The problem is that the major media outlets are largely owned and controlled by the same people that are backing and funding the Republican fascist machine. They pretend at giving a "fair and balanced" approach to news (the old Fox tagline) but in reality, they are pushing the anti-democratic agenda. Mainstream News reporting has become a capitalist enterprise. They have no interest in informing the public.

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What the media do not say is at least as important as what they do. An example: Dana Bash on CNN recently interviewed Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett, tax cutter and darling of the Heritage Foundation, the guy who is said to have had his kidneys punched by Kevin McCarthy. They were discussing his willingness to shut down the government because of the budget deficit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwPWYFVIWko. He kept repeating, in a drawling southern monotone, a very reasonable-sounding proposition: “Ma’am, you can’t keep spending 7 trillion dollars a year when you’re only taking in 5 trillion.” To which the obvious response might have been: “Well Congressman, the deficit was created by a $2 trillion gift to the wealthy by Donald Trump. Jeff Bezos pays less in taxes than a corporate secretary. You could eliminate the deficit by raising taxes to their original levels, instead of shutting down the government.” But not so much as a murmur from Ms. Bash. Is Dana dim, or is someone pulling her strings? I suspect the latter.

Someone should collect all these clips and make a formal complaint to CNN.

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Tim Burchett is as ignorant as they come. Unfortunately, I have to listen to his good ole boy nonsense constantly on my local news (if I watch) because the ignorant and evil Republicans control my state. Poor ignorant people continue to vote for these morons.

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Except, as Marie and Michael just said, it’s not stupid and it's not incompetence; the politicians are calculating and manipulating while the media let them get away with it!

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Repub elites look for a not too bright person to be a Senator or Rep to be the frontman. While in office, the elites will tell him what to do. Thump was really only expected to keep the masses happy while Congress stacked the courts, lowered taxes & eliminated social programs & government agencies.

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HulitC - yup, just another useful idiot. When drumpf was "elected", I said to my fellows, well the olgarchy really outdid themselves this time.

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I’ve repeated the following many times since 2016:

H.L.Menckin long branded a cynic seems lately to actually have had his finger on the pulse: “ On one great and glorious day , the good and plain folk of this land will reach their hearts desire and install a complete moron in the White House.”

Now that the elites know how to please the base I expect we’ll be seeing a lot more idiots in government.

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Paul Cesmat ; He almost makes "W" look good!

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They tried to copy that movie where an idiot was elected president.

Trump can't even read. That's why his school and college records are secret.

Bush Baby couldn't talk in full sentences even with a teleprompter.

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HulitC, I don't understand why people still want Trump in office. He did nothing for anyone but the very rich and it takes years, even a decade every time to fix what Republicans break. I do know that Republicans like to whine all the time while they are making life hard for everyone but themselves, those in office. It is hypocrisy and pretty disgusting. I wish we had a solid way to fight it successfully.

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The cult believes that they had it good under Trump. Guess they never really know what is going on around them. Trump was in office before the pandemic. Then when it came he ignored it. Drink bleach, Chinese did it, etc. Then when he did tell the truth to get a shot they booed him. Does that make sense? Did they do drugs in their youth? Born without sense, etc.

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There are many reasons (none good IMO) that people “like” thump.

- he’s a Repub & he “sticks it to the libs” (Repubs have a lot of single issue voters: anti-abortionists, gun enthusiasts, anti-LBGTQ, white supremacists, anti-tax, anti-government)

- he’s anti-immigration

- evangelical preachers say he’s fighting for “Christians” (& he did put anti abortion judges on SCOTUS, had a Muslim ban)

- FOX etc, propaganda

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No he is really stupid and extremely incompetent . Just listen to his interviews on AI and UFOs

It’s absolutely hilarious! Very entertaining. He went from sitting in a bar to Congress.

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@Betty. I take your word on it! Your point gives pause; the elected official really is stupid - where does the devious manipulation come from?? Well, it’s the money people….

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Read “ Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business” by Neil Postman written in the 1980s I believe. Tells us everything we should have been paying attention to over the last many decades about media, politics and the American people.

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Agree, 100%. That's GOT to be stopped.

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Benjamin S: : Yes, the media is profiting handsomely with it!

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Absolutely correct!!

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Should there be an organized letter writing from we substackters to the media pointing out what

Prof. Reich so a accurately enumerated?

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There isn't a clear way to contact any mainstream media platform or show host. There are snail mail addresses but it is doubtful those letters will go anywhere but in a bin of unopened mail. I have yet to find a direct email address that goes to a breathing body at any media outlet. I did finally find email addresses for CNN and MSNBC. I wrote of my concerns about unending Trump coverage, and lack of reporting on Biden's accomplishments. I received automated "replies". I have expressed my disgust in my replies to different postings by CNN and MSNBC. I tried to write Tapper at his own site, but found out it would go to his publisher. I have written on talking head social media accounts ... no replies. It seems no one is interested.

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Thanks for the info. My godchild works at CNN. I'll contact her & ask what she suggests. We CANNOR give up!

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I love to hear from THAT person! Wow!

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They aren't interested Tammy. They, almost all of them, don't want to hear what anyone has to say, they know who signs their paycheck and if they want to continue to receive it, and get raises and bonuses, they know how to toe the line and not overstep.

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I know it feels like that but please don’t give up. If we do, all is lost.

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Congress gets all kinds of time off but forget a rail employee get a few sick days.

Congress age is the oldest in history. They will start leaving since we don't live forever. Money can't buy a healthy old age. The Z generation will out live them from their greed and hate.

Killing women because they cant get medical care for a dead fetus is so cruel. Even regular women are not able to get health cause doctors are leaving Red States. Corporation and manufacturing soon will leave since they need labor to function. Women of all parties need medical care which is such a crazy decision by the bought off RW Supreme Court and RW churches.

Dark Ages are back. Soon they will be burning witches at the stake.

In Florida I have to get an appt. to speak on the phone with my doctor about my health needs. Im lucky to get that and not a foreign aide who can't understand me or me her.

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You see them sleeping sitting up in the chambers. Listen? Nope.

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If they get enough comments they’ll be interested. I would never let this kind of obstacle stop me.

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I didn't write that I am letting it stop me. I wrote of what I have done, and continuing to do.

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@Tammy. You are right. Whenever I’ve tried to contact individuals at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) newspaper, it’s gone nowhere. I’ve even mailed copies of my book The Trump Files and they’ve been returned. I did have success with one journalist at the AJC. I wrote to him on Twitter (now X) and he gave me his home address to send my book. The most success I’ve had contacting people is on social media.

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Nov 27, 2023
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Excellent way to get the truth out there front and center if people will see it. Unfortunately, too many people have no clue what the deranged mango madman and his henchmen like Miller and Bannon are planning with Project 2025. The very thought of this insanity should scare the hell out of any common sense voter.

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But, only a few read papers anymore.

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@Elizabeth, I subscribe to the paper version of TheGlobeAndMail to be able to see all articles & ads on each page.

I’m also able to view it online, but the print ads don’t appear.

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I vote YES

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More ignorant than Tommy Tubberville?

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Unfortunately cagey morons they are!

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My thoughts exactly....time and time again l watch as reporters fail to point out the obvious....TAX cuts are responsible for our current situation. And I believe it was 60 minutes or Netflix or some entity that had an excellent show (documentary) on how media corporations are buying up local news outlets and controlling the news. When I say local....I mean rural and large media outlets in major cities.

Folks.....media surely is complicit....not in 'the vaccines are a delivery method for government owned chips to track us' conspiracy but in a 'money is a powerful and insidious instrument of corruption' reality.

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The wealthy have become the enemy of the people! They are the leeches who feed off our economy! They have positioned themselves to report the news exactly how Mr Reich describes! My problem is, and always has been with the @DNC! Their silence allows the media to control the narrative! They have no problem contacting us for donations, why not with the truth? Now this infighting is playing right into trumps lies! Let’s put egos on the back burner til after 2024! In the meantime, grow up!

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Try and fit a needle with a chip. No way.

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CNN is owned today by AT&T so I don't think you'll be seeing CNN making any "waves" in the continuing non-coverage of the News anytime soon. Considering that during Eisenhower's era the highest tax rate for the ultra rich was 91% and the ultra-rich were STILL ultra-rich, it seems to me that "taxing the rich" shouldn't even be a question. Just do it. President Eisenhower himself warned us about allowing the formation of a governmental/military cabal and as usual, American People everywhere were too busy raising their kids and working for a living to pay attention and NOW look at the position we're in. Uninformed, uneducated and headed for authoritarian dictatorship.

I suppose oligarchs around the world should really thank SCOTUS for legalizing bribery in their 2010 Citizens United decision.... Oh :) I guess they already have if you look at Alito and Thomas etc. Reverse Citizens United and then proceed to strengthen Democracy in America and we may have a chance to avoid fascism in the future. It's just a thought...

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The curve of media propaganda in the MSM could be plotted to coincide nicely with 1. Monopolization of the media = ownership by billionaires and 2. Tax cuts, in millions, for those same oligarchs.

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If the people learn the truth, they just seem to forget again.

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Through the roof truth 👏

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They are Owned

Like Trump

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Michael, In my view, Bash on CNN, Kristen Welker on NBC, and others, who also should be called out, regularly do great damage not because they’re “dim” or because someone is pulling their strings, but because they’re either ill-prepared or just not cut out to think quickly on their feet. My go-to counter example is Medhi Hasan (Sunday at 8PM on MSNBC). No one gets a pass because he always is prepared, figuratively speaking, to throw a counter punch.

Moving on, I would note that your suggested remedy, from my perspective, albeit time-consuming, is the right call. Admittedly, I’m not clear to whom one would address the complaint, given I would want it to receive attention. Here, I would add that shortly after the Welker-Trump interview on Meet the Press, I had jotted down notes similar to your Bash quotes and discussion and had decided, were I to write, first, I would want more examples and, second, I would direct my letter to Ali Velshi, who is most accessible and is known for reading all his emails and replying.

WhileI don’t know if any of us has the time to follow up, I knew I had to go on record praising both your observations and your remedy.

Thank you for your comment. It certainly brought to mind an action that hopefully gets picked up.

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Thank you for your comments. But I think it is perhaps too indulgent to blame what is, basically, journalistic malpractice, on ill-preparedness. Welker and Bash are both very smart women, but I think they have both learned that if they do real investigative-type journalism, they will be suppressed. It's very dispiriting.

I agree with your observations about Hasan. I have to admit that my first impression of him was not that wonderful, but after his takedown of Ramaswamy I was sold. The man is brilliant.

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BUT, as you phrased the question, it takes a position. It’s a challenge and it’s editorializing. News people are loathe to take a position, not the least because they’ll never get anyone to talk to them, if they go on a partisan attack

AND YET, it’s entirely possible to ask questions like, You make a point about the balance, and the question follows: how do the Republican tax cuts, that have been shown to benefit the very wealthy far more than the average worker, creating a situation in which Jeff Bezos pays a smaller share of income to the IRS than his secretary, figure into this calculus? Data shows that the “trickle down” does not happen, the money saved at the top is pocketed and often saved off shore, or goes into stock buy backs that boost the stock market, but do not affect the functioning economy, reducing how much the government legitimately has to continue operating on, and contributing to the deficits you speak of?

No matter what they guy answers, the follow-on question could be: Are you aware of the trajectory of the deficit and the national debt and have you noticed that they basically remain flat or go down during Democratic administrations, but they go UP during Republican administrations, especially since Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts, and massively during the Bush administration when we waged wars without dealing with the ned for revenues to cover those expenses, and again after Donald Trump’s tax cuts that benefitted high incomes over median and low?

Those questions reflect facts. But sadly, they are facts hardly anybody knows. Because they don’t ask about them.

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Pat There is institutional disinfo about deficit spending. John Maynard Keynes was correct when he said spending spurs the economy. Japan went through a serious depression, and while in it the government devoted more resources than before to education, the result was a whole generation of educated people that made the economy skyrocket.

FDR pulled us out of a depression, by government spending on projects, like Civilian Concentration Corps, Tennessee Valley Authority, Manhattan Project and defense spending. Preparing for War, he revitalized industry as it started to pump out munitions, planes, ships, tanks, vehicles. These produced jobs, which produced a healthy middle class.

As an economy grows do does demand, which is met by supply, which means more work, more jobs, manual and intellectual.

Prices rise in the face of increased demand, but can be offset with pay raises.

Corporations rate of return to investors, suffer with increased salaries, and they are motivated to cut variable costs, and that means wages, and so they do. However with Unions will to shut down the corporations, they hold corporations hostage by withholding labor, and thus reducing the rate of return to investors.

Until so called "right to work" laws, wages were indexed to inflation and profit sharing, except some service industry jobs like waitresses, in which the responsibility for a living wage was shifted to the consumer in the form of TIPS.

BTW, "inflation" is caused by two things, restricting the supply in the face of an inelastic demand, and the interest on debt, public, corporate, private) in a fractional reserve banking system, such as in the west.

If I loan you $1,000 to produce widgets, and you have to pay me $1100 at end of year, the only way to do it is by reducing quality, quantity and/or raising prices.

Take that example and transport it to a small island of say 11 people, one of which owns a barrel of rocks painted gold and a printing press.

Convincing the other 10 that the rocks have value, and he can print money, he loans each of the 10 $1000 at year end he is due $11,000 but there are only $10,000 in circulation, they can't meet the demand, so the "banker" tells them that he will loan them $1000 again provided they put up collateral, and at the end of the year a few, bad businessmen, go bankrupt and the banker,, makes one of them sheriff and the sheriff evicts the delinquent and claims the property, and the banker pays him a commission well everyone else raises prices, reduces quality and quantity- inflation and/or shrinkflation.

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Oh, yes, all that!

People think a national economy works like a household budget, and it sure don’t.

If we look at all that and say, “Well, you can’t pick on the corporation for trying to exist and turn a profit,” then spoken that way, maybe you “can’t.”

But if we know that “corporations” have been granted great advantages unavailable to the actual person - not the least of which, spreading out “responsibility” to non-human paper-entity actors, so no one ever pays a real penalty for bad decisions or behaviors {!!!!!} — then maybe people have to take a new look at WHY and HOW corporations exist and turn profits.

I say over and over again that I support a culture and economic system that enables and encourages ownership and entrepreneurial energy and business success, but that system needs to keep in mind that business and economies EXIST TO SUPPORT AND FACILITATE HUMAN COMMUNITIES — it’s not the other way around. We don’t structure our communities to maximize business or corporate profit. Or, at least we should not do that. Regulated and rational private enterprise and capitalism designed to allow owners healthy and satisfying profits, and that reward labor well for its contribution, and that promote support of government in the common interest — all that can work just fine.

Unfettered capitalism in the service of business over people and communities CAN NOT.

That’s a perspective that needs to be more broadly disseminated.

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It is the government job to make sure our economy works for us. Many have "their grift" and could care less.

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Sadly so …

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The belief (ignorance) of people who equate the household budget with the national budget, encompasses most of America, and that belief is perpetuated by the corporate media, talking heads and in econ classes.

The difference is that the household budget is dependent on the national economy , And the national economy is the government . In other words we owe it to ourselves.

One thing that even billionaires don't understand is that money is created out of debt (public, corporate, private, including credit cards). No debt and there is no money. No money and we have an entropic spiral, depression.

In fact that is what caused the depression. So many bankruptcies from businesses, that all loans were written off the books of banks, that adversely affected banks, who then experienced a run on their reserves of gold. At the time banks printed their own money and loaned out based on the belief that the bank had enough gold on hand to cover all deposits. No bank did, because banks create money, based on the belief of its customers that they had enough gold to cover deposits.

The Bank of England, shortly after receiving its monopoly charter from Charles II, experience a run on the banks gold. It's ingenuous solution was to hire the reknown alchemist of the realm, Isaac Newton as Warden of the Mint.

That act of propaganda was a successful psychological ploy, it worked because the people were superstitious and ignorant, It couldn't have worked in the 1930'.s.

The Federal Reserve was created in 1913, and joining was an option, and most banks did not join.

A result of the depression that all banks, savings and loans that survived were members of he Fed. because in June 1933 the FDIC was created and in order to enroll in the FDIC, one had to be a member of the Federal Reserve, Inc.

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A problem, I suspect, is that people think we can return to “the gold standard,”and every dollar that circulates will be backed up at Fort Knox with a tad bit of actual gold — “a dollar’s worth.”

I remember reading somewhere — and seeing an illustration — that the total amount of gold currently in human hands {I don’t think it included gold that might still be in the ground, but I am not sure} is equal to the size of a building one city-block square and some number of stories high. Somehow the number 67 sticks in my head, but it’s been a long time. I’d have to look it up … OK, I did look it up, and found that estimates are all the gold mined in the world so far would fit into a cube about 23-meters on a side. That doesn’t seem all that big to me. I guess it depends on how much value one gives to an ounce.

Funny to think about it. What if we didn’t want any gold at all? Decided it was an element of little interest to us. Shiny, but ho-hum…. Then it would not back up our currency, which currently is backed up instead by the guarantee of value offered by government entities that deal with finance and banks and all that.

All over my head … 😎

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Of course. But who has the backbone for another sh*t show knowing that that the Supreme Court will only refuse to hear it or simply dismiss it?

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Michael, the response is perfect but we never hear these obvious challenges. I wish you were out there interviewing! 😄

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I stopped watching CNN when Chris Licht was CEO hired by Mason, Murdock’s buddy! No longer watch CNN after Licht was removed! They are too concerned about showing the side of the Fascist Republican Party! Why do that when they have Fox News, News Max and other right wing radical Fascist Republicans entertainment station spewing their lies and conspiracy theories.

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Absolutely right!

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Not to mention that the response to the deficit should be “So what?” We all know the deficit is not driving inflation or crowding out investment.

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Correct Gary, but the interest on the debt, including your mortgage, car payment and credit card is as well as corporate and public debt. See my longwinded mechanistic reponse to Pat above.

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For a couple million a year talking head I could tell the truth. FOX stopped showing legs for news. Must have been complaints from RW church ladies.

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In reply to comment including Jeff Bezos: Recently it was announced that Jeff was "fleeing" Seattle WA (where I live and have NOTHING to do with Amazon~) where there is a strong movement to "tax the rich/the filthy rich:", i.e. a 'Blue State'. His destination was

reported to be Miami, FL - a 'red state'.. I wonder why ? ? ?

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Florida has space vehicles. He can go live on Mars with his kids Y and Z.

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yes, hard to watch. Tapper and Bash know better but are following orders. Welker on Sundays is even worse. NYT seldom allows comments and generally lumps all media and politicians together: see their shameful coverage of the Niagara car accid

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More to the point, the federal government is the original *source* of money; it doesn't depend on "taking it in”. The real issue is whether the federal funds are being spent wisely, to meet the true needs of the nation, or are they largely going to further enrich the already rich? (I think we all know what the answer is at the moment.)

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Bill, ours is a fractional reserve system. Which means that all currency is a creature of debt, private, corporate, public. If there is no debt, there is no money. It is the interest on debt that creates inflation

When you buy a home and mortgage it, swipe your credit card, order on line, buy a car on credit, you are creating money

The fractional reserve system creates money, via the banks. Banks only need to hold in their vaults (or the vault of a regional Federal Reserve Bank, there are 12 of them)

a percentage of time deposits, corporate bonds, public debt (Treasury Securities) to create money. Let's say the Fed has set a reserve base of 10% that means for every $1 held as a reserve, they can loan $10 and in so doing creating money ($9), which is wiped off the books in double entry book keeping when the debt is paid down and paid off.

If you don't believe me then read a publication of the Federal Reserve Bank of NY

Modern Money Mechanics, download free from https://www.amazon.com/Jews-Huguenots-Languedoc-Wanda-Morissette-Richards-ebook/dp/B093YY8DTK

Printed for bankers and investment managers, and once available free from the Fed just for the asking, it is out of publication, and coincidentally when I started explaining the mechanics of the money system on the Net, back in the late 1990's.

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What kind of book keeping is this? Debt makes money? Only if you convince people you have money when you don't.

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It is called the fractional reserve system and it is managed by the Fed, who sets interest rates, And they do it when they buy US Securities from the Association of Primary Dealers in Government Securities and then resells them to member banks

Previously I post a link to a pdf, Modern Money Mechanics that was written and published by the Federal Reserve Bank of NY, it explains the system, what it doesn't explain is that money created out of debt, is wiped off the books as debts are paid down and paid off, in other words it doesn't stay in existence forever, if it did we would really have hyperinflation worse than Germany in 1922.

Nobody is convincing anybody that they have money when they don't. Banks do not have to have $1 in the vault for ever $1 they lend out, if they did we would be in a permanent and downward spiral of depression.

Which was the case with the Soviet Union, who issued only enough rubles for the gold that they possessed. And that resulted in a shortage of money, and long lines to by bread and meat, and forget consumer goods, for the average Russian. They valued a ruble at .9871 grams fine gold. Russians could not redeem their rubles for gold, but foreigners could. And "smuggling rubles out of Russia was a capitol crime, because one could present rubles at the window of the Soviet NordBank in Paris, and demand gold thus diminishing the Soviet Stock of Gold and reducing the amount of gold on hand to cover the amount of rubles in circulation.

I have a book, Soviet Marketing and Banking that covers that.

Once again, in case you do not believe me here is a link to the pdf that explains Modern Money Mechanics


Here is t

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I told a man about the Federal Reserve System being owned by private families not government. He didn't believe me even with my university major in Business Administration. He got nasty.

He belonged to an investment group. He asked my husband who told him the same. He believed my husband and never apologized to me.

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Thanks William - I know exactly where you’re coming from, as that was my belief for years. And interest on debt *does* point to why the economy always has to “grow”. Note however that the Fed interest rate has been near zero for roughly a decade, yet we currently struggle with inflation. I believe there is a more critical driver of inflation: growing wealth inequality.

As you point out, our currency is debt-based, and is issued in cycles — government spending and central bank loans first, then recovery through taxation and debt-repayment, so that the next cycle can proceed.

However, a significant portion of our populace is preoccupied with “getting rich” — which means they want to hang on to those dollars and not let them be recovered, through use of various tax-avoidance schemes. So the national money supply expands, resulting in the classic “too many dollars chasing too few goods” scenario.

In addition, producers of goods and services see where most of the money is and start shifting production toward the people who hold it, and away from the lower and middle classes — resulting in higher prices for reduced supply that remains.

My one-size-fits-all solution: phase in a progressive wealth tax (and ideally phase out the income tax). Government should exist to support a healthy, functioning society, not the creation of a club of demigods.

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I quite agree with your solution. As Thom Hartmann has explained on his thomhartmannreport.com the tax rate for the wealthy was 91% during the tour of Eisenhower, and the wealthy did just fine, they still had their toys, but their money had little influence in politics.

However you overlook one important fact in the cycle of money creation, and that is personal debt. If you have a mortgage, bought a car on credit, swiped a credit card, or used on online, then you are a money creator. However the money you created is extinquished as the debt is paid off and paid down.

I have created hundreds of thousands of dollars, via debt, but everyone of those is now erased off the books, because I paid off the debts( mortgages, car payments, credit cards)

I still use my credit card for online purchases, but pay off the bill , BEFORE it is due (I know when the issuer closes out the bill and sends out statements. My statements always show negative, and thus the money I created, is erased off the books, before I pay any interest and contribute to inflation.

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Ah, thanks for being a model citizen in handling personal debt!

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[An aside, for clarity’s sake: It was the TOP TAX BRACKET that was taxed extremely high, not the entire income of the uber-wealthy. The first tens-of-thousands were taxed at the same rate YOU would pay for tens-of-thousands in earnings. And then the next bracket into the hundreds-of-thousands, the hit is a little bigger. And when you get up into the millions, the bracket is taxed at higher rates. I’m not sure I ever think a tax bracket of 90% is legitimate, but I think other constraints need to be placed on people walking off with billions of dollars a year — ALL the people who help to make those billions possible need to be compensated very, very well — nobody’s making all those bucks on their own lonesome…

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John, thank you for saying what so so many have known for a long time. It is NOT quiet. It is obvious and blatant and despite all that is being said about this they keep on doing it.

To think that I used to respect so many of these reporters I now see them as shills for money grubbing owners. If it is not intentional the MSM is owned and run by some pretty stupid people.

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Rather that stupidity, it's greed for both wealth and power. It's money that is killing us.

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Unbridled capitalism in the guise of money is the basis for this issue, in my opinion.

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It is deeper than capitalism. It is the strive for being top dog and keeping competitors at bay. The tool was, 10,000 years ago, a club or stone axes, we have advanced, due to agriculture, to using money as a tool.

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Money is the tool. It is motivated by greed, and the need for power, to prove that you are the apex predator, so competition beware is the uderlying drive. You find the same problem in primitive societies.There is always someone who wants to be the MFWIC, to claim the most or best women and resources, and there is always some challenger, just like four legged animals during the mating rut.

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@Wm: you just observed one of the main driving forces in the divine design of Earth - competition for Status, Prestige & Hierarchy (likely for the right of reproduction). This is found in all ... mammalian ! ... societies.

(www.cbc.ca/ideas episode on Longevity)

I wish I’d been taught this early in life.

I’m now looking at everyone from élites to friends & family to understand their personal method to achieve ...

Status, Prestige & Hierarchy.

Methinks mine is to be seen as wise.

What’s yours?!

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I don't have any desires other than a loving companion I can trust to be free of hunger freezing and burning from heat. And I have all of that. So content.

However I am afflicted with the teacher/preacher gene, an infinite curiosity and a damn good memory, at least remembering what I have read and heard, not so much short term (an artifact of age.. My wife says I have Sometimers disease

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Shaf, as you say, it is greed. It is not money per se that is killing us, but greed, sociopathy, and the use of money/power for nefarious purposes. Money is a tool, and how that tool is used is crucial.

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That's true. I've often thought about people who have donated great amounts to special causes. That's a wonderful thing. However, what we are seeing is the use of money to make more money to gain power. What is needed, I think, are strict limitations on things like campaign financing, off-shoring, and so on. The "little people" as Leona Helmsley would say, pay the taxes. It's not right.

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Join Canada!

We have tight, enforced, campaign donation rules, independently controlled by Elections Canada, with similar organizations in every province.

One quite decent MP [Member of Parliament] donated too much of His Own $$.

He was charged, tried, convicted, lost his seat and jailed for a few months.

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" social control in the media" is how the media controls their reporters.

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So Robert, can you start a major news media outlet?


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That would be a news outlet I would watch!!

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I've been recommending he join forces with Meidas Touch and Thom Hartmann.

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I know Huffpost is owned by some rich interest but their news is free, unless you puchcase an item from their site.

Pay no money for crap media.

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Malcolm Huff post still self censors, by what news that they "print" and what needs that they ignore, and even whose voice they acknowledge

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I usually rely on Huffpost and The Guardian.

Everyone self censors, I do in my Stack comments, trying to be relevant to the post or a comment.

All I require is a reasonable attempt to communicate the truths of the day as you have done, without including "alternate facts."

My editorial motto:

First respect yourself

Then respect others.

Be well

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I trust the Guardian more than other foreign newspapers. I read various others and don't trust TV news.

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I love your motto Malcolm.

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Read the Guardian. Better yet, donate.

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How much are you underlined willing to contribute?

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as well as the Democratic fascist machine. The sooner we realize the donkey and the elephant have the same ringmasters, the quicker we can end this circus.

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Dr. Who, obviously, you mean the Fascist Republican regime or are you deflecting again!

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It's the false equivalency again. "All politics are corrupt. Give up."

Dr.Who is a phoney.

He reveals himself as a shill for the Republican party by the phrase "the Democratic fascist machine" right at the start.

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Back before Nixon that was true. I voted first time in 1960, then quit in 1964, did not vote again until I voted against Trump in 2016. Because I could plainly see that Rep and Dem were two side of the same coin, or Humpty and Dumpty.

When Trump appeared on the scene I realized that the situation had morphed, and now it was a clear choice between the tyranny of theocrats and capitalists and cultural (not economic) Libertarians or liberty and autocracy.

Admittedly there is indeed corruption in both parties (ex Sen Menendez of NJ)

but at least the Democratic party is the champion of personal sovereignty, freedom from religion, equality, diversity,

As opposed to the theocratic, capitalistic, misogynistic, racist and xenophobic impulses of the right.

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We should ALWAYS vote, even if it’s to spoil your ballot.

Too many wars have been fought to protect people from billionaires. 1,000 years of battle between rulers & ruled both gave and preserved our right to change kings ... peacefully! That’s why this Trump era is so dangerous.

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I always vote. Generations of women fought hard for it. I vote for local issues, candidates and bills on the ballot if not happy otherwise.

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Time for you to head back to Russia to enjoy the long, brutal winter. Putin's fascism is undoubtedly more to your liking and remember,

“War is peace.

Freedom is slavery.

Ignorance is strength.”

― George Orwell, 1984

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Do you not remember the good old pals, Trump.and Putin? And how Putin manipulated Trump like a puppet on a string? And how Putin has no influence in the U.S. with a Democratic President? .Oh yeah, and how about Ukraine?..Who is supporting Russia? Not Biden!.

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But Putin is also supporting Hamas and the crazies now essentially in control in Lebanon, mostly via his good pals in Iran.

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Yep. Bottom line here. Porter

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Kindly read that Orwell quote to yourself. It pretty much sums up America since 2020.

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Fascism is a right-wing ideology. Are you saying the Democratic party is full of right-wing politicians?

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I mean, it is. The U.S. Democratic party is further to the right than most center-right parties in Europe. Signed—An ex-American living in Europe

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You are 100% correct. It's hilarious that the Democratic party of the US is portrayed as an "extreme radical socialists" when in reality they are, unfortunately, center-right capitalists.

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Europe wants out of the EU. They have their own Fascists.

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Yes yes. Controlled by a foreign entity. I want our tax dollars to benefit us, US taxpayers.

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Your/our Consumer dollars should do the same, but that would mean Thinking about more than Price when we buy.

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Who said fascism is a “right-wing ideology”? Where have we been taught that? And when? Why can it also not be a “left-wing ideology”? The magic of our democracy is how it labels and defines these terms to divide our loyalty between right & left, when our loyalty should be to the future of our children. Neither the right or left our serving our future. They are serving their ringmasters. Democracy is all but dead.

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Dr Who: Let's put it this way. Self proclaimed fascists were Mussolini, Franco and Hitler.

All were funded and financed by the powers that be, the Catholic Church and capitalists. I don't disagree that Democracy is all but dead, thanks to the Republican Party, Trumpism and billionaires.

Mussolini's chamber of deputies was Italy's representative government, and the deputies were representatives of corporations, not elected by the people.

Hitler was financed by industrialists, who discounted his ability to control the populace, yet they still made out like bandits, IG Faben, Bayer, Messerschmidt, Opal, Krupp there were even meetings in Switzerland after D Day between high ranking reps of American and Germany corporations as to how to be able to salvage German corporations from the victory of the allies. (See Crime and Punishment of IG Farben) order it from Amazon or download it free here https://www.academia.edu/49222235/The_Crime_and_Punishment_of_I_G_Farben

Fascism is definitely a right wing ideology, Whereas authoritarianism is a political ideology, and is found in "Communist" fascist, and pseudo democratic countries like Hungary and Argentina (examples that immediately come to mind)

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Every western educated kid is indoctrinated with those faces as those of evil (fascism), and no doubt they were extreme fascists. But is that the only flavor of fascism? What they are conveniently not educated about is the subtle fascism that they are subjected to by the “greatest system ever known to man” right here. And since 2020 it’s not even subtle any more. But the brain doesn’t process what the eyes can see, the ears hear, and the body feels.

Btw, what label would you confer upon the system of American democracy in its current rendition?

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Not every, Not my generation (The Silents), and not me. I found High school quite boring and never heard of fascism until an adult. I also attended high school only 90 days in three years, and obtained my education in the public library. When I was 18 I passed the HS GED and a week later the AA GED, attended university at age 30 graduated with highest honors, obtained an MBA at age 45 with honors.

As to labeling the current system a democratic plutocracy. A 4th Reich of the rich, in which we elect the captains of the ship of state.

Here is how I visualize the situation. In 1787 a group of entitled, property owning white man invested in a joint venture and wrote a charter called the Constitution of the U.S. and thus launched a ship called America. The ship of state and in so doing laid in a course.

The ship has passengers (citizens, occupants), crew, officers and a captain.

Every 2 years the passengers vote on who will be crew, every 6 years we vote on who will be officers and every four years we vote on who will be Captain.

Depending on the proclivities of offices and crew, the ship veers starboard and port, and after the passengers become disaffected with the course and conduct of the crew,officers and executives there is a change and a subsequent change of course as it course corrects by veering again port or starboard.

But the course laid in is still followed and where is that course headed. Well consider who laid the keel and launched it.

The constitution was not drawn up for you, me, slaves, women, it was drawn up to service the investors.

My 9th great grandfather was an investor in the Virginia Company of London, and also an early upper class settler, the third son of a wealthy London merchant, he came to America to found his own dynasty (no room for him in England). The dynasty he founded was by the time of the revolution, no longer a dynasty, it had been replaced politically, by Royalists fleeing the wrath of Oliver Cromwell in the wake of the English civil war. Those are the men, property owning white men, who signed the Declaration and wrote and signed the corporate charter we call the constitution.

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Hobbled by fascists and bankers.

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Communist is not Fascist. Real Communism is of the people. Seldom happens since power brings abuse.

Fascism is of the few authoritarian rulers with all the power. Death to those who speak up. Look it up on


As Winston Churchill said...democracy is not perfect but any other system of government is unacceptable.

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I love it when we in the west hail a white supremacist figure all because he led his nation to victory vs Hitler. We utterly fail to ever discuss his racism. Churchill also said:

“I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilized tribes.”

For the sake of brevity, please find more here:


His policies starved to death millions in India, among other atrocities. It cannot be denied that Winston Churchill was a supremely racist white man.

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Communism is simple a bumper sticker for authoritarianismm and authoritarianism is fascism.

The USSR was never communist it was an authoritarian combine of trusts, Seven of them organized along lines of resources, KGB, had human resources, mining,agriculture, indusry, forestry, transportation. At least per the 1922 issue of Fortnightly that I dug out of the Attic of a university when I was researching my paper on international finance and the Fed

Communism is an economic idea, not a political idea. Capitalism is also an economic idea and it fits very well in either an authoritarian or a democratic regime (Russia and China both nurture capitalism, and they are actually communist, in Russia the Kremlin has forgone the notion that it should control resources and the means of production,and have permitted their loyal henchmen in the KGB to buy up industries at bargain basement rates. Yeltsin did that.

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We who lived WWII know RW is Fascist. You young? Went to private school or not American at all. A Cuban or Russian troll? Oligarchy is Fascism.

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My age, what I am or where I was educated is irrelevant. If we do not have the ability to engage without name-calling, then what have we learned in our decades of “education”?

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Now I understand why you think Orwell was describing post 2020. You have no grasp of political ideology.

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I suspect you don't have a clear understanding as to just what fascism IS.

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Kindly clarify it for me. But only if you can expound beyond “Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin.”

This medium is not suitable for dissertations, so here’s a quick definition. Pay careful attention to the words *after* dictator:

“A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.”

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'...a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, AND typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.” '.

Yep. I meant what I said.

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What Democratic fascist machine?

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Liar Trump says he will get rid of Communists (where?), Leftists, Fascists (like him who loves Hitler) and vermin. His party of Mega are vermin to our society.

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Communism is the extreme of leftist ideology. It is a form of GOVERNMENT, having absolute control over the means of production and the society which it governs. It is, nevertheless, an authoratarian concept. So is fascism, which is the opposite, being an extreme right, every bit as destructive to its population as the the left. IT IS THE EXTREMES we have to worry about, OK? Democracy, at its best, directs toward moderation. That's why democracy is dangerous to both extremes.

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You are confusing Oligarchy with Fascism. Lame attempt to water down the word "fascist." Word salad by the orange man was recently confronted and exposed during a recent interview of Rachel Maddow, by Stephen Colbert, where she was mocking how Republicans and their leader, shout, "puppet, puppet puppet. I'm a puppet you're a puppet."

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Trump's orations and defenses are, as you say, word salad, he grabs any noun that has a derogatory meaning and throws it out, with the result (and he knows that) that he can manipulate his opponents via reverse psychology.

Trump has claimed that the media is the enemy of the people and the response from the left is to defend the media. When in fact it was the media and it's free billion dollars of ads that elected him and will re elect him.

He claimed that the FBI was the enemy of the people, When in fact the FBI is staffed with conservatives and very right wing at that, including Trump humpers, especially true of Justice and the IRS.

The expected response from "liberals" is to defend the FBI. Justice and IRS.

I managed my rebellious step son by using reverse psychology. If I told him to do something he defied me, if I told him not to do something then he would do it.

I made that work for me.

Like a broken clock, often Trump is correct, he is stupid and ignorant, but when it comes to manipulating people and those reality he is crafty, he probably learned it from his father Fred.

Come to think of it what does Trump and the Kochs have in common? A father named Fred.

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He is trapped in the dark reaches of the Vast Orange Crevasse!

VALIS is nothing compared to this dire destination, for business or vacation!

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They both are the same. I can’t vote for any of them in good conscience. I’ll vote independent, Cornell West. We need to break the binary.

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You mean you read the article and didn't get it, right?

Jeez, talk about announcing one's ignorance!

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Yes. Concentration of wealth makes for consolidation of media.

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Conforming the public, maybe.

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Yes. The media is not more than a business. The answer is to use paid media. And have a consistent messaging by surrogates. When Democrats are interviewed on news shows they need to say the things we are complaining the media isn’t saying. For example, complain about the deficit caused by price cuts. The stopping of government that Republicans cause. The danger to national security caused by Tuberville. The Democrats have plenty to talk about and make news about.

Also, we must head of the multiple minor party campaigns before they get any traction. It will be too late to talk about the danger once they have gotten any pinch of momentum.

My bumper sticker. VOTE BLUE FOR FREEDOM

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Paid media would burden the very poor and the ones who need to hear it. But I love your bumper sticker wording! Nice one!

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The internet form of paid media is ads, they trace and follow you, and there is nothing so critical that I will subject myself and privacy to ads and cookies, so I use an ad blocker. Some sites like Raw Story and YouTube's ads are so ubiquitous that I can barely follow the story,and are downright annoying and it has gotten so bad that if you pay for a subscription you still get ads.

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For those who aren’t using ad blockers, we make the films and buy the ad space to tell the truth that the news isn’t.

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Nov 27, 2023
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I think there is a misunderstanding in what paid media is. It is advertising that is bought to reach the target audience. It doesn’t cost the public and viewers. It is the way to get the story out when the “free” media isn’t doing a fair job. The Lincoln Project, Meidas touch, are examples.

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DK Paid media is corporate media. The media that reaches the most people, is electronic, and most of it is corporate and depends on advertising.

There are 6 companies that control advertising https://www.businessinsider.com/these-6-corporations-control-90-of-the-media-in-america-2012-6

And they are corporations.

Corporations are managed by the board of governors, and there are interlocking board of governors, most earn their living by being professional board members, and many represent corporations that when drilled down you find billionaires as major shareholders.

Corporations, per a 1919 Court ruling,have one objective only and that is make a profit for the shareholders.

To achieve their goal they hire executives, CEO's, COO's, CFO's and the most powerful is the CEO. The CEO in turn hires and fires lackeys that will do his or her bidding. This includes polling and media exec's.

These lackeys know who know the boss is and what product the boss wants, and their job, if they want to keep it is to deliver.

The lackeys then hire their own lackey's, who also know who signs their paycheck. Tell me who signs the paycheck and I will tell you what opinions he holds.

The editors and producers control output, via approving a story or through earbuds in the news readers or TV Hosts .

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I am saying we need to advertise. Using paid media means to buy ad time and space. We can try to get the truth told any way we can including making programs that we buy the time to show.

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Excellent, comment. Most local news outlets are now owned by Sinclair broadcasting. A conservative billionaire started the group.

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John, you are right about media ownership. Maybe our FCC could step in and stop some of the worst abuses of media power on behalf of our nation. individuals and corporations have been permitted to own hundreds of outlets and have also been permitted to push out on those outlets, all kinds of lies, half-truths, and abuses of the power they have accumulated. This is a kind of monopoly which is against the law, but somehow, conservatives/Republicans don't have to follow the same laws as the rest of us. That needs to change. We need citizens with money to work with those of us who actually care about our democracy to stop the media abuse. Then we need the FCC to step up and do their job to protect us from those corporate conservative media who are deliberately damaging our democracy.

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After Nixon resigned

was when the independent papers were bought up and their research staff cut. Payback for supporting the release of the Pentagon Papers. Republicans said, never again. Some of us thought they meant no more crooks, but alas, they meant no more independent news.

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Capitalism ended a few decades ago.

We live under Oligopoly /Monopoly Capitalism.

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Argh. There is not NO interest — there is SOME interest, just not near enough.

But, some reporters still struggle to find and report what is really happening… then they don’t get the visibility that these interviewers get, allowed to sit there and listen to the kind of blather and talking points we get from Republican mouthpieces.


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Fantastic Comment . you are completely correct.

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Your, "capitalist enterprise," description is the elephant in the room, John. I'm being repetitive, but the fact that news divisions are now mandated to make money is the reason for the abysmal quality of coverage these days. It's all about sensationalism, drawing clicks and views. Plus endless bothsides-ism, so as not to alienate any of the audience. Note that I'm referring to MSM here, and not unabashedly partisan, nutjob outlets like Fox, who spew, "entertainment," instead of actual news.

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Other countries have tax supported news as well as privatized.

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Rupert Murdoch has done irreparable damage to our country and others. He was able to spread lies all around the world.

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While I agree with all four of your points regarding the role of mainstream media in what amounts to disinformation, what is needed is an action step we can take to effectively take to counter this trend. You are one of a few voices who consistently points out this disturbing trend, but what is a potential strategy to get the mainstream media to change its harmful bias?

Would asking all of us who follow your informative postings to engage in a "letter to the editor" writing campaign have an effect? For example if you requested all of us to write a short letter to each of the targeted media outlets each day for a week get their attention? Whether or not they have the guts to print any of the letters, the sheer number of letters pouring in focused on this one issue should get their attention.

Your daily insights are very informative and powerful, but to utilize the insights, an action step we could all take together would then give us plus those readers of Inequality Media a sense of EMPOWERMENT! We must not give way to despair and cynicism.

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I also believe that alternative media sources that reach to a broad audience of people is an excellent strategy on the part of you and Heather. You currently have a campaign to raise $100,000 to Inequality Media Civic Action by Tuesday to increase the effectiveness of this excellent thrust. I am personally participating and would encourage others to do so. It is an immediate action step we can all take. https://www.inequalitymediacivicaction.org/

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Channel Taylor Swift.

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Yes Daniel this comes close to what action tends toward change, and while it is important to write letters and op eds and vote, the biggest driver are millions in the streets, organized, demonstrating for the changes needed, threatening the power structures. Decent leaders stepping forward with vision, and some music to ease and rattle souls, battle cries.

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants...”

--“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

The key is to swell the ranks with all the angry, dispossessed and frightened, in a common cause. Break the yoke of bribed lawmakers, corporate, ultra rich control and constant wars.

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Michael, yes. If ever we needed to flood the streets and show the power of OUR numbers, it is now. I do understand that some of the biggest protests over the years have been quashed and people are burned out. But it’s not an option to sit this out.

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I have been saying this for years. TeeVee and home seems to rule Americans.

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Jenny Stokes: When we are getting into the coldest time of the year, and many of us are struggling financially, and our 'opponents' are armed and dangerous, it is beyond unappealing. Those of us who are well beyond retirement age but still work to pay for medical that are not 'covered'.are already challenged enough. What are we paying taxes for? Where is our defense?

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channel Taylor Swift? explain?

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Maybe he means dump Trump like an ex-boyfriend then write a #1 hit song about it.

(Apologies to Swifties and, of course, Taylor Swift.)

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That person has been posting the same line for weeks. Ignore.

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Thanks Marc, just donated.

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And “donations are fully tax deductible. “

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I don't think so. It's politics and politics doesn't qualify for deductions.

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Thank you for sharing this information!

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Just been to this site and as always with US things, we cannot contribute if we live out of the States. The rest of the World does care.

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Marc Nevas, your comment is absolutely the best advice i have heard. I totally agree with everything you said. Your last sentence was especially great. ''We must NOT give way to despair and cynicism.'' Giving way to those two things would be the worst thing that could happen. Thank you for your encouragement and optimism. Giving up, is not an option, as far as i am concerned.

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I like your idea, Marc. I have written many letters about this problem, but I am just one person. If ALL of us were to write letters, the voice of the people may have an effect. It is becoming increasingly hard not to give in to despair. I am watching the future and I am terrified!! I don't have a lot of years left on this round ball, but I want those remaining years to be peaceful and happy!

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I don’t think the next few years will be necessarily peaceful… They will likely be ones of struggle. But some of the best things always come from the struggle. We cannot just wait for the Democrats or the newspapers, or anyone else to open their eyes and fight on our behalf. I think we are in for challenging times and now is the time to bring about significant change in our political system. I believe Robert and Heather are great examples of those who fight for change.

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Marc Nevas ; Every subscriber who is not a troll is also 'fighting for change"!

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@Peggy Freeman. Newspapers by state. https://www.newspapers.com/location/?locale=en-US

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Robert Reich says it best. Why not email his article to the editors? People might be more apt to participate.

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Marlo ; Adding a personal note gives more impact, in addition to Robert's excellent writing!

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I'm sure Robert issues press releases. He has deals with some outlets. I'd like to see that he has an op ed in newspapers and tv stations. I "monitor" the papers from my native area. Once a Democratic hotbed, now 70%-30 Trump. The papers are terrible. E.G. in Pittsburgh the only papers left are to the right of Atilla. Won't publish "negative" letters to the editor.

I think the concept of inequality hits those MAGATs in the pocketbook.


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I agree: The mainstream media is abetting Trump. So...what can we do about it? How can we put any pressure on the media to report accurately?

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My local paper, owned by Gannet/USA Today will only post only letter per month from a person. I suppose I could try once a month for several months.

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Boycott all biased media.

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I agree to a certain extent. I still read WAPO because I need to see what these people are saying, I don't want to be blind.

Comments: I used to write a lot, now I don't most people are brainless BUT I do see some things changing especially over the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

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And to that end Marc it would be useful for Robert/Heather to have guests from time to time to address specific ways for effective engagement.

I suggest Anat Shenker-Osorio would make a good guest as her insights on effective messaging help guide efforts and help prevent unuseful or even counterproductive messaging efforts.

However there is no question this is a big shift in the Inequality Media program.

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When I think of those who blame all of politics and have tuned out completely due to cynicism, I think of a nephew who would never follow a newspaper, nor watch in-depth analysis on TV. The way to get to him is by starting a radio station or radio ‘spots’ that briefly acknowledge legitimacy of cynics and present Robert’s reasoned views.

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As a psychologist (albeit retired) I have long thought that Trump shows signs of dementia, and should be rigorously assessed. This impression was strengthened when he commented on taking the MOCA test of cognitive decline and said it was really hard. In fact, the test (and others like it) is designed to be very simple for all intelligence levels. Most people get all items right unless they have serious cognitive problems. It's only a screening test, but anyone finding it very difficult should have an in-depth assessment. I particularly recall him saying that the later utems were hard. These include questions like "What is your name?"

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My guess is Donald Trump knows the test isn't hard but wants his cult members to think it is. He sure can't brag about his SAT scores. On the other hand, I don't know what to do with his famous "Person, woman, man, camera, TV" interview. That was the subject of so many jokes! Maybe he forgot about that?

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He is only reporting the test he "passed". Any negative results are being quitly ignored. In the Lego movie batman throws 20 or 30 batarangs to knock over a switch. When he finally succeeds he says "First try!".

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Sort of like a gambler at one of his casinos that like to brag about the $5 they won rather than talk about the $100 they lost in winning it!

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Bill Reitz ; And tfg isn't even Batman!

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To summon Trump they will put up a spotlight in the sky in the shape of a cheeseburger.

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Sorry: "items", not "utems", obviously!

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@ Robert Foote. As a psychologist, any comments on why "Trump hates dogs" is effective? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/05/opinion/trump-military-dog.html

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A malignant narcissist would never submit to an evaluation becauase they think of themselves as perfect. This continues in their self evaluation in their physical and mental states.

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This is sad, but I can't help laughing. Shame on me (I guess). So have a few more Big Macs, Donnie, and triple the fries.

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Porter ; An occasional laugh is good!

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Not good. Essential!

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We can quietly hope!

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Peggy Freeman ; and have a good laugh once in a while!

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There's a book out titled, "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump." It was written early in his first (and last!) term by psychologists and psychiatrists, but he's only gotten worse since then.

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In Heather Cox Richardson‘s latest book, “Democracy Awakening” she lays out in chilling detail how Trump is following the playbook written out in Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. I would be more comforted to know what we’re seeing is dementia, but actually, he is following the playbook by some of the most infamous and successful fascists before him. We are not dealing with dementia here, but a barrage of pure unbridled Fascism.

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Robert Forde: I agree that Trump displays signs of dementia. His loose associations, perseverations, limited attention span, inability to control anger/fear/emotions.... Some form of brain damage. His neural connections to whatever remains of his prefrontal cortex are rapidly diminishing. I find this almost more terrifying than just his co-occurring personality disorders. He seems likely to act out his anger in increasingly violent ways. I can’t forget that he asked one of “his” generals: “what’s the point of having nuclear weapons if we don’t use them?”

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Marge Wherley ; He works for the oligarchs of the world who want Dominion that allows them to have all the wealth and power over millions and billions of slaves! They want to cover the Earth and eventually, beyond! Not just the "libs" ; but everyone!

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So then you must be absolutely certain Biden HAS dementia, right? Or do your diagnoses follow your bias?

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Why would Robert "be absolutely certain Biden has dememtia"? Because Biden makes gaffe's? So does Trump. So do you. Because he uses a teleprompter and still gets a word wrong? So does Trump. You don't use a teleprompter but I know you occassionally mispronounce words. Because Biden has a stutter? So do a lot of people. Because he doesn't yell in his speeches like Trump? Biden has never yelled. Because he has visibly aged in office? Every single person visibly ages while serving as POTUS.

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No, none of those things. You are intellectually dishonest if you're going to pretend that Biden isn't showing obvious signs of serious mental and physical decline. Everyone can see it, just not everyone will admit it because they are ideologically captured, loyal to their party and deathly afraid of Trump due to TDS.

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Josh Rothchild: Have you paid attention to the competent, experienced team that Biden has built and surrounds himself with? Have you paid attention to their performance? I would ask you to compare that with the self-interested, inexperienced sycophants and grifters Trump relies on (if he relies on anyone). Competence is apparently considered a disqualifying factor when Trump appoints a Cabinet member or judge; when someone with actual expertise contradicts Trump, they are simply replaced. Dishonest people will not surround themselves with honest people -- and that certainly shows in the lack of any agenda beyond grifting. It did not surprise me in the least that he has a plan to replace 50,000 civil servants with loyalists. As a former civil servant, I know exactly how that will result in chaos and incompetence.

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Also, this administration has to be one of the, if not the most, incompetent, unqualified collection of diversity hires in American history. They are totally inept and corrupt. They lie to our faces, they lie to Congress and they refuse to do their jobs or take any responsibility for their numerous and constant failures. Buttigieg, Mayorkas, Garland, Cardona, Harris and the list goes on and on. We were in an unprecedented supply chain crisis and Mayor Pete was on PATERNITY leave for 12 weeks! Neither her nor his husband gave birth to the twins. We are not a socialist country. Our nation has always been a meritocracy, promoting the best and brightest, regardless or skin color, sexual orientation, gender or any other immutable characteristic. We thrive by challenging our people to be their best and reward them when they succeed. We want diversity of thought, not fake diversity of people who all think the same, but look difference, or are gay , trans, etc.

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That has nothing to do with Biden having dementia.

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He might, he might not. I haven't got any information about HIS test results.

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He'll get back to you when WWII starts.

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This is very interesting, thank you for posting it.

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Nov 28, 2023
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Sounds a bit subtle for Trump.

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The big legacy media news networks are going down !

And they have no one to blame but themselves. They all kept trying to equate both sides of the Political Spectrum. Instead of calling out the obvious hypocrisy in the Republican Party and highlighting how it is tearing @ the fabric of our democracy!

Independent news outlets like the MeidasTouch

Network are leading the way of bringing back honest journalism.

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After I "cut the cable" and went to a simple aerial for my TV to watch streaming services, in my search for a decent news-oriented channel I had a look at the old standards: ABC, CBS, NBC and they were all three personality-based, backed up by commercials for the latest drugs you don't need and snippets of actual news surrounded by puff pieces. Garbage!

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Porter, PBS is the best and the only televised one I watch. The rest raise my blood pressure and make my brain melt with their dribble.

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PBS is too deferential to power. Koch money expelled Bill Moyers, etc.

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Daniel Soloman, P.S. I was talking about PBS Newshour, not the decisions of the corporation, re: Moyers' expulsion.

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Daniel Soloman, my opinion still stands. PBS is the best. When I watch, I don't feel manipulated. And when one segment, a few years ago, made me feel that way, I wrote them a letter of protest. They are not perfect, no person, no media outlet is, but I do believe they share my ideals and they aspire to them.

And to protect myself from manipulation the best I can, I remain vigilant in thinking about the big picture, of which power, as you say, is always central. It is always power over others and/or sharing power with others.

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I'm sorry. My office was across the street from them. Even their producers admit it.

If I were PBS, the lead story, virtually every day would be "Trump lies again."

The story besides the Middle East, is that if Trump wins, 40 million Americans can lose their health insurance. MAGA Mike proposes a commission that could kill Social Security and Medicare and VA and Black Lung.

PBS stories are all pablum -- designed not to offend Charles Koch. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/

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Daniel Soloman, that's okay. We can disagree, my friend.

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I agree. I, too, noy watch PBS

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Those drug ads should be banned like they once were banned. If it's advertised on TV, you know it will be expensively overpriced! And there are frequently cheaper non-advertised drugs that work just as well.

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I really like comments on the commercials either in fast-speak or in a 'chiron' running on the bottom of the screen, like 'do not take if you're allergic to (whatever)'. But how might you know if you've never taken it? "Do not take if you're dead", or "tell your doctor if you have a serious or life-threatening reaction to the medication", that sort of thing.

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I love the tiny listing at the bottom of the screen about adverse side effects. (The following are NOT real examples LOL)

- This medication will straighten the curve in your erect penis. May cause impotence.

- This weight loss medication may result in uncontrollable rectal bleeding, severe flatulence, certain fungal infections, or death.

- This cancer drug was shown, in clinical trials, to extend life by two weeks. The side effects may cause you to regret that.

I know Big Pharm is not a joke, but sometimes I can’t help laughing at them!


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Their TV advertising budget is bigger than their research budget. Of course, a lot of the new drug research is done by government funding.

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If you should die from this medication, be sure to let your doctor know...

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...But not your lawyer. Or the FDA. No point: we have more lobbyists that there are Senators and Representatives. So there!

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...why I don't watch TV.

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I liked the news better when the reporters simply reported the facts and let the viewers make their own conclusions. Now, reporters put their own opinion and spin on the news they report. I don't like that.

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Let’s remember that Which facts and What reporters Observe follows from their Bias.

Then their Managing Editors decide how much of which stories are published in which position, in which edition.

Everyone is biassed - personal, political, commercial, status, etc.


I predict that by 2030 there will be No mainstream media with reporters who are committed to researching what they report. Will we be able to trust the opinionated bloggers who report on Substack, like ... ourselves ...?!

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Yes! Love Meidas Touch!

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Thanks for the shout out to Meidas Touch. I just now checked them out. They seem to catch the ultra-rightists at their worst moments on video, very entertaining as well as informative.

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Trump hates dogs.

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You simply cannot trust someone who hates dogs!!

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Peggy ; He hates himself ; born in the Chinese 'year of the dog'! and a LOSER!!! (Unlike most dogs!).

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Laurie, he can hate himself all he wants but he needs to stop spreading his hate everywhere!! His vile and disgusting rhetoric is very negative and does absolutely nothing for this country!

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He probably had a bad encounter with a dog (bitten) when very young. This seems to be the main reason given in most websites that I visited about why some people hate dogs.

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Dogs instinctively know bad people when they see them. Suspect you're right about tfg having a bad encounter with a dog. The dog knew he was bad!

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He used to like Fox-es, though!

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Thanks again, Marc. That article on Fox is indeed hilarious garbage. MTN is now a bookmark 'fav' on my computer.

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It's not so funny to me. More like scary. I live in a household of Trump supporters, and they believe EVERYTHING than Fox News and other right wing media outlets tell them! I keep trying to get them to look at other media sources, but without any luck. It's tough!

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What if you share Meidas pieces with them? I’m thinking of the gas stoves and the “terrorist crisis” of a middle-aged couple’s spectacular car crash near the Canadian border crossing. There are clips from FOX, too. But maybe there is no humor left in your family?

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The story about President Biden visiting Boebert district is exhilarating!

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PaulaOH ; I will look for that one! Thanks for this!

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Keith Olson, Ben's coverage on Huckabee Sanders' "Podium Gate" got me hooked on Meidas Touch.

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I’ve been watching since infancy

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Robert's last sentence speaks volumes as to an infection which is sweeping across this land. Point blank human stupidity has taken a foothold in this country. Trump and is cronies are feeding off of the chaos caused by the misinformation being spread by various despicable news agencies. It's odd that what Trump described as his enemy back then is now one of his allies.

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Right. Go after the books, don't teach real, factual history, get rid of libraries, make your best schools havens for athletic programs and run by political appointees who've never taught anyone anything and there's your winter vacation! WTF = Welcome to Florida!

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The "dumbing down" has begun!

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Porter--You act as if you knew Betsey DeVos personally.

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Actually I was referring to Ron DeSatan's Florida, "the Free State" he calls it.

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Porter--Sorry if I missed the point, old age. DeSantis changed the law requiring prospective political candidates to resign their present positions prior to actually running. He would have had to resign his position as Governor in order to run for President. He didn't like that idea, so he changed the law to suit his needs. He cheats just like the orange guy.

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Don't forget his war on Disney. They didn't want to restrict gays at their resort/amusement park/hotels under DeSatan's "Don't Say Gay" bill, so he attacked them full-throttle in an attempt to revoke the rights granted to them when Disney was set up in Orlando. To some extent, he's succeeding because what Ron wants, Ron gets.

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Porter--DeSantis is a younger and somewhat smarter version of the orange guy. Maybe even scarier.

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He seems to be better at it, too - in Florida!

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Florida is not representative of the United States.

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It seems he always does that!! He touts someone as the best until that someone does or says something he doesn't like and then he calls them every name in the book!! If someone he once called stupid or whatever does something he likes, all of a sudden they are his new best friend! How could you trust someone like that?

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Peggy--The man is a dyslexic mess. I can't blame him for his "Short" comings, but I do fault the stupid fools who bend a knee to someone who is obviously in need of some serious mental assistance. The MAGA group is a dying infestation in need of a good fossilization.

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I blame him. Dyslexia does not inevitably cause narcissism, sociopathy, cruelty and “retribution.”

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Marge--I don't use dyslexia as an excuse for the man's behavior. It's just an additive cause that contributes to the antics of a sick individual.

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Oh Donald, I just wish the MAGA group would die sooner rather than later!!! This group has done more to destroy our country than anyone or anything before it!! It is tiring to constantly have to speak truth to these nutters!! I am exhausted!

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Peggy--It's a scary thing to realize so many of our fellow Americans have fallen for the lies Trump spreads where he goes.

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I know!! Friends that I have had for many years honestly believe his lies and I cannot fathom why. These are very bright, common sense people yet they spout his lies like it is the gospel truth!! I truly cannot understand how anyone with a grain of sense does not see this man's con game!

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Peggy--Obviously you have a virus--please spread it.

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The media (CNN, WAPO, etc.) has been literally bought by right wing Trumpian men who control editorial and news slants. Boards are controlled by these people, who are heavily influenced by their advertisers, as mentioned, eg pharmaceutical companies, and probably the appliance industry.

Let’s not get down, let’s dust ourselves off and outwork them. The only positive way forward is to re-elect Joe Biden. Sitting out this election gets Democracy nowhere. It defeats Democracy. Thanks for your comments Mark and the Meidas TV.

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PailaOH--I have noticed a difference in CNN's programing. Some obvious Republican supporters have become entrench in the stations list of who's who. Joe has his work cut out for him but politics aside President Biden is a good and honest man, in contrast to his opponent who is so despicable he cheats at golf.

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@DonaldHodgkins, I know very little about golf, so will rely on your statement! Hahaha! We do know that he cheats on his wives! Ughhh!

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PaulaOH--Donald Trump cheats at life. He is a prime candidate for a rather heavy stroke. Leaving his choice for VP to run our country, that's what destresses me the most. Tucker Carlson as my President, death couldn't come on swifter heels.

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In the end, that might be enough to get him re-elected with a majority of the voters.

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You may appreciate this inconvenient objection: https://youtu.be/QFgcqB8-AxE?si=3fOPXjz5yG0PsVZH

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DZK--Objections are just as important as accolades.

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I figured you'd appreciate it. I was going to specifying mob mentality, but someone else beat me to it elsewhere here.

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And THAT is why democracy is on life support edging ever closer to its natural death

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The thought has crossed my mind. Did you know the Roman Republic lasted about 250 years before the Imperium set in and killed it? 2023 - 1790 = ? Do the arithmetic.

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Every man-made system has a shelf life. We'd be too arrogant to think this one will last till kingdom come.

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Perhaps. But rolling over for the prospect of 1000 years of Imperium is >not< an option. Period.

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Masses of people go bonkers from time to time. The madness of crowds. I had hoped it would not happen in my lifetime here in America, but it has. I don't see how things get much better until seditious media,. TV and radio. social media, are constrained in their content or lose viewership. I don't have major freedom of speech issues with this since I think other equally and sometimes more important freedoms are at stake.I'm not saying this is easy. Just necessary.

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steve--I would love to see a trailer after every political ad that states, the content of the previous political ad has been reviewed by a bi-partisan Pannel of scholars and found to be either "True" or "False." This would let liars have their say, but it would be deemed a falsehood in big red letters.

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Maybe 3 categores



total BS

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The saddest part is the emphasis on trump (blasted on most of the media outlets as if he were still acting president) while the FACTS of thriving economy, low gas prices, hopefully rising Minimum Wages, and an honorable President Biden takes a back-seat.

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Mr. Reich,

I have a question.

As President, Trump Was The (Commander and Chief )

of the U.S. Military, correct?

According to Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution:

- [ ] Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any OFFICE , civil or MILITARY, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

So are the Republicans saying that the Commander and Chief of the Military isn’t really a member of the Military and doesn’t apply to Trump?

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To me, personally, i always referred Donald TUMP as, '' Dictator in Chief'' from the year 2018 until , as long as i am alive. I might also add, he is a pathological liar, racist, career criminal, rapist, traitor, insurrectionist, domestic terrorist, just to name a few of the long list of his unsavory qualifications.

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Sing on John!! Absolutely 100% correct!!

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Thank you, Peggy. I wonder how nature could have made such a mistake when that monster was conceived?? I suppose you could say TUMP is a horrific freak of nature.

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Yes, in a nutshell. Emphasis on the “nut.”

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Keith Olson ; The thugs obviously are using semantics and attempting technical trickery. they should be shut down by the judical system which tfg has been gaming all his 'adult' life! George Conway, retired conservative judge Michael J Luttig and others are pushing to limit tfg's access to the courts. I don't know the details but it is a recent story. Meidas Touch may have it. He has been given way too much latitude. Nobody has ever openly played the Courts the way he is getting away with! Should have been jailed looong ago! Especially when violating his bail deals not to harass or threaten judges, clerks witnesses and even potentially jurors!

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Good point! Tell it to the Judge.

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marlo ; which one? the sycophant in FL/ that he appointed?

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Here's what the "mainstream media" wants: MONEY and Trump is a money spicket for them because there are so many people (like me) who just want to see him locked up - for good! Trump is a bumbling idiot in so many ways (regarding government) but he's an EXPERT at manipulating the "mainstream media." In addition, he has no qualms with having others (ie the Russians, Saudi's, Emerati's, Israeli's - Netanyahu sycophants and ????) conspiring to help manipulate all the Americans who now (apparently) get their "news" from Social Media. Trump has successfully "bulldozed" the "rule of law" in America to the point where people's heads are "spinning." It's almost impossible to keep up - his lawbreaking has become routine and his supporters like it. This is a time where it really is "all hands on deck" and we can only hope for a massive voter turnout in 2024. Those of us who "get" the importance of this upcoming election MUST work to convince Americans who are "sick" of politics that, regardless, it's their responsibility to get informed (especially about Biden's successes and Trump's danger to our republic) and to VOTE!

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Yeah, if they think they are "sick" of politics now, just think how sick they will be if Trump gets back in office. But you can't convince most people to look ahead much beyond their natural inclination, can you ?

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Totally right!

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i am so disgusted, Professor Reich, by the MEDIA. don't these so-called journalists realise almost all of them will be recognised as ENEMIES by trump as soon as he is sworn in, and will be hunted down, imprisoned and (many) executed? are they SO STUPID as to delude themselves into believing that a few "friendly" news stories will not protect them from trump? or are they capable of ANY rational thought?

i am deeply afraid for them, their futures and their families.

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As humans individually they have an amygdala. Fear. As corporate entities, the only thing that comes close is the threat of litigation. Dominion v Fox should be the object lesson to get them to stop repeating lies.

You would think that the pending Smartmatic v. Fox case, the pending Fox shareholder suits in equity court in Delaware, and the FCC threat to the Fox station in Philadelphia would have made them gun shy.

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Let’s hope those lawsuits make it to the forefront VERY soon.

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Daniel: a corporate amygdala? I love it!

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GrrlScientist ; Some of our best journalists, like Rachael Maddow, have targets on their backs, and must sometimes report from 'undisclosed locations'. The MSNBC don't want heat, too. So she has been telling us about past 'news' lately.

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Kindly do not inter-change the word "journalism" with "social media". Two different animals. One is based on facts, the other on click-bait sales. Generalist conversations are killing the reputation of real journalists. Be specific. Who are you actually referring to in the above statement?

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I will try to be brief, because I'm beginning to sound like a Harpy on this subject. The Fairness Doctrine. A long time ago, there were three main networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) and radio. There was no Twitter, no Facebook, and no YouTube. (We were still doing research from card catalogs.) Congress saw that the three networks were in a position to control information available to the public. So, Congress developed the Fairness Doctrine. Two important ideas became the bulwark of the Fairness Doctrine: (1) It is necessary to prevent privately controlled media from "misusing their broadcast licenses to set a biased agenda," (2) A Supreme Court decision upholding the Doctrine "arguing that nothing in the First Amendment gives a broadcast license holder the exclusive right to the airwaves they operate on." Congress established and the Supreme Court upheld the Fairness Doctrine which "mandated broadcast networks devote time contrasting views o n issues of public importance."


I don't know how anyone could have such a policy today given the countless online news and discussion outlets. But at least, could we develop a doctrine that requires nationally televised broadcasters to do the same? Could we include their broadcasts even into local markets? I remember watching a BLM demonstration in Seattle that turned out to be quite different from what was pictured. Of course, the only people who would know that would be people living there.

I suggest we write members of congress we can trust and ask for a law reinstating the fairness doctrine.

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There is a syllogism involved here. It goes like this:

ALL Big Media are primarily owned and operated by the Wealthy, in Upper Management and as majority shareholders.

The most influential people within Big Media are the top Managers.

Management can (and does) stipulate _how_ news and information will be presented.

Most Wealthy are aligned with the Republican Party. [It's easier to buy the services of Republicans than it is to buy the services of Democrats. Which is why the GOP is the Party of Big Business.]

Which is why most Media slant their content in such a way as to favor the GOP. [DESPITE the chaos element introduced by Trump & Company.]

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CaptainPatch, I agree with your overall premise, but I don't know if most wealthy are R's. I would need to see the numbers from reputable sources, as publicly, there are many wealthy Dems.

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Leverage can be exerted by corporate shareholders, by advertisers, by customers, and as I explained elsewhere the threat of litigation.

E,G. Fox Shareholders Sue Board for Allegedly Embracing Election Falsehoods in Pursuit of Profits. The shareholder action is at least the third since Fox reached a $787.5 million deal with Dominion Voting Systems to settle a defamation lawsuit. Fox's Largest shareholders include Vanguard Group Inc, BlackRock Inc., Dodge & Cox, Yacktman Asset Management Lp, DODGX - Dodge & Cox Stock Fund, State Street Corp, Nomura Holdings Inc, State Of Wisconsin Investment Board, American Century Companies Inc, and VTSMX - Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Investor Shares .


Imagine ABC, CBS, etc substituted for Fox.

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Daniel Soloman, I can imagine. They are all bereft in their responsibilities to the American people, to whom the airwaves belong. Pressure from all directions, legislation and adequate enforcement/consequences, litigation, and personal discernment all need to be pursued as integral, especially now, to Democracy.

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You have hit the nail on the head, Dr. Reich! It is unnerving to witness the re-staging of another Trump victory—especially because the news media’s principal motivation for leveling Trump and Biden is to increase ratings and revenue. How soon they’ve forgotten that, during his presidency, Trump censured AND censored journalists for asking pertinent questions! And shame on The New York Times, a publicly traded entity that thus carers to its investors, for neglecting their mission statement: “At The Times, our mission is to seek the truth and help people understand the world.”

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Ok, I agree with you. Now please tell us what we can DO to ensure that Trump never becomes president ever again ! (Besides prayer)

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Channel Taylor Swift. 40% of the 2024 electorate is young. 70% trend Democratic. Young voters can sweep.

In my state, Florida, get abortion and marijuana on the ballot.

When you are social media and someone posts a picture of a pet, post "Trump hates Dogs." 2/3 pf US households have pets that give them unrequited love.

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Well, @DanielSolomon, that’s spot-on! As a former elected, THE best attended city council and county commissioner meetings occurred when we had dogs as an issue, or we brought them on our weekly televised “show”...start responding, Robert Reich friends! And, it’s the TRUTH. Trump is obviously afraid and a hater of dogs and detests their “germs” too, I’m sure. 👍

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Umm...lemme think, this is a tough one.


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Vote, yes, but it’s not always enough. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, but not the electoral college. Al Gore did so, as well.

Is there more the average person can do? I’m a 61 year old homemaker. I have voted in every election since I was 18. I have not always been a Democrat; I was independent for many years until I realized that meant missing out on voting in my state’s primary. That meant I couldn’t choose which candidates made it to the final ballot.

I vote locally and I send what little financial support I can to Democrat candidates. I live in a red, red state. We are gerrymandered like crazy. Our state is one of two that splits our electoral votes. When Obama won one of our votes, the Republicans redrew the districts so it wouldn’t happen again. Amazingly , it did happen again for Biden in 2020. In response, the district lines were changed again. It’s frustrating as all get-out.

Many of us asking what we can do, are really asking “What more can we do?” So much of our system seems designed to bypass the average American.

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This is a job for the Justice Department, since the Roberts Court took the key provision that would have given Justice key oversight on such shenanigans. Don't give up!

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It is so obvious. I've stopped buying the NY Times and Washington Post as their refusal to even

comment on this craziness has become clear. Day after day. It reminds me of their looking away

from the lies about 'weapons of mass destruction' in Iraq. They refuse to do their job once again.

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I was not aware they are not calling a spade a spade. How sad.

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Yes. and I think the reason is primarily financial. Both the NYT and WaPost have long determined that the "sweet spot" for maximum readership (and advertising revenue) is centrist-right. That includes some 80% of Demos and 20% Republicans. Then too, the ownership of these corporations are bloombergists, where profits will win out over democracy when it comes down to it. Interestingly, one can see from comments (even after the Times curates what they will publish) that the engaged readership of both media is clearly to the left of the editorial boards.

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Besides Robert Reich I am a long time NYT and WAPO subscriber. I know that they are influential and I know that they influence my thinking.

As a lapsed advocate, I want to spread the "good news" of the Biden administration like an evangelist needs to proselytize. "Onward Biden soldiers marching as to war" should displace the MAGAT Fascist demagoguery that motivates those who may/may not have that collective racist subconscious that urges them to support a racist sex maniac/ rapist, and a twice impeached, four times indicted, raving lunatic.

What should I do? Should I continue to subsidize them? They are far better than my local paper, the Miami Herald, most especially El Herald, the Spanish version. Much better than the Pittsburgh papers, my hometown paper, the New Castle News, etc., which in essence have no national news.

I always had a problem with say, Robert Novak at WAPO, and many op ed columnists at NYT.

But IMHO there's more good stuff on NYT than anyplace else.

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Daniel Soloman, you discern being informed from being manipulated. That's the best place to be. That's the sweet spot. Being constantly watchful is the way I try to approach my choices also.

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NYT well worth the subscription.

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Continue. I myself, a reader for decades, quit reading when they became subsciption on the net. But yeah if you find value continue. Overall they are a positive stabilizing force.

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Yes, yes, yes, yes. Thank you.

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