Raphael--The problem lies in the two sides involved in the conflict. A two-state solution will never happen as long a Hamas exists. That group has vowed to destroy all infidels, and the slaughter seen on 10/7 will repeat itself over and over again until either they succeed, or Hamas is no more. They don't think like us, how do you propose we deal with an entire society which is hell bent on our total destruction? The only way to deal with ignorance on that level is to act like them until the threat is gone.
We can either keep financing a futile war or work toward a resolution.
Raphael--The problem lies in the two sides involved in the conflict. A two-state solution will never happen as long a Hamas exists. That group has vowed to destroy all infidels, and the slaughter seen on 10/7 will repeat itself over and over again until either they succeed, or Hamas is no more. They don't think like us, how do you propose we deal with an entire society which is hell bent on our total destruction? The only way to deal with ignorance on that level is to act like them until the threat is gone.