May 23, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

Soon they will demand that gay and transgender people wear yellow stars on their clothing. This is fascism pure and simple as the immature poorly educated folks look for the “other” to blame their own failures upon!

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Since antiquity, the Indian subcontinent has recognized a third gender, Hijras, neither male nor female. Children are born in America every year with genital anomalies. Too prudish to acknowledge their very existence, the American society simply pretends they have never existed. These visible gender issues are a small measure of humans with non-visible genders beyond the two reproductive stereotypes. It is a tragedy to see the state sponsored abuse being systematically directed at our fellow humans and Americans who were born along the great Bell curve of gender identity. Hunan life is complex and diversity enriches our understanding of the triumphs and tragedies of the lives of our fellows.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

"If Republicans really cared about protecting kids, they’d focus on gun violence ..."

I predict Gun Violence, Abortion, and Voting Rights will be on the ballot in '24 for the under 30 crowd.

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They came for the transgender kids, and we didn't do anything. Then they came for us....

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I'm a middle-aged trans person and the parent of a young adult trans woman. I have a fairly large following on Tumblr - I've been there since 2012. The comments that I get on my posts from young trans people in Florida when I talk about our community issues would totally break your heart.

The one that really got me today:

"The healthcare I need has just been banned and I can't leave my house for longer than I can hold my bladder, and all I hear from the people who claim to care about me is crickets."

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May 23, 2023Liked by Robert Reich

Thank you, Mr. Reich. My daughter is gay and has been with her partner for 25+ years. I am saddened by the attacks on this community. These people have been through a lot and I honestly thought our country had moved past this ridiculous need to target vulnerable minority groups. Apparently, the republicans have proven me wrong.

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DeSantis and Trump are playing to the white supremacists, neo-Nazis and the ultra conservative “Christians.” People who blame others for their own failures. They are playing by the fascists playbook.

I’m very concerned and frankly shocked that this is happening in 2023. Trump should not be allowed to run. He removed his eligibility to participate in any government office by inciting the Jan. 6 insurrection. So why hasn’t he been stopped?

His first big public campaign for his presidency of 2024 was held in Waco. That was a blatant attempt to get the attention of the domestic terrorist crowd he loves so well. The 1993 incident in Waco brought together all of the various militia groups, white supremacist and neo-Nazis in wanting to overthrow the government. Before Waco these groups didn’t like each other and didn’t communicate but Waco brought them together. It was around then they started calling themselves “patriots”instead of neo-Nazis or white supremacists new branding but the same bigoted ideology. These people have a misplaced fascination with the American Revolution. They believe they are heroes and Mr. Trump encourages that fantasy. On Jan. 6 they fancied themselves as patriotic revolutionaries.

In the opening of Mr. Trumps Waco get together, he played a recording of the jailed insurrectionists singing the national anthem. While that recording played Mr. Trump recited the pledge of allegiance. Mr. Trump has also promised pardons to those convicted of crimes committed on Jan. 6 when he is elected president.

I don’t understand why Mr. Trump is being allowed to run and why the government doesn’t see this huge red flag.

Personally, if either of those two fascists are elected, I’m moving to Canada before they decide to build a wall.

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Republicans have made it abundantly clear they’re no longer interested laws, fairness, democracy, freedom or people’s health, well-being & lives- all they do care about is maintaining power so they can continue abusing it. In reality, the GOP sold the US out years ago & the monster it’s become is the inevitable result of the sickness & bigotry at the core of their belief system

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Thank you so much for correcting the record and making this clear statement of the situation. It is frightening.

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It’s the most horrific behavior I’ve ever seen from a politician. The 2nd “FL man” is extremely dangerous and can’t speak about anything at all with any clarity. He’s a extremely horrendous person to have in any place of power. This serious alternate ‘woke’ hatred has to stop. I’m a nurse in Florida. He is okay with any and all destruction and cruelty. This man cares only about power- his own. 🙏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸

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I think what DeSantis is doing is racist and also facism.

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This is evangelicalism at its worst. DeSantis and those like him look through the narrow lens of the Bible, written by men and for men. I know the Bible well and appreciate its historical content, though it is symbolism, myth, and allegory. I love the Psalms, Proverbs, and other certain books.

But how did Moses know, if he did indeed write Genesis (no one knows who wrote what), that a Divine force in this multi-verse was only male? I do not believe that God is only male or female, and nothing in all of Nature is one or the other. And there is androgyny from before time began. Jesus said in Matthew, "Some are born different."

The Point: White Male Christian Nationalism is the goal of these 'little hitlers.' It is terrifying. And it is all based on the Bible, which, though worth at least one read-through, is a product of men who subjugated women in the context of their time. It was and still is, patriarchy. What makes our current patriarchy so scary is that they cherry-pick the Bible to suit their needs, creating a trance state for hate, violence, intolerance, and the potential of enforced Christianity on our nation. If one genuinely follows Jesus, I don't remember one word he supposedly uttered that carried any of these characteristics but quite the opposite.

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E.O. Wilson wrote a chapter on Altruism in his book "On Human Nature". In it he makes a clear case that the reason genetics for homosexuality (his term 45+ years ago for all LGBTQIA people) is their non-reproductive status gave them the opportunity to help a community survive. In other words, a case for the value of LGBTQIA people to live and be an important part of a wholistic community. Denying this is to deny value in our communities, and adds to the destructive "only people like me" attitude characteristic of a fascist, exclusionary mindset. It is also a denial of a basic Christian and really universal religious principle of "loving your neighbor as yourself". Get rid of the guns, not the people.

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SO frightening! This man is cruel and crazy. He is actually worse than Trump. Please explain to me why male sociopaths are controlling our world. Putin, Trump, DeSantis… where are the drones???

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I am in full agreement, Professor Reich, as will the majority of us on Substack. The problem is, we aren't the ones needing convincing. How do we get ordinary [as in not the MAGA nutcase cult] to understand the dangers of authoritarianism. Our democratic Representative Republic, may have been too successful. Those 'others' have no idea how depraved living becomes under a dictatorship. They think they will have the 'promised land' of white workmen, making a good living, living high on the hog. By the time reality sets in, it may be too late. BTW, I don't think raising billions of dollars will solve a damned thing..

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I spotted this article in Newsweek: “Christian” pastor Jason Graber recently called for the execution of all LGBTQ people as well as the parents of transgender people: “They just need to be shot in the back of the head and then we can string them up above a bridge.”

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