I think, sure, let's be optimistic then resilient if we are disappointed. Here's a free aspirational slogan, if anyone wants to have it: "The Democratic Party supports the power of the people instead of power over people."

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I agree because the Republicans have done NOTHING but block legislation, promote violence and dissention and worship a false idol.

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I agree those are all possibilities. So, where’s the threat? As noted, Dems are not good at messaging so the repubs use that to divide us and then we shoot ourselves in the foot. In south Texas we’re seeing an erosion of support among minorities due to one topic (primarily): abortion. We have made the mistake, in my opinion, of looking like we support abortion instead of making this all about trusting women with their healthcare decisions. I don’t “support abortion,” but I sure support government staying out of peoples personal healthcare decisions. We should take a page from the repubs and use their own language that’s been used to protest vaccination mandates “my body, my choice.” Then follow that up with focusing on “having children is more than giving birth.” Republicans are voting in lockstep against policies that help children and families. Make them defend their votes.

Then we still have some calling for “defund the police” saying it’s a”cry for social justice.” Then say that! People generally support the idea of social justice, but in times of rising crime rates and anxiety about violence, people do not, by large margins, support defunding police! Please stop saying that! That hands the lawless repubs who see violence as “legitimate speech” a cudgel to beat us with.

Finally, all our Democratic leaders need to get on board and vigorously support Elizabeth Warren’s bill to stop stock trading while in office. Pelosi’s flippant “market economy” statement was tone deaf coming from a wealthy person who makes money in the stock market. Sure, she’s come around on it, but the sound clip is already out there.

I agree, mostly, with Dr. Reich’s assessment with these caveats. I certainly hope the powers that be are smart enough to let Liz Cheney carry the message from the 1/6 committee. I never thought I would say anything in support of her, but I can live with that and fight another day over policy. We’ve got to save the republic first.

Vote blue!

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I'm sure you've mentioned this to the President and some other Democrats in the House and Senate. I think it's a pretty decent prediction...sounds about right...and hope you are right. Thanks.

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THIS is the best news I've heard in a very long time! Thank you for giving us hope!

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For all the reasons noted, there's a strong possibility that democrats will retain and grow their control. However, just to be on the safe side, we need to stay vigilant and not only turn out in record numbers to vote in November, but help the candidates and volunteer with their campaigns. We can do this!

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Prof Reich, It doesn't seem like, statistically speaking, people think so rationally (in my knowledge, this appears to be true at least in the US and India). Otherwise, why would have Trump got elected the first time when so many facts about his dishonest and misogynist character were known prior to election day. Despite the distortions caused by the electoral college system, a largely logical electorate would have given Hilary a landslide win.

Fox News and the right wingers are still going strong with their propaganda that plenty of Americans will be glad to believe.

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From your lips to God’s ears, Robert. From your column to the polling booths… I like your positivity today.

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I'm hoping you're correct in your assessment, because it would be a giant reprieve for this country.

But POTUS must do a much better job of messaging his accomplishments, vision, and, especially, the malignancy of Trumpism and its enthrallment of the GOP.

A big notch for the Democrats in this scenario would be the total forgiveness of student loans; I'm not burdened by this, but I think it would certainly boost the Democrat's chances for the midterms and fulfill a Biden campaign promise.

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I like your ideas but passing voting rights immediately would make it a lot easier

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I don't know if I'm optimistic or just hopeful, but I hope you're correct, Mr. Reich. You mentioned some very important things that we can work with and I'll add the already passed infrastructure package to the list. If, as you pointed out, Democrats can get their messaging done better - like taking credit for the road construction and jobs we'll soon see - that will improve our chances to win this fall, too.

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From your mouth to God's ears. Thank you for all of your tireless work for the future of our once democratic Republic democracy over the years. Surely if democracy survives, this be in part from your efforts.

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Need Democrats to show up in big numbers at the polls!

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I really really hope you are correct. The idea of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan is terrifying.

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I appreciate the optimism. But what about voting rights? The core constituency of the party has been once again betrayed and taken for granted. Racism is a powerful uniting force for the Right, while Dems cannot honor a promise.

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No. None of these outlets are "left of center." None. On some days, at some hours, MSNBC can be, though more and more of their hosts and guests don't know their mouths from their toes.

AP, BBC never "left". NPR and PBS madly and ignorantly pursue "both sides of the debate" when there are not two sides or a debate. I'm going through this with both right now over book banning--an unconstitutional, anti-child development, illiterate--unlike book banners in past, they don' t or can't read what they want to ban, and unAmerican criminal activity. As a historian of literacy, and of children and youth, I publish on this and also work with ACLU and advocacy groups in court cases and against right wing copy cat legis. imitated from one red state to another.

VOA is US propaganda arm

ABC esp with its links to Fox is decidedly right wing. NBC and CBS are hopelessly lost and muddled. Lester Holt Nora ODonnell and regular "reporters" increasingly trip over English usage.

I survive only by reading 3 papers a day, sampling many sources--getting a score or more of email news feeds, and collating them in my own mind. Only a retired professor can do that :)

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