At this point, I am genuinely ashamed to be an American. When I travel abroad, I avoid admitting it—I’d rather be mistaken for a Canadian, and if pressed further, I’ll claim to be French Canadian. The sheer humiliation of being associated with the ongoing circus of ignorance, corruption, and authoritarian lunacy that Trump and his cult have unleashed upon this country is unbearable.
For years now, we have been subjected to the most blatant display of Hitler-esque demagoguery, criminality, and sheer stupidity in modern history. And yet, despite overwhelming evidence of his malfeasance, fraud, treasonous behavior, and utter contempt for democracy, Trump’s horde of brain-dead, sycophantic followers remains unfazed—mindlessly defending a man who would sell them out without a second thought.
These people are not just ignorant—they are willfully complicit in the destruction of the country. They are backing a movement that is nothing short of a criminal enterprise, hell-bent on looting everything in sight, consolidating power, and returning for more once they’ve bled the system dry.
And worst of all? They are in league with Putin and every other dictator the civilized world has rightfully condemned. Trump and his allies aspire to create an oligarchy of greed, corruption, and authoritarian brutality—a system where the powerful control everything, dissent is crushed, and truth is replaced with state-sponsored lies.
At what point will this nation wake up and recognize the existential threat we face? How many more lies, crimes, and betrayals must we endure before the public realizes that this movement is a direct assault on democracy itself?
We cannot afford to tiptoe around this issue or placate the deluded masses any longer. Trump and his enablers must be politically and legally eradicated from power before they succeed in dismantling what remains of American democracy.
The time for politeness is long over. It’s time to remove these parasites from public life before it’s too late.
Well, if Trump had actually been sentenced to prison he might never have outlived the sentence, but of course that didn’t happen so here we are. Of course a bunch of dedicated, self-sacrificing Senators could have conspired to shiv him on the Ides of March, as happened to old Julius Caesar when he got very uppity and Senators decided he had to be put in his place (which was a marble coffin, as it turned out). But our current crop of Senators are apparently total wusses, so no joy there I’m afraid.
When are some of these self-proclaimed macho men, in the GOP and MAGA, going to stand up to Trump, FOR OUR COUNTRY, DEMOCRACY, CONSTITUTION, RULE OF LAW?! So far they have proven to be lying spineless traitors, who continue to kiss Trump's ass for a buck, and Iawless, unlimited power! How do they even look their children, families, and constituents in the eye, while betraying them all every day. All will be recorded in history, as a complete corrupt disgrace, traitors to the United States of America, who chose to turn their backs on the USA, betray us, and team with communist, murderous Russia, and has stomped all over our Constitution and laws.
Are the cowardly or are they true believers? Does it matter? Perhaps is would be better if Democrats gave more Americans a better alternative because today Trump and the lawmakers that support him are far more popular than Biden and the law makers that supported him.
Trump is living in a glass house. And Democrats are throwing feathers at it instead of rocks. They wont throw rocks because their donors, all sitting on stage at his inauguration, wont let them. The enemy is within.
michael - After barely being able to stomach the video of what T/Vance did to Zelenskyy in the Oval Office I am also very ashamed for being American. It was a planned attack and you can’t convince me otherwise. Zelenskyy has thanked this country time and time again for our help. He even came to sign a blackmail document which would have given up some of the land that he has been fighting to save and all he wanted was a guarantee that T would make Putin keep his promise not to invade Ukraine again. Since T is bad at history, for the most part, apparently he doesn’t remember that Ukraine had to already give up land to Russia before and broke that ceasefire agreement. We have sent our own soldiers to other countries and have killed our soldiers in needless wars. How dare they try to say that it is the fault of Zelenskyy for trying to defend his Own country.
The White House allowed a Russian reporter to be there. Set up in advance for Putin to have something to show his people. The disgrace was our own president and not Zelenskyy who was trying to correct the lies.
Europe is apparently on their own to help Ukraine and I hope that they get the coveted minerals that T so desperately wanted before he unleashed Russian talking points. The lawmakers who are celebrating the debacle should be ashamed of themselves as well.
As for the millions in armored tesla trucks I just wonder if the other side who is fighting us next time is willing to pause so that we have time to charge them so we can continue our advance. That is if there are charging stations available in the battlefield. Dumbest damn idea I have ever heard. Okay, just one of the dumbest ideas I have heard lately.
Oh, and for the natural disasters - get ready to have more needless deaths since they are firing a lot of people at NATO. The trimmed down FEMA is not going to be able to do anything about planning in advance.
What is happening in America (and affecting everyone else) is despicable. You can’t tell me that T would stay and fight for his country like Zelenskyy has been. Apparently T would arrange a flight to Moscow in a heartbeat and leave everyone else here. Of course he will take our nation’s secrets with him to leverage for his own benefit.
Why do you think Democrats were not and are not able to get out a message to Americans that is more compelling than the clownish behavior of Trump? Trump and his crew are more popular than Biden and his crew. Why is that.
Absent a better alternative Americans are not going to call out Trump or hold him accountable. And the Democrats can't offer a better alternative as long as their policy and rhetoric puts their donors first. This wont change until the Democrats change.
Michael D - While I don’t disagree that democrats really suck at messaging the fact that trump was bought and paid for by musk doesn’t make the case that the republicans don’t rely on corporate and wealthy donations. Citizens United screwed us all. The platforms that are owned by the wealthy are the ones who put out a lot of dis/misinformation just so the people in the shadows could benefit. It certainly isn’t the average person who benefits.
This ugly trump adm is akin to a group of totally out of control 6 year olds, running amok in a giant candy store with sticky fingers shoving fistfuls of sugary crap into their dirty mouths and pockets. And, when caught by the owner of the shop, they attack him, break things, knock over display cases, spit, bite, and taunt him. Nobody dares to tell these rotten spoiled children, indulging in endless bad behaviour, what they can and can't do. And when most of the candy is hijacked, they will go out and find some innocent animals to torture and kill - just for fun.
What is the end game? On the surface, it appears the end game is to destroy America, to cause irreparable suffering and hardship on all Americans. Vlad may not be in the candy shop with his crew, he doesn't like to get his fingers dirty, but I bet they've got a very big bag of loot to share with him when they meet up in the alley - after skinning a cat or two. These people are sick human beings.
Agreed the three branches have sworn loyalty to Trump. Legislative, judicial, executive. Only the military and media are obstacles to a dictatorship, and both losing ground. The time for talk is over. Maybe SAVE UKRAINE is powerful enough. I think the American people can show Europe and America the way. Hit the streets start a go fund me on a large scale or umbrella Ukrainian Funds.
Michael, could you please find a different word than parasite. As I am sure you know, tyrants throughout history have, as strategy, used dehumanizing words to prime their followers to in the future accept, commit, and applaud widespread, immense brutality toward and cleansing of "those who are not human". I know you didn't mean it this way. I think it just came from anger. But I felt compelled to respectfully express my opinion that anger is okay, but language that explicitly dehumanizes opponents isn't.
trump is a plagiarist...he simply repeats the catchphrases and ideas popular with different fascist leaders of WWI and WWII (and many before). He has no original ideas except maybe adding more hi-tech fraudulent actions to capitalist ideas.
I was mortified by trump's and vance's behavior today at the White House. Notice how he let vance make the "no thank yous" accusation. Now trump can get rid of vance more easily when it's time.
I never cared for Rubio's politics but I grew up in Miami in the 50's when the first Cubans came there seeking refuge from Castro but I understand a lot more now that I look back. I was away at a northern FLorida school when Castro opened the prisons and the second group came (I'm generalizing) and a lot of the drugs arrived as well. But I was more involved in the Civil Rights struggles and what I felt was our country's biggest goal - equality. I left the state the day after graduation. But I see a stressful look in Rubio's eyes and botox looking deadpan expression. Don't know him at all but just sayin', he looks a little uncomfortable in his new position.
And though Democrats may be thought of as too sensitive (the first meaning of snowflake, now it's too entitled?) I guess I perceive it as too polite and well-mannered, civilized, if you will...though I have seen Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Ralph Nader get pretty riled up in public without belittling others personally and sticking to the topic.
Sharon, I also thought Rubio looked quite uncomfortable on the couch in the oval. Perhaps his job title should be, head of cleaning up messes, janitorial head.
I have traveled over the years and more than once said I was from Canada. It is sad that we are forced to do such a thing. How can we legally get rid of them. Impeach each and every one?
Michael I think you might do well to think about why more and more Americans are buying into Trumps vision? His actions are, at this point, more popular than what Biden and the Democrats were doing. Why is it that the Democrats can't muster attention and policies that Americans find more attractive than Trump/Musks form of fascism. Your disgust at Trump and his supporters has not persuaded any of them to reconsider their allegiance. Democrats organizing and pushing popular policies like Medicare for All and Higher Taxes on the Rich and Breaking up Oligopolies and Ending Congressional Representatives ability to trade stocks while in office would win votes and supports. But the Democratic leaders we have elected, at most, pay lip service to these issues while, like the GOP, bowing to the donor class but trying to hide it.
Your focused on the wrong enemy. The enemy is within. Fix that and plenty of Trump supporters will follow.
"personal liberties and free markets" is just like "fiscal conservative", "compassionate conservative", "small government", etc. They are catchy bumper stickers, sold by Republicans, and are 100% lies.
#JeffBezos announced that the #WashingtonPost is no longer an independent newspaper, but is a State run Gaslighting Media Outlet that can never be taken seriously ever again! #BoycottWashingronPost . #CancelAllSubscriptions #Politics
I canceled mine as soon as I read about the changes he was making. I had been waiting until my subscription expired, but six months is too long to wait to make the statement.
Thank you, Marilyn. Listening to Timothy Snyder's analysis has helped me with my own emotions following a disgraceful reception of President Zelenskyy.
Trump is the same transactional cruel monster he has always been, He is not capable of remorse or empathy, It is hard, when someone lies and says they will protect you, care for you, make things great for you, to realize that they are not capable of any of those things. We need to believe him when he says he will be dictator, that he will let russian oligarchs ( cartel mobsters) buy a gold card (green card+) for $5million. He repeatedly denigrated the men and women who fought in wars to protect this country
On July 18, 2015, then-candidate Donald Trump said this about John McCain: “He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
On March 19, 2019, President Donald Trump offered this assessment of the late war hero and senator: “I was never a fan of John McCain and I never will be.”
calling him a f..king looser. We have always character of this lieimg cruelty broken sick little ticket of a man, His treatment of one of the most honorable men of our time, President Zylensky, show a broken man thinking that bullying like a 12 year old wanna be mob boss makes him look strong is just a fact, He thought that the interview made great TV. He was a broken cruel man whose adderall use has just made his brain more dangerous. I am not ashamed of being an American. I still think the majority of .americans are honorable, decent loving people who want a multiracial pluralistic democracy and a country that honors its commitments to allies and trying to make this a better world, but I am deeply ashamed of the few billionaires and Christian Nationalists who want to rule others. Don’t let there be school vouchers allowing public funds to be given to “christian” schools,
whenever possible don’t buy from monopolies. Question every lie told to you in ads. We still have power when we have knowledge and fight together.
Functioning markets depend on liberty and a functioning economy, which in turn depends on a functioning world economy., respect and trade between nations. All of that is disappearing before our very eyes.
Today's shit show in the Offal Office is all the evidence that you need.
Zelenskyy knew what would happen. It’s why he never signed the mineral deal, despite the regime promising every day for more than a week that it was “imminent.” He let Trump and Vance show the world what America truly is now. Zelenskyy doesn’t have many cards to play but he is a historically good poker player and he proved it at the Main Table today.
Think about the rage he must have felt in these moments. Trump and Vance were trying to get him to break emotionally, and when they failed, simply crumbled themselves. Trump melted into “Hunter Biden! Russia hoax!” at the end because Zelenskyy is an actual leader with principles — and even with two-on-one being attacked in a foreign language, he behaved like a grown man in a room full of children.
So, while I am sickened and ashamed for America, at least we know there are still leaders with backbone in the world. As I wrote in my letter to Europe, my hope is that they will take this as a sign that they cannot rely on America anymore, and further, should consider us leader of a new Axis Powers. Europe should do these things immediately:
Kick America out of NATO and admit Ukraine.
Build an Army of Europe, including nukes.
Ban Musk and other related toxic Americans. Turn Tesla plants into weapons manufacturing for self-defense.
Here is the first test:
Lines are drawn. I know which side I’m on. Glory to Ukrain
Your best line re: Zelensky "even with two-on-one being attacked in a foreign language, he behaved like a grown man in a room full of children." I agree with you 100%. As a citizen of this country I am disgusted and embarrassed at Trump and Vance's performance.
Can you imagine what the rest of the free world thinks? Macron, Starmer the rest of them that are prone to kiss Trumps ass because of trade and threats of tariffs, are going to have to pay the price before their own voters.
France and the UK are discussing a framework for combining their nuclear arsenals to establish a nuclear shield for Europe. Those discussions are getting more urgent by the day.
France is not shy about using their military and they have been wanting to go into Ukraine for quite some time. There is going to be a summit in London tomorrow with EU leaders and Zelenskyy. Let’s hope it’s not just talk, but action too.
So much for making America great again! The little big man stood up to the two extortionists. He thereby shamed America for having pirates at the helm.
I can't recall who it was but a European leader finally spoke the truth.America is no longer the leader of the Free World.In reality we are a client state of Putin.
Trump has done in a month what Tojo, Hitler, Stalin could never do, he has destroyed this country, from the inside out.
And frankly that is what Robert and all other substack authors need to be focused on.
I watched Katy Tur check off the "victories" had in court (lower courts) but by the time they hit SCOTUS (and SCOTUS is breaking president, by reaching down and pulling them in) it rules in favor of Trump
I don't want to hear about the trivia of lower court rulings, even Tanya Chutkins has jumped on the Trump bandwagon (what a disappointment there)
We are at war, a civil war,and all we are doing is waiting for the GESTAPO, STAZI, SD, KGB to come knocking on our doors.
William - I am waiting for them to try to find a way to impeach/remove the judges who are keeping them from destroying what is left. If the republicans do that then if we ever have a fair election again the gloves are off and we can take care of the Supreme Court. It won’t happen but it should.
The fascists don't have to impeach or remove judges, they just do what Trump is doing, what Andrew Jackson did, ignore them, but if they need a judicial veneer, they have the Supreme Court who gives them all the cover that they need.
I don't see a fair election ever, Musk has deconstructed the government and it's agencies like the FEC,
I read a comment by the SSA administrator who was recently fired, regarding the proposed 50% cut in employees. He predicted that if the cut happens, the system will break within 30-90 days and no benefits will be paid. I can’t see the 79.0m retirees or that portion that does not get paid sitting back and doing nothing. That and the proposed cuts to Medicaid should be the catalyst for bringing people on to the streets, even diehard MAGA fools.
Should we all extend our taxes this year? I hate to mail in a payment when no one will be at the office to pick up the mail. How can we be confident our checks will not be put in some secret maga account?
We would think Lesley, My wife applied for Social Security this year, she reached age 70 last, and never needed Social Security. I told her that she probably will never see a check either, simply because there is no one to process the paperwork.
Will Americans get off their ass and do something, How about all of those Social Security Recipients that voted for Trump. Buyers remorse: Well phuck them.
William - I don’t see fair elections happening anymore either. That is if he doesn’t try to declare martial law or something else so that he doesn’t even have to hold elections. Martial law will also allow him to deputize the militia groups as well. Proud Boys are still standing back and standing by.
Mos def Anon. Proud boys, the milita's, Constitutional Sheriff and Peace officers association are standing by, and those in LEO that aren't members will be all to glad to swing into action with their SWAT's.
I can envision them drumming up a Reichstag fire or a 9/11 event.
This is off the subject, but wanted to share. I live in Fayston, Vermont in the Mad River Valley--home to 3 towns with a total population around 5,000. I can't remember the actual numbers but over 70% voted for Harris. Bernie Sanders comes to our July 4th Parade every year. We also have 3 ski areas (Sugarbush, Sugarbush North, and Mad River Glen--owned by a coop) A few minutes ago, J D Vance and his family arrived to ski this weekend. Needless to say there will be considerable disruption. So, as of now, over 3,000 people have signed up to protest in our central village area tomorrow. Unlikely Vance will see anything, but the press will! Wish us luck!
Milbank is too good for the Washington Post. I cancelled my subscription and because it doesn’t end til June, deleted WaPo from my devices. I will miss writers like Milbank…they’re spitting into the Bezos wind if they stay.
It is because Pootin and President Musk are Bunkerboy's MASTERS. It BOWS BEFORE THEM - metaphorically of course, as it hasn't been able to bend in DECADES.
I read this in the Washington Post earlier today. I agree that we need to stay on top of Trump's assault on Democracy and what's best for US citizens and the entire world. Jeff Bezos, you have enough money, grow a pair, please.
Given Trump's disgusting and embarrassing meeting with President Zelensky, we need courage and honesty from our national media.
It's obvious to me what's going on: ignoring orders from the judiciary and threatening them with impeachment, stifling the free press, packing the Justice Department with cronies and the FBI with loyalists, corruptly swinging contracts over to Musk. We are now a dictatorship. No, we are not slipping into a dictatorship. We are a dictatorship right now. And we need a peaceful revolution to bring back our democracy. Let's join together and bring back our democracy!
Thanks to Dana for one of his, as usual, salient columns. I’ve been a reader for many years, but missed this one because I quit WaPo in protest of Bezos’ shenanigans. I hope Dana survives. I am embarrassed to be an American now, and particularly after the debacle in the Oval yesterday between the moron in chief, the assistant moron, and Zelensky. They are doing so much damage that I wonder if we’ll ever recover sufficiently to emerge from descent into the third world.
It's interesting how Libertarians were warned just like everyone else who could see the coming threats, but closed their ears and voted to maintain their personal 'principles'. FOFA to these self-satisfied voters. Now they're up the creek without a paddle., while the rest of us furiously attempt to avoid the approaching rapids.
At this point, I am genuinely ashamed to be an American. When I travel abroad, I avoid admitting it—I’d rather be mistaken for a Canadian, and if pressed further, I’ll claim to be French Canadian. The sheer humiliation of being associated with the ongoing circus of ignorance, corruption, and authoritarian lunacy that Trump and his cult have unleashed upon this country is unbearable.
For years now, we have been subjected to the most blatant display of Hitler-esque demagoguery, criminality, and sheer stupidity in modern history. And yet, despite overwhelming evidence of his malfeasance, fraud, treasonous behavior, and utter contempt for democracy, Trump’s horde of brain-dead, sycophantic followers remains unfazed—mindlessly defending a man who would sell them out without a second thought.
These people are not just ignorant—they are willfully complicit in the destruction of the country. They are backing a movement that is nothing short of a criminal enterprise, hell-bent on looting everything in sight, consolidating power, and returning for more once they’ve bled the system dry.
And worst of all? They are in league with Putin and every other dictator the civilized world has rightfully condemned. Trump and his allies aspire to create an oligarchy of greed, corruption, and authoritarian brutality—a system where the powerful control everything, dissent is crushed, and truth is replaced with state-sponsored lies.
At what point will this nation wake up and recognize the existential threat we face? How many more lies, crimes, and betrayals must we endure before the public realizes that this movement is a direct assault on democracy itself?
We cannot afford to tiptoe around this issue or placate the deluded masses any longer. Trump and his enablers must be politically and legally eradicated from power before they succeed in dismantling what remains of American democracy.
The time for politeness is long over. It’s time to remove these parasites from public life before it’s too late.
Well, if Trump had actually been sentenced to prison he might never have outlived the sentence, but of course that didn’t happen so here we are. Of course a bunch of dedicated, self-sacrificing Senators could have conspired to shiv him on the Ides of March, as happened to old Julius Caesar when he got very uppity and Senators decided he had to be put in his place (which was a marble coffin, as it turned out). But our current crop of Senators are apparently total wusses, so no joy there I’m afraid.
When are some of these self-proclaimed macho men, in the GOP and MAGA, going to stand up to Trump, FOR OUR COUNTRY, DEMOCRACY, CONSTITUTION, RULE OF LAW?! So far they have proven to be lying spineless traitors, who continue to kiss Trump's ass for a buck, and Iawless, unlimited power! How do they even look their children, families, and constituents in the eye, while betraying them all every day. All will be recorded in history, as a complete corrupt disgrace, traitors to the United States of America, who chose to turn their backs on the USA, betray us, and team with communist, murderous Russia, and has stomped all over our Constitution and laws.
It is astonishing how cowardly these super-macho testosterone-fueled people are.
Are the cowardly or are they true believers? Does it matter? Perhaps is would be better if Democrats gave more Americans a better alternative because today Trump and the lawmakers that support him are far more popular than Biden and the law makers that supported him.
Trump is living in a glass house. And Democrats are throwing feathers at it instead of rocks. They wont throw rocks because their donors, all sitting on stage at his inauguration, wont let them. The enemy is within.
They are cowardly. They turned on a dime, praising Zelinsky in the morning and criticizing him in the afternoon after the Trump-Vance meeting.
michael - After barely being able to stomach the video of what T/Vance did to Zelenskyy in the Oval Office I am also very ashamed for being American. It was a planned attack and you can’t convince me otherwise. Zelenskyy has thanked this country time and time again for our help. He even came to sign a blackmail document which would have given up some of the land that he has been fighting to save and all he wanted was a guarantee that T would make Putin keep his promise not to invade Ukraine again. Since T is bad at history, for the most part, apparently he doesn’t remember that Ukraine had to already give up land to Russia before and broke that ceasefire agreement. We have sent our own soldiers to other countries and have killed our soldiers in needless wars. How dare they try to say that it is the fault of Zelenskyy for trying to defend his Own country.
The White House allowed a Russian reporter to be there. Set up in advance for Putin to have something to show his people. The disgrace was our own president and not Zelenskyy who was trying to correct the lies.
Europe is apparently on their own to help Ukraine and I hope that they get the coveted minerals that T so desperately wanted before he unleashed Russian talking points. The lawmakers who are celebrating the debacle should be ashamed of themselves as well.
As for the millions in armored tesla trucks I just wonder if the other side who is fighting us next time is willing to pause so that we have time to charge them so we can continue our advance. That is if there are charging stations available in the battlefield. Dumbest damn idea I have ever heard. Okay, just one of the dumbest ideas I have heard lately.
Oh, and for the natural disasters - get ready to have more needless deaths since they are firing a lot of people at NATO. The trimmed down FEMA is not going to be able to do anything about planning in advance.
What is happening in America (and affecting everyone else) is despicable. You can’t tell me that T would stay and fight for his country like Zelenskyy has been. Apparently T would arrange a flight to Moscow in a heartbeat and leave everyone else here. Of course he will take our nation’s secrets with him to leverage for his own benefit.
My fault - that should have been NOAA and not NATO. But pick an alphabet agency and it still fits.
Why do you think Democrats were not and are not able to get out a message to Americans that is more compelling than the clownish behavior of Trump? Trump and his crew are more popular than Biden and his crew. Why is that.
Absent a better alternative Americans are not going to call out Trump or hold him accountable. And the Democrats can't offer a better alternative as long as their policy and rhetoric puts their donors first. This wont change until the Democrats change.
Michael D - While I don’t disagree that democrats really suck at messaging the fact that trump was bought and paid for by musk doesn’t make the case that the republicans don’t rely on corporate and wealthy donations. Citizens United screwed us all. The platforms that are owned by the wealthy are the ones who put out a lot of dis/misinformation just so the people in the shadows could benefit. It certainly isn’t the average person who benefits.
This ugly trump adm is akin to a group of totally out of control 6 year olds, running amok in a giant candy store with sticky fingers shoving fistfuls of sugary crap into their dirty mouths and pockets. And, when caught by the owner of the shop, they attack him, break things, knock over display cases, spit, bite, and taunt him. Nobody dares to tell these rotten spoiled children, indulging in endless bad behaviour, what they can and can't do. And when most of the candy is hijacked, they will go out and find some innocent animals to torture and kill - just for fun.
What is the end game? On the surface, it appears the end game is to destroy America, to cause irreparable suffering and hardship on all Americans. Vlad may not be in the candy shop with his crew, he doesn't like to get his fingers dirty, but I bet they've got a very big bag of loot to share with him when they meet up in the alley - after skinning a cat or two. These people are sick human beings.
Eloquently stated. Hopefully Americans will realize that their president is Putin 2, and that they will clamor for his removal.
Agreed the three branches have sworn loyalty to Trump. Legislative, judicial, executive. Only the military and media are obstacles to a dictatorship, and both losing ground. The time for talk is over. Maybe SAVE UKRAINE is powerful enough. I think the American people can show Europe and America the way. Hit the streets start a go fund me on a large scale or umbrella Ukrainian Funds.
Well said!
Thank you for saying what many are feeling today!
Michael, could you please find a different word than parasite. As I am sure you know, tyrants throughout history have, as strategy, used dehumanizing words to prime their followers to in the future accept, commit, and applaud widespread, immense brutality toward and cleansing of "those who are not human". I know you didn't mean it this way. I think it just came from anger. But I felt compelled to respectfully express my opinion that anger is okay, but language that explicitly dehumanizes opponents isn't.
trump is a plagiarist...he simply repeats the catchphrases and ideas popular with different fascist leaders of WWI and WWII (and many before). He has no original ideas except maybe adding more hi-tech fraudulent actions to capitalist ideas.
I was mortified by trump's and vance's behavior today at the White House. Notice how he let vance make the "no thank yous" accusation. Now trump can get rid of vance more easily when it's time.
I never cared for Rubio's politics but I grew up in Miami in the 50's when the first Cubans came there seeking refuge from Castro but I understand a lot more now that I look back. I was away at a northern FLorida school when Castro opened the prisons and the second group came (I'm generalizing) and a lot of the drugs arrived as well. But I was more involved in the Civil Rights struggles and what I felt was our country's biggest goal - equality. I left the state the day after graduation. But I see a stressful look in Rubio's eyes and botox looking deadpan expression. Don't know him at all but just sayin', he looks a little uncomfortable in his new position.
And though Democrats may be thought of as too sensitive (the first meaning of snowflake, now it's too entitled?) I guess I perceive it as too polite and well-mannered, civilized, if you will...though I have seen Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Ralph Nader get pretty riled up in public without belittling others personally and sticking to the topic.
Sharon, I also thought Rubio looked quite uncomfortable on the couch in the oval. Perhaps his job title should be, head of cleaning up messes, janitorial head.
I have traveled over the years and more than once said I was from Canada. It is sad that we are forced to do such a thing. How can we legally get rid of them. Impeach each and every one?
Michael I think you might do well to think about why more and more Americans are buying into Trumps vision? His actions are, at this point, more popular than what Biden and the Democrats were doing. Why is it that the Democrats can't muster attention and policies that Americans find more attractive than Trump/Musks form of fascism. Your disgust at Trump and his supporters has not persuaded any of them to reconsider their allegiance. Democrats organizing and pushing popular policies like Medicare for All and Higher Taxes on the Rich and Breaking up Oligopolies and Ending Congressional Representatives ability to trade stocks while in office would win votes and supports. But the Democratic leaders we have elected, at most, pay lip service to these issues while, like the GOP, bowing to the donor class but trying to hide it.
Your focused on the wrong enemy. The enemy is within. Fix that and plenty of Trump supporters will follow.
"personal liberties and free markets" is just like "fiscal conservative", "compassionate conservative", "small government", etc. They are catchy bumper stickers, sold by Republicans, and are 100% lies.
The reality is the Bezos doesn’t care about anyone’s personal liberties except his own and those of his fellow oligarchs.
#JeffBezos announced that the #WashingtonPost is no longer an independent newspaper, but is a State run Gaslighting Media Outlet that can never be taken seriously ever again! #BoycottWashingronPost . #CancelAllSubscriptions #Politics
I canceled mine as soon as I read about the changes he was making. I had been waiting until my subscription expired, but six months is too long to wait to make the statement.
I canceled my long term subscription the day he refused to back a presidential candidate.
Bravo Gregg. I cancelled mine on that day too!
Please listen to Timothy Snyder's response to Pres. Zelensky's visit to the Whitehouse:
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 🙏🕊
Thank you, Marilyn. Listening to Timothy Snyder's analysis has helped me with my own emotions following a disgraceful reception of President Zelenskyy.
Trump is the same transactional cruel monster he has always been, He is not capable of remorse or empathy, It is hard, when someone lies and says they will protect you, care for you, make things great for you, to realize that they are not capable of any of those things. We need to believe him when he says he will be dictator, that he will let russian oligarchs ( cartel mobsters) buy a gold card (green card+) for $5million. He repeatedly denigrated the men and women who fought in wars to protect this country
On July 18, 2015, then-candidate Donald Trump said this about John McCain: “He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”
On March 19, 2019, President Donald Trump offered this assessment of the late war hero and senator: “I was never a fan of John McCain and I never will be.”
calling him a f..king looser. We have always character of this lieimg cruelty broken sick little ticket of a man, His treatment of one of the most honorable men of our time, President Zylensky, show a broken man thinking that bullying like a 12 year old wanna be mob boss makes him look strong is just a fact, He thought that the interview made great TV. He was a broken cruel man whose adderall use has just made his brain more dangerous. I am not ashamed of being an American. I still think the majority of .americans are honorable, decent loving people who want a multiracial pluralistic democracy and a country that honors its commitments to allies and trying to make this a better world, but I am deeply ashamed of the few billionaires and Christian Nationalists who want to rule others. Don’t let there be school vouchers allowing public funds to be given to “christian” schools,
whenever possible don’t buy from monopolies. Question every lie told to you in ads. We still have power when we have knowledge and fight together.
Trump and Vance want to gang rape Ukraine and claim that she owes it to them. They want to do the same to dear USA.
i'm watching him now on pbs'newshour
Functioning markets depend on liberty and a functioning economy, which in turn depends on a functioning world economy., respect and trade between nations. All of that is disappearing before our very eyes.
Today's shit show in the Offal Office is all the evidence that you need.
Apologies for cross posting
Zelenskyy knew what would happen. It’s why he never signed the mineral deal, despite the regime promising every day for more than a week that it was “imminent.” He let Trump and Vance show the world what America truly is now. Zelenskyy doesn’t have many cards to play but he is a historically good poker player and he proved it at the Main Table today.
Think about the rage he must have felt in these moments. Trump and Vance were trying to get him to break emotionally, and when they failed, simply crumbled themselves. Trump melted into “Hunter Biden! Russia hoax!” at the end because Zelenskyy is an actual leader with principles — and even with two-on-one being attacked in a foreign language, he behaved like a grown man in a room full of children.
So, while I am sickened and ashamed for America, at least we know there are still leaders with backbone in the world. As I wrote in my letter to Europe, my hope is that they will take this as a sign that they cannot rely on America anymore, and further, should consider us leader of a new Axis Powers. Europe should do these things immediately:
Kick America out of NATO and admit Ukraine.
Build an Army of Europe, including nukes.
Ban Musk and other related toxic Americans. Turn Tesla plants into weapons manufacturing for self-defense.
Here is the first test:
Lines are drawn. I know which side I’m on. Glory to Ukrain
Your best line re: Zelensky "even with two-on-one being attacked in a foreign language, he behaved like a grown man in a room full of children." I agree with you 100%. As a citizen of this country I am disgusted and embarrassed at Trump and Vance's performance.
and you should. They promised to make America great, and they should be held accountable.
Can you imagine what the rest of the free world thinks? Macron, Starmer the rest of them that are prone to kiss Trumps ass because of trade and threats of tariffs, are going to have to pay the price before their own voters.
And then they flew off to Mar a Lago on the taxpayer's dime so they wouldn't have to face any scolding tomorrow.
France and the UK are discussing a framework for combining their nuclear arsenals to establish a nuclear shield for Europe. Those discussions are getting more urgent by the day.
This country has become a pariah state because of Trump and Musk
My understanding is that France has moved some nuclear capable attack aircraft into forward bases in Germany. They aren't kidding around.
France is not shy about using their military and they have been wanting to go into Ukraine for quite some time. There is going to be a summit in London tomorrow with EU leaders and Zelenskyy. Let’s hope it’s not just talk, but action too.
So much for making America great again! The little big man stood up to the two extortionists. He thereby shamed America for having pirates at the helm.
I can't recall who it was but a European leader finally spoke the truth.America is no longer the leader of the Free World.In reality we are a client state of Putin.
Trump has done in a month what Tojo, Hitler, Stalin could never do, he has destroyed this country, from the inside out.
And frankly that is what Robert and all other substack authors need to be focused on.
I watched Katy Tur check off the "victories" had in court (lower courts) but by the time they hit SCOTUS (and SCOTUS is breaking president, by reaching down and pulling them in) it rules in favor of Trump
I don't want to hear about the trivia of lower court rulings, even Tanya Chutkins has jumped on the Trump bandwagon (what a disappointment there)
We are at war, a civil war,and all we are doing is waiting for the GESTAPO, STAZI, SD, KGB to come knocking on our doors.
William - I am waiting for them to try to find a way to impeach/remove the judges who are keeping them from destroying what is left. If the republicans do that then if we ever have a fair election again the gloves are off and we can take care of the Supreme Court. It won’t happen but it should.
The fascists don't have to impeach or remove judges, they just do what Trump is doing, what Andrew Jackson did, ignore them, but if they need a judicial veneer, they have the Supreme Court who gives them all the cover that they need.
I don't see a fair election ever, Musk has deconstructed the government and it's agencies like the FEC,
I read a comment by the SSA administrator who was recently fired, regarding the proposed 50% cut in employees. He predicted that if the cut happens, the system will break within 30-90 days and no benefits will be paid. I can’t see the 79.0m retirees or that portion that does not get paid sitting back and doing nothing. That and the proposed cuts to Medicaid should be the catalyst for bringing people on to the streets, even diehard MAGA fools.
Should we all extend our taxes this year? I hate to mail in a payment when no one will be at the office to pick up the mail. How can we be confident our checks will not be put in some secret maga account?
We would think Lesley, My wife applied for Social Security this year, she reached age 70 last, and never needed Social Security. I told her that she probably will never see a check either, simply because there is no one to process the paperwork.
Will Americans get off their ass and do something, How about all of those Social Security Recipients that voted for Trump. Buyers remorse: Well phuck them.
William - I don’t see fair elections happening anymore either. That is if he doesn’t try to declare martial law or something else so that he doesn’t even have to hold elections. Martial law will also allow him to deputize the militia groups as well. Proud Boys are still standing back and standing by.
Mos def Anon. Proud boys, the milita's, Constitutional Sheriff and Peace officers association are standing by, and those in LEO that aren't members will be all to glad to swing into action with their SWAT's.
I can envision them drumming up a Reichstag fire or a 9/11 event.
The UK and France have nukes. The French are moving some nuclear attack aircraft into German forward bases. They aren't playing around.
I hope not. I am no longer proud of being an American, because of Trump, Musk and the stupid, treasonous haters that vote for him
This is off the subject, but wanted to share. I live in Fayston, Vermont in the Mad River Valley--home to 3 towns with a total population around 5,000. I can't remember the actual numbers but over 70% voted for Harris. Bernie Sanders comes to our July 4th Parade every year. We also have 3 ski areas (Sugarbush, Sugarbush North, and Mad River Glen--owned by a coop) A few minutes ago, J D Vance and his family arrived to ski this weekend. Needless to say there will be considerable disruption. So, as of now, over 3,000 people have signed up to protest in our central village area tomorrow. Unlikely Vance will see anything, but the press will! Wish us luck!
Good for you all! That's wonderful. Go, you guys!
So vance was not on Air Force 1 to Mar a Lago for the weekend? After doing trump's dirty work today (and failing!)
I went to a G.W.Bush "visitation" once and the police kept us a mile away. Good luck and stay warm and peaceful. And THANK YOU for getting out there.
Milbank is too good for the Washington Post. I cancelled my subscription and because it doesn’t end til June, deleted WaPo from my devices. I will miss writers like Milbank…they’re spitting into the Bezos wind if they stay.
Why was a Russian reporter in the White House today???
Because trump is bought and paid for by Putin. Trump is Putins puppet.
It is because Pootin and President Musk are Bunkerboy's MASTERS. It BOWS BEFORE THEM - metaphorically of course, as it hasn't been able to bend in DECADES.
He was obv. hand-picked.
There is no such thing as free markets. Markets and capitalism can only work when they are wisely and heavily regulated.
I read this in the Washington Post earlier today. I agree that we need to stay on top of Trump's assault on Democracy and what's best for US citizens and the entire world. Jeff Bezos, you have enough money, grow a pair, please.
Given Trump's disgusting and embarrassing meeting with President Zelensky, we need courage and honesty from our national media.
It's obvious to me what's going on: ignoring orders from the judiciary and threatening them with impeachment, stifling the free press, packing the Justice Department with cronies and the FBI with loyalists, corruptly swinging contracts over to Musk. We are now a dictatorship. No, we are not slipping into a dictatorship. We are a dictatorship right now. And we need a peaceful revolution to bring back our democracy. Let's join together and bring back our democracy!
Bankrupt the post. It's gone.
Manchurian Candidate!
Thanks to Dana for one of his, as usual, salient columns. I’ve been a reader for many years, but missed this one because I quit WaPo in protest of Bezos’ shenanigans. I hope Dana survives. I am embarrassed to be an American now, and particularly after the debacle in the Oval yesterday between the moron in chief, the assistant moron, and Zelensky. They are doing so much damage that I wonder if we’ll ever recover sufficiently to emerge from descent into the third world.
I’m so angry now. When the hell are the people who voted for Trump going to get angry? Or are they totally brainwashed?
It's interesting how Libertarians were warned just like everyone else who could see the coming threats, but closed their ears and voted to maintain their personal 'principles'. FOFA to these self-satisfied voters. Now they're up the creek without a paddle., while the rest of us furiously attempt to avoid the approaching rapids.