. Annie Lennox sang a song about Trump's broken world, just make sure you have your shoes on.

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It appears the court in New York let TFG off the hook. The story of his life.

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Doug--Did they? The judge who set the judgement knew Trump was going to appeal the verdict. Perhaps he set the judgement intentionally high knowing it would be reduced. I think where it is now is just about where it probably should have been set in the first place. Trump is getting fined $100,000 every day he delays. No matter what, he'll feel the sting.

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Increasing the number of SCOTUS justices really won't change much. The same selection process that stuck Us with the current 6-3 SCOTUS Conservative majority will most likely _increase_ the Conservative margin.

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There is currently no path to change anything re the Supremely Corrupt Court. It requires a functional senate.

Personally I'd love to see an Amendment requiring any state that is afforded only one representative to be also limited to a single Senator due to lacking sufficient population for democratic representation.

I know, no chance,

Same thing as expecting the Biden administration to fix the Court. Leave it for now.

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@Jen. Sorry to agree with you. My fortune cookie advised that "The greatest of all mistakes is to do nothing, because you think you can only do a little."

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Replacing Ken Buck with a Dem. I think it's possible,

Joining the majority election pact.

Helping turn out the vote.

All things we can do.

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That is because, doing it fast and loose is also a trap .

In democracies we need people to come by and have their say

We need protocols and we need to ensure we don't do it only for our sake because of panic .

I also don't like this idea that anything in a commission is just doing nothing , it's a necessary step especially when you do something major and paradigm changing, hearings public discussion. And so on.

So it's not just someone on the top forcing these decisions and then the next one can do the opposite.

I think Biden has shown he does not panic and knows the way to reach these decisions within a rule of laws and their protocols.

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Hi Marc, I think it is more that Obama did not stop the bailout already in progress by the Bush administration. Remember Obama didn't become President until January 20, 2009, by then the bailouts were well under way. President Obama made a few (not many) poor cabinet choices - Joe Biden learned from that experience and has chosen excellent men and women for the Cabinet.

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Faye, I would argue with Merrick Garland as Attorney General, when our times required a much more activist AG, but most of the others have been quite good.

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Hi Jaime, I think Merrick Garland was chosen because he was Obama's choice for the Supreme Court where his in depth slow, but wise pondering would have been more acceptable. I too, wish he had pondered less and acted more.

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FYI, Garland was vetted to Obama by Orrin Hatch R-UT, at the time Orrin Hatch was the most right wing denizen in the Senate. Obama wanted a win, and asked Hatch who he thought would be approved by the Right Wing senators. He, apparently was unconcerned with the loyalties, mentality, ideology of his nominee, just a win.

Garland was also employed by the Federalist Society, where he served as a moderator.

Garland has effectively spent his time as Biden's AG, running cover for the the real perps, especially in congress, and the DoJ is staffed by Trump humpers, manh of them, like Weiss who is prosecuting Hunter, were appointed by Trumps EO 13957, which created Schedule F employees, inthe final weeks of his administrtion which he then embedded into DoJ, NSA, DOL, NSA, DOD, and other key administrations which could take him down.

Trump is not smart enough to think of all of that, but there are think tanks and advisors, like the Heritage Foundation, that are.

There is a deep state, and it was in the think tanks inside the beltway, and now they have their acolytes embedded in the vital government departments.

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I think Biden was trying to right two wrongs: Mcconnells illegal machinations and the damage of the fraud enabler Barr.

I wish he'd considered the danger leaving dumpty out there. I think he thought he had him beat, and has too much respect for the American voter.

You'd think he'd know better.

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I like your thinking, Marc!! I honestly feel that President Biden should, if possible, expand the Supreme Court and install very strong ethics codes with expulsion when those codes are breached. I would love to see these corporation tumble, but I believe they will just move abroad. In that case, we could rebuild our country the way you describe. I would love for banks to return to the way they use to run.

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🤯🤬like the country isn’t collapsing under this administration??? Good grief 🤮

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Biden cannot. Sheesh you guys. Biden would likely do it if he could but it isn't in his wheelhouse.

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Marc - the question of the oligarchs is always front and center in my mind. There cannot be a fascist state without the money of the oligarchs. the oligarchs buy and control all the mechanisms of democratic norms, including and most importantly the fourth estate, that is, the independent press. i believe people will do the right thing with the right information; Now and frequently in the past that has been subverted to the aims of the oligarchs. By the way, the oligarchs don't care about politics - they care about distracting with spectacle, with appealing to people's basest scapegoating, victims-are-us nature. In doing so, all critical thinking skills go out the window, and the charade is allowed to proceed with the blessings of the duped.

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Paul, Dead on.

If people do not understand this I again suggest we all watch “Turning Point” from the bomb to Cold War, Netflix .

Watch how Putin manipulated the oligarch few.

We also keep suggesting we get money out of politics and every other area that is in the public interest. And then, every day we are hounded by everyone to donate to the political cause. Many living on social security.

Remember when we marked the “x” on our tax form to support our elections?

Oh , I guess those who don’t pay taxes wouldn’t know about that!

And by the way, the “ money of the oligarch” is our money mostly!!! Without us, nothing.

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Paul, I totally agree; “It’s the oligarchs, stupid.” When Biden pushed his Tax The Wealthy, I was delighted but also fearful for him. When he walked the picket line, I was more fearful than delighted. Then, when he showed his anti-monopoly cards, I started wondering if the oligarchs would assassinate him (politically or literally). I have noticed the MSM becoming more pro Trump, which proves the oligarchs control the media as well.

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Marge, I also feared for his safety; but then I also feared for Sanders' safety in 2016 and 2020. Politically, Sanders got the axe by the Democratic National Committee, pre-empting the will of the people, and giving the election to drumpf. And speaking of msm, i can't recall ever seeing anything substantively critical of drumpf. they sure make hay with the "polls" though, trumpeting his alleged lead in the polls every chance they get. never mind trying to inform the electorate about his lack of policy, his conflicts of interest and grifting family ($2billion for Jared???? gimme a break. or was the sale of the classified documents that drumpf stole?)

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And let’s not forget that the Orange Man is suffering from dementia, which is becoming more and more evident every day. Even his supporters are going quiet when they hear his off-prompter word salad, repetitions, inability to finish a sentence, time/person confusion….. I’m guessing the campaign will limit his live speaking because they know his voters will catch on - hopefully sooner rather than later. But the oligarchs want him rather than the Tax Man, anti-monopoly, pro-Union Biden.

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Marc, your idea about credit unions is intriguing. The financial system provides the lifeblood of the economy, and we saw what happens when one institution (Lehman) fails. Obama had no choice but to bail out the entire system. Today, the big banks are divesting themselves of branches, which in many cases serve as collateral should the bank fail. When big banks reduce their assets they in effect increase our liabilities. Even when a medium sized bank becomes insolvent, such as SVB, the Fed finds it necessary to step in. I think that we are in very precarious situation and cannot afford to wait for the next disaster. Chase has come to the rescue in the past, but I am pretty sure it would not be able to this one more time.

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Or, how about we let the billionaires bail us out this time?

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UNFORTUNATELY, should an economic collapse manifest, the majority of "Our" legislators that have become well-rewarded minions of the Wealthy WILL, once again, do their best to bail out their puppet-masters, just as they did in the Great Recession of 2008.

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Obama did? I am confused.

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At the risk of being accused of anti-zionism, now liberally conflated with antiI-semitism as defined by AIPAC’s goons, it is not a complex calculation to see that Gaza and the plausible genocide occurring there present a conundrum for the Democrats.

They have chosen the “money path” as set forward by the welter of interest groups under the umbrella of The Israel lobby.

I fear the American people are not going to be on Joe Biden’s side because of his weakness with Netanyahu, AIPAC, and the disinformation they have been pedalling to maintain power.

They won’t vote for Trump, that’s obvious but neither will the moral centre of a nation acquiesce to the crimes to which Joe Biden and his AIPAC inner-circle are now deeply complicit.

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Yes, wasn't that a clever idea by Putin to distract global attention from his invasion of Ukraine, reduce US support for Ukraine, increase social divisions in the US about our government support for Israel, & enhance Trump's chances of winning, all thanks to the classified documents Trump handed to Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov & Russian ambassador to US Kislyak in 2017, with perhaps updated information since, that Russia in turn handed to Hamas, which thanked & honored Putin by attacking Israel on Putin's birthday, 10/7.

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Hi Andrew: Many who are justifiably very upset about evil authoritarian Netanyahu’s genocide in Gaza on innocent civilians vs. a proper defense against also evil Hamas are using all levers to push President Biden & his administration to stop support of Netanyahu’s acts and Israel’s offensive which has shocked so many of us here as obvious war crimes. Many liberals including the most progressive are also intelligent enough to know that their votes to keep Trump out of office (if he isn’t off the general election ballot, by then as he should be!) will also prevent even more evils here and globally. However, we as nearly a whole on the left will keep up the needed pressure now in so many various ways (through calls, emails, tweet replies, and some also with their important street demonstrations or their currently uncommitted Democratic primary votes, etc.) to move the Biden Administration to stop or abandon Netanyahu. The continued horrors on the ground plus the anti-Netanyahu pressure have been working slowly, if not immediately, to move Biden and his Admin. faster to finally start moving away from supporting Netanyahu’s ongoing genocide in Gaza which he keeps trying to justify as the only or best way to take out Hamas terrorists and hostage takers which is, of course, false as “two wrongs do not make a right” and his far right government and fellow global authoritarians are themselves an accelerating terror in our world who must all be stopped with fierce determination and powerful defense including in Ukraine and so many other places including here in the U.S.

I agree we do have to continue to get out the vote for the Biden/Harris ticket know and all year as I have been doing myself to give us the leaders we can move to further stop Netanyahu (as many in Israel are trying to do, too), Trump, Putin, etc. Many are waking up to the fact that we are in an accelerating hybrid WWIII and must save our democracies here and globally.

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An important part of your point (from my interpretation & with which I strongly agree) is that Biden is subject to public pressure. Trump yields only to corporate executives, oligarchs & tyrants like Putin, Xi, MBS & Netanyahu.

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💙 Yes! To have any chance of continuing to save our democracy this decade, we must give as much power to the Democrats at the state and national levels as we can for strong majorities and keep pushing them to take urgent actions for “people, planet and democracy” now!

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The first mention of Harris in eons! I have been wondering if she is even still alive (other than photos showing her cooking with gas...)

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All truth. My fear that democracy is NOT in the hands of The People atm. and that it can be.

The two party tribal squabble is like epoxy resin. It holds the status quo hard and fast.

Zero change will occur if anyone within the RNC or the DNC wins. Gaza has shown us they are the same performing animal, goaded by the same greedy interest groups.

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Moron from the land down under. Is Putin paying you?

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That you have replied with an insult rather than address the issues I have presented, tells me you haven’t even considered what I have said. Putin? I despise bullies. He is yet another authoritarian on the world stage along with Israel.

You commenced as a bully but I am magnanimous enough to give you a second bite at answering my fears about Biden’s electability given his weak stance with a brutal, apartheid nation.

The majority of my Jewish friends in Australia agree with this judgement of Israeli insanity: a gestalt PTSD fuelled by 80 years of wrong-headed propaganda.

“Never again”, my ass.

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The issue is people need to put on their grown up pants in a very imperfect world and make the best choice to get positive outcomes. And that means vote Biden. Yes, there will be some who don't vote Biden because of Gaza.

I simply can't understand people who legitimately concerned about a moral issue allow a greater immoral outcome. I very much disagree with what Netty is doing in Gaza. I don't think enabling tfg is the answer to that.

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Stop the name calling. We need to address the issue whether Putin is in the mix or not.

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Watch:” “Turning Point”, Netflix…. A definitive and naked telling of our world’s history. Then think through how best to reach one another so we can move forward into a safer, saner world!

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I will look for it now.

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Bless your ignorant, little heart🤣🤡

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I would bow to your exceptional intellect if only you would grace me with it. Your bullying has zero effect on the truths of which I speak.

The DNC and its associated media outlets need to talk about this problem if they wish Biden to win in 2024.

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The truth hurts, huh🤣

The right are and have always been fascists.

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And Congress just voted another 500 million dollars for the genocides, while average Americans struggle.

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Gerald, Granting Congress the benefit of the doubt, several believed they were presented with a Hobbesian choice—agreeing to provide arms to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, or foregoing aid altogether.

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Another foreign lurker who does not know Jack.

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The overuse and misuse of the word genocide, does violence to the word. The word is flung around like rice at a wedding and loses it's importance and value.

Reacquaint yourself with the story of the boy who cried wolf.

What is happening in Gaza is horrible, indeed, but it isn't genocide. The propagandistic misuse of words, robs them of real meaning.

And if you want or need to lay blame, Start with the dude who threw the first punch and then went to hid behind Momma's skirts

I am talkng of HAMAS, who slaughtered infants, babies, women, the elderly and disabled and raped the women, then ran back to Gaza to hide behind their own people and hostages,using them as human shields.. cowards. Sinwar brags that

Muslims are martyrs and glad to be martyrs, except for Sinwar and the rest of the HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, ISIS, Al Qaeda leadership, they are glad to martyr others, but not themselves.

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And you missed Jared Kushner's advice to Netanyahu?


Do you honestly think Trump, a Putin puppet, would do any better?

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You missed a sentiment in my first comment that I feared this split occurring but, by hiding and pretending it’s not a factor, gives Trump a huge advantage in the election run-up. Not talking about it plays right into his hands.

Let’s talk about this issue reasonably, I beg you. Look at the positive effect the demonstration of a non-vote had in the recent Michigan vote.

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@Marc Nevas. Pass it on. Line up your family, friends and neighbors.


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I'm hesitating to go whole hog and volunteer 20 hours a day, seven days a week without some promises from the Democrats. What did the Dems do the last couple of times we had the president and both houses? Did we get single-payer universal healthcare? No! We got the crappy comprimise ACA that looked to me like a deal that was made before Obama was sworn in. Did they raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations? No!

The electoral college needs to go and the filibuster is ridiculous. Neither is democratic. I am sick of working hard for candidates and being slapped down after the election. Now we're threatened with what we'll lose? The oligarchs get what they want in this system no matter what the people want. Stupidity is doing the same thing, over and over again expecting different results.

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Not a perfect world. But Republicans ae the impediment to anything.

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It won't get better if we keep doing the same thing every four years.

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Got a hell of lot better from Trump to Biden. Rome (and Washington) weren't built in a day. Our problem is and has been lack of unity. We have the means to win: outregister them.

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But it did get better as Daniel says. Better than if we had ended up with you know who in the Whitehouse.

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I don't want to settle for not as bad as it could have been. We need to hold the Democrats feet to the fire. And identify politics has to go. Everybody who earns a paycheck is on the same side in this class war.

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We have to do a lot better than a 50/50 Senate or losing the House. These split governments are very dysfunctional, & anything favorable to the republofascists is disastrous. I long for the time when I can vote for the most progressive candidate on the ballot regardless of party, but we have to first quash the Nazis so they're no longer an existential threat.

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We won't, if Trump wins this will be the last real election, the next will be Orban and Putin elections. if they even put on the charade.

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Dear Gloria. I worry your imagination of "how bad could it get" might be limited. People of Hispanic origins rounded up in compounds? Soldiers with machine guns at traffic lights, like in Venezuela? Overturning voting rights act? Refusal to fund American engagement with a very dangerous world? Letting NATO fail? Watching Taiwan beaten into submission? Tax cuts for the very rich while Social Security is undermined? Permanent rejection of the child exemption for families? Selling off public land for mineral/gas/oil exploitation? Shutting regulatory agencies? Allowing every wing-nut governor to violate whatever rights the spirit of their supporters attacks next? Do you imagine that it would be less than this?

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Gloria - let us not forget that there are too many right wing dems, in house and senate who would make Isenhour look like a progressive liberal. manchin and sinema, now that they've wrecked so much, now take their millions to sit on fascist boards of megacorps, furthering the fascist agenda.. stooges for drumpf

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I am with you totally Gloria, but the idea of Trump being president again, scares the feces out of me. And that is what will happen, if people sit on their hands.

I last voted in 1964, and stopped voting because I realized that Dems and Repubs were two sides of the same coin, it was a choice between Humpty and Dumpty, but I rushed to register when Trump came down the elevator.

in 2020 A head of cabbage could have beat Trump, Now because of idiots and a public that has been desensitized by the corporate media, and which has normalized the behavior of traitors,perverts, cretins, grifters, racists and theocrats Trump may well be not only president but our first dictator for life, and Don Jr his heir, like Korea.

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While I might agree with you, are you going to be one of those no shows in 2024? Just because you didn’t get what you wanted? That’s a recipe for a Trump win for certain. Then we get what we deserve, you included.

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It doesn't have to be an all or nothing. And maybe community work that is not explicitly "political" would suit you better. Many communities are in disrepair. Also America has been in this position before but risen to slap down oligarchs. Things move slowly. We did not get universal healthcare but ACA was an important progressive step forward. I did not do signature gathering for ballot initiatives this election. I figured it was time others stepped up. And I substituted getting students registered to vote.

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Trump has no intention of the election mattering any. He even told his followers that it didn't matter if they vote. They have found a weakness in the election system. If enough Trump loyalist election officials simply refuse to certify the vote, the election will fail and be conducted in the State Houses with each state having one vote. The republicans have a majority there... even if 35 million more American's vote for Biden, Trump could legally become President. They have a well documented plan of what to do then: Project 2025 and they have the people ready to take over all levers of government... and no one is going to get it back after that. The Constitution will be re-written as well to make sure.

OK. Then, it's not just about communicating and voting. How can we prepare for Trump's very dangerous election plan?

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This is my concern too. See my post above 3 hours later!😊

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Postcards to Voters are friendly, handwritten reminders from volunteers to targeted voters giving Democrats a winning edge in close, key races coast to coast. We'll send you addresses and information on how to obtain addresses. You provide postcards and stamps.

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Absolutely, Marc!! We must have a Democratic Congress in order to move forward!

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You are a tool of the Marxists on the far left; a sheep doing the bidding of the most corrupt government the western world has known.

Reich is the same fool who predicted a market crash after Trump was elected in 11/16.

You worship at the alter of ideology, eschewing pragmatism.

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Marc, I’m not sure I can remember what a functional Congress is like, but wouldn’t that be amazing! It will be comparable to have a statesman and intelligent person like Biden after the psychopathic rapist, serial criminal, word-salad champion!

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Postcards to Voters are friendly, handwritten reminders from volunteers to targeted voters giving Democrats a winning edge in close, key races coast to coast. They'll send you addresses and information on how to obtain additional addresses. You provide postcards and stamps.

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Mar 25
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Janet, I agree!

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Mar 25
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A perfect quote to ask trump!

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In my view, I don’t think we’ve been sufficiently effective in driving home what it would mean to lose our democracy and how our way of life would change. Trump already has stated he would enact the Insurrection Act on Day 1 of his Presidency. He’s already spoken about rounding up his political enemies. Accordingly, we can’t relent in urging people—whatever their reasons for complacency or indifference—to imagine what America would look like were the President to start moving the National Guard around to put down our voices, our right to dissent, perhaps indefinitely detaining us. This is not without precedent. Trump had wanted to criminalize protests around Black Lives Matter for the murder of George Floyd.

Expanding upon rights and freedoms that would be ripped away, all of us must amplify our dire despair over Trump’s absorption of a party that applauds a High Court that would ignore 50 years of settled precedent in Roe and would overturn a fundamental right relied upon by tens of millions every year. Clearly, a court willing to do that with a protection, over and over again reaffirmed, would do it to other fundamental protections.

Ultimately, we have about 7 months, a small window to protect the key mechanisms of American democracy from a party committed to precipitating a fatal weakening of American institutions, let alone a presidency eager and able to consolidate power, wherein the rule of law could be subjugated to an individual. Hence, it is our job to urge uncommitted voters to listen to the things Trump says and the people he admires. No one ever should doubt that whatever the freedoms we have in this country, whatever one likes about this country, dramatically would change were Trump ever again to hold office.

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Peggy, Adding to my original comment, Democrats must do a far better job of emotionally relating both their achievements and their plans for a second term to the problems of everyday people.

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This has a high level of difficulty with a right wing monopoly ownership of major media conglomerates. We still have other ways to communicate but the trolling is astonishing! It literally is up to the majority of us to keep talking about those things.

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SeekingReason, I worry that unless we are successful at convincing Democratic leadership that a mere recitation of its accomplishments followed by its plans for a second term are inadequate, unless they also can show, particularly those who doubt that Democrats care about their struggles, that they (leadership) can work on legitimate issues and grievances, our grassroots efforts will remain largely invisible to the public-at-large.

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Thank you for putting this in writing‼️

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You are spot on! I hope Robert emphasizes your pointed and well written post. This is the conversation we must invite every citizen to have. Thank you‼️

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Kathryn, Thank you for writing. Your reply helps to affirm my commitment to continue reaching out to high profile figures who can help bring recognition to a project that, while thriving within grassroots communities, remains largely invisible to the public-at-large.

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Thank you, Barbara. Your voice is important. I will keep looking for your posts as well.🌷🍀🍀

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You’ve been lied to. Show me the quote where Trump said he’d round up his political enemies like Biden has been doing.

You’re blind.

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" don’t think we’ve been sufficiently effective in driving home what it would mean to lose our democracy and how our way of life would change."

Yes we have and the people too stupid to grasp it wouldn't care if they did.

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Constance, Respectfully, I have observed our leaders having a difficult time underscoring democracy as a campaign issue, finding it, admittedly justifiably, an abstraction for most people. Hence, my reason for taking great effort to drive home what it would mean to lose our democracy, detailing the rights and freedoms that would be ripped away.

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Mar 28
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@Concerned Citizen, While your idea is a good one, I’m more intent on top-level staff who served in the Trump Administration, who mostly don’t support Trump winning a second term. I am looking to them repeatedly to address the American people and reveal the full truth they witnessed about Trump throughout their service in his Administration. If we’re to defeat autocracy, we need those closest to Trump not to withhold anything they know that would reveal how, over and over again, Trump was intent on defying his Oath of Office. I will continue to amplify this obligation because, contrary to Trump’s first term where there were guard rails to curtail him, the American people would be subjected to an unleashed Trump were he to win a second term.

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Keith, but why two parties?

For a European spectator the electoral system is the producer of the problem.

I have learned that democracies govern with respect for minorities: that respect is the essence of the system. That essence is in danger: maybe since Newt Gingrich, but maybe longer.

The graph in Congress's new low shows that it is easy, when you have a common problem, but that polarisation occurs when there is nothing to fear. In Europe we fear the Russian monster, but the U.S. trust the military. Netanyahu did the same.

What might help is lessons in democratic attitudes. And change of the electoral system.

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Only two choices. 1. Democracy. 2. Fascism.

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Your dualistic approach is an anachronism.

Those who have power over the US government have bet either way.

The two party system has been broken by the law passed by The Supreme Court in 1990 that allowed unlimited funding to PACs. It is only groups with a great deal of money that are able to control legislation. “The People” lost long ago, any influence on policy.

Vote independent. Break the stranglehold.

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Andrew, that was my point. The electoral system, two party system included, is ancient, thought out along old lines. This can be changed. But that will not help now, against the threat of Trump. Biden is doing well, creating an image of a smart old man, with an excellent team around him.

So, don't vote independent. that will be risky and ineffective. But depolarise and educate. The enemy in not MAGA, but hiding in the trenches of Ukraine.

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In other words, loose.

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The choice boils down to what do you want to live under, a benign dictatorship of the rich, or a fascist, theocratic, misogynistic, racist dictatorship.

One is better than the other

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Or World War 3?

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When we look at the potential for a new “axis of evil“ coming from Russia, China and North Korea, as well as the raging conflicts in the middle east, we should not discount the very dangerous possibility of a war being much larger than just between two countries. Remember, Russia is now relying on China and North Korea to supply weapons For their war on Ukraine. China has been constantly probing the defenses of its surrounding countries, including India and Taiwan and building a massive naval fleet. I understand they are well underway in completing their first full aircraft carrier. Therefore, it is all the more important we get our political Trip together and maintain our relatively moral leadership in regards to the rest of the world.

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If Putin manages to prevail in Ukraine its a VERY short jump to world war 3. No BS.

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Trump = Putin.

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Because a sizeable portion of the American electorate isn't competent to hold more than two thoughts at once. I wouldn't have thought this fact before the golden escalator but there's no way to ignore it or talk oneself out of it now. The evidence is there every time one turns on the TV or opens a browser.

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I agree that the present system doesn't work, but we are too far down the road to shift gears.

Our Constitution and democracy is being used to destroy us. I believe that Osama bin Laden said, "we will use your democracy, to destroye you". It is a paradox.

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"I’m convinced that Trump can be beaten. But to ensure Joe Biden’s reelection, we must communicate effectively and concretely with one another about how to do so and what we’re going to contribute to the effort. We cannot be spectators."

If that's the case, please partner with Field Team 6!.

To protect American democracy, reach out to millions of unregistered likely Democrats using a dedicated database using every outreach method possible (phone and text, postcard, email and targeted ad, and in-person too), where new Democratic voters will make the most impact – in the most flippable states and districts.


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Daniel, one of the great advantages of the field team 6 approach is that it gets us talking, not only to each other with the same opinions, but it increases communication with those who are either undecided, or are still influenced by MAGA and Trump.

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In some cases. Most WANT to hear from us. Already trend heavily Democratic.

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@ Marc. Some have dozens of friends on social media and once they get the pitch, they share it and influence their friends to do the same.

There's an info zoom tomorrow, March 26 at noon PDT. https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/

Please post the link on your Substack. https://www.fieldteam6.org/actions

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Let’s all of us who love our country and our freedoms make sure Trump ends up in the Dustbin of History! And hold his most anti American henchmen and henchwomen accountable!

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Hear! Hear!

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Professor Reich, you always make so much sense, so thank you. There is just one favor I have to ask. It would make practical and financial sense for you to make ALL of your writings available free of charge, so that your immediate community could re-post them to their community - just for the next seven months. We would then all speak with clarity of message and you would reach a much wider audience. After the election, you will have a wider, deeper pond in which to fish.

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Keith, I agree with you that Professor Reich does make sense out of the dysfunction that is D.C.; however, he needs that money to reach even more people with his common sense. He is involved with other groups that are working so hard to educate everyone about what is at stake for us should republicans gain power and it takes money to produce his ads and other work. It would be nice to provide all of this for free, but let's face it, a man's gotta eat!! I followed Professor Reich on his substack for a little while and realized I wanted to hear more so I pay a very small amount each month. Since I am on a very fixed and limited income, the amount I pay is really not that much or I wouldn't have been able to do it. I also donate to Inequality Media whenever I have a few bob to spare.

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Fair point Peggy, but I also know three things, 1. Professor Reich isn't going to starve without income from Substack. 2. Creating truly viral media with valuable thought leadership from a plain-speaking, erudite and intelligent person is a wonderful way to help win an election. 3. If the Substack fails to achieve its objective and Trump gets elected, then it will ultimately get shut down anyway - this is about going all-in. I pay my way and do my bit (even though I'm a British citizen) but the fight for democracy outweighs pennies from Substack, IMHO. We need all shoulders and every sacrifice to end the threat of a dictatorship.

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Good point, Keith!

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And - to your extremely valid point - when the dust settles and the Herr Trump is cast aside, I would gladly encourage all of my followers to sign up and support Professor Reich. Because it's people like him that will help shape our future mental and monetary prosperity.

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I’m on a very limited income and every penny counts. Having a publication in which only paid subscribers can participate limits that publication to preaching to the choir. I don’t see any viable attempt to reach the hinterland with any challenging discourse. They continue to support candidates that are working to undermine their voters best interests. Most of these people never heard of Robert Reich or any of his ideas.

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I need to ask historian Timothy Snyder for permission to use Lesson 19 "Be A Patriot" from his book, "20 Lessons for the 21st Century". Dr. Snyder states in clear explicit terms, the best way to describe what patriotism is by clear statements of what patriotism is not, which lists over 20 examples of what Trump has done and said. I had to move back to Ohio from California over 15 years ago. My hometown, Middletown, in southwest Ohio is very polarized. There are many people whom I've known for a long time, some from childhood. The people I want to share Lesson 19 with are the children of hard right lifetime Republicans, many of whom fought in battle in World war II, and some of their fathers are decorated war heroes. I knew some of the fathers of childhood friends, and I would like to give thought that I'd bet if their fathers deceased Fathers were alive today that they would turn away from Trump because they would be appalled. These are the World War II war heroes that Trump mocked, and called losers and suckers. If they are determined to continue voting Republican then they're going to have to vote Democratic in the 2024 election if they ever want to be confident that they will ever have a chance to vote again and want their own children to live and vote in the land of the free and the brave, and count on in our not so distant future, that we will continue to have free and fair elections in the United States. Lesson 19 is precisely what I think they need to read for themselves and rethink the reality of democracy versus autocracy.

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I'm very worried that the GOP might try to create election irregularities in enough swing states that nobody wins the electoral collegeand so it becomes 1 vote per state in the House of Representatives which will give us another Trump presidency. If Putin manages to prevail in Ukraine its a VERY short jump to world war 3. These are very troubling times.

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Yep! And there IS a track record there.

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Yep, that's my worry. Trump even told his people that voting didn't matter.

Trump's election plan is based on that they have found a weakness in the election system. If enough Trump loyalist election officials simply refuse to certify the vote, the election will fail and be conducted in the State Houses with each state having one vote. The republicans have a majority there... even if 35 million more American's vote for Biden, Trump could legally become President. They have a well documented plan of what to do then: Project 2025 and they have the people ready to take over all levers of government... and no one is going to get it back after that. The Constitution will be re-written as well to make sure.

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I’m starting to believe that the election is over, and Trump and his fascist minions in Congress will be defeated handedly.

Trump’s schtick is getting old and mundane. His performances are weak, and only getting more unhinged and pathetic. His caucus in Congress have become more perverse and incompetent than ever; only managing to accomplish a few acts of renaming Post Office’s.

Bottom line: the entire Republican Party has no platform or agenda to speak of. Their hearings into Joe and Hunter have become more embarrassing, while republican stewardship in the house has reached to level of complete and utter failure and chaos.

When most Americans go to the polls this year, I believe they will have a “Come to Jesus” moment, and reject Trump and his incompetent buffoons in Congress; not necessarily because they like Biden, but because they hate chaos and uncertainty.


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I agree with everything you have said. My worry is about the voters who are willfully unaware of any of the particulars. They are the low-information voters, star struck by the billionaire game show host who declares he will be their retribution. They may not know or care about history or the day-to-day issues and crises affecting the big picture, but you can bet they’ll all turn out on election day to vote for their victimized golden idol. We just have to keep encouraging the undecideds and the apathetics not to sit out voting day, and to become as committed as the MAGA voters are.

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I agree, but I’m not talking about the MAGA mob. They’ve jumped off the proverbial cliff and there’s no turning back.

I believe as we get closer to the election, the suburban moms and even some minorities that are frustrated with Biden, will return to the democrats for lack of a better option.

And the never Trumper’s and those on the fence, will realize that another Trump term is a death kneel for America.

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Exactly- which correlates to my last sentence. I certainly share your view.

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Yes- this is the biggest worry - those that don’t have information and have not been paying attn to the seriousness of this election

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Women of either party are acutely aware that their option for safe abortion has been removed in many places. That will have a bigger i pact than people realize.

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Everything you say makes imminent sense, & in a rational world, it would be exactly as you say. But oddly the polls aren't budging. So let's take nothing for granted.

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In 100% agreement there!

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Robert, I tend to agree. After trump declared there would be a bloodbath if he didn’t win, there seems to have been a broad reaction of revulsion. His nutty meandering word salad speeches and the nut-job response to SOTU seemed to push many across the line. They love to put out that polls are neck & neck. I do not buy it. They WANT us to repeat that…don’t. We need to put our take on things out there.

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Agreed and well said…:)

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Robert, While I subscribe to several of your assertions, I believe certain other factors require our attention, particularly the impact of multi-third party candidates. Here, I am referring specifically to RFK Jr and No Labels whom I last heard might have successfully recruited Chris Christie for the top of the ticket. Whether or not either ticket picks up any electoral votes, one can’t discount that either could tilt the election toward Trump or Biden.

I also would add, for some time, the GOP has been laying the groundwork for Trump to return to power whether or not he wins enough votes. As we speak, discussions already are well underway not to seat newly elected members before January 6th (permitted under House rules) thus leaving a Republican majority in control, presuming Repubs retain their 1-seat advantage. The plan is to challenge enough votes so that no candidate reaches 270 electoral votes, thus throwing the election to the House, where Repubs control 25 delegations, Dems 23, and 2 are tied, with each delegation getting 1 vote. I would add, unlike in 2000, House members would have no problem finding Republican Senators eager to co-sign.

My point, overall, is to amplify your opening paragraph underscoring the absolute necessity of an overwhelming and crushing defeat to minimize the possibility of Trump seizing power. Accordingly, all of us must work as though the rights we cherish are under assault because they are.

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I agree with pretty much everything you say. In regard to RFK Jr. I gave this a lot of thought and believe once he’s under the microscope, his entire identity will collapse faster than a cheap lounge chair.

There’s plenty of tape of him making a complete and utter fool of himself. Furthermore, I don’t believe most Americans know of his drug and alcohol abuse or his arrests.

As for the Republican clowns in Congress, I agree but it won’t be successful. A new Congress has to be sworn in on January 3rd, and if republicans lose the house, even Johnson can’t stop the swearing-in ceremony. If they win, the courts will be the deciding factor, but I doubt they will refuse to certify the election if Biden wins. They have no enforcement capabilities, and Biden would still be president.

No doubt they will try to cheat, but it won’t work…:)

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Robert, Name recognition contributing to his getting votes aside, I hope you’re right about RFK Jr. I would note, however, if my understanding of Section 2 of the 20th Amendment is correct, it permits Congress to enact a law allowing it to change the date the new Congress convenes.

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Fair enough, but that would mean some of the “sane” republicans would have to go along with it. All we need is two defections at this point; however, point taken…:)

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Barbara Jo- why would ANY Democrat find RFK Jr appealing? RFK or will only pull from Trump, the only ones supporting him are the right wing conspiracy theorists.

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SeekingReason, While I don’t put much stock in polls this early on, nor do I recall the exact figures, I would note that polling data shows RFK Jr. taking substantially more from Biden than from Trump.

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I stand by my comment. What Democrats would love an anti-vaccine , off his rocker RFK Jr? Total bunk. I don’t buy this for one second! The entire Kennedy clan publicly denounced him as dangerous and “perilous for our country”. (At the White House-Mar 17, 2024). The family asked him to abandon Let him run, it is the MAGA types he appeals to.

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@SeekingReason, As for the degree to which Democrats should sound the alarm on RFK Jr. and new running mate, the disaffected former Democrat Nicole Shanahan, whose pockets are deep, I believe the more critical focus rests with Obama, who, in the past, has stepped forward largely near the end of races as a charismatic closer. While I’m relieved he’s already heavily engaged, albeit largely behind the scenes, I also am aware that his early involvement stems from his concerns over a real possibility of a Trump victory in November. Hence, I trust all of us are working as though our rights depend on it because they do.

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as you eluded to in your piece, your conversations have been happening with like-minded individuals ... i think the vast majority of the people reading this, writing comments & reading comments all adhere to a mostly similar political ethos ...

the problem that we are failing to address is : what about the "deplorables" ??? ... and let's be honest : most of "us" (myself included) truly do feel that maga nation is compromised of truly awful, deplorable people ...

the fundamental question is : how do we co-exist together as one nation ???

it has become so clear, that we are like oil and water : we just do not mix ... and it is not because we have differences of opinions regarding policies or even cultural issues ... it is because -- right now -- the fundamental difference between us is moral & existential : do we keep working to become a democracy, or do we wither into a full-fledged autocracy; there is no middle-ground ...

in a democratic system -- right now -- in america there is only one functioning political party ... neither of us wants to succumb to the other ... the elephant is in the room & the elephant is steering us towards authoritarian rule ... the question is not : how do we stop it; the question we must be assessing is : how do we deal with the elephant in the room, meaning -- how do we find a way to live together, as one country, when absolutely nothing (including a global pandemic, or a violent insurrection on our government) can bring us together ???

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"What about the "deplorables" ???"

Try " Trump hates dogs."

Or "Trump stole from kids with cancer.

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The deplorables still won't care. They will live in a box under a bridge if it means the "other" guy doesn't even get a box.

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So true!

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Daniel, simple, true & effective!

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Professor Reich,

My thoughts, in regards to last night’s, “Congress’s new low”.

I have been saying for years that the opposite of Progress is Congress! It’s so partisan now that the only way to get back to some semblance of normal would be to vote out the worst of the Republicans, who continue to throw their support behind an insurrectionist, and start a new Conservative Party with a person who protects, defends and supports the constitution. Liz Cheney, a true conservative constitutionalist, could be the leader. But one thing is certain, America has to have two parties in Congress to balance our Country’s interests.

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No, no more dangerous conservatives in our government. They're awful people and only want to conserve their wealth, power, and control. Humans are the stupidest species because we don't learn from our mistakes🤦‍♀️ The right wing has always been bad.

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I will go one step further and call these, ''so called conservatives'' extremist Reactionaries. Far right reactionaries. Those people are awful, horrible, traitors and not fit for anything. Most of them belong in a prison cell and NOT in our government.

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According to a Gallup poll, 38% of Americans identify as "conservative" or "very conservative". Not allowing them to participate in government is IMHO undemocratic. My old man was a conservative, and he was a wonderful person even though I disagreed with his views. If he was alive, he would detest Trump! My mother, an FDR Democrat, loved him in spite of his views. My two cents...

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Oh fucking well. Racists, bigots and fascists don't get a say. They're the reason we're in this mess and women have been reduced to livestock. Conservatives are bad. It's in their name. Con = bad🤦‍♀️

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Jasmine, Almost the entire rescumliCon congress never spoke against trump, despite the fact that he’s a deadly seditionist-inciter, rapist and way more in terms of criminal activity. It is disgusting that we appear powerless to move against this. We’re treating a criminal/rapist as if he is a celebrity. It disgusts me at the deepest levels!

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great article! We have to vote and encourage our friends to vote. I think the tide is changing around Trump's popularity. I agree with Marc Nevas about the new gilded age and the Supreme Court as wll. The 2025 congress and senate Democratic must think hard about Democracy and how to improve it so Trump can't do delays forever and some law about Supreme Court are in order as well.

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Please tell the readers of your Substack about Field Team 6 and post the link.


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Yes indeed your choice will be of great impact, the greatest mistake US will make is to allow money and wealthy groups to sway the voting direction. By the way choice peace and modesty as you docks to the election.

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John, even with Trump gone, and the power of MAGA undermined, we will still have“money and wealthy groups“ swaying our elections. We now have a Supreme Court that has already been irrevocably swayed by the interests of the ultra wealthy and the fundamentalist Christian right wing.

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So much to deal with, so much to reverse. We must see a very bold Biden & hopefully fool-proof Congress hit the ground running!

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Actions Actions Actions Alone Will Stop King 👑 trumpet 🎺!!!

Go; Fight; Win 🏆

Go Joe Biden Defeat Evil Trumpet; Evil Bannon; Defeat Riger Stone…

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Yes we al must look past the summer of 2020 memory hole it where 6 blocks in Seattle a group of criminals took over and would not even let police in, or the riots throughout the country in which businesses were burnt to the ground. Many of those minority businesses were minority owned and never re opened. Or the fact that Kamala Harris started and funded a organization that bailed out rioters. We do not care about non politically connected people having their lives destroyed we only care about a few acres in DC. March onward!

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If Americans are truly interested in Democracy they need to understand that it is time to get rid of the Electoral College and establish Ranked Choice Voting in all 50 states. The Electoral College, as well as counting slaves as 3/5ths of a person, were granted to the slave states in order to get their support for the Constitution.

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At the very, very least, the winner take all electoral college system must be blown out of existence, and electoral votes distributed proportionally. I think a few states already do this. The electoral college must reflect the popular vote or calling this a 'democracy' is a bald-faced lie.

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Good advice Professor. Staying focused, keeping our eyes and thoughts on the goal are important. I only wish I could trust the DNC, DCCC, DLCC, DSCC would do the same. If you know anyone in any of thee organizations can you tell them to send NO money or aid of any kind to any Republican, retrumplican, or MAGA supporter. No repeat of 2020 or 2022.

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Please tell the readers of your Substack about Field Team 6 and post the link.


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