If you ever read Sir Arthur Conan Doyles, Sherlock Holmes, you encounter a person who is ignorant of geography, biology, the things that an 8th grader would know, but has powers of observation and deduction beyond that of a normal human being.
That's Trump, dumb as bag of hammers, but a geniu…
If you ever read Sir Arthur Conan Doyles, Sherlock Holmes, you encounter a person who is ignorant of geography, biology, the things that an 8th grader would know, but has powers of observation and deduction beyond that of a normal human being.
That's Trump, dumb as bag of hammers, but a genius at griffing, bullshitting, reading people and staying out of jail.
One looks at his rally's, and see the wild approval and applause, of his followers, and wonders "who are these people"? Well you pass them on the street,you work with them, they are your family, friends, you shop with them, they sit beside you are sports events, at church if you go, they are 48% of America and they are the motivated 48%, many even have advanced degrees,, own or franchise a business, but they all share a common deficit and attribute and there is no effort to determine that deficit and that attribute.
Street Smart Nick. The evil genius of a conman.
If you ever read Sir Arthur Conan Doyles, Sherlock Holmes, you encounter a person who is ignorant of geography, biology, the things that an 8th grader would know, but has powers of observation and deduction beyond that of a normal human being.
That's Trump, dumb as bag of hammers, but a genius at griffing, bullshitting, reading people and staying out of jail.
One looks at his rally's, and see the wild approval and applause, of his followers, and wonders "who are these people"? Well you pass them on the street,you work with them, they are your family, friends, you shop with them, they sit beside you are sports events, at church if you go, they are 48% of America and they are the motivated 48%, many even have advanced degrees,, own or franchise a business, but they all share a common deficit and attribute and there is no effort to determine that deficit and that attribute.