My wife and I and our 92 year old friend and Korean War veteran are going to vote today.

Good character is the most important attribute for any candidate. Anyone who continues to throw insults at my country and the men and women who fought to preserve our democracy will never make the cut! I hope you feel the same way.

How any Patriotic American would vote for a man who has nothing good to say about our country is beyond me. I am not a Republican or a Democrat or an Independent. Yes I am completely Unaffiliated. When I vote for a candidate for president I take the time to vet them and find out as much as possible about their past. As a patriot of our country and our Constitution, I am loyal to the ideals of our nation—like freedom, democracy, and the rule of law—not to any one individual or party. My wife and I and our 92 year old friend and Korean War veteran are going to vote today.

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Good character is something Trump has never had, and doesn’t understand. He also doesn’t understand patriotism or the Constitution. I too will vote this weekend, and not fro Trump or his toadies.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

I have already voted Blue down the ballot. People like you are the hope of our country. I am betting that most Americans feel like we do. The MAGAs are just much more vocal, and then you have rich people like Musk trying to buy votes!

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13 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

Robert you are a breath of fresh air. Trump winning is what nightmares are made of.


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You know it! His term as president was a complete disaster, both domestically and internationally. I cannot forget the hundreds of thousands of his incompetence and lack of human empathy/decency.

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This act of buying votes has to be illegal. For God's sake, pick him up and stash his ass in jail. I'm 73 and that's exactly what they'd do to me with no questions asked.

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Me, too! (age 71 here). He should have been in prison at least as far back as 2021, if not earlier.

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Make me 3 (age 75) now. I don't understand how they are getting away with lies and the money Musk is giving. Did those laws get thrown out & I missed it? I protested the Vietnam War; my parents were worried I'd end up in jail. I was a clean, nondrug user but a hippie.

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And, yet, the republicans fuss and bring lawsuits when Democrats simply mail out voter registrations to nonregistered citizens, no bribery on offer. Hypocritical twats.

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OK, I'm 77 and a retired shyster (attorney). Please see my reply to Cynthia Turner. For what it's worth, I don't like what Musk is doing either, but it won't be fixed for this election, unfortunately!

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At the federal level buying votes is illegal and has been for years! Each state legislates voting procedures for its own elections and primaries.

As for the future, Musk is very carefully "incentivizing" people to vote, but NOT paying people to vote for any specific candidate. Yes, it's a too cute attempt the end run the federal election laws, but an effective fix will require either a US Supreme Court decision construing existing federal election law or a change of federal election law by congressional legislation, with or without presidential signature as needed.

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❤Reich❤:"How can so many Americans be blind to who Trump is and what he intends to do?"

In an over simplified example of the humorous birthrate of "under educated" portrayed in IDIOCRACY:

6 kids at 16 verses 2 kids at 40 results in 175,000 uneducated and 4 educated after 4 generations


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Note: It's real math with just3 joke assumptions:


MAGA always begets MAGA


Six MAGA babies are birthed simultaneously from Mom aged 16


Two smart babies are birthed simultaneously from Mom aged 40(aka one generation is 40 years)

So 4 generations is 160 years. which is TEN GENERATIONS OF MAGA!!!

In the tenth generation there's 6**9 MAGA babies born!!!... don't forget to subtract Moms that passed...everyone dies at 80?

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Not really a joke.

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Up to 60% of anxious people are cured by PLACEBO... if 60% of the US is cured by BS such as MAGA we should not be surprised... but we all GRIEVE differently... ADD THE GRIEVERS TO THE PLACEBOEES!!!

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Moms replace baby's filthy thumb with a sterile pacifier... MAGA replaced the pacifists with the filthy Trump

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...with the filthy Trump's "manhood"?

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That is a disturbing image since I know what part of his anatomy trump would want the baby to suck.

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I'm waiting for the Justice Dept. to do something.

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Don’t hold your breath, RedElisa Mendoza. As long as Merrick Garland is AG, the justice department will continue to sit on its hands. Don’t get me wrong. I am sure that Merrick Garland is a decent guy, but he is too easily cowed. His one saving grace is that he appointed Jack Smith to prosecute Trump. But even his hands are tied by Trump‘s corrupt army of lawyers and toady judges like Aileen Cannon. Our best hope is to vote blue up and down the ballot to purge our country from the miasma of evil working tirelessly to destroy us all.

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What r they waiting for? Why arent they charging Musk and Trump?

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And, don't forget the maga hostility!

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Good afternoon Jan: A longtime Republican I may be, but I have never voted a straight ballot since I started voting in 1968. Someday I may do so, but I doubt it. I always try to vote for the candidate I believe best qualified for the position. Rich or poor, sex, ethnicity, religion, political party - none of them matter. Character and ideas do, wherever and whenever you find them.

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What is the character quality in the party which finance and support genocide, if I may ask? Which party that offer good policy for Americans and respectful foreign policy that does not involve bombing and killing people?

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I agree with you, to the extent that Israel's bombing of Gaza needs to stop. But all the language from Trump indicates that he will step it up.

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Anthony Vermeer: Various reports indicate that Israel likes Trump. They think he likes them. Fools. The man likes no one but is very good at convincing people that he does. He will turn on them in less than a heart beat. Why does Israel not see this?

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Netanyahu literally slept in Jared Kushner’s bed while visiting. Now we hear Kushner saying how Gaza will make good oceanfront property for high end hotels. And others talking of abundant oil drilling off that coast. Netanyahu is also,like trump, trying to avoid prosecution by the law. Netanyahu and trump are cut from the same cloth. (There is a far-right in Isreal too. )

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Trump criticized Biden -- because Trump believes Biden has been "holding Netanyahu back."

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I understand that Trump loves himself, but he WORSHIPS dictators, and Israel has a dictator that Trump thinks is his homeboy (and that feeling is mutual). Do not mistakenly think Trump's narcism is accompanied by great intelligence. He'd sell our country to be in good graces with a Dictator.

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A Party doesn't finance and support it. The USA does and we wouldn't have to if Jidadists and terrorists weren't trying to destroy Christian and Jewish States.

If Democrats are to blame as you foolishly suggest, why did many Democrats not to even want Netty to speak at the Capital? You're clearly wrong because the Republicans led by Speaker Johnson rolled out the red carpet for him while Democrats denounced Netty's war.

Have you heard the one about the pot calling the kettle black? You're accusation is worse than that because the Republican Party welcomed Netty to speak to Congress. Don't insult our intelligence, please.

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Those are questions, not accusation. I know that it is getting hard to identify who has good honest heart nowadays. But we have to try our best to stay calm and have a good assumption on others. Keep the dialogue open, not shutting it down. No wonder.

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That's a good point. Support for war crimes in Lebanon, apartheid on the West Bank, and depopulation and possible genocide in Gaza is a red line for some of us and makes it difficult to support Harris. It astounds me that many otherwise liberal Americans support Israel no matter what; I suppose it's similar to why other people reflexively support Trump and MAGA.

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How do you think voting for Trump will change the situation in Gaza?

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They never want to answer that question. We could shut down Netty's bullshit tomorrow by refusing further military aid. The only aid I see the Rethugs wanting to stop is our sending our military surplus to Ukraine.

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What is your opinion of Hamas and the Oct 7 attacks that started this? What did you expect them to do in response?

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Them, meaning Israel.

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American Stinker

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Russian troll or your brain on Fox News. Go out of your comfort zone read The Guardian for a change. Nobody is trafficing Baby parts.

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I think you are right. He well may be!

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I don’t want to hear you anymore - you’re disgusting

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Are you feeling left out?

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Journalists....not jourlanists....I know English is hard to spell for a Russian Bot like you 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

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Trump is a Sexual Abuser. He raped Writer E. Jean Carroll and was found guilty by TWO Courts for Sexual Abuse. TWO. Trump paid Hush Money to have Stormy Daniels be quiet and whom he forced himself on while his wife Melania was pregnant. In his Court trials( WHERE HE LOST) numerous women who were sexually accosted by Trump testified against him. But sure...go ahead with your crazy conspiracy theories and fat Russian Bot Fingers and Vote for and Support a Rapist. Go ahead and vote for a man who talked about ARNOLD PALMERS PENIS IN A MENS LOCKER ROOM WHILE CAMPAIGNING! It is insanity. Russian Bots with Fat Fingers and thin brain cells will keep believing and spreading conspiracy theories that are harmful. Donald Trump is a Thug. Donald Trump is a Sexual Abuser. He owes Carroll $83.3 million for harming her. Our court system with Juried trials are here in America for a purpose. To bring Justice. Trump was found Guilty of Sexual Assault TWICE. America has a Sexual Abuser running for President and Wacko Republicans for some reason DENY the fact TRUMP IS AN ABUSER OF WOMEN is a straight up MISOGYNIST and Sociopath. It is actually pointless to try to have a conversation with humans who actively choose to believe crazy conspiracy theories but ignore the fact that Trump sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll and then ruined her career on purpose. He still owes her $83.3 million. His lawyers went back to court for an appeal. I listened to their appeal. It was weak. Trump still awaits his verdict on his 34 felony trial. He still awaits court for election interference. He still awaits court for instigating a violent Insurrection at our Capital where Capital Police Officers were Beaten Badly by Republican thugs. Your Fingers are not the only things that are fat. Wake up and learn what real truths are not stupid conspiracy theories. Donald Trump is a Sociopath Predator of Women. Donald Trump openly spoke about Arnold Palmers Penis in a locker room. This is not Presidential. This is sick.

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Your implication is that millions of young women are waiting until they are 6, 7 months pregnant and then deciding to abort and then 3rd world underground is selling the baby parts - wow…. You really believe women are stupid / hate to meet your mother

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Let us not wet our pants. The election has come two things: the price of bacon and the Border. IMHO, Harris has had weak messaging on both.

In the last two weeks, she needs to state in a clear and pithy way:

1. Inflation was due to Covid and affected every country in the world.

2. The US has dealt with it better than any other nation.

3. Inflation is now way down.

4. Interest rates are already down and will continue to come down, making cars and houses steadily more affordable.

5. Trump's solution, tax cuts for billionaires and tariffs, will reignite inflation.

On immigration: Mistakes were made, but we have been working tirelessly with the Republicans to craft a watertight Border Bill that would already have been in place if Trump had not killed it.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

Trump was very vocal about his "people" not voting for the immigration bill that would have ended the fight over immigration. Now trump wants to round up all immigrants and ship them out of our country! Who will do the work that the average American won't do because it doesn't pay enough? Crops may rot in the field because the average American won't work that hard for that little money. I am 77 and immigration has ALWAYS been an issue. I grew up in CA and there were always arguments against immigration!

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Besides the guy at the Townhall who ask the question about J6, the guy who spoke only in Spanish asked the best question! He asked how much Trump thought food would cost if there were no immigrants to harvest it??

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There is a legal visa-based process for hiring farm workers.


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True. I heard those appeals for 20 years. Once was a member of the BALCA board. But most employers are paying illegals, "under the table" despite employer sanction laws. The employer sanctions provisions of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) prohibit employers from hiring, recruiting, or referring for a fee aliens known to be unauthorized to work in the United States.

The poster boy for employer sanctions was Donald J. Trump, who had to pay a 2 mil fine, reimburse the workers, etc.

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That kind of behavior is on the employer and not the employees, so it's a problem with our own, American owned corporations, not immigrants.

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And he never mentions who is going to pay for all that? That will be a very, very expensive operation. It will be we, the taxpayers, which trump proudly crows he has managed to lie and cheat himself out of, paying for it. I'd rather pay for Social Security, and other social safety nets. And he's been saying he'll send the Haitians to Venezuela. What makes him think Venezuela will take them? After all, they're not Nazi war criminals from WWII nor Nazi wannabes from the present. So, trump will spend tons of money getting them to countries that will turn them back around to us and then spend tons more bringing them somewhere else. You know trump is not great at logistics since he never knows how he's going to actually complete anything he starts.

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@ Michael Hutchinson (and Robert Reich)):

If you believe the polls, I've got a bridge to sell you.

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I don't believe the polls either because I have never known anyone who said they participated in a "poll"!

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I generally believe VALID polls. Valid statistical sampling. Valid consideration of factors like voter enthusiasm. We already have data in early voting that belies virtually every poll.


Click on the state name you want, and you can see party and gender breakdown of the early vote, as well as breakdown by age and ethnicity for the states that report this data

Tom Bonior uses "Modeled Party", which is based on a lot of additional data. Again, lots of detail. On his TargetEarly dashboard, you can select by state and the type of data you want to examine. For example Pennsylvania...


I keep asking pollsters to reconcile that Trump underperformed in 19 of 20 states in his own primaries. I also volunteer with FT 6 and Movement Labs, that have been adding "new" Democrats. Are the pollsters missing about 5 million new Democrats in the swing states?

I also presented some data showing that about 10% of Trump 2020 voters have flipped.

I also strongly suspect that Trump white male less educated supporters are less enthusiastic than in 2020. A 3% deficit will bury him given the size of that demographic.

Meanwhile women and Gen Z are motivated.

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It is not the polls that concern me Daniel, it is the shenagans by election officials, and the voter intimidation and suppression laws that Republican legislatures have initiated.

It is not the vote that counts, but who counts the votes (Stalin)

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Ignore the polls. As happened in 2022 the GOP have been releasing a raft of phony polls which skew the polling in the sTRUMPets favor. These polls are meant to discourage dems from voting and provide him with polling data showing him ahead in the polls to use in lawsuits after he loses the election.

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Those polls don't help trump with his lawsuits since they aren't real evidence. If I take a poll, I'll say I'll vote for the orange stain so the trumpees get comfortable and apathetic about their boy winning and won't try so hard to get out to vote. My point: people lie on polls.

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Daniel, maybe you're right.

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Simon sez Harris is up 3 and 4 points in most valid polls. I can't check his work but I bet they don't consider new Democrats. .

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This thing is going to be over by midnight PST on November 5th. And it’s not going to be over in a way that will make Daffy Don happy.

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You think it will be over? I suspect it might just be beginning……and it won't be pretty.

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I am with you Daniel. Polls have no way of reaching most voters. In large part they are conducted by home phone/land line calls, and by and large the only people who have those phones, are old farts like me.

The polling companies, by and large are corporations, and a corporation exists for one purpose and that is to make a profit, profits are made in polling if there is a horse race. Many are out of Universities but even Universities are funded, and the question is their source of revenue.

The question always is follow the money

Here is a list of polling companies, it might be worth your effort to google who owns _____ and then if it is owned by another corporation who owns that corporation, and who the chairman, CEO or President is

It is known that some polls like Rasmussen are right wing.

Rasmussen Reports generates revenue by selling advertising and subscriptions


And finally, by calling it a horse race and close, it provides cover for the fascists when they steal the election.

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Polling is a science! For it to be legitimate there must be 1000 or more. It is the questions asked, who is asking the question, and where is the polling being done? Also, questions can be asked in certain ways to get the answers wanted.

Wake up! This is a HUGE profitable business, and Trump is funding many of these polls! Trump wants to be shown as leading so he can blame losing and stealing of votes! Because HIS polls say so! Do not fall for it! BIG business!

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The problem is, polls aren't very good as evidence and trump never has any real, hard evidence to uphold his claims. That's what happened last time. Those polls didn't help him then, did they? Polls are easily manipulated and twisted and I'm pretty sure most judges and juries would dismiss the majority of that, especially if that's the ONLY evidence they have with nothing else to back it up.

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Excuse me, why did you tell me in all caps to WAKE UP, did you read my whole comment or just enough to trigger you. I agree with everything you said, except that it is a science. My first course in statistics was taught by a professor who made us and read and test on How to Lie With Statistics. Just because statistics (and economics) use mathematics does not make it a science.

You said so yourself, polling outcomes are predetermined by pollster prejudices.

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I agree. There are a lot of bogus right wing polls out there. If the polls make it look like they are winning or at least tied, it will be easier for them to claim the election was stolen. That’s their plan.

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I too am skeptical about the polls!! However, never before have so many $Million$$$ been used against so many!! It is confusing, how many different sites there are asking for money, and asking you if you are a Democrat, when you have donated many times! Please do not vote for this man!!

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We have been donating....in many different categories. I work on the campaign full time. Past polling. We are in the GOTV stage. Doesn't cost anything to participate....


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I get 50-100 texts and emails from Democratic politicians and PAC’s every day even though I’m a retired senior who has already given them over a month’s worth of my Social security benefits. I respond ‘STOP’ and unsubscribe to emails, but they just keep coming.

The simple fact that billions of dollars MUST be spent on these elections strongly suggests that the U.S. is already a failed state. I doubt the outcome of the election, which Harris is guaranteed to win by millions in the popular vote but likely to lose in the electoral college or the Congress through various forms of subterfuge, matters as much as Prof. Reich imagines.

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I've found marking them as Spam a much better way of getting rid of those unwanted emails rather than just unsubscribing. I never get unsubscribed when I do it that way. One day, I marked all of those constant money beggars and just hit "Mark as Spam." Next day, I had half the number of emails in my box.

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“I doubt the outcome of the election …. matters as much as Prof. Reich imagines”. Unless you’re on social security, Medicare, are a woman, Hispanic, black, LGBTQ, from a shithole country, disabled, sentient, over 65, under 65, don’t have $5 million in the bank….

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

I didn't take it that way. Since they were saying Harris would actually win the popular vote but lose the EC by republican manipulations, the actual outcome, Harris winning the popular vote by a lot, will not matter as the republicans would have manipulated the outcome to what they desire. I personally think that's why repub politicians seemed so angry and so sure the last election was stolen is because they could have sworn they had the EC locked up and were stunned when it didn't go their way.

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Or living in the rest of the world.

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Well, I hope you're right, but the reason the polls concern me is that, contrary to an opinion expressed in some of Reich's polemics, they were actually quite accurate in 2016. I followed 538 closely throughout 2016, and have done so this year. There is an alarming upward trend for Trump over the last 3 weeks, more or less since Musk got involved.

While I'm also a bit surprised that Roe seems to be losing traction, perhaps women are the cavalry that will prove decisive in two weeks.

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Hutchinson, the polls are a pack of lies and women’s reproductive rights trumps your “bacon and borders” theory.

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Correct- who answers a call from an unknown number? No one under 75

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I'm 73, disabled, and only provide my house/landline phone # & with the caveat 'leave a message'. And since most calls leave NO message, that tells me that I did NOT want to talk to them anyway. I only give out my (c) # to peoples or entities I know and approve of and then am selective of which calls I answer.

Way too many spam/scam calls come in via either #.

I pay little attention to polls of any kind and make my own determination of whom to vote for based on issues addressed and candidate character, but most continue to barrage me with 'contribute/donate'. and from out of my jurisdiction where I have no influence on 'their' rules or laws et al ~

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I know, right???? I see an email and my first thought is, "another one wanting money."

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Is that the bridge that connects the oceanfront beaches in Kansas to the fairyland Island of Avalon??

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Michael Hutchinson, as a man you may well feel the election comes down to two things: the price of bacon and the Border (or Boarder according to gop billboards). But this election is about Women and if they are going to be livestock or not. Harris has been clear and pithy about her stance on the price of bacon and the Border. As well as a host of other issues. We are in a time of information warfare. There is manufactured disinformation flooding the stream. Its sole purpose is to distort, disgust, depress, and suppress. It’s meant to control the progressive tendencies of Americans. The billionaires know they are untouchable. They want to wrest control of the system by any means necessary. Flooding the information space with misinformation, disinformation, and junk polls just shows they figured out the most effective weapon to keep our panties in a twist. Plus it’s entertainment for their supporters to “Own the Libs”

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I still think they will lose. In spite of the misinformation/disinformation flood.

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Right on, Laurie Blair!

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Michael is correct because this is why people are voting for Trump. They don't accept that Covid caused world wide inflation or that Trump stopped Biden fixing the border. They only know what Fox News tells them. It's a disinformation and communication issue and someone needs to figure a way around it.

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Sickening that President Biden was criticized for the debate with the pos . His courage & love of our country is the reason he stepped down. Where is the outrage re: tRump's insanity? I am disgusted with the double standard. I received an email this morning from my county elections office that my mail-in ballot was accepted. The email also added a ps " thank you for voting". Next email was this commentary from Robert. The " fat lady" hasn't sung yet! Vote like our democracy is on the line, because it is.💙🇺🇸

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Spot on!

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Is it Harris who needs to say these things, or is it that the Media need to report on the good stuff the present administration HAS done, and what Harris INTENDS to do? I reply from UK and I appear to have heard more about these than relatives who live in USA. And they had no idea about Project 2025. I despair.

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Don’t pay attention to the media, Heath, they all have an agenda. And we all know about Project 2025. It’s gonna be a landslide for Harris/Walz.

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Why call me by my surname…..?

And we don't all know about Project 2025.

I do and l live in UK, but my relatives in the US don't. I asked them personally in August and they all looked at me blankly and said they knew nothing.

That's why l despair.

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Oh, trying to reassure you as somebody who lives here, other than your relatives. I probably have similar relatives somewhere, but I live in a major city/suburban area, and the level of discourse includes all of what we talk about here - including Project 2025 . People are well-informed, tolerant of one another and forward looking. There is also an atmosphere of exhaustion from the eight-year pounding we’ve taken and a desire to renew ourselves. None of that is in all the MSM news stories. That’s why I commented to you as a UK resident. It must look like our hair is on fire! We’ll land on our feet, I promise.

I tag everybody by their last name because sometimes the comments get quite separated by the program that runs this comments section.

Please don’t despair! Millions of great, funny, heroic people this side of the pond! We’re on it.

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Bingo! Thank you! I would add one more. Harris/Walz and environmental groups must speak about the devastating cost of climate change driven disasters, including tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and drought driven wild fires.

It's so bad that Canada is smoking out the Northern States. Record heat waves and Trump thinks Climate Change is a hoax. Sorry, he's DQ'd for not understanding science. Over ten years ago the Pentagon labeled climate change as a matter of National Security.

If Trump's climate change and climate disruption denial is not a priority, I'm afraid the youth vote will not turn out like they should. They understand that $200 Billion for North Carolina is a drop in the bucket of future climate driven disasters. Trump's energy plan would absolutely be irreversible climate collapse.

The cost of climate change-driven disasters to this generation, and the next generation, is astronomical. It threatens the survival of all North Americans.The youth vote would turn out in record numbers, if climate is an issue. The climate is infinitely more important than the failed wall that Trump built less than 3% of on the border in 3 years. Whatever happened to fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice...

But who's singing this from the rooftops? If only I had Milley Cyrus', Taylor Swift's, Lizo's, Barbara Strissand's, the Boss's, Willie's and Jane Fonda's phone numbers... We'd have a Rock the Vote for the Environment concert series in swing states. That's not happening... But Harris/Walz can stress the need for climate change intervention that creates good, green jobs while transitioning to a sustainable energy policy. It's really that simple. The differences in energy policy are a sustainable environment and future crop production OR more, stronger climate disasters, more climate refugees and more cities wiped off the map.

Alarmingly, it not just coastal areas anymore that are being destroyed by climate disasters. It's in the North Carolina mountains and New Mexico desert. Let that sink in...

If the climate is not a bigger issue than a wall that couldn't be built in 20 years, then too many Americans have bought a proverbial bridge from Trump that doesn't exist. After 32,000 plus lies from Trump... I just don't get what people could be thinking.

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The damn wall promotes major Ecological & Environmental devastation. Continuing the wall would destroy the Chiricahua watershed & riparian areas, vastly impair endangered migratory species as jaguars & ocelots. When rumpus added more wall at Organ Pipe Nat'l Park, centenarian saguaros were decimated. I'm waiting for someone with clout to inform the wall-mongers of Iowa etc. how the damn structure is destroying Nature, which therefore exacerbates further climate & ecological chaos.

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Climate change would be so easy, if it had traction. Roe is already baked in. Unfortunately, the only thing Trump supporters seem to care about is Bacon and Border.

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To do so would mean Biden's policies did work and he was one of the best Presidents. But for some reason someone convinced Harris that running in support of Bidennomics, because they are working, is a bad idea. This troubles me about Harris. But I will totally support her unless she continues this anti-Biden thinking.

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I agree. She appears to dodge the issue in her interviews. This is bad because she is already linked to Bidenomics by virtue of being VP. So instead of going out and saying how well the US has done compared with other countries, while at the same time saying that interest rates are already coming down, and will continue to come down, she continues to play defense. IMHO, a very bad mistake.

Let's just hope American women go out to vote in droves and save us all.

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The fake electors and attempts to overturn the election, Trump's 34 felony convictions, Trump shutting down the border deal, "the enemy from within" commentary and the threats to jail Trump's opponents and to strip networks of their licenses are bigger picture items. Is a lower price for bacon worth the loss of democracy?

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16 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

i am the widow of a Korean War Marine (second wife). He would have been wildly and actively opposed to Trump! Just saying Hi.

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He would be in good company, including all the War Heros, POW's, and CIA spys who gave all for our freedom and the Constitution. Perhaps Harris/Walz need to talk more about Trump's failure to protect the Constitution. It's people like you who truly restore my faith in humanity. I'm not giving up. Thank you for all you do. If we win, it's because of people like you! God bless! ❤️

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"Not suckers or losers" in social media comments can swing the election. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC03-Q9vq-JyiStTnqasADVg

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Who in Greece, the Cradle of Democracy, said we should vote for the person with the most character and integrity? Plato?

He was definitely right. Amazing how true that is all these Centuries later. Without a doubt, once Trump didn't pay the 2,000 small businesses that built his ill-advised casino, he lacked the integrity needed for any elected office.

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If people in US today have no idea about Project 2025 how the hell will they know about Ancient Greece, Democracy, Plato….or give a flying fig?

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Thanks Keith! That's the spirit!

As to Professor Reich's question about how so many can be so blind, I think it's due to what I call "Governtainment." Too many of us have succumbed to the Reality TV model, and see our dysfunctional government as some perverse TV show. What's beyond me is how people can't distinguish between harmless stupidity affecting their favorite "stars" and things that have real life consequences for all of us. It normalizes the abnormal, and glorifies the inglorious. I had hoped that the Trump show's cancellation in 2020 would be the end of the series, but alas, there continue to be a multitude of spinoffs.

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And I'm willing to bet none of you were contacted by pollsters.

I think it's worth mentioning that two weeks before Gavin Newsom's recall vote, 538's aggregate polling showed him ahead by just a stitch over 5%. A week before the election, his lead was 10%. He won by nearly 20%.

A similar situation unfolded during the Kansas abortion referendum vote when voters rejected an amendment to ban abortion through the state constitution. That effort lost by nearly 20 percentage points. There, just two weeks before the poll, 47 percent of likely primary voters said they plan to vote *for* the amendment, while 43 percent said they plan to vote against it, according to 538 at the time. So the polls were off by nearly 24 points.

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Okay, Dr. Reich - you videos about declining economies and jobs overseas explains it. Honesty, could any white male vote for trumpie after his comment about the golf pro LMAO.

Seriously, it's the economy and the Dems have allowed this to slide too because they get wall street donors.

So there it is - character, absolutely - but when people are spending $40 for 2 small bags of groceries and have no one to look to for a real plan - they are meh.

Either listen to what I'm saying and win - or don't but if you don't take action on the above that's the WHY of meh. Argue if you want... but it won't change anything. That's is EXACTLY what a voter I spoke to said.

Reference - The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One. TheCon.tv

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Question from afar…

Was the price of groceries so much better while trump was in power? Did the cost of living fall during his reign? I know you had covid, but so did everyone else. Did he deal with it better th@n other countries? Did living conditions improve for anyone except the already rich? What WAS Better Under Trump? Has anything improved SINCE trump?

If not, why vote for more of the same?

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No, of course not.

The price of groceries hasn't gone back down either.

To be honest, living for most people may have stabilized but it hasn't been "better" since 2008. I hate to explain this to people who have more money than others - but that's the reality of it.

btw) Why aren't the Dems jumping on the fact that it was trump who shut the country down suddenly on March... 15? He shut down air travel etc not the Dems. Why aren't they talking about trump causing chaos with that action. That set prices off and running. Honestly, trump did nothing but choas and tax breaks for the wealthy - everyone else is still in a pickle.

don't shoot the messenger - I'm explaining the "why" if this group wants to hear it and make a counter point argument.

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I wonder why nobody seems to know about the good things that HAVE been done in the last four years……can we blame the Media?

I don't doubt MORE could have been done….money is too influential in politics generally, but let’s just look at the balance of moral compass, who cares more for the welfare of the poor, climate change, education……. Yes, they could be better, but at least the Dems are trying.

And Democracy is on the line.

Read today's Substack letter from Heather Cox Richardson is you want it made clear.

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The question was asked WHY. So - I'm explaining what people are saying.

If you want to change their minds, well, please write a substack for it.

When rent and food are on the line - using "democracy messaging" isn't working ? Is it?

In 2008, Obama had political, public, and moral power to put the bankers in jail. Now, we have run away housing costs. Construction causes climate change.


I guess as the messenger - I've been @#$.

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Keith, I thoroughly agree with you. My wife and I are 78 and 77 respectively and been around the block a few times. Character is supremely important. Likewise the talent or ability to select and retain talented advisors of similar character with the ability and willingness to disagree with their boss when they believe he is mistaken. That's what good advisors do, and that is the kind of teamwork that makes for good governance, even allowing for the occasional mistakes that everyone makes regardless of brilliance or intention.

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It never ceases to amaze me that so many members of the public (voters) can support a man who tears down the country he seeks to govern. He denigrates our country's heros, political opponents, cities and states and anyone who disagrees with him. By any standard, he should be unelectable, yet here we are. I guess I will never understand the American electorate.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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Thank you sir!

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The Democrats spent too many years, ignoring the working people and their bad standard of living. Many working people regard to Democrats when they had power as “a failure”. I quote a truck driver in my coffee shop. They are desperate for change and have no place else to turn.

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Dear In These Times editors,

Well despite God's 7th Proof putting ITT over A in 241's address book, you

again predicatively didn't choose to publish these five attachments, the

last of which would have assured that the Daughter wins all swing states

over the Antichrist. Though I'm the only one who would be Assured to be

Murdered by the pit beast's sociopathic follower's, I suppose it's

understandable that as that would have also brought your organization

instant fame, the fear of death threats is certainly more so than what I

assume inhibited you from printing Exposing just the Demented Moron. But

if the Supreme Narcissist Who Can't Lose Actually Wins The Electoral Vote,

All "Leftest Vermin" Face Death Threats And Your Chickenshit Organization

Will Be First In Line!

To change the subject, here's my response to a large portion of responses

to my Facebook posts: The Majority of Humanity are obviously Not Atheists.

As for Religions: "It has been the scheme of the Christian Church, and of

all the other invented systems of religion, to hold man in ignorance of

the Creator, as it is of governments to hold man in the ignorance of his

rights. The systems of the one are as false as those of the other, and are

calculated for mutual support." Thomas Paine And as for Proofs: Diehard

Atheists And Religious Fundamentalists Have Nothing But Their Ignorant

BELIEFS To Defend Themselves, Have Little To No Scientific Training So

Can't Refute Real World Historical/Logical, Geometrical/Mathematical,

Cosmological/Definitional and Theological/Prophetic PROOFS OF GOD, Proving

YOUR Pathetic Insignificance To Humanity!!!

Now I'm guessing that most of you are or were either agnostics or

atheists. Who even among the Cc'd creme de creme list of physicists here,

when Presented With Real World Historical/Logical,

Geometrical/Mathematical, Cosmological/Definitional and

Theological/Prophetic PROOFS OF GOD, Still Refuse To Acknowledge The


And/Or Actively Suppress That Fact To Maintain The Ossified Agnostic

Status Quo Of Their Colleagues Who Further Have Somehow Never Recognized

The Simple LOGICAL/OBSERVATIONAL PROOF And Fact That As The CMB Radiation

Was Emitted 13.8 Billion Light Years Ago, The Expanding 27.6 Billion Light

Year Wide Sphere At The Edge Of The Universe Is Moving At Light Speed!!!!

One day the history books will laugh at this sad state illogical agnostic

active suppression that could have been prevented by simple publication of

these five attachments. This last proof might wake the leftest media

vermin up to the fact that there's still time to publish before the swing

state crap shoot in two weeks.


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I like and respect the way you are,our beloved nation deserves that!

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If Joe Biden allows Trump to take office he will go down in history as the man who could have stopped a repeat of the 3rd Reich/Holocaust but didn't because he was too concerned about rules.....rules that the SC literally exempted him from following. He will be reviled.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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Everyone on this blog agrees with everyone. Is there any point as to WHY?

Because the people you are asking to vote for Kamala do not have the economy to care much longer. They need relief. That's why. Take it or leave it, I guess.

NO, I didn't vote for trump.

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You're not reading Mr Winey…..he's got the answers……

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America needs a new education system.

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We certainly need to improve our education on history, civics, and critical thinking, and sto treating it as rote exercise. We can start by fighting back against censorship. I have no children, but believe that if a kid wants to read a book, no other adult is going to tell them they can’t.

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You are so right. I was encouraged to read. My mom bought me books and when I was old enough, she got me my own library card. I still love to read. I read to my kids and my grandkids. They love to read also. Education is very important but it will not be the same if trump steals the presidency! I hope there is a God to stop the insanity!

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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It's likely to get one if Trump wins.

Just not one that's positive.

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His last "head of education" was a total disaster. I'm sure that if trump "wins" the next one will be even worse. Wake up people! Vote blue and save America for our kids!

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Actually, he plans to shut down the Dept of Education and close everything it sponsors. Keeping people stupid has always been a goal of those who want to win through hatred and division.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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Luckily, he CANNOT. We need to vote, but King Biden I doesn't need to do ANYTHING thanks to the Domestic Terrorist supreme court we have!

If somehow Bunkerboy steals the election, President Biden can say, "Now HOLD ON, Jack! I think there were voting irregularities and no convicted felons can run for office! We'll hold new elections November 10th, a new National Holiday." What can the Traitors do besides whiiiiiiiine?

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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Imagine the push back, definitely from the Right, if we passed an educational rule that says critical thinking is now a required course. And not just one semester but for all years of middle and High School. Imagine if kids are taught, with examples, how to tell a fallacious argument from a valid one. What really is "fake news". How advertising manipulates us. How the media can skew a story in a dozen different ways. What is the difference between believe and know. Why evidence is important, what a hypothesis is, how not all opinions are equal, how there is not always two sides to every issue or story. It would cost the great hot air industry billions of dollars, retool our political system and save people billions of dollars. Teach kids to question and change the world. Teach them to know a valid answer from an invalid one and really change it.

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As a former middle and upper school teacher, I couldn’t agree more.

My husband, with a partner, wrote educational materials that do exactly what you are describing: teach critical thinking. It’s called the DBQ Project, and it has material suitable for K-grade 12 students. There is a DBQ website if you want to check it out.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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Indeed. Particularly since the Democrats have so badly screwed up the old one:

"Time for the Academy To Put Its Pencils Down: Don’t dismiss the petulant students at Yale and elsewhere —they’re here to tell us what we should’ve known a long time ago: American academia is beyond salvation" Liel Leibovitz


That might be a good place for Robert to start to understand why the election is a toss up.

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Had a similar conversation with my 8 yr old son .. I will never understand how win or lose 80 million people will vote for Trump this election … that is terrifying

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Going back to the beginning of candidate Trump, that has been the reality check: trying to get one's head around, more than four out of ten of our fellow citizens are hateful, paranoid creeps getting addictive fixes from Trump being a hateful, paranoid creep out loud and proud, whoosh that dopamine rush every time Trump is nasty, wish I could .....

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If you all read nothing else today, I urge you to read Heather Cox Richardson's "Letters From an American". It's a real kick in the head.

A quote: "Examining a number of types of Americans, she wrote that the line between democracy and fascism was not wealth, or education, or race, or age, or nationality. “Kind, good, happy, gentlemanly, secure people never go Nazi,” she wrote. They were secure enough to be good natured and open to new ideas, and they believed so completely in the promise of American democracy that they would defend it with their lives, even if they seemed too easygoing to join a struggle. “But the frustrated and humiliated intellectual, the rich and scared speculator, the spoiled son, the labor tyrant, the fellow who has achieved success by smelling out the wind of success—they would all go Nazi in a crisis,” she wrote. “Those who haven’t anything in them to tell them what they like and what they don’t—whether it is breeding, or happiness, or wisdom, or a code, however old-fashioned or however modern, go Nazi.”

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Most definitely terrifying!

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I figure that the only way I know to influence the election is messaging. Find a news paper in a battleground state. Go to the comments sections of political articles. Copy and paste responses from lib-talk.com into the comments to blow away Maga lies.

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Thank you! While you're at it, ask the Editors to cover the cost of climate disasters and who would take action and who would mock the proven science as a hoax. It's their job to cover the major issues threatening Americans and future Americans' ability to survive on the planet.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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GIGO is Garbage In Garbage Out.

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I am 130,000% confident that it is NOT as close as it seems. The NY Times wants . . . what? READERS! Telling it like it is, with Kamala Harris in a fairly comfortable lead, LOSES eyes.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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People aren’t voting for trump they’re voting for a placeholder for everything, real and made up, they hate.

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Anyone alive who remembers Hitler getting elected is 100 years old plus.

Well, now you can understand how it happened. He's even got his own version of Mein Kampf, Project 2025.

Like Hitler, he should be in prison for treason.

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If our judicial system worked with any efficiency, and without corrupt judges, he would have already been in prison! Having a convicted felon running for president is absolutely ridiculous. January 6, which most of us watched on TV was treason! Now trump has the SC on his side? There are nine judges, they can't all be trumpers can they?

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The Law and the Media together support the rich and powerful.

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So Susan will vote for Trump.

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Some people have a working knowledge of C20th History. Some still care.

Others are alive today and, when asked 2 months ago, didn't have a clue what Project 2025 is.

Any wonder I despair?

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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17 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

And the prospect of Nevada being a swing state, has been bull right from the start… They’re getting reports from the northern part of Nevada, which is generally Republican, and has much less voters than the southern part… Las Vegas… Nevada is a democratic state and the unions support the Democratic candidates… the media, like in 2016 is keeping up with the chant of Trump, Trump, Trump and giving him billions of dollars worth of publicity.

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2024 is not 2016. The Democratic voter base was very divided. Those divisions do NOT exist on any concerning level in 2024. We have a popular candidate and no one will ever take a Trump loss for granted again as those who did still have the PTSD scars.

I find it hard to believe polls reporting of a very close race between a serious NORMAL candidate and an indicted lifelong career criminal and fraud untethered to reality and his fast talking partner that admits he lies to gain attention.

Trump is unstable, uneducated, and indifferent to the suffering of others. It is the grift and avoidance of prison he wants. Trump will happily let others pull his strings as long as he can golf and make money and there are many standing line to do just that.

Americans don’t want or need a career criminal in the White House!

Can't wait to celebrate Harris/Walz 2024 victory wearing this "We the People means EVERYONE" shirt 👇


After that it is over for Trump, he won't make it to another four years to run again!

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I hope you are right! All the negativity gets to me sometimes. I truly believe that the true American patriots will not vote for a creep like trump!

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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You mean Trump is like lots of his fans, and vive versa.

Oh, and hasn't god apparently saved him…..? And the equally deluded fans will believe and rejoice in that, too.

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Stop the insanity! VOTE BLUE!

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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Professor Reich: living overseas as I do, I am hearing how people in the EU (in particular, but also in SEAsia as well) are absolutely appalled and confused as to why Elon Musk is "allowed" to pay people to vote. they are developing a new view of American elections where they are not sure the outcome can be believed, based on Musk's egregious criminal (?) behavior alone. Such behavior is criminal in other countries and is one of the several factors used by election observers to determine whether a vote in other countries is credible at all. if these observers were in USA, watching our polls, I wonder if we'd meet their standards? I suspect not.

as far as why so many battleground states are tied, this is a conundrum for me. on one hand, the NYTimes is hardly credible itself, so shouldn't we view their polls in particular with a grain of salt? (smelling salts, perhaps?) you have cautioned us yourself with such warnings. On the other hand, the electoral vote -- surely the STUPIDEST VOTING SYTEM IN THE WORLD -- plays a corrupting role. what ever happened to "one person, one vote"? right now, every vote cast in a ferderal election by a person living in wyoming has a "weight" of 3.57 votes for those cast the others of us.

i also am tremendously concerned that musk and trump seem to have a cordial chatty relationship. i'm quite sure the reason for musk's interest is his desire to be a shadow president, with trump as his willing puppet, whilst trump's main interest is to avoid prison for his many crimes and to pretend "I WON!" since his dead daddy would presumably be proud of his latest lies.

Jamie Dimon is a thug wearing fancy clothes. why anyone cares what he thinks is beyond me since he has demonstrated that he is a liar who is a slave to money. the fact that he is a business leader says an awful lot about american business itself: it's populated with liars and cheats and, at the very least, unimaginative non-thinking money slaves.

all that said, i mailed my ballot weeks ago. haven't heard a peep as to whether it was received or not. i did not photograph it before mailing so i cannot prove it, either. but it's out of my control.

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There should not be an electoral college! Why should a few states be able to determine who the president will be? All votes should count, but the electoral college erases so many votes. I have heard people say that they won't bother to vote because the EC will decide who wins! That is wrong, so wrong!

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GrrlScientist, thanks for sharing your views which are accurate. The scholars and ordinary people in Europe are appalled by this egregious excuse for democracy here in the US, like one person, one vote? No way! This system of government has been deeply flawed from the beginning. The European system of rating forms of government as % autocratic to % democratic must be spiking red for the U.S. That the outcome of this in seven states should decide whether hundreds of millions of people are crushed by tyranny, or may live decent lives, is just unacceptable. This may be the last chance in a lifetime to steer the Titanic off from the 'berg. As you say, the rot of big money backing the t&m club, indicates elite level stupidity. The biggest money in Europe mainly destroyed it 80 years ago, and nearly half the people do not grasp that fact. The disease has infiltrated Europe again as well. We are plagued as Robert says by a system run by liars, bullies and thieves, and the (male???) candidate embodies all three. What degree of ignorance would allow for any credibility to this complete thug? That nearly half off the nation instrumental in staving off tyranny in another lifetime could be perverted to this level of idiocy is mind blowing. The lying reptilian tongue has damn near done its job, so today I will head to my polling place in my humble attempt to cut that out.

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This one isn't.


She is a GEM. Keeps me sane.

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YES!!! HCR is just outstanding. I always read her first.

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Thank you, Susan. This is crucial.

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But who will read apart from the Already Convinced? 😰

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So depressing

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sadly, for me, that piece is paywalled.

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Dear Grrl, that is sad because The Atlantic says It should be free from me. So, please look up the article by Anne Applebaum entitled "Trump is Speaking like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini" (and Mao too) from 10/18/24, maybe in their Dec. issue. This is so crucial that it needed to be out much sooner. Quote: "The word vermin, as a political term, dates from the 1930's and 40's when both communists and fascists"... (used it). "The term has been revived and reanimated in an American presidential campaign with Donald Trump's description of his opponents as "radical left thugs who live like vermin" (within the confines of our country, in his slimy voice). drumpfists are voting in favor of their own violent deaths. Shame, shame!

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You should be able to look in line and see if your vote is recorded.

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The Legal System and the Media….in cahoots to protect the Powerful.

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Dear In These Times editors,

Well despite God's 7th Proof putting ITT over A in 241's address book, you

again predicatively didn't choose to publish these five attachments, the

last of which would have assured that the Daughter wins all swing states

over the Antichrist. Though I'm the only one who would be Assured to be

Murdered by the pit beast's sociopathic follower's, I suppose it's

understandable that as that would have also brought your organization

instant fame, the fear of death threats is certainly more so than what I

assume inhibited you from printing Exposing just the Demented Moron. But

if the Supreme Narcissist Who Can't Lose Actually Wins The Electoral Vote,

All "Leftest Vermin" Face Death Threats And Your Chickenshit Organization

Will Be First In Line!

To change the subject, here's my response to a large portion of responses

to my Facebook posts: The Majority of Humanity are obviously Not Atheists.

As for Religions: "It has been the scheme of the Christian Church, and of

all the other invented systems of religion, to hold man in ignorance of

the Creator, as it is of governments to hold man in the ignorance of his

rights. The systems of the one are as false as those of the other, and are

calculated for mutual support." Thomas Paine And as for Proofs: Diehard

Atheists And Religious Fundamentalists Have Nothing But Their Ignorant

BELIEFS To Defend Themselves, Have Little To No Scientific Training So

Can't Refute Real World Historical/Logical, Geometrical/Mathematical,

Cosmological/Definitional and Theological/Prophetic PROOFS OF GOD, Proving

YOUR Pathetic Insignificance To Humanity!!!

Now I'm guessing that most of you are or were either agnostics or

atheists. Who even among the Cc'd creme de creme list of physicists here,

when Presented With Real World Historical/Logical,

Geometrical/Mathematical, Cosmological/Definitional and

Theological/Prophetic PROOFS OF GOD, Still Refuse To Acknowledge The


And/Or Actively Suppress That Fact To Maintain The Ossified Agnostic

Status Quo Of Their Colleagues Who Further Have Somehow Never Recognized

The Simple LOGICAL/OBSERVATIONAL PROOF And Fact That As The CMB Radiation

Was Emitted 13.8 Billion Light Years Ago, The Expanding 27.6 Billion Light

Year Wide Sphere At The Edge Of The Universe Is Moving At Light Speed!!!!

One day the history books will laugh at this sad state illogical agnostic

active suppression that could have been prevented by simple publication of

these five attachments. This last proof might wake the leftest media

vermin up to the fact that there's still time to publish before the swing

state crap shoot in two weeks.


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Doesn’t your state notify you of having received and counted your ballot? Arizona notifies voters of receipt of the ballot and again when it has been “counted.” Can you call the entity that administers elections to find out if they have received the ballot?

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I believe there's a website, Where's my ballot, or something like that where you can check to see if your ballot has been received. I checked on mine yesterday and it has been received and counted.

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She needs to get back to the joyful Kamala and on issues like economy and reproductive rights. She is chasing Trump’s crazy and it’s making her serious and hard. That was fine but it has been dragging her down and letting him control her message. Thought with the enemy within and Jan 6th and Liz Cheney. Let’s get back to when she first announced and people were excited and wanted to vote for her and not just against Trump. She needs to make her message and not just responding to everything he says each day.

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I would suggest that campaigning as hard as she is is exhausting, plus this is a very heavy burden to carry.

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The race is tied because that s how to raise money. Money goes to the consultants and other stakeholders of the political consultant BUSINESS.

It’s about Money , STUPID!!!

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Yes, and making an election about money is truly the most stupid thing of all! Trump was born in that line. Money is all he cares about.

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Correct but saying it’s tied is the hope that more money will be contributed to the cause of being a helper to get your candidate elected via your personal cash contributions. It’s a money game

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I see your point. Here's the thing... She is hitting most all the important issues but the media is mostly showing her responding to Trump.

I have a hunch that Harris/Walz speak to crowds and reporters for 3-10 hours a day now. Yesterday she got about 15 seconds of airtime responding to Trump's crazy. That 15 seconds is a problem because Trump got twice as much airtime.

Most importantly, her precious air time needs to be about Biden/Harris' record job creation, and protecting women's rights and healthcare, and Republicans acting like the American Taliban by prying into private matters and denying woman vital healthcare that is causing women unimaginable pain and suffering by rolling back Roe.

The climate is collapsing and causing historic environmental disasters. The only way to stop climate collapse is to have a sustainable energy policy. We must diversify our energy creation with renewable energy and good green job investments. This is the key to record youth turnout. But this won't happen if the MSM is just airing Harris respond to Trump's crazy with a snarkish sound byte. Don't get me wrong... Trump deserves a lot of snarky sound bytes... But the MSM must report on her accomplishment, visions and defending the inalienable rights of 51% of the country.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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Living in Europe, I meet people from various countries and walks of life, and am utterly shocked at how many of them think they know all about American politics - and some of whom believe Trump is quite ok. When I tell them the actual facts about Trump, many of them respond with a simple parroted phrase: “but there were no wars under Trump.”

They have been bombarded for years by the far right propaganda machine, including Russian bots, Bannon and now Musk. We cannot underestimate the effectiveness of the far right misinformation campaign flooding social media both in the US and abroad.

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Indeed! Donald Trump is harvesting the fears, anger, and resentments sown by Fox News over the past decades.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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17 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

Kamala Harris' campaign appearance in Michigan Monday was uplifting, but cannot counter the essentially criminal acts of Musk and the others. https://youtu.be/vhaQ-5wtJVs Liz Cheney said to defend the constitution. I lead the applause for that line. https://youtu.be/vhaQ-5wtJVs?t=3702

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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I’m still optimistic, polls are among the most useless “tools” in politics. The sample sizes are too small and some polls are intentionally skewed to make things seem a certain way.

If polls were at all accurate and useful Hillary would have won easily in 2016 despite interference from Russia.

Political polls are nothing more than fodder for people to get hyper over.

Make no mistake we must still do the work to get Harris elected, we must get out and vote.

But of all of the things from this election to worry about the polls are not one of them. Voter turnout is all that matters.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Robert Reich

Thank you. I don't understand the men on here taking jabs at Kamala. Leave her alone, ffs. You guys are last on my list who deserve to be heard.

Oh, and I live in Las Vegas(sadly), and nobody has polled me about anything.

We will win. Kamala is not being baited by Trump, as people say.

We must vote. All of us, including the ones with the big mouths know-it-alls!

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Honestly, it's a troll or two taking jabs at Harris with blantant Russian misinformation. Everyone here is defending her and blaming the lame, sexist media not fairly reporting on the issues, from Agriculture to Xenophobia to billionaire zealots.

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Derek Wessner: Hillary lost in 2016 because the FBI said she was under investigation. Trump was also under investigation but the FBI didn't mention that fact until after the 2016 election. The FBI doing this is unforgiveable. I used to think these agencies including the justices of the Supreme Court were next to God. Now I know they are untrustworthy scum.

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That was part of it yes, but a bigger part was that nobody thought Trump was actually going to win (not even the ones who nominated him) this resulted in too many people staying home for that election.

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If I had to pick just one BS poll, it would be the one that the MSM keeps reporting,, "most voters think Trump would be better on the economy..." Really? Who is saying this? The Orange County CA zip codes who watch Fox exclusively?

People who have an opinion not based on facts are being used to make people believe that Trump would in some magical way be better for the economy?

Despite Trump's failed 4 years and Biden/Harris's achievemens, who actually believes Trump would be better for the economy? Fox viswers, that's who! That's some serious razzle dazzle BS. It's misleading, false, unprofessional, yellow journalism to report "Most people think* Trump would be better for the economy."

Why not report the facts? Biden/Harris created record jobs and Trump lost jobs.

It's a big deal because as James Carvile famous said, "it's the economy, stupid." Harris/Walz must take the economy trophy, as they rightly deserve with Build Back Better infrastructure investments paying immediate and long-term dividends for the economy, workforce, and future generations.

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Wessner, the last time polls were dependable, everybody had landlines and wall phones.

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Professor Reich, I cannot wait until this Thursday! Early voting starts in my county October 24 and I will be there to cast my vote for our next president, Kamala Harris! I will also vote blue up and down the ballot. I do agree that there will be chaos and possible violence after the election, and I am prepared for that. I have worked really hard as I know so many people have to ensure a win for Kamala Harris, but I know that even with all of our hard work there is a possibility she will not win. Our country has become a battleground for those wanting to keep our Democracy intact versus those that want to destroy our Democracy and replace it with an authoritarian regime. I truly do not want to see that happen. I have thought about how in the past, Americans were united for the common cause of Democracy. WWI, WWII, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq. We stood side by side red and blue and showed the world how very strong we were and how very much we believed in our country and our Democracy. I can't help but think there are many that just have never experienced that feeling of unity. Many are not invested in our Democracy and did not pay attention to History lessons in school. They truly do not care. The orange man used their indifference, frustration, hate and anger to build the MAGA movement much like Jim Jones built his cult. All I can do right now is hold on to the hope that more Americans want to protect and preserve our Democracy than those that want to tear it down. Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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Peggy Freeman ; It seems like there are many MAGAs who are clueless about what is at stake here in this election. It is as if they are watching a football game, and are focused on "their team", and it's quarterback. They have no idea what can go wrong if tRUMP "wins": if we have a loser with an illegitimate "victory". Election deniers are most likely Holocaust deniers, or simply totally ignorant of any facts pertaining to that horror.

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I agree, Laurie. Our education system seems to be lacking. I am so disgusted with some people I know to be intelligent regurgitating the lies the orange man spews! There are so many! Am I worried? Yes, I am. That will not stop me from casting my vote and continuing to urge others to do the same. If we lose this election, then God help this country! We will continue to lose the rights and freedoms that so many Americans fought and died for! Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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Our education system has consistently underfunded at local levels due to decades upon decades of dislike by paying for schools via taxes. I guess they call that letting states make their own rules?

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Jan, until the majority of Americans realize how very important our education system is, our schools will always be lacking. We are being left behind other countries that put their education front and center! We are falling way behind.

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Also. Small town again. Early, early, early days of computers, they announced a semester of computer class which turned into a semester of learning about computers without ever seeing or touching one since the one huge computer the school district planned to send around to the schools broke down at one of the other schools.

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I can’t speak for the adults of my childhood but you probably won’t understand unless, like I did, you sit in a high school science class with a previously retied teacher (un-retired due to his finances) who tells the young ladies that girls are too stupid for science and limits them to sitting and memorizing the periodic chart while he and the boys, with backs turned to the girls, pull out bunsen burners and do stuff with them.

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This male ego thing has really raised its ugly head here lately! I was thinking about all of the rights and freedoms that the republicans are trying to take away from us. This has always been my thinking - if you don't like a book, don't read it but don't try to take away anyone else's right to read that book. If you don't like the LGBQT+ community, stay away from them but don't try to minimalize or take away their rights to live their own lives. If you don't approve of abortion, don't get one but do not deny all young women the right to choose the health care for their own bodies. If men feel emasculated, go to a counselor and find out why. Don't take the orange man's direction and feel you must denigrate women in order to be masculine. It really is so very simple. Do not take rights away from others just because you don't like or approve of something. Do not shove your religion down other people's throats not caring that they practice their own religion. Our country was progressing and heading in the right direction until the orange man came down that bloody escalator! Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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Peggy : I voted early, in my state it was October 19th. I believe that the majority will vote for Harris/Walz. I hope it sticks. And there are few problems. Kind of like when everyone was worried during TRump's first New York Court appearance. Nothing ,.but ,unfortunately we still wait for justice. At least it is still possible.

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Yay, Laurie Blair!! You’re always such a voice of reason! Yes, I think a lot of this last-minute fuss is like all the shenanigans about Y2K! Remember that? The computers were going to blow up and it was gonna be “ Mad Max” everywhere?!?!

People can be so silly.

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The Y2K thing did not kill women who had miscarriages. But that foolishness Did end my brother's IT job. He upgraded from "Spaghetti Language" to more modern skills though. When all the jobs were outsourced to India, he simply opened his own painting business, which had sustained him through college. Retired now, he and his wife live on their investments.

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Especially when there is potentially a lot at stake. Money , freedom of self rule versus being ruled by those who crave power they do not deserve, and are cruel and whack.

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elizabeth white dean : But this time it Could be "Mad Max" everywhere, on steroids. IF The "Big Loser" 'Wins"! I'm thinking the smart money and those of US who vote intelligently will prevail. Otherwise, it will be bigger than a mere Thunderdome.

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Woo!Hoo! Laurie! Fantastic! Vote blue, America, up and down the ballot!

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Trump's supporters are willfully ignorant. They live in a delusional world not unlike that of so many Germans in the 1930s.

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Victor Kamendrowsky : I had read that in Germany during Hitler's time, It was risky to not follow the party line. It could land you in the death camps. Children could report their own parents without realizing how dangerous that would be to the entire family. But today it is not exactly safe to risk being on the wrong side of tRUMP. Our complicit media even posted that people with Harris/Walz lawn signs could be doxed, according to tRUMP. If he does gain the obscene power that the traitors on the Supreme Court have given to him, it could very well be that reality. Instead of Brown shirts, it will be red hats.

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Laurie, "It cannot happen here," "This is not who we are," is a dangerous fantasy. You are right in pointing out the danger a Trump return to power would entail. However, it is important to keep in mind that our country is very different from Germany., and the red hats know this. If they are smart, and many of them are, they will continue to play a long game and proceed slowly and cautiously, as they have done over the past four decades. Not all of them are fascists, but if the fascists gain the upper hand they will bring the country to a standstill.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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I agree it's an all hands on deck. BUT, quit reading those stupid polls. Maybe sixty years ago they had some relevance - back then they did an honest sampling 3500 contacts, questions that truly asked - not guided. Those polls took weeks not hours to assemble. I have zero faith and way less interest. Some people will reject Kamala because she is a woman, a woman of color, and (her worst crime of all;) a woman of high intelligence. We will win the popular vote and I think by a wide margin. We will have top be very, very wary of deceit and theft on the part of the republicans magats. it is true. but as we saw after the 2020 election, even the trump appointed judges followed the law. Working ourselves into despair is not good.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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First, Sean, I agree with you, except the only 'progressive' media is online and not 'mainstream'. The thing is, corporations, including corporate media, now have the bit in their mouth , first having been rid of all meaningful regulation and since 2017 the most generous tax bill in modern history. The only way they can maintain that superiority is to retain the leadership of the MAGA maggots. Joe Biden has made a noble effort to return the wealth stolen from us, the majority of American citizens since dear ol' Ronnie baby conned too many Americans into believing the only answer to the "welfare" queens was to give business MEN free reign and to lower taxes at the top of the scale so their newly gained largess would "trickle down".

Now 37 years later with the largest inequality of wealth since medieval Europe, many otherwise intelligent people still firmly believe in Reaganomics. Calling themselves Reagan Republicans. They fail to see that what was supposed to trickle down has indeed gushed up.

You can call, text, email until your fingers become numb and you will make no impression on people who are convinced that greed is the only answer and that "others" are 'holding them back'

As to the so-called mainstream media - they are so hooked on wealth, from the top paid reporters to the actual owners, they will do all the can to prop up a demented trump, knowing full well he is their best chance to win this election and quickly pull the 'bait and switch' replacing an obviously demented trump with the far more evil pervert jd. End democracy and get on with fascism.

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Dear In These Times editors,

Well despite God's 7th Proof putting ITT over A in 241's address book, you

again predicatively didn't choose to publish these five attachments, the

last of which would have assured that the Daughter wins all swing states

over the Antichrist. Though I'm the only one who would be Assured to be

Murdered by the pit beast's sociopathic follower's, I suppose it's

understandable that as that would have also brought your organization

instant fame, the fear of death threats is certainly more so than what I

assume inhibited you from printing Exposing just the Demented Moron. But

if the Supreme Narcissist Who Can't Lose Actually Wins The Electoral Vote,

All "Leftest Vermin" Face Death Threats And Your Chickenshit Organization

Will Be First In Line!

To change the subject, here's my response to a large portion of responses

to my Facebook posts: The Majority of Humanity are obviously Not Atheists.

As for Religions: "It has been the scheme of the Christian Church, and of

all the other invented systems of religion, to hold man in ignorance of

the Creator, as it is of governments to hold man in the ignorance of his

rights. The systems of the one are as false as those of the other, and are

calculated for mutual support." Thomas Paine And as for Proofs: Diehard

Atheists And Religious Fundamentalists Have Nothing But Their Ignorant

BELIEFS To Defend Themselves, Have Little To No Scientific Training So

Can't Refute Real World Historical/Logical, Geometrical/Mathematical,

Cosmological/Definitional and Theological/Prophetic PROOFS OF GOD, Proving

YOUR Pathetic Insignificance To Humanity!!!

Now I'm guessing that most of you are or were either agnostics or

atheists. Who even among the Cc'd creme de creme list of physicists here,

when Presented With Real World Historical/Logical,

Geometrical/Mathematical, Cosmological/Definitional and

Theological/Prophetic PROOFS OF GOD, Still Refuse To Acknowledge The


And/Or Actively Suppress That Fact To Maintain The Ossified Agnostic

Status Quo Of Their Colleagues Who Further Have Somehow Never Recognized

The Simple LOGICAL/OBSERVATIONAL PROOF And Fact That As The CMB Radiation

Was Emitted 13.8 Billion Light Years Ago, The Expanding 27.6 Billion Light

Year Wide Sphere At The Edge Of The Universe Is Moving At Light Speed!!!!

One day the history books will laugh at this sad state illogical agnostic

active suppression that could have been prevented by simple publication of

these five attachments. This last proof might wake the leftest media

vermin up to the fact that there's still time to publish before the swing

state crap shoot in two weeks.


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It's truly incomprehensible that the race should so far appear so close as to be TIED - I'm doing research now on what happens if the electoral votes are tied - it's inconceivable that so many Americans are frankly so effing stupid as to vote for Trump, unless they are in on Vance's long con to nab the presidency. Vance is no better, he's worse. I was stressed during the last election - this time I'm downright frightened.

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Don't discount corporate mastery of negative propaganda and their practically complete control of media. They've even infiltrated education.

The people aren't stupid, just powerfully, relentlessly manipulated psychologically.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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Probably because both candidates represent Capital and the status quo! If Harris's administration would stop genociding brown people in west Asia, maybe she could win!

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She does not have an administration. Yet. But a trump administration will kill far more people than a Harris administration (and don’t forget how many people died during the first trump administration).

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That is the answer to today’s rhetorical question that no one wants to hear. Of all the evil Dr. Reich has fought against, none of it compares to the ongoing ethnic cleansing that we are observing in real time today. Biden, and by association, Harris, do not have blood on their hands. They are drenched in it from head to toe. Every taxpaying American, myself included, has blood on their hands. The political calculus of the moment gives Israel a free hand, and they are making the most of it.

I am voting for Harris, but I fear the United States may receive the karma it has earned with Trump.

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Biden, a lifelong politician who believes in talking and negotiating vs. Netanyahu who has refused to negotiate about anything.

Biden can’t afford to alienate jewish voters and potential christian voters this close to the election. Netanyahu sees only personal benefit and profit if Trump wins. Netanyahu made it very clear he isn't and wasn’t actually interested in negotiating for release of the hostages early when he had the tunnels Hamas was keeping them in flooded.

Netanyahu is the bad guy here. Harris, as VP, doesn’t have any actual power.

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Yeah, Dick Cheney didn't have any power, either.

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This is what Russian misinformation looks like. Sad.

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This is what decades of McCarthyism and imperialist indoctrination looks like. Sad.

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Imperialist? What are you some kind of Trotsky Marxist?

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Both sides-ism is fun, isn't it, Chris?

And yes "West Asia" is def. a major concern in a country where a convicted felon and insurrectionist is considered to be a serious candidate for the Presidency.

Thanks for bringing that into focus.

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It is when the US is funding and supporting the genocide there. People who despise immoral, far-right liars like Trump aren’t going to vote for him OR for a supposedly ‘Democratic’ party that have sunk so low they’ve become literal genocide deniers. And it is not ‘both sides-ism’ to point out that both sides support genocide. Facts are not ‘both sides-ism’.

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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Capital and the status quo... I guess government works. What's with the Russian misinformation? Last I checked, she's light brown and has Near Asia roots.

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I care so much about the Middle East that I cannot possibly care about anything else in the entire world.

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I hope you're being sarcastic. The Middle East isn't in my top 10. Netty is unleashing terror to manipulate Democrats because he wants Trump to win. It's the slickest October Surprise he can do. Don't be fooled. It's about America's future... Not other countries half a world away.

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Sarcasm was my aim.

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Thank you. I approve of sarcasm.

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Research the Imperial Boomerang. Imperialism abroad is an invitation for fascism at home. It's all connected.

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Sorry, I distrust anyone thumping the tub about Israel this soon to a close election. I can see where the potential fascism is quite clearly.

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The electoral college system is archaic, founded on the principles of racism! In this day & age every vote should count! I watch with horror from Scotland at an election more akin to a banana republic than the USA I once knew! The world watches with puzzlement at the corruption and clear manipulation that is taking place by tRump & his cohorts. Why do people think he’s for them? Baffling!

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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Don’t forget the old school Republicans in the senate especially Mitch McConnell. He has given Trump a free pass and also weaponised the Supreme Court, from as far back as 2015.

McConell detests Trump but he’s always prioritised power over democracy

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For months I had been approaching virtually all of progressive media trying to get them to publish

Exposing The Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissist As A Moron

A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency with Donald Trump's

Likewise here's the lead paragraph in

On Media Suppression Of Trump's Increasing Dementia

I first read the Daily Kos's lead article (2-26-24) titled The media will not report that Trump appears to have middle-stage dementia. A couple of days later Facebook suggested I look at a site dedicated to the politics and humor of Jon Stewart, which just 'happened' to have posted the original interview in Salon titled "Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia". This whole interview was fixated on the dementia issue without mentioning that at least his father Fred had Alzheimer's/dementia, which I learned when I posted A Comparison of President Biden's Mental Competency to Donald Trump's to every response. After the idiot went into a long rant about choosing between being electrocuted by a battery on a sinking boat or eaten by a shark Robert Reich's newsletter (7-8-24, 8-8-24) posted Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s growing dementia?

The last sentence in both papers: Would you rather have a Fascist Dementia Addled Supreme Narcissistic Moron whose Father Also Had Dementia running this country or the Daughter of Two University Professors?

Did a mass mailing on 9-25 To the webmaster at the World Mental Health Coalition, Cc'd to all the progressive media and others. The WMHC had a press conference on 9-27 focusing on their president Dr. Bandy Lee's Prediction of Trump's Sociopathic Propensity to Make Violent Threats Against His Enemies outlined in her 2017 bestseller. Googled media reports of their Friday 9-27 conference and saw no new news about it. Which tells me that all Progressive Media Will Not Print The Above Sentence Because Of PREDICTABLE DEATH THREATS! Just look at the Threats to Bomb Schools and Hospitals in Springfield Ohio after Trump brought up Haitians Eating Pets during the Debate with Kamala no less.

At the end of September the latest poll had Harris leading in all the swing states except tied in Georgia by an average of about 3 points so I wasn't too concerned that progressive media wasn't comparing the demented fascist moron with the professors daughter. The latest poll now in mid October has swung Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina to Trump despite his incoherent ramblings and climate driven devastation in the latter two areas being helped by Biden's federal funds (with MAGA Thugs Attacking FEMA Workers!). People are just too stupid and easily manipulated against their own good.


2-27-24 by Thom Hartmann, who yesterday wrote a followup to his prediction here!

And the real punchline the atheist progressive press will regret not printing if Rev 11:7's "beast from the bottomless pit" steals or wins the electoral vote:


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